
The vampire rose: the orphan

By: Sunny Skye Blanco

made in 2009

Chapter 1

I was having a nightmare, a terrible one I was dreaming about a couple the adopt children but when they do they seem very nice and kind. But when the couple gets hungry they drink their blood or if their not to hungry they turn them into vampires. I woke up quickly I couldn’t bear to know anything about what they did to does kids. Everything seemed so real and that’s why I couldn’t go back to sleep. Then I looked out the window and saw a star even do I didn’t believe in wishing on stars, I did and my wish was if I ever get adopted I got adopted by a couple that really wanted a child. Then I felt better somehow so, I felt comfortable to go back to sleep.
The next morning I got up and ate some breakfast when I went back to my room. I started thinking about the wish I made last night I wondered if it’ll ever come true. But wishing on stars isn’t going to help me survive in the world, I decided to start practicing my black magic I’m a spook but also a witch I think that’s the greatest things you can be from the underworld.
Then I noticed that the reason I was practicing my magic was because I thought that horrible nightmare from yesterday might happen to me. It seems most of my dreams come true lately.

Days passed and almost everyone was getting adopted except my roommate Alice and me. Alice was the closest thing I had so far but it’s cool because she also belongs to the underworld, she’s a werewolf.
“So Alice, has anyone come to see you? You know to adopt you.” Asked Vanessa.
“Well yeah but no one wants to adopt me. I overheard one couple say I look to evil. I guess it’s true. I might look evil after all” said Alice sadly.
“Sorry to hear that, but just so you know you don’t look evil you’re just special you know different” said Vanessa.
I grabbed my diary and started writing:

Dear diary, 12-20-2009
Well it’s almost Christmas and either Alice or I have gotten adopted yet, I’m very sad and Alice thinks she does look evil and is all because the people that see her don’t want to adopt her exactly because she supposedly looks evil. Can you believe such thing? I wish Alice and I get adopted before Christmas Eve. Oh! Also I had a nightmare last night about some couple they adopt children and then they turn them into vampires or suck out all their blood is scary but I have a feeling that dream is real. Is weird I never got to see their faces if I had I would have known how they look like so I can protect myself. Well I don’t have all day so bye I’ll write on you later.
Bye, 

When I finished writing Alice left. I guess she didn’t want to talk anymore. I went to sleep and tried to dream the same thing as last night I thought if I had the same dream as yesterday I could get to see their faces. But instead I dreamt about Alice being interviewed by some woman the woman seemed nice and Alice looked happy. I wondered if that was going on while I was sleeping. I woke up quickly but it was too late Alice’s stuff was no longer here. I was happy she got adopted but also sad that she didn’t wake me up to say goodbye. Now I’m the only kid left for adopting from my age but I still hope I get adopted tomorrow.
I started practicing my magic once again and then I fell asleep.

The next day a couple was in my room and as soon as I woke up they started talking to me.
“Good morning Vanessa you mind me asking you some simple questions?” asked the lady.
“Sure. No problem.” Responded Vanessa.
“Where were you born?” asked the man.
“Well I was born in Puerto Rico, San Juan” answered Vanessa.
The couple kept on asking questions they were really easy to answer and interesting. After a few minutes the couple started to talk to Ms. E. about me becoming their daughter.
It was so exciting hearing that I was very happy.
After Ms. E. got the couple to sign some paper work, everything was ready for me to leave with the lovely couple. I already packed and learned their names the lady was Amanda and her boyfriend or husband was Carlos. I was going to miss Ms. E. she was like a mother to me for all this years but I knew this was going to happen one day. So, I said goodbye and gave her a really tight hug.
Amanda, Carlos and I took a flight to Los Angeles it was a four hour airplane ride but it was fun. When we got home I was amazed it was a mansion! And it was going to be my home, after I got everything out of the limo I rushed inside with my new parents and they showed me my room. My room was big as a living room maybe even bigger; I had my own bathroom and a little living room in my room. The sofas were red the type of red I loved it was a dark color red with black and white small pillows. The lamps were gold and silver with a very weird fancy design and my bed was huge it was king size! Also the bathroom was huge it had a spa, shower and a tube also it has two gold sinks a huge mirror and plenty of space to fit my whole bed and sofa in here.
After that I explored the house a bit. I was very happy it was a dream come true. But even do this was great I was worried I don’t know what kind of parent’s they were going to be.
“Vanessa come to the living room we got to speak to you.” Said Amanda.
I went down the stairs headed to the living room and sat down.
Amanda and Carlos told me I will no longer be going to me normal school. That I will be going to a private school and I will be wearing new clothes since my new parents are rich, Amanda told me I’ll be wearing outfits only once then will donate them and I will be wearing every weeks fashion.
“We don’t have any rules but if there’s something bad or not normal you will have to tell us we don’t want any harm. Is that okay?” said Carlos.
“Yes” answered Vanessa.
I stood up and walked to my room I unpacked but when I opened my closet I saw tons of clothes I felt like if it was already Christmas but now I am rich I just hoped Alice is living the same way I was. After I got everything in its place I started writing in my diary again. I wrote:

Dear diary, 12-21-2009
I’m very glad my wish came true. I can’t believe I’m rich and I’m going to a private school also with brand new clothes what I mean is I’m going to be wearing new fashion every week. But I’m kind of worried because I wonder if Alice is been treated the same way I am. I hope she’s okay, you know I would do anything to protect her and also how does she look the same way as me is weird I think all my dreams are trying to tell me something I just can’t figure it out. Sometimes I think if we were sisters it’ll be awesome and very cool because we get along great and we have the same powers except she’s also a werewolf and I’m becoming a spook. I have so much to tell you but I have to go sorry!!!!!
Bye, write on you later! 

“I’m probably going to hear about Alice soon or I can just contact her through a mirror.” Vanessa said to herself.
Then I went all the way down stairs to the last floor, the mansion looked a lot bigger than before I felt very awkward and decided I should tell Amanda I’m a spook and a witch.
“Amanda! Amanda!” screamed Vanessa.
“Yes sweetie am in the kitchen!” answered Amanda.
Vanessa quickly walked to the kitchen and saw Amanda.
“Amanda I got to tell you something but please don’t tell Carlos” said Vanessa.
“What is it Vanessa” said Amanda with a worried face.
“Okay I’ve got to tell you something that humans have the ability to do.” Said Vanessa.
“So, what is it, it’s okay?” said Amanda.
“Well I’m a spook well almost when I turn 15 and I’m a full power witch I’ll be a complete spook but I’m also a…..”Said Vanessa.
“You’re also a what? Tell me Vanessa is ok just tell me I won’t tell Carlos anything.” Said Amanda.
“Is that you might think I’m lying but I’m not!” said Vanessa.
“Is okay I believe you, me and Carlos have a secret we were planning to tell to tell you, but I will tell you if you tell me you’re secret.” Said Amanda.
“Well I’m not sure” said Vanessa.
“okay-then” Said Amanda.
Amanda laughed at what Vanessa said. Amanda didn’t believe she could be a witch and a spook. But that really hurt Vanessa; Vanessa thought she could trust her.
“I’m not joking I thought you would leasing but now I know I can’t trust you!!!!” said Vanessa.
“I’ll believe you if you show me” said Amanda.

Amanda took Vanessa and placed handcuffs in her hands and her legs then Amanda hanged her in the very last room on the top floor. She placed tape around Vanessa’s mouth so she couldn’t yell.
“Now you can’t do anything you stupid witch. You won’t even last long enough to turn fifteen. All because you couldn’t keep your mouth shout I was going to give you a chance, so you at least attended school for three months and then I would have placed you here but you didn’t even last a day you just had to open your mouth! All your dreams or nightmares you’ve being having is been because of me I been giving you all does nightmares. Now have a great time over here let’s see how you get out, if you are a witch.” Said Amanda and then she walked away.

“Where’s Vanessa?” asked Carlos.
“She’s either in her room or somewhere around the house” answered Amanda with a smile.
“Well I’ll be in the living room in the computer.” Said Carlos.
“Okay that’s fine with me” said Amanda
“Mmmmmm” “Helppp!!”
They heard humming sounds but couldn’t really tell what it was.
“What was that?” said Carlos.
“What was what?” asked Amanda like she didn’t already know what it was.
“Never mind” said Carlos.
“No” screamed Amanda.
“What?” asked Carlos confused.
“The food is ready and I want you to eat I’ll go and get Vanessa.” Said Amanda.
“Please I really been waiting for a kid I don’t want to drain out all her blood and I know you’ve being giving her nightmares but I don’t want to feed ANYMORE, OKAY?” said Carlos.
Amanda just kept on walking with ought answering. She did want to keep feeding but she loved Carlos and didn’t want to disappoint him. Amanda went to the room Vanessa was locked in.
“MMMMMM” “gee…t mee oout...”
“I’m going to let you out but you better not do anything bad. Now when I let you go I want you to go to the kitchen and eat. Okay.” Said Amanda.
Amanda broke the handcuffs and let Vanessa down then she took off the tape off and Vanessa ran down stairs. Vanessa saw Carlos and hugged him tight.
“Amanda trapped me in the basement” said Vanessa.
“Well I thought someday this was going to happen but not today. Why did you lock her in the basement Amanda?” asked Carlos.
“Well she told me she’s a witch and she’s almost a spook so, I didn’t think it was safe.” Said Amanda.
“Well she’s not safe with us around. Vanessa is okay some people don’t like witches, but it doesn’t mean we don’t like you. Apparently not me I like you that’s why I adopted you.” Said Carlos with a hug and a smile.
“Okay, but you should know is going to take a long time to get me used to Amanda because what she did. I thought I was going to die.” Said Vanessa.
Well Carlos, Vanessa and Amanda ate silently. Vanessa left the dining room and went straight to her room once she finished. Then she picked up her diary and wrote:
Dear diary, 12-21-2009
I can’t believe what just happened. I told Amanda what I was and I told her not to tell Carlos and she didn’t. But she locked me in the basement I think Amanda and Carlos have a very big secret I could tell. I like Carlos better that Amanda I think I’m going to be great friends with Carlos. Also just now I ate dinner and told Carlos what happened but he said some people don’t like witches but he does, he actually think their cool. Well I’m still thinking about Alice I just don’t think I’m going to have a good time with Amanda over here. I guess she never wanted to adopt me I guess it was only Carlos. Well bye.
Bye, write on you later. 

Amanda was still in the kitchen cleaning plates. So, I decided to go to the living room and share with Carlos. But once I got there Carlos wasn’t in the living room or using the computer at all. Then, I decided to use the computer. I searched up vampires and I found a website called which I explored but I thought it was really weird because it was talking about a rich couple that they think their vampires and I thought that couple could be Amanda and Carlos. I was scared if they were vampires I might be in danger. Would I be another victim like the other children they have possible killed and they have adopted an awful lot of kids before. But then I remember when Carlos said I shouldn’t feel so save around them.

Chapter two

“Well I hope we get along soon because is not like we’re not going to share things or talk at all to each other. Okay, I hope you didn’t just adopt me just because Carlos wanted to adopt me, I know deep in your heart you also wanted to adopt me too .You can’t say you don’t.” said Vanessa.
“I don’t care what you think you could have broken me and Carlos up” said Amanda.
“Well are ya broken up? No, exactly so I don’t know what you’re trying to say because ya still together. So, just stop the stupid excuses to not talk to me, he might be mad at you but it doesn’t mean you two are going to break up alright. Anyway where’s Carlos?” said Vanessa.
“He went to work” answered Amanda.
“So, you’re not going to answer anything else ha? Said Vanessa.
“No cause is none of your business!!! Okay now beat it!!!” screamed Amanda.
“Well it’s my business cause it involves me so whatever stupid vampire.” Said Vanessa.
Vanessa didn’t know if she was a vampire but if she called her one she might just answer that question.
“What did you just call me?” asked Amanda.
“You heard me VAMPIRE” said Vanessa.
“I don’t know who you think you are but I’m not a vampire okay so shut up okay!!!!” said Amanda angrily.
“by the way who I think I am is Vanessa okay now bye stupid person who thinks that she never wanted a child and is always doing things wrong.” Said Vanessa.
“I don’t care you’re going to die anyways!!!” screamed Amanda.
Vanessa left while Amanda madly leaned the kitchen. Carlos finally came back from work.
“Hello!!!” screamed Carlos.
Carlos went to the kitchen and saw that Amanda was mad so he asked her what was wrong.
“Why are you so mad?” asked Carlos.
“Why don’t you ask your daughter!!” said Amanda.
“Why you got to be so selfish? Where’s Vanessa? Asked Carlos.
“Why don’t you look for her?” said Amanda laughing.
“You better have not done anything to her.” Said Carlos.
“So, when my daughters come back from their vacation I’m going to be a lot better!!!” said Amanda.
“What their coming back? Why you never told me that they were coming back? That’s why I wanted a girl because yours left. Why didn’t you tell me?” said Carlos furiously.
“Well I’m not stupid enough to send them away forever. You really think I’m going to let go of my true children like that?” said Amanda.
“Well no but you know that when they come back you will have to treat Vanessa the same way you treat your own children.” Said Carlos.
“Well no! Because Vanessa isn’t my blood so I DON’T CARE IF YOU treat them the same or different but I’m not going to treat them the same way.” Said Amanda.
“Well no I’m not okay. Vanessa is the one that her parents died because we killed them and apparently we are her parents.
“Well I don’t care what you do to that stupid girl she’s breaking us up!” said Amanda.
“No she isn’t you are” said Carlos.
“Well I don’t care what you think and by the way she knows were vampires ‘cause she called me one” said Amanda.
“Stop trying to change the subject! And you turned me into a vampire I’m not supposed to be a vampire you are not me!!” said Carlos.
I tried really hard to listen to Amanda’s and Carlos fight but I hardly understood. So, I decided to write once again on my journal.

Dear diary, 12-22-2009
Today I guess its okay but I’m tired. Just now Amanda and Carlos were fighting because of me all because Amanda has two daughters and she isn’t going to treat me and them the same which is really messed up.
I just wonder if Amanda and Carlos are vampires I’m just investigating what Carlos meant by that phrase he told me and why Amanda got so mad when I called her a vampire.
Bye, write on you later. 

Vanessa left her room and went running down the stairs and gave Carlos a big huge.
“Wow you really missed me for five hours” said Carlos.
“You were gone for five hours that is not a long time but yes I did and I got to ask you some questions.” Said Vanessa.
“Okay what kind of questions” asked Carlos.
“Well normal questions the ones that have to deal with you and me.” Said Vanessa.
“Okay” said Carlos.
“Well does Amanda have any other children?” asked Vanessa.
“Well yes she does their two girls one is 13 and the other is 14. And their names are Ali and Liz.’ Answered Carlos.
“Well what did you mean by I shouldn’t feel safe around you guys?” asked Vanessa.
“ Well what I meant is nothing really I don’t know I just said that just too…….. I’m I don’t know I can’t really say...” said Carlos.
“Well I guess I won’t find out what you meant.” Said Vanessa.
“I’m going on a vacation tomorrow and you’re going to be by you self with Amanda for a month or even more time than just a month. Okay.” Said Carlos.
“But why are you leaving is not fair!!!” said Vanessa.
“Well is a business trip not really a vacation but is going to be okay.” Said Carlos.
“Okay I guess.” Said Vanessa.
“Oh, Also Amanda’s girls might come back so you might meet them.” Said Carlos.
I left without saying another word. I wasn’t so happy about Carlos leaving tomorrow for some business trip she didn’t even have time to share together. But I just walked to my room and tried on all my clothes and decided what to wear next week to school since I started school on Monday. I was going to start ninth grade I really hope I make a lot of friends at the new school.

The next morning I made breakfast. I cooked scrambled eggs with bacon and fries. When my adoptive parents woke up they were surprised how I made breakfast and served them coffee and juice. Carlos was proud of me but Amanda was jealous that I made breakfast and how I knew they always ate this on Wednesdays.
“I hope you like it where I used to live in the cafeteria we always had this on Wednesdays.” Said Vanessa very happy.
“Well it is very good and the coffee is just how I like it, thank you.” Said Carlos.
Carlo stood up and said goodbye then left with two huge briefcases. Amanda just looked mad.
“Well, well your obviously trying to break us apart yesterday you did a show about where he was and you even cried when he told you he was leaving, now you make us breakfast and then you also made the coffee how he likes it. What game are you playing Vanessa?” asked Amanda with an angry voice.
“I’m not playing a game I’m just trying to fit in with you, you just don’t know when to quit oh and by the way I know you’re a vampire and I’m going to find out what you did and what you did to Carlos.” Said Vanessa.
“Are you threatening me?” asked Amanda.
“No just telling you what I’m going to do.” Said Vanessa.
Amanda grabbed Vanessa and told her “If you’re still going to be like this I swear that I will lock you up in the basement again I promise you that!!! You are just a little girl playing daddy’s little girl you know what I’m going to do something so bad to you, you wouldn’t even say a word about it to Carlos also Carlos is going to know what you really are and you’re going to be sorry. You understand?” said Amanda.
“No I don’t understand and you can’t hurt me or scare me and Carlos isn’t going to believe anything you say.” Said Vanessa.
“Well you will be scared and sad after that happens now go to your room NOW!!!!!” said Amanda.
“I don’t have to and I’m not going to listen to your stupid crap anymore alright so you don’t tell me what to do” said Vanessa confidently.
“Am soooo scared! Ha ha ha ha!!!” said Amanda sarcastically.

Chapter 3:

Vanessa left and went to her room and thought “how is she going to treat me like that if she knows I’m going to beat her, and I’m twice as strong as her or maybe more.” Said Vanessa in her mind.

Dear diary, 12-23-09
Hello, diary so just now Amanda just threaten me and then she says that I’m playing a game and I better stop it but also she says that I’m trying to split her and Carlos apart I wish but I won’t I’ll, let them do whatever they want. Well I don’t care and I don’t have nothing else to write well bye.
Bye, write on you later. 

Lots of days passed it was already New Year’s Eve and Carlos hasn’t come back, and I’m locked in the basement I haven’t been able to use my magic and I think that the basement is a magic prove room. But I tried a spell that works no matter what. I used my mind and casted a spell after it the room was no longer magic prove. After that I got away and appeared in my room’s closet, but I heard some girls giggling I think their Amanda’s daughters. I came out the closet.
“Where’s all my clothes’?” said Vanessa.
“The real question is who are you and how you know our mom and why were you in our closet?” asked Ali.
“Your Amanda’s vampire daughters. I’m her daughter too. Well not exactly, I’m adopted and all of those clothes are mine also this room was given to me: said Vanessa.
“Well I’m a vampire but Liz isn’t she’s a witch. How you know?” said Ali.
“Well, I was just guessing I wasn’t sure if you were vampires until now but just to let you know I’m a witch also.” Said Vanessa.
“What’s your name and show me your power if you are a witch.” Said Liz.
“Well I’m Vanessa I’m 15 years old I’m turning 16 in January 1st” said Vanessa.
After saying that I hold on to my hands in front of me a black and red with a bit of orange ball was in my hands but not really a ball it looked more like a fire ball that showed Liz that I was a witch but she got scared. I could’ve have killed them but apparently I’m a nice witch not the once that just cast a spell on you for nothing.
“How are you a witch? Who are your parents and if you’re a witch you could have brought them back, why haven’t you done that?” said Liz.
“Well my mom… was a witch and my dad was a …vampire and well” said Vanessa.
“So you’re telling me that you’re half vampire and half witch” said Vanessa.
“So you’re telling me that you’re half vampire and half witch your stronger than any other vampire or witch don’t you notice that you’re not any normal magical person you are half and half that’s very big.” Said Liz.
“Girls come down dinners ready!!!” yelled Amanda.
“Coming mom!!!” yelled Ali and Liz.
The girls went down stairs and so did I when Amanda saw me coming down the stairs with her two daughters she was surprised she didn’t think I could get out of the magic prove room.
“Hey Vanessa where were you I was looking for you everywhere?” said Amanda in an angry voice.
“Well, I’m sure you knew exactly where I was” answered Vanessa.
“Whatever” said Amanda.
“So, I see you girls met your new STEP sister” said Amanda to Liz and Ali.
“Well, yeah and we know she’s half witch and half vampire. That is so cool mom. Don’t you see if she really was part of the family she’s like a mix of Ali and me. That is awesome.” Said Liz.
“Look she’s nothing like us! And she’ll never be like us okay” said Amanda angrily.
“Why not she’s already part of our family what’s the difference. Mom, what’s the difference??” asked Liz.
“The difference is that you don’t know her okay. You just got to find out what she really is.” Said Amanda.
“I do know her she was a little girl next door to us who just wanted a life but you killed her parents and she is a vampire because of you she could be thousands and thousands of years old and she wouldn’t even know such thing because of you, you’re just like the others.” Said Liz.
Amanda leaves the room with nothing to say since it was true.
“What the hell was that Liz?” why you do that for, you don’t even know her” said Ali.
“Yes she does. We were friends since we were little she and I were like related except that I lost my sister someone stole her of my mom and she was just like you and as old as you and everything. Is like if you were my sister but that’s impossible.” Said Vanessa.
“Well I don’t care about your stupid stories okay.” Said Ali.
“Well you should because that was exactly like it h….”Said Liz.
Ali cut her off and said “How do you even know”
“I lived longer than you I was a vampire before you Ali” Said Liz.
“That’s impossible” said Ali.
“No, mom bit me before you” said Liz.
Liz walked out of the room. Ali was very confused but what she knew was some thing that Liz and Vanessa don’t know or remember. But it was just scary that Ali didn’t want to talk about.
I was in my room writing in my diary:

Dear diary, 2-14-2010
I am so sorry I haven’t written on you until today is that I couldn’t escape from the magic prove room. But I just met Amanda’s daughter Liz and Ali. Liz is like the little sister I used to have only that’s not her. Oh and Ali looks like she’s hiding something you can tell by the way she looks at you and does things like if she was scared of something or someone. But they’re both blond headed like their mother but they look like vampires from the outside except Liz is half vampire and half witch. And I just found out that I’m half vampire and half witch just like her which is weird.
Well bye, write on you later! 

Vanessa’s cellphone rang.
“Hey, who’s this?” asked Vanessa.
“Carlos” said Carlos through the phone.
“Oh, hi. When are you coming back? Oh, and I met the girls. I get along with Liz the most then will be Ali. But I think she’s hiding something important but is like she’s hiding it for her protection she looks like if she was scared of someone or something. Which is weird she looks really tough.” Said Vanessa.
“Well I’ll be going back soon. I hope… well if there’s any trouble just call me alright?” said Carlos.
“Yeah, love you dad please some back soon please. Okay.” Said Vanessa.
“Yeah, love you too honey. Take care.” Said Carlos. Carlos hung up.
“Well I guess he’s coming back anytime this week I hope” said Vanessa to herself.
“Girls come down were eating dinner” yelled Amanda from down stairs.
Ali, Liz and I went down stairs.
“So, today were having some ribs, fries, rice and beans and for desert there’s either cheese cake or a banana split. Ya like the menu?” asked Amanda.
“Yeah, it sound delicious.” Said Liz.
“Very good” said Amanda,
Ali, Liz, Amanda and I ate dinner quietly for a few moments I ate absolutely everything on my plate and desert even do Amanda was a bad mother to me she was a pretty good cook.
“Wow that was very good I’m too full, that was a lot of food” said Liz and Vanessa.
“It was very tasty” said Ali.
“Well thank you girls” said Amanda.

Well the girls and I went upstairs while Amanda picked up the plates and washed the dishes.
“So, want to play some board games?” asked Ali and Liz.
“Nah I’m okay. I’m going to take a nap. I’m kind of tired but thanks for asking.” Said Vanessa.
“Okay” said Liz.
“Okay” said Vanessa.
I walked into her room and laid in her bed. Then she started practicing some magic and asking myself why I didn’t know I was a vampire but it’s okay I guess because I never get hungry for blood. Then I went to sleep.
The next day in the morning the girls went to school I was getting rally popular but Ali didn’t like that she was usually the popular one and Liz was too but not as much as Ali because Liz was the smart popular one.
“Vanessa can I talk to you?” said Ali.
“Yeah sure what up?” asked Vanessa.
“How did you become so popular?” asked Ali.
“They’re all in my class and I’m really easy to get along with” said Vanessa.
“Do they know you’re adopted?” asked Ali.
“No, because I think they’ll say something about that especially if they find out I’m a half witch half vampire they’ll probably freak out” said Vanessa.
“Oh” said Ali. Ali walked away and started to talk to her friends “hey do you know Vanessa?” asked Ali.
“Yeah she is so awesome” “yeah I know right” said all the girls.
“Well stop talking about her. She’s just another witch slash vampire” said Ali very mad.
“What?” “Vampire?” “OMG and a witch” said the girls.
“You didn’t know that, oh and she’s adopted by my parents too. She was an orphan” said Ali.
“OMG really that’s so sad but your parents have such good taste on people she’s pretty, awesome, cool and very interesting plus she has good talent” “and she’s smart” said two of the girls.
“Whatever, don’t ya think its weird?” asked Ali.
“No” the girls said at the same time. Then the school bell rings and everybody goes to class.

Chapter 4:

“Look don’t you dare treat her like your own daughter ‘cause she isn’t okay so be careful remember we adopted her to kill her or she will own the vampire rose by the time she finds out about it she will find out what we did then she will have the vampire rose don’t forget or I will hurt you” said Amanda angrily.
“You listen, you killed them not me! And I don’t care what you do I don’t feel a thing. Also you can’t hurt her she’s just a teenager she doesn’t know what happened with her parents” said Carlos.
“Well you’re just as guilty as I am and shut up she can hear us!” said Amanda.
Ali was behind the door and she heard everything but she was confused. She hated Vanessa as much as her mom but not that much to kill her it was so weird she wondered what her parents had to do with Vanessa’s parent’s death.

“Hey Liz have you seen my book?” asked Vanessa.
“What book?” asked Liz.
“You know the one I always write in I can’t find it is just weird.” Said Vanessa.
“Well maybe you put it somewhere else and you don’t remember” said Liz.
I was sure I put it under my mattress it was weird that it isn’t there I think someone stole it. But I was sure it couldn’t have been Liz, she was too much of a goodie-goodie well maybe Ali took it AND IF SHE DID WHEN I FIND IT I’M GOING TO SMACK HER WITH IT.

“I just found Vanessa’s diary is like she knows our plan” said Amanda.
“You mean your plan” said Carlos.
“No, because you’re helping me” said Amanda.
“Whatever” said Carlos.
“Is just weird she’s been having this dreams and is like she can see what’s going to happen next. We have to do something” said Amanda.
“No you’re going to do it by yourself and you’ll leave me alone because then if you don’t I’ll tell her everything about your little plan. Understand” said Carlos madly.
“What’s going on with you” asked Amanda.
“I’m sick of you always controlling me and I’m not going to put up with it anymore” said Carlos.
Carlos left the room and ignored Amanda, his very mad and is just that Amanda has always controlled his life and he was sick of it.

Ali was very confused why would her mom do such thing is just stupid and her dad was okay with it? That’s just super weird is if everyone is living in some sort of lie. Ali had to tell Vanessa but she couldn’t get her mom killed or even her dad which probably didn’t have to do anything he could have been forced to do it. There is just no explanation.
“Mom I need to talk to you” said Ali.
“What?” asked Amanda.
“I heard what you were saying to dad” said Ali.
“What did you here?” said Amanda worried.
“Everything and why will you do such thing?” asked Ali.
“Look you better not tell nobody about this or I will kill you again you understand” said Amanda.
“Yeah well I’m not going to say anything for now” said Ali then she walked away.
“What do you mean for now?” screamed Amanda to Ali.
But Ali just ignored her but she didn’t even answer because she still didn’t know what her plan was.

Amanda was very mad, her own daughter was going to ruin her plan and that could not happen. If it did they will all just die, which was what Amanda didn’t want she only wanted Amanda to die but not her whole family. Only that Vanessa doesn’t know but Amanda is going to try her best to keep Ali’s mouth shut.

While Amanda was worried about her plan been ruined Vanessa and Liz were practicing their magic.
“Hey my magic is gone…” said Vanessa.
“Gone what?” asked Liz.
“Better like more powerful” said Vanessa.
“That’s because you’re sixteen so your powers are getting stronger in a few days you’re going to get our full powers.” Said Liz.
“Cool” said Vanessa.
Yes! Finally my powers are getting better. Now I’m going to be the most powerful witch ever, well my mother was the most powerful of the whole night world. But it doesn’t mean I’m just going to live my life as a witch I’m also going to find who killed my parents. It doesn’t matter if it’s my own blood but I have a feeling Amanda has something to do with it.
“Alice! I need your help please come as soon as you can! I think I know something about my parent’s death” Vanessa sent this to Alice’s mind.
At about eight thirty it was very dark and I felt tired but not sleepy tired vampire tired, but I didn’t know that I was a vampire I didn’t believe it when Liz told me I was half vampire I just ignored it. Then Alice knocked in my window.
“Hey Vanessa?” said Alice.
“What?...oh my god is you!” said Vanessa happily she quickly gave Alice a really tight hug.
I could smell Alice’s blood I didn’t know how is that possible but I felt like drinking it but I didn’t Alice is my best friend.
“So what was so important?” asked Alice curiously.
“You didn’t hear my full message?” asked Vanessa.
“No, well not all of it I only heard you found something out of a death I don’t really know what but it was good enough to get me out of my house” said Alice.
“How is that possible you always hear my messe-“Vanessa cut off, but I couldn’t resist the smell of Alice’s delicious blood so I bit her neck. My best friend my only true friend I couldn’t believe it neither could Alice. Alice was screaming her throat out when Amanda, Carlos and her sisters heard the screams they rushed to Vanessa’s room but it was too late Alice was already dead. I had blood all over my mouth, I had fangs and everything else was just blood.
“What just happened?” asked Ali.
“She’s a vampire. She’s aaa vam-“said Amanda she couldn’t believe it she thought the vampire thing was a lie from Liz but most of all she couldn’t believe Vanessa killed her best friend.
“You lost control didn’t you?” asked Carlos.
“I guess but I’m not a vampire I couldn’t be” said Vanessa. I was in shock I was even shivering I couldn’t believe it, I was scared I couldn’t have, I couldn’t have killed my best friend.
I quickly turned to Alice and casted a spell to get Alice to come back to life.

Chapter 5

I was crying the spell never worked. It was horrible I lost my parents and my wolf friend not just a friend but my best friend. But in the other hand I found out what I really am a half vampire half witch. It couldn’t be but I was. I couldn’t change it unless I died but I can’t kill myself until I find the right person who killed my parents and that was a promise I’m going to keep that promise.
“How is she a vampire she is so powerful she’s more powerful than me I can’t let nothing else happen I must kill her!” argued Amanda with Carlos.
“Look let me help you a little don’t kill her she just killed her best friend and she was a wolf you should know what happens when a vampire feeds of a wolf‘s blood?” said Carlos to Amanda.
“Yeah, she might become a wolf but that can’t happen she’s already a witch and a vampire. The last time a night creature became more that two it was in the sixteen-hundreds and right know is two thousand ten.” Said Amanda.
“Yeah and that’s your excuse she can still be the next biggest creature you never know just wait okay” said Carlos. Carlos hoped Amanda listened to him because he didn’t want her to kill Vanessa. He sometimes felt like him and Vanessa were true bloods.
How could I. I still felt guilty until something came into my mind it was like someone was speaking to me, but I just ignored it I had to. I thought of going to school but it will be weird because I will be the only different creature there everybody else at school were humans and a few creatures. But then I thought it will be a good idea to go to school I might meet people and meet someone like Alice not exactly like her because she’s one of a kind.
“Amanda” said Vanessa.
“What!” said Amanda angrily.
“I would like to go to school” said Vanessa.
“Why?” asked Amanda subspecialty of thinking it was a trap but it wasn’t. While I hoped that Amanda said yes.
‘Well sure but I’ll have to ask Carlos about it” said Amanda.

“Wow, after Vanessa kills her friend she feels like going to school.” Said Amanda annoyingly.
“Well maybe she wants to meet more people” said Carlos.
Carlos knew that it was because she wanted to make more friends because Carlos went through the same thing Vanessa is going through now. He killed his best friend Joseph but everyone called him Jo. When he did that he acted just like Vanessa he did cry and cry because that was his best friend, they were friends since they were six years old, he felt like his life was over when he sucked the life out of Joseph. Then he tried to bring Joseph back to life by taking him to a witch doctor. Now Joseph is some famous guy but he never spoke to Carlos again that’s the bad thing about been a vampire, you hurt the most precious people in your life and the worst part if the come back to life and they remember you killed them they might not forgive you.
“Well what you think should we let her go” asked Amanda.
“Yeah, she won’t be in the house to long so she won’t know what you did” said Carlos his mind was still on what happened with him and his best friend and he thought how it was so weird that the same thing happened to Vanessa.

Amanda and Carlos finally sent Vanessa to school; I was really happy now I won’t have in my mind all the time about what happened to Alice.
“Hi” said Ali. The first time she talks to Vanessa since the day she killed her friend.
“Hi” said Vanessa.
“So, what you looking for?” asked Ali even if she didn’t really care.
“I’m looking for my diary but I can’t find it.” Said Vanessa.
“Well mom had it maybe she knows where it is” said Ali.
“Oh thanks I’ll go ask her” said Vanessa.
“I need to tell you some-“Ali stopped talking because before she even finished Vanessa was already out the door.
“WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO TELL HER?” asked Amanda angrily.
“None of your business and by the way I told her you have her diary so you better go and find it because she’s going to ask you for it” said Ali in a threatening voice but in a very loud voice.
“You couldn’t have” said Amanda trying not to look scared but actually she was super scared in the inside.
“Well I did so go” said Ali. Amanda left and acted like she was in the kitchen the whole time.

“How could you!” said Vanessa angrily she wanted to rip Amanda’s throat out but she didn’t.
“How could I what?” asked Amanda.
“You know how could you read my diary. You know that’s personal.” Said Vanessa.
“Well I did and you know what I know everything so start talking” said Amanda.
“You start talking you are the one who stole my diary. That you weren’t supposed to read” said Vanessa.
“Well guess what I threw it out and you know what” said Amanda.
“What!!” said Vanessa.
“Is true all your little dreams so what you going to do about it?” said Amanda.
“I don’t know yet. And I still don’t know what you’re talking about but I’ll find out.” Said Vanessa.
I really didn’t know what Amanda meant but I was going to find out.
The following night I had a dream but not about what happened to my parents or the other type of dreams I’ve been having. I just had a normal dream like everyone else. But it was weird I never dreamed normal things I always dreamed about the future or the past.
Liz was very scared of what Vanessa did, but she couldn’t go around Vanessa anymore until she was sure Vanessa won’t do the same thing she did to her friend to her.
While Liz was thinking of that Alice’s picture came out in the news her adoptive parents were looking for her and they were on TV. Liz didn’t care but she ran to Vanessa’s room and got in.
“Hey Vanessa!” said Liz.
“What?” said Vanessa.
“I just saw Alice’s picture on TV and her adoptive parents are looking for her” said Liz. Liz didn’t mean to bother Vanessa but she thought it was important that Vanessa knew of what was going on.
“Well I don’t care. Well I do but I don’t want to remember what happened.” Said Vanessa.
I didn’t mean to be rude but she just didn’t want to remember of what happened just like she told Liz.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean t-“Liz cut off when Amanda walked in.
“Look I don’t know what your plan is-“said Amanda but she didn’t finish because she saw Liz in the room.
“What?” asked Liz.
“Nothing go I need to talk to Vanessa.” Said Amanda.
“But what’s going on?” said Liz.
“I said to leave! Now go!” said Amanda angrily.
While Amanda was distracted yelling at Liz I jumped out the window and when I got on the floor I somehow knew Amanda was the one that killed my parents it was like someone told me through my head.
“Vanessa get over here now!” said Amanda she was even madder this time and she read Vanessa’s mind and Vanessa was saying
“I’LL GET REVENGE AND I WILL KILL YOU IF I HAVE TO NO MATTER WHAT!” this was what Amanda heard in Vanessa’s mind. At that time Amanda was very scared because she knew that Vanessa was way stronger and powerful and her next to Amanda she was nothing.


Texte: writting in 2009
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.09.2010

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