
Pain and suffering is my motivation
Harm and chaos are my intentions
Searching for prey to unleash upon
Lurking, peeping for a victim

The night, with the power of concealment
My eyes with the power of location
Established a sorrow soul

Skin as gray as rain clouds
A soul burnt in personal tragedies
I shall play the role of god

End the suffering
End the pain
End it fast

Stalking in the night
Following the scent of grief
Until I make my move
And pounce upon the prey
Withdrawing the scythe

Throbbing down upon
Opening chasms of red oceans
Spilling down onto the concrete

Fighting for his diminutive life
Fighting for his sorrow
Fighting for dignity

I have became the grim reaper
Bringing upon peace
Peace on the weak


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2010

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