
merlin & ekron chapter 1

We are in a time with no hope at Arcana.


Arcana is lost in time..,


Men and Kings are hidden in the middle of nowhere.


Faith, belief and conquestness are lost in time too.


Harel lost war after the House Of Flies conquered Arcana. Harel lost His belief in men.


These men took too many years to bring peace to Arcana City.


Harel and their men created a belief and started to wash their Kingdom brains men,

women and children with a story about a man.


A story about a man lost in time...


A King will born lost in time...


Where is no men belief and faith will prevail as a thought inside their heads.


Arcana died after two War Era.


These means two war Era are and still are two century endless wars.


This belief tell a Man born on the stars and came from stars , and will bring a new Arcana, a new life to Arcana after there's no faith and belief in Men.


When there's no one thought Arcana's life is coming...


These stories are about a King, the Last King of Arcana. His name is Karlyn.




In the year of 2213, the stars will be aligned.


In the day of born of Karlyn.


The day is 13th of May.




Year 2213, day 13th of May:




A mother at the hospital of Arcana, an Arcana where is no born.


A mother is giving light a child. Anyone expected the child were a boy.

In the day of the stars aligned.


After a day long of labor, the child born.


Mother gave the name to her boy Karlyn and died after spoke His name.


This name ever since is the name of hope...


Where's no hope at all between Men and Harel descendents.




23 years past:




Karlyn: "In these 23 years where are my parents?"


Harel: "Your mother my sister died at the same day as You born.


Ever since You're hope between Us. Ever You realised that. Do You know the prophecy about You?


Besides the origin of Your name?"


Karlyn: "I do not"


Harel: "I'm gonna tell You. The prophecy about You. Our grandparent imposed in all Men a belief about a child with a name Karlyn and what His gonna do.

Bring light..."


Karlyn:"Why me?"


Harel: "You're special kind, You have fear and when You're in fear You can fight against all the fear demons from the old City.


So, You're the the Man with fear to fight fear.


The man with belief to bring belief, to bring faith in our Men"


Karlyn: "Yes, You're right. I am."


Harel: "I've forgot. Best wishes about your birthday."


Karlyn: " Thank You so much."


Karlyn: "Harel What I need to bring Arcana's Life, light, hope and belief in our men."


Harel: "Come. Let's gonna walk."


Karlyn:" That's fine. Let's go."




In the streets of Arcana...


Two royal persons walking in the middle of their Kingdom...




Karlyn:"These streets have no light, life."


Harel:"You're right. You've chose the right words. Since Harel lost war against House of Flies. Arcana changed ever since."


"His brother made a rebellion agaisnt us. So his son Orphyn is training ever since to kill You and making a new rebellion agains us."


Karlyn: " House of Flies? That house is not the rebellion Army of Arcana?"


Harel:"Yes indeed. Orphyn made a promiss to himself is to give more darkness to Arcana. So, we're starting to gather too many people as possible to fight Him."


Karlyn: "How can we do that?"


Harel:"For now we are just two"


Karlyn:"Just two?"


Harel:" Yes two, Us. Were the reason to walk with me in Arcana's streets. It's to gather Men and train them all to fight our cousin."








In the House of Flies:


Orphyn: " My cousins are nearby here. What they're doing here? I cannot detect any mind thought in those two. They're blocking me."


Orphyn yelled to a servant in the same room as him.


With anger Orphyn screamed too loud into their heads. Then those two screamed too like two children yelling with pain in the head like headaches.




House of Flies:


Orphyn: "Watta hell happened with my blocking device."


Orin:"What do You mean?"


Orphyn:" My device probably is not working. It's frequency is too higher. Probably these frequencies will kill us with all these frequencies. FRquencies to read mind people."


Orin:"Probably You'll need to test it better. I think."


Orphyn:"I'll test it better. Make some improvements to work and get it work to read mind thoughts and what all are saying."




Back in time...


In an Era past and far far so far away...


The mind reader device was created and forged by man's evil hands.


Who's hands?


We need to back in time...


In an era of peace. Where man were at peace.


In an inner peace at Arcana's life behind walls.




By the hands of Orlin were forged the device.


A device capable to read people's mind.


Where people did not thought were possible in that time.


Orlain got knowledge to made it.


People of Arcana to themselves thinking how it was possible.


So, Orlain told to the Kingdom how it was made.


In a press conference these words were said. Words that shocked people's life.




Orlain: " I've got knowledge to made a device forged by the hands of the Elders. I've got the manuscripts of the ancients. Manuscripts where we can give evolution, an evolved race between Arcana life and people living there.


Why Arcana got the manuscripts?


Why Arcana is the people evolution?


Arcana got the manuscripts because Arcana after the two war Era became an oldest City of Knowledge.


Arcana is the last city of Earth on milky way.


Where it lies the last evolution of whole knowledge between people and life between all of them.


Back in time...


Back to nowadays...




Back to the Era of Karlyn...


To be continued...




2nd Episode of the 1st Volume:


Back in time...


Back to nowadays...




Back to the Era of Karlyn...


Outside Arcana...


In the desert Horel...



Karel: "Help me?"



Nearby there...


Karlyn and Harel heard the voice screamed too loud.


Karlyn:"Who's screaming?"


Harel after the Karlyn words.


Harel:" Let's help the person"


Karlyn and Harel when it came there:


Both at the same time said: "Horel , What's happening?"


Horel:" Help me out! Don't you see what's happening. I'm inside sands."


Karlyn: " Ohh! I did not see it!"


Nearby of them Harel were looking for a stick.


He found it.


Then they said:"Grab the stick. We're going to pull You out." "Make some strength"


In a couple of minutes Harel out of the sands.


Harel:" Thank You so much cousins."


Karlyn and Horel : "There's no problem."


Harel:"Let's go back to Arcana's Palace.

I need to rest. For tomorrow back in search of Men to fight mind machine of my brother and himself.

I thought yesterday to call Adorphun Elite. They're an Elite where anyone knows how many maggots they are."


Karlyn: "I've heard Adorphun Elite is the name of an Assassin, contract killer.

Whom has an Elite of Assassins to work with Him. Let's call'em. You're so right."


Horel: "Tomorrow a new search. Tomorrow a new life to Arcana. Long Live the King. Long live the King of the lasts Kings.

Long live King Karlyn."





Why two War Era happened?


I'll tell it as an Odessey.


The epilogue...


We are at Arcana

A place where it lies life

Where 's born children as they come

To conquer darkness

Where it should be

A place to live in peace.


Horel and Orphyn The First Royal Blood

born in a place, between light

Horel The First has become life

A star between the fear within

and light

Orphyn became the Yellow Light

That light, the yellow one

is the fear light

He became fearless

With fear inside His heart

With no mercy...


In Their 30 Years birthday

Came a star aligned and darkness

An yellow darkness

Horel sees it too

Orphyn could touch it

It happenned like a rainbow.

Ever since He've changed

Horel became the Guardian of that light

A light have powers to change mind's rotted

and corrupted and fearless like Orphyn's mind


Ever since that day

The relationship between brothers

became an emptiness relation

Inside the stronger relationship in Kingdom...




Ever since...


The War The First Wave has come to Arcana

A place with peace and no pain, no darkness within




Since the War First Wave as known as begun


Orphyn is in an endless War against His brother

The Brother a person Who could care less

With a love's touch as family

A Royal touch within.


There's will be peace at Arcana someday?


People's living a nightmare among them.


Asking among them ever will be light between us.


There's a question to be answered...




What will be happenned next? People's thinking ...


After one century of an Endless War a First Wave as known


Came another Wave called Bring Peace.


In this War Bring Peace have too many facts to tell about it.


Orphyn became more stronger

Became too elder about knowledge

Became an evolution person

Through What?

Through the losts manuscripts of the ancients

He became immortal and too many young

How He done it?

Arcana's asking around them

He became that through a paper

With all procedures to have water's life

for immortality

He went too on a quest outside Milky Way

To bring the knowledge about the mind's reader device

and blocker

The device acts like a blocker in His head

When He puts it on.


So the Horel the 5th have lost this War too


Because of these all facts.

He fought with all Men





Karlyn's Era...


Era of Light , the future of Arcana...


A new day has come to Arcana...


A new dawn came. A new dawn brought Life, light to all Arcana's living...


In that moment...


Inside the Palace...


Karlyn woke up and spoke:

Karlyn: "A new dawn, a new life to all of Us.

I'll bring life to all of Us.

Long lve to Arcana's new dawn, a new life."


Past Three Hours...


Horel send a communication by a paper written to all Arcana's citizens...


Saying Karlyn will speak to the Citizens of Arcana at 15:00 Hours.




Arcana citizens came to the center of the palace to hear the speech.


Horel did not expected that. The maggots in the center waiting and to hear the words of Karlyn.


Karlyn came into the center...


Karlyn: "Welcome all of You, citizens of Arcana.

Thank You for coming.

Everyone knows I'm the King, lask King of the Kings living at Arcana.

I'm here to say Long Live Arcana.

I'm here to say and call Adorphun Elite.

I want to bring a new life to Arcana.

A new era of light to Arcana.

I'll gather all the strength to fight my cousin and the House of Flies, brother of Horel.

I want to peace at Arcana's City.

Who's with me?

Long Live Arcana.

Long live to the people of Arcana.

Long live the new dawn."


Horel: "Long Live Karlyn."


Arcana's citizens at the same time screamed too loud:

"Long live Karlyn. THe King of the Kings."




Goin' back into Arcana's present days...


I'll tell the songs which are sung at Arcana...


How them call to their Gods through singin the devotion songs...



3rd Chapter - The songs for the Gods


Volume 1 : The Adorphun Call


1st track : A summoning call


Before the Two War Era began

Arcana's living in peace

There's a summoning call for life

There's a sung to Gods

To destroy fears within

There's a sung to Gods

in name of peace

has began as it should be

the war within

among us

There's a summoning call

To our Gods

In protection of Us

Arcana is living right now

Our sung to Gods

Will prevail and remain

alive among Us into the

end of an Era

An era among us with life and peace.



2nd track : A World at Her Feet


A world at her feet

I desire You, I want You

Near me...

I wake up to the missing World

I slept at Your feet

Seems to be small


I stand at Her feet

To me the World do not have love

You took my hand

And shown the differences

A World at Her Feet

Seems to be small


My differences are small

You took my hand to show

How to live in better place

We will go to summerland

You took my hand To feel and...


This song is lost in time...

Anyone ever knew Who wrote it.



3rd Track : The path , My sadness


I walked, I've seen

the stairs seems to have no end

flowers don't grow, they don't born

we're goin to be

dead inside.


the path seems to have something there

my end is near

people have fear

i'm not scared

i'm just inside of somethin'

butterflies seems to have a snapshot of my head

they're controlling me.


my sadness is getting more freedom

than I think about it

people are scared i'm not

darkness is getting more from me

i'm dying am i

i don't think I am

'cause i have too much pain

to put outside me

and show my sadness to all.


I'm breaking

I'm falling

to an empty end

without things to hate


stairs are breaking

I'm falling

to an end

am I dreaming I do not think i am

stairs seems to have no end

i'm getting down

to an empty end




4th Track: Amorth (God elder of the yellow light)


I felt though my eternal mourning

looking inside my heart shining

i'm the one who cares

in the eternal night, in the eternal fight

I'm looking for Amorth the Elder of the Yellow light

i'm death nearby and passed near

i felt through the night

shined by a suicidal cerimony of the virgin

i will sacrifice the virgin eternal smile

I'm Amorth Elder of The Yellow Light and the eternal dark alliance

I will save You

I'm not yours anymore my sweet love breaker...


This track was written by a singer of the Yellow light with bipolarity symptoms.

The person freaked out at asylum of Arcana. Singer not revealed kept unknown.



merlin & ekron chapter 2

Louis the mage slayer


We are at the new dawn of bathleron. Now we can see...

The beginning of a new era...

A new strike, a new reason to live...

Is this a new belief?

Asking others, asking among living persons...

This is the story of the mage of the royalty family, is it?

Bathleron a new city built upon of a lost city, already forgotten among Lisbon.

Bathleron is built as a common sense as a city built to give a new light among the underground persons.

We are.. Are we... Are we living a new.. Upon a new belief?

Let's find out....

1st Chapter

We are at 1500 bc.

God is a no sensor of reason as we prayed as we wished upon a new belief. 

Came from the skies, came from nowhere a new God, a new reason to live. 

Is this Goddess belief? Is this a new religion for all? It's forbidden o find out. 

There's no GOD, there's no creed. There's a persons belief. 

The persons started a new creed after the wars of an era of unbelievable and denial of all unique sense of GOD. We all came to start on believing the elder creed. 

There's no pity, there's no creed just a new way of belief. A belief of believe on common sense. 

In due of technology lost in time... We found out how to build machinery also intelligent machinery too fast with the components resident on the dirt of our Terra. 

We've learned how to do it also found out how to improve the knowledge for centuries. 

Are we alive? Are we ok? Are we ok?  

In our era, a new era of machinima... We found out how to build submarines, machine guns, rail shockwave guns also a new technology called 1984 social network. This social network is a new way of persuit persons on denial on technology. The government of Bathleron is a regime disguise as kingdom as a hidden royalty regime. 

With 1984 the government can and have power to do the pursuit of all minds against technology like machinima tech like the persons robot disguise. 

We've crawled between walls. There's no beliefs, there's no witch haunts but they exist.



This is a story about Louis, a renegade mage slayer. Whom? Is this person. 

He came from bathleron government. Questions were made, weren't made? Questions make among upon the skies. 

Upon the skies... Beneath all, beneath the red skies, the red eyes of all 1984 society. 

We as people have vengeance eyes, red eyes with whole blood running right in the eyes not in the veins. Inside veins the people of government had made a change for their blood. Color blue, a color for all traditional kingdoms lost. Lost in time... lost is a middle of nowhere... in middle of what... 

Right in the middle, lost and forgotten for our belief. We've became seeders of machinimas, machinima tech. Always be always be the outsiders of the real world. We've became legends of dust, legends of what? Became legends and unforgotten persons in the real world already destroyed also forgotten in time. The wheel of time had stopped in time... stopped in a time of.. stopped in a time where all became dust and insecure. So, persons reinvented the steampunk mechatech a robot from themselves to live outside. Outside as persons with no relations among all. The mechatechs, the machinimas of themselves became the real world also known as the forbidden touch world.  

This tells Louis the mage slayer story, whom wanted to become legend as a real person not a mechatech person as all wanted. 

He born as a mage, an experimental touch among the centrists of the regime 1984 social network. 

Born also to be a change of openness among the already forgotten world. Forgotten imposed by the real force, the denial of whole mankind. That mankind, which were the people against the covens of technology. Those people already forgot they imposed the regime now they're on denial about it. The covens are persons groups, living as a small family. Every family is coven. Sometimes the warriors, the doctors, every coven society forgot how to live. To live as a peace society.

Bow down! Bow down! 

Is this a kingdom lost? Is this a Hail to the King? A kingdom King gone? 

Bow down! Say Hail to the lost king. Where are we goin' with this path of gone? 

Say hello to a hidden lost feeling stuck in... 

A lost kingdom come... A belief hidden in us... 

A Hail to the king, lost in somewhere, in somewhat... 

A kingdom come... Farewell... Farewell to arms... Call to arms... 

Bow down! 

Bow down! 

A belief to come... as a touch... farewell my King... I used to be an untouchable hidden is time a feeling. 

I've became a creed. Something I've turned it too. Farewell... Farewell to my kingdom. Where am I going with this reason to live? 

Bow down! 

Bow down! 

To rocking the shaked house. This is my belief to keep on going. To keep the reason to live among us all. 

I'm a mage with no home. Questioning everything as a numbless, a hopeless, a different touch human. 

I must confess is this a feeling or a belief to everything turns or circle around our civilization, our society with nothing with a sense of fearless. A feeling to become an unbeliever how life gives a reason to live as our memories gone and shaked the Terra mechatech robots of our real person we've became.

We've became a machinima, something with fear to interact as real persons of our lost hidden touch. Our goodness, our kindness, our beliefs became something as denial of the real feelings. 

The real feelings as a society with interaction as people. The tears falling from the skies upon our heads also upon our real touch.

I'm Louis a mage slayer to haunt the demons inside of our society people head. 

I'm feeling broken. Tears became lost in a sense of.... tears became our seas.. became our salvation to love and be a salvation of our broken hearts, salvation of our darlings trapped in a web of fear spiders. 

Upon the skies, we will never fall to be hidden. Upon the skies, the touch of our hands will become our teardrop to relate. To connect our past with the sense, a reason to live again. 

We've became lust, dust, numb less, fearless to give a real world to our sons. With peace inside, we're going to feel so alive when our wars will fall in forgotten, something forgotten in a time of peace. 

Reading is something forbidden to whole society. 

We've became sounds, sounds of something rotted. Sounds surrounded as a forgotten touch, a real touch of voices in our heads. 

Settle inn.. Farewell life... farewell... sons... sons of the night. 

Bow down! 

Say Hail to the King Karlyn, son of the seventh son of the seventh son.  

Bow down! 

Hail to a king with no fear. Hail to a kingdom lost.. Hail to a kingdom come.. To a kingdom gone, lost in time. In a time where the creed among people doesn't exist in any kind. At all. 

We will be forgotten, when these papers will be burned as the legends be become dust also forgotten in our heads. Crying to the skies, skies that are not blue, skies where red is the vengeance, the chakra of the denial of everything we pass. We pass in the last eras of war. The wars we lived, are gone now.  

I'm preaching as a mage slayer of denial, sounds like a farewell but it's not. It's a farewell to a someday gone. A farewell to cry, to return very soon as a higher feeling, a higher creed, a higher belief. 

Farewell. Farewell my King. Farewell m'Lord. I'm going to somewhere to become a feeling for all kingdom. 

Bow down! 

Bow down! 

What have we become? Now, we don't know who we are. As a society we have lost our lives, our life's as a reason to be a good feeling to live in a peace of nowhere. This room of nowhere it's a 2nd chance to live as good people. 

Crying upon the red skies, sometimes crying is something good, a good feeling as mankind to show how we are kindness also goodness among us. 

Counting in vertigo, counting numbers is acting like an unreal society where all are numbers. 

We are peaching a kingdom gone, a king with no throne. What is happening with us? 

Preaching a Hail to a king with no throne. A Hail to a king gone in time, preaching to a kingdom gone. 

Who've I become, who've I become when all have lost belief in something that's good, something healthy for us all. 

Hail to a lost king with no throne also no a crown in his head. Just an inspiration to live. 

It's not needed to cry upon this skies in red. It's not needed to read preaches also prayers in our heads. Sometimes, the kingdoms gone. Sometimes, the kings are gone, become in legends of dust. 

This feeling will be forgotten, will be dust how our kings of bathleron, cremtryia were gone and forgotten. 

Karlyn is a feeling, not a king of a kingdom gone. A feeling to remember how's life is good to be lived. Crying will not resolve our hearts, our demons, feelings that will be gone and gone. 

It feels great when we awoke up everyday with a new reason to live that day as the day is he last of our hearts. 

Love become a reason for everyday gone. This is a ghost feeling but it's there, inside our hearts. 

Cutting veins will be not the solution for our life gone. We need to become a feeling, a love for everyday. Everyday is a new day that will be never forgotten as the last life lived yesterday. 

A life lived yesterday will never be gone of our heads. We need to live life, need to breathe life as the last day gone. 


Ghosts inside of what. There's no 2nd chances even unforgiving impossible reasons. We are ghosts everyday. Ghosts for some, ghosts for others. Walking at the main streets of bathleron to be seen. 

Trying to hold on, something to hold on. We are sidewalkers, we are not alone. Just be something to be seen. We are not alone in these streets. 

I'm so mage walking alone. Never seen but always looked why this. I'm not treason even a fear i'm just inspiration for myself. Walking alone. Walking alone to become a ghost of nowhere. 

Creator made me but not loved. I'm so empty fullfilled with sadness. Suck creator for made me so alone in these streets. I wanted to be.. the Louis the mage slayer of everything touched on denial. 

Every time I speak, every time I open up the mouth dirt came and spoken as a vengeance untouchable mud words. Why my farewell is real? 

This is it. Calling everyone to near me to reach the preach rodes. Villains of farewell feelings. 

This is. This is my farewell, this the end nigh. I've became lost between the alleys. 

The feeling of the apocalypse heart broken. The noel will coexist even the lines to fix my broken heart. Purification the ghost heart. 

Why! Bow down! The Hail of the king lost and gone in time. Unforgettable mornings, desires hidden. Where am I going for this. 'cause I'm lost in pretending world. 

M'Lord the hornes of the war state are lost even when we lost faith the 2nd chances when their not exist in our open hearts. 

Farewell... I'll get in the chariots of Hell. MY meaningless life with no sense even common sense it's empty. Memories gone and gone forever. 

Hail the kingdom gone. Preaching to emptiness. 

Kingdom gone in our heads. Gone for god sake. Memories gone but will someday be stronger as my slivered heart. I don't wanna die as all, I want to be a legend not a farewell feeling. 

Look upon the skies, it's not anymore grey, the skies now can show the beautiful blue even the stars of our lives fullfil with our love. My memories someday will be forgotten. Memories forgotten and lost in somewhere, in a crushing bow down. 

I don' wanna die as our heroes that were forgotten for our societies already built and gone until today. 

Salvation, who will be my savior even I'm the salvation of myself. I don't wanna be forgotten to be a legend in dust as our ancestors. Some who is now in the stars and shine my everyday gone and will come as a reason to live. 

I don't wanna to pretend that's everything is fine. I am a ghost in something coming from our ancestors. 

I am a ghost in a ghost forbidden kingdom gone and gone. Farewell to this dream. Persons will not destroy it 'cause it's their soul and son too coming as a feeling inside heart of each one. 

Forgive me FATHER, where I'm belong. Somewhere I belong. Dust is for the betrayals of the kingdom gone. A kingdom gone and forgotten for each one. WE need kingdoms gone to preach for something to believe and for our son of the seventh son of seventh son as creed mind. 

Bow down! Why I'm preaching for a kingdom gone when I cannot feel the real word apart. 

It's a sanitarium loosing in each one. Listening voices and to learn how our lives need to live so apart. 

Listening voices where we need to learn to forgive, to learn how the beauty of ourselves it's to share. Voices in our heads it's getting more deeper and deeper. 

Am I losing sanity? Question sometimes lost and forgotten in somewhere. 

Try to remember how we live. Bow down! Don't preach for emptiness. Preach for something high, for something you need to have faith like to become a faithful person. 

Bow down! Take it down! 


I'm so afraid to become mud and dust. Afraid to be a person with nothing made in this rotted society. Where there's no free lunches. Don't be a whore life. Give meaning to it. 

Past gone and gone. Kingdoms gone with Kings come and gone. 

Running and breathing life is to give a reason for living in everyday gone. 

I woke up staring at a mirror. Staring for a body not well and beautiful but, beautiful inside. 

I don't give a care less but I care. I'm breathing yet after a hard beaten. I'm feeling so alive but with a horrible body but beautiful inside. I give a meaning for my life everyday. Yesterday gone.. yesterday it's now.  

I say everyday I'm not alone but alone walking streets of bathleron. A place where I cannot understand. 

I washed my hands, my running life is something to stay for too long. Everyone needs a creed a faith inside. To believe how our lives are good enough in bathleron. A beautiful place where we woke up staring at a mirror and see our kindness and beautifulness inside our hearts.

merlin & ekron chapter 3

I'm fenix of the moments, right into the end 

I'm your seeker, a moment of truth will never end 

throwing up words with meaning 

with me bathleron will be much safe 

I'm the haunter, a seeker where 

all there's no anymore has belief 

throw away and spit it out 

the words of violence in you 

I says Hail to the King's gone 

to something's gone forever 

To a creed that will never gone 

just will be a dead memory something lost in time... 


Bow down ! Bow down! 

I shook the world beneath 

Upon the red sky will open a fend 

with whole the moments lived as a true meaning of reasons to believe 

Throw away! throw the papers! those will never be forgotten also lost in a time... 

Lost in a time that the wheel of travelling in worlds apart that will 

never be fixed 

I promiss I'll promiss apocalypse redux it's just inside the demon's gone thought 

Where you stood , where did you stood for? 

Bow down! 

For a moment of truth 

Rise up! 

Fight with your strength the demon's past, demon's gone 

I've become...what I've become... 

A numb less, wehat? You'll need to tell what I've turned it too. 

Cities burned, cities broken in a time of wars 

Tell me is this inside my head 

The hole of worms is sanitarium 

Broken, forgotten hearts 

You need to feel love , felt for your life also felt for your darling 

staring at you 

staring, waiting for you  

waiting for you when you're at war 

she's felling so apart 

she's broken inside 

everyday's gone 

everyday for her is a tremulous day 

she's not thinking as the last day were the last day to live 

she's need to learn how to live yesterday's like today 

someday, you'll return 

and you, man of war is witing for her, staring at the banch 

and you are not here you've took so long the war within 

took you away and throw your feelings, fenix feelings 

those are the memories 

when they said you she's gone 

she's gone forever 

You've became King's gone 

A king with no crown also no kingdom 

You've become tomorrows gone 

A HAil to a Kingdom's gone 

You thought, a reason to cut up 

with your anger you've cutted up 

But you've become stronger and strong then ever 

forever past.... farewell my queen 

farewell kingdom's gone 

Now it's time to give a stand 

A reason to believe in something 

Now KIng's gone, kingdom's gone become 

A past. 

Something forgotten 

In a time 

You woke up in the next morning 

You have stared in front of the mirror 

And you said as an ego a stronger phrase 

Now I'm not King's gone, with a kingdom's gone 

I'm Karlyn, a King with crown 

never on denial 

forever King of a crown with a Kingdom called bathleron at Arcana Isle 

I'm now past, I'm the present, I'm the future now 

My queen, I'll defend ours creed as it should it be 

Our King's gone with no crown, with a kingdom's gone 

Ĩt has now a crown with a King that is me 

I'm future now. Defending in name of fenix, the war thought the seeker of truth 

I'm Karlyn a KIng with crown 

I wanna thank you my Queen to be rightless 

To be something that were always on denial 

Together, with you in my heart 

We will strike the demon's war 

We fought those demons as a real thing in our's kingdom's gone 

Our demons will become something's past 

Our demons will be shredded like a past's feeling 

Like a past's thought 

Always we're fighting our fears and forgot how to live 

on the real world 

The people are not numbers 

People are people always be 

numbers are countless not the persons of a kingdom 

persons of a letting go a letting vertigo 

belief is not lost anymore 

Now we need to stand for a feeling, for a creed for a faith 

where we need to live, to learn to live among us all 

We're going to forget thge machinima, the steampunk machinery forever 

Their machinima suites will be for all since now as a military weaponary when 

Our Kingdom is on danger 

Our kingdom's gone has a lost name in time... 

Our King's gone has a crown to defend 

Fallout the only demon 

Cut the demon is resident in our heads 

The demons are voices, are songs kept in tape 

inside whole heads


Texte: Pedro Dias Vicente
Bildmaterialien: Pedro Dias Vicente
Lektorat: Pedro Dias Vicente
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.05.2014

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