
Seeing fat people everywhere in America makes me wanna barf! They’re here, they’re there, and they’re everywhere! What’s up with these people? Surprisingly, some of these women have the gall and audacity to refer to themselves as being cool, hip, full-figured and super, sophisticated fine. Ha! I think not! My take on such women is that they’re, fat frogs, blown up bubbles and Hump Dee, Dump Dees! Let’s get real! Men out there like looking at slim, uptight, sensual, sexy, sexy dressed, high- heel –shoe- wearing, fragrance- scented females.

In the mean time, let’s try to search out and make some sort of sense out of what's causing this entire not -so attractive mess! Could it be that fast food restaurants and laziness are the leading culprits? Why hasn’t dieting and body fitness slowed down the skyrocketing of obesity in America and around the world?

Approximately, two years ago, an England Newspaper talked about how rampant obesity had become throughout England. In, particularly, it wrote about how this parent let her 200 pound- eight- year- old boy eat anything he wanted to. When asked why, she said, “Because, if I don’t, he’ll become angry and outraged. “Wouldn’t you rather that happened than for him to become sickly and dead?!” she was asked. “I don’t know! I just want my baby happy! How sad! While shopping at a little produce store, the other day, I saw women weighing, at least 350 pounds each; their lateral bodies almost blocking the 8 foot aisle. I blurted out, “Good God Almighty,” without restraint! There were only two normal size weight ladies in the store at the time. I turned to one of them and asked, “Where’ve all these big folks come from? I’m writing a book, entitled, 'Fat America!' When it’s published these folks sure need to buy it! Then, may be, they would become ashamed, embarrassed and shed off some of that beef"! the lady laughed.

Meanwhile, it was very sad to read about thousands of 5 years old and up children having non-alcoholic diseased liver and is awaiting liver transplants due to obesity. This has moved


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Sir Leonard (Leonard Pettway)
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2012
ISBN: 978-3-86479-894-8

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