
Welcome to the world of juicing! This is a world that escapes the pharmaceutical and the medical professions all together. It is just as foreign to them as an American non-astronaut walking in space--for they know nothing about it!

Let me just state upfront, I’m neither a medical doctor nor have I had any training in the medical field. My advice to individuals, prior to embarking upon this juicing plan, who have sugar, high blood and other related problems, should secure approval from their doctors first. Matter-of-fact, all individuals under a doctor’s care should talk to their doctors first.

The word, “infinite,” in referring to fresh juice,” means continuously healing! The Bible states in Genesis Chapter 1: 29 “Eat the fruit of the tree to heal the body.” Like the blood, life is in the juice! I’m quite sure everyone has heard the old saying, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away.” This is the only fruit, or food stuff, that can be held to such a high standard of such an anomaly. I’ve never heard anyone ever say why the benefits of the apple is held and acclaimed at such a high health standard level.

Before getting started, let me acclimatize you into the world of juicing. The hardware you’ll need is a good *juicer and the software you’ll need is **fruits and vegetables:

I recommend that you get yourself a good, heavy-duty juicer—not the little cheaper type; nothing under $60.00. Wal-Mart is a good place to start. Look for the ones that juice the whole fruit, saving you the time of not having to slice it. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the juicer. Tips and tricks to remember while operating the juicer: occasionally, check for pulp buildup on the screen and keep it removed as an assurance of keeping the juicer operating smoothly. When juicing hard fruits and vegetables, use the feeder to add a little pressure at the beginning to get them start moving smoothly. Don’t be among the majority who owns heavy duty, expensive juicers and just let them sit on selves, in pantries and under sinks wearing out from disuse. Develop and institute the habit of using your juicer daily; and see won't it soon grow upon you as some sort of a sweet addiction. This is what you want!

Furthermore, you senior citizens out there, who, unfortunately, no longer have your teeth, the juicer is the ideal tool for you. You individuals out there with the near perfect sets of teeth, regardless of age, are incomparable to the juicer; necessitating a need for everyone to own a juicer. Individuals are not patient and disciplined enough to chew their food well enough to effectively extract the juice of life from it to make it fit and possible for the body to use it. The purpose of your nice white teeth is not only in your mouth for looks enhancement, but as a tool for extracting the juice from your food through the chewing method.

Remembering my first year of school, our teacher taught us, "When eating, it's very important that you chew your food thirty-two times before swallowing it." I assure you, that no living human being has ever mastered this food consumption technique. Since we all plead guilty, we all need a juicer! When food is not chewed properly, the stomach has to assume the responsibility of doing the job. It chews the food by squeezing the heck out of it--up and down, side to side and over and over--until it extracts all of the juice out of it. This wear and tear of the stomach opens it up to many stomach diseases. With the juicer, it's a different story! The juicer does all


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Leonard Pettway
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2012
ISBN: 978-3-86479-312-7

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