
Fresh Juice--the Infinite Body Healer

Welcome to the world of juicing! This is a world that escapes the pharmaceutical and the medical professions all together. It is just as foreign to them as an American non-astronaut walking in space--for they know nothing about it!

Let me just state upfront, I’m neither a medical doctor nor have I had any training in the medical field. My advice to individuals, prior to embarking upon this juicing diet, who have sugar, high blood and other related problems, should secure approval from their doctors first. Matter-of-fact, all individuals under a doctor’s care should talk to their doctors first.

The word, “infinite,” in referring to fresh juice,” means continuously healing! The Bible states in Genesis Chapter 1: 29 “Eat the fruit of the tree to heal the body.” Like the blood, life is in the juice! I’m quite sure everyone has heard the old saying, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away.” This is the only fruit, or food stuff, that can be held to such a high standard of such an anomaly. I’ve never heard anyone ever say why the benefits of the apple is held and acclaimed at such high level.

Before getting started, let me acclimatize you into the world of juicing. The hardware you’ll need is a good juicer and the software you’ll need is fruits and vegetables:

**The Juicer

I recommend that you get yourself a good, heavy-duty juicer—not the little cheaper type; nothing under $60.00. Wal-Mart is a good place to start. Look for the ones that juice the whole fruit, saving you the time of not having to slice it. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the juicer. Tips and tricks to remember, while operating the juicer: occasionally, check for pulp buildup on the screen and keep it removed as an assurance of keeping the juicer operating smoothly. When juicing hard fruits and vegetables, use the feeder to add a little pressure at the beginning to get them start moving smoothly. Don’t be among the majority who owns heavy duty, expensive juicers and just let them sit on selves, in pantries and under sinks wearing out from disuse. Develop and institute the habit of using your juicer daily; and see won't it soon grow upon you as some sort of a sweet addiction. This is what you want!

Furthermore, you senior citizens out there, who, unfortunately, no longer have your teeth, the juicer is the ideal tool for you. I want you to know that any individual out there with the near perfect set of teeth, regardless of age, is incomparable to the juicer; necessitating a need for everyone to own a juicer. Individuals are not patient and disciplined enough to chew their food well enough to effectively extract the juice of life from it to make it fit and possible for the body to use it. The purpose of your nice white teeth is not only in your mouth for looks enhancement, but as a tool for extracting the juice from your food through the chewing method.

Remembering my first year of school, our teacher taught us, "When eating, it's very important that you chew your food thirty-two times before swallowing it." I assure you, that no living human being has ever mastered this food consumption technique. Since we all plead guilty, we all need a juicer! When food is not chewed properly, the stomach has to assume the responsibility of doing the chewing. It chews the food by squeezing the heck out of it, up and down, side to side and over and over until it extracts all of the juice out of it. This wear and tear of the stomach opens it up to many stomach diseases. With the juicer, it's a different story! The juicer does all the work for you, keeping the stomach well and happy. I hope I’ve enlightened and convinced every one of you out there to run out and purchase the juicer and make it one of your closest friends--and you’ll be glad you did!

*Fruits and Vegetables


You'll save gas and time if you’ll buy a supply of fruits and vegetables to
last, at least, a week.


Make a diluted form of hydrochloric acid, which is 4 tablespoons of salt and the juice of 1/2 lemon with water. Soak fruits and vegetables 5-10 minutes; leafy greens 2-3 minutes; berries 1-2 minutes. After soaking, with a vegetable brush, scrub melons and vegetables, rinse and store in refrigerator.

Moreover, the art of juicing is a source of high level wellness--a supplier of 100 percent vitamins, minerals and enzymes. If not drunk within a period of 10 minutes after juicing, it begins to lose its potency. Your body is your greatest asset; and is uniquely made and it requires uniquely managing. After parental home training, indoctrination and you have reached the age of accountability, the health and upkeep of your body become your total responsibility. No one else’s! By then, your personal hygiene and beauty enhancement should’ve become nothing other than just a downright snap! By then, you should’ve learned all of the techniques and personal tricks in how to integrate the above important elements into your health life.

In the mean time, that uniquely made body of yours needs your individualized healthcare attention at all time and all cost. It, too, must be pampered with the best; and I can think of anything better than, “fresh juice,” something I like to refer to as, “Liquid gold!” No succulent, delicious cuisine of any anomaly will ever surpass the art of juicing. It is of essence and it is essential that you make it a habitual part of your health life. Neither pharmaceutical drugs, nor the best of home remedies, can, in a million years, honestly boasts of ever being near its equal!

Moving forward, what if you ate an apple a day and it really did keep the doctor away, wouldn’t that be a good thing? The juice of just one apple! Oh, how you would save money on doctor visits, prescription drugs, gas and bus fares. Wouldn’t that be great? If one little ole apple can save you all of this, just think what happens when the juice of all those other fresh ingredients are combined with the benefits of the juice of that one little ole apple, hang out together, in the constantly healing of your body! Oh, boy, what a bundle you could squirrel away while saving of doctor visits, gas and drugs!

Meanwhile, enough talk about this “liquid gold!” Let’s dive into it and start administering it.
First of all, we need to set a routine schedule of daily exercise and juicing, a daily set of juicing recipes and a daily supplementary high fiber and protein diet. You’re quite welcome to use my daily exercise, set of juicing recipes and high fiber and protein diet which consist of the following:


Thirty- Minute Exercise—any one you feel comfortable doing
One 16 oz glass of juice (I like to add a little ice first; also, this would help add to your body’s daily water-intake, content requirement.)—one grapefruit or navel orange, peeled (leaving as much of the white on as possible; for the white help clean out the lungs and prevent cancer) and two apples. Juice all together and drink.

Next, one half cantle-lope, remove the seeds and juice peel and all; for this is the greatest blood purifier known to man!

Breakfast—I suggest a bowl of old fashion oatmeal, not instant, the 5-minute one (spiced up any way you like it)!

Noon and Thereafter

Juice together, one pear and two apples (a natural laxative for regulating the body).

Next, juice together, three celery stalks and three to four carrots, a substitute for the
B-12 Vitamin which relieves stress and calms the nerves. I like to add tomatoes to mine—tastes just like V-8 juice.

Finally, juice together, one fresh beet bottom (one half, if large), one half cucumber and three carrots. Beet juice rebuilds the cells in the liver. It’s dynamite in rejuvenating and keeping the liver healthy. I, sincerely, believe that if the former N.Y. Yankees’ outfielder, Mickey Mantle, had known about this beet juice, during his time here on earth, he would be alive today!

How much time is allowed for you to drink your juice, before it begins losing its potency after juicing? Ten (10) minutes. Fruit juices can be drunk more quickly than vegetable juices because of their mildness; while vegetable juices are much stronger and should be devoured much slower. First, they should be taken into the mouth, swashed and swirled around in the mouth so as to mix them with your saliva in which the saliva enzymes break down the juice for a much easier consumption.

Of course, if you prefer to formulate your own daily recipes, by all means, do it; as long as they consist of a five 6 oz glass daily minimum. To aid you in selecting the fruits and vegetables of your choice in formulating your own daily recipes, I have put together the following information table on fruits and vegetables:

Fruits Contents

Apple………………….. Pectin, Cellulose, Boron
Cherry…………………. Vitamin C, Iron, Potassium, Calcium
Cranberry……………… Antibiotic and anti-virus elements
Orange………………… Natural Aspirin and Boron
Peach………………….. Antioxidants and Beta Carotene
Pineapple……………… Brome -lain and Manganese
Prune………………….. Sorbitol, a Natural Laxative, Natural


Beet……………………. Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium
Broccoli………………... Beta Carotene
Cabbage………………... Antioxidants
Carrot…………………... Beta Carotene, Pectin, Flourine
Kale…………………….. Antioxidants
Parsley………………….. Antioxidants
Tomato…………………. Lycopene, Beta Carotene
Spinach…………………. Antioxidants

As you can see, from the table above, that those cabbages, peaches, kale, parsley and spinach are loaded with antioxidants.

The Pomegranate Fruit

Pomegranates and their juice have an abundance of antioxidants and phyto-chemicals. The Pomegranate fruit contains anthocyanins, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants that neutralize damaging free radicals ( organic molecules linked to aging) before they have a chance to attack cells and DNA. A study shows that a group drinking an 8 oz glass of the pomegranate juice extract, for 3 months, raised the capacity of the blood antioxidants, which increased the blood flow to the heart 17 percent.

Coronary Heart Disease

In a study of forty-five participants who either drank just more than an 8oz glass of the pomegranate juice or a placebo juice tasted like the pomegranate juice for three months. On average, the blood flow to the heart in the group drinking the pomegranate juice increased 17 percent and the group drinking the placebo declined 18 percent in the three months.

Prostate Cancer

Researchers at UCLA tested 46 men, who had already been treated for prostate cancer, by giving them 8ozes of pomegranate juice—measured the men’s blood levels of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)—marker of prostate cancer. The faster these levels double the sooner the prostate cancer return. After they began drinking the juice the doubling slowed down by four times. These results were so promising that a larger study is now underway.

Breast-Lung Cancer

Laboratory studies show that various component of pomegranate juice suppress breast cancer and reduce the spread of lung cancer.

Type II Diabetes

Ten people with Type II diabetes were given pomegranate juice for three month. Without affecting blood glucose or cholesterol levels, the juice seemed to lower the risk of atherosclerosis and slow the immune cells’ absorption of unhealthy LDL cholesterol. This is very important to people with diabetes because this condition increases the risk of heart attack two to four times.


Pomegranate juice helps prevent plaque buildup in the arteries, restricting blood flow, causing strokes and heart attacks—numbness and pain in the arms and legs.

Alzheimer’s disease

A daily glass of pomegranate juice may prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Mice were engineered to get Alzheimer’s disease; and after given pomegranate juice showed greater learning and memory skills compared to those without it. Animals learned water maze tasks quicker and swam faster. After examining the mice brain, researchers found it had 50 percent less build up of harmful protein, called beta-amyloidal deposits, which is associated with brain cells damage—which is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to Prepare the Pomegranate Fruit

1. Slice off the little crown and cut off the rind without cutting through the skin.

2. Place fruit into a bowl of water—break into sections. Gently push the juice sacs (called arils) out. Discard everything else.

3. Strain the water and eat the arils—seeds and all.

Always, remember health and happiness are inseparable twins!

*Note. In juicing, there are only three items that you have to peel—the grapefruit, orange and tangerine (reason being that the body rejects the oil in the peel, which is used in the manufacturing of dynamite). All other fruits and vegetables are juiced with peel and skin intact. The majority of people eats the flesh of the cantle- lope and throws away the peel. Not realizing that, by throwing away the peel, they’re throwing away 95 percent of the fruit’s benefits.

**Do not, I repeat, pour liquid into the juicer at any time!

Fat America

Seeing fat people everywhere in America makes me wanna barf! They’re here, they’re there, and they’re everywhere! What’s up with these people? Surprisingly, some of these women have the gall and audacity to refer to themselves as being cool, hip, full-figured and super, sophisticated fine. Ha! I think not! My take on such women is that they’re, fat frogs, blown up bubbles and Hump Dee, Dump Dees! While shopping at a little produce store, the other day, I saw women weighing, at least 350 pounds each; their collateral bodies, almost blocked the 8 foot aisle. I blurted out, “Good God Almighty!” Without restraint! There were only two normal size weight ladies in the store at the time. I turned to one of them and asked, “Where’ve all these big folks come from? I’m writing a book, entitled, 'Fat America!' And when it’s published, these folks sure need to buy and read it! Then, may be, they would become ashamed, embarrassed and shed off some of that beef!” the lady laughed. Let’s get real! Men, out there, like looking at slim, uptight, sensual, sexy, sexy dressed, high- heel-shoe- wearing, fragrance- scented females.

In the mean time, let’s try, searching out and making some sort of sense of what's causing this entire not-so-attractive mess! Could it be that fast food restaurants and laziness are the leading culprits? Why hasn’t dieting and body fitness slowed down this unsightly, skyrocketing monster? This is what has moved me to delve deeper into finding out the causal culprits of obesity inundating our country. I discovered the following elements as suspects:

Food and Drink

Just a decade ago, drinking containers were about 16 oz. Now they are about a quart, enough drink for a family of four. Overly supply of food—triple hamburger paddy and cheese, instead of one hamburger paddy and cheese between a hamburger buns. Kids eat a half gallon of their favorite ice cream instead of a half or a pint of ice cream; eat a whole chicken or whole steak instead of a couple of thighs or one half of a steak.

Approximately, two years ago, an England Newspaper talked about how rampant obesity had become throughout England. Particularly, it wrote about how this parent let her 200 pound, eight- year- old boy eat anything he wanted to. When asked why, she said, “Because, if I don’t, he’ll become angry and outraged. “Wouldn’t you rather that happened than for him to become sickly and dead?!” she was asked. “I don’t know! I just want my baby happy!" How sad!

The Greed and Impatience of Agriculture Farmers

The greed and impatience of agriculture farmers are to blame for 99 percent of America's obesity! Animals for human food consumption are injected with growth hormones to expedite the growth process. As our children consume these animal food stuffs these growth hormones are transferred to their bodies, rushing the normal growth process; such as, puberty and, in the case of female children, their menses by four years earlier.

Meanwhile, it was very sad to read about thousands of 5 years old and up children, having non-alcoholic diseased liver, and is awaiting liver transplants due to obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the medical costs of treating obesity-related diseases may have soared as high as $147 billion in 2008. They seem to think that drinks and sugar products are the main cause of obesity; and suggest that placing federal tax on such products would considerably lower the obesity rate in this country.

The reason ninety-nine percent of diets and body fitness are not working in this country, simply, because there’s no product used in these diets is unpolluted. I don’t believe that there’s any such thing as an organic fish farm, animal farm or any sizeable vegetable farm. I doubt if it’s possible to grow a sizable vegetable farm without using some type of insecticide.

Notice, when buying fruits--especially plums--you'll always notice that their surfaces are covered with white insecticide. The government calls this a trace of insecticide and that it's not enough to cause harm to human beings. Likewise, green and other leafy vegetables surfaces are loaded with this insecticide. It is well known through scientific research that insecticides contain cancer-causing agents. Our government knows full well that it impossible for farmers to grow these fruits and vegetables without spraying them to protect them from crop destroying bugs; and, once they're sprayed, the farmers are not going to waste their time trying to remove this insecticide from these fruits and vegetables for your sake. All he's concerned about is making a profit! The government is standing right there by their side; and doesn't give a hoot about the food safety of the American people; all it cares about is the economy. The bottom line is: the government sees the food safety of the American people as being expendable and the economy as being indispensable! This organic gimmick is nothing other than a surreptitious multi-million dollar scheme for making money!

The world’s most renowned, sagacious nutritionists, physician, doctors and others, in the healthcare business, have been stumped by this ongoing puzzling obese problem; and they don't have a clue how to fix it.

Nevertheless, I’ve come up with a suggestion that would help solve the America's out-of-control obesity problems; but it will require sacrifice and cooperation between our government and agriculture: immediately, enact legislation that would prohibit farmers from injecting hormone growth into animals used for human food consumption, and farm-fresh vegetables; reduce serving size, per person, of food and drink, by at least half and require school cafeterias, restaurants and fast food places to roast and bake their meats instead of frying them.

In the mean time, I have good news for America and its obese-troubled society! The good news is that I have come up with surefire, multiple-tried, easy weight losing plan that, if properly observed and followed, would eliminate obesity in America and around the world forever! As I said, it is as easy as following simple, specific, methodical instructions. It doesn't require sacrificing your favorite foods and drinks. Yes, you heard me right! You can eat anything you want to, drink anything you want to and you have a choice to exercise or not exercise, if you choose to; and, most of all, another good thing about it, is that you don't have to spend a bundle!

Moreover, *my miracle weight losing plan is the plan that all overweight individuals have been wishing that would come along for years! The majority of these overweight individuals are natural gluttons for food and drink and too lazy to exercise. I say to them, "This is your lucky day! Your chickens have come home to roost!" Following my miracle weight losing plan, you can preserve your cake and eat it all at the same time; while shedding off those ugly pounds! In testing the plan, I solicited 20 willing overweight subjects to participate in an experiment for a 28-day, trial period--meticulously, following my specific, methodical instructions--eating and drinking anything they wanted to and not having to exercise, if they chose not to do so; and at the end of the period, the results were amazing and anomalously astounding! Each participant had lost, at least, 15 pounds or more!

In order to be a success, in achieving the above enviable results, one only has to follow my "golden" instructions. I refer to these instructions as being "golden" because they're not only the catalyst for losing weight; but, also, the catalyst for the prevention of diseases, while promoting good health, wellness and happiness; and my guarantee is that if you have followed the instructions to the letter and at the end of the 28-day period, you haven't lost, at least, 15 pounds, I'll eat my hat!

Let me appease and calm your imagination and curiosity! Sorry, these instructions will be enclosed inside the package of each plan sold in stores! Ok!

* Let's clarify what we're talking about here. We're not talking about muscle toning and body fitness; but about losing weight--and that's all!

Copyrights 2009. All rights reserved.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2010

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