
Chapter I: Alexandria

"Quickly!" a woman bellowed through her hands. A long subway train roared to life as a quo of scraggly looking people jumbled into it. A young girl was among them. A girl of grand stature, even among the Forbidden. She had long fiery red hair, and bright, very bright blue eyes. Red dots were painted under those eyes. They represented something to her, something to everyone else. Hope. Hope that a new order would rise in the ugly world they inhabited. Her name was Alexandria, the Princess of the Forbidden.    

The train was now piling up with passengers, all trying to got to the same place. They all had the same goal in mind, get out of the Kingdom. Almaria, the country, had just undergone an overthrow of power. The once virtuous king Damian was killed in cold blood for the throne by his younger brother, Duran. Under his new regime the first order was to have every person of the Forbidden Kind sent to the gallows.    

Alexandria was first on the list to be killed, and she would have been if it weren't for that man. That man of mystery. He wasn't a Forbidden one, she could tell, he didn't have the markings. But, he did have one distinctive feature, and that was the long scar running down his face, starting from his cheek to his neck. She was awaiting her judgement by the High King when, from the crowd he sprang up. He defended her from the executioner and helped her escape the fate she had already accepted. But why? she didn't even know him.     She had now finally gotten onto the cart labeled 13a. This was the compartment that the scarred man told her to be in, he said she would be safe in here. She sat down, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It was hard to tell whether there was a traitor among them. She silently covered her face with a light blue shawl that she had made herself after ripping it off her own dress.    

A disastrous looking man sat next to her, just as quiet as she was. He looked like he had been trampled during his attempt at getting on the train. His clothes were tattered and frayed at the seams. His face too was covered by a shawl, his being black. He was eyeing her oddly, making her shift uncomfortably. The train was buzzing with talk. Talk of what was going on. Nobody knew what to do, not even the Princess.    

The man next to her moved closer to her, so close she could smell him. It was the strange smell of Elken meat. Without turning his head he spoke into her ear. 

"Get off at the next stop," his voice was like a low growl. 

The Princess was taken aback. She certainly was not expecting to spoken to after what happened at the Hearing. 

"Who are you?" she asked, afraid that he would be the one to fulfill the new King's duties. 

"A friend," he whispered raspingly, "do as I say, I promise you will be safe."

He got up from his seat, but not before adding 'my lady.' He stalked off into the next compartment. Alexandria was left to her thoughts, left to think.    

The Hearing was held in the High Court. She was on trial for murdering the former King, Damian. Of course she didn't do it, it was all a plot for Duran to take the throne. He needed the people to take his side, to believe that he was a good man, that he was simply mourning his brother's death. To the uneducated, which was the majority in Almaria, he seemed that way, but to those of higher learning they could see he had horrible motives.    

The verdict was guilty of all charges. This was what sparked the outlaw on all the Forbidden people. If anyone was found or caught, and discovered as a Forbidden one then they were to be killed on spot or brought to the court for trial, which was all the same, just a slower death. Alexandria was outcasted immediately after the news of the verdict was brought to the people, even more so with her own people. She was the cause of everything. For the past week her kind had been hunted and killed all because of her.     The train came to an abrupt stop, signaling Alexandria to get off. She quickly made her way out of the train, afraid of being seen. Once the doors closed behind her she began a brisk walk down a long alleyway that would eventually bring her into the East District of the Kingdom. This was the quickest way out of the country.   

"I hope you're not 'ere alone," a sly voice said from behind her. 

She whipped around, the tail of her dress making a cracking sound. Lucio, one of the largest grossing merchants in all Almaria was staring at her with a sneering smile. His cold, dark eyes swam across her face, searching for some sign of fear, but she showed none. She was slightly annoyed, having been told she would be safe here when she was on the train. 

"Lucio," she said turning back around, her red braid of hair swinging behind her. 

She was now glaring at two of Lucio's cronies. One of them was tall and burly, while the other was shorter and less built. 

"You've got a pretty price on your 'ead, my lady," Lucio's said mockingly. 

It was true. Since her escape from the gallows she was given a bounty of over one million grands. Grands were a currency consisting of: oats being one grand, yellows being ten, and jewels being one hundred grands.     The Princess was not frightened at all. Over the course of her entire life she had been given the proper training to defend herself. She was more afraid of what she could do to them, that is why she had to refrain from any violence for the time being.

Lucio and his minions advanced on her. She moved across the wall, pinning her back against it. The scrawnier man ignited his hand with a bright and burning flame. He was a Forbidden one. The flame in his hand quickly turned into a ball, circulating faster and faster. Lucio gave a yelp of glee as he saw the look in Alexandria's eyes.    

With a flash of light and a second spared, everyone was on the ground. Alexandria lay on her stomach, unknowing of what just happened. Lucio was lying face first in front of her, unmoving. The burly man next to him looked lifeless as well. His eyes were blank, and spurt of blood came flooding out of his mouth.     Someone was standing over her, hovering a hand in her direction. She took it and the person grabbed her's firmly, lifting her back up to a standing position. A scrawny looking teenager stood in front of her, sheathing a sword. 

"You're a Telopath!" Alexandria exclaimed. 

She had never seen one before. The white markings under his striking green eyes gave it away. She had grown accustomed to looking at a person's eyes first, to see whether they were a Forbidden or not. Every person born into that kind bore markings under their eyes, signifying what race they were. There were many different races, some of which were the Telopath, which was a person that could break or bend anything at the will of their mind, and the Flamest, which was what Lucio's henchman used to be. 

"Yes, and you're lady Alexandria," he spoke was such courtesy.

 He must have been from the former Court, before Damian had fallen. His clothes suggested so. He wore a white tunic emblazoned with a red lion over tightly fitted chain mail. He also wore a knightly headband with a shiny white diamond encrusted to the front.  

"Are you the one I'm supposed to be meeting?" Alexandria said slowly. "Yes," he said tersely. Still holding her hand, he guided her through the rest of the alley. They splashed through puddles and patches of mud. It had just rained the night before, and the sky today threatened to do it again.    

A second later the rain began to fall. While a raindrop fell hard onto Alexandria's forehead she couldn't help but question everything that had happened up to this point. Who was this boy? Where was he taking her? Did he have anything to do with that mysterious man? 

Her foot splashed into a puddle, sending water flying into the air. Thunder and lightning began to crash down upon the two of them as they raced through the darkened alley ways. Who was this boy?

Chapter II: Simon

The East District was known best for its trade and commerce. It was usually full of the hustle and bustle of the scions that inhabited this part of the kingdom. However, today, the setting was empty. It was like a dream walking through the alleys and streets with this royal looking boy.     

His hand was hard, and firm for a boy his age. He was nineteen, at most, Alexandria pondered. Her mind was reeling. Questions were rebounding inside her head. Who was this boy? Where was he taking her? What does he have to do with the other mysterious man at the gallows? What was going to happen to her?    

He released her hand. She let it fall limply to her hip, a smolder of ash spraying her in the face. The Flamest, the crony of Lucio had left a mark upon her dress.     

The boy turned around quickly, a finger to his mouth and shushing her. 

"But, I wasn't talk--" she was cut off by his hand. 

He was standing towards her but listening behind himself. An ear perked out from behind his silvery blonde hair. So he was Elven. The ear was pointed and long, and also pierced with several white jewels. The hand he held up in protest to talk went strikingly fast to the hilt of his sword. 

"We're being followed. . ." He hissed. Alexandria had no idea what he was talking about. She hadn't heard anyone behind them.     

The boy looked up to the sky, his hair falling back neatly. Alexandria looked up too. A shadow dissipated just as quickly as she saw it. Someone was on the roof of the building they were standing under.     

She heard a sigh of relief from beside her. The Elf had now had his hand on his forehead and he was shaking it sarcastically. 

"It's just Gabriel," he said, releasing a small chuckle after. 

"Who's Gabriel?" she asked. 

His face went from smiling to astonished in the blink of an eye. 

"You really don't know who Gabriel is?"


"He's the King's youngest son. The new King rather," his voice now sounded annoyed, "he also saved your life yesterday."

"What!" Alexandria was astounded. 

That meant a name to the mysterious man. But it also arose new questions in her mind. If he was Duran's son then why did he save her? isn't he supposed to be on his father's side? What were his motives?    

The Elf kept walking. Now he wasn't even trying to keep a close distance to Alexandria. It was like his guard was down. 

"He probably just wants to keep an eye on you," he said airily, "we wouldn't want another Lucio situation."

"You seem to know a lot about me," Alexandria began, "and I know nothing of you."

"What do you want to know? I bear no secrets."

"What's your name?" she asked first.

It seemed like a simple answer at first, but when he didn't answer it made her ask again. 

"I said, what's your--"

"I heard what you said."

That was the second time he had cut her off. She made a silent agreement that her next question were to ask where his manners were. 

"I was given the name Telopath when I entered the King's Guard," he said slowly, "it was easier than having to read my markings to just call me what I am. But, my real name is Simon."

So, Simon the Elven Knight. It made sense that he was in the Guard, given the way he was dressed. 

"So if you were supposed to be one of the King's protectors then you didn't really do a great job," Alexandria poked. 

Simon spun around so fast she barely had time to react. But when he faced her he seemed calm. 

"I don't want to talk about that," he said placidly. 

He continued walking until they were out of the alleyway and onto another deserted street. The archaic look and feel of her surroundings made her think of home. She lived in the Western District of the Kingdom, which was where most of the Forbidden people came from. A large corner of the country was dominated by her people and it was made up mostly of the Western District. It was also the most technologically advanced section of the entire Kingdom. They had Phase Sectors, which were platforms where people could phase to and from different parts of the country, along with countless other things.     

One more question was burning in Alexandria. She had to ask. She didn't care if Simon was annoyed with her or not. 

"Where are we going?" she asked curtly. 

"We here." 

He had stopped abruptly at a doorway closed off with a single maroon sheet. It was waving in the rain, revealing only parts of the room beyond it. 

"After you," Simon said ominously.

Chapter III: Gabriel and Awen

"We can't make that sacrifice! Their army would be on us too fast, we can't fight that fight!" this new voice sounded powerful. 

Alexandria had just walked in through the threshold of the tiny home. It looked cozy and inviting with its low lit candles and smartly crafted pieces of furniture. The low ceilings were not suited for Alexandria. She stood six feet tall precisely, and among her people she was very tall for a woman. She was even taller than Simon, granted, it was only by a few inches.     

Voices were coming from behind another curtained doorway. She could only make out one familiar voice, and it was Gabriel's. The tone of his voice was the same from that day at the execution, low and serious. 

"I'm saying we go in with a plan!" 

She didn't recognize this voice. It was a little higher pitched, but definitely a man's.     

Simon brushed shoulders with Alexandria as he moved ahead of her. He was making his way through the next curtain, shaking the hair out of eyes as he did. Alexandria followed him. She needed to talk with Gabriel, she needed to understand why he saved her.     

The veil was swiped back by Alexandria, partly to eliminate suspense. Gabriel stood hunched over a table that was draped in a very old looking map. He looked rugged, like the past week had aged him. He had long very curly, jet black hair that reached his shoulders. His scraggly beard matched it almost perfectly. His eyes, hidden behind his hair, were the color of a rain storm, being gray with specs of blue. The long scar ran jagged from his brow to his neck.     

There was another man in the room, next to Gabriel. He too stood over the map, with his face covered by his  long curly, dark blue hair that wasn't quite the length of Gabriel's, reaching only his collar. However, Alexandria wasn't really preoccupied by him, and he wasn't with her. He hadn't even looked up or acknowledged when she and Simon entered the room. She was busy eyeing Gabriel.     

A hearth behind him was ablaze with a bright and fierce fire, giving him a marvelous glow. He wore a tattered and frayed black cloak, that wrapped around him lazily. A gorgeous sword hilt was jutting out from his leather belt. His boots looked Elven made, probably enchanted to muffle the sounds of his walking, or hiding.     

"Ah," Gabriel mumbled slowly, "it seems our most prestigious guest has arrived."

Simon sat down in a chair next to the table, his expression loosened drastically from before. The man next to Gabriel finally looked up. A smile straightened on his face when his eyes crossed hers. This man had brilliant features. A clean shaven face, with beautiful blue eyes that glinted kindly in the light. And, underneath those eyes were blue markings. The symbol of a Aquæst. A person who can manipulate the sea and all forms of water. 

"And where is it that I exactly am?" Alexandria said smartly. 

Gabriel looked at the man next to him, as if expecting him to talk. 

"My home," the Aquæst said, "at least for the time being." "

And who are you?" she asked quickly. 

"I am Awen, the Blue Knight of Grandua."

"Grandua, why are you here?"

"This is a war," Gabriel said flatly, "we're going to need all the help we can get." 

Alexandria moved further into the room. She put her hands on the table and stared at the map. Army and cavalry figurines stood proud defending capitols, and Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Grandua was at the moment protecting Almaria. 

"But . . . This is a fight for the Forbidden," she said. 

"Yes, but Almaria is not the only country with people of the Forbidden Kind," Gabriel countered. 

Alexandria gawked at him. She was bewildered that he would even suggest she didn't know where her own people come from. She had taken many history lessons from her advisors when she was just five years old. 

"I know that," she said extremely annoyed, "I meant, it's a fight between the Forbidden of this country and your father."

Gabriel advanced on her, but not in a threatening way. She felt secure from where she stood, so she didn't back away. 

"It's like he said," Simon interrupted, "this is a war. Duran is going after all of us."

He meant all of the Forbidden. This was news to her. She hadn't looked at everything from a real perspective. To be honest, she hadn't had time, with everything that had happened to her. Up until now, she had just been trying to stay alive. 

"Look," Gabriel began, after seeing the look on Alexandria's face, "Duran, my father, is out to kill all of your Kind. And right now, he has all the power to do so. Almaria has the strongest army in the Western Hemisphere. And after he takes over Grandua and Malikar he will have the most powerful army in all of the world."

Alexandria went silent. If it was possible, she was more silent than before. Her eyes were darting all around the room, trying to find something to just stare at and think about. But, her thoughts kept going back to one fleeting thought; her people were at risk. Her people from all around the world, in every Kingdom, country, domain and region. She was the Princess of her Kind, and she was standing in darkened room, still scared for her life. She wasn't scared of fighting, but she was scared to lose her life. 

"They say you're a Flamest," Awen called to her, "do you mind if we see it?"

Alexandria's head perked up. So now she had to amuse them. Now she had to put on a show for these people. 

"No," she said defiantly, but not looking at anyone, "I won't do it."

Awen cracked a smile. From the corner of her eye she could see Simon wearing a smile too. 

"She can't control it," he said.     

Gabriel moved back to the hearth. He looked deep into it, then turned to look at Alexandria. 

"A Flamest can generate fire from just the air, correct?" he asked. 

She nodded her head yes. 

"But their power is strongest when they manipulate it from a source."

She nodded again. 

"Can you please show us," he said, now moving away from the fire.     

Alexandria took a step forward and readied her hands. She had only begun practicing controlling her Magick a year ago. Before that she had been taking regular fighting classes in the arts if warriors and other ancient styles. She hadn't had enough time to develop her skills in the art of Forbidden. However, now she felt as if in order to move forward she must present herself as she was.     

So, with a swishing motion of her hands she took a piece of the fire from the hearth and began toying with it. It felt warm in her hands, but not hot or scolding like it would in any other person's hands. The piece began to flicker as she waved it around. 

"I can't hold it very long," she said, as the brilliant light faded away. 

"It's your Magick," Awen stated. 

"You don't have enough. It's like stamina, the more you have, the longer duration of power you have," Simon said. 

"And don't worry, Alexandria," said Gabriel, "I know just the person who can teach you."

"Who?" Alexandria asked skeptically. 

"General Ilan Quest."

"General Quest of the Almarian army?" Alexandria couldn't believe it. 

"Yes, that's the one."

"Why would she teach me? She's with Duran."

"Let's just say General Quest and I know each other very well."

The North District

The rain hadn't let up at all since the discussion in Awen's home. A full hour had passed and yet the downpour become stronger. Alexandria was walking behind Gabriel, while Simon and Awen walked in her wake. Every now and then lightning would pierce the sky and send a streak through the dismal clouds. Thunder would crash down upon them, breaking sound barriers and making Alexandria jump a little.      Questions still burned inside her. Like, where were they going? and, was she safe?

"How do I know I can trust all of you?" she asked accidentally. 

Gabriel stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at her. Awen and Simon stopped behind the Princess. 

"I thought you'd ask that," he said calmly. 

She nodded fervently. She didn't mean to ask it, although she wanted to know, she didn't want to come off as rude. 

"Let me see if I can guess what you're thinking," he continued, "I'm Duran's son. So why should I help you when my own father wants you killed? Shouldn't I just lead you right to him?"

"That's about it," Alexandria breathed. 

She could hear Awen's armor shifting behind herself. 

"We don't want a war," Gabriel said, "I know what it must look like, but, we are only here for your protection. You may not know it yet, but you are the end to this war before it even begins."

"What makes you so sure?" she asked, as Gabriel began to walk again. 

She was following him once more, the two knights behind her beginning their walk too. 

"I have a feeling."

A feeling? Alexandria was surprised to get such a short and cryptic answer from him. Gabriel, up until this point was giving satisfying explanations.     

The East District was slowly turning into the North. The archaic stores and groceries were morphing into homes and schools. The North District was the richest place in all of Almaria. It was where the poor desired to be and where the rich scoffed at their lessors. The homes were gorgeously built, with tapestries and thresholds of pure gold, while each house (or mansion) was built with only the finish wood and stone.      Even the streets were beautiful. They were no longer cobbled. Instead, they were made with the rocks found outside of the Kingdom that were said to cast mysterious Magicks upon those who walked them. They were carved with very intricate designs, swirling to and fro.  "Where are we going?" Alexandria couldn't help but ask as she marveled over the beautiful District.  She had never ventured this far into Almaria. She was prohibited by her advisors. She was only allowed to meander the streets of the Western District, which was where she was born. 

"Yes, where are we going?" Simon echoed from behind Awen. 

Alexandria thought it odd that even he did not know. 

"We are getting out of the city," Gabriel answered quickly. 

He took a left turn into a darkened alleyway where the light at the end of it seemed very far away. The Princess and her protectors followed him into the darkness, just hoping that he knew where they were headed. 

"Sir Gabriel," Awen began, "I may not know this city well, but isn't the quickest way out through the Western District?"

"Yes, it is, Awen . . . But we are not looking for the quickest way out."

"What do you mean? You said we are trying to get out of the city," Simon said, "I'd imagine it would be best to be unseen."

"Well, yes, that would seem best. But, I want to cause a commotion. I want them to know we are leaving," Gabriel said stopping again. 

"Why, sir?" Awen asked humbly. 

"If they think she's out of the city then they won't look for her here. We need them to believe she's out so we can get into the Castle."

"Into the Castle?!" Alexandria repeated, "why would we do that? I'm on the top of the list to be killed, I'd be turning myself over. You said I could trust you, you said you wanted to protect me--"

Gabriel cut her off with just the look on his face. It was clear he was serious.  "

I am going to protect you. With my life, my lady. But, there is only one way we can get to General Quest. And that is through the castle. The old King's army is being held up in the dungeons, and if I can get there--"

Now Gabriel was cut off, this time by Awen. 

"I didn't sign up for a suicide mission!"

"Sir, he's right," Simon began, "she is important but is she that important?"

Alexandria whipped around, a disgraced look upon her face. 

"Yes, she is," Gabriel said gently as he placed a hand on Alexandria's shoulder, "she is the Princess of the Forbidden. She is the present, past and future of this country. My father knows this, that is why she is at the top of his list. Her kind, your kind are being hunted and there is only one way to stop it."

"So we wage war to end war," Simon murmured. 

"Exactly."Gabriel turned around, releasing Alexandria.

He started a slow walk. A few more paces and they were out of the alleyway.   

The sun was beginning to set, or so it seemed because it was hard to tell with the clouds being so dense. But, Alexandria could tell it was getting darker. The rain, if it was possible, was starting to come down harder, making anything in front of them practically unseeable.    

The alleyway was far behind them now. They were on route for the North District exit, and they were coming up on it fast. The exit out of the Kingdom was heavily guarded over the past week. It normally wasn't, but since the recent order of the King all the passages have been set up with watch guards.    

Gabriel stopped abruptly behind a giant stone slab. He crouched low behind it while everyone else maintained behind the wall next to him. Alexandria tried to peer over the slab to see why they stopped so short, but Awen quickly grabbed her by the collar and pulled her away. She was about to turn around to ask why he did that when Simon shushed her. 

Gabriel sidled along the wall to return to his group. 

"The King's Guard is on watch right now," he said quietly, "there's going to be no getting through without a fight."

"It's what you wanted, isn't it?" Awen muttered. 

Gabriel didn't answer. 

"So, what's our move?" Simon asked. 

Again, Gabriel didn't answer. He seemed to be racking his brain for ideas. 

"We fight," Alexandria whispered.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.05.2013

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