

Erasing The Unwanted




What is normal? Is it what everyone’s doing or is it something average? Lately our society is trying to be “Different”. Since people are attempting to be different, it became the new “Normal”. So when someone doesn’t fit into there “Normal”, there labeled as an outsider but in reality there an outsider in an inside world. No body dares to be different. Frightened of what other might think. If the people who you hangout with, try to change you, leave. Be yourself and only yourself. It’s hard to do in such an inside world but try. You can’t change unless you dare to be different.

Ginger Ray’s the name. I live in this world where it’s hard to find someone who thinks like you. Living in this world isn’t easy for me. I never try to fit in. People just hung around me because of my looks. Not what’s inside even if it matters the most. No one will understand how it feels to be different because they’re all the same. Maintaining my personality isn’t the hard part in this life. The hard part is finding someone who sees past those looks and sees that personality. There are one hundred billion people in this world and I haven’t found one who understands, whose eyes are open. That was until my Dare.

Who says your life can’t change because of a simple dare?





The Dare

Chapter 1 

I dare you to go tell your parents your gay” Ashley said to Danna.

“Um fine” Donna replied cockily. She picks up her phone and unlocks it. The girls peak their heads to see her password but she already finished typing. I stare intensely at her even she wasn’t looking at me. I wanted to know if she was really going to do it. When I heard the dialing noise I knew she was serious. Someone picked up and I’m assuming it was her parents. She put the call on speaker so we all could hear.

“Hello Donna is something wrong” A female voice from the phone said.

“ Yeah mom but there is something I need to tell you guys. Is dad there?” Danna asked her mom.

“Yeah hold on.” There was a silence. I looked around the room and everyone was trying hard not to laugh. “ Okay got him. Go on honey.” Danna’s mom said after a long silence.

“ When I say this don’t freak out.” she paused. “ I’m gay” Danna said believably.

This time the silence was longer but followed by a thump. “ What happened?” Danna asked with concern. Although I’m not sure if its real.

“ Your mother just fainted.” A deep husky voice replied. “ Sweaty are you really gay?”

“Nope I just said it for a dare.”

“Oh honey you scared us half to death. I’ll tell your mother when she wakes up.”

“Okay, bye dad”

“bye” he said calmly.

After the phone call, the whole room filled with laughter. The laughing calmed down and I knew it was my turn.

“ Ginger your up.” I got real scared. I hoped my dare wasn’t bad as Danna’s. “I dare you to dress like a total dork and ask a hot stranger to be your boyfriend. Then when he gives you a reply take off your geeky ware and show him your gorgeous self.” Donna told me. Now I’m wandering if she really is gay.

I have to say the dare wasn’t bad but I still was frightened of talking to a total stranger. The girls geeked me up. I actually have friends who are nerds though. I looked unappealing. My soft brown hair was out of my ponytail and covering my hazel eyes. I was wearing a jumper with a plaid shirt under it but really there was a sexy red dress underneath. Ashley found her dad’s old glasses and gave them to me to wear. They also gave me these hideous flats but I had some pretty heels in by purse.

I was ready to go outside now. We were going to the pizza place but I was going to go behind them so it would look like I wasn’t with them.

I walked into the Pizza Hut and rambled the store for a cute guy. I didn’t see one so I kept walking further in the store but then a huge guy bumped me in the shoulder causing me to fall. He didn’t even help me up he just said “ Move nerd” Then someone shouted after him.  “Hey you say sorry to this pretty girl” I was looking at my feet, too embarrassed to see who defended me. Wait what? Did he call me pretty? I look up to see the guy holding his hand out for me to grab. I reached for his hands. As soon as are hands touched a jolt of electricity ran up my arm. I was now up off the ground then I looked the dude up and down. I didn’t even mind that the guy didn’t apologize.

He had short black hair with brown highlights. He was a few inches taller than me so I had to look up at him. His deep blue eyes were staring down at me causing me to melt inside. I look over to the girls and they gave me thumbs.

“Hey” He said coolly. His voice was deep but warm just like a blanket.

“Uh um H h-I” I said softly but I was stuttering real badly.

“So what’s a pretty girl doing here alone?” The hot stranger asked me.

“Y -Y -You T-Thin-k I-m Pretty” I stammered.

“Of course you are.”

“Do want to be my boyfriend?” I asked quickly.



The date

Chapter 2

He gave me a puzzled look. I honestly expected him to say no. Most guys these days go by appearance. They don’t want you for who you really are. His reply was shocking. The girls in the corner were surprised as well.

“I’m gay” It was my turn to give him a puzzle look. “I’m just kidding. I would love to.” He agreed with a bright smile. The hot stranger just agreed to be my boyfriend. I don’t know whether to be happy or scared. I read about these things all the time. Stranger falls in love with girl. Then he ends up being a rapist of some sort.

“Um, I’m Ginger” I introduced myself shyly.

“I’m Dakota. Nice to meet you.” He winked at me. For some reason, I always thought winking was creepy. God, I hope he isn’t a pedophile.

“Don’t worry love, I’m not.” I didn’t even realize I said that out loud. “You’re doing it again.” Oh my ginger! I need to stop. “Oh my ginger? That’s a new one.” He chuckled silently. I blushed a deep shed of red.

I just realized that I was supposed to change because he gave me his reply already. I want to see if this guy really wants me for what’s inside. I’m not really worried about not completing my dare. Its not like there is a penalty. From the looks the girls were giving me, it looks like there okay with it.

“So,” Dakota scratched his head. I could tell he was a bit nervous. Honestly I am to. “Would you like to go for a walk with me. You might have to show me around. I’m not from here.” Awe he is so cute when he is nervous.

“Of course.” I agreed happily.

“Lets get going then.” He took my hand and led me to the door.


We took our time around Springfield. The wind gently blew past my bare arm causing me to shiver. Dakota’s body heat was the only warmth I had. I didn’t bother to bring my jacket because I thought I would be indoors. If I knew it was going to be this wintry, I would have. The wind blew again but this time it was harsher. Dakota noticed my shivers and lent me his jacket. I wanted to play my favorite game “One million questions” but I was a little too nervous to ask. His hand in mine and his jacket over my shoulders, brings a smile to my face. I don’t really talk to strabgers.

“What’s a strabger?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“It’s a word I created by accident. It means stranger.” He gave me an amused look.

“Ah I see.” He nodded his head as he put his thumbs in his front pockets. We walked along the sideways quietly, until I broke the unbearable silence.

“I want to play a game”

“What game?”

“Twenty answers.” It wasn’t what I was going for but I wanted to do something different.

“How do you play that?” he asked curiously.

“Okay, You answer something without a question about yourself.” He looked confused. “Here let me go first. Cockiness is a turn off for me.” I say honestly.

“I hate sweets like Donuts, honey buns, and twislers” Oh my toast! How can anybody hate the best foods?

“Are you shiz serious? Oh my gosh! Relationship over” I teased him playfully.

“Yes I am shiz serious, whatever that is.” He laughs calmly. Oh his laugh is heavenly.

“My dream is to become a famous chef.” I say casually. I had to stop thinking about his dislikes before I lose my mind.

“I want to become a doctor.”

“I have a question.” I turned look into his beautiful eyes.

“Ask away”

“Why did you say yes” I asked curiously.

“Say yes to what?” he asked like he didn’t know what I was talking about.

“You know what I mean.”

“Oh that. I agreed to had the balls to ask me out. Most girls expect me to ask them out and hurt me. I just saw something different in you.”

“I feel the same way.” I nodded.

“What do mean.”

“Oh, never mind.” Luckily, he let it go.


We walked back to the Pizza Hut finishing the game.

“And lastly I hate French fries but love potatoes” I said finishing my final answerless question.

“No comment” I really enjoyed talking to him. He was funny and sweet the whole time. I told him almost everything about me. He told me things about him to but they were surface things and that didn’t satisfy me. I supposed I should let it go, for now. We said are goodbyes and I walked in and went towards the girls in Dakota’s jacket. Best Day Ever!

The sun beamed over my face like a wave. I groaned and shot my eyes open. I sat up grabbing a bunch of my hair yawning. Taking in my surroundings, I noticed I was alone. Sighing, I got up and walked out of bed. My stomach growled loudly and I exited the bedroom. I stopped in the middle of the hallway and listened closely. Nothing. As I continue to the kitchen, I didn’t see any of the cheery girls. The kitchen was a step away from me and yet it seemed so far. I entered the kitchen but it was deserted like the rest of the house. I scanned the cabinets and refrigerator for something good to eat. This house has nothing in my interests. I guess I’ll just have to go to the corner store.

The cold autumn air wrapped around me like a blanket. Thank goodness I’m wearing Dakota’s jacket. I walking into the store and it made my favorite sound as I entered. What should I buy? I pondered as I roamed the store for a treat.

“You look great in my jacket.” A smooth familiar voice said from behind me.

“Hey” I said as I spotted a Pepsi. I lung over to the refrigerator and picked it out. Dakota insisted on paying for it and I didn’t mind because I left my money at the house. He handed the cashier the money. I snapped the cap opened and slurped it down. Dakota’s eyes widened.

“What?” I asked taking my last sip

“Nothing. Its just you drank that in like twelve seconds.” He said sounding amazed.

“Okay weirdo.” There was quick silence. “ Hey weirdo. You want to hang out”


“No, in ten million years. Of course today.”

“Oh” He nodded in agreement. I swear this relationship is going to be the death of me.



The carnival

Chapter 3  

Monday mornings are always a drag. My parents are never home to wake me up early. I have no siblings to scream in my ears. Not having to yell at makes me unhappy. The family TV shows are the closes thing I have to a family. People thin I’m lucky to have two parents and no brothers or sisters but in reality it’s miserable. Its like I don’t even have parents. They are never home. The only time I see them is on Wednesday night if I have to use the bathroom.

Going to school this early should be illegal. I thought while yawning. Making my way to the bathroom, I tripped on a brick. What the crackers? My foot was throbbing in pain. This is why I hate bricks. Ignoring the pain, I went to the bathroom.

I went inside and came out twenty minuets later. I spend most of my time in there pretending I’m a cheerleader. I’ve always wanted to be one but I was too terrified to try out. I can’t even walk properly, how can I be a cheerleader?

What should I where today? I ask myself out loud. I might as well go with the usual, the “in a relationship” outfit. Skinny jeans and a fancy top is my way to say I’m in a relationship. I get asked out on to many dates that I had to have an outfit for it. It might be ridiculous but people don’t have any idea how annoying it is to be asked out constantly. I understand some people don’t even get asked out at all but seeing the sorrowful faces people give me when I have to reject them is a heartbreaker.

I go to Barnstable high school. I don’t love it but I certainly don’t hate it. As I stroll through the school hallways, I sense eyes burning into my soul. I presume there curious of my relationship position. I turned my head to the side and they instantly tare away from their stares. I focused my head back to the facade of me and there I saw Steven Hall talking to one his friends. I ran towards the nearest restroom and used it as a hide out. I reassured myself that I was safe until I took in my surroundings and I saw I was in the wrong bathroom. There were a bunch of guys puzzled and some using toilets with their jaw to the ground. I covered my eyes trying to erase the horrific memories and apologized.

Steven Hall Is what I call a player. He constantly asks me out but I continually turn him down. Usually I would accept if I was single but I have strong feeling he isn’t right for me. He is defiantly attractive but to cocky. I believe he wants me for my look as well as many others. I guess he is another dumb jock who gets what he wants.

Looking both ways through the vacant hallways I rove to my homeroom. Suddenly I felt a firm arm wrap around my waist. I knew it wasn’t Dakota’s because he doesn’t go to this school and his arm is less muscular. I released myself from the grip and twirled around ready to face Steven.

“Hey Ginger” He greeted me with a full-size smile.

“Hello” I greeted him back politely. I might disgust him but I don’t present it to him because I’m to kind.

“So who’s the lucky guy?” Steven asked warily and I sensed a bit of sorrow in his tone. He kind of looked cute why he was shy.

“You don’t know him” I respond biting my bottom lip awkwardly. I don’t know why that’s a turn on to people.

“Do you like him?” This conversation officially got awkward. That actually is a great question. I think I do. He is great company, kind hearted, funny and not to mention drop dead gorgeous.

“Yeah I do.” I answered nervously running out of conversation talk. I hardly call this a conversation though.

“I’m glad that you’re happy then.” He gave me a weak smile. Is he actually hurt that I’m dating someone else?

“Um, I’ll catch you later. I’m late for homeroom.” I said trying to rip away from this tête-à-tête.

“Okay bye” He waved me goodbye and I took that as an opportunity to escape.


School went by like gush of wind. Nothing interesting happened today. I’m just surprised Steven didn’t hit on me. I guess he got the hint. I was outside with some of my friends when I saw Dakota. I was freaking out. I wasn’t ready for him to see me as this. I told my friends something came up and dashed away.

“Hi Ginger” my friend Olivia greeted me. She is kind of a nerd but she is cool.

“Hi” With that I started to rush through the hallways but an idea popped in my head. I turned around and ran towards Olivia.

“Olivia wait up!”I yelled from down the hall.

She stoped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. I finally caught up to her but I was panting like crazy.

“I have a favor to ask”

“Of course what is it?’

“I need you to switch clothes with me.” She gave me a crazy look.


“No time for questions hurry!”


I’m surprised her clothes fit me perfectly. She looks amazing in my clothes.

“Thank you thank you thank you and you can keep the clothes. “ I told her excitedly.

I ran towards the exit, hoping Dakota is still here. He was leaning against his silver Toyota. He pulled me into a bear hug and smelt my hair.

“Hey” I said in his chest.

“Hi” he said with his chin on my head. He released me from his embrace.

“I got a surprise for you”


“The carnival?” I ask somewhat confused.

“Yeah I have a surprise”


He took my and hand and led me to the ticket booth. Girls gave me looks and I felt really shy. Dakota called ahead so we didn’t have to wait in line.

We just got off the carousel and Dakota is mad that I got the bigger horse. We were walking and talking but suddenly we stopped at the Ferris wheel. He knows I’m petrified of heights.

“Dakota I forgot something in the bathroom”

“You didn’t even go to the bathroom.”

“I just don’t want to go on that thing.” I said pointing to the ride.

“Nope your going on it.” He said dragging me towards the Ferries Wheel/”Gosh I hate you.” I pouted. We got on the ride tighter but I didn’t bother to sit next him because of my anger towards him. The ride started to turn but stopped at the top. I’m completely scared now. I couldn’t stop shaking. Dakota got out of his seat and hugged me tight.

“Do you trust me?” he gently whispered in my ear. I didn’t trust my voice so I nodded instead. He took my hand and stood me up. I started to freak out again so he pulled me into another hug.

“When I let go look into my eyes, okay?” He said with a soothing voice. Just his voce made me calm down. He pulled away and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. I was lost into his dreamy eyes. Its like his eyes are glowing in the moonlight. He pointed to the sky and I reluctantly looked up wards. There were fireworks that read:

Ginger you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever see. I’m glad you’re my girlfriend”

The last firework was a heart. I stared at the sky waiting for more but it was over. My eyes started to water and pretty soon I was crying a river. No guy has ever made me feel this way. I feel like crap because I don’t deserve an amazing guy like Dakota. I turned my attention to him. He had a grin that stretched to the moon.

“I mean every word.” I didn’t even reply. I just smashed my lips to his. It felt like we were making fireworks of our own. His soft lips kept throwing tingles through my mouth.

Best Day Every!




He’s over with us, I’m over with us

 Chapter 5


Dakota and I have been dating for a month. Everyday I spent with him was pure heaven. Today is the day I’m going to show him the real me. Well I already have but appearance wise. I just feel like I don’t deserve him.

The final bell rang meaning school is over. I exited the classroom first eager to see Dakota. I quickly loaded my book bag with books from my locker and sprung towards the school’s exit.

I stepped outside into the fresh cool air and scanned the area. One problem, there was no Dakota. A frown crept on my face. He’s never late. Maybe he’s hurt.

As my mind started to think of the worst, a tap on my shoulder snapped me out of them. Turning around hoping to see Dakota but it was only Steven. A ray of disappointment ran through me.

“What are you doing out here alone?” He asked leaning over to search the area for anyone.

“Oh I’m waiting for my boyfriend.” I said even though I knew this would upset him.

“Then I’ll wait with you.” Even though the idea is sweet, he needed to get the picture.

“Okay” I obviously wasn’t going to put up a fight.


I’ve been waiting for Dakota for forty-five minuets. Apparently he isn’t coming.

“I think he isn’t coming. I’ll just walk home.” I said sadly as I took a step down of the stairs.

“Can I walk you home?”

“No, you live on the other side of town. I don’t want to cause any problems.” And I don’t want to walk home with you. I added in my head.

“Oh okay. Can I get a hug?” He’s lucky I like giving hugs. I walked up and stair to give him a hug.

When I was done, I stepped back, which was a mistake. I fell backwards on the staircase dragging Steven along with me. We tumbled and flopped downwards until we came to a halt leaving me on top. I sat up on his abdomen.

“Are you okay?” I asked rubbing my head where it hurt.

“Yeah, I’m peachy.” I sensed a piece of sarcasm in his tone while he did his okay sign. He slid his hands around my waist. I got a glimpse of the position we were in and I blushed. He lent upwards looking like he was going to kiss me. Right when I was about to pull back I saw an angry Dakota standing before us.

“What is going on here?” A heated voice asked. Dakota looked beyond furious. His face was boiling red some much it scared me.

“N-Nothing is going on.” I stuttered while getting off Steven. I could have done better with that answer.

“Really? So you call this nothing.” He pointed to Steven and me.

“Nothing happened!”

“Yeah I think I’m going to leave you two alone.” Steven said while he picked up his backpack and left. Coward. It was only Dakota and I now.

“I fell down the stairs and I landed on him after waiting for you for so long. “ I pleaded for him to believe me.

“Fine, I believe you” I sighed in relief. “But why are dressed like this?” He said pointing to my pre torn skinny jeans and flowery top. I took a breath in preparing to tell him the story.

“Okay the night we met. I went to a sleepover. The girls at the party decided to play truth or dare and my dare was to ask a stranger out. An-“He cut me off.

“So you were dared to go out with me? Was this whole relationship apart of the dare too? Do you even like me?” As I was about to answer his endless questions I got caught in my throat. “ You know I thought you were real different from the girls I dated.” He shook his head as he bit his bottom lip angrily.

“Yes I am different.”

“You know I would love to believe you but I” he paused looking at the ground.” I can’t trust anymore.”

“But I”

“No, where over!” He spat at me. He looked me over and shook his head gain. With that he walked away.



Most people would give up when someone breaks up with them. I decided to give Dakota a week to call me but so far zilch. Yesterday was the last day of my strike. I’m going to go to his house today but there is one problem, I don’t know where he lives. Now that I think about it I don’t know any necessary details about him.

Maybe if I ask someone about him I’ll get somewhere. A middle age woman walked into the store with two children. My mom always told me to ask someone who has kids because they’re most likely not be a pedophile. I took this as my chance to ask for help.

“Excuse me ma’am” She gave me half of her attention because she had to watch over her kids.

“Yes” She said in a soft peaceful voice.

“Do you know a Dakota Brooks?” I asked staring into her grey eyes.

“If your looking for the son of Dakota and Marley Brooks then yeah I do.” I didn’t really know who his parents where so I hoped it was them.

“Yeah” I said hopefully.

“There in Connecticut at their house.”

She gave me the directions to there house. She sure was nice to give a complete stranger direction. I just hope the hour drive to Connecticut is worth it.


Is this the place? If it is, it appears to be startling. The size of the house was average for my liking but had an out standing appearance. There was a garden in front, which grew “Forget me not flowers”. They had little garden gnomes in the front like an army. I had to stop my staring because I was on a mission.

I walked up the stairs ready to knock but I froze. What would I say? What do I do when he rejects me? Shaking those weary thoughts, I remember I had a back up plan. I wrote a letter for him explaining our situation and how I feel.

I heard giggling so I’m just assuming it was two teenagers having fun. Then the laughing increased and it was getting really annoying. I turned around to tell them to be quieter but only saw Dakota sucking face with a girl. It felt as if my heart was getting ripped out of my chest.

Tears sprung out my eyes. I don’t want to stand here and watch their make out section. So I stomped down the stairs running through them. I accidently dropped the letter but I am to upset to pick it up. It was for him anyway.


It’s been two weeks since I ran into Dakota. Well, I didn’t run into I saw him moving on. It took awhile for me to get over him and I’m trying so hard. I try not to let him affect my personality. I still hang out with friends and I attempt to be happy but I can’t.

The lunch bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts. I slowly got out of my seat and walked t the doors.

“Ginger Wait up!” A voice from behind hollered. Steven ran up to me panting like he ran a mile. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to catch his run away breath.

“Yes Stevie?” I said sweetly holding my book at my waist. For the past two weeks Steven and I got along well. He managed not to ask me out the whole time. If I’m going to be completely honest I have a miniscule crush on him but there over powered by my feelings for Dakota. Ugh, Sometimes I wish I never met him.

“Meet who?” Steven asked curiously looking at one of the teachers who walked by.

“Oh nobody. Just rambling in my head.” I reassured him waving my hands in front of him.

“I guess,” he paused putting his thumbs in his front pockets. He looked a little nervous. “I was wandering if you would like to go to the movies with me. Its okay if you don’t want to. Seeing you makes me upset. Oh sorry, I’m probably scaring you away. I’m sorry I’m just nervous. I should go now.” He babbled of quickly. He turned around with no hesitation probably dying from humiliation. It was cute watching him talk nervously.

“I would love to.” I found myself saying. He stopped and swirled around, staring at me surprised. I giggled quietly with my hand covering my mouth.

“Did you just agree?” He looked really puzzled.

 “I think I did, but don’t make me regret my decision.” He smiled and ran over to me. He spun me around by lift me in the air. He might be what I need to get over Dakota.

“So you and me are going to the movies tonight at seven?” He asked as he put me down. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Okay bye” I said walking to my next class. I have a date with Steven Hall the schools player. I squealed in excitement. If Dakota is over with us then I’m over with us.


“You look stunning” Steven said with his eyes bulging out of their sockets. I blushed lightly.

“Um, thank you.” I gave him soft smile. That compliment was said to me many times. I had a pink flowery dress with black ankle boots and white sweater. Nothing new, nothing special.

“Lets go then” He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. However, there was something missing, the jolt of electricity that spreads up my arms every time Dakota touches me. 

An unsure heart

The next few weeks went by like a blur. Steven was defiantly the distraction I needed. I can now say that I’m over Dakota or so I hope. I have to say I’m a little upset. Not because of Dakota or Steven. It’s because of my parents. They’re getting a divorce. They always looked like they loved each other but I wouldn’t know because I barely see them together. The past nights they came home more frequently than they used to. Every night I saw hatred in each of their eyes. The love that was once in the hearts is now gone and filled with hate and repulse.

I finished the remaining of my homework and went towards the stairs to get a drink. I heard yelling from the top of the steps. My parents are arguing again. They come home only to argue over pointless things. I believe last week it was about the toilet seat being up. I spin on my heels heading back to my room. I sighed and closed my eyes. I liked it better when I rarely saw them, when the house was peaceful and so quiet.

My door slammed open and my dad was standing in my doorway furious.

“This is all your entire fault. We never wanted you. You were a complete mistake. You and your mother are hideous. Ugh, I hate you. You’re the reason why this family is falling apart. You’re so stupid. I wish you where never born. How does it feel to be the reason why?” He took a sip out of his bottle of beer and left the room. What he said broke me into pieces and the worst part is I let it tare me apart.

I shut my eyes tight ignoring my sadness. As I hold back tears and tear managed to escape. A small tear relieves a great sorrow. If I had any real friends I would talk to them right now but I don’t. I want to burden Steven with my problems but I can’t.

I scamper to my bathroom and shut the door forcefully, making sure it was locked. I immediately lunged over to the cabinets and draws rummaging around in them to find what I needed. There was a banging on the door and a ruffling of the door handle. Thank goodness I locked the door. I don’t want anyone to interrupt me for what I’m about to do. Finally it stopped and I listen to my bedroom door slam. I continued to scavenge through the cabinet when I found what I needed: A blade.

I pressed my back against the bathroom walls and leisurely slid down until my butt made contact with cold tiled floor. I quaffed and thought about what I was going to do. My father’s words replayed in my head like a broken record. By now hot tears flew out my eyes and shattered on the ground. This is your entire fault. I thought as I slide the blade across my wrist. Thick blood poured out my fresh wound rapidly. We never wanted you. I swiped the blade repeatedly on my forearm. You were a complete mistake. The rivers of tears flowing through my eyes heavily are unstoppable. You’re hideous. You’re the reason why this family is falling apart.  I ran out of space on both of my arms.           

I drop my pants leaving my bare legs visible. You’re so stupid. I wish you were never born. I angrily ran the blade over my thighs making a deep cut. My tears combined with the blood and landed on the floor together. You’re useless, pathetic, worthless, ugly, and a waist of space. Uninvited thoughts cram there way in my head causing my brain to crash in my head.

As soon as I stopped, sorrow filled my heart. I cleave over and over again desperate to break away from the pain. How does it feel to be the reason why? It feels terrible be the reason why. I don’t want to be seen. I gently close my eye hoping for a sleep that would carry me away forever.


I awoke up feeling soar all over. I groaned and lifted my head up. I scanned my body and saw my cuts healing. Why can they heal quickly but not my heart? I thought mournfully. I am so disgraceful. I allowed a few words offended me. Whatever happened to sticks and stones?

I smashed my hands on the bitter ground. My arms tremble as they tried to support my weight. When I got up my injuries starting to open. I found some gauze in one of the draws and began to wrap it around my aching wounds. The gauze unraveled and landed on the floorboards. Giving up, I decided to take a shower. Anticipation filled my body. Showers always made my body feel enhanced. The sizzling water hit my stinging arms and legs making my body shiver in delight. What would I do without water?

After what seemed like an hour of showering, I stepped out. I wrapped my throbbing body in a soft yellow towel. I unlock the door and dash to my room. Every step was a pain but I had to deal with it. I failed to remember to clean the dried puddle of blood. Hopefully my parents would think I’m dead. My body hit my soft bed.

“Bed you feel good.” I mumbled in my bed. With that I drifted off to another sleep.

I slept for a rough two hours of tossing and turning. A midnight walk will do the justice. I pulled an over sized sweatshirt above my head and slipped on my shoes. I opened my back door and went outside.

I look up at the moon as I walked on the broken sidewalk. I always thought of the moon as my protector. It watches over me through my window when I sleep and its there in the day. It’s always been there unlike the sun. In my opinion the moon is the best thing created. “Hi moon” I waved at it and before I realized I bumped into something or someone. I fell to the ground thumping on my injuries.

“Oh my! I’m so sorry!” The voice cried out to me. Wait, I know that voice! I look up to see the one and only Dakota.

I was wrong when I said I was over him. The feelings I had for him that I pushed away came crawling back as soon as I laid eyes on him. His god like face glowed in the moonlight perfectly. I could’ve sworn I was drooling over him. I hate how he does this to me. He held his hand out for me. I took it and ignored the sizzling his touch caused.

“Hi” he started the conversation that I was hoping wouldn’t happen.

“Hi” I responded fidgeting with my fingers.

“So how are you” He asked biting his lip. I see why that’s a turn on to people it’s super hot.

“Um, good.” Other than the fact that I still have feeling for you and I hate my life.

“That’s good. I’m good thanks for asking.” I made a soft chuckle at his sarcastic remark. There he goes again with his charm.

He stepped closer to me but I moved back. That didn’t stop him from moving closer. He was too close so I pushed him away but got a grasp on my wrist. I struggled to get free but I failed terribly. He lent his down head to mine and did what he shouldn’t of.

He kissed me.

Is it wrong that I’m finding myself enjoying it? Every second of it was hungry and full of lust but all good things must come to an end. I shove him away angrily.

“Stop just Stop!” I yelled grabbing my hair in fury. Who does he think he is I have a boyfriend for Pete sake. “I have a boyfriend already!”

“By the looks of what happened it didn’t look like you had a boyfriend.”

“Look you had me and you lost me. Besides, I don’t feel anything for you.” What a lie.

“Stop lying to me!” He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer. I heard his heart beat at a steady beat so calm. I would let him have his way but he was a jerk to me.

“I got to go.” I said releasing myself from his grip.

I started to walk away. Please don’t pull me back. Please don’t pull me back. I thought as I crossed my fingers. He grabbed my forearm causing me to cry out in pain. A tear fell from my eyes. It sure does hurt. Blood started to trickle down my sleeve. Dakota examined my arm. He frowned at me and hugged me. I felt something when he hugged me.


“Your coming with me” he whispered in my ear. I nodded giving into his demand.

He brought me to his grandmothers house only because it was closer were we where. His grandmother was sound asleep. I could tell because she snores like a pig. Dakota sat me down in the sofa and left to go get something. He didn’t bother to turn on the light. I sat in the dark living alone waiting. He came back with the first aid kit and a tube of vanilla ice cream. 

“The vanilla ice cream is for you because it’s your favorite.” He said handing me the ice cream. I put it down beside me. I made a small smile and then it hit me. I’m falling for him.


I sighed in frustration.

“Take of your sweat shirt” he demanded. I did as he said and threw the sweatshirt next to the tube of ice cream.

He lightly took my arm and wrapped the gauze tight and perfect. Why does he have to be so perfect? I stared at him as he continues wrap my arm up. He looked so focus and yet so gorgeous. Why can’t I be happy with him again? Oh yeah, he has been a jerk. I sure don’t think he is a jerk now. His eyes were filled with so much compassion and sorrow. Why is he sad?

When he was done he sat beside me. I took the lid off the ice cream and ate it quietly. He turned on the TV and I leaned my head against his warm chest.

What does this mean? Does he want me back? Are we friends? Dakota said something that snapped out of my thoughts

“I love you too” 

Trouble (Dakota’s P.O.V)


“Grandma why are you crying?” I asked a little scared. My grandma is a strong woman. Nothing ever broke her.

“Y-your grandpa just c-collapsed f-from a heart attack,” She paused wiping a tear from her eye. “and they say he isn’t going to make it. “She officially broke down. I walked over to her rubbing her back.

“Its okay. Everything works out for the best.” She sobbed into my chest.

I look over at the clock and it is 3:27. Oh no, I’m late picking Ginger up. I rush to the kitchen to get my keys out of the draw. I knew I had to leave my grandmother. There something about Ginger that gets me so worked up. She is real and beyond beautiful.

I have a bad past with girls. There was this one girl Rebecca. We dated for two years. She was funny, smart, and not to mention my first love. One day I came home only to find her cheating on me with my dad. Like come on my dad, really? My father was extremely good looking but that’s revolting and illegal. His affair caused my parents to separate. He then moved away with Rebecca to California leaving my mother and I behind. People still think my parents are married but there not. It would be bad for my family’s reputation if anyone found out.

I trusted Rebecca with everything and that is how she repays me. We broke up of course, but that didn’t stop me from giving up on love. I dated many girls after that but I kept getting hurt. At one point I dated a guy to see if it was different but I some how managed to het harmed.

I finally pull up at her school’s parking lot. Getting out of my car, I saw a girl sitting on a guy in a strange position. I walk closer to them getting a good look at their faces. It was Ginger and a guy’s hand around her waist. I have to admit she looks stunning but I’m too angry to peruse more of my thoughts.

“What’s going on here?” I asked heatedly.

“N-Nothing is going on” Ginger faltered while getting of the kid.

“Really? So you call this nothing.” I pointed to her and the stranger. I don’t like being lied to.

“Nothing happened!”  She cried out to me.

“Yeah I think I’m going to leave you two alone.” The unfamiliar person said while he picked up his backpack and left. Coward. It was only Ginger and I now.

“I fell down the stairs and I landed on him after waiting for you for so long. “ She pleaded. She looked so cute when she was worried. How could I be angry with her?

“Fine, I believe you” Her choice of clothes was different. I wander why.  “But why are dressed like this?” I asked pointing to her pre torn skinny jeans and flowery top. She took a breath in nervously.

“Okay the night we met. I went to a sleepover. The girls at the party decided to play truth or dare and my dare was to ask a stranger out an-“I cut her off.

“So you were dared to go out with me? Was this whole relationship apart of the dare too? Do you even like me?” How could she. I thought she was different but she is like everyone else.“ You know I thought you were real different from the girls I dated.” I shook my head as I bit my bottom lip angrily.

“Yes I am different.”

“You know I would love to believe you but I” I paused looking at the ground.” I can’t trust anymore.”

“But I”

“No, where over!” I yelled at her with a lot of asperity in my voice. I got a small glimpse of her marvelous body and walked away.

She’s just like Rebecca.


It’s been a week since I ended things with Ginger. If it was for the best, why does it hurt so much? I miss her presence with me. I miss her striking smile. I yearn to go back to her and hug her firmly. So she will know I’m sorry but I can’t. Honestly I’ve been a wreck. Sighing I stood up and stride heading for the exit.

“Ow!” Someone hollered from in front of me. I glimpsed down and see that I stepped on someone’s foot.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry” I apologetically said to them.

“It’s okay but watch it next time, baby face.” A high famine voice said while hitting my arm playfully. The name was a pet name one of my ex’s called me. I examined the girl and then I knew who it was.

“Rebecca?” I asked insurable.

“Dakota?” She asked with both her hands on her hip. This is the same Rebecca that broke my heart. The same black hair that I used to stroke my hands in, the same green eyes that stared at me with love and care. She hasn’t changed a bit.

“I haven’t seen you since the last time I seen you.” I said enthusiastically while I scratched my arm.

“I know right. We should catch up baby face.”

“We could right now. I’m not busy or anything.” I really wasn’t. I haven’t gone to any parties or extra curriculum activates lately. 

“Um, sure.”

“Let’s go to mine, so I can beat you at Mario cart!” She wasn’t very good at video games and that was my advantage over her.

“Okay” She agreed happily while grabbing my arm.


“Oh no, transformers are way better than vampires.” I disagreed while shaking my head. She laughed at me rolling her eyes.

“Whatever” The she tripped on her shoelace. I burst out laughing until tear started rolling out of my eyes. We were two houses away from my house but we didn’t even become aware of it because we were giggling like maniacs.

I catch a glimpse of a teenager girl standing at my doorstep nervously. Her brown hair and breath taking figure screamed Ginger. Rebecca and I were laughing contagiously while my eyes where glued to Ginger.  She looked irritated probably from our laughter. I should go over to her now. Before I even had the chance to do so, Rebecca placed her lips on mine. My body strangely responded to her action by kissing her back. I don’t know what came over me but all I know that the kiss is nothing like how it was with Ginger.

There was a loud stomping from the steps and suddenly Ginger sprinted through us. She was crying and sniffling. Had I hurt her? An envelope dropped from her hands, as she was running back to her car. I picked it up immediately and noticed it was addressed to me.

“I’m sorry Rebecca I have to go. Nice meeting up with you.” Without delay, I dash away to my front door. I didn’t even give her time to respond. I quickly opened the door using my emergency key under the mat and lung to my room. Should I read it? No she’s the one who hurt you, don’t give into her. I dumped the letter in my trashcan and slammed my body onto my bed.


Later that night I found it hard to sleep, so I’m taking a walk to cool off. All I could dream about was what was in that letter. Every time I blinked I saw Ginger. I’m pretty sure this isn’t healthy. What is she doing to me?

I’ve been walking around Connecticut for about two hours now. I’ve taking so many turns that I don’t even know where I am. Taking one more turn won’t hurt. I took a right turn, which led me to an abandon cemetery.

There was a bright light and some chatter coming from the back of me. It was a group of people having a bond fire. I hope they don’t mind me asking for directions.

“Excuse Me,” I inaudibly said but no one gave me the time of day. I fixed my shirt and decided to try again. “Excuse Me.” I said with my voice more firm and louder than before. Now I got their attention.

“Do you know where I am?” I asked standing tall. They all look to be teenagers. I gaze around and look at the collection of kids laughing.

“You ain’t from here are you?” A guy in a sleeveless t-shirt with his short blonde hair flowing through the gushes of wind asked. Oh really, how’d you know. I thought sarcastically.

“No I’m not” He looked me up and down then popped a pill in his mouth.

“You want some?” He offered holding the bottle of drugs in front of him.

“No thanks” I declined coolly. I put my thumbs in my front pockets while the wind roughly blew past me. I don’t think Ginger will like the idea of me taking drugs. Why am I thinking about Ginger? I am a single guy. I can do whatever I feel like.

“Oh come on its free” I don’t think it’s a very good idea. “Are you speaking your thoughts out loud?” I think I picked up some of Ginger’s habits. I have to stop think about Ginger and the empty void I’m left with. I hate how she’s in my heart but not with me. All she ever does is cause me pain.

“Sure why not” I find myself accepting his offer. I hesitantly grabbed the bottle out of his hand. I slowly opened unsurely and put five in my mouth.

“Whoa, take it easy there kid” Someone shouted from the back but I was to distracted to see who.

I took an empty spot on the wooden log. I gently shut my eyes waiting for it to kick it.  I opened my eyes when I started to get scatterbrained. I see five donkeys and they seem to be having a good time.

“It looks like it kicked it.” One of them said to the other. I started to laugh uncontrollably. I couldn’t feel the sadness or pain that I felt before.  The world is so peaceful and happy. A smile crept on my face and the utmost part, is that I’m taking pleasure in every second of this.


Two weeks has gone by since my encounter with Ginger and my first drug use. I’ve been taking the drugs on a daily bases, attempting to escape reality. I have to say, it helps a lot. It may fade away but it kills time. Everyday I’ve been skipping school just to hang out with my new friends from the cemetery. Michael the guy who gave me the drugs, is the leader of the group. Kaley is groups’ bad girl and has a big crush a crush on Michael. Anyone can tell even Mark. I noticed on my second day there. Then there’s Lucy. I could see myself falling in love with her if my heart wasn’t elsewhere.

I’m on my way to go meet Michael so we could make a deal. I rush into my room for the bottle of pills Lucy gave me. I have to have them for the meeting today. The only problem is that I can’t find them. I dart over to my trash pin and rummage around in it. It wasn’t in there but a white envelope caught my eye. I picked it up and remembered it’s from Ginger. Since I’m never going to see her again, I might as well read it.

Dear Dakota,

       I’m probably the last person you want to see or talk to right now. Just hear me out or read me out. Ha, get it? Oh never mind it was supposed to be a funny. All jokes aside, I knew you were different the minuet I bumped into you at the pizza place. I don’t think it was right for you to yell at me with out letting me explain things clearly. I know I should’ve revealed myself sooner but I was scared you’d hurt me. I’ve dated my share of guys and I always end up hurt.  You saw through my disguise so I thought it didn’t matter how I looked to you. Then, I started to feel like I didn’t deserve a sweet and amazing guy like you. The day you scrambled off, I was going to confess but you went Godzilla on me. I’m trying to forget you but I can’t because I think I love you.

From me and only me

Gingy <3            

I made a small chuckle after I finished reading it. I deem to be a big jerk to her. I wish I’d let her finish or at least understood her. Instead I let someone special go. I have to do what a movie character would do in this situation, win her back. I have to get her back, even if I get hurt in the process.  Grabbing my keys, I got in my car preparing for a trip to Massachusetts. Michael would be fine with me not showing up for one day.


I’m planning on astonishing Ginger with my presence. I don’t even care if its midnight, my heart desires to see her. I stare up at the moon and smile. The moon is my favorite on this planet other than Ginger. It’s absolutely mind blowing. “So we meet again moon” I greeted the moon. I heard a thud and yelp. Have I bumped into someone again? I glance down at the poor victim and it happened to be Ginger. She was gawking at me with her jaw to the ground. She was practically drooling over me. I held my hand out for her to grab anticipating for the jolt of electricity that would scurry cheerfully up my arm.

She hesitantly grabbed it and lifts herself off the ground. Her touch made my body slightly scream from enchantment.

“Hi” I began the conversation.

“Hi” she responded fidgeting with her fingers.

“So how are you” I asked biting my lip.

“Um, good.” Other than the fact that I still have feeling for you and I hate my life. She doesn’t release she just said that out loud. 

“That’s good. I’m good thanks for asking.” I heard make a soft chuckle at my sarcastic remark.

I know she wants me so she isn’t going to resist me. I step closer to her but she moved back. That didn’t stop me from moving closer. I was inches away from her. She pushed my chest but I grabbed her wrist gently. She to get free but failed tremendously. I lent my down head to hers and did what I needed to do.

I kissed her.

She kissed me back with so much passion. She can’t deny that she likes me after this. All of our emotions and love is shared through to this one kiss. She pulled away and my lips feel empty and numb without her touch.

“Stop just Stop!” She shouted grabbing her hair in anger. Why is she so upset? “I have a boyfriend already!” A frown stretched across my face. She has moved on already. She’s hurting me again. I’m craving a pill right now. She has no idea how much that hurt me.

“By the looks of what happened it didn’t look like you had a boyfriend.” I finally said trying to calm myself from my urges.

“Look you had me and you lost me. Besides, I don’t feel anything for you.” What a lie!

“Stop lying to me!” I grabbed her me by the waist and pulled her closer. I could smell her shower fresh scent on her. It was delightful.

“I got to go.” She said releasing myself from my grip. I watched her walk away when it came to me; I drove a three-hour drive for her. I grabbed her by her fore arm and she immediately screeched out in pain.

I didn’t think I grabbed her that hard. Bloods dripped down from her sweatshirt. I reached out for arm lightly and scanned it.

“Your coming with me” I whispered in her ear. She nodded giving into my demand.

I brought her to my grandmother’s house only because it was closer were we where. My grandmother was sound asleep. I sat her down on the couch and left to go get something. I didn’t want to turn on the light because I was to concerned about her arm. I came back with the first aid kit and a tube of vanilla ice cream. 

“The vanilla ice cream is for you because it’s your favorite.”             I said handing her the ice cream. She put it down beside gracefully. She smiled and then it hit me. I’m falling for her.


I sighed in aggravation.

“Take of your sweat shirt” I demanded. She did as I said and threw the sweatshirt next to the carton of ice cream. Why isn’t she fighting back?

I lightly took her arm and wrapped the gauze tight and perfect. It had to be because she is. Her arm looked like a cut up hamburger. I hope she didn’t do this because of me. I would hate to be the reason why. I focused on her arm because it was the most important thing right now. I felt her eyes drill a whole into my scalp but I ignored it.

When I finished I sat on the couched beside her. She took the lid off the ice cream and started to devour it slowly. She laid her head on my chest and I breathed her strawberry aroma. This feels like the right moment to say something I’ve been meaning to tell her.

“I love you too”

Life (Ginger’s P.O.V)


What am I thankful for? The birds, the trees, then land that was made for you and me? I now realized I never took the time to appreciate what a magnificent place the world is, behind the severity and brittleness. In my eyes I saw the world as horrific place to live and the ones who live in it were unlucky people.  I no longer think that way now. There are places I never seen and I yearn to travel around the world. Just thinking of it in that way brings a smile to my face.

Sadly, I have to push these happy thoughts away and wake up. I smothered my face in my pillow but its feels different.  It smells like cinnamon with a hint of chocolate. It was mouth watering. I inhaled it, never wanting to stop. I shifted over to lean on my side and laid my head on soft but firm pillow? My eyes snapped open in shock. Dakota. What is he doing in my room?

I backed away from him but he wrapped his arm around my waist securely. He’s still sleeping diligently and he looks so peaceful and happy. I wander what he is dreaming about. I hope it’s me. I cram those thought out of my head. I am in a relationship already. His lips curled in a wide smile and he pulls me closer. I felt my cheeks heat up but I relaxed when I started to enjoy his embrace. I scan his face while he was still asleep. I never had a chance to check him out fully.

His smile never faded and I suppose that’s a good thing. His black hair was slightly covering his beautiful face. His perfectly pump lips looked like a god made them as he smiled brightly. His long eyelashes looked healthy and shiny as he slept. I lowered my stare to his abdomen. He was shirtless revealing his faultless six-pack. They look hard and I had to fight the urge to touch them.

You only live once. I thought to myself and I couldn’t resist the temptations anymore. I pulled my arm up, that was beneath me and placed them on his abs. They were hard as I predicted and so warm. He shifted at my touch and I pulled away to look at his face. My eyes roamed his face again and stopped at his lips. The lips that I love and crave to feel are so close mine. I lean into him and close the gap between us.

At first he didn’t react but moments later I found his tongue batting mine for dominance. He flipped me over and I was on my back with him hovering over me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and eventually his hair. It was so soft and warm. I love it. Dakota deepened the kiss and it was hungrier and so lustful. Are lips moved in sync and it felt like we were made for each other. I pulled away for air but he began to kiss and suck on my neck. I let out a soft moan. I hope his grandma didn’t hear that. If he kept that up I would have a hickey.

He tugged on my shirt and I knew what he was asking for. I pulled my shirt over my head and he helped me. His eyes looked my body over and I shifted uncomfortably. He found my lips again and kissed me with so much passion that I couldn’t take it. I let out another moan against his lips and he smiled. He pulled away and continued what he was doing to my lips and did it to my neck. I gently close my eyes and let him do his work. I love you.

He commenced to suck on my collarbone and it shot tingles all through me. Why am I letting him do this to me? I ignore my conscience and rest my head on my pillow. He pressed his lips to mine and lifted my back up slightly. His hands meander all over my back and stopped at my bra. He unclasped it in a jiffy.  He immediately threw it on the ground. He lowered his head to my chest. I felt his wet tongue trail on my bare skin and it left my body shivering. Why is he doing all the work? Not that I mind.

I flipped us over with me on top forcefully. I smashed my lips to his and played with his silky hair. He let out a quiet moan and grabbed my butt firmly. I began to mimic what he did to my neck and it feels amazing to be in control. I sucked on it as hard as I could so he could have a mark just like mine. I pecked his lips and he turn us over, which was good because I was running out of things to do.

He pulled my pants off and left my thighs visible. Oh no my cuts! He stopped and stared at my scars on my legs. He frowned just like I knew he would.

“ Ginger what we-“ I cut him off by pulling him into a mind-blowing kiss. He tensed up a bit but he soon gave in. I tried to put as much as I could into it so he would forget about my scars. His hands grip the hem of my under wear.

“Do you want me to?” He asked staring into my eyes. I nodded. I trust you.

He yanked my panties off and threw them on the ground with the rest of my clothing. I was completely naked but he wasn’t. No fair. I pouted and he got the hint. He slowly heaves his briefs down and I got a glimpse of his member. Huge wasn’t even a word to describe it. It was the size of a rhinoceros. He smirked and reached in a draw for something, a condom. So he knew this was going to happen.  He hovered over me distracting me from my thoughts. This is it, I’m going to lose my v-card. I heard the pain is unbearable at first. I shut my eyes preparing for the pain.

He gently slipped himself inside me. I yelp from the pain and let a tear fall from eye. “ Open your eyes” His voice hummed in my ears earning a few tingles. I open my eyes to gaze into his eyes and ended up getting lost in them. I love you. I focused on him and only him, and then the pain became more and more tolerable. He was gentle with me like I was fragile and delicate. He picked up his speed and rocked my body. I love you. We stared in each other’s eyes and he smiled at me. He plunged in and out and it left me screaming his name. I love you. He sucked on my neck and I took one final plunge into me. He rolled his side and gaze at my nude body with compassion. I love you. I roll on top of him not wanting to stop.

“ Oh, you want a round two huh?” He smirked at me.


I lay in the spot where Dakota used to be and I inhaled his delectable scent. He went downstairs to whip up something for us to eat. I sat up and scratch my head, letting his t-shirt rise a little. My legs are still sore from the five or six rounds Dakota and I shared. I shouldn’t love him as much as I love him now. I have a boyfriend, which makes me a cheater. I never intended to cheat on him but I don’t feel guilty. Does that make me a horrible person?

Dakota stepped in the room with an ignoramus PB&J sandwich?

“Here you go love” He kissed me on the cheek and set up the food all by himself. He’s such a gentle men.

“ Why did you make a peanut butter sandwich?” I asked taking a bite of his creation.

“ I didn’t make a PB&J sandwich,” He paused to pick up his share of the sandwich. “ This is a peanut butter and jelly with marshmallows in it, duh” He took a bite into it.

“Whatever” I said getting off the bed to find my scattered clothes.

He watched me get dressed and I tried to cover my body. “I already seen it all” He whispered in my ear while stroking my back. Pervert.


 I continued getting dressed and when I finished Dakota led me downstairs.

“What if Pokémon were real?” Dakota asked out of the blue. His blue eyes sparkled at me waiting for answer.

“Um, Then the world would be chaotic.”


“Can we go somewhere today?” I asked sweetly batting my eyes.

“No” He said nonchalantly.

“Why not?” I pouted.

“I don’t know. I just said that for kicks.” He winked at me.

“Not funny.” He nodded is head with a smirk plastered on his face.

We walked outside onto his back porch. It was around noon, which meant we still have time for an activity. It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we do it together.

“Where would you like to go sweetheart.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, tight.

“Some where birds fly. A place higher than the sky.” I know what I’m asking for is a lot to request. So I wouldn’t mind him not granting my wish.

“Then I know the perfect place.” He smiled at me.

 What is he up too?


We’ve been driving for forever. My dad used to take me on long car trips to random places. They always made me smile, but if I knew it would take this long, I never would’ve made that appeal. I rolled my window down and let the wind surge through my hair.

Something small and bronzed caught my eye on the side of the road.

“Pull over” I demanded and Dakota didn’t argue. We got out the car in unison and walked over to it. As we approached it we got a better look. It was a dog. He or she was whimpering on one leg and it tore my heart out.

“Come here little guy” As I tried to lure it over, Dakota was ten feet behind me. “ What are you doing way back there? Come over here” I whispered to Dakota, trying not to scare the puppy away.

“I can’t.” He shook his head.

“Why not?”

“I’m terrified of dogs.”

“He won’t hurt you he’s injured.” I pleaded looking at the cute little creature. “ Take it like a toilet seat and come on.” He dowdily sauntered over to me. Baby.

“Come on” I whispered to the dog. He sluggishly crawled over to us. I could see the pain in his eyes. Poor guy. I picked him up, not caring if he had a disease and rubbed his back. “Do you have a blanket in your car?” I asked cradling the lost dog.

“Yeah. I can go get it, if you want” He said pointing to his car. I nodded my head and without hesitation he dashed over to his car. “Got it!” He shouted from the inside. Dakota jogged back over to us.

“Thank you” I said while grapping the fluffy green blanket. I gently swathe the stray dog up. He whimpered at my touch but he didn’t attack me. His soft chocolate eyes ogle at me. With a smile that reached the moon, I kissed his cheek. I picked him up and carried him to the car. Dakota got in soon after breathing heavily.

“ You’ll get over it.” I laughed patting him on his back.

“Yeah, yeah whatever.” He rolled his eyes at me and started the car.

We drove for another thirty minuets before we stopped at an old yellow house.  It had nothing that would make my eyes bulge out of their sockets. I clutched on the dog and open the car door.

“This is my Aunt Jaymima’s house. She used to watch me over the summer as a kid. Before my parents…” He paused looking over at the hideous bungalow. “She used to take me on adventurous trips and she means a lot to me. I haven’t seen her in ages, so be nice.”

“Hey, I am a sweet heart.” I said sounding offended.

“Uh, sure you are.”

“Jerk” I pouted at him.

“Come on, let’s go.”

I follow behind him as he shows the way up the driveway. My eyes wandered around the glum place. This is my idea of a prison. When we reached the porch, Dakota gently knocked on the door. I heard some shuffling and a thump.

“I just want you to know. My aunt is a little bit c-“ The door opened before he could finish what he was saying. An old wrinkly lady stood in the doorway.

“Oh my! Look who we have here.” She pulled Dakota into a big embrace. After a while, she released him.  “ And who is this?” She asked grabbing my wrist tightly.

“This is my friend Ginger.” The word ‘friend’ caused a burning sensation in my chest. I didn’t want to be his friend. I want to be something more.

“Hello” I grinned. “ This is my dog. I hope you don’t mind him coming in.”

“No, no of course. Why don’t y’all come on in? I don’t bite.” Yeah like the first thing that comes to mind is that your going to bite me. I thought rudely. Dakota silently chuckled. I hope I didn’t say that aloud.

We strode into her house and a musty lemon scent jacked its way in my nose. I tried to ignore the repulsive odor as I tottered through the house but it didn’t work. As soon as Aunt Jaymima twirled around, I cover my nose and breath.

“Take a seat and I’ll be right back.” She ordered us as she sprung off. I lingered to sit down on her sofa.  It was hard and you could feel springs from underneath. Dakota sat down right beside me and brushed my hand a little on the way down. Which gave me a slight shiver. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.03.2013

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