
Chapter 1 The revenge

Chapter 1

'Don't retaliate Madison life is only temporary.' I said to myself attempting to calm myself down. I turned around slowly with a forced smile planted on my face and started to walk to class. 
As I entered the classroom I felt eyes burning into my soul. So I quickly walked to my seat next to Elly Martin my best friend. If it weren’t for Elly my life would be a living hell. She has been my best friend from since I can remember. She has always been by my side except for this afternoon. "Ello Madison" she said almost singing it. I smiled at her and she could tell it was a fake. " What happened this time?" she asked in a hushed tone sounding concerned. " Vagina Grace happened!" I told her as I rolled my eyes. " She isn't so graceful." Elly said with a cheery smile. God I love her. " Tell me about it." I said almost to loud. As everyone eyes faced me I forced my eyes to look at the board and nothing else.

When the class was over I grabbed Elly’s wrist and practically ran out of the class. School was over but only for today. It was Friday, which meant Elly was sleeping over my house. She slept over weekly so my parents always expected her company. We got into my classic Toyota and drove out of the school parking lot. I am seventeen years old and Elly is turning eighteen in four months.
 I drove into my drive way and we got out of my car.

As we stepped in my house we were greeted my 2-year-old brother Elliot. Elly loves him to pieces because his name is similar to her name. I picked Elliot up and walked toward the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got out two cans of sprite and a baby bottle. I put the baby bottle on three minuets in the microwave because that's how Elliot likes it. Sprite is Elly’s favorite drink. I put Elliot down and he immediately ran to my mum.

Leaving the Kitchen Elly and I went up stairs to my room. She sat on my bed and stared at me with the 'Tell me what happened' face. I ignored her and sat next to her. She kept staring at me and I knew she wouldn't stop until I told her. I rolled my eyes at her and walked over to my I Home to play music. I turned it on and put the volume to 100%. She laid on her back making a ' Huff 'sound with her mouth.

" Please tell me what happened,” She said over dramatically like she was dying.

" Obadiah and I broke up and -" I was cut off

"Awe baby, I knew you loved him"

" Shh let me finish! Anyways. I caught him kissing Vagina in hallway. So I ran over to them and pulled their tongues out of there mouths. I yelled at both of them asking " what the hell" and Vagina told me " Back the hell off he doesn't want you anymore" I looked at him to see if that was true he didn't reply he just nodded. Story of my life" I told her

" Wow, do you want me to smack the shit out of both of them"  I couldn't help but laugh.
" If you do then there will be a lot of shit on the floor and who is going to clean that?" I questioned her.

"The janitor, duh" she said it like it was an obvious answer." Come on lets show him what he is missing"

Chapter 2 Meeting a hunk

Chapter 2

' Damn I look hot! ' I thought. " Thank you Elly! I look nice! " I said excitedly

" Nice? You look Sexy! " Elly threw at me causing me to blush.

" I thought that to but I didn't want to brag but thanks! "

"No problem" 
I was wearing my short white butty shorts with a white ' Come at me bro ' t-shirt hugging my curves. I had my brown hair in a messy but not to messy bun. I put a little mascara and eyeliner on my face. I had a mustache necklace and earrings on. I put my new Nike's on and I was ready to go. 
Elly and I are going to Steven Black's party tonight to show off my new look. I didn't totally like to the idea but I agreed anyway. I like to enjoy myself what can I say. The party is in an hour and it takes thirty minuets to get there so we should be leaving soon. 

As we walked downstairs I notice Elliot attempting to climb the stairs. I simply chuckle to myself and pick him up. 
"Get that slob maker off of you! He might eat your clothes" Elly demanded

" Fine “ I said and put him down. " Mom were heading out " 

" Peace " My mom said trying to sound likes she is the latest generation of kids.

" Do you have to embarrass me more than you already do mom? Its bad enough to tell people you’re my mother. " I said teasing her.

" That hurt right here" she said pointing to her butt.

" Why did you point to your butt? You’re supposed to point to your heart mom. "

" I know but my butt is bigger "

"We all can see that " I murmured making Elly laugh.

" What was that you said?" mom asked

" I said I love you bye, " I said as we walked out the door. " Lets stop at MC Donald's before the party" Elly nodded.

Elly pulled into MC Donald's Drive Thru. I guess this drive thru was different because instead of ordering in the speaker there was an ordering window with an employee waiting to take are order. The employee was extremely hot and probably is age. He had short brown hair with hazel eyes that makes you want to melt inside. 

" Welcome to Mc Donald and it will be a pleasure to your order." He winked at us and we smiled

" Lets have fun with this. " Elly said quietly about to order.

 " Um yeah I would like one of your MC Weenies" Elly winked at him.

" Elly they don't serve hot dogs here" I said quietly

" I know, " she said with a smirk

" And would you like me to super size that ma'am?” The employee asked continuing the flirting.

" Any time any place, " she said obviously flirting back.
 If this didn't stop now we would end up with no food.

" We would like 2 MC chickens and 2 medium fries" I told the employee trying to stop there flirting. Elly pouted and I rolled my eyes. Elly gave him the money and also her number and address on a piece of paper. We drove away and dogged on are food. 
We didn't really know where Steven's house was but we were told to followed the very loud music.

We finally arrived and got out the car. Together, we walked onto the porch ringing the doorbell.

" Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked Elly showing her my pearly white teeth.

" Yeah you do let me get it " She said while stick her finger in my mouth. While we were in that position the door open. Obadiah stood at the door with his jaw to the ground. Elly quickly pulled her out of my mouth. He scanned my body up and down. I rolled my eyes and walked by him making sure I bumped into his shoulder.

"Madison!" Obadiah shouted attempting to grab my attention but I ignored him. " Madison " he said as he grabbed my arm. I turned around to look intently in his eyes. " Hey baby I missed you, " I almost laughed.

" I would like to say the same but I see trash everywhere nowadays" I told him calmly trying not to laugh.

" I know you’re mad but I still love you " His reply was such a cliché. Scratch that, my life is a cliché.

" You think I would crawl back into your arms like a lost dog? Well your wrong. You’re a piece of poop that smells that's all you are and all you'll ever be!" I said while walking away but he grabbed my arms and pulled me back.

" Listen here, " He said as his voice gotten stricter and serious " If you ever walk away from me like that you will regret it "

"Let go of me Oba, " I shouted shortening his name.

" Is there a problem here?" Timothy Green the hottest guy at school asked us.

" Yes he won't let go of me and he just threatened me,” I said trying hard not to sound weak. Where is Elly when I need her? Obadiah let go of me and walked away.

" Are you okay? " Timothy asked with concern in his voice.

" Please don't start with that ' are you okay ' business because it leads nowhere. If you see me crying my eyes out then you ask but if I'm not then I am ok. Everyone answers okay when there obviously not but thank you for asking " I said trying not to sound mean.

" I like the way you think it’s..." He said trying to find the word for it "different "

" Thanks I guess, " I said with a smile.

" Would you like dance with me? " he asked.
 A smile slowly crept on my face.

" It depends, are you a good dancer? " I asked.

" I think I am but If I step on your toes I will say the gremlins pushed Me." he said winking at me. I have to admit that made me laugh. I nodded and went on the dance floor with Timothy. Why wouldn't I? I plan on enjoying my life while I still have it. 

Chapter 3 The date

Chapter 3

When I woke up the next day, memories from last night flowed through my head. After I danced with Timothy he asked me on a date. I agreed only because I want to enjoy life and he is super hot. He gave Elly and me a ride home. He then gave me a kiss but only on the cheek. Elly left early around 6 am saying it was a family emergency.
 The date is at 12 pm. I looked at the clock and said " 11:05 am" I jumped out of my comfy bed and ran to the bathroom and freshened up.

When I walked back to my room it was 11:45. He said he would pick me up 11:50. So I hurried up putting my last sneaker on.

'Ding Dong'

"I got it,” my mom shouted. 'OH no' I thought to myself. Mom is going to embarrass me. With that thought I ran down the stairs. Only causing me to fall down them and landing on my butt.

For a moment it was silent then everyone bursts out laughing including Elliot. 'Does he even know what’s funny' I thought to myself. That's when my faced boiled. I stood on my feet and walked to the door like nothing happened.

"Hello" Timothy greeted me.

“Hello-skies" I replied waving.

" That was an interesting falls" He said trying to be serious but I could tell he was hiding a laugh.

" Are you o-” he paused probably realizing that I don't want to go through the 'Are you ok' bit.

" Bye mom” I said

" Oh honey don't forget I love you with all my butt"

" Your still on that butt thing mom?"

"I'll stop it but I know you can't keep it off your mind." she said winking at me.

" Yeah because its so big" I murmured.

" I heard that, bye" mom said as I was leaving making sure I closed the door behind me. Timothy opened the door for me. I got in waiting for him to come in and start the engine. 
I didn't want to ask where we were going because I like surprises. It’s been about ten minuets since we left the house and there was no conversation.

"Aren't you going to ask where we are going"

" Nope " I said popping the 'p'

" Why not?"

" Because life is full of surprises I might as well let it wow me" I said casually

" You sound like Dr. Phil or Oprah "

" I'm going to take that as a compliment, Thanks"

"Your welcome" he said with a grin. " So, tell me about yourself"

"Get ready put your swim suit on because were about go deep." I said smiling

" That’s what she said" Timothy said winking at me.

"Ewe ya nasty! Any way" I started to continue" In all my life I try to figure out myself. I still am. I try to put pieces of myself together but there's always a piece missing and everyday on the path of life I find them piece by piece and the day I found all of them is the day I die. What I'm saying is that it’s harder to explain who you are than to find who you are"

" Yeah your defiantly Dr. Phil. I'm going to call you Phil, Kay?"

" okay " was all I replied.


" Were here" Timothy said happily
. I look at the building confused.

" A cafe? Do you realize there was a cafe two blocks away from my house?"

"Well this ones special. Tonight is poetry night"

" Oh that seems pretty amasome"

" Amasome?"

"Yeah a mixture of awesome and amazing"

"Lets just stick to what’s in the dictionary"

"No" I said sticking my tongue out him. He rolled his eyes. 
As we walked in the cafe I noticed a sign that said " A wonderful delight's poetry night" The place was small but not cramped. We sat down and a waitress came to take our orders. I ordered a Mocha Frappe and Timothy ordered a regular coffee.

I was just staring at the wall blankly until I heard snapping. I didn't realize our orders were all ready here.

"Is there anyone out there who has a poem?" A lady asked. She looked like the manager because her uniform is different from the rest of the staff.

"Yes! Madison Gate does!" Timothy shouted pointing at me. That’s not even my last name.

" Then come up here Madison." The lady said. I walked up on stage adjusting the microphone to the right height.

" Uhm. I'm the type of person who likes to be free. I want friends who are just like me. Perfect is not who I am I'm the type of person I say I am. I'm the type of person who likes being mild. I'm the type of person who to give smiles. Who says I can't sing free. Well I'm just glad I'm just being me"

I heard snaps and whistling. I could tell it was Timothy so I smiled at him and walked off stage to my seat.
" That was great" Timothy saidI shrugged 
" Thanks it was a classic poem I wrote,” I said like it was nothing.

" Do want to go now"

" Sure." He paid for are drinks and then we left.



Chapter 4 Goodbye good friend

Chapter 4

The sun was shining on my face causing me to open my eyes. I groaned and cover my face with my soft pillow. I looked over at the clock squinting my eyes. It was 7:07. I smiled at myself because 7:07 upside down is 'LOL' in a way. It doesn't usually take me long to get ready for school but Elly told me to continue to dress the way I did this weekend. I don't really dress like that i usually were baggy clothes and no make up.

I walked down the hall to the bathroom inhaling a sweet aroma. I decided to follow my nose, which led me to the kitchen. There I saw 8 dozens of Cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate chip waffles!

" Stop drooling " my mom said causing me to snap out of my gaze. I looked down at myself and I really was drooling. I wiped the drool from my mouth and attempted to pick up a cookie.

‘ Slap'

 I rubbed my hand in the area where my mom hit my hand.

" I don't need you dogging on my food. Its bad enough you were drooling over it like a faucet" my mom said in a serious but parental tone.

" But its my favorite" I said in my whiny voice.

" Don’t have a cow.” My mom said as I rolled my eyes. Don't you have to get ready for school?" mom asked raising an eyebrow.

" I was on my way to the bathroom then I smelt Charlie and the chocolate factory's workshop. So I had to check it out." I said as I was raising my hands in the air as if was to surreneder.

"You'll do anything for food. What if a stranger told you he had food in his truck, would you go with him"

"Dah ma. Its called the ice cream truck or a food truck." she rolled her eyes at my comment." It seems you don't know me that well. It has to be free food."

" Now I realize its a good idea to put tracking devices in your children."

" Whatever mom. I got to go get dressed." I told her as I walked to the bathroom. 
After I finished freshening up, I looked in the mirror approving how I looked. I have to say I looked better than how I looked last Friday night. I was wearing a red long sleeved shirt with a sleeveless jean jacket. It went well with my ripped skinny jeans that made legs look longer than they already are. I had my red snap back on and red Nike's on. I also threw on some accessories.

I made my way down the stairs. I said my goodbyes to my parents and started to walk to school. When I arrived at school I was greeted by Elly but something seemed to be wrong.

'' Is everything okay Elly?'' I asked in a sincere tone.

''Honestly no'' she paused '' I'm transferring to a new school and I am starting tomorrow.

'' That was it, the sentence that changed my life forever. I stood there in shock. I blinked once but I think that was it.

'' Come on we have to go to class'' I noticed she had her hair up in a high pony revealing her heart shaped birthmark on the back of her neck.
 I always thought it was pretty cool. We walked into homeroom and sat next to each other.

'' We have to make your time here special.''

We decided to skip school and go to the park. It was easy to skip school. Nobody was around to stop us.

On the walk to the park we saw an ice cream truck. I wanted ice cream so we walked over to the truck. I ordered two vanilla ice creams and we continued to walk to the park in silence.

We finally arrived at the park. 
“So, why are you switching schools?'' I asked breaking the silence. We were now swinging on the swings back and forth.

''I don't know my parents just said they got a job offer somewhere.'' she said looking at her shoes. Then she looked up at me.

'' How was your date with Timothy?'' she asked raising both of her eyebrows. I told her about the date as soon as I got home. She was easy to talk to most of the time.

 “It was okay I guess.''



''Mom I'm home'' I yelled as I entered my house. Elly couldn't come home with me because she had to leave to pack her things. I found my mom in the kitchen with Elliot on her lap eating cheerios one by one.
 I dragged my feet over to them and plopped on the chair. I sighed deeply as frowned down at the ground.

''What's the matter honey?'' my mom asked
. I closed my eyes then answered

''Elly has to transfer schools''

''Oh my gosh!'' my mom said like she was in a sop opera. She really knows how to reply in these situations.

''I know right and now I am going to be alone again at school.''

'' I heard there is a new student transferring to your school, maybe you and her can become friends''

 “Yeah I hope your right.’’

I closed my locker and turned around to go to class. I started to walk and before I realized, I was on the floor. I thought I was just being clumsy but I then it came to mind I was tripped.

I looked up only to see a stunning girl in front of me. She had red hair that went up to her back. She had long tan legs that went well with her hazel eyes. Then I saw Vergina standing behind the girl I never seen before. Vergina and the girl started to laugh at me.

''Let's go Molly, what a joke'' Vergina told the girl. I realized that was the new student. My mom could’ve more wrong.

There is a new bitch in town and her name is Molly.



Chapter 5 Hell

Chapter 5

It's been a week since Elly transferred schools and while she was gone my life was hell. The new girl Molly turned everyone in the school against me, except Timothy. She seemed to be mad that I'm dating him. She talked about me, took my lunch and replaced it with insects, dumped eggs on me before school, and the rest of the clichés in the book.

"Drizzle Murrain Mcgumph! Come down here right now " my mom shouted sounding angry. She used my full name this must be serious.

I made my way down the stairs to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch.

" Yes" I said with my hand on the stair head, It took a while for my parents to answer.

"I-I-I don't what to say to you Madison" mom said sounding furious

"Let me say it honey" my dad said to my mom in a calm voice. "Madison I am very disappointed in you. The doctors called and told us that you took an "STD" test and it came out positive."

"What the actual fucks are you talking about Dad! I never took a "STD" test and I am defiantly not sexually active!" I yelled back at my father.

" There's no point in lying. You are grounded for six months and that's final. Now go to your room young lady" my dad ordered staring straight in my eyes.

I turned slowly and headed up to my room. I didn't take a S.T.D test and I am defiantly innocent. I just can't believe my parents don't believe me. I slid into my bed and drifted off to sleep. 


The next morning I woke up tired. It was 7:01. I got out of my bed feeling lazy. I jumped in to the bathroom and freshened up. After I was done changing into my clothes I headed off to school. I didn't see my parents so I just left. I live ten minuets away from school so it wasn't a far walk for me.

When I arrived at school I spotted Timothy.

" Is what I heard true Madison " Timothy said looking into my eyes?”

"It depends on what you heard."

"That you have an STD" we stopped walking and just stared at each other.

"No I don't and I guess my parents heard the same thing. They grounded me and they won't listen to what have to say." I replied

" Well that's a relief. I'm glad I know the truth but it seems everyone else thinks its true." I didn't reply to him but we kept walking. I knew that was true. So there is no point in answering.

 I got dirty looks from people in the hallway. I didn't like the feeling of being watched so I over looked it.

" Well I have to class, bye" he said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well well well isn't it Miss STD" A familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to see the one and only. Molly.

"You know I didn't expect Lucifer himself to greet me everyday." I said smiling. At that point we were alone in the hallways.

" I'd advise you to stay away from Timothy he's mine."

"Funny how you say that when he is dating me"

"I don't see why anyone would date you" she said with a disgusted looked.

" Its called personality. Oh I'm sorry that word isn't in your vocabulary. You can find your personality under Bitch"

"Well I don't need personality I got good looks."

"Whatever I got to go to class. I am done talking to you my parents taught me not to play with trash." I said as I walked into homeroom.

The day went by fast. As I was walking home I noticed a man in a hoodie about ten feet behind me. I walked faster on the sidewalk. I looked behind me and he was gone. I didn't get a good look at his face though. When I crossed the street I bumped into someone. " Oh sorry" I said

" You should be " he said rudely. 
" Excuse m-” I was cut off. He grabbed me and knocked me out.

I awoke in strange room. The moldy chipped walls were gray and plain. No pictures or anything to give the room a home feeling. The floor was covered in a black carpet that gave the look as I was staring into a black hole due to the lack of light. The whole room itself looked depressing. The only thing in the room was a bed that I was in. There weren’t any windows so I couldn't see if it was nighttime.

I got off the bed and stood up. Then the door slammed opened only revealing a tall shadow. The shadow comes out of the dark and into my view. It was Obadiah. I was so shocked I didn't even move. He came closer to me and soon he was inches away.

 "W-what do you want from me" I questioned sounding scared.
 I don’t even know why he is bother me. He broke our relationship by cheating on me in public.

"Don't be scared baby. I did this so we can be alone." he said as he took a step closer
. Did he have short-term memory or something?

"We are over I don't want to be with you" He took a step closer to the slapped and me. I put a hand over the area of pain. I was scared to pieces.

He used to be sweet and kind hearted. Now he is cold and harsh. This is not the guy I dated. The guy in front of me is a monster.

" You are mine and only mine."

Obadiah said then he smashed his lips onto mine hard. The kiss wasn't pleasurable instead it was rough. I felt dirty kissing him. I attempted to pull away but that only caused him to kiss hard. I still struggled to get away from his firm grip around my waist but it was no use. He then slammed me down onto the bed and pressed his body on mine. I felt uncomfortable and I hated it. I still struggled to get out.

"Please stop" I managed to say but sounded weak in the process. He didn't stop instead he deepened the kiss. I felt his hand slide up my shirt. It left a trail of disgust. He then squeezed my breast hard. I then knew what he really wanted. He slid off my clothes quickly but he was only shirtless. I was only in my undergarments and I didn't want him to see me in them but I guess I don't have a choice. He took off my bra and underwear. He then took off his jeans. I didn't bother helping him because I didn't want this. He took of his boxer and pulled away from their unwanted kiss. He dug into his pants pockets getting something. "Please stop " my voice sounded completely broken. He found what he was looking for: a condom.

“ You’ll know who you belong to." he said as he slides the condom on. He stared at my nude body. I felt dirty and nasty. Why me> I can take humiliation but this is to much handle  "You really are beautiful" he said then he smashed his onto mine making me feel terrible. He slid his buddy into me. I moaned out in pain. He began to go in and out in me. Then he went deeper thrusting in me. That was the moment I felt used. He took my innocence and I hated him for that. When he was done he took off his condom and threw it away. He picked up his clothes and left. I curled into a ball and refused to cry. 

Chapter 6 The escape plan

Chapter 6

It seems as if my blue skies are grey and the sun will never shine again. I don't even want to live anymore. I hate my life. I hate Him. Just thinking about him made me depressed. He took away something important to me. I will never forgive him for it. I didn't shed a tear at all because I don't want to show him I'm weak, even if I am.

I wasn't naked anymore. I found the strength to get out of bed and get dressed. I don’t have the energy to force myself to sleep. So I dragged myself to a corner. What I was reeling wasn't laziness it was sadness followed by me giving up. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head in them.

 It felt like days since I’ve been in the sitting isolated room getting devoured by my thoughts.  I heard a creek from the door. I didn't even look up.

" Here you go, eat up" I didn't look up to what he gave me. Pretty soon he got the memo and left me alone leaving the plate of food in front of me. I didn't just case he drugged it. I won't trust anything he says or gives me but my only fear is if he tries to force himself on me again.

*A week later*

I haven't eaten anything Timothy gave me so I was basically starving myself. I stayed in my little corner for days now. If this is what it feels like to be depressed than I give up on life. The door opens revealing shameful Obadiah. I look up at him. I had no emotion on my face. It feels as if this the only face I can show without breaking down in tears.

"Do you have to use the bathroom?" Timothy asked like nothing even happened. I nodded and got up. It was a struggle to but I got through it. My knees were wobbling as I walk using the cold grey wall as my support. Obadiah led me to the bathroom. I didn't look up from the floor. My eyes weren't stable enough to look around.

We made it to the bathroom and I entered by myself. I closed the door behind me. I looked in at myself in the mirror and simply gasped at what I saw. I didn't look like myself. I had dark circle around my eyes and my skin looked paler than ever. There was dirt marks on my face and there was a bruise on my left cheek from were Obadiah slapped me. I turned the sink on letting the water flow. I splashed water on my face hoping it would make me feel better, but it didn't.

I honestly feel like dirt that had been walk on. I thought life was happy and joyful. Life proved me wrong. Life is full of disappointments and sorrow. Life is full of surprises all right. As well as scarps and bruises. I’m so stupid to think that I could live my live happily.

I searched around the bathroom and found a blade. I picked it up slowly. I thought hard about what I was about to do. ‘Don't do it Madison your better than this.’ I thought to myself. I didn't listen to myself. I slowly slide the blade up my arm only because it’s deadlier. People who cut there wrists aren't suicidal, that’s not even dangerous. When you cut up your arm is harmful. I let the blood drip on the floor. My head slammed against the wall and slid down to the floor. I pressed my head against the wall and closed my eyes taking in the pain. The door slammed open and I saw a blurry figure. Then everything went black.

Everything I see is white. Am in heaven? Then a black figure movied close to me. As the figure cam closer I began to see a face. It looked like a nurse. I blinked a couple of times and everything became clear. I was in a hospital. I looked around the room and I spotted a window. I looked up to see the night sky. "Madison how are you feeling?" The nurse asked. I tried to speak but I felt dryness in my throat.

"Water" I managed to say. She left the room. I'm assuming she went to get me some water. I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling. Then reality hit me. A soon as I realized the situation I was in I started to panic. I felt my hands trembling and my heart racing. I was starting to panic so I unhooked all the wires that were connected to my body. I quickly got off the bed and made it out the door. I looked both ways into the hallway as I stepped out. I noticed the nurse at the water jugs talking. So I went the other way. Some nurse.

I power walked with my strength still feeling weak. When I made it to the lobby I notice Obadiah sleeping on the chairs. The Receptionist wasn't at the door so I made a run for hoping not to wake Obadiah. 
He looked so peaceful when he slept but he is a monster in reality. I can’t believe I dated this guy.

As soon as I stepped outside the cool night air wrapped out my body. I looked around at my surroundings and I noticed a forest and with out thinking I started to walk towards it.

The forest was the best choice because I could get spotted in the city. I’m not using my head I’m just going by instincts.

I didn't think about any animals that will harm me. All I was thinking about was getting home safely. Before I noticed I was deep in the forest. I went in a straight path trying hard not to get lost.


I stopped as soon as I heard the noise. I listened very closely for any more movements. I looked all around the forest in a circle. Nothing was there so I started to run. There was a pain in my foot. I noticed I was bare footed. The bottoms of my feet were covered in blood probably due to the entire running.

I thought I heard someone call my name so I started to run faster. Faster, Faster, Faster.  I said motivating myself.

I stopped to catch my breath behind a big tree. I turned around and in the distance I saw Obadiah. I started to run again but quicker. Ignoring the pain on my bare feet. I couldn’t stop no matter what. 
I think I lost him. I did what my parents told me to do when some one was following you: go in circles for a while.

The sound of car horns and people yelling filled my ears. The City. I ran toward the bright lights without looking back hoping on one leg. It is extremely difficult to run as fast as you can with an injury.

I walked into the nearest store and it happened to be a gas station. The owner gave me a crazy look probably because of my appearance but if he knew my situation he wouldn’t. I looked all around and spotted a clocked. It was 2am. I reached in my back pocket and I had a five-dollar bill deep in my back pocket. I went into the refrigerator. I got out a can of 'Mucho Mango'. I went to the cashier to pay for my drink. As soon as I paid for it I opened it. Right when I was about to ask the cashier if I could use his phone Obadiah walked in. My heart began racing again. My brain won’t stop pounding from my frustration. I had to hide from him. I went behind an isle watching him. He went toward the back of the store. I think he is looking for me. When he wasn’t looking I made a fun for the door.

 I ran for my life. My stupid life like I would never live again. A familiar street appeared and it happened to be the street of my house. 
I've never been happier to see my house.

Chapter 7 Abuse

Chapter 7

Everyone was asleep so it was easy to sneak in. I walked upstairs to my room. After a while on debating on going to sleep or to stay up, I decided to sleep.
I woke up dreading the day I really do not want to go to school. I dragged myself out of bed anyway. I walk to the bathroom looking like a zombie. After I freshen up I left the bathroom and walked to my room. I really do not know what to wear so I just put anything on. It was 7:32 and I really did not care if I was late for school.
I didn't notice mom dad wasn't home so I left. It seems as if that they are ignoring me, but right now I don't care. I guess I don't care about anything right now.

As soon as I walk through the door I realize it's not safe for me to walk outside. So I got my phone and called Timothy. I asked him if he can give me a ride to school and he agreed. I waited outside for Timothy he came 5 minutes later. I assume he lives near me. The car ride was silence but I didn't feel like talking so I just stared out the window. We made it to the school parking lot without talking at all. It was a little awkward. 
I walked through the hallways by myself because Timothy had to go to class. Everyone's eyes were on me. I didn't think I look that bad. I made it to my locker but only to be greeted by Vergina Grace.

'' Hello Miss S.T.D''

'' How many times I told you Satin, I already gave my life to Christ'' I replied with a smirk.

'' Yeah but I'm sure he rejected you''

'' Listen Vergina I am not in the mood for your games'' I said dropping my smirk to a frown. Now I feel sad but not because of what she said. She looked like she was about to say something but I didn't stay to hear it. I walked off to class not caring about a thing in the world.


School went by like a breeze. Nobody paid attention to me it seems as if I was a ghost.

'' Hey Madison '' Timothy said.

'' Hi’’ I said quietly staring at the ground. He took his thumb and lifted up my chin up.

'' You want to hang out after school.''

"Sure.'' With that he walked me to his car. I was about three feet behind him. Until I was dragged into a corner. My mouth was covered by a cold hard hand. They had a firm grip around my waist causing me not to move.

'' If you ever tell anybody about what happened I will kill you'' I gasped when I realize who it was. He's then let me go and I ran to the car with Timothy. My heart was racing fast I just couldn't think straight. I don't think Timothy noticed my panting because he kept his mouth shut with his eyes on the road.


I walk into my front door but there was only silence. I was about to walk up the stairs but then the living room lamp turned on. My father was sitting on the couch with a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

'' Where have you been?'' my father asked

'' Hello to you, too. I was with a friend''

He got off the couch and walked closer to me. I took a few steps back until I hit the walls. Now he was only inches away from me. He looked angry but then he took a sip of his alcohol. He stared into my eyes without saying anything. I didn't know what he's going to do. He put the bottle of alcohol down on the table and our eyes met again. Before I realized, his hand was in the air getting ready to hit me. It all happened fast. All I did was stand there in shock. But my father didn't stop there. He punched me in my stomach causing me to fall to the ground. I moaned out in pain. I lay on my side wrapping my arms around my stomach but he continued to kick me. He picked me off the ground but then he punched me in my face. I felt liquid streaming down my face. My face was throbbing in pain. My knee begins to wobble and I couldn't stand any longer. I finally broke down on the ground curling up into a ball. Then my father picked up his alcohol bottle and walked away mumbling something under his breath. Something likes ' teach you for sassing me'. Even being abused by my father didn't make me cry. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. What's confusing me the most is that my father never hit me. 

* Two weeks later*

I'm afraid to sleep or even live in this house. Since the day my father hit me he's been doing it frequently now. If he senses a hint of rudeness in my tone he would hurt me. My mom noticed the bruises on my skin but didn't care. She just went on with her life ignoring me. I haven't talked to anyone lately I have been hiding myself from the world. Timothy just gave up after I was pushed him away. I really just wanted to be alone. I haven't smiled in a while it seems I have haven't had fun or laughed too. This is why I hate my life. 

My head was pounding. I really couldn't think straight. Terrible thoughts roamed my mind. I want to hurt myself just to relieve the pain I feel. Here I am curled up in a ball in my bed just thinking. For me thinking is dangerous these days. I attempted suicide seven times but I was always found before I could slip away. Its like God doesn't want me to die. I am left in this world with nothing but pain and sadness. Everyday I drag my body on a bit just to continue this stupid life I live. The fact that I just feel like giving up makes me depressed even more. It's not like me to feel this way. I used to be outgoing and used to love life. I hate that am not myself.

I got dressed for school wearing a lazy out fit. I don't walk to school anymore I take my mom's old car that has been sitting in the garage. I gave my old car to Elly as a farewell gift.

 I entered the school parking lot noticing no available parking spots. After circling the parking lot, I finally found a parking spot. Ugh I hate my life. I thought sorrowfully.

I slowly got out of the car regretting my choice of getting up this morning. I walked through the school downstairs hallway and I spotted the Bitch at my locker. I'm officially tired of her harassing me every day.

'' Wow I never thought you could look worse than shit.'' she said grinning at me.

" Shut the fuck up" I yelled angrily earning everyone's attention.

" How 'bout no "

“Damn you're annoying '' I hissed through my teeth.

" What did you say mother fucker "

" Oh the bitch deaf now '' she rolled eyes.

'' Apparently not since I heard Timothy moaning my name last night." That's it I could not hold it in me any longer.

I raised my hand to her face and slapped her so hard her grandkids could feel it. She was shocked but it didn't take long for her to retaliate. She slap me back twice is hard and I'm pretty sure I can speak a different language by now. Damn her. I grabbed her by her hair so hard she might go bald. I jumped on her and we landed on the floor with me on top. I stared to punch, kick and slap her. Blood trickled down her nose. I grabbed her hair once again but this time I noticed something on the back of her neck. It was a heart shaped birthmark. I stopped what I was doing and stared at it intensely.

It looks exactly like the one Elly has. No it couldn't be. It wasn't possible I just don't know anymore. I got off her back and looked at her damaged body. I then noticed her body looked like Elly's. I now realize that her voice sounds a lot like Elly's. I couldn't believe this. This is Elly!

"Elly?" I asked unsure.

 She helped herself up and then looked at me. She had a devilish grin planted on her face.'' Yes"

I stared at her dumbfounded. I was terribly confused.

 "W-w " I started to stutter. "How could you "

"Revenge " she said calmly.

"I don't understand" I said confused. I had my eyes locked with hers. She had a smirk planted on her face. She opened her mouth to speak.
" You don't know do you."

' No dah! . I'm hear looking like I seen an elephant saying the ABC's because I feel like it.' I thought. I didn't reply.

" A long time ago your dad was married to my mom. They were the golden couple. That was until he met your mother. He secretly had affair with her. Slowly drifting away from my mom. Then my mom caught him in the act. By then my mom was pregnant with me. She filed for a divorce and never told your father she was having a baby. Then your parents got married and had you. Seeing you guys smiling and happy made my mom sad. She soon became an alcoholic and didn't treat me the same. She remarried but I knew she would never be as happy as she was before. So I made it my job to make your life miserable. I never liked you. Being in your house just made me sick. I hate you!" She said seriously.

I was speechless. I sat there lying on the cold hard ground. I never felt so alone in my life. All this time she was pretending to be my friend. I trusted her. I wasn't sad anymore I was angry. No furious. My fist tightened. I raised it to her face and punched her in her face with all my strength and power. I then noticed that the principal showed up and saw me punching Molly. "Madison and Molly to my office now" The principal said a stern voice.

The principal called our parents to the office to talk about the situation. My parents and I sat in the principal’s office waiting for Elly and her parents. The door opens revealing the principal and Elly's family. My parents seem to tense up when they saw Elly's mom and dad. Elly's mom stopped in her tracks when her eyes met my fathers. She looked shocked but after awhile she continued to walk to her seat. This was one of those moments where it was extremely awkward. My parents’ eyes were locked with Elly's parents. Then the principal broke the silence.

"Do you all know why you are here?”

"No sir" Mr. Martin said.

"Well it seems that your daughters got into a fight on school property.'' he paused '' I called you all here see why before punishing them. I am going to let Madison speak first."

I didn't speak right away but before I did I glared at Elly." Since Molly joined our school she made my life a living hell. She has been bullying me everyday since. She pushed me over the edge and I slapped her. That's how the fight started. I pinned her to the ground and pulled her hair and I noticed something on her neck. It was a heart shaped birthmark the same one as Elly Martin. She confessed who she really was and I punched her in the face because I was shocked and mad. Story of my life." I said calmly sitting back in my chair. The principal sighed. 

"Is that true Molly?" The principal asked. Elly nodded.

"Okay Molly you are to be expelled from this school."

"No this isn’t fair. Its all that bitches fault!" Mrs. Martin yelled pointing at me. I just sucked my teeth and looked at the ceiling.

 "Calm down Mrs. Martin " The principal said. But that is when all hell broke loose.

"Do not call my daughter a bitch. Your just mad that my husband left you for me!" my mom yelled at Mrs. Martin. By now everyone was standing up giving each other death stares. Mrs. Martin slapped my mother leaving my mother in shock. My moms hit her back with just as much force. Go mom. They were stopped by Principal Garden. But how he stopped them left us all in shock. He used both of his arms and went in the middle of them. He didn't realize it until mother scream at him backing away. His hands were on both of the breasts. "You pervert" Mrs. Martin and my mom said in sync covering their chests.

Principal Garden was blushing noticeably. Mr. Martin and my dad went up to him and threatening him for violating their wives. Principal Garden looked petrified. Elly and me exchange glances then we both burst out in laughter. They stopped what they were doing and just gave us a weird look. Elly and I stopped laughing but the room was silent.

After a long time in Principal Garden's office, we were dismissed. I didn't off get too easy. I got expelled from the school because I got in a fight, had to many tardies, and skipped a lot of classes. All this made unhappy parents.

















Chapter 8 New School New Life

Chapter 8

Today is the day I start my new school. To be honest I'm a little happy about it not that I'm going to show it. The school that I'm going is Keesha Van Bosh High School. It’s in the next town over so I have to drive myself there. I was now ready for school. I walked outside to my car and headed to the school.

The school was humungous and gorgeous. It had a beautiful garden in the front of the school and the school's brick wall was fresh. After I was done admiring the school I got out my car with my school bag. I began to walk to the school.

I'm now in homeroom. I got a teacher to escort me to the office and to my classes. The classroom was in groups so I was going to sit face to face to people. The teacher didn't even tell me to introduce myself so I just sat down in an empty seat. This was in a group was a group of 7 that almost resembled a meeting desks at offices. I sat there quietly while the teacher took attendance. The head of the group decided to speak up and talk to me. "Hey I'm John" He was tall but chubby-ish. He was pale with Brown eyes. 
I smiled shyly at him.

" Hello I'm Madison but you can call me Madi." I said then stared back at my desk. The girl sitting across the table from me started to start a conversation.
 "Hi are you always this quite?” She asked. She was short but pretty. She had thick long blonde hair. 

“No'' I say softly. They just have to give me time to warm up to them. The bell rang for the next period. I got out of my seat and hurried out the classroom. 

I walk into the lunchroom and looked around for a seat. I see John and the group from homeroom waving for me to sit next to them. I made my way over to them and took a sit next to one of the girls. 

“Hey Madison.” They greeted me at the same time.

“Hi” I responded shyly.

I looked around the cafeteria and saw a group of kids yelling. John saw me staring.
 “I guess our school is a cliché” he paused. “ Those are the nerds. They have arguments on math problems and equations like that.” I nodded to show I understood. “Those are the popular kids,” he said pointing to the group in the far left corner. “Over there, they are the Christians. They read the bible and discuss about there problems. They sometimes go around school telling people there going to hell and then walk away.” I smiled at that last sentence. 
“I think that’s funny,” I stated staring at them. “And we are the Anti everything” John said referring to us.

I started to tune into what the Christian group were saying.

“Hey Maria, how’s it going at home?” The leader of the table asked a small girl at their table.

“It’s going well. Thank you for asking. Shall we read from the bible now?” She asked excitedly. 

“I guess. Okay everyone turn Obadiah 2:5 please” Hearing that name made uncomfortable. Memories from everything kept appearing in my mind. This time I couldn’t shake them. I’m just sitting here with a blank stare with nothing awful memories. I cannot ignore the pain in my stomach. Its like I’m getting devoured by pain and sadness. I didn’t know one name could cause that.

“Madi, Madi, MADI!” Someone called for me. I didn’t bother to look up. I just ignored them. Then one of them shook me. I finally looked up and saw everyone leaving the cafeteria. It was John who was telling me that we were leaving. I slowly got out of my seat and practically Zombie walked to the doors. I kept staring at the ground on my way my next period.

I wasn’t sure where I was going but I was going somewhere. I opened some doors and cold air wrapped around my body like a blanket instantly. My brain was pounding with a strong force inside my head. I just walked around the football field enduring the pair. Suddenly the pain became unbearable. I covered my stomach with my arms and collapsed on the cold wet grass. I stared at a heart shaped cloud and slowly watched it break into a broken heart. I closed my eyes trying to escape everything right and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I awoke in flowery room. It smelt like frebreeze with a hint of chocolate chip cookies. After I was done taking in the fresh aroma, I shot my head up. I looked at my surroundings and panicked. I knew I wasn’t in a hospital it was more like an office of some sort. 
“Drizzle calm down. You in the nurses office.” A familiar voice said calmly. I looked at the corner behind me and saw John sitting in his chair with a face full of concern.

“ What am I doing here?” I asked grabbing my hair and putting it in a really messy ponytail.

“You collapsed outside on the football field.” He replied staring to my eyes. I have a hard time staring someone in the eyes that I am not comfortable with so I looked away. I then remembered why I collapsed. I don’t enjoy being weak let alone feeling it. 

“Oh” I replied quietly. So quiet I don’t even think he heard my response. We stayed quiet for a while then the door burst open. It was the school’s nurse and she was carrying a clipboard.

“Ms. Mcgumph you are clear to go but you need to take some Advil at home. Okay?” I nodded. John reached his hand out. I got off the bed and took his soft pale hands. He led me to door but me being a clutch, I stumbled upon my feet. Luckily John caught me in time. “You two be careful now.” The nurse told us. We nodded and went out the room.

“Hey Madison do you have Facebook.” John asked curiously.

“Nope” I said pooping ‘P’.

“Well I do. If you make one Facebook me at “ Johnny john” Kay?”


We were outside at the schools parking lot. I spotted my car and walked over to it. 
“ Are okay with driving home by yourself. I have to pick up my little sister from day care?” he asked raising an eyebrow. 

“ I should be but thanks for helping. I appreciate it.” I kissed him on his cheek and opened my car door. I waved him goodbye in my car and drove off.

I walked into my house but only to be greeted by silence. I walk upstairs to my room. I didn’t have my laptop because my parent’s took it away. I looked out of window to see the back yard. I didn’t see either of my parents’ cars in the driveway. I walked out of my room and tippy toed to my parent’s bedroom.

 I scavenged through my parents’ room. Right when I was about to give up I saw my laptop underneath their dresser. I quickly pulled it out and I found my phone with it too. 
I walked out of their room with pride and ran towards my room. I plunged my laptop and phone up. I put the laptop on my lap and pushed the power button.

It powered up pretty quick. As soon as it started up I opened Safari. I typed in “”. The site appeared and I quickly added my information in and confirmed it. Wow that was easy. The website seemed okay. I searched Johnny John and various profiles appeared. I noticed one with his face so I clicked it and sent him a friend request. Facebook suggested friends so I sent them requests too. They instantly accepted them.

There was ding sound coming from my computer and it scared me to death. It was a message from John 

“So you decided to make an account?” John asked me.

“I guess” I replied.

“SO WHATS UP” He replied in cap locks

“Was caps needed?”

“Nah I just fell like it. So what’s up”

“The sky I guess”

“Oh we got a smart ass over here. Lol”

“What does “LOL” mean?” I asked

“Your serious right?” I sighed then typed.


“It means laugh out loud.”

“Oh lol”

 I replied even though I didn’t even laugh.

“There you go”

“Yeah lol” 

“That’s enough lol’s for today. Anyways I gtg ttyl ily”

“Hold up! I need a translation please.”

“GTG means got to go, TTYL means talk to you later, and the last one you’ll know later. Well bye I GTG.” He replied logging off.

“Thanks for the help (note the sarcasm)” I replied even though he logged off. 
I scrolled through the thing called news feed and just looked at pictures people posted and statuses. 
 It was getting late so I logged off and went to sleep.


School today went by like a thunderstorm. The gang talked to me about the latest gossips. It was very interesting to know what it is going on. The gossips at Keesha Van Bosh are very different from my old school’s gossip. It’s pretty cool how I got to know each and everyone one of them today. I presume its time for me to open up to them.

After I came home from school I logged onto Facebook. It was like a strange addiction already. I just couldn’t explain it. I already had 106 friends. I just added people from my old school and new school. I uploaded a cute profile picture and cover photo. My Facebook feels comfortable now. 
I learned a lot about Facebook and all the new terms. Well not entirely new just new to me.

There was a bunch of my Facebook friends commenting on this photo of this girl. It had the X-ray effect. It was pretty cool so I decided to comment. “Coolie” I continued to scroll in my news feed then I got two notifications.

Crystal Anne liked your comment. 
Crystal Anne commented on her photo. 
“Lol yea” she replied.

 “I really like this photo because its like awesome”

“Awe thanks ☺”

“Your welcome. Badonkadonk” I typed in and then added “I really can’t get over the fact that you look like a ghost”

“Oh lol I know”

“Well it’s a boss ghost”


“You’re a ghost and I’m a banana” I said weirdly.
 I suppose I’m just bored.

“Lol yea :)))”she replied. I didn’t reply back because I didn’t know what to say. I scrolled through my news feed for about 3 hours. I checked to see if John was online but he wasn’t. Crystal looked like a friend of Elly’s. So I decided to chat her.
 Elly never liked it when I had conversations with her friends.

Crystal and I chatted for hours. Surprisingly I could be myself with her. We had lot in common and that was the difference between Elly. We had almost nothing in common. I said some of my weird sayings to her like “ There’s no need to fear underdog is here” Usually people replied “ okay or cool” but hers was different. It was “ Omg save me save me!” and it made me smile, a real one. That smile seemed to cause a change reaction to smiles. Every reply from her made me realize that people are not the same. I just hated people nowadays. All they do is fail you in life and cause pain. It’s strange how a simple conversation could change your life. I never liked change but I seem to enjoy this one. Crystal had to go now. I understand why. It’s like 2am. 
“Good night Rain. I love you <3 ”Crystal said. I wasn’t sure if I loved her back but I thought I might some day. So I said “ I love you too goodnight” 
And that’s the night I found my best friend. Who would’ve knew.



Texte: Me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2013

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