
Pretending to be a "normal" human, isn't cutting out for me. But whatever my parents say, I have to do. Whatever my parents say, everyone have to do. It's not easy being the most powerful family of our kind. A lot of angles don't like us but they cooperate whenever they have to. Which isn't hard to do.

There are only fifty of our kind. Not a whole lot, yeah I know. But there doesn't need to be. We run into each other from time to time, barley any words are said, and we go our separate ways. We rarely form into groups, or hardly ever seen together for that matter.

My family are barley ever seen together, but I still get my orders. I live by myself in a new mansion, of course with butlers, maids, cooks, gardeners, etc and going to a new school. A human one, if you want details. I'm often moving around the world, not staying in one place for very long. But this place I'm going to be staying in for a while. Its shocking to hear this, but I'm glad. I would like to settle down. For a while.

Let me tell you about one of the coolest aspect we have. Wings. Our color come in either our personality, or our status. Both my mom and dad, have golden wings, because their the most powerful angles. Me? I have long black wings, with Grey at the bottom. They usually are about ten to fifteen feet long depends on how old you are.

Also, we are always being hunted. By humans with powerful weapon's who think "sacrificing" our blood will make them one of us. That's another reason I'm always moving, why every one is. But not the reason we don't stick together. It's not that we hate each other, it's because we can't stand each other.

Of course we will fight to the death to save everybody. It's just in our bloods to stay away from other angles. If were together, we don't even have to say anything, and one of us will go to a different room. Its like our aura is fighting each other when it wants to, and whoever get fed up with it, leaves.

Another cool aspect we have, is that we can change into one animal we chose. But we can only chose one others have not taken yet, yet only married couples can be the same animal. My parents are bald eagles, and I am a wolf. I have seen only a couple of the others animals. But we don't like phasing in front of each other.

So, yes this is most of my life, and going to be for the rest of it. But do I really care? No not really. I thought to myself. Starting to get out of my bed, for my first day of school. I lazily looked through my cloths, and decided to wear jeans, a black V neck shirt, and a grey jacket.

When I got down stares, the cook was already making me breakfast, "Hey Van." His name was pronounced weird, like if you plugged your nose and said van, so it sounded like von. He had a little white mustache. Matched with short white hair, and was getting old.

"Hello miss Tia."

"Whats for breakfast today?"

"I had a feeling you might wanted pancakes."

"Mmm good choice." I smiled at him.

When I was done, I finished it with a glass of orange juice, then headed toward the garage, and decided to go for my shiny silver 2012 Dodge Charger SRT. It started up with a growl, and took off. Of what I've been told this is a rich kids school, and  all I'm going to do is lay low, until my parents tells me otherwise.

About ten minutes later, I rolled up the parking lot of the school. It was pretty large for a high school, looked brand new. All the kids turned their heads to see who was driving the Doge Charger. Maybe this wasn't the ideal car for lying low. I thought. everyone went quiet, and stared at the car. Waiting for someone to get out.

Of course they cant see in, the windows are tinted. And if someone touches the car, the alarm would go off. I waited and looked at the teenagers faces. They were all curious, and this one girl had a snear wiped across her face. Next time I'm going in a regular car. I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath, reached in the back for my backpack, and slowly opened the door. Everybody craned their necks to get a good look at me. Some guys jaws dropped, girls rolled their eyes and looked away, and some people were impressed.

I ignored them and kept on walking, but then I thought of something and stooped, everyone was quiet, still looking at me. I said, "If anyone gets any idea, and touches my car." I warned them and paused. "I will hunt you down." I left it at that, and had them imagine of what will happen.

I went into the office, and found this little old lady. "Hello, I need my classes please."

The old lady gave me a warm smile. "Why hello there young lady. Have you registered yet?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Alright then, whats your name."

"Tia Gold."

"Ah here you are Tia." She said. Clicking at her keyboard. "I'm Miss. Crain. As like the bird."

"Thank you." I said, taking the paper that has just freshly printed out, and walked out the door.

I looked at my schedule as I was walking 'aimlessly around.

Algebra 2,
Study hall,
World History,
And a weight class.

I sighed, this is going to be a long day.

When I walked into my first class, some people gasped, but I payed no attention to them. I went up to who looked like the  teacher. "Um hey, are you-"

"Yes I am Mr. Stedmen. Are you the new student?" His voice sounded like he should of been living back in the eighties, like he was a hippie that quoted Shakespeare.

"Um, yes."

"Good, then you should be Tia. Everyone," He raised his voice a little so that everyone can here, "This is Tia Gold, she is a new student here at Black Hawk High, please make her feel welcome."

He looked at me, "Tia, pick any seat you like." And he turned and walked to his desk.

I started walking towards a lone table in the back, and sat down. Slinging my bag on the table and noticed everyone was staring at me. I sighed and leaned back.

Then an aura hit me, and I froze. Why is there another angle here? I desperately looked around and spotted the boy. He had short black hair, a sharp jaw, and was built. He was also sitting in the back but on the other side of the classroom.

He was staring at me with a little smile. He was expecting me to bow my head at him to pay respect, because he thought he was more powerful than me. I didn't recognize this boy, and for that, he didn't know who I was.

I glared at him, and pushed all my aura out, letting all my power out to show him who's boss. He paled a little, then he slowly bowed his head, and turned to the front. I kept it out to bug him, and he knew that too. All during class he kept on squirming. Looking over at me glaring at me to stop.

I sighed, and brought it back in. He looked relived. And for the rest of the hour he kept trying to get my attention. But I ignored him.

"Class, we are going to have a group assignment. I'll give you two minutes to pick your partner. Two a group."

A couple kids started heading my direction, but the boy was already in the seat right next to me. "We need to talk." He said.

"For what reason?" I implied.

"It's not everyday when we run into each other."

"And your point is?"

"Is your parents Mr. and Ms. Gold?"

I hesitited. "Yeah whats your point?"

"Did they send you hear too?"

What?  "Too? Do you mean they sent you hear?"

"Yeah, you didn't know? I mean, I didn't know, but I would guess they would of told their own daughter."

I paused. "I'll talk to them and see whats up."

"Oh, good." Said Mr. Stedmen, handing us papers, "I hope you guys would partner up. You know, being at a new school, you guys would have something to talk about."

The boy smiled. "Yes, we have lots to talk about."

I rolled my eyes, as the teacher walked away. "Whats your name anyways?"

"Jace, parents of Mr. and Ms. William."

"Well Jace William, My name is Tia Gold, and let me tell you one thing. I'm trying to keep a low profile, don't ruin it."

"Oh right, like that fancy new car, will Defiantly get you a low profile." He said sarcastically.

"Hey! I already figured that out. Its too late anyway."

"Listen, when your parents sent me here, they said I'm going to crash at your place."

That bothered me a little, but whatever. "If that's what they said, then yeah. Do you have a ride?"

"Yeah, your parents gave me a motorcycle, a Aprilia. it's already at your house."

"Oh, nice. So I'm guessing I'm going to drive you home."

"Yep. He jut sat there for a moment, looking pleased with himself. "Hey," he said with creases forming between hie eyes, "Do you know how to do this?" He said picking up the sheet of paper Mr. Stedmen handed us.

I picked up the other paper. "Unfortunately, no. I do not."

He put his head down on the table. "Were going to fail." He mumbled.

"Who cares, it's not like our parents are going to get mad." I said sliding the paper across the table. "Just say to the teacher, we didn't understand."

"Sounds like a plan." Jace said, rubbing his eyes. "I've always wondered something."

"And what is that Jace William?"

"Since your parents are bald eagles. What are you?"

"I don't like sharing that information around."

He looked at me, "Why not? Aren't you proud of what animal you are?"

"Of course I am, I just don't like telling anyone. It's like my little secret. Don't worry, if we get in a battle it'll come out, or if I want to run in my form. You'll see it sooner or later."

"Run? Are you like a dog?"

Me and my big mouth. "Lets just drop it."

"Kay." And after awhile he said, "I'm a black panther." Like its the thing to be.

A cat? I gave out a sharp laugh.

"Whats so funny?"

"Oh nothing. I just thought of something."

"Okay...?" He paused, "What next class do you have next?"

"Umm, math."

"Oh that sucks. I hate math."

"You probably hate all subjects."

"yes, I do." He laughed, and started walking out the door. I was about to say the bell hasn't rung yet, but as soon soon he touched the door nob, it rang.

I graved my bag and went out the door. It took me much longer to find my math room. The bell has already rung, and everyone was gone. But I found it five minutes later.

I was looking at my scheduled when I walked in. More gasps, but I ignored it. I looked up, and it hit me. I stooped mid step, and looked at the man. Another one??? The man was helping with a student, but froze and looked at me. Shock filled his face.

He obliviously knew who I was and automatically bowed his head. So smooth, I almost didn't know it was for me.

What is with this place? I walked up to him, quietly waited for him to be done with the student.

When he turned to me I said, "A teacher?"

It took him a moment to fully understand of what I was saying. "Yes. I'm Mr.Cote."

"Well Mr.Cote, I am Tia Gold." He looked like he already knew who I was. He had bright blond hair, and striking green eyes.

"Very well Miss. Gold. You may have this seat up front."

Up front? "Kay."

Mr. Cote didn't look at me, not even let out his aura. Was he mad at me? I haven't even met him. Have I? Class went on by like a blur. It was five minutes to the bell and the class started packing up. Mr. Cote said, "Tia, stay after the bell please." I leaned back in the chair.

I looked around the classroom, and spotted a boy and a girl. He saying something angerly in her ear, and the girl was bobing her head really quick. Then he stuck his finger in her face, said something else, and walked away. He spotted me and turned towards my direction. Obviously thinking of himself as a hot shot in this school. "Hey." He said expecting me to throw myself at him. Everybody was watching, all the girls curious of what I will do.

"Yes?" I said boringly.

"My name is Larry, and I-"

"Listen Larry," I interrupted, "I am not interested in you or your games that you have for all girls. Now if you have anything to say that is so important, say it. If not, your wasting my time." Everybody was shocked that I wasn't throwing myself at him, and for most importantly, blowing him of. The other girls that were staring, and smiling at me.

"W-what?" Obviously no one has turned him down before.

"And while your walking away with your wounded ego. I might ask you to apologies to all the girls that you hurt and crushed." I paused. "We have to stick together, but somebody got to speak up first." I eyed all of them.

He just stared at me dumbfounded and started, slowly, walking away. I looked towards the front of the classroom, and realized that Mr. Cote saw the whole thing, and he too looked impressed.

I saw the girls had triumph in their eyes, life and spirit, and were still staring at me like I was their hero. And what was I thinking, still trying to get a low profile? The idea stopped itself when I drove that car to school.

The bell ringed after that. Everybody left in silence.

"That was a nice thing you did for those girls." Mr. Colt said.

"Well somebody had to say it."

"Yes, I supposed someone did. But anyway, I take it you already met Jace?"

"Jace? I thought he didn't know anyone else was here."

"He doesn't, your parents told me."

"And why in the world are they telling you this, and not me?"

"Because I am your uncle."

Shock filled me."My uncle? And let me guess, Jace is my brother?"

"Jace is no relative of ours." He said with a little, but faint, smile.

"Alright, so why did my parents get us together?"

"I wasn't sure, I thought you knew." He said with a curious look.

"No I don't, But don't worry, I'll find out as soon as I get home. They'll have a lot of explaining to do."

"Don't forget to inform me tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure thing." And I walked out the door.

The rest of the day went by fast. The coach didn't make me do anything since I didn't have gym cloths.

I was walking towards the car, when someone grabbed my arm. The teenagers stopped talking and was watching.

I almost flipped him over when Larry said, "Listen I know we had a bad start, but we can soon get over it when you apologies."

I punched him on the noes, and it started bleeding. "That for touching me, and this," I hit him in the jaw, "Was for expecting me to apologies."

He staggered back a little, "You little bitch-" And he jumped at me, but something flew past me and he was on the ground, with Jace on top of him.

"Get off of me!" Larry yelled, spraying blood every where.

"Listen 'home boy,' I'm warning you, you don't want to do this."

"With hell I do!"

"Apologies to her, now!"

The boy started swinging at Jace, but he easily dodged them.

"Apologies, or go get your ass kicked by a girl."

"Your talking about yourself right?" He spat.

Jace eyes darkened and he started throwing punches, hard, while Larry was trying to fight back. "If anything, man. You hit like a girl!"

"Alright Jace, that's enough." I said.

He stopped, got up, and started walking towards me.

Larry's friends helped him up, and walked away.

"You shouldn't of done that." I said leaning on my car, amused. Every body still watching.

"I wasn't going to until he called me a girl." He said, smiling.

"You could of have killed him." I said exaggerated.

"That? that's called wrestling in my book."

"Well, its not in his aparently. Come on lets go home." I said starting towards the car again, but stooped. "You can't go in my car."

"Why not?"

"You have blood all over you. Your not going to stain my seats."

He looked down, now fully aware that he was. "Is this my blood?"

"No, it was that kid's."

"Here." Said a girl with curly red-brown hair, with freckles on her noes, looking scared. She had a new box of tissues and a towel. I recognized her from my math class.

"Thanks." Jace said. Taking the things and started cleaning his face with it.

She came up to me and said, "I saw you today in math class, and I wanted to say thanks for sticking up for us. You wouldn't believe what Larry had done."

I felt sorry for her, and for all the girls. "Whats your name?"

"Clary. Clary Jay." She said shyly.

"Well Clary, I'll see you tomorrow in math." I smiled at her. "And thank you for the towel and the tissues."

"You never know when theirs a fight about to start." She laughed, and walked away.

"Is this good enough?" Said Jace, examining himself. His jeans hand dried-smeared blood, jacked and shirt rubbed down enough to not sain my seats, but his shirt, and his face had no blood at all, but his hair told a different story.

"Yeah your good."

"Sweet." He said while jumped in my car.

I sighed, and  opened the car door, when I heard clapping, joined by another, more and more. Jaces pop his head out the window, "Your already making a difference at this school."

"Yeah, I guess I am." And after that, we left.

Jace didn't say any thing else, until we drove up the drive way. "Oh my god. You live here?"

"Yeah, why? My parents always make sure I live in a proper house, It's where I don't have to hid myself. There are maids and cooks and butlers here."

"And they all know?"

"Yep. Not very exciting, but you don't have to hide here either. This is your home too." I said. "Oh, but the gardeners don't, so when you see them, fix your self." I said, getting out of the car, that was now in the garage.

Jace looked at all of the other cars. "These are nice."

"Do you want any one of these? I don't really drive them much." I shrugged. 

"Sure, how about this one?"

"Oh that's new, its a Black Matte Camaro 2012. I just got that one. Only driven it once. But after all the cars I driven, I still go back to my Dodge Charger." I paused, "Yeah you can have that one. It'll see better days in you hands than mine. There all just sitting here. Oh, and one more thing." I said, " You can bring out your wings if you want." I said and I walked out of the garage into the kitchen.

"Hey Van, we have a new guest here. Make him feel welcome. He's like me." I said. Implaying 'Like.'

He smiled, "Of course Tia. Do you want anything?"

"Can you fix us up some pizza, and some drinks?"

"Yes I can."

I smiled and went into the living room. Carol, one of my newer maids, was cleaning the coffee table. "Carol, we have a new guest here, he's just like me. Can you get a bedroom ready, and when your done show him to it. He's in the garage, and tell him pizza is ready in the kitchen."

"Yes ma'am. And if he asks for you?"

"I'll be in my study. And tell Van that too, so he can call me when the food is done."

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh, and Carol?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Please, call me Tia." I said with a warm smile.

She gave me a little smile. "Yes Tia."

I left to go in my bedroom, got on some sweats, and a T shirt. Then went to the study. Looked for a good book, sat down, and started reading it.

It wasn't that long when the house phone started ringing. "Yes?" I answered.

It was Van, "Miss Tia, the pizza is ready."

"Is the boy down their?"

"Jace? Oh yes he already has his plate."

"Okay thank you, I'll be right down."

I marked my book, and while heading down stairs, I let my wings out. Automatically two slits formed on my T-shirt and my wings pushed through them, flapping to stretch out.

I headed toward the kitchen and when I walked in I saw that Jace was chowing down at the table. Still in the blodied cloths.

"Hey Jace. Have you went to your room yet?" I eyed the blood stains. 

"Not yet, I got as far as the kitchen." He said between mouthfuls.

I smiled and went to grab two slices of pizza,  but when I looked at Van, he looked exhausted. "You and the others can have the rest of the time off. You need a break."

"No its alright miss Tia, I'm just getting old. That's all. It's slowing me down." He said, and obviously eying Jace's shirt too. 

"Just for the rest of the night. Go ahead, kick back your feet, have some wine. You all need a break." I said, and shrugged. I walked over to the phone and put it on the speaker so that everyone can hear me wherever they are in the house. "One moment please everyone, finish whatever your doing, and have the night off. You all need a break, go eat something, watch some T.V. Get drunk, whatever you want. But remember your cleaning up your mess tomorrow." I laugh. "Have a good night everyone." And I set the phone down.

"Van," I said, "Take a break for awhile."

He smiled and started to walk to the living room, until he stopped and went to get a bottle of wine and a wine glass. "I'll be in my bedroom if you need me." He winked and left the room.

"That was nice of you." Said Jace.

"They always work so hard."

"Your cook makes amazing pizza."

I scoffed, "That's why hes my cook."

"Hey, your wings are out." He said just noticing them, pizza sauce spotting his lip. 

"Yeah, they needed some air."

"I would of thought your parents would mad about letting the humans seeing and knowing all the stuff about you."

"No my parents were the ones who told me to tell them. They wanted me to have a space so I didn't have to hide all the time. Oh, and that reminds me, I have too call them. Did you know that there was another angle? Hes a teacher."

"A teacher? Whats his name?"

"Mr. Colt. Hes pretty cool. He said he was my uncle."

"Of which side?"

"I don't know, he never said. But my parents told him that you would be here too. I wounder why they would put us here together, while were being hunted, and that we cant really be close to one another."

"We'll were close right now, an I'm not getting bothered."

"I'm not fighting you with my aura."

"So we only get bothered if were pushing it at each other?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"That's interesting." He thought. 

Carol walked in and said, "Excuse me, but I just finished with your room, would you like to see it?" She said quietly to Jace.

"What room did you pick?" I asked.

"It was the empty room a few doors down from yours."

"I know what one your talking about. I'll show him later."

"Yes Tia."

"And carol? Take the night off. Everyone else is."

"Thank you Tia." She smiled and walked out the door.

We ate in silence, and when we were done I said, "Ready to see your room?"

"Yeah, sure." We put out plates in the sink and went in the living room. A couple of maids put in a movie and was eating popcorn, lying on the huge couch. One was passing by with pj's and a book in hand. Some butlers were heading towards the kitchen, laughing at something funny.

"Our rooms are on the top floor." I said. "Were going to take an elevator."

"How many floors are there?"

"Five..I think."

"Five?!?!" HE looked astounded.

I shrug my shoulders, "I've been in bigger."

He didn't say anything else, just pulled his hand through his hair. Once we reached to the top, I took a left turn. "The first door is my room, so if you need anything just knock. Three doors down, is your room." I opened the door, to show a very big, and mostly empty room. "Here is a king size bed, and a dresser over here, and a walk in closet. Oh and you share a porch with me through these double doors there." I said and finally looked at him.

"Oh....My....God..." He looked pail.

"What? Did I do something wrong? Was it the food?" I was freaking out cause he wasn't moving. At all.

Finally he said, "This is awesome!" And he jumped on his bed getting sucked in by the bedding.

Everything was white. The bed frame, the blankets, the walls, the floor, the desk, the table, everything.

"If you want," I said, "We can remodel."

"No this is good."

"Do you want to go and get your clothes? Or do we need to go buy some?"

"I'll go get my clothes later." His voice muffled.

"Kay I'll be in my bedroom if you need me." And I walked to my room.

I jumped on my bed, grabbed the phone, and dialed my parents number.

My mom answered on the second ring. "Yes honey?" With her little sweet voice.

"You probably knew I was going to call you sooner or later."

"Yeah, we were going to tell you. But then we thought you could figure it out yourself."

"Oh right, like someone challenged me as soon as I walk into class." I spat, "Then a teacher! Mr. Cote, I had no idea who he was, and I find out hes my uncle!?"

"Yes dear were sorry for not telling you. We just didn't have time."

"Well you have time now, right? Tell me why your sending angles here."

"Actually I don't have time to explain. I'll call you in a couple of days."

"But mom-!"

"No Tia, I'm sorry, I got to go, bye." And she hung up without me saying anything else. I huffed out a sigh, and threw a pillow over my face and let out a yell. My wings were flapping hard.

A knock at my door, made me look up, "Come in!" I said.

The door started opening slowly and came in Jace with clean cloths on. "You alright? I heard you pounding all the way from my room." He paused, "Were those your wings that was pounding?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'll keep it down."

"Naw it's alright," He said while walking in the room, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah I'm fine, I just got off the phone with my parents."

"What they say?"

"My mom said she can't talk right now, she'll call me in a couple days."

"No info?"

"Nope. None." I sighed.

"That sucks." He said sitting down on the bed.

"I know," I shrugged my shoulders, "Hows the house so far?"

"It's great, I love my room. Oh and I found the motorcycle." He smiled. "It's sweet."

"Yeah, my parents are awesome. Sometimes." I sighed.

He was quiet for a moment, but he said. "Hey I thought you should have my cell number, you know just in case your trying to find me in this humongous house." He laughed.

I laughed too, "Yeah I guess so." I reached over at my bed side table and grabbed my phone. And put in the area code. "Kay ready."

"8794346." He paused, face turning a little red. "Can I have your phone number too? You know, if I want to find you?"

I stared at him. "You never asked for a girls number before, have you?" I laughed. "Yes of course you can have my number."

"Hey, it's not like I never asked, it's I never wanted too." He cracked a smile. "Already, give it to me." He said having his phone ready.

"8500756." I said.

"Good. Now I'm going to explore this place. want to come?"

"I don't think that would be to easy. Theirs maps all over the place. It's for the maids, just in case they get lost."

He stooped at the door. "Well that's a bummer. What else can we do?"

I thought for a moment.




Texte: Copyright © 2012 By: Shyann MillerAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's right. -Thank You
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.05.2012

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