
Chapter 1 Sent Away

As I sat on my living room couch with my suitcase sitting next to me on the floor, I heard my Mom and Dad arguing in the kitchen whether to send me away or not. "LUCINDA!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. "Coming" I said in a small whisper. I was holding back tears with a fierce burn in my heart knowing that this wasn't going to get any better. When I walked into the Kitchen my Mother was leaning against the counter while my Dad sat at the table trying to hold back his own tears. "Lucinda, we have decided to send you away." My mother said in a very disgusted tone. "Honey I trie-" "shut it Neil!" my mother cut my dad off. "DONT YOU EVER TALK TO MY DAD THAT WAY YOU FAT CREEP!" I yelled at my step-mom. I had no idea where that came from, but as soon as it slipped past my lips I knew I was in for a beating. My step-mother, Gabi, came to me and raised her hand as if she was going to slap me. But my father had gotten up from his chair and grabbed Gabi's wrist. "Gabi, I swear if you try to hurt Lucinda again, I will call the police and have you reported." I have never seen my father so protective of me and I was very grateful. I didn’t want to leave dad, but I had no choice. "Dad, will you take me instead?" I asked my father. "Sure sweetie." He let go of Gabi and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out the door to our SUV.



Chapter 2 Rosewood

Two hours later my father pulled up to the dull looking boarding school. In big, moldy brown letters the sign on the front door said, ‘WELCOME TO ROSEWOOD BOARDING SCHOOL’. “Dad please don’t make me go here!" I pleaded with my father, but all he did was lean over and kiss me on the forehead and say, "good luck honey.” I was terrified. I got out of the car and before I could wave goodbye my father was gone. I turned back towards the school and walked through the front door. The office smelled of mold and old dust. There was a ragged old lady sitting at the counter. "Ah, you must be Lucinda." The lady said with a croaky voice. "Ye- y- yes.” I stuttered. "Okay then, follow me." The lady got out of her chair holding a paper with my name on it as if she was waiting for me. Her name tag said her name was Mrs. Pallum, but I didn’t see a wedding ring on her ring finger. Strange, there wasn’t even a mark from the ring as if she forgot to put it on. Mrs. Pallum led me to a dorm room with my name in capitol letters on the door, but there was another name too. It was a boy’s name, the gold plate had the name 'Chase' inscribed on it. I stopped. "Uh, does this mean that I share a dorm with a guy???" I said pointing to the gold plate. "Sure does, so get used to it." Mrs. Pallum said to me. Oh no! I couldn’t share a room with a guy! That’s so weird! I thought. Mrs. Pallum handed me a rusty key, "this is your dorm key. Enjoy!" she said in a bored voice. She walked away and left me alone. I unlocked the door and opened it. When I walked in, it smelled a whole lot better. It smelled of a summer day, even though it’s winter outside, and had a bit more color to it. There was a desk in the corner with a laptop; it had the screensaver of a forest layered with snow. I walked in the room a little farther and a guy a little older than me walked out of one of the rooms. "Oh, uh you must be Lucinda.” he said in a deep voice. I just stood there not saying a word. He was gorgeous! He had nice blonde hair and blue eyes, a good built body and large arms. But he looked like a very nice guy. When I realized I was staring I looked at my feet, "yea" I said quietly. “Well it’s nice to meet you. It gets lonely here sometimes." He said as he walked forward and held out his hand. I stepped forward also and shook his hand, he had a tight grip, but his hands were soft. I didn’t want to let go, but I did. “So, well, you sleep in there" he said pointing at an empty room with a bed and a small table. "The bathroom is over there, and you can use the computer if you need to, we get free internet, so use it when you like." he said smiling at me with his blue eyes. "Thanks." I said, feeling a little bit happier. "Well I’ll leave you alone so you can get unpacked." He said as he walked back into his room. "Thanks." I yelled after him. "No prob" he replied. I walked into my room and started to unpack my suitcase. There was a TV in my room too. Wow, it’s nice in here. Too bad the rest of the school isn’t like this, I thought. I could hear Chase's radio playing, so I turned mine on too. The radio was pink and sat on the table. There was also a vase of Lilies sitting on the table, a little card was tied to one of the flowers and it said, 'welcome!' Chase had signed his name at the bottom. "Chase thanks for the flowers! How did you know they were my favorite?" I said carrying the flowers into his room. "It was nothing! Just a lucky guess." He was playing video games on his tiny TV. He paused the game and smiled at me. There was something about those blue eyes. "Well thanks again." I said smiling back as I left the room. I went back into my room and found my schedule of the day sitting on my bed. I wonder how that got there. I looked over the list and walked back into chase's room. "Hey, what is your schedule for today?" I asked. "We have the same schedule, room mates get to have the same schedules so we get to know each other better." he replied. "Oh fun, ok cool. Well I’m unpacked. So yea, ill leave you alone so you can get back to whatever you’re playing" I said smiling. "Haha ok. Do what you want. Remember there is the computer if you want to use it, the password is ‘GATEWAY’, but don’t tell anybody" he said. "Ok thanks." I replied. I walked back into the main room and got on the computer and checked my email. No messages. Hmm, I started typing an email to my dad, but then I changed my mind because Gabi could probably see it. The screen went blank. "What the-" "is everything ok?" Chase walked into the room. "Uh the computer screen just went blank, but I don’t know what I did. I just checked my email then it went blank. Sorry." "No its ok, let me tr-"Chase was cut off by the lights going out.

Chapter 3 Scared

 "Chase?" I said in a scared voice. No answer.” Chase!" still no answer. I got out of the chair I was sitting in. I tried to find the door, but the room seemed to be spinning. Why can’t I find the flipping door! I thought. I ran into something big. "Oh chase I th-" she was cut off by another voice, "I don’t think you will be seeing your 'Chase' anytime soon." The man I had ran into said. A second later somebody behind me grabbed me by the shoulders and the raspy voice guy stabbed a syringe into my neck, and before I knew it I was falling into unconsciousness.

Chapter 4 Escape

When I awoke I was in a dark room. I couldn't see at first, but then my eyes adjusted. There was a table in the corner with a tray of food on it. Nothing but stale bread and a cup of rotten milk sat lifelessly on the table. Gross. I didn’t go anywhere near the table, I got up off the floor and started walking towards the door, at least I think it’s a door. When I got to the square shape on the wall I realized it was a door but it was super strange. It was cold medal and the lock was on the other side. When I turned to look at some other part of the room, I heard the big lock on the door move. The door swung wide open. There was a man in a black shirt, pants, and hat. "How was your sleep?" he questioned in a dry cold voice. I didn’t say anything. "Don’t want to answer than do ya?" it wasn't a question. "What did you do with Chase?" I said. I tried to sound strong but my voice cracked. "Oh don’t worry honey he is 'safe'" he said. I knew Chase wasn’t safe due to the sarcasm in his voice. "What’s going on? Where am I?" I asked. He started walking towards me. I took a couple steps back but ran into the back wall. He kept walking towards me. I couldn’t do anything, he had me cornered. When he got to me he grabbed a piece of my hair and held it to his face. He took a big whiff of my hair then dropped it. He put his face close to mine, I tried to turn my face but he grabbed me by the chin and held me like a stone. His breathe smelt like vodka and I knew he was drunk. Then I saw that it wasn’t that dark in here. I quickly took a glance at the door. This moron had left it open. I looked back at the guy in front of me. When he was about to kiss me I kicked him in between the legs and ran for the door. I looked back before I ran down the cold hall; the drunken guy was curled up on the floor groaning. "Don’t you ever try to kiss me again or I WILL hurt you." I said. I ran. When I got to the end of the hall there was three different directions I could go down. Oh no which one! Wait! I have to find Chase! I can’t leave him here! I passed eight doors on my way here. Which one could he be in??? I went to the closest door and pressed my ear to it. I couldn’t hear anything, and I most certainly wasn’t going to knock. So I went to the next door. I did the same to this door. There was a small groan. I had this feeling that this was the right door. "Chase?" I whispered. No reply. "Chase?" “Lucinda?” a weak voice replied. "CHASE! OH! Ok hold on I’m going to get you out of here hold on!" I looked down at the door and saw a lever. I pushed down on it and I heard the big click. The door swung open and the first thing I saw was Chase. He had his wrists chained to the wall above his head. Blood was running down his arm from the shackles. He was on his knees with his head hanging down. His hair was ruffled and he looked like he had gotten beaten. His shirt was ripped and I could clearly tell he had been whipped. I grabbed his face and held it up so I could see him. He had a black eye and blood on his lip, but he smiled when he saw me. I grabbed his hand and started unlocking the shackles. At least twenty slashes were given to his chest. "Chase." he must have felt a little stronger because he helped me get him up. When he was standing he had a bit of a hunch. "Lucinda.” he said taking me into a hug. I hugged him back. I was crying. "Chase. We need to get out of here. Please. Take me back." I said sobbing. "Ok Lucinda lets go. This place is terrible." before he started to walk he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I was dazed. Wow. I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him walk. When we got to the end of the hall where I was last, Chase took an immediate left. "How do you know where to go?" I asked. “I gained consciousness before I got to this hall, but they didn’t know that. So I remember where to go." I smiled. Chase was a good guy. So why was he down here? We started to see daylight. "There is the exit!" I said. “Shhh... Lucinda there is still guards around." "Oh-" I was cut off by a husky voice yelling down the hall, "HEY THE PRISONERS GOT OUT!!!!!! GET THEM!!!" "Uh oh..." Chase said. I replied to him saying,"yea, big ‘uh oh’..."


Chapter 5 Infections

Chase and I ran down another hall and through a big green door, we made our way outside the building. Chase looked around and I could clearly tell he was lost. “Are we lost?” I asked him. “No, follow me.” When we made it outside the light was blinding, when my eyes adjusted to the light I saw that we were standing in an empty parking lot. Chase yelled at me to follow and I took off in his direction. When I caught up to Chase, we were almost to the edge of the parking lot when a few men dressed in black suits and holding large guns came through the door that we had just exited. Chase saw the guns and yelled at me to run faster. I could hear the whizzes of the bullets passing by my head and chest. Chase and I were across the street in seconds and were running through an area that looked kind of like a forest. We were about to hide behind a huge rock when I felt a sharp pain in my left hip. I screamed out in pain and crashed to the ground; I couldn’t hear or see Chase anywhere! “Chase!” I didn’t hear an answer. “CHASE!” I could feel the blood starting to seep through my shirt. My vision was starting to blur and I couldn’t hear anything but ringing. “Chase! Please help! Where are you Chase?” My voice sounded shaky and uneven. I rolled onto my stomach and tried to crawl forward when I felt the butt of gun slam down on my injured hip. I screamed out in agony and stopped trying to call Chase as tears started running down my face. “Now where do ya think you’re goin little lady?” a deep male voice whispered to me. I couldn’t do anything but moan in pain. “HEY ARCHY!” the voice yelled, “come look what I caught!” I tried to roll over onto my back but every move I made caused sharp pains all over my body. I felt like knives were being stabbed into my hip. Time started to slow down and I heard a hard thump behind me. I was in too much pain to try to look, but the next thing I knew I was being picked up by strong soft hands. I was about to start screaming again, but Chase cut me off, “Lucy its okay it’s me. Try to hold still and I’ll carry you.” Chase had knocked the guy out with a rock and had started carrying me through the forest. He wasn’t trying to run or anything, he was just casually walking with me in his arms. I’m guessing he got them all and we weren’t in any more danger. “Chase, it hurts.” I said in a painful voice. “I know Lucy; just try to stay with me. I’m going to get you some help.” I tried speaking again but nothing could come out, my throat felt really dry and my vision was fading from white to black. “Lucy you need to stay with me. Don’t you even dare close your eyes. Look at me, don’t close your eyes. Try to keep your breathing even.” Chase was trying to help me but I could hear the worry and anxiety in his voice. My eyelids started feeling excruciatingly heavy and my head was pounding. “Chase, my body hurts…I can’t keep my eyes open any longer…” It took all the energy I had to say that to him. “Lucinda, you can’t close your eyes. If you close them they will never open back up. Think of me, what will happen to me if you close your eyes? Use all you have to keep your eyes open. You don’t have to speak, just don’t stop looking at me.” I tried with everything I had to keep my eyes on his face. I wasn’t going to leave him all alone. I needed him, and he probably needed me. What seemed like hours passed slowly and I never took my eyes off his face. Chase looked down at me and I could see the worry and exhaustion in his face. “Chase, your exhausted, lets take a quick break so you can rest.” I said in a raspy voice. “No we need to keep moving.” He replied. I could see the sweat pouring down his forehead. “Chase please, you need to stop and sit down. Please Chase, just a quick break.” I begged in pain. “okay, just a quick break.” He agreed. Chase slowly set me down onto the ground and laid down next to me. My breathing was starting to sound raspy and uneven. “Lucy lets look at your wound.” Chase said to me as he lightly grabbed my leg and rolled me onto my stomach. I cried in pain and tried not to make any noise. Chase took of his shirt and laid it underneath my head like a pillow. He grabbed my soaked shirt and tore off the corner where the wound was. I groaned in agony and Chase apologized being softer with his hand. He lightly slid his finger on my skin around the open wound. “Lucy does that hurt at all?” he asked me. I nodded my head while thousands of tears drained down my face. “I’m sorry Lucy, but its getting infected and we need to get the bullet out and clean it.” He said to me. “How are you planning on doing that?” I said with gritted teeth. “I think I can hear a river nearby, lets see if I can go find it. Can you stay here for a few minutes while I go look for it?” he asked me. “Yeah I’ll be okay.” I responded. “Okay ill be fast. Don’t close your eyes or move okay? I’ll be back soon.” Chase took off into the trees and left me alone lying on my stomach. Now that I was alone and not distracted anymore, all the pain came rushing back to me. I gasped in pain and couldn’t help but moan. My eyes were starting to lose focus and couldn’t see clearly anymore. I was about to go under. “Chase…” I said in a whisper, for that was all I could do. “Chase.” I repeated. I couldn’t hear or see anything. Everything faded as my eyelids slowly began to close. My breathing got extremely raspy and hurt on every breath. I took one last look at the grey looking trees as my eyelids closed shut and my breath came out slower and slower… 

Chapter 6 Breathe



I finally found the river and found a great place for Lucinda and I to rest and clean out her wound. I started heading back to where I had left Lucy. My mind started racing and I couldn’t stop thinking of Lucinda. All of a sudden I realized that she was all alone and probably in a ton of pain and I quickened my stride. When I got to the clearing where I had left her I jogged over to Lucy. “Lucy I found the river! We should be able to get there in fewer then-” I saw that Lucy wasn’t breathing and her eyes were closed. “Lucy?” I said. “LUCY!” I fell down to my knees and rotated her onto her back. I couldn’t see her stomach rising or falling and I knew she wasn’t breathing. I started panicking. I lifted her chin and blew a large puff of air into her lungs. She still wasn’t responding. I waited a second and blew another jolt of air into her mouth. After I had taken my mouth away from hers, Lucinda took a sharp breath and slightly opened her eyes. “Chase?” Lucinda whispered in a sharp breath. “Lucy are you okay? You quit breathing!” I yelled. “Chase it hurts… I cant breath…” she said to me very quietly and slowly. “okay we have to get you out of here or you wont make it much longer.” I said to her. I carefully picked her up and started jogging towards the river. Lucy was moaning in pain and every sharp breath she took shattered my heart. It’s my entire fault that she is like this. I never wanted to hurt her.

We reached the bank and Lucy’s eyes were closed but she was at least breathing. I set her down underneath a tree and made sure that her breathing was even. I thought she was asleep and rolled her onto her stomach to start cleaning the wound. I still had my pocket knife tucked in the back pocket of my jeans; I got it out and flipped out the blade. I double checked to make sure Lucy was asleep and looked down at her wound. The bullet was deep and it was going to take a lot of work to get it out. I poured water all over the wound to wash the blood away and tried to clean my knife as best as I could. I kissed Lucy on the top of the head and whispered “I’m sorry” into her ear. I moved back down to her wound and shoved my blade into the open wound to get the bullet out. Lucy jolted awake and started screaming. I felt terrible but I had to get the bullet out! I held her down with my right knee and shoved my blade in deeper feeling the bullet. I twisted my wrist and felt the bullet come out. I grabbed the metal bullet with my left hand and carefully pulled my blade out with the other. Tears were streaming down Lucy’s face and she was sobbing in pain. “Chase stop…” She said choking through her tears. I lifted my knee off her back and tears were starting to run down my cheeks as well. I got more water and washed away all the blood off her back and tied my shirt around her waist like a bandage. “I’m so sorry Lucy, I know I shouldn’t have done that but I had to get that bullet out…” I said my voice cracking. Sweat was building on her forehead and I could see the pain and agony on her face. I moved her into a more comfortable position and I laid down next to her looking into her face. She was extremely pale and sweat and tears were all over her face. I tried to wipe off her face as best I could but my hand was covered in dirt and I was making it worse. She looked at me with her brown eyes and said, “Thanks Chase, it doesn’t hurt as bad… can I close my eyes now and sleep?” she asked me. “Sure Lucy, sleep for a little while okay? Now that your wound is clean I think you will be okay.” I replied to her. I kissed her on the forehead and felt the heat on my lips. Lucy was running a fever, but there was nothing that I could do. I have never felt so hopeless before. I laid there and watched Lucy as her eyelids slowly closed. Right then, I promised myself that I would never let Lucy leave my sight and that I would protect her for the rest of my life.


Chapter 7 Nightmares



I slowly started to wake up and I could tell it was still pretty dark outside. I turned my head to the side to see if Chase was still lying next to me, but my neck was killing me from lying on the hard ground. I could hear Chase breathing and knew he was still beside me and safe. I moved my hand down to my back and could feel the blood soaked bandage. My back and side hurt like crazy and the tears starting forming in my eyes again. ‘No, I have to stay strong’ I told myself. I slowly rolled over and looked at Chase lying beside me. He looked almost peaceful and I was happy to see that he got some sleep, but I needed to wake him up, we had to leave and find help. I reached over and tapped him on the shoulder making him jump and lash out at me. He shot his hand out and grabbed my wrist squeezing it too tight. “Ow! Chase stop!” Chase opened his eyes and saw that he was crushing my wrist. He quickly let go and jerked his hand back. “Lucy I- I’m sorry… I was having a terrible dream and I thought someone was attacking me. I’m sorry…” he softly grabbed my wrist and gave it an inspection. There were marks from where he had dug his fingernails into my hand. He gave my wrist a light kiss and apologized again. “Chase its okay. Sorry for scaring you. But we should go, it’s going to be light soon and we should be moving by then.” I explained. He agreed with me and stood up looking around. I tried to stand up also but my legs gave out from underneath me and I felt like I was going to throw up. Chase reached down and grabbed my hand helping me back up. And I leaned my weight against him. “Lucy you still have a fever and you look like your going to puke. Let me carry you.” Chase said and he reached down to pick me up. “No Chase I can walk ill be okay.” I argued. “Are you sure?” he asked me. “Yes ill be fine.” I answered while standing up straight. Chase started walking up the river and I slowly followed behind him.



Chapter 8 Nagging thoughts



As we walked down the side of the river I could tell Lucy was in pain and falling behind. I peeked over my shoulder and saw that she was a few yards back dragging her feet. I knew she was trying to be strong for me, but she had been shot! I know she’s not okay. I turned around and walked towards her. When we reached each other I bent over and picked her up so she was lying in my arms. She didn’t try to argue, she just instantly relaxed in my arms and took a deep breathe. “Thanks Chase.” She whispered, closing her eyes. I smiled down at her looking at her face. I started walking up the river again.


A few hours later the trees started to thin out and a trail was forming at my feet. I knew we were getting close to civilization.

“Lucy.” I said shaking her a little bit. She opened her eyes and I could see fear in them. “It’s alright, the trees are thinning out and I found a trail so I think were getting close. Do you feel like you could walk for a little bit?” I asked her. She nodded her head and I set her feet on the ground. She took a big breathe and started walking. The trail was wide enough that we could both walk side by side and I grabbed her hand, holding it tight. She looked at me and smiled with her pale lips. Her fingers shot lightning through my arm and it warmed me up. At that moment, I realized something that has been nagging at me in the back of my head since I met Lucy… I was in love with her.



Chapter 9 BOO!



Chase set me down and my head started spinning. I took a deep breathe and ignored the pain and started walking down the trail, Chase walking next to me. After a few minutes I saw Chase reach down and grab my hand sending sparks through my fingertips. I looked over at him and a smile formed on my face. I could tell he had some feelings for me and I had them for him in return. Chase is one of the cutest, nicest guys I have ever met and at that moment I was actually happy.

About fifteen minutes of walking in silence we saw a town about a mile and a half away. We both looked at each other and smiled. Chase started jogging ahead and I kept up as best as I could. But I was really hungry and my head felt heavy. I quit jogging for a little bit and I lost sight of Chase. I stopped walking and grabbed my side, trying to get the cramp to go away. I could feel my head pounding and my breathing was lagging. I looked around and yelled for Chase. No response. I started to freak out in my mind and I looked around me. There was no sound and it was deafening. I sat down on a log that was next to me and held my head in my hands, my back throbbing. And before I knew it someone was behind me and poked me on the sides and yelled BOO! I screamed and fell off the log. I could hear someone laughing and looked up at Chase. “That was not funny Chase!” I yelled at him trying not to laugh. Tears were running down Chase’s face and his face was turning red from laughter. His laugh was contagious and before I knew it I was laughing along side him. After his laughter had died down he walked over to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me onto my feet. “I’m sorry Lucy but when I came back looking for you I saw you sitting on a log and I couldn’t resist!” he explained to me. “Okay you had your fun, we should get going, its getting late and were pretty close to town.” I said smiling at him and poked his chest. “Yes ma’am!” he replied saluting me.

I smiled at him and grabbed his hand again making our way to town.



Chapter 10



We reached town in no time and we made our way to a hospital so they could help Lucy. Even though we did have some fun back there she was still hurt and had gotten sick. When we reached the hospital Lucy couldn’t walk anymore. She was too tired and she was as white as snow. I was scared for her and picked her up again. I carried her into the emergency room and quickly explained what happened to a nurse. She immediately took us to a hospital room and got us situated and comfortable. She quickly told me her name was Mary and ran out of the room to retreive the doctor. About five minutes later the doctor came into the room and looked over Lucy asking me to tell him what happened. I calmly told him the entire story about how we were kidnapped and that we had escaped this huge facility and Lucy had been shot. He just nodded his head as I explained the story and he checked Lucy’s wound. Lucy had already fallen asleep and was in a cold sweat again. The doctor looked up at me and said that her wound was pretty clean and she would be okay, but she would need to stay at the hospital for a day or two because of her fever and lack of food. I agreed with him and asked if I could stay here with her. He said I was allowed to stay and that he would go get me some blankets and a pillow.

I fell asleep before the blankets arrived.


I awoke to someone shaking me awake. I rubbed my eyes and looked up at the man above me. I could clearly tell it was a police man and I stood up to shake his hand. I looked at his name tag and it said ‘GUY MATHEWS’. “Hi Mr. Mathews I’m Chase.” I introduced myself while firmly shaking his hand. He smiled at me and asked if I could follow him out into the hall.

Once again I had to explain every detail about what had happened to me and Lucy. When I explained that Lucy had been shot we both looked through the glass door into Lucy’s room and saw her quietly sleeping. Her face was scrunched up and I could tell she was having another nightmare. I looked back at Mr. Mathews and finished the story. He jotted down notes on his little note pad and thanked me for the information. I nodded my head and looked back at Lucy again. “Thanks again Chase, sorry to disturb you. Ill leave you alone now so you can go back to sleep. We know who did this to you and now that we know what happened we can press charges and put those idiots and jail.” He said to me. “Thank you Mr. Mathews. I appreciate your help.” I replied to him shaking his hand and saying goodbye. After the police officer had left I went back into the room and lightly shook Lucy awake. She looked up at me and I explained to her what the police man wanted. She smiled up at me. “Chase is this all over now?” she asked. “Yes I think it is. You can sleep now. I’m so sorry this ever happened.” I apologized. She smiled again and told me to not be sorry. It wasn’t my fault. We both looked into each others eyes and I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. She lifted her arm and wrapped it around my neck pulling me in for another kiss. She let go after a few seconds and smiled once more at me. She laid back down and closed her eyes and fell asleep again. Her breathing sounded even and I knew that everything was going to be okay.



Epilogue -4 years later-



I had just finished packing up all my stuff and I went looking for Chase. I found him in his room playing that video game once again. I smiled and asked if he was packed. “Nope!” he replied smiling at the TV screen. I rolled my eyes and walked into his room starting to pack for him. Once Chase starts playing video games he won’t ever stop unless I force him to turn the TV off. It’s quite entertaining sometimes. After I finished packing up his stuff I walked out of his room and started cleaning up the living room. Another year was over of this awful school and Chase and I never have to come back. Both me and him were going to college now and we were going to stay in touch and hangout on the weekends whenever we could. Im going to Miss Chase but at least ill get to see him every now and then. I finished cleaning and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I stripped down my clothes and turned on the shower. While the water was heating up I looked in the mirror and could see that hideous scar on my lower back. It seemed like yesterday Chase and I had been taken and locked up. Then we got lost in the woods and all that crap happened. All that was over and we wont ever have to worry about those bad guys ever again. I took a quick shower and got dressed and did my hair. I wasn’t going to wear make up today. I walked back into Chase’s room and he was still playing his video games. I walked over and shut off his television and pointed at the bathroom telling him to go take a shower. Geez, I felt like his mother sometimes. He laughed at me and got up and took me in his arms and laid a big long kiss on my lips. I smiled at him and told him to go take his shower. After Chase went into the bathroom someone knocked on my door. I opened it and my dad was standing there in front of me. I flung myself into his arms and gave him a huge bear hug. I was so happy for my dad. A few months earlier he had kicked Gaby out of the house and got a good job so life was good for him now. After he had put me down I grabbed my bag and told Chase goodbye. I promised I would text him later and call him. My dad grabbed my bag and loaded it into the car and we headed home.


                                                                     THE END


Texte: CHAPTER 1: -Sent Away-As I sat on my living room couch with my suitcase sitting next to me on the floor, I heard my Mom and Dad arguing whether to send me away. "LUCINDA!" My mother yelled from the kitchen. "coming" i said in a small whisper. i was holding back tears with a fierce burn in my heart knowing that this wasn't going to get any better.when I walked into the Kitchen my Mother was leaning against the counter while my Dad sat at the table trying to hold back his own tears. "Lucinda, we have decided to send you away." My mother said in a very discusted tone."honey i trie-" "shut it niel!" my mother cut my dad off."DONT YOU EVER TALK TO MY DAD THAT WAY YOU FAT CREEP!" I yelled at my step-mom. I had no idea where that came from, but as soon as it slipped past my lips i knew i was in for a beating.My step-mother, gabby, came to me and raised her hand as if she was going to slap me. but my father had gotten up from his chair and grabbed gabby's wrist. "Gabby, i swear if you try to hurt Lucinda again, i will call the police and have you reported." I have never seen my father so protective of me. but i was very greatful. I didnt want to leave dad, but i had no choice. "dad, will you take me instead?" i asked my father. "sure sweety" he let go of gabby and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out the door to our SUV. ********Two hours later my father pulled up to the dull looking boarding school. in big letters the sign on the front door said,'WELCOME TO ROSEWOOD BOARDING SCHOOL'"Dad please dont make me go here!!!!" i pleaded with my father, but all he did was lean over and kiss me on the forehead and say, "good luck honey."I was terrified.I got out of the car and before i could wave goodbye my father was gone. Chapter 2: -RoseWood-I turned back towards the school and walked through the front door. the office smelled of mold and old dust. there was a raggid old lady sitting at the counter."ahh, you must be lucinda." the lady said with a croaky voice. "ye- y- yes."I stuttered. "okay then, follow me." the lady got out of her chair holding a paper with my name on it as if she was waiting for me. her name-tag said her name was Mrs. Pallum, but i didnt see a wedding ring on her ring finger.strange, there wasnt even a mark from the ring as if she forgot to put it on.Mrs. Pallum led me to a dorm room with my name in capitol letters on the door. But there was another name was a boys name, the gold plate had the name 'Chase' inscribed on it. I stopped. "uh, does this mean that i share a dorm with a guy!?" i said pointing to the gold plate. "sure does, so get used to it." Mrs. Pallum said to me. oh no! i couldnt share a room with a guy! thats so weird! i thought. Mrs. Pallum handed me a rusty key, "this is your dorm key. enjoy!" she said in a bored voice. she walked away and left me alone. i unlocked the door and opened it. when i walked in, it smelled a whole lot better. it smelled of a summer day, even though its winter outside, and had a bit more color to it. there was a desk in the corner with a laptop on it, it had the screensaver of a forest layered with snow. i walked in a little more and a guy a little older than me walked out of one of the rooms."oh, uh you must be lucinda."he said in a deep voice when he saw me.i just stood there not saying a word. he was gorgeous! he had nice blonde hair and blue eyes. a good built body and large arms. but he looked like a very nice guy. when i realized i was staring i looked at my feet, "ya" i said quietly."well its nice to meet you. it gets lonely here sometimes." he said as he walked forward and held out his hand. i stepped forward also and shook his hand, he had a tight grip, but his hands were soft. i didnt want to let go, but i did."so, well, you sleep in there" he said pointing at a empty room with a bed and a small table. "the bathroom is over there, and you can use the computer if you need to, we get free internet, so use it when you like." he said smiling at me with his blue eyes. "thanks." i said, feeling a little bit more happy. "well i'll leave you alone so you can get unpacked." he said as he walked back into his room. "thanks!" i yelled after him. :no prob" he replied. I walked into my room and started to unpack my suitcase. there was a tv in my room too. wow, its nice in here. to bad the rest of the school isnt like this, i thought. I could hear Chase's radio playing, so i turned mine on too. the radio was pink and sat on the table. there was also a vase of Lilies sitting on the table, a little card was tied to one of the flowers and it said, 'welcome!' Chase had signed his name at the bottom. "Chase, thanks for the flowers! how did you know they were my favorite?" I said carrying the flowers into his room. "it was nothing! just a lucky guess." he was playing video games on his tv he had in his room. he paused the game and smiled at me. there was something about those blue eyes. "well thanks again." i said smiling back as i left the room. i went back into my room and found my schedule of the day sitting on my bed. I wonder how that got there. i looked over the list and walked back into chase's room. "sorry i know i keep bothering you, but whats your schedule for today?" i asked. "oh dont worry, your not bothering me, we have the same schedule, room mates get to have the same schedules so we get to know eachother better." he replied. "oh fun, ok cool. well im unpacked. so ya, ill leave you alone so you can get back to whatever your playing" i said smiling. "haha ok. do what you want. remember there is the computer if you want to use it, the password is, GATEWAY, but dont tell anybody" he said. "ok thanks!" i replied. I walked back into the main room and got on the computer and checked my email. no messages. hmm, i started typing an email to my dad, but then i changed my mind because Gabby could see it. so i decided not to. than the screen went blank. "what the" "is everything ok?" Chase walked into the room. "uh the computer screen just went blank, but i dont know what i did. i just checked my email then it went blank. sorry!" "no its ok, let me tr-"Chase was cut off by the lights going out.***********"Chase?" Lucinda said in a scared voice. No answer."Chase!" still no answer. she got out of the chair she was sitting in. she tried to find the door, but the room seemed to be spinning. why cant i find the flippin door! she thought. she ran into something big. "oh chase I th-" she was cut off by another voice, "I dont think you will be seeing your 'Chase' anytime soon." a raspy voice said. a second later somebody behind me grabbed me by the shoulders and the raspy voice guy stabbed a syringe into my kneck, and before i knew it I was falling into unconsciousness.***********when i awoke i was in a dark room. i couldn't see at first, but then my eyes adjusted. there was a table in the corner with a tray of food on it. nothing but stale bread and a cup of rotten milk. gross.i didnt go anywhere near the table but i got up off the floor and started walking towards the door, at least i think its a door. when i got to the square shape on the wall i realized it was a door but it was super strange. it was cold medal and the lock was on the other side. when i turned to look at some other part of the room, I heard the big lock on the door move. the door swung wide open. there was a man in a black shirt, pants and hat. "so how was your sleep" he said in a dry cold voice. i didnt say anything. "dont wanna answer than do ya." it wasn't a question. "what do you do with Chase?" i said. i tried to sound strong but my voice cracked. "oh dont worry honey he is "safe" he said.i knew Chase wasnt safe by the sarcasm in his voice. "whats going on? where am i?" i asked. he started walking towards me. i took a couple steps back but ran into the back wall. he kept walking towards me. i couldnt do anything, he had me cornered. when he got to me he grabbed a piece of my hair and held it to his face. he took a big wiff of my hair then dropped it. he put his face close to mine, i tried to turn my face but he grabbed me by the chin and held my face toward his. his breathe smelt like beer and i knew he was drunk. then i saw that it wasnt that dark in here. i quickly took a glance at the door. this moron had left it open. i looked back at the guy in front of me. when he was about to kiss me I kicked him in between the legs and ran for the door. when i looked back before i ran down the cold hall, the drunk guy was curled up on the floor groaning. "dont you ever try to kiss me again or i WILL hurt you." i said before i ran. when i got to the end of the hall there was three different directions i could go down. oh no which one! wait! i have to find Chase! i cant leave him here!i passed eight doors on my way here. which one could he be in???i went to the closest door and pressed my ear to it. i couldnt hear anything, and i most certainly wasnt going to i went to the next door. i did the same to this door. there was a small groan. i had this feeling that this was the right door. "Chase?" i whispered. no reply. "Chase!?" i yelled a little more loudly. from inside the door there came a small voice. "Lucinda?" a weak voice said to my yell. "CHASE! OH! ok hold on im gonna get you out of here hold on!" i looked down at the door and saw a lever. i pushed down on it and i heard the big click. the door swung open and the first thing i saw was Chase. he had his wrists chained to the wall above his head. blood was running down his arm from the shackles. he was on his knees with his head hanging down. his hair was wruffled and he looked like he had gotten beaten. his shirt was ripped and i could clearly tell he had been whipped. i grabbed his face and held it up so i could see him. he had a black eye and blood on his lip, but he smiled when he saw me. i grabbed his hand and started unlocking the shackles. at least twenty slashes was given to his chest. "Chase." he must have felt a little stronger because he helped me get him up. when he was standing he had a bit of a hunch. "Lucinda!" he said taking me into a hug. i hugged him back. I was crying. "Chase. we need to get out of here. please. take me back." i said sobbing. "ok Lucinda, lets go. this place is terrible." before he started to walk he leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. i was dazed. wow. the door, but almost fell over. i put his arm over my shoulder and helped him walk. when we got to the end of the hall where i was last, Chase took an immediate left. "how do you know where to go?" i asked. " i gained consciousness before i got to this hall, but they didnt know that. so i remember where to go." i smiled. Chase was a good guy. so why was he down here? we started to see daylight. "there is the exit!" i said. shhh... lucinda there is still guards around." "oh-" I was cut off by a husky voice yelling down the hall, "HEY THE PRISONERS GOT OUT!!!!!! GET THEM!!!""uh oh..." Chase said. i replied to him saying,"ya, big uh oh..."***************
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.08.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my grandmother. for helping me with this book and getting me through the day.

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