

Texte: My sister and I were best friends, until the Davis boy came along. He moved in next door not a week ago, but four days. My sister, Joleen, had something for this boy. The davis boy was named Mitchel. Joleen just couldnt stay away from him, Mitchel was only a year older than me and my sister. Once when Joleen and me were sitting in my bedroom talking, she blurted out of nowhere, "What do you think of Mitchel?" I looked at her puzzled. "excuse me?" I said. I didnt know if i heard her right, I did. "What do you think of Mitchel?" she repeated sounding a little irritated. "oh um..... I don't know." i replied looking back down to my notebook. I was sketching. I loved to draw. I could draw Ponies, horses, zebras, lions, monkeys, pigs, all kinds of animals. I was trying to learn how to draw people's faces. So Joleen was nice enough to let me use her face to practice. I almost had it. "oh, i know you know Ruby! answer my question!" she said smiling trying not to laugh. "well, what do you want me to say?" I said trying not to do the same. "i don't know, do you think he is hot???" "Wow Joleen, was that necessary?" I said with a weird expression. "yes! it was very necessary! and you still have not answered my question! answer women!!!!" we both started laughing. "fine he is pretty hot!!!" I finally admitted. She stopped laughing and just stared at me. "what?" i asked starting to feel childish under her grin. "nothing" she said looking away. the funny face was completely gone, there was nothing to laugh at anymore. "um, ok?" I looked at her face just hoping there was a clue of her joking, there wasn't. "well, i have to go." she commented. "why where you going?" i asked. "i have a date with a certain someone." "It's Mitchel isn't it." it wasn't a question, more like a statement. she had that guilty look on her face. knew it! "maybe" she said walking out the door. of course i followed her. she turned around with a mad look on her face. "what do you want twurp!" she screamed in my face. so i said to her, "hey! just because im five minutes younger doesnt mean you get to call me twurp!" "well, than what do you want!" "I want to know what the hell is going on! we were sitting there laughing, and than i answered your question, and you totally got all defensive! are you dating Mitchel!?" she moved to turn away. i grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look at me. i said slowly, "are. you. dating. Mitchel!?" she didn't answer. "Joleen! tell me!" "YES! There happy!" she shrugged my hands off and walked away. i just stood there facing the wall, baffled. somewhere inside me i felt crushed, others happy for her, and others, alone. what was happening to my life? I had a crush on Mitchel, and my Sister was actually dating him! unbelieveable! *********** nine hours later i was still sitting in my room infront of a piece of paper. I didn't know what to sketch. I heard my door open and my sister stepped in. She had a beer in her hand. "Where did you get that!??!" i yelled. Joleen and I were Mormon, and Joleen walked into my room half-way drunk. "Ruby, i don't feel good." she said sluggishly walking into my room. I ran to her and took the beer. i poored it out the window and threw the bottle in the trash. Joleen walked over to my bed and laid down. "Joleen, what have you done?" i whispered softly. "I don't know." she whispered back, falling into a deep sleep. ********* The next day i woke up in my bed, Joleen had must have woke up in the night and left. I went and brushed my teeth and walked down the stairs. Joleen was sitting at the kitchen table horking down eggs, sausage, pancakes, and cereal. my parents left 2 days ago to go to New Mexico for their Anniversary, and left us things that needed to be done and taken care of. Joleen and Me were sixteen and didn't care about that stuff. i could still see the List sitting on the counter untouched. I went and sat down at the table taking some pancakes and drenching them in surup. "So what happened last night?" i asked. "she finished eating and told me, "Mitchel invited me to his house, and he must have been having a party because his backyard was filled with High School kids! but i just went with it. so we partied and danced and stuff, then he took me inside, he kissed me! Ruby he really kissed me! sorry but it was a real kiss. is it ok if i tell you about this???" "Yea go on." "ok so he kissed me and kissed me forever! than it got really personal and he sat me down on the couch and kept kissing me! I couldn't stop. his lips were like velvet! soft and smooth. but ill stop there. than after that he took me into the kitchen to get a drink. he handed me a beer. so i thought, what is wrong with one beer? and than i was drunk before i knew it! im sorry Ruby." she apoligized looking down at her cereal. *********** The next day I was still worried about Joleen. she has been acting really weird lately. I was sick of not being able to see her for a while. so I went into her room, "hey Jole-" i stopped in my tracks. she had a boy in her room!!! "oh, um hi Ruby." she jumped off the bed and looked like she was really uncomfortable. "Ruby this is Mitchel, Mitchel Ruby." he waved slowly not caring to get off the bed. "hi" I said a little too fast. I looked away real quick and said to Joleen, "can I talk to you for a minute?" "uh, sure ok." I walked out the room and Joleen followed. "ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I yelled/whispered. "Dude, Ruby calm down." "Dude? what the. what has happened to you?! there is a BOY IN YOUR ROOM!" "ya thanks Ruby i think i figured that out quite a while ago." "awhile? how long has he been here Joleen? huh." "maybe a couple hours. why?" "Joleen" i put my hand to my face. "what am i going to do with you." Joleen sighed and took my face in her hands. "Ruby, don't worry about me. okay? he is a good guy and i won't let anything bad happen okay?" I looked up into her eyes and said, "alright." I looked back down. "good" she walked back into her room, but i didnt follow. *********** Things changed after that. Joleen no longer sent me 40 texts a day, she never said hi, she never even looked at me. and when i would enter a room she would walk out. the house was quiet for seemed for ages when my parents finally made it home, when their plane had gotten cancelled because of the weather. "Sweethearts!" my mother yelled when she saw me and Joleen. I ran to her and gave her a big hug, but Joleen just turned her IPOD on full blast, and walked into her room and slammed the door. "what's wrong with Joleen?" my father asked. "i don't know she has been in a really bad mood this past week." my dad walked to Joleen's room and knocked on the door. "Joleen, what's wrong sweety? we just got home. what has happened?" no answer. ten minutes later when my parents had finally settled down, Joleen walked out of her room with tear stains down her cheeks. i looked up and saw her sad. i was about to say something but Joleen put her finger to her lips. I looked at my parents they didn't see that Joleen was there. "Mom, Dad i'll be right back." i said. "okay." my dad replied. i walked out of the room and into Joleen's bedroom. she ran to me and hugged me forever. when she finally let go i asked, "whats wrong?" she just looked at me for a while than started to say, "you were right." she plopped onto the bed and broke out into new tears. "what? what was i right about?" "don't give me that, you know exactly what you are right about! that Mitchel is a terrible guy! he is so terrible! he tried to have sex with me the last time i went to his house and i told him no so he slapped me and kicked me out of the house. i feel so terrible!" I couldn't think straight. my sisters boyfriend tried to rape her! i ran out of the room and went outside and jogged up the street. i was fuming, i was sooo mad! nobody touches my sister! i finally got to where i was going and walked up to the house and pounded on the door. Mitchel answered. He looked down at me and finally said, "what do you want?" "what did you do to my sister." it wasn't a question. i was going to get answers and i was going to get them now. "nothing puss-cake calm yourself. "PUSS-CAKE?! what the hell is wrong with you!? you dont ever touch my sister again do you hear me! if i hear that you even looked at her one more time, im going to kick you so hard, you'r ancestors are going to feel it! got it!" I could tell I got him hard. "sure whatever." he closed the door in my face. i walked down the porch and kicked his glass vase off the steps. it shattered on the ground. Jerk! what is wrong with him!? i couldn't get it out of my mind. i started running back to my house and back into Joleen's room. she was still right where i left her. i climbed on the bed next to her and just hugged her. she kept on crying. i couldn't believe Mitchel would do that to my sister. i couldn't wait for school! i was going to beat up his fat ass in front of the whole school tomorrow. he was going to pay. ********** Two weeks later I was still worried for Joleen. she wasn't doing any better than she already was. Mitchel kept trying to call her and he was annoying the crap out of me! He wouldn't get off my back either. Mitchel still thought that Joleen and him were still going out. I knew they weren't but Joleen couldnt figure it out. One night Mitchel came and knocked on the door, my mom answered it. She didn't know that Joleen hated his guts and invited him into the house. big mustake mom. boy, was he gonna get the finger tonight. Before Joleen could tell Mitchel to get out of the house, Mom invited him to stay for dinner. ugh, what the crap is wrong with her!? While we were eating dinner the whole entire table was quiet for quite a while. my Dad could feel it and started to talk to Mitchel, "so, Mitchel. Where do you live?" My dad tried to sound super manly. wasn't working dad! "Oh, I live like seven house up the street." Mitchel talked with his mouth full. i guess his little Mommy didn't teach him any manners. what a fool. I realized how many mean thoughts have entered my mind and thought i was becoming a jerk. but it was Mitchel. Geez just look at him. his pants are too big, you could tell he didnt comb his hair this morning, and he smelled of smoke and liquor. ew. my dad had the look on his face of utter discust. but it left before Mitchel could see. not that he was going to look. he was shoving bucket-fulls of rice and meatballs. what a pig! ********* I started realizing how quiet it was at the house after i turned my Ipod off. i had my ipod blasting in my ears when i thought i heard my mom call me down for dinner. I took out my earphones and listened for a while. then i heard this crashing noise. it sounded like plates were breaking on a tile floor. i got up and ran to the kitchen, almost falling down the stairs. when i got to the kitchen nobody was in the kitchen and there was no broken plates or pots. everything looked normal. than i heard the sound of rustling feet behind me, and before i could turn around, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and i fell to the floor. darkness over took me. I woke up in a dark room. my eyes hadn't adjusted yet so it was pitch-black. finally i could see some black figures. they were walking towards me, and i started to scream. but no noise came out whatsoever. i was gagged. i had a hard time breathing. when one of the figures came towards me his breathe smelled foul and rotten. i tried to recoil but i couldnt move. i was tied to the wall. something bad is happening kept repeating in my head. the figure leaned down and wispered something in my ear, he said, "you and me are going to have fun with eachother." then he left and locked the door. ****************
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.05.2011

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to my little sister, RUBY. without her I would never know the purpose of life. love ya ruby!

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