
Chapter 1

"Ariana!" yelled Adrielle. “We are going to be late!! It’s our graduation day!" Ariana seemed to be flying as she ran excitedly out her front door and hopped into the red convertible.

"Hey," she said as she gasped for breath. She looked into her compact mirror with a worried expression. "My hair..." she started to say. Adrielle rolled her eyes, and grinned.

"Looks amazing," finished Adrielle. “Now put on a smile cause we are finally out of that dump called Mount Ridgeview High School!!" Ariana couldn't help but to smile at the thought of that.. After all, this was the day they have been waiting for their entire lives. They spent 12 years of their lives pining to be the best and to finally make it to college, where they would get freedom. The two girls had been best friends since birth, literally. Adrielle and Ariana were conjoined at the hip. They did practically everything together, many people mistook them for sisters. Both were stunningly beautiful, resembling Barbie dolls.

"You look great too!" complimented Ariana. Adrielle nodded agreeably and turned up the music loud enough for anyone within a twenty mile radius to hear.

When they got to school they were rushed into the auditorium by Ms. Brinkley. Everyone was glad to be getting rid of her. Excited chatter was heard everywhere, along with tears being shed from knowing that they must part ways with some of their closest friends. Adrielle scanned the room for the last time. As much as she hated high school, she was going to miss this place.

"Now, I know you guys are excited about leaving this place but you need to be on your best behavior." She looked directly at Adrielle, Ariana, Michelle, Matt, Nate and Joe. They all looked down casually at their hands, pretending not to realize that the comment was directed at the six of them. They had planned on an extravagant prank at the end of the ceremony, and they knew that Mrs. Brinkley was going to kill them when it happened. Everyone lined up in their places as the music began to play. Smiles were stretched from ear to ear, and laughter exploded when Mrs. Brinkley almost had a panic attack. "Oh that’s your key! Go! Stand up straight!" She shook her head as the students strolled past her, and wiped a single, crystal tear away.

"Geez," Ariana said, "She seems so tense. She really needs to loosen up and have a little fun. It’s graduation day for crying out loud. She should be as happy as a freaking clam."

"Tell me about it." Agreed Adrielle. "Where did our parents say they were going to sit?" said Adrielle as she scanned the auditorium, trying to find the four of them. Her heart sunk a little when she didn’t see her parents anywhere.

"I don’t know." answered Ariana. She too, was searching for her parents. Her insides filled with worry as she thought about her parent’s missing one of the biggest moments of her life. "They said they would meet up at your place, and then come directly here. Maybe they are just late." She knew on the inside that her parents wouldn’t miss this for the world.

The entire ceremony was over, and by the end of it Adrielle and Ariana were a mixture of worry and anger stricken. Neither of their parents had bothered to show up. Ariana’s eyes filled with tears as she walked out of the building. Adrielle chased after her, anxiously. Adrielle panted as she caught up to her. Ariana just merely looked at Adrielle silently, she didn’t want to talk. Knowing this, Adrielle made her way to the driver’s seat and started the engine.

“Ariana! Adrielle!! “ A short redhead called after them. The two girls turned to see Gemma running after them to say goodbye. Frankly, neither of them really liked her and they just wanted to leave. When Gemma caught up to them, she began to give a big long trail of words that seemed to mean nothing at the time. Ariana just nodded and told her that she would miss her. Adrielle sneered at Ariana’s fake display of emotions towards Gemma. They parted their ways and drove of as fast as they could, leaving Gemma in the dust.

“Why do you think they didn’t come?” Ariana finally asked, round diamond-like tears were streaming down her face. Adrielle, however, didn’t cry. Her sea-green eyes filled with anger and sorrow all at once. She just watched Ariana, not knowing what to say. After what seemed like the longest fifteen minutes of their lives, they finally reached Ariana’s place. Ariana wiped her tears away gently, and brush her long thick black hair back. She got out of the car quickly and ran up the steps as Adrielle followed slowly behind her. Emotionless. Both girls had made sure this day would be perfect. They curled their dark hair to perfection, bought flawless dresses, and had gotten the scholarships that would make any parent proud. Everything was supposed to be flawless, but surely didn’t come out to be picture-perfect as their own parents didn’t come to their graduation.

"Let’s go inside." Adrielle muttered fiercely, as she turned the doorknob "Look, your parent's car is here, but there’s nobody inside." said Ariana peeking into the window. Adrielle ignored her and just walked in. Her face immediately looked revolted; the stench inside the house was unbearable. It smelled of death, rotting flesh, and worst of all, blood. Adrielle walked further inside, not knowing what to expect. Her eyes opened wide with shock. Her lips trembled when she saw the revoltingly gruesome scene that had occurred in Ariana’s, once beautiful, living room. Body parts were thrown everywhere. Blood covered their parents’ bodies. Everything was stained with red. EVERYTHING. Adrielle began to shake. She gasped and tried to say something, but choked on her own words. Fear was filling her insides, and pained seemed to creep in on her.

"What..." Ariana started to ask, and then stopped abruptly when she walked into the living room. She immediately burst into hysterical sobs. Both of the girls had tears streaming down their coffee toned faces. All at once, Adrielle heard voices from downstairs. Feet were climbing the wooden steps loudly. Adrielle frantically covered Ariana’s mouth and pulled her in the coat closet. Ariana glanced up at Adrielle questionably. Adrielle mouthed that she heard footsteps. After what seemed like years, they heard the culprits’ hostile voices. Ariana’s fingernails dug into the soft carpet as she used all her strength not to scream like a girl from a horror movie.

"Are you crazy?!” said the first voice. It was a woman, she sounded ageless, demeaning, and heartless. "You killed them asshole! How are we supposed to find out the information we need to know now?! Let’s leave before the girls come back. This isn’t how the plan was supposed to turn out."

"Sorry. Can we just wait for them to come back?" said the second voice. It was a rough, deep voice of a man. He sounded nervous and scared of the woman. "We can just kill whoever comes in our way. Besides, the hunger is killing me."

"We didn’t come here to kill everyone! We only came here to kill the girls you dimwit! For your information, their parents missed their damn graduation, what on earth makes you think they will be rushing to come home? They are probably out partying with their friends as a sorry act of rebellion." shouted the woman; iciness was seething in her voice "Let’s go!" Her voice got deeper and fierce as she ordered the man to leave. Adrielle and Ariana were paralyzed with fear. They listened as the sounds of the culprit’s footsteps trailed off. They didn’t know why they were wanted and who these people even were. But because of them, their family was dead, gone, and never going to come back. Two long hours dragged on. Finally, Adrielle decided that she needed to get the phone to call the cops. Ariana started to get up to go with her, but Adrielle sat her back down. Adrielle forced Ariana to stay where she was and ran out to grab the phone to call the cops.

The cops were horror stricken, and most of all confused. They imagined whoever had done this was a crazed serial killer. They examined the scene carefully. Yellow crime scene tape was placed all around the house, leaving all the neighbors to gather around and gossip carelessly. Ariana and Adrielle were taken to a hotel nearby, by the cops. They questioned both of them, without even considering the fact that they had just witnessed the most terrible thing in their lives. Ariana told the officer about the voices that they had heard from the closet. The chief executive then decided rapidly that Adrielle and Ariana would have to be put into the witness protection program. As much as the cops empathized for the girls, they needed to be protected, even if it meant taking them away from their homes and everything they’ve worked for their whole lives.

Ariana and Adrielle were a blubbery mess. Silence crept through the hallways as they packed their things. On the morning of their departure from their so-called lives, Officer Brown finally told them where they were going to be staying. "We are going to take you to a small town in Minnesota. You will be living in an apartment in Stillwater. You are not; I repeat, not, allowed to give out any information about your past.” The girls just glared at him angrily and thoughtfully.

“Okay, so what about jobs and other shit?" questioned Adrielle, unsure of what the response would be. She didn’t care that she had just cursed in front of a cop, or that she was being terribly rude to him.

"You both will be working at a local coffee shop.” Officer Brown seemed to ignore her remark. He shoved his fat fingers into his coat pocket to pull out two fake ids. If anyone asks what you are doing in Stillwater, say that you are there to attend college, and just want a steady job for the summer. Your families…uhm….stopped talking to you both and you all have been on your own since." He was firm and spoke with authority. There was no sign of emotion in him. Ariana looked at Adrielle and both knew what each other was thinking. They life was going to change forever. Officer Brown left without saying goodbye. He was awkward, and uncomfortable with the situation. The thought of two teenage girls losing themselves completely, had never even crossed his mind.

Chapter 2

The police had finally cleaned up the crime scene investigation tape, and got rid of the blood from the living room. The girls had security guarding them so they could pack the rest of their belongings. Adrielle was busy staring at a photograph of her family; she was longing to see them again. She tucked her hair behind her ears and stuck the picture into her bag. Ariana clumsily stumbled in and jumped on the bed. Her head was buried into her knees and any normal person wouldn’t have been able to understand what she was saying. But, Adrielle had known her for years, and understood her without hesitation and listened intently as she wept. “Adrielle…I…I…I don’t know what to do?! We worked so hard on our life. We worked so hard to be the top students in school. We worked so hard to get this scholarship. We worked so hard to make our parents proud. And on the day of our graduation, the most glorious day of our lives, our parents end up dead! And we have to leave and start our life all over again! This isn’t fair. This isn’t fair…” trembled Ariana. Adrielle made her way over to Ariana and put her arms around her embracing her with a hug. She struggled to stop her own tears, as she tried to wipe away Ariana’s. “Ariana. Stop it! Stop crying! I know. I know this isn’t what we planned…”

Before she could finish, Ariana cut of off sharply. Adrielle looked taken back and was actually a little scared. “What we planned?! Well no shit Adrielle! I didn’t plan on our parents being dead!” yelled Ariana, her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were bloodshot from all the weeping.

“Ariana! Calm down. You don’t think this hurts me? You think I’m fine with this? Well I’m not! I just want to focus getting out of here. Did you not here those people talking?! They want to kill us!” Adrielle didn’t notice that she was too, yelling back at her. Not out of anger, but out of shock and frustration at what their lives had come too. Both frowned at each other for a couple of seconds, as Ariana finally broke the silence.

“I know…This just happened out of midair. I didn’t expect this to happen.” she confessed. She was finally calming down. Adrielle looked at her sympathetically, she was just as hurt as her, but she never liked to show how hurt she was. She forced herself to give out a mere smile. “I know…just come on. Let’s go, before the cops lose patience with us.” Ariana flinched after the word cops, and it made Adrielle stifle a laugh. They grabbed their things and went on their way to begin the rest of their so-called lives.

“Well, off to start our new life.” said Ariana as she hopped into the driver seat of the convertible.

“I can’t believe we are actually leaving.” responded Adrielle as she put the last suitcase in the back seat. She looked behind her to see the cops ready to follow us to our destination. She rolled her eyes as she hopped into the driver’s seat. Ariana studied Adrielle inquisitively. “What?!” Adrielle asked.

“Can I drive?” Ariana answered. Her eyes glimmered as she looked at the keys. Adrielle sighed and handed her the keys. She switched places with Ariana and watched she stuck the key into the ignition. Honestly, Adrielle was scared, Ariana was kind of a reckless driver, but she would do anything just to make her smile.

Within five long, dreadful hours, they had finally reached Stillwater. “Which way to our apartment?” said Ariana impatiently. Adrielle was studying her new cellphone. It was an old, beat up flip phone and had a new number. She groaned as she realized that she would really have no social life. “Uhmm….take exit 45 and then turn left.” replied Adrielle as she left her phone and began reading the map. After 15 minutes, they reached the apartment complexes. Ariana glowered at the apartment as she began grabbing her bags. She scrunched her nose at the pungent smell that lingered in the air. Once they finished grabbing their luggage and walked up the rough, jagged concrete stairs. When they opened the door to their new home they were amazed. No matter how hard they tried they couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across their faces. “Whoa!” said Adrielle, completely astonished by the massive apartment.

“Well dang!” said Ariana she let out a small breath and waltzed in. She was also compelled by the beauty of the apartment compared by the barren outside of it. The apartment that was in front of their eyes was fairly large and modern. “I thought apartments like this only exist in movies!” said Ariana, walking around the apartment, taking in the glamour of the apartment. “ Oh…my…gosh! Mom would freak!” Ariana suddenly fell silent after saying those words. She signed in disbelief as she realized that she had completely forgotten why she was here for a couple of minutes. Her mind flashed back to the gruesome scene immediately. The memory was etched in her brain. She was scarred; they both were. Adrielle walked around behind Ariana sinking in the grand apartment. Ariana strolled across the hallway and gawked. “That…is…our…room…?” asked Ariana, the excitement building up in her body.

“YES!” shouted Adrielle. For a bliss moment, they forgot they were being hunted by psychopaths, they forgot that they had just witnessed the worst murder scene in their lives, instead they were two teenage girls again. The room they were looking at was large and was a dream come true. It had a bed on the main floor, and then there were stairs to reach the other bed that was located in the indented area of the room. “I CALL THE BED ON THE BOTTOM!” yelled Ariana, running towards the bed. Her child-like eyes grew wider and wider. Adrielle laughed at her immatureness. Adrielle was just happy to see Ariana smile about anything. It felt like years since either of them had been ecstatic about anything. After they unpacked and got settled in, they went down to the local coffee shop to apply for their jobs. Officer Brown had given them specific instructions about where they were to work, where to say they were going to college, and where they were allowed to go.

“Excuse me miss? We need applications do apply for jobs.” said Adrielle, getting the managers attention. Ariana was tapping her fingers on the counter impatiently. The manager turned and smiled. She had golden blonde hair, brown eyes, and had wrinkles. Although she was fairly old, she looked great.

“Are you Ariana and Adrielle?” asked the middle aged woman observing them approvingly. Adrielle looked at Ariana with a confused expression on her face.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” asked Ariana. She was a bit freaked out. The manager chuckled, and smiled as she replied.

“The police department told us…anyways. You all don’t need applications. We already got everything sorted out. You all start tomorrow.” She said with a smile. The girls exchanged anxious looks, and turned back to the over-excited manager.

“Oh. Okay! Thanks!” Adrielle acknowledged. She gave the manager one of her forced smiles and turned to leave. Ariana nodded to her appreciatively and followed Adrielle out the double doors.

Chapter 3

“Adrielle, wake up!” shouted, Ariana buttoning up her shirt. It was a light blue collared shirt that clung to their bodies.

“5 more minutes…” said Adrielle still half asleep. She rolled underneath her covers, trying to block out everything. Suddenly she felt the covers jerk off the bed. Adrielle clung to the bed posts as Ariana pulled her by her feet.

“Wake up! We have to get to work dumbass!” Ariana began to chuck pillows at her now. Adrielle groaned with an annoyed tone.

“Alright…I’m up. Sheesh, no need for the name calling.” said Adrielle. She rolled off the bed and began to walk towards the bathroom. Within 30 minutes, both girls were dressed and ready to get to work.

“Alright, put on these and get to work!” ordered Jen, the manager. She handed them a repulsive apron that had the words “Jens Café” on it. Adrielle flashed a look at Ariana. She hated this job, this place, and especially her life. Ariana gave her the same look back and together they worked silently and indifferently. While working, both remember their parents, the imaged still stained in their minds.

Adrielle and Ariana were emotionless and filled with pain for the next two months. Anytime they found anything that made them smile, the memory of the living room caught up with them and they went back to griping. Grief had begun to fill the house, and Ariana and Adrielle were enveloped in it. They were trammeled as if they couldn’t get out. They were reclusive towards everyone in the town. When questions were asked, answers weren’t given. Instead they replied with short, description less answers. Over time, people learned to just leave them alone for a while.


“Adrielle,” Ariana said as she sat down next to her. Her eyebrows furrowed hesitantly. Adrielle was holding the last picture she took with her family. Adrielle was beginning to realize how different she looked from her mother and father. They had brown hair while hers happened to be jet black. They skin was slightly darker and even their facial features weren’t alike. She began to wonder hopelessly if they were even her parents. She had tears running out of her deep emerald eyes, and she was trying hard to stop herself. She turned her head away from Ariana as if she were ashamed. Adrielle hated to cry in front of people and Ariana knew it. Ariana put a hand on her shoulder and began speaking with a calm, empathetic tone. She then, had the biggest epiphany. She grasped the idea that they couldn’t mope around forever. They had to move on and live their lives. Of course, they would desperately miss their parents. But their parents wouldn’t have wanted this for them. They would’ve wanted them to be happy, and not suicidal and miserable. “Look it’s been two months, the town will begin to wonder what’s up if we keep this up. I know you miss your parents and I miss mine too. But they wouldn’t have wanted us to live like this. They would’ve wanted us to move on and live our lives. It’s what we owe them for being there for us all their lives.” Adrielle looked shocked. She looked up at Ariana and unfolded herself from the kneeling position she was in. She wouldn’t have in her entire life expected Ariana to be the one saying this. In fact, she expected herself to be the one to pull things together. Anyhow, she knew that Ariana was right. Adrielle nodded to show that she understood, and that she was willing to try her best to move on and try to be happy. She wrapped her thin arms around Ariana’s lean frame and hugged her tightly; at least she knew she had someone there for her no matter what.

Chapter 4

By the next month everything was completely different from what their recent mornings had been like. They seemed to be themselves again. They decided that they would pretend as if they were taking a long vacation from home. They knew however, that their past would end up catching up to them sooner or later. As Ariana was standing by the cash register, 2 handsome boys walked into the coffee shop. Handsome was an understatement. They were god-like, almost as if they weren’t real. And best of all they looked just as if their age was perfect for Ariana and Adrielle. “Welcome to Java coffee shop, what would you like to order?” asked Ariana focusing on her notepad. She hadn’t bothered to glance up until they spoke.

“2 regular coffees please.” said the boy with dirty blonde hair. He was gazing down at Ariana. When she finally looked away from the notepad she gawked. She was completely stunned by the boys. The boy on the right had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The other had light brunette hair with lilac eyes. They were sexy, muscular, and tall.

“Uh, okay. I’ll get that for you both right away.” The light brunette seemed pleased with her reaction as he smirked boyishly. Ariana practically bolted to the back. “Adrielle!”

“What?” Adrielle asked nervously. She hadn’t seen Ariana this excited about something in a while. “Two hot guys, both of them are tall, blue and purple eyes, amazing hair, oh my gosh!” Ariana whispered ecstatically. She didn’t want Jen to hear her drooling over two customers. Adrielle’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Seriously?! Where show me!” Ariana grabbed Adrielle and together they peaked out the door window. Both knew that they weren’t ready to hold a stable relationship, but they knew they could at least enjoy the view. Ariana pointed to the two boys sitting out in the booth. “Oh…my…they are freaking gorgeous!” Adrielle was busy fantasizing about the guy with the dirty blonde hair when she was interrupted by Ariana.

“Oh, and they need 2 coffees.” said Ariana as she remembered she was at work. Adrielle grumbled as she went back to grinding coffee beans.

“Liam, did you see her?” said Logan. He was watching Ariana intently as she counted money. He noticed her resemblance to Elizabeth. She had the same dark hair, tall slender body, and most of all her oceanic sapphire eyes.

“Yeah…it’s quite creepy how much she looks like Elizabeth.” Replied Liam amusedly. He watched as Logan stared at Ariana as if she were Elizabeth. But she wasn’t and he hoped Logan knew this. He glanced down at his watch impatiently. The thirst was killing him.

“This is creepy….they resemble each other so well…” Logan muttered to himself. His thoughts trailed to memories of him and Elizabeth the night it had all happened. He remembered the night that he lost his first love, and theoretically, his life. Ariana came out with the coffee ruining his trail of memories. “Alright, here you are…anything else?” she asked politely. Her skin cheeks felt hot as the fumed with a crimson color. Liam snickered when he saw her blush. Logan flashed a nasty look at him to get him to shut up.

“Uhm, no we’re good. Thank you.” Logan replied in the same courteous manner. Ariana nodded and began to walk away when Logan grabbed her wrist. “Hey what’s your name?” Ariana panicked a little and gave him a flustered look.

“ uh…umm…Ariana” she managed to spit out. Ariana was embarrassed about how she was so close to forgetting her own name in front of this god-like human. Before Logan could answer, Adrielle waltzed out of the back room and stood next to Adrielle. She pretended to tell her that she ran out of cream in the back, which seemed to crack Ariana up. Adrielle gave her a look that meant to just play along. Ariana just handed her the money and told her to go tell Jen about it. Adrielle groaned and was about to turn away when she noticed Liam ogling her. Liam hands started to quiver and he almost looked afraid. She looks just like Stella he thought to himself. He noticed that she looked just like Ariana except for the eyes and height. Adrielle was a little bit taller. But both were tall, thin, and absolutely beautiful. He kept gawking until Adrielle waved her hand in front of him.

“Is there something on my face or something?” she asked sarcastically. She glowered at him. She loathed it when people just stared at her. Liam didn’t respond. Instead his eyes shifted to Logan.

“Uh, I know this is weird because I don’t ever know you but would you like to go to a movie or something?” Ariana started blushing. Adrielle looked at her with disbelief. She had NEVER seen Ariana blush before, granted these guys were hot, but still.

“Uh, sure.” She said smiling, showing her pearly whites. She didn’t have the thought of them being potentially dangerous run across her mind. She barely knew him, but she caught herself agreeing to go on a date him. Adrielle nudged Ariana and pulled her aside.

“Are you crazy?” she whispered, “You barely know him. For all we know he could be a serial killer.” Ariana rolled her eyes and giggled.

“When did you become the worry wart?” Ariana said playfully. “Besides it’s time for me to have a little fun!” Adrielle remained silent and just nodded. Ariana strolled back over to Logan, and batted her eyelashes. Adrielle looked back over at Liam who was gawking at her again.

“Wait. My best friend…I can’t just ditch her…” she heard Ariana say sadly. Adrielle walked over and hit her upside the head jokingly.

“It’s fine, Ariana. We aren’t attached at the hip!” she stated. Ariana beamed gratefully at her. Adrielle just returned the smile and walked away hoping that the mysterious hot guy would ask her to go with him.

“Oh no it’s fine. My brother here, he’ll be coming as well.” Logan suggested. Adrielle clicked her heels and faced the three of them again. Before she could even object to the pity date, Ariana cut in.

“Oh okay. Perfect. I’m Ariana and my friend, her name is Adrielle.” Adrielle just waved and smiled awkwardly. Liam stared at her intently again. Adrielle watched his blue eyes get deeper and softer the longer he looked at her.

“I’m Logan and this is Liam.” Logan gestured towards Victor, who was too busy looking at Adrielle to acknowledge Ariana.

“Oh okay, nice to meet you both. I’ll see you guys at the movies tomorrow night at 8.” Ariana spoke sweetly. She was also wondering why he was looking at Adrielle as if he was already in love with her or something.

“Oh wait, what are your last names?” asked Liam abruptly. Adrielle and Ariana exchanged looks. They were shocked by the question, but they knew they needed an answer now. Adrielle forgetting she had to use a fake name began to speak.

“Oh mine is Ma—“But before Adrielle could finish, Ariana cut her off. “My last name is Clark and Adrielle’s is Smith.”

“Uh yeah…what she said.” Adrielle murmured.

“Anyways, we have to get back to work. Bye, see you all at 8 tomorrow night.” said Ariana cheerfully. She was twirling her hair and beaming from ear to ear. Logan said his goodbyes and practically had to drag Liam with him.

“Adrielle and Ariana…” said Liam sternly. “You don’t think…” he trailed off realizing it was practically impossible.

“She looks like Elizabeth…and Adrielle looks like Stella. But they aren’t them. They have human written all over them not to mention the blood pulsating throughout their bodies. But maybe they can help us find them.” Logan’s violet eyes blazed as he thought of his first love and also his first enemy Elizabeth Marino.

Chapter 5

Later the next day, Logan and Liam walked up the two stories to Adrielle and Ariana’s apartment. They looked around noticing the cracks in the pavement and the algae growing around the sides. They didn’t think the place was fit for a pair of two 19 year old girls. They waited patiently, in the vast living room as the two girls got ready. When they descended the mini stairwell, Liam and Logan’s face fell grave. They were beautiful, far more beautiful than Elizabeth and Stella, but they were still very comparable looking. “You guys look sick….” Adrielle said disappointedly. She fiddled her thumbs nervously and her eyes filled with worry as she noticed their pale faces. “Do you need water or anything?” she pointed at the bottle of water and began to walk over when Liam spoke up.

“No, we are fine, you look gorgeous.” Liam couldn’t believe his own eyes. She was stunning, amazing, but her personality, he could tell, was completely different. In an instant he wanted to hold her in his arms and just tell her he loved her. It took all this strength to act casual whiling looking at her.

“Agreed” complimented Logan. He watched as the curls around Ariana’s faced bounced around happily. Her smile captivated him, almost as if it were a spell or trance. He wanted to kiss her already, but just like Liam, controlled his emotions.

“Thanks” The two girls said at once. They were pleased with the compliments that were given out to them.

In the car, Ariana and Logan seemed to hit it off. They laughed warmly, smiled, and they talked about themselves. Ariana tried to stray from the topic of her life and go to Logan’s most of the time. Logan was slowly beginning to realize that Ariana was nothing like Elizabeth. She was warm, funny, caring, and just plain special. He wanted to get to know her better. But, he knew he had to keep his distance, in theory, if he fell in love with her, he could put her into a lot of danger. He didn’t want that for her at all. He also didn’t want to fall in love with her.

Liam and Adrielle had their own conversation in the back. But it seemed to not go so well.

“So, which college do you go to?” Adrielle asked Liam trying to start a conversation. Liam answered hesitantly. “Umm…I go to Globe University how about you?”

Adrielle regretted asking that question immediately. “Uhh…” Liam gave her an inquisitive look. Before Adrielle could answer, the car went to a halt and Logan spoke. “ Okay we are here! What movie do you want to see?” He looked back and forth to Ariana and Adrielle.

“Anything goes, as long as there are hot chicks” suggested Liam. He hadn’t meant what he had said, but he needed to stop himself from falling in love with Adrielle. He figured being rude would be the best way to go. Logan sent him a look full of daggers. Adrielle scowled. She flashed a look of disbelief towards Ariana.

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Adrielle scoffed. She didn’t realize how angry she was, but her insides were burning. She hated perverts, and lucky for her, she happened to end up on a date with on.

“Oh…uh…sorry?” Liam forced himself to say. Adrielle rolled her eyes and began to open the car door. “Ugh, douche” Adrielle muttered under her breath while clumsily getting out. Liam clenched his teeth. “What are you two staring at?” Liam asked annoyed by the look that Logan was giving him.

Ariana and Logan couldn’t help but to laugh at their immatureness. “Oh…nothing.” Ariana sneered as Logan smiled flirtatiously at Ariana. She giggled and batted her eyelashes.

“Let’s go.” Liam hopped out of the car, and beckoned for the other two too come out. Adrielle’s arms were crossed and her lips were pouted. Liam found this unbelievably adorable and smiled to himself as he headed towards the entrance of the theatre.

“Ugh” Adrielle groaned. “This is not how I imagined my perfect date to be. “ She told Ariana just loud enough for only her to hear, not knowing that Logan and Liam were still able to make out what they were saying.

“Just go along with it.” Ariana didn’t want to ruin her moment with Logan at all. She and Logan walked together as if they were already a couple. He put his arms around her waist protectively when the guy by the counter gave her the look of death. When they finally sat in the theatre Logan decided to go get popcorn. Ariana and Adrielle laughed hysterically as they remembered the time where they had thrown popcorn everywhere in an empty theatre. They had almost forgotten about Liam until he coughed.

“What are you two laughing about?” he asked broadly. His eyebrows furrowed as the two girls got silent and didn’t reply to him. Liam let out a huge sigh of annoyance as a broad, fat guy that blocked his way sat in front of him. “Hey, can you please move?” The, what seemed to be a very large football player turned and rolled his eyes and refocused back to the TV screen. Liam, leaned forward and whispered fiercely into his ear,” Look, I know you’re trying to impress your girlfriend by ignoring me. But I won’t work; she’s been checking me out all night. So it’s best if you just leave” Adrielle gasped. She apologized to the guy on behalf of Liam who was amused that she would do so.

“What are you doing?! It’s okay! We can move seats; there is no need to start a fight in the middle of the theatre!” she yelled at Liam. Liam glanced at her and watched as the guy stood up and left the theatre angrily, as he dragged his confused girlfriend along with him. Her frail figure almost looked as if it broke when she clumsily tripped over a person on the way out.

“Awwhh…poor guy” Liam said without any compassion or sorrow in his voice. Ariana was stunned; she pictured Logan and then Liam. She was shocked the how different they were from each other. Adrielle on the other hand, expected none other than that based on the past hour. Logan came back with the popcorn and sat himself next to Ariana. Logan had to dig his fingernails into his skin to stop himself from kissing her right then and there. He didn’t know why but he had this surge of emotion when he was with her. He had never felt this way before, especially a girl he just met.

Liam and Adrielle, however, didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the night. Liam was thinking about how different she was from Stella. Stella hated people, she didn’t care about anyone, except him, or so he thought. Adrielle is the complete opposite. He thought to himself. Regardless of her sarcastic, Eff the world attitude, she was still caring on the inside. She still loved unconditionally; that was something Stella didn’t have in her cold soul.

Logan smiled to himself amusedly as he looked down at Ariana. They ended up watching a horror movie. Ariana was immensely afraid of horror movies; she buried her head into his chest a lot of times unknowingly. She clutched onto his arms, and blushed deeply as she felt his stone hard muscles that hugged his shirt just perfectly. It was hard for Logan to control his thirst, but he didn’t want her to stop either. His mouth felt dry every time she was near. He wanted her blood, but he didn’t want to hurt her. His insides were burning, and he used all his strength to control it. He began to feel things for her that she didn’t even feel for Elizabeth. He was scared, scared of, falling in love, of being betrayed or being lost in it again. When they got home, Adrielle said goodbye, and walked inside without saying a word to Liam. Logan kissed Ariana on the cheek, and walked to his car. Ariana shined as she watched him walk away and thought about how flawless he was compared to his brother. Ariana came inside and flopped onto the couch and squealed. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. He is AMAZING!” She was about as happy as a child with bowl full of ice cream.

“Good for you!” Adrielle said thoughtlessly. She was angry that she had wasted an evening with a douchebag. Realizing how terrible she sounded, she apologized. “I am happy for you; really, it’s just that his brother pisses me off!”

“Oh I know! He’s terrible” Ariana approved. Adrielle couldn’t help to grin, at least Ariana agreed with her.

When Liam and Logan got home, Logan blew up. It was like an erupting volcano of anger. “What was that stunt you pulled tonight with Adrielle? Do you realize how rude you were being? He bellowed. He slammed his fist on the table. He knew Liam was a bit of a jerk, but he never acted this rude, this upset him even more. Liam just laughed it off.

“Nothing, I know I was being a jerk. It’s just that every time I look at her I think of Stella, and then I think of how different she is from her. I just…” He began.

“Liam, Stella betrayed you. She ripped your heart to pieces. She KILLED you. She didn’t think twice about it either. You were just a toy to her.” Logan was being ruthless now. His anger for Elizabeth and Stella was beyond any anger before. Liam hung his head, ashamed that he even stopped hating Stella for a second. He knew he was right. But Stella had filled him with so much anger and hate; he didn’t know how to get rid of it. But regardless, he argued back,

“I know. I just, can’t fall in love again. I don’t want to get hurt. And I don’t plan on it.” He replied back. His blue eyes turned into a deep navy as the anger and hurt pulsated through his empty veins.

“Who said anything about falling in love?!” Logan stopped and looked at Liam. Logan knew the truth behind those words. He felt the same for Ariana. Every time he looked at her, he was blown away. It was as if they were soul mates. He read Liam’s eyes and realized that Liam felt the same wave of emotion for Adrielle.

“You’re in love with her aren’t you? You haven’t even gotten to know her. She’s human. You could hurt her.” He tried to point out that it was a bad idea, although he knew he was being a hypocrite.

“I know.” Liam muttered as zoomed into his room, slamming the door shut. The entire night he thought about Adrielle, her laugh, the way her eyes gleamed when she was angry. And the way she cared about people regardless of how rude they are. He knew he was in love, but he needed to push her away, for her and his own good. He thought and thought about her until he fell asleep.

Logan was busy thinking about Ariana too. He thought about Ariana’s hair, her voice, and the way she got so scared over the littlest things in the movie. He found her absolutely adorable and mesmerizing. Everything about her was warm and caring. He also, knew he was in love with her, but he didn’t want to stop himself. It felt so good and right.

Chapter 6

It had been 3 days since the girls had been on their date with the Seniti brothers. Ariana spent hours swooning over Logan. Adrielle on the other hand, absolutely had no intentions to see Liam ever again. The thought of him made her stomach churn. “You think Logan will call me?” asked Ariana as she was folding the laundry. She had been doing A LOT of housework to keep herself from thinking about Logan too much.

“Well, I can tell he liked you but he didn’t ask for your number…” replied Adrielle, looking up from the laptop she was thoroughly focused on. She was on her Facebook page stalking her friends, whom she hadn’t seen in what felt like years. She sighed as she put down the laptop and helped Ariana fold the clothes.

“Ugh. I hate this. We have to lie to them about our last name, we can’t tell them what college we’re attending, we can’t tell them anything!” groaned Ariana. She brushed her hair back with her fingers with a frustrated expression and flopped onto the bed. Adrielle couldn’t help but to crack up at the fact that she was already worried about stuff like that after one date. Ariana yanked the t-shirt that Adrielle was clutching out of her hands. “You do not know how to fold laundry at all!” Adrielle rolled her eyes.

“ Umm you know how much I hate work. Back to our point, you might be sad about that, but I don’t want Liam to know anything about me at all.” Adrielle reacted. Ariana whimpered and mumbled Logan’s name as she muffled her face into the pillow.

“Liam, quit it.” Logan ordered as he watched his brother hunch over what seemed to be dead, lifeless, body. It was of an old woman, who looked as if she had lived an EXTREMELY long life.

“What...? I’m thirsty.” Liam protested. He was practically slurping the blood from the woman’s body. He felt suddenly relieved. The thirst that had been nearly killing him for days, was now leaving him. His body felt powerful again, and he felt invincible. He wiped the blood off of his mouth and went to the sink to wash his hands. Logan was tapping his fingers in the counter, annoyance spread across his face.

“You can’t just feed on them Liam. They’re humans. They are Innocent people.” Logan explained. He was watching the lady shake wildly as if she was having a seizure. Logan shifted his attention towards Liam when he began to speak again.

“She won’t remember a thing. I’ll just erase her memory.” He suggested innocently. He gave a grin that just made Logan want to shove him into a wall. The lady was still alive, but barely. Liam walked over to the limp body and jolted her back up to her feet. He held her palms steadily and looked into her eyes. His eyes began to be a swirling motion of blue as his pupils began to dilate. “YOU WILL NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. YOU NEVER MET ME. YOU FELL DOWN THE STAIRS AND YOUR CAT CLAWED AT YOU.” He told the lady. Her brown eyes changed colors almost as if it were magic. She silently nodded her head and waddled out slowly.

“I have no absolute hope for you.” Logan shook his head in absolute disbelief. Liam groaned and rolled his eyes.

“Oh chill out, I didn’t kill her. I’m not completely ruthless” he contradicted. He had an amused grin plastered on his face as he walked towards his room. Logan furrowed his eyebrows angrily and called after him

“You better stop this nonsense, you can’t just feed on people. Drink from the blood bags as I do, they aren’t that bad. As soon as the people here find out about us again, we’re screwed.” Logan’s fist were clenched together, he was doing all he could to not punch Victor in the face right then and there. He had been saving his reckless ass for centuries.

“Chill out Logan.” Liam retorted. He knew that Logan was right to some extent, but he didn’t want to restrict his life completely. He was a monster and there was no way to control it. Or so, he thought. His thoughts lingered back to Adrielle when he saw the picture of Stella hidden beneath his floorboard. Logan watched his brother attentively and began to wonder if Ariana and Adrielle knew anything about Elizabeth or Stella. He wanted revenge, and he would get it if that’s the last thing he ever did.

Ariana was finishing up the laundry and Adrielle was back on the laptop when the doorbell rang. “I got it.” said Ariana as she put the last of the clothes away and scurried towards the door. She cursed loudly as she stubbed her toe on one of Adrielle’s heels that seemed to just be lying in the middle of the hallway. When she opened the door, the officer Brown stood there awkwardly. He let out a small wave. Ariana beamed as she gestured him to come inside. She hadn’t seen a familiar face in a while and she didn’t care who it was, she was just plain happy. “Officer, what are you doing here?” asked Ariana, glad to see him. She pointed to the couch to show that he could have a seat but he remained standing. She shrugged it off and waited for his reply.

“I just wanted to give you the last of your parents things that we had kept as evidence. I’m sorry sweetie, but it’s a cold case. We have tried everything to find these people and we don’t have a single lead besides the story you told us. Either way, you are to continue staying here. It’s still not safe for you to come back...” He told her. His heart almost broke as he looked into Ariana’s warm sapphire eyes. Ariana felt her eyes get wet and struggled to hold her tears back. How could this be happening?

“Oh okay. Thank you.” replied Ariana in monotone, taking the files from his hands. She led him back towards the door and said her goodbyes. Memories began to flood back to her, and she couldn’t help herself from crying silently as she walked back to Adrielle’s room.

“Who was it?” asked Adrielle, looking up from her laptop. She noticed Ariana’s and had assumed it was Logan. Her insides filled with fury. Ariana sat down next to her showing Adrielle the files. Instantly she began to calm down a little. Ariana’s heart was filled with anguish and complete rage. It was palpable as she spoke.

“It was the officer; he came to drop off these files. It’s a cold case. They can’t find the killer and they assume they never will. We still have to stay here though….forever… Come on, let’s look at them.” Adrielle put the laptop down and sat down next to Ariana on the bed. Both of them looked at the files quietly, not saying a word to each other. None of these things were useful. They were things that didn’t even need to be kept for evidence.

After about 2 hours of looking through the files, they had found nothing interesting at all. “This is pointless. There is nothing in here.” sighed Adrielle, her heart dropped a little. Ariana was beginning to clean up the mess, when she noticed something odd about the files at the very bottom.

“Adrielle look at this.” Ariana’s heart skipped a beat, and began to race. Adrielle sensed the anxiety she had and peeked over her shoulder to see what she was gawking at.

“What is it?” Ariana shoved the papers towards Adrielle. Adrielle’s jade eyes opened wide with astonishment.

“Oh my gosh…We…we…we were adopted.” Adrielle managed to spit out. Her throat was closing in on her. Ariana was busy reading the name of her birth mother. “On the paper, who does it say was your birth mother?” Adrielle wondered.

“Alice Monroe, why?” replied, Ariana motionlessly. Her heart dropped, as she realized that she had been laid to her entire life. Everything around her began to spin and she felt as if the world was closing in on her.

“Ariana…We…we are sisters.” Adrielle hesitated. Her heart began to soar when she realized that her best friend was actually her sister.

“What?!” Ariana had a hard time taking all this in. Of course she was happy, she hadn’t been this happy since, who knows? She wiped away her tears and smiled at Adrielle.

After 10 minutes of silence, Ariana finally spoke up. “Adrielle? We’re not just sisters…we’re twins.” “But we look nothing alike.” Adrielle retorted. Weren’t twins supposed to look alike?

“Well, we are both tall, skinny, have black hair and light tan skin.” Explained Ariana. She looked at Adrielle longingly and realized they did look a lot like sisters.

“So? That’s coincidence. But, look it says here that we are fraternal twins.” Realized Adrielle. She tightened her grasp on the birth certificates as if they were her only way to prove that she had some family left.

After that being said, Adrielle pulled Ariana into a warm, affectionate, sisterly embrace. They both had tears welled up in their eyes. “I can’t believe this.” Ariana expressed.

“Neither can I!” responded Adrielle agreeably. Both of them were overwhelmed but happy to find out the truth.

It was late in the afternoon, when the two girls decided to go down to the local boutique. They were laughing and sharing memories. Ariana heard someone calling her name from behind and twirled around to see Logan running behind her. In an instant he was right in front her of. She blinked her eyes a few times to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Ariana! Hey!” Logan greeted her in a suave tone. It took a while for Ariana to process anything until Adrielle nudged her.

“Logan! Hey!” she retaliated. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Logan eyed Ariana’s figure. She’s beautiful. He thought. From behind Logan was Liam. “Well hello there Adrielle.” He said smirking flirtatiously. He couldn’t help but to smile as he saw her emerald eyes gleam as she acknowledged Liam. Adrielle rolled her eyes. “Hi.” She responded without emotion. Her stomach began to churn and she didn’t know why but she was happy to see him, even though she hated him. That thought made it churn even more. The rest of the conversation was mostly taken over by Ariana and Logan who seemed to be enjoying themselves. Adrielle and Liam stayed quiet and tried to avoid each other’s gaze. Adrielle made a small whimper when Ariana had agreed for them to go to the brothers’ house to hang out for a bit. Ariana ignored her sigh and continued to blush idiotically in front of Logan. She wanted to kiss him right then and there.

Adrielle and Ariana were frazzled when they saw the huge house that the brothers had lived in. They walked up the steps to the Seniti house and rang the doorbell. “This house is huge!” gasped Ariana as they waited patiently for the door to open. Adrielle was impressed and mesmerized by the house but chose not to show it.

“Oh great, they’re rich and snobby.” said Adrielle, secretly wanting to run inside and explore the huge mansion.

“Adrielle. Come on, Liam can be a douche but he isn’t that bad.” Ariana opposed. She lifted her hands to knock on the door again.

“Whatever.” Adrielle ignored her plea to help her make it through this day. The door finally opened and they were greeted by Liam and Logan. Liam held a sneer on his lips as he tried not to notice how amazing they looked.

“Hey. You guys look great.” said Logan, politely. He couldn’t take his eyes of Ariana. Her hair was perfectly framing her face, and her gold earrings brought out her deep satiny blue eyes. She was wearing a violet summer dress that matched his eyes perfectly. He grinned to himself at the thought of that.

“Thanks.” said the girls at once. Liam tried to avoid Adrielle’s glare as he gestured her to come inside. She was wearing dark denim skinny jeans, heeled boots, and a leather jacket over her red tank top. A necklace resembling a chain of hearts draped across her neckline and had her hair was let into long loose waves. Her green eyes seemed to sparkle underneath the sunset. Liam comprehended that the two girls were completely different. Ariana was more simple and chic. On the other hand, Adrielle was trendy and had a trace of badass in her. Both never wore makeup however and still managed to look like they stepped out of a teen vogue magazine. Adrielle couldn’t help but to think Liam was completely and irrevocably sexy. He looked like a Greek god. In fact, he would make gods jealous. His perfect complexion, eyes, and smile made her melt like a Popsicle on a hot summer day. Ariana thought the same about Logan, she imagined him to be some other worldly creature. She figured no human being could ever look this good. EVER. She began to wonder if she was just imagining the way the brothers looked.

“I’ve found out where the girls are.” said Veronica pressing on the break. She turned to face Daniel and smiled wickedly. Daniel returned the same evil grin. “Where are they?” asked Daniel leaning in closer to Veronica, who seemed to be moving further away from him in disgust. “They are in Stillwater with the Seniti brothers. Elizabeth and Stella just notified me. They seemed pretty pissed off.” She exclaimed. There was fear trailing in her voice, she knew that she would never here the end of it from her sisters if she failed at the plan. “Shit…it’s going to be harder to get to them if they’re with them.” Daniel spoke somberly. His guts were telling him that the plan was going fail, but he continued to act strong and macho for Veronica, who didn’t seem to care. “Come on, let’s go and give them a little scare.” said Veronica, with a devious smile. She gunned the accelerator and zoomed off. They reached Stillwater in a matter of seconds.

Logan and Liam were giving a grand tour of their elaborate mansion. The girls were absolutely fascinated with the house. It had old furniture and the framework was amazing, not to mention plenty of space and rooms.

“Where’s the bathroom?” asked Adrielle. She didn’t really have to go, but she just wanted to get away from Liam and his snobbish comments. Logan politely pointed towards the end of the dark hallway and kept walking. Ten minutes later, Logan stopped curtly when he smelled a wave of smoke hit his nostrils. He took a big whiff and flashed a look at Liam. Ariana shared the confused expression both of them had a while later. She began to panic; she hated fires ever since she had been in one when she was five. Almost as if it were a dream the outburst of flames began to engulf the house. Liam grabbed Ariana and dragged her out the window to their left. Before, Liam went through; Logan ran past him and whispered in his ear. “I heard Veronica and Daniel. They’re here!” There was worry in his voice, he didn’t want Ariana to find out the truth, or get into any trouble. He looked out the window and watched as Ariana gazed at the burning house somberly. She began to call his name, Logan grabbed Liam’s arm and together they jumped out of the burning building effortlessly.

Ariana ran towards the Seniti brothers, too overwhelmed to even notice that Adrielle wasn’t anywhere in sight. She embraced the both of them and began thanking them for getting her out. All of a sudden Ariana felt a wave of shock in her body, almost as if she felt something was wrong and not right. Her biggest fear became true when she realized that Adrielle wasn’t in sight. They heard a shriek come from the second floor of the back of the flaming house. “Adrielle!!” she shouted hysterically. Logan looked back at Ariana.

“Is she not here?” asked Logan with a panicked looked on his face. He scanned the entire driveway for Adrielle. He noticed Liam’s eyes turn black with fury, and crushing fear.

“No! She’s not! She’s still in there!” Ariana began to sob. “Get her out of there! Please!” she pleaded. She started running towards the burning house when Logan grabbed her waist and pulled her back. She began to kick and struggle out of his grip but he held her firmly.

“You can’t go in there Ariana!” he said sternly. Ariana looked at him in disbelief. She scowled and thrashed harder. She finally stopped when she realized it was no use, and that he wasn’t going to let her go.

“She’s in there! She’s going to die!” she yelled at him sharply. Her eyes shifted to Liam, begging him to do something.

“Logan, I’m going in.” Liam responded to her cry. In a flash, he was gone inside the smoke filled mansion.

It was impossible to see anything through the thickness of the smoke. Liam made it to the living room to see Adrielle in the hands of Daniel and Veronica. Danielle was holding her limp body in his arms, as Veronica kneeled into sink her teeth into her neck. “Let her go.” said Liam, calmly. He resisted the urge to kill them right then and there. But he knew he didn’t have a chance, it was two against one.

“Well hello there Liam. Nice to see you.” said Veronica, giving him one of her devious smiles. She pushed her blonde hair back and knelt in even closer to Adrielle’s neck. Adrielle didn’t move an inch; she lay unconscious from the smoke and coughed from time to time.

“I said let her go.” he declared again. His eyes were pinning Daniel as he watched his every move, making sure that he didn’t do anything to hurt her.

“Let me think…nope. All we need now is the other girl...Ariana.” responded Daniel, viciously. Liam smirked.

“What?” asked Daniel, confused by the ironic smile on his face.

“You just made the wrong choice.” He retorted, in a flash he flew towards Daniel and Veronica. He seized Daniels neck, smashed him into the heavy stone wall and threw him to the ground. Then he moved to Veronica, he bared his teeth angrily as he prowled towards her. She smiled cunningly as she pulled out a wooden dagger from her coat. Liam sped towards the dagger and tossed it out the window. He grabbed Veronica's blonde hair and pulled bunches of it out. As she writhed in shear anger and pain he pushed her towards the moving fire and headed towards Adrielle. He quickly draped her over and shoulders and leapt out of the window just in time before the fire and swallowed them whole.

“Adrielle!” shouted Ariana, as she saw Liam carrying her out. Ariana sprinted towards them giving Liam a hug thanking him. She brushed Adrielle’s hair away from her face as she looked at her lovingly.

“Yeah, Yeah, no problem.” he said, clearly enjoying playing the ‘hero’. The four was seated in the car as quickly as possible. When they reached the apartments, Liam pulled Adrielle out and lifted her up the stairs and into their home. Logan walked up with Ariana holding her to his side protectively as he glanced around for any sign of Veronica and Daniel. When they reached the apartment door, Logan looked at Ariana apologetically. Ariana smiled at him, knowing that it wasn’t his fault and gave him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. They walked in, to see Liam in the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. “She’s going to be alright, she’s just unconscious from the smoke, but she hasn’t been burned anywhere.” He told Ariana. She signed in relief and gave him a sisterly hug.

“Um…” Logan started off, not knowing how to continue. “Sorry for what you had to go through today, it must have been terrifying.” He looked down at his hands and began fiddling his thumbs nervously. Ariana laughed lightheartedly and told him that it was okay and that it could’ve happened to anyone. She reminded them to talk to the fire department about what had caused the fire to prevent another one.

“Where are you guys going to stay?” wondered Ariana, she considered letting them bunk with her, but that would be completely uncivilized and it was too soon for all of that.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, we have another villa by the lake” Logan comforted her. His eyes grew small as he thought about having to go back to that wretched place after so many centuries. He hadn’t been there since Elizabeth.

“Yeah but we’d better be off,” interrupted Liam as he waltzed towards the door. Logan embraced Ariana and headed out the door to follow him.

Adrielle finally awoke. She stumbled clumsily out of her bed and began to walk to the living room. She groaned when she felt the pieces of ashes in her hair and she frantically tried to brush them out. “Ariana?” she asked hesitantly. Ariana’s face looked like a blur and she had to blink a few times too see clearly. Ariana looked up and beamed at her happily.

“Adrielle! Finally! I thought you’d never wake up.” She exasperated. She got up quickly to fetch her a glass of water. Adrielle realized she couldn’t stand anymore so she rushed to the couch and assembled herself onto it comfortable. She began to rub her temples together.

“Why the hell do I have a massive head ache?” she questioned. Her head felt as if it were spinning around in circles and as if it were clogged up by fog at the same time. She didn’t remember what had just happened but she knew that it couldn’t have been good.

“Well, you sort of passed out because of the fire.” Ariana explained softly. She looked at Adrielle with a questionable expression. She handed her the water and sat down next to her.

“Fire? What fire?” Adrielle interrogated.

“You…don’t remember?” Ariana’s blue eyes fell into a pool of curiosity. She knew something was wrong, most people didn’t forget they were in a huge fire.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Adrielle was taken back. She too, thought she would’ve remembered if she was in a fire. She coughed wildly as she waited for Ariana to explain the situation.

“There was a fire at Logan and Liam’s place. When we ran out, we realized you weren’t out there with us. You were still in the house. So Liam ran in to save you. I know you think he’s a total ass but he saved your life. You owe him.” She told her. Adrielle moaned when she realized that she owed the biggest ass in the world a thank you. Ariana rolled her eyes, and flashed her disappointed look.

“Ugh. Really? Do I really have to thank him? I mean, he’s been a total jerk to me. The least he could do was to save me from a burning building.” Adrielle objected. She began to wonder why he had saved her of all people, I mean I know it was the right thing to do, but why hadn’t he waited for the firemen to get her out. Why had he risked his life? Ariana intersected her train of thought when she began speaking again.

“Adrielle, you sound stupid.” She told her with honesty treading in her voice. Adrielle nodded her head to show that she understood and that she just didn’t want to thank him.

“Ugh, fine. I’ll thank him” she exasperated; she got up to go back to the shower and get cleaned up. But, before she left, she turned back around to face Ariana. “Hey Ariana, I don’t know why but, I feel like I saw a man and a woman in the fire grabbing me...I don’t know if it’s a dream or what but I feel like I saw them…they sounded like the people that wanted to you know…kill us…” she whispered as if anyone was going to overhear their conversation. Ariana’s heart skipped a beat, but she decided that it just must’ve been a nightmare.

“Don’t worry about it. I doubt it. Just go in and take a damn shower. You smell like an crack head. I’ll bring you some Advil later.” She replied sarcastically. Adrielle laughed as she waddled towards the bathroom. “Okay…thanks." She thanked Ariana as she locked the door to the bathroom, ready to take a long, hot shower.

Chapter 6

"No!" Adrielle woke up gasping for breath. It was the second night she had the same nightmare over and over again. She dreamt about those same voices, and she could’ve sworn she saw Liam save her. She turned around and buried herself underneath the covers hoping to block everything out. Ariana knocked on the door loudly.
"Adrielle, you alright in there?" She asked as she made her way towards where Adrielle was. She rested her hand on Adrielle’s shoulder. Adrielle poked her head out and nodded reassuringly.
"Just had a bad dream that’s all..." Adrielle was embarrassed to be saying this, but she didn’t want Ariana to worry. As much as she kept telling herself it was a dream, she couldn’t find herself willing to believe it. It had felt so real, the depth of the voices, the emotion stricken Liam.
"Oh, okay, well get dressed! Logan and Liam are here, and they want to see if you are doing all right." Ariana pulled the sheets off of the bed and jerked Adrielle upwards. Adrielle groaned, and got out of bed as quickly as possible. She really didn’t want to say thank you to Liam, but she knew she had too. She put on her jeans and tank top, combed her hair, and walked outside clumsily. Her head was still spinning from all the smoke. She was beginning to get annoyed with the massive headaches and wanted to pull her brain out of her skull.
"Hey guys,” she said with a smile as she walked down the stairs. She clutched on the railing nervously, mad at the fact that she still couldn’t walk straight. However, she wanted to make it look like she was alright, but she felt as if she couldn’t think straight. Images from her “Dream” were spinning around in her head. Before she knew it she missed a step and was thrust forward, almost face planting the marble floor. She opened her eyes slowly when she felt herself not hit the ground, realizing that she had been caught before she plummeted to the earth. She looked up gratefully to see Liam, who had raced to her rescue, again. "Thanks," she whispered with a smile, forgetting how much she hated him. He nodded casually and lifted back up to her feet.
"Are you okay?" Ariana and Logan both asked together. Logan’s violet eyes were filled with brotherly worry, and she couldn’t help but to smile at them.
"I'm fine really, my heads just hurts, and I've been feeling dizzy all day. Well, all week." Adrielle confessed. Her cheeks turned bright red when she felt Liam grabbed her hand and help her down the rest of the godforsaken steps.
"Look, you really should get some rest, we should've waited a little to check up on you, I told Liam, but he wouldn’t listen." Logan explained. Adrielle glanced at Liam and looked back at Logan. "Why would he care if I was alright?" she asked by accident. She was actually thinking it and it came out of her mouth. She wanted to fix what she had just said, but she decided to let it go. In fact, she was hoping Liam would give her an answer. She had been wondering the answer to this question for a long time.
"Well, I don’t really care. I truly just wanted to hear you apologize and say thank you" Liam smirked and smiled crookedly. Dang, he is the only guy that can pull off a smile like that, Adrielle thought to herself. She hated herself for thinking things like this about the guy she loathed.
“Now that, makes more sense. And as for your apology; you’re not getting it. But thanks for saving me and stuff, even though we all know you wouldn't have if Ariana wasn’t freaking out." Adrielle said, giving the worst thank you ever. Liam’s eyes grew narrow, he was obviously upset. Adrielle knew this too and smiled proudly to herself. She had been wanted to make him upset for a while, and for whatever reason, this comment did it all. Logan looked at Liam and shook his head disappointedly. He twisted back towards Ariana.
"Ariana, let's take a walk or something, I really don’t want to see them argue anymore" he complained. Ariana had her doubts, but she fell for his puppy dog eyes anyways. Ariana looked at Adrielle disapprovingly and agreed to take a walk with him. Adrielle shrugged off the dagger Ariana was sending her and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. She hadn’t eaten well in three days and was practically starving.
As, Logan and Ariana walked out, Liam started laughing hysterically. Adrielle flinched as she watched him fall to the ground rolling in a fit of laughter. "Dang, what are they getting themselves into? It's not going to work out." He sneered.
Adrielle overheard this and spoke up quickly. "How could you even say that?! He’s your brother; you're acting as if you don’t want it to work out or something. And why wouldn’t it work out?" she felt anger rising up her, she felt hot as her throat clenched up.
“Believe me, I would love for them to live happily ever after, but it’s not going to last. Our lives are too complicated for two confused girls." He told her, thinking that complicated was a foreign word to Adrielle. Adrielle rolled her eyes.
"Complicated? You don’t know what complicated is until you've stepped into my world. Understand?" she caught herself saying. At this point she didn’t care if Liam knew the truth; fury was boiling insider her like a volcano waiting to erupt. Adrielle and Liam were slowly getting closer and closer to each other as they continued their argument. Adrielle noticed this and stopped herself halfway.
"Whatever, the only problem you could possibly ever have, is your hair not being done right and your nails breaking. Or not being able to be the perfect daddy’s little girl." He retorted with a sinister smile. Adrielle’s heart sank as she thought about her daddy. She held back tears as she listened to the rest of his comeback. "Girls like you, don’t care about anyone but yourselves because you have the most perfect life possible. Your parents are here to get you whatever you want. You don’t have to work for anything; you’ve never been truly hurt. You look like a Barbie doll and you live a freaking perfect Barbie life. Both of you." Adrielle couldn’t take it anymore. The loss of her parents had slowly been killing her inside and the more that Liam seemed to rub it in her face the angrier she got. She wasn’t able to even say anything back knowing she would be giving out information, and she couldn’t stand the fact that she had to sit there and take it. She took glass of water she was holding and threw it at him. Tears were welding in her eyes as she watched the water splash all over his face, and his big blue eyes opened wide with shock. Adrielle was pleased with his reaction and turned to walk away. Just as she was about to take a step forward, Liam grabbed her arm and flung her around to face him. His grasp on her arm was so tight that she could’ve sworn she was going to get a bruise.
"What's your problem?" he asked furiously. Adrielle’s sea green eyes, began to spill tears, he was hurting her. Just as Liam recognized the pain she felt, he let go. "Sorry." he murmured. Adrielle turned away and just went quickly to her room without saying a word. She slammed the door shut angrily and just let all the tears out. She hated her live, she resented it, and even more, she hated Liam. Liam stood still in the living room. He had hated himself for whatever he had just said to make her upset. He didn’t want to say any of those things. Although, he didn’t know anything about her life, he wanted to push her away with the best of his abilities. He had a soft spot for Adrielle and he wasn’t going to let that get the best of him. His faced had exposed pure guilt, as he walked out of their apartment.
Logan and Ariana were sitting side by side on the boating dock enjoying the view of the lake. It was mesmerizing, the water glistened as the sun shined brightly on it, the trees seemed to be dancing with the wind, and what made it even more perfect was that they were with each other. "So, how long have you lived in Still Water?" Ariana questioned. As much as she liked Logan, she didn’t know much about him. Logan stared straight ahead and replied emotionlessly.
“As long as I have lived." Only Logan knew the truth behind these words and he wanted to keep it that way as long as possible. Ariana thought the way he answered was peculiar but she shrugged it off. She figured he was one of those guys that liked to be shown as mysterious and daring. Oh, he was mysterious and daring all right. "And you? Why did you move? I know it’s for college, but what convinced your parents to let you come here of all places? It’s not much." Ariana flinched, she hated lying, and not even that she just merely sucked at it. Sometimes, she wished she was a good of a liar as Adrielle. Adrielle did most of the lying when they were back in Oregon, not that she was a liar, but when it was needed, Adrielle took the responsibility.
"Well," she started to say not knowing what she was going to say next. “Adrielle and I have been best friends since birth, literally. We hated Oregon. It was boring, and we just needed to get away. So we chose here. I know it’s crazy but we wanted to stay in a place that wasn't too exciting but wasn’t too boring either; it seemed like the perfect place." Ariana quickly answered. She wanted to laugh at her pathetic lie, but she shoved it back down her throat. She had purposefully tried to leave her parents out of the picture.
“And your parents?" Logan asked again. Shit Ariana thought to herself. She felt her stomach roll around in her stomach. She felt as if she was going to hurl.
“Both of our parents stopped talking to us. They were traditional, they wanted us to stay at home and be with them. We loved our parents, but we just needed to leave. They didn't understand. They thought we didn’t appreciate all the things they did for us, and we really did. But they just got really angry and they kicked us out. Since then we have been on our own." Ariana looked down as she spoke, she didn’t want Logan to see her pain filled eyes. Logan noticed a tear roll down her rosy cheeks. He furrowed his eyebrows, in his heart he knew that she was hurting badly, but he couldn’t help but to think she was hiding something, and that she was lying. But either way, he hated to see her upset. He caressed her faced with his strong hands and wiped her tears away gently.
“It’s Okay, they love you and they will talk to you soon enough; you just wait." He reassured her, sweetly. Ariana cringed at the lie behind that statement. She would never be able to talk to them again, she would never be able to have petty arguments with her mother, and be a daddy’s little princess, ever again. As the memories of her parents rushed in to her head she cried even harder and harder. Logan’s lavender eyes narrowed with concern and he held her tighter and closer to his chest. He kissed her on the forehead, and was wished with all his heart that he could make it better for her.
Ariana finally looked up at Logan, "Thank you" she whispered and smiled. Logan couldn’t help himself; he lifted her chin up and kissed her passionately. Ariana’s heart began to soar as she kissed him back; it felt like nothing she had ever felt before, if felt as if she was in a different world, everything around her seemed unreal and as if she was flying. Logan felt his heartbeat race faster and faster, when he felt as if he was soaring; he realized that the centuries wait had finally come. He had found his soul mate, the one thing people waited years to find. He relaxed his breath when he put the pieces together. Now that he had found his soul mate, nothing could tear them apart, absolutely nothing. It had explained to him why he felt so attracted and fascinated by Ariana, so soon. It all made sense but fear jolted inside him just as quickly. He knew that he was putting her in danger, and he knew that he didn’t care how complicated it would be, he just wanted to keep her forever. He realized that Elizabeth was nothing. He was completely and irrevocably in love with Ariana. His heart hurt, knowing the truth, he was a vampire. At any given time, he had the ability to hurt her accidently and possibly kill her. And it wounded him even more knowing he had to lie to her every step of the way. Ariana too was grieving; she wanted so badly to tell Logan the truth. She wanted to pour her guts out to him. But she restricted herself. If she told anyone, it could put not only her, but him in danger too, along with Adrielle. And she didn’t want that to happen. So she just took in the perfect moment, and for once, since 3 months, she was truly content.

Chapter 7

When Ariana got home, Adrielle was asleep on the couch. She was rolled up underneath a blanket; something she had always done when she was in a terrible mood. Ariana walked over to her, to wake her up but decided not too when she saw the blotchy tearstains on her cheeks. Her twin instincts kicked in and she immediately she knew that Liam must've said something while she was on her brilliant date with Logan. She felt a sudden surge of hatred for him. He hurt Adrielle, and he has been insulting her since the day they met each other. Anger built up inside her as she walked to her room. As she fell into a soft blissful slumber, the memories of their kiss, the dock, and her love for him filled her dreams.
Logan walked inside the cabin smiling from ear to ear. "What's with you smiles?" Liam asked amused. He had been taking shots of vodka since his fight with Adrielle. Logan stopped smiling; he didn't really want to tell Liam. He knew what Liam would say, but he told him about the kiss anyways. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hide it from him for long anyways. “I kissed her." He told him. His heart was flying, and he didn’t even care that Liam scowled horrendously at him. Liam stunned him by smacking up upside the head.
“Are you retarded?! We are supposed to get revenge not fall in love with humans. Am I the only one following the plan here? We are only hanging out with them to amuse ourselves until we find out information on the whereabouts of Elizabeth and Stella. They only reason we are even trying to get to know them is that there may be a glimpse of hope they know about them, but they are as oblivious as ever." He was furious, not at Logan, but at himself. He was angry at himself for not letting himself go for Adrielle. He should’ve done what Logan had done from the beginning.
“I’m sorry bro. I couldn’t help it. She was just so beautiful, and so caring, and I'm in love with her." He grinned idiotically as he said those words. He felt as if he would never get tired of saying it.
" So?! Adrielle is drop dead gorgeous and absolutely adorable but you don't see me falling in love with her! And it’s impossible for a vampire to truly be in love, unless they find their soul mate." Liam contradicted. Logan then immediately became conscious of what was going on. Liam did love Adrielle in fact, they were soul mates. It had explained why Liam rushed into save Adrielle, and why he could never take is eyes off of her. It also clarified the fact that no matter how hard Adrielle tried to stay away from him, she still ended up coming to places with Ariana to meet up with Liam. Logan beamed to himself. For centuries the two had been waiting for their soul mates to appear, and now they had; he didn’t know what to say. All he knew was that he was the happiest man on earth. Liam was just scared to admit it to himself, because of what Stella had instilled in him. He was trying to push her away, for her own safety, and his own too.
" Liam, I know what’s going on here. If you love Adrielle, why don't you just go for it? Soul mates can’t stay away from each other no matter what and you know that. You knew since the first day you laid eyes on her, that she was yours and yours only and that no matter what happened you guys wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other. So stop fighting, it’s just hurting you and her. Let her fall for you, there’s no stopping it anyways.” Logan enlightened Liam. Liam knew he was right, but argued anyways.
"Whatever save the mushy gushy shit for Ariana." He snapped as he sauntered away with frustration. Logan surveyed him with amusement as Liam grabbed the rest of his vodka and locked himself in his room.
Adrielle yawned loudly as woke up to the smell of pancakes. She looked around half excitedly and saw Ariana in the kitchen pulling plates out from the cabinet. “Wake up sleepy head, "Ariana remarked as she put a plate full of mouthwatering blueberry pancakes on the table. Adrielle was confused; Ariana had never been a morning person, let alone the type to make pancakes in the morning.
"Why are you in such a good mood?" Adrielle questioned, scratching her head thoughtfully. She assumed that something happened with Logan, while she was passed out on the couch. She observed Ariana blush furiously. “Hurry up and tell me!”
"We kissed." she answered, trying not to sound too happy. On the inside however, her heart was beating rapidly. Adrielle hopped up off the couch and her bottle green eyes nearly popped out of her eye sockets. Ariana let out a girly giggle when she saw her reaction.
"OH MY GOD! GIVE ME THE DETAILS NOW!" she ordered. Adrielle was literally bouncing. She looked so innocent and child-like that she looked 15 instead of 19. Ariana began to tell her story with so much passion and lust that even she had a hard time believing it really happened. After she finished, she noticed that Adrielle had completely missed the plate while pouring her syrup. Instead of it being on the perfect pancakes, she had dripped it all over the table forgetting that she was pouring it to begin with.
“ missed the plate smart one." Ariana told her. Adrielle glanced down and laughed hysterically. Ariana smiled and handed her a bunch of napkins to clean up the mess.
“Sorry, your story was just so....ROMANTIC!" Adrielle exclaimed happily. She was so delighted that Ariana had found a great guy like Logan; she had never seen Ariana this ecstatic before. Ariana blushed once again and helped clean up the mess.
"So, what happened after we left?" She interrogated. Adrielle panicked a little but spoke calmly.
"Oh nothing really, Liam was just being an ass. He commented on my parents, and yeah. No biggie." Adrielle thought about yesterday, and it had all seemed like a blur to her. Ariana rolled her eyes knowing that it wasn’t a “no biggie”. Adrielle tried to make it sound as if it weren’t a big deal. She didn’t want to ruin it for Logan and Ariana. Liam would be the perfect excuse for them to break up. She knew that if someone she liked a lot had hated Ariana, it would make it impossible for her to be with him. Ariana, however, wanted to question her again, but decided to let it go. Her indignation for Liam grew stronger and stronger as the minutes strolled by.
"What a jerk." Ariana commented. She had other words running through her head, but she thought it would be best if she didn’t say them out loud.
"Well, it’s time for you to get to work. “Said Adrielle changing the subject. She got up to put their plates in the dish washer, as Ariana grabbed her purse and keys. She began to walk out the door, when she remembered that they had completely run out of cereal and milk. She had no intention of ever making pancakes again, no matter how happy she was.
"Can you go buy some groceries for me? We are literally food deprived!" she called out just as she walked out. She shut the door before Adrielle could reply with a no. She shoved the plates into the washer and went to go get dressed wondering what her day would be like.
"Your total is $60.00." the cashier told her. He looked as if he hated his life, and wanted to kill himself. Adrielle sympathized as she knew the feeling. Adrielle was muffling through her purse and sighed when she realized she was about five dollars short. The cashier named, Bill, just looked at her, waiting patiently for her to pull out the money.
"Uhh...this is embarrassing...."Adrielle stammered.” I'm about like... five dollars short..." The cashier didn’t show any sign of sympathy towards her. She bit her lip nervously and cursed Jen for not paying her enough.
"I got it," said a very deep voice. It was familiar. Too familiar. It sounded just like the voice in her house, they day the massacre happened. They day Adrielle lost everything she had known and loved. Adrielle’s heart stopped. It beat violently; she thought she was going to have a panic attack. Her stomach flipped somersaults as she slowly turned to face the man that she had been running from. The stranger who had killed her family and now was on a mission to kill her looked young. She began to doubt herself, but was proven wrong when he spoke again. He had sleek, black hair, and he was pale. He had a crooked look about him, and he looked put together, and honestly harmless. But Adrielle would've recognized that voice anywhere. Fear was filling her insides as she watched the man give Bill five dollars. Adrielle freaked but she knew she had to stay unruffled and pretend like she didn’t know what was going on. "Thank you," she pretended to be grateful and forced herself to smile. She felt herself wanting to throw up when he smiled back menacingly. She casually asked him for his name, knowing she might need this information later. "And what would be your name?" she questioned with fear in her eyes.
“It’s Daniel." He answered cheerfully. He was thinking of a way to get her alone and kill her off.
"Pleased to meet you." She spoke as she clenched her teeth. She wanted so badly to knock his teeth out right then and there, but it would be no use. Anyone who could’ve mauled a body to pieces wasn’t going to be easy to fight.
"Not as pleased as I am to meet you." He smirked trying to sound charming. She faked a laugh as she grabbed her things and rushed out the double doors to the parking lot. Daniel laughed wickedly and followed her out. Adrielle threw everything in the trunk, hoping to get away as fast as she could. Adrielle gasped and tried to scream. It was no use, her throat became dry and she felt as if she were choking. The only thing left to do was run. She shifted gear and sprinted, but Daniel was too fast, he grabbed her arm and dragged her to his car. Adrielle thrashed violently, she managed to kick him in the shin, but he held his grip tighter. He turned her and around furiously and twisted her wrist. She screamed in agony.
"SHUT UP!” Daniel yelled at her. His black eyes narrowing as he got angrier and angrier.
"LET ME THE EFF GO!" She demanded. Adrielle was stubborn, she didn’t know how dangerous Daniel was too her and she didn’t care. Daniel put his hand over her mouth and shoved her into the car. He locked the car and made his way to the driver’s seat, but before he could a hand stopped him. He turned to find Liam. Liam eyes were filled with fury and angst. They went from blue, to black in only a mere of five seconds. He had only one thing on his mind, and that was to kill Daniel. He wanted to rip him to shreds, to make him feel the pain he had been giving people for so long. He wanted to tear his heart out. Daniel stopped and looked at Liam smiling.
"LET HER GO!" Liam threatened. Daniel snickered and pushed him off. Liam bared his teeth and punched Daniel. Adrielle was in the car watching the whole thing. She never felt so happy to see someone she resented so much. She watched as Daniel got back up to his feet. “I’m going to rip your head apart!" growled Liam as he charged towards Daniel.
Daniel grinned, “You wouldn’t want to do that in front of the girl you love so dearly now would you? You wouldn't want her to witness such a thing, especially from you." Liam stopped himself, realizing he was right. He couldn’t let Adrielle witness such a gory, horrendous thing. Little did he know, Adrielle had seen worse. “Let her go...NOW. Or I swear I will rip your head off right now." Daniel smiled and opened the car door. Adrielle jumped out, and ran to Liam. Before Liam knew it, Adrielle wrapped her arms around his neck and said "Thank you" in his ear. Liam was weak. He couldn’t take it anymore, he couldn’t stop himself. He wrapped his hands around her waist, and lifted her up effortlessly and hugged her back. He spun her around gently. Adrielle finally let go, and looked up at him. All of a sudden she didn't hate him anymore. She felt herself get closer and closer to him. She felt herself not hating him, but instead loving him. Her heart shook when she realized that she loved Liam, she didn’t know how or when it started, all she knew was that she had fallen in love hard. And it was now up to Liam to catch her before she plummeted to the ground. “Thank you so much! I thought he was going to kill me." She managed to say as she watched the navy Lexus stroll off.
“I wouldn’t have let him do anything to you." He held her tighter as he gazed into her eyes. She looked so angelic and he looked heroic to her. Liam knew what was going to happen next, and he wasn’t going to stop it either. They kissed each other as if they had never kissed anyone before. Both knew that they were in love, and both knew deep down inside that lying to each other was going to be the hardest thing in their lives.
Ariana, knowing nothing about Adrielle’s recent experience, was standing by the coffee maker, thinking about Logan. She imagined his light brown hair, his lavender eyes that amazed her and his breathtaking smile. She even heard his voice in her head, or at least she thought she did. She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped with fear. "Ah!” she squealed. She turned and saw Logan chuckling.
"Not the reaction I was hoping for, but it will do for now." He teased playfully as he grabbed her by her waist and enveloped her in a huge hug.
"Hey" she greeted him excitedly. He let go and began to speak before she could even mutter her next few words.
"So, I feel as if I haven't taken you out on a proper date yet." he told her. Ariana's stomach had butterflies. She wanted so badly to just kiss him right then and there but Jen was watching intently from the other end of the café.
"Oh really?" she joked sarcastically. “I thought watching Adrielle and Liam fight was your way of a proper date." She laughed. Logan couldn’t help but to grin, he loved the way Ariana’s blue eyes glowed when she laughed and the way her smile always lit up the room.
“Seriously, how about this Friday? We can go to that fancy restaurant in front of Ben and Jerry's and then take a long walk by the lake. I figure you would like something all romantic and girly like that." Ariana blushed. Logan loved it when she did that, and Ariana didn’t mind being swooned over either. She let out a giggle and responded.
“Well I would like that, so yes I accept." She told him. Logan grinned and was about to kiss her when Jen interrupted.
"AHEM!" she remarked. “Ariana, shouldn’t you be...umm...making coffee?" Ariana turned bright red. Logan couldn’t help but to smile even harder when he saw this. He didn’t figure her for the shy type. "Sorry" squeaked Ariana. Jen pointed towards the kitchen, and watched as Ariana went in. She then had a stare down with Logan.
"I don’t appreciate you, barging in and distracting my employees." She said sternly. She reminded him of a strict teacher.
"Sorry...uh...Jen" Logan stammered, as he read her name tag, trying not to laugh.
"Humph!" Jen grunted. She clamped her feet and when to her office secretly smiling to herself as she remembered how her and her husband used to be like that. Logan, not knowing what else to do was about to walk out when he heard Ariana call his name. He pivoted and saw Ariana blow a kiss to him and go back inside. He beamed brightly as he walked out the door. No matter what, he was going to make this date perfect.

Chapter 8

“So?” Adrielle asked as she walked hand in hand with Liam. “Thank you, once again. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he had finally caught me.” As soon as she spoke she regretted letting the words slip out of her mouth. She held her breathe hoping Liam wouldn’t catch what she had just said.
“Finally caught you? What do you mean finally?” Liam wondered. He was sure he had compelled Adrielle to forget everything about the day of the fire. He stopped walking and turned Adrielle towards him. Fear was rising inside him faster than it ever had before. “Has he tried to hurt you before?” he pretended as if he didn’t know anything about Veronica and Daniel. He gazed into her eyes as he watched a smile spark up on her face. She batted her eyelashes, looked back up at him. He waited patiently for her reply, taking in deep breaths as he the moments passed by.
“I don’t mean anything by it; it took a few tries in the grocery store for him to finally get his grubby hands on me.” She lied. She was startled when she realized that she was lousy at lying to Victor. She began twirling her hair as she always did when she told a fib, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on. No one ever caught her in her lies except for Ariana, but for some reason she was scared Liam would. She forced herself to give him a smile as she watched his worry stricken face loosen up with peace. Adrielle presumed walking again, but Liam clutched her hand, and pulled her into his arms and held her tight. He didn’t ever want to lose her even for a second. He felt the emotions rush into him and grinned brightly as the world around him disappeared and for a moment there was only him and Adrielle.
“AHEM!” interrupted Logan playfully. Liam let go immediately and smiled sheepishly at Logan. Adrielle’s eyes widened as her cheeks turned a crimson red, just like Ariana’s. “So did I miss anything?” He stepped towards Liam and gave him a pound on the shoulder, and laughed as Adrielle hid her face in her hands almost as if she were embarrassed. Liam pulled her hands off her face and held them in his tightly.
“Yeah…you did.” Responded Liam happily. “I saved Adrielle’s life again and she kissed me. The girls just can’t keep their hands off of me.” He gestured towards his perfectly muscular body and winked. Adrielle raised her eyebrows annoyed by his cockiness and opened her lips to protest.
“Actually, he kissed me.” She explained to Logan, who was clearly amused as his eyes resembled a child watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. He nodded his head in agreement, as he observed Liam look at Adrielle like he had never looked at anyone before. It was almost as if he were dreaming, he thought Liam would never find his soul mate, let alone learn to even care about someone this much.
“It’s okay, Adrielle. I believe you; after all, I am the better looking brother aren’t I?” He smirked. Liam’s eyes narrowed and he leapt to tackle Logan playfully. Adrielle stood motionless, remembering the time that she and Ariana used to attack each other like that. She remembered a friendly/aggressive game of basketball they had with their fathers, she had made Ariana bleed and Ariana’s dad pushed her dad underneath a moving vehicle. She laughed to herself as she thought of no matter how much they physically hurt each other; they never got mad at each other. Liam got up panting, as Logan lay on the ground grabbing at his stomach in pure pain. Adrielle gasped as she helped Logan back up. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what Ariana would do to her if Logan got hurt in anyway and she was present.
“Okay, now that we are done being immature in public, may I remind you. I’m going to drive home and pretend as if I wasn’t just attacked.” She told them. She grabbed Liam’s arm and leaned in closer as she kissed him on the cheek lightly. “Bye” she whispered lovingly. Her eyes glowed as she looked at Liam, she had never liked anyone this much before, and she was desperately hoping that they would last forever and ever. Liam grinned back, and flashed an annoyed look at Logan, who was clearly enjoying the fact that two people who formerly loathed each other with passion, began to love each other with that same amount of passion. Adrielle giggled and headed towards the door. Logan quit smiling and put on a fake pout.
“What about me Adrielle?” he joked as she turned around and reached inside her purse for a crunch bar and threw it at him. He made a fake look of hurt as the chocolate hit him dead on in the face.
“Enjoy!” she sneered as she hopped into the seat. She looked through the rear-view mirror to see Liam watching her as she back out of the parking lot. His iridescent blue eyes were irresistibly beautiful to her. She waved them both goodbye, and headed home, wondering how to tell Ariana, about her amazing and freakish day.

Chapter 9

Adrielle was busy vacuuming the dusty carpet for the first time in years when Ariana came in. She looked as if she had the worst day at work; given it was a Monday, which meant tired, caffeine crazed workers. Her hair was pulled into a bun with strands of baby hairs popping out. She wiped a few beads of sweat of her forehead and collapsed onto the loveseat and stared at the blank television. She was too sluggish to get off the couch and grab the remote. Adrielle kindly grabbed the remote for her and handed it to her.
“Thanks.” She murmured already half asleep. Her eyes were slowly beginning to close; she was hoping to have a brilliant dream about her future date with Logan. She popped her eyes back open, when she heard Adrielle’s voice bounce throughout the grand apartment.
“Rough day?” she asked excitedly. She was practically jumping with zest. Ariana nodded her head and studied Adrielle’s enthusiastic expression. “I have a great story to tell you, and because you’re half asleep I’m thinking it’s the best time to tell you. That way you won’t flip out too much.” Ariana raised a tired eyebrow and flashed Adrielle a “just tell me already” look.
“Ooh. Do tell!” Ariana responded in monotone. Adrielle laughed lightheartedly and sat herself down next to her.
“Well, Liam saved my life again. We kissed.” She told her. Immediately Ariana had a sudden burst of energy travel through her veins as if she had been electrocuted.
“WHAT?!” she cried. She had a cheesy grin plastered on her face as she wondered how and when it happened. She grasped Adrielle tight and gave her a hug. “That’s so exciting! This is so freaking great!! Wait…he saved your life. AGAIN? What happened?” she questioned, finally noticing that she had been in trouble at one point. Adrielle bit her lip with caution, she didn’t want Ariana to worry, but yet she knew she had to tell her. She took a deep breath as she began speaking.
“Well...” she started off. Adrielle breezed through the entire story leaving out unnecessary details. After each word that was spoken Ariana’s jaw dropped lower to the ground. Her head shook in disbelief; it was the second time she had almost lost Adrielle. Her head was pounding against her skull as she attempted to comprehend everything.
“OH MY GOD! HE DIDN’T HURT YOU DID HE?” she asked grabbing Adrielle’s arm scanning her for any injuries. Adrielle wriggled her arm out of her tight grasp and shook her head smiling. She couldn’t help but to almost faint over the fact that she actually kissed Victor. She remembered every emotion, every touch, EVERYTHING about it. “Good. And I’m very relieved that your ass is okay, but if the estranged killer followed us here, he must know where we live right?” she asked her gentle eyes portraying concern. Adrielle twirled her hair nervously, she didn’t know the answer to that question, but they had just gotten their lives back on track and she didn’t want to go back to the days where she felt entrapped in a prison of sorrow.
“I think Liam scared him off, and I’m not even sure if it was really the people that killed our family. It could’ve just been some random psycho…”she suggested unknowingly. Ariana pushed the thoughts of fear and worry out of her mind. She shrugged her shoulders and bobbed her head up and down to show she agreed…or at least understood. She ducked her head underneath the blue blanket and slowly closed her eyes to land into a world where everything was perfect. A world where her and Logan walked hand in hand along the beach, no one was trying to kill her or Adrielle, and her parents were still in Oregon growing old happily together. This was the life she escaped to when she dreamed. Adrielle watched her innocent face and smiled to herself. She too, grabbed a blanket and fell asleep on the hammock on the balcony as the warm sun shine brightly against the trees that shaded her body. She hummed her favorite song until she fell into a deep slumber, not waking until dawn.

Chapter 10

“Liam!! We need to talk! Veronica and Daniel are really pissing me off now.” Logan called from upstairs. Liam appeared out of thin air as he tousled Logan’s hair playfully.
“Yes, baby bro?” he asked sarcastically. Logan tensed up and rolled his eyes.
“I’m only a year younger that you,” he protested angrily. He sat himself down on the desk he never used and thought about Daniel and Veronica. He wondered why she was here. Was it because of Elizabeth and Stella? Or for her own amusement? Questions were drilling his mind as he thought about the times where Ariana almost lost Adrielle.
“Whatever,” he shrugged,” anyways, they are pissing me off too. But, before we do anything to them, we have to find out why they are here. We haven’t seen Veronica since Elizabeth and Stella kicked her out of the family for refusing to be involved in all their schemes. Granted, Ronnie is a vicious little monster, she hates us too, but she hasn’t been back to annoy the hell out of us for years. She vowed vengeance from us, because she thought that we were the reason that she lost her sisters. Stupid girl. She’s probably here to bother us, what can she really do? She’s fifteen. ” Liam’s words rolled out of his mouth effortlessly, as if he had told that story a million times before. In reality, he had dreams, memories, and random images flash in his mind every time something made him think of Stella.
“Yes, but he almost killed Adrielle” Logan contradicted annoyed by his brothers careless reaction. “Don’t you care?” Liam’s eyes turned dark. Of course he cared; he cared more than he showed. But deep down he knew that nothing could happen to Adrielle, as he would be there to protect her.
“YES I CARE!” he growled clenching his teeth. “But before we do anything, we have to know exactly why they are here. We can use it to our advantage. I doubt they are here for Adrielle or Ariana, they are probably just trying to infuriate us.” He threated towards the deranged vampires. Logan tensed up along with him furrowing his eye brows and crossing his arms against his chest.
“Alright, we are going to have to keep an eye on them, and if you see Ronnie, tell her to stay away and that just like her sisters, we are done with her pathetic ass too. While we find out why she is here, let’s just keep a close eye on Adrielle and Ariana, I don’t want them to get hurt.” He declared. He breathed in and out slowly. He slowly unclenched his hands and walked out towards the balcony to get some fresh air.

Chapter 11

The next morning, Adrielle woke up to the rotten stench of the portable restrooms outside her apartment being cleaned up. She moaned and crinkled her nose to see many construction men not even attempting to really clean it out. It turns out they were just trying to pull a prank on the building next on theirs. She sauntered over to the window, pushing it wide open and opened her mouth with annoyance. “Hey! Can’t someone sleep without you people waking them up with the damn portable restrooms!! And here’s an idea, instead of doing something as stupid and reckless as that, instead try not to get caught. Trust me on this, when the police get you…you’re going to need a pretty face to get out of it. And most of you don’t even have that!” Annoyance trailed in her words as she shouted at them. She observed how each one of the workers bowed their heads down in shame as she spoke.
“Sorry miss! It won’t happen again!” he apologized frantically. She raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh and shut the window angrily.
“What was that?” Ariana asked amused by the fact that Adrielle went off on a pack of gruesome construction workers. She flopped onto the bed and watched as Adrielle got back into her covers and tried to go back to sleep. She tossed and turned for a few good minutes until she finally popped her head out of the sheets.
“I was having the best freaking dream, and they decided they want to wake me up with the stench of shit.” She complained irritatingly. Ariana got up giggling and also decided she would have to thank the workers for getting Adrielle up on time.
“Awhh poor baby” she cooed sarcastically. She scampered out as Adrielle chucked a heavy temperpedic pillow at her. The doorbell chimed throughout the halls and she rushed to answer it. Her heart flew as she hoped that it was Logan with a bouquet of roses. When she turned the handle she felt a shock of iciness go through her body. She gasped quietly as she resumed turning the knob to open the door.
“Hey babe!” she pouted when she saw Liam standing there with a sarcastic grin on his face.” These are from Logan.” He greeted her handing her a bouquet of flowers just like she imagined. She nodded nonchalantly and gestured for him to come inside. The happiness she felt was pounding against her heart and she ran to Adrielle’s room to get her attention. Liam watched entertained at fact that she got all hyped up over flowers. He had seen Logan plan their date all night, and he knew that it was going to make her have a heart attack.
“WAKE UP!!” he heard Ariana yell to Adrielle. He listened as Adrielle struggled to stay underneath her covers.
“GO AWAY!” Adrielle yelled back annoyed. “GO BOTHER LOGAN!” Ariana scowled and chucked a coffee mug at her, thankfully, she missed.
“WAKE YOUR ASS UP! Liam IS HERE!” she explained at the top of her lungs. Adrielle felt a wave of shock as the words rolled out of Ariana’s mouth. She jolted up and hopped out of bed and ran to bathroom to put herself together. She muttered sorry to Ariana as she ran past her.
“OH MY GOSH! I look like a piece of shit. Go entertain him or something while I make myself look presentable” she ushered Ariana towards the door, practically shoving her out.
“Okay, but pick one way to ‘entertain’ him. We don’t have a pole so I can’t do that, and so I’m thinking lap dance.” She joked, laughing at Adrielle’s dazed expression.
“Um…I know he’s hot but please for the love of all that is good and pure in the godforsaken world. KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF HIM. “she joked back as she waltzed towards the bathroom. Liam was sitting on the couch laughing at their conversation. He stopped abruptly as Ariana walked in, not knowing that Liam was able to hear everything. He stood up as Ariana strode towards him, not nearly as clumsy as Adrielle.
“So how about that lap dance?” he asked her sarcastically with a raised eyebrow. Ariana flushed and tried changing the subject. He laughed amusedly at her.
“” she mustered, not knowing what to say.” You wish. Anyways…do you want some coffee or something?” Liam nodded and followed her to the kitchen.
“So, what’s Adrielle like?” he asked by accident. He knew she was her soul mate but he didn’t know a thing about her. Ariana hummed a sweet tone as she brewed the coffee.
“Well….she’s A LOT of things.” She began not knowing how or where to start. “ For one….she’s crazy, she loves getting her self into trouble. I mean its not anything like alcohol or drugs, but just stupid things. She HATES being told what to do. If you tell her to go left, she will purposely go right, even if she wants to go left too. She’s energetic and optimistic as hell sometimes. Shes a great friend, but if you mess with her she will reply in the most aggressive nature possible. That’s one thing I’ve always loved about her, she can be the sweetest person you will meet, but if you mess with her, she will be the biggest bitch you will meet. I’ve always called her badass jokingly….um…what else? Oh, she’s the kind of girl that can walk perfectly fine in 8 inch heels, but will trip over air wearing flip flops. She’s girly, but edgy at the same time. She’s kind of rebellious and she is really, really stubborn. She may seem tough and carefree on the outside, but she is literally the most loving person you will meet on the inside. And if you get to know her better you will begin to see how vulnerable she can really be. She loves to dance, she was on the dance team in high school. We both were…um…overall great grades and she has a ton of sarcasm. So you’re going to have to get used to that. Oh, she absolutely HATES to show any emotion that deals with tears or sorrow. If something hurts her she pretends as if she doesn’t care. I think I’ve only seen her cry twice in my entire life, literally. ” Ariana smiled to herself as she thought about the sister she so dearly loved.
“Damn. I didn’t figure her to be like this. She looks like she’s full of innocence and she wouldn’t hurt anyone. ” He told her. His mind was truly blown, but none the less, he loved her more and more knowing these things about her.
“Yeah…no one does. Haha! I remember at school, teachers would always think of her as the good kid on the first day, but when the days went by she would get into so much trouble. She is SOOO mischievious and she loves to have fun! She’s always telling me to chill and stop being a worry wart, but someone has to worry for the both of us.” she replied as she handed him a mug full of hot steaming coffee. Liam’s eyes dilated a little when he caught the scent of the coffee filling his nostrils. He slurped it up as if it were nothing. He jumped a little when Adrielle caught him by surprise.
“Hey!” she greeted him as she sauntered down the stairs. She grasped on the railing, hoping not to fall on her face again. He looked up and grinned widely as he watched her walk closer and closer to him. He watched as her violet top brought out her emerald eyes. They seemed to shine as the ray of sun hit her face.
“Hey there” he replied coolly. He put the mug in the sink and kissed her gently on the cheek. His mouth watered as he felt the blood run through her cheeks as she blushed a crimson red color. Ariana watched them longing for Logan to show up. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.
“Adrielle, I’m going shopping! Do you want anything from the mall?” she asked as she stood in the doorway waiting for her reply. Adrielle snapped to attention, and thought about that amazing pair of ruby earrings that she had seen in the local jewelry store.
“Well...” she began nervously. “ It is my birthday in a few days…so… I was thinking those ruby earrings I like so much…” her eyes pleading Ariana to buy them for her. Ariana’s heart dropped when she realized she couldn’t afford it and plus, she had already gotten Adrielle her present.
“HAHA!! Good joke hun! Plus, I already got you your present, trust me, you are going to love it!” she remarked happily as she walked out the door. Adrielle pouted with frustration. She was practically in love with those earrings, but she couldn’t buy them because she was too busy attempting to buy Ariana the sapphire necklace she wanted for her birthday.
“Your birthday is next week?” Liam asked, his strong arms were wrapped around her waist. She felt her stomach flip a few times.
“Oh…yeah…no biggie.” She shrugged it off as if it were nothing, not wanting to make a big deal out of a day that wasn’t important to him. Liam leaned in closer and whispered into her ear. She shivered a little as she felt the icy chill shock through her body as he spoke, it was a good feeling and she didn’t want it to stop.
“It so is a big deal.” He spoke his voice trailing in her every thought. She didn’t want to fall for him too fast, and she didn’t know why, but she was. However, she still wanted to play hard to get.
“Gee, that makes you number two on my list of people that love my birthday!” she said sarcastically. She wiggled out of his grasp reluctantly and went to grab her things. His eyes were inspecting her every move.
“Where do you want to go?” he wondered as she put her cell phone into her purse. He had planned on them staying here for a while, but she was already on her way out the door. He briskly caught up to her in no time.

Chapter 12

Ariana walked casually throughout the store, lifting up cute dresses and jackets, and cringing at their prices. She turned when she felt a sharp fingernail prick her shoulder. A short, slim, blonde girl with brown eyes looked up at her.
“Hey, I need your help with something.” She told her with a sinister smile. Ariana’s heart jolted as she recognized the frosty voice.
“Well…I’m actually on my way out, and plus, I don’t work here.” She said with an freezing cold manner. She clicked her heels and began to rush away when a rough arm stopped her. She looked up to see a man with dark hair, and a very disturbing smile plastered on his face.
“Oh no you don’t!” he threatened with a menacing look on his face. Ariana felt her throat clench up and herself shake with anxiety. She recalled both the voices from the day her parents died. She wanted to rip them apart, but most of all run. She pushed his arm away and bolted towards the door, nearly tripping on a pair of stilettos in her way. Daniel beamed and ran after her as Veronica chuckled. Ariana saw a police officer standing by the Macy’s department store and sprinted towards him. She chocked on her own scream when she felt someone grab her arm and whip her around effortlessly. She shook nervously as Daniel brushed her shadowy black hair to one side of her body and she felt his unbearably cold breath chill down her neck as his teeth got closer to her neck. She closed her eyes, unknowing of what her fate was to come down too. In an instant, she was knocked out of the way by a strong muscular forearm. She lay limply on the ground for a few good minutes. Everything seemed blurry to her. She blinked furiously to get a glimpse of what had just happened. She was panic stricken when she saw Logan stand in front of her protectively baring his teeth at Daniel. His eyes had gone completely black and he let out a hostile growl at Daniel. Daniel’s insides filled with fear, it was griping at his insides. He watched as Logan prowled towards him, and he pounced, knocking Daniel into the brick wall. He reached his arms out to rip Daniel’s head out what a snicker left him off track. He twirled around to face Veronica. He wanted to kill the stupid teenager. He snarled at her, ready to rip Daniel’s head off when she stopped him. Ariana watched fearfully as she backed up towards the wall shaking.
“You really don’t want Ariana to see this.” She told him. Her brown eyes turning to a red crimson color. She smiled maliciously and grabbed Daniel and propped him back up. Daniel wiped the blood off his mouth and grabbed a girl who had just walked out of the shop and dug his fangs into her. He sucked all the life out of her and dropped her on the concrete. Ariana shrieked and ran towards the body trying to get the girl to breathe. She began to sob when the limp body didn’t so any sign of life. She kneeled over the innocent girl, and letting out silent tears. She felt a hand lay on her shoulder. She whipped herself up to face Logan, his eyes back to the normal lilac color. His face let out a pure display of apology and sorrow. Ariana stood up, tripping over the girls arm. She fell right into Logan’s arms, he held her tight as she cried.
“He killed her” she finally was able to talk again. She was in a state of shock and didn’t know how to deal with it. “And you’re a vampire.” Logan sighed with relief at the fact that he wouldn’t have to explain that part to her. She let go and gazed into his lilac eyes. Pain was pounding in his soul nearly killing him. Ariana oceanic eyes looked like a wave of sorrow as she looked back down at the body.
“We need to go. “He seemed to stumble over his own words. He grabbed Ariana’s wrist and pulled her towards his car. The ride back to Ariana’s apartment was filled with awkwardness and silence.
“Why are they after me?” she asked, hoping Logan would know the answer. She knew she should be angry at him for lying, but she couldn’t let it happen. She loved him too much and no matter how hard she tried she simply couldn’t be mad at him. She leaned her head back on the headrest and waited patiently for Logan to answer.
“I don’t know. But you can’t tell anyone about this. Please.” He pleaded. His jaw was clenched as he grabbed her palms. Ariana looked at him confusedly, as he rubbed his fingers against them in a circular motion. He gazed into her eyes and began speaking. Ariana’s eyes turned from blue to navy and back to blue in a swirling motion as he spoke. She was captivated, and she didn’t know why. “NOTHING HAPPENED. YOU DON’T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT DANIEL OR VERONICA. YOU WERE AT THE STORE, YOU SAW ME, AND I DROPPED YOU OFF.” She nodded her head silently and faced the window. Logan didn’t want her to know right away, it was too soon. He couldn’t lose her, not now. He waiting for Ariana to put herself back together.
“So? You ready for our date?” she asked normally. His eyes were fixated on Ariana’s beautiful face. She smiled casually and turned up the music.
“Yes, 7:00, the lake, be there!” he answered. He had planned the perfect evening for her. He decorated the lake house with purple lilacs and blue roses. He put up lights everywhere, he made sure that dinner was delicious and that the boat that he had rented just for them was ready to be used too. He beamed at her as he opened the door to let her out. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the forehead. Ariana beamed back at him. She sauntered towards the apartment door and waved him goodbye as she walked in. She flipped the TV to see Vampire Diaries playing; she let out an excited shriek as she remembered she hadn’t watched her favorite show in months. She watched intently until she finally fell asleep.

Chapter 13

“Whoa! Slow down!! You’re going to crash!!” he warned Adrielle. She had convinced Liam to let her drive and he regretted it as soon as she put her foot on the gas pedal. The wind blew her long dark hair out of her face and some of it brushed against his skin. His heart leapt when he smelled the scent of strawberries drifting from her hair.
“Why do you worry so much?” she asked laughing as she sped up. She giggled when she saw him give her an annoyed look. She smirked and decided to step it up a notch. She let go of the wheel and stood up with the car still going at 105 mph! In an instant a child was in their path, Adrielle gasped, and turned the wheel, nearly hitting the child. They red car swerved in circles, skidding across the road and Adrielle let out a deep sigh as the car finally stopped and neither of them were hurt in anyway whatsoever. She swept her hair out of her face and smiled at Liam. “See no worries!” Liam looked at her intently and didn’t know whether to yell at her for being so reckless or to kiss her for being completely mind blowing.
“You. Are. Crazy. Now let me drive before you kill yourself.” He ordered reaching for the keys. She crossed her arms and stepped out of the car reluctantly. But instead of getting into the passenger’s seat she stood there motionless. Liam gestured towards the passenger seat and rolled his eyes as Adrielle didn’t budge. “What’s wrong? Sit in the car.”
“Nothing.” She muttered as she sat in the car slamming the door. She didn’t know why but she felt a surge of emotion and it scared her. Every moment with Liam was full of bliss and a feeling that was indescribable and that frightened her immensely. She felt as if she had no control of her emotions, and that made her angry at herself. Liam furrowed his eyebrows and sighed.
“I would let you drive, but you’re wild.” He blurted out. He wanted to take back what he said as soon as he saw Adrielle’s reaction. She raised an eyebrow and blew out a breathe of frustration before she began to speak.
“I am not reckless… And don’t tell me what to do.” She protested, he barely knew her, how can he call her reckless? “I like to have fun; you only live once, why not live it to the fullest?” Her thoughts rolled back to when she had gotten in trouble for cliff diving while on vacation with Ariana’s and her family. Ariana had warned her not to do it, and she did it. She remembered being in the hospital for a broken arm and how her father yelled at her uncontrollably when she awoke. Liam chuckled to himself when he forgot Adrielle hated being told what to do.
“You almost killed yourself and a child!” He argued back. “I don’t know about you, but to many people that is considered thoughtless.” He wasn’t angry with Adrielle; if anything he was worried sick about her. His chest had a sudden bolt of pain as he thought of how irrational she is and how hard it would be to protect her.
“Oh shit! The kid!” she yelled out of shock. Her jade eyes scanned the road for the child that she had nearly hit. He was sitting on the road crying tears and yelling for his mother, who was nowhere in sight. His light blue shirt was stained with tears. He looked about 5 years old and it seemed as if he were alone for a long time. When she saw the toddler she sped towards him in a heartbeat. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him lifting him up. She began to wipe his tears away and began to ask him questions about his parents. “Hey there, I almost hurt you didn’t I sweetie?” her voice was tender and apologetic. The weeping child nodded his head and frowned. “I’m sorry; I was being very stupid, wasn’t I?”
“Yea” the child replied sadly. “I want my mommy, I lost her. Help me find her.” Adrielle heart sank as she saw the round tears roll down his cheeks. His eyes filled with confusion and longing. She kissed him gently on the cheek and agreed to help him.
“You lost your mom? Where was she before you lost her? How long have you been lost?” she inquired. She hadn’t even noticed Liam standing next to her until he spoke.
“She could be anywhere, this street is a really busy street.” He told her. “Just leave him where he was and his mom will find him.” He didn’t want to take responsibility of this kid. Adrielle gave him a look of disbelief. Her face had anger and frustration written all over it. It had almost scared Liam. She scoffed and looked away from him. She put the child down and grabbed his hand.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” she asked sweetly, ignoring Liam’s remark. Liam stared at her sorrowfully.
“Tommy,” he answered sniffling. He looked as if he had been crying, his hazel eyes had tears welding up inside.” My mommy was over there a second ago, but a man came and took her away.” Liam glanced up realizing what had just happened. It was Daniel, and if not Daniel then another vampire. He clenched his fists tightly trying to control his anger. It was things like this that got them killed and hated by people.
“What?” Adrielle didn’t know how to respond, she looked back at Victor hoping that he would have any suggestions. Liam s jaw was clamped together in a frown. He didn’t say a word, he simply couldn’t. Adrielle rolled her eyes irritated by him. “Do you know where he took her?” Tommy pointed towards the backwoods at the end of the street. Fear enveloped Adrielle almost instantly. She knew what she had to do. “Okay you stay here honey, I’ll go find your mommy and bring her here.” She let go of his tiny hand, and began to stride towards the backwoods nervously. Liam quickly grabbed Adrielle’s arm and whipped her back around to face him. She struggled to get out of his grasp angrily but he wouldn’t let go. His oceanic eyes filled with concern as he spoke.
“You can’t go in there. It could be some psychopath for all we know.” Adrielle sent him a look full of daggers. She squirmed to get her arm out of his tight hold.
“Whatever. Let me go! Now!” she ordered fury edging in her voice. Her eyes blazed brighter and brighter. “Liam let go now! You are fucking going to break my arm!” She swallowed the anger back done her throat as she pinned him down with her eyes. Liam wouldn’t budge.
“Adrielle! For once, please stop being stubborn and listen to me!” he insisted pleadingly. He slowly let go of his grasp on her and she began to rub her soon to be bruised arm. “For gods sakes, let me come with you at least.” He got closer to her and sighed as she took a step away from him. She turned back around and began walking towards the dark shadowy forest.
“Tommy!!!” she heard a woman yell down the street. She was running towards the child, as blood was spilling out of her neck. Adrielle’s stomach cringed as she watched the woman embrace her child. “I was so worried about you! I’m sorry I left you!! I won’t ever do it again! Please forgive mommy!” Her brown eyes looked at the child apologetically and full of worry. Adrielle took a sigh of relief as she walked back towards the motionless Liam and the joyful child. Blood was seeping down the mother’s neck making Liam sick to his stomach. His eyes turned black for a few seconds before he got control of himself. He began to help the lady up and wipe her off. “Thank you” she acknowledged Liam. Adrielle waltzed over slowly not wanting to see the blood ooze down her. She watched as the lady grab her child and walk back towards the busy street.
“Wait!” Adrielle called after her. “What happened to you? Do you need to go to the hospital or anything? “ The woman glanced towards Adrielle shook her head violently and sped off without a word. Adrielle’s jaw nearly dropped. Liam began to walk towards Adrielle, but she ignored him completely.
“What do you think happened to her?” he asked pretending to not know a thing. He knew Adrielle was furious with him, he could see it in her every move and feel it in her every breath. She shifted her eyes towards him and walked away without replying. He caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her back towards his chest. She fought his hold and tried to keep walking again, but he held her close and began to whisper in her ear. She felt a chill down her spine as he spoke. “I’m sorry.” Liam didn’t want to lose her, and he knew that he had been terrible about the situation. She twirled around to face him. Anger was writhing in her every bone. She wanted to scream and yell at him, but no matter how hard she fought, she couldn’t stop herself from still loving him.
“Just please let me go.” She pleaded as crystal tear rolled down her rosy cheeks. Liam’s eyes widened; he was taken back as he wiped the tear away. Adrielle groaned out of frustration towards herself for crying. She LOATHED showing her emotions, and Liam always seemed to stop her from hiding them. He let her go and watched as she walked towards the car and sat in the driver’s seat. He slowly sat in the passenger’s and stared silently at her. Adrielle moaned as she tried to get the car to start. No matter how hard she tried it wouldn’t budge. “Great! Now this piece of shit isn’t starting!” She stood up and kicked the car angrily and threw the keys on the road and began to walk towards their apartment. Liam watched amusedly at her. Everything she did was enchanting to him. He got out and picked up the rusty keys and started the car instantly. Adrielle jolted back around and gave him an annoyed look as he pulled up next to her, opening the car door for her. She thought about walking the whole way for a split second but decided against it, because she was wearing heels. She flopped down into the seat and crossed her arms. The whole ride home was complete and utter silence. She slammed the door shut, when she got out and rudely asked him to give her the keys. “Adrielle, I’m sorry! But the kid is fine now!” He sapphire eyes grew lighter and lighter as he pleaded for her mercy. Adrielle grabbed the keys from the ignition and strolled inside the house angrily. Liam almost choked on his own breath as he watched her leave. He knew she would eventually forgive him, but he still didn’t want her to be upset with him.

Chapter 14

Ariana was sprawled on the couch when she heard Adrielle slam the door as she stomped in. “WHY ARE GUYS SUCH ASSHOLES? HOW DOES HE THINK HE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT ME? TELLING ME THAT IM RECK LESS AND CRAZY AND THAT IM STUBBORN?!” Ariana’s heart beat faster as she heard Adrielle mutter loudly to herself. She stood up slowly as she strolled towards Adrielle’s room.
“Hey, you sound peachy?” she joked casually. “Is everything alright?” she sauntered over towards Adrielle, who was angrily perched on the crimson satin overthrow.
“Well…since you’re just dying to know…” she began, spurting out every vile thing that she had thought about the situation. She told him about the child and how he didn’t seem to care a bit. “And what sucks the most is that I still don’t hate him. What the hell is wrong with me?” she finished. She thumped her palm against her forehead in frustration. Ariana laughed at her, mocking her reaction towards the whole thing.
“Yeah, more like what’s wrong with him?! I mean you have two hot people that would be perfect as a couple, and he has to be an ass.” She commented enthusiastically. Adrielle felt a smile widen across her coffee toned skin. “Hah! Anyways, I recorded Vampire Diaries for you to watch.” Adrielle squealed as she hurried over to the living room to watch her beloved Stephan and Damon. Ariana giggled and began to pick an outfit for her date with Logan. She fantasized about him taking her hand and spinning her around, as they danced to a cheesy romantic song that all girls swooned over. It took about two hours until she decided that her jade green strapless dress would do. The dress clung to her body and stopped at about thigh length. She primped herself in the mirror, nodding approvingly towards herself. She went through Adrielle’s closet to look for some shoes and decided to go with her strappy heels. Her hair was let into looks beach waves. She dabbed on a bit of mascara and eye shadow and decided she was done for now.
“How do I look?” asked Ariana as she hesitantly stepped out into the living room. Her heart slowed down a little when she noticed the wide grin plastered on Adrielle’s face.
“WOAH BABY!!” she observed. “YOU LOOK EFFIN GORGEOUS!” she was practically struck with awe as she saw Ariana walk, or rather stumble for the first time in heels. She stood up and pushed Ariana’s shoulders back telling her to take one step at a time and to always stand straight when she walked in heels. Ariana gave her an appreciative look and began to grab her things when the doorbell chimed throughout the apartment. Ariana’s heart felt as if it were pounding against her chest, slowly keeping her from breathing rhythmically. “I got it! You go put on some damn lip gloss or something. Ha-ha” Adrielle walked casually to the door opening it as if it weren’t her sisters first big date.
“Hey there!” Logan said coolly as he walked in. She had to struggle to keep her jaw from plummeting to the floor. Logan was dressed in a olive green shirt that brought out his lavender eyes. The shirt clung to him, sporting his perfectly toned body. “Where’s Ariana?”
“She’s…uh…ARIANA!!” she stumbled over her own words; she knew that as soon as Ariana stepped out of the bedroom she would freak out. Logan looked at Adrielle intently, he knew about what had happened with her and Liam today but didn’t want to remind her about it. HE didn’t know why but he already cared for her as a sister. He figured it must’ve been the whole soul-mate bond thing that made him care for everyone she cared for. None the less Adrielle was going to be his future sister-in-law. Logan’s pupils dilated as Ariana’s beauty seemed to mesmerize him. He nearly froze as she strolled over to him, he chuckled to himself as he watched her nearly trip over her own feet. The emerald dress was tight against her perfectly shaped frame as her hair flowed around the side of her face. Adrielle watched them both and couldn’t help herself from cracking up, breaking the silence that had crept in the room for nearly a full minute. Ariana rolled her eyes and linked her arm with Logan’s as walked out the door.
“Don’t wait up, love!! Oh, say hi to Liam for me!” she winked as she left. Adrielle stopped her fit of giggles and sat in silence. It was nearly killing her that she couldn’t bear to stay away from him, even if he was a douche.

chapter 15

“You look WOW.” Logan complimented, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off of her. Ariana flipped her hair back and smirked.
“You look wow yourself” she smiled her million-dollar smile and tousled his hair. Logan fiddled his fingers as they walked. He hadn’t fed in nearly three days and Ariana’s scent was especially tempting him today. They chattered non-stop as they walked from shop to shop looking at all the clothes and pretending to actually be there to shop for something. As they entered the cute vintage store, Ariana stopped in her tracks. Logan began to pull her in but she kept her stand. “Let’s not go in here….” She suggested as she watch the guy behind him. It was James. He had been her stalker for nearly a year, and she was glad to have gotten rid of him. He wasn’t just the normal, I like you a lot stalker; he was the clingy, repulsive, psychotic, I’ll kill everyone that comes in between us type of stalker. Memories of how he had tried to hurt Adrielle when she warned her about him flooded back into her mind. Fear rattled her every bone as her heart when on a high speed chase.
“Ariana, are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost…”His lilac eyes displaying concern for her. Ariana opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a hoarse, rough, and slightly demeaning voice.
“ARIANA IS THAT YOU?!” cried Matt, as he scurried towards her with pleading eyes. Just then, she knew her lies and the truth was about to blow up in her face. She wanted to run, but Logan’s tight grip on her wrist kept her from doing so. She began to shake as the troubled man got closer and closer to her. “ITS BEEN YEARS!” Before Ariana had time to react, he wrapped his arms around her enveloping her in a very awkward hug. She clung on to Logan’s hand as if she were hanging on for her dear life. “Who is this with you?” His once innocent looking brown eyes, turned dark and vile as if he were ready to pounce. Ariana didn’t have time to retaliate before Logan introduced himself. This was the once time she had wished that he wasn’t so damn polite.
“Hello, my name is Logan. And you would be?” he asked courteously. He reached his hand out for Matt to shake it, but Matt ignored his hand and gazed at Ariana, who was still trembling from shock.
“Matt.” She whispered out of pure and utter disgust. “Wha-at are you doing here?” She had thought she had gotten rid of him ever since her dad threatened to ruin Matt’s life, but since her dad died, he wouldn’t stay away.
“My aunt lives here, my mom sent me here to stay away from you. But destiny just couldn’t keep us apart.” He was practically drooling as he tried to lean in closer. Logan’s eyes grew cold and hard as Ariana inched closer and closer to him out of fear.
“WE. ARE. OVER. WE HAVE BEEN SINCE YOU FUCKING TRIED TO HURT ADRIELLE. STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!” she was surprised at her own reaction. She hadn’t imagined ever bursting out dramatically like that but she did. Matt brought out the worst in her and he was doing it again, in front of the person she was practically in love with. Hatred burned inside her soul, urging her to swing a punch at him. Matt, however stayed calm as he smiled that crooked smile she hated so much.
“Now, babe don’t say that! You and I both know how much I care about you. Adrielle was only getting in the way. She didn’t like our love. She was jealous.” Ariana slapped his hand away as he tried to touch her cheeks. She clung onto Logan, who stood still.
“Adrielle was trying to protect me from a psycho like you. You tried to KILL her, because she warned me about your possessive behavior, she protected me. You tried to kill the only family I have left.” She gasped when she realized that Logan had heard that Adrielle was her family. She had given away too much information and she knew that after tonight Logan would hate her. Tears began to roll down her ocean blue eyes in perfectly round tears as she spoke. “I swear, if you get within ten feet of me, I will call the cops, or have my dad...” she stopped suddenly. A smile grew on Matt’s face as he spoke his next words with a menacing tone.
“Your dad? Your dad’s dead.” He told her with no sign of compassion. Obsession was writhing in his bones. Ariana’s heart dropped and shattered into a million pieces as she turned towards Logan. He cupped her face in his arms and within a second his fists were smashing Matts face into the clothes rack. Matt stood back up, stumbling as he wiped the blood from his face. “You better watch it Ariana, if I can’t have you, no one will.” At those words, Ariana felt as if she could die right then and there. She watched as Matt furiously walked out the double doors swearing his vengeance.
“I’m so sorry, “Ariana apologized, tears streaming down her rosy cheeks. Logan held her close and wiped her tears away with his thumbs.
“Don’t be…did you know about your dad?” he asked. Ariana looked up and looked into his lavender eyes and nodded as she took a step back. She shook her head nervously.
“I’m sorry…I just can’t talk about it…” she said as she scurried out the door leaving Logan in the empty store. He watched her with grief filling his soul. He wanted to chase her, to hold her in his arms, but he knew that she needed to tell him on her own terms and on her own time.
Ariana ran the whole way home slamming the door as she staggered in. She fell hopelessly onto the floor, crying and sobbing. Adrielle was busy cleaning her closet out when she heard the slam, hoping that it wouldn’t be Liam. She figured he was the type to just barge in. She was ready to yell when her jade eyes filled with a spark of terror as she saw Ariana lay on the floor sobbing. She ran over in an instant and cradled her in her arms.
“What happened?!” she asked panic- stricken. She had hoped Logan didn’t do anything, she was ready to be homicidal if she needed to be. She listened intently as Ariana told her about Matt, and how he almost gave away their secret. She couldn’t tell a soul about what happened, and she couldn’t keep lying to Logan. Adrielle was at a loss of words, silence echoed in the large apartment as they both sat there.
“Adrielle,” Ariana spoke, finally breaking the creeping silence. “I’m in love with Logan. I don’t know why or how but I am. I know it’s too fast to fall in love with someone, but it feels like there’s something dragging me to him all the time. When I hear his name my heart goes on a wild goose chase, when I lie to him, I want to die. When I’m with him, I’m not afraid of anything…at all.” Adrielle nodded her head understandably and gave a smile.
“Tell him the truth. You have too.” She suggested. She knew deep down that Logan was the guy for Ariana, just as she knew that Liam was the guy for her. She couldn’t stand seeing Ariana like this and it nearly killed her having to keep such a big secret about their lives. “Besides, Matt is probably going to stir something up. So tell him now.”
“What about the two people that have been trying to kill us for the past year? They could find us!” she responded with fear etching her every word.
“Do you trust Logan?” she asked. A few long seconds passed by as Ariana thought about it.
“Yes.” She stopped crying and stood up, as if nothing had happened and she wasn’t just sprawled on the ground pouring her guts out. “Thank you.” Adrielle grinned at her “I know I’m the best” grin as Ariana laughed.
“Oh and by the way…” she began to say. Adrielle raised an eyebrow waiting for her to finish.” Forgive Liam. He’s really not a bad guy. He’s kind of like Damon…” she winked.
“HAHA!!” Adrielle was laughing her guts out! “You’re wrong….he’s better than Damon…” she whispered to herself. Ariana cocked an eyebrow at her and chucked at pillow playfully at her. “But I’m not going to forgive him.” Ariana stuck her tongue out as Adrielle laughed whole heartedly. For the first time in their lives the girls were truly happy with their messed up, crazy lives.


Texte: Disclaimer: We do not own any media mentioned in this book. I hope you all enjoy the book.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.01.2012

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