
CH. 1 Going To The Beach

Marty could hear what was going through everyone's minds.

Ever since her and Jer became soulmates and got closer her powers have gotten stronger and so has Jer.

She knew from the minute that Noah and Dom looked at Kat and Emma that their was something going on between them.

Marty could tell that Noah wanted to spend some time alone with Kat to get to know her better and also that Dom wanted to get to know Emma better too.

"Here's your jacket Kat," Em handed Kat her jacket.

"Hey Kat do you mind if I walk with you to the beach?" Noah asked stepping closer to her side.

Kat smiled and held out her hand, "Thanks Noah! Just hold out your arm for me cause it's the best way for me to get around."

So Noah held out his arm for Kat to take. She felt around until she got hold of his arm. Then she snaked her arm around his left arm holding on tightly.

"Let's get going then guys," Gaven demanded.

Marty and Jer walked with their fingers intwined together, while Dom walked along side Emma talking up a storm with her.

As Noah and Kat walked beside Jer and Marty, Noah could feel sparks run up his arm from Kat's touch.

He knew that there was something about Kat they kept pulling him in.

When everyone got to the beach there was a beach party going on.

Then Kat heard all the guy yell that there was a party happening on the beach and she couldn't help but smile.

Noah looked down at Kat who was smiling like crazy.

"So what's got you smiling so much?"

Kat turned her head in his direction, "Your friends are funny because they are getting so excited over a beach party."

"Oh really miss smartypants? Well just so you know, I can tell that your pretty excited too," Noah laughed knowing what he said was true.

Kat smiled at what he said, "Ok, you got me there. I'm pretty excited becaues this would count as my first real beach party."

Noah squeezed her hand that was resting on his forearm and pulled her along.

Kat felt sparks crawl up her arm as Noah tugged her along in the sand. She could feel the cool air against her skin and could smell the ocean.

Marty watched how Noah was so gentle with Kat. Whenever you look at Noah, he looks like someone who can do some real damage if you piss him off or hurt someone he loves.

Then Marty heard a familiar voice in her head. It was Reece. He was here at the part with Adam, Caleb and two other guys she didn't know.

Jer felt Marty stop abruptly next to him. He looked down at her only to notice that she was shaking.

"Marty what's wrong?" Jer asked in serious tone.

She took a deep calming breath, "Reece is here with his friends. There down at the party and don't know that we're here either."

"Let's go find the guys and see what they want to do about it," Jer put his arm protectively around Marty's waist and went to find the guys.

CH. 2 Beach Party Problems

Jer headed over to where Dom, Emma, Noah and Kat were standing by the water.

Dom could sense something was wrong from the way Jer had his arm around his siter's waist.

When Marty and Jer got closer Dom asked, "What's going on Jer?"

"Marty says that Reece is here with Adam, Caleb and two others that I don't know,"

"Did you say Reece was here?" Noah asked angrily from behind Dom.

Kat could feel Noah stiffen next her as he talked with Dom and Jer about this Reece guy.

"Noah take a deep breath," Kat soothed him.

Noah looked at Kat and couldn't figure out how she could calm him down so quickly.

"Do you guys want to stay here or go do something else?" Emma sqeezed Dom's hand.

"Yah let's get out of here," Noah agreed.

They started walking back up the beach towards where the party was when Reece saw them.

"Well look who decided to show their face around here," Reece looked at Jer.

Marty heard a low growl come from Jer. She looked up to see Reece coming closer to them.

Jer then pushed Marty protectively behind him so that Reece couldn't touch her.

"If you want your head to stay attached to you shoulders then I suggest you keep back," Jer threatend.

"Hey Reece, who are these party crashers?" a guy with dark hair asked.

Kat regconized that voice of this guy. It was her ex boyfriend Dustin.

Noah felt Kat press herself closer to his side like she was trying to stay out of sight.

"Kat what's wrong?" he asked grabbing her hand.

"Can we please go somewhere else?"

Noah hugged her closer whispering in her ear, "Yah, we can do that."

Dustin looked at Noah then his eyes drifted to his arm around Kat's waist.

"What's wrong Kitty? You don't want to play with the dogs anymore? Not even with your old boyfriend?" Dustin smirked

Kat moved away so that she was standing behind Noah who's body was tense with anger.

"Why can't you just leave my cousin alone Dustin? Ya'll aren't dating anymore cause you cheated on Kat with my best friend," Emma said aloud.

This cause Dustin to start walking towards them with his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

When Dom stepped in front of Emma to protect her, Emma then grabbed Kat pulling her behind Dom as well when Noah suddenly stood almost touching noses with Dustin.

As soon as Kat was pulled safely behind Dom with Emma, Noah was ready to fight if he had too.

He could tell that Dustin was also a werewolf from another pack. He was in the same pack as Reece and his boys were.

That's why Jer and Dom reacted the way they did because Reece was trying to fight on their land.

"If I see you anywhere near Kat or Emma you'll regret ever messing with me," Noah growled.

Dustin stepped even closer, "We'll see about that."

Then he turned walking away with Reece, Adam and Caleb following behind towards the party.

CH. 3 There Watching You

As they were leaving the beach Marty had this feeling like something was going to happen later on, but she wasn't sure.

"Em, would you and Kat like to come over to our house to hang out and have dinner?" Marty smiled happily.

Emma looked at Dom who was smiling and so was everyone else.

"That would be so great. Thank you Marty," Emma almost shouted because she was happy that her and Kat had new friends to hang out with.

Then Emma looked over at Kat wanting to know if she liked the idea.

Kat could feel all eyes on her as Noah squeezed her hand softly.

"Would you mind if I came Noah?" Kat asked shyly.

"Yeah I would love it if you and Emma came. That means I would get to spend more time with you so we could get to know eat other better," Noah excitedly.

Marty knew her dinner idea was a good way from everyone to get to know each other.

Bryce and Gaven went on home while the rest of them went to get food at the store.

When they finally got to the store everyone went up and down every row looking for whatever kind of foos they wanted to eat.

Emma was walking with Dom while he was holding her small hand in his. She has never felt happier in her entire life than she does right now.

She knew that she was liking Dom more and more the longer she was with him.

It was like she had known Dom forever. She could feel this pull towards him like she's never felt before.

Eventually Emma and Dom found the rest of the guys who were ready to pay and leave.

Emma could tell from the way Kat stood by Noah that she was happy.

It was the first in a long time that Emma has seen her cousin this happy around anyone she became blind.

From what Emma could tell, Noah was a great guy and Kat deserved to have someone like him.

"Em I need to use the restroom before we leave," Kat murmured from Noah's side.

"I can show you and Emma where it's at," Marty replied.

"While ya'll do that we'll go pay for the food and then meet you down there. Don't forget that I love you," Jer smiled kissing her softly on the lips.

"I love you to. I'm gonna take them to the restrooms where the back exit is," Marty answered kissing him back.

As Kat let go of Noah's arm so she could take Emma's she felt Noah pulled her back.

Noah kissed Kat on her cheek softly. Kat felt her face go red as she blushed.

"Don't be gone long cause I'm hungry. Oh, just so you know, your're cute when you blush," he whipsered in her ear.

Then Noah let her go and watched as Kat grabbed onto Emma's arm and walked away.

At that moment, Noah knew what it felt like for Jer to be away from Marty.

When they got to the restrooms had this feeling of someone watching them.

"I'll wait out here for ya'll," Marty mumbled to Emma.

Emma and Kat went inside while Marty waited for them.

Kat ended up finishing before Emma and decided to go wait with Marty.

"Em I'm going to wait with Marty until your're done," Kat said loudly.

"Ok I'm almost done," Emma said.

Kat felt her way out of the bathroom trying not to trip.

As soon as Kat got out of the bsthroom she knew something wasn't right.

"Marty? Marty are you here? Come on, this is not funny," Kat's voice cracked as she started to get scared.

Then she felt a hand over her mouth and an arm around her waist pulling her away from the bathrooms.

CH. 4 Taken

After the guys had paid for the food Jer felt a pain go through his chest.

It happend everytime something was wrong.

Noah stopped and looked at Jer, who's grib on the was so hard on the basket that they bent down.

"Dude what's wrong?" Noah grabbed Jer by the shoulders.

"Something is wrong. There are other wolves here cause I can smell them," Jer said closing eyes tightly.

"Tanner, call Bryce and Gaven and then I want ya'll to met us in the back," Dom demanded.

Tanner pulled his phone out and left taking the food with him.

Then Noah, Dom and Jer took off to the back.

Kat fought the person that was holding her.

She only wished that she could see who it was and if Marty was anywhere close by.

Marty smiled when she saw Kat come into her line of sight.

"Kat are you ok?" Marty asked.

"Marty? I'm ok. What about you?"

Then Marty saw Dustin slap her. "Shut it or you'll regret ever coming to this town."

"Leave her alone Dustin! Don't hurt her!" Marty shouted as loud as she could.

Then it clicked in Kat's head that if Dustin was the one to grab her then Reece had to be the one holding Marty.

"Enough Dustin! She's not who we're suppose to take," Kat heard Reece demand.

Dustin turned Kat around so that she was facing him then pushed against the wall.

"Your lucky that Reece is here. Do you want to know a little secret Kat?" Dustin asked.

Kat shock her head as tear streamed down her face.

Dustin's grip on her arms tightend as she felt him lean closer to whisper in her ear.

"Well I'm going to tell you anyways. I'm coming back for you and your precious Noah won't be able to help you."

He let go of her arms and she slid down to the floor and cried.

She didn't know how long she had sat there until she heard her name being called out.

Emma was going crazy trying to find Kat and Marty.

Eventually she saw Dom, Noah and Jer coming her direction.

As soon as she saw Dom she ran to him sobbing.

Dom pulled Emma safely in his arms glad that she was ok.

The rest of the guys got to them just in time for them to make sure nothing got out of hand.

"Em what happend?" Dom asked softly.

"I can't find Kat or Marty anywhere," she sobbed.

Noah took a deep breath to calm himself down praying that nothing happend to them.

In the background he could hear someone crying.

He followed the sound and walked through the exit listening closely.

Being a werewolf aloud him to be stronger, hear further away, run faster, fight better and see in the dark better too.

In the corner huddled on the floor was Kat.

"Kat!" Noah almost cried out.

Kat heard her name and knew that it was Noah who had found her.

"Noah!" Kat got up and ran to him.

She threw her arms around his neck crying like never before.

Noah wrapped his arms around Kat pulling her closer to him.

Kat felt her feet come off the ground as she locked her arms around Noah neck because he was taller than she was.

"Kat what the hell happend?" Noah asked putting Kat back on her feet.

Kat told Noah everything that happend from when Marty was taken to Dustin slapping her and saying that she was next.

Noah kept Kat close by his side as they went back out the exit to tell everyone what happend.

Jer completely flipped out that Tanner and Gaven had to take him outside with Bryce following behind.

When they got outside Jer was still very pissed.

"Tanner, Bryce, I need you two to take Jer and go hunting then search for any traces of Marty," Dom demanded.

CH. 5 Three Days Later

It's been three days since Marty was taken and Jer had been going crazy with anger and fear because they haven't heard anything from her.

Jer was pacing the floor in the living room waiting for a call from Gaven.

Yesturday Marty and Dom's father, Tom, called saying he would make a trade with them in exchange for Marty.

They all knew that this could be a trap, but had no choice but to follow along.

When Jer's phone started ringing he looked at it to see that it was Gaven.

He answered, "Hey what did he say?"

In the background he could hear Gaven take a deep breath.

"He said to meet him in the forest tonight and too also bring Emma and Kat with us,"

Before Jer answered Gaven back he heard Dom shouting in the background.


"Where are ya'll now Gaven?" Jer asked.

"We're heading back to the house. Make sure you have Em ready to calm down Dom because he is flipping out and tell Noah what's going on too,"

Jer knew that Marty would be upset with him if he let anything happen to Dom because he wasn't staying focused.

After telling Gaven that they'll be waiting for them at home Jer told Noah and Emma what was going on.

Emma was afriad the Dom was going to do something stupid, but knew he wouldn't risk her safety or his family's safety either.

Noah was sitting on the couch next to Bryce as Emma sat across from them while Kat was upstairs changing.

Emma could tell that Noah boiling with rage from what Jer had just told them.

Jer was still pacing the floor as Gaven, Tanner, and Dom came walking in.

As soon as Emmma saw Dom she got and ran towards him hugging him tightly.

Dom pulled Emma closer feeling better having her in his arms as he relaxed a bit.

Then Emma pulled back a little from Dom to look at Jer.

"Don't worry Jer. You know Marty is strong, but she needs you to stay strong also. Don't forget that we're all here for you too," Em said gently.

Jer smiled at how Emma was trying to keep him on the bright side of things.

Then Jer looked up to see that his half brother, Noah, was on the verge of shifting.

Jer knew that Noah thought of Marty as a little sister and Dom as a brother too.

He understood why Noah was angry, but this time Jer was saving his rage for someone else.

So now is Jer's time to be there for his brother because Noah had been there for him when he was about to shift.

"Bryce, I need you to go get Kat right now," Jer told him.

Dom looked at Jer and nodded at him then turned to take Emma into the kitchen with Gaven following behind them.

Tanner stood next to Jer leaving Noah to pace the living room floor angrily.

Soon Bryce came downstairs with Kat holing onto his arm and a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong with Noah?" she asked when no one spoke.

"He's really pissed cause of what's going on and your the only one that he'll listen too. You being in there with him will help calm him down," Tanner replied.

Kat nodded her head and turned to walk into the living room.

Noah stopped pacing when he heard someone walk in.

He looked up to see Kat slowly coming closer trying not to hit anything.

"Noah are you ok?" Kat's voice craked at bit.

Noah came closer wrapping his arms around her waist hugging her closely to him.

Kat put her arms around him too as he buried his face in her hair breathing in her scent.

"I'm ok now that your here," Noah said truthfully.

"I'm glad that I could help and that you're ok," she smiled up at him.

CH. 6 Tonight's The Night

Marty felt lonely as she sat in her old bedroom at her father's house.

Her father didn't like the fact that she was living with Dom.

Marty was really tired and hungry because her nightmares started coming back the night that she was taken.

Being really tired left her with no energy to even eat or use her connection with Jer.

Her father also didn't like the fact that she had a mate already and that caused Tom to slap her several times.

Tonight was the night that her father Tom, Reece, Dustin, and the rest of the guys plan to trap Jer and her brother.

Marty concentrated on her connection with Jer and when it was open she called out his name.

Jer was sitting on the couch next to Noah, who had Kat cuddled on his lap with his arms around her.

Dom was sitting on the love seat with Emma wrapped in his arms by his side as Bryce, Tanner, and Gaven sat in the rest of the seats.

They were trying to decide what to do tonight when Jer heard Marty's voice in his head through their connection.

Marty: Jer!

Jer: Marty is that you? Where are you? Are you ok?

Marty: Yeah it's me. I'm locked in my old bedroom at my father's house. I'm tired, hungry and scared.

Jer could hear the pain in her voice and could feel it too. At least he knew where she was so they could get her.

Jer: It's ok baby girl. We're gonna come get you. Just try and keep our connection open.

Marty: I'll try. Please hurry I don't want to be alone anymore.

Jer: I'm coming baby girl. I love you.

Marty: I love you too.

Marty curled in the corner and cried as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

Jer told the guys were Marty was and that she was ok so far.

"So what are we gonna do about tonight? Cause we can't risk him changing his plans," Bryce spoke up.

"We're gonna split up. Half will stay here and the rest of us will meet with Tom," Dom explained to them.

Marty's door opended up and her father walked in coming towards her.

Tom grabbed her by her arm and hauled her to her feet dragging her out the room.

At that moment Marty knew that Tom was taking her with him.

Marty: Jer don't come to my house. My father is taking me with him when he comes to meet ya'll in the forest.

Jer: Ok baby girl. Don't worry I'll be with you soon.

Noah and Dom went with Jer while Bryce, Tanner, Gaven stayed at the house with Kat and Emma.

Kat was really upset when Noah told her that he was going with them and that she was staying there with Emma.

Emma also didn't like it either, but knew it had to be done.

When the guys got to the forset, which wasn't far from their house, they saw Tom holing Marty with his hand over her mouth.

Reece, Dustin stood by Tom's left with Caleb, Adam on his right.

Jer knew that there was going to be a fight and it that it wasn't going to be good.

There was a possibility that someone could get hurt or worse, killed.

CH. 7 Not In Control

Marty watched as Jer, Dom, and Noah came into view.

She knew why her wanted her so badly to be away from her mate.

Her father wanted to use her powers as her own.

Marty's ability to read others minds was a great way for her father to get information he wantes out of people.

She could fell Jer's anger rolling off of him like waves in an ocean.

All she could think of was who was going to make the first move of attack.

Marty could tell that Dustin was more interested in hurting Noah than what her father was doing.

Dustin made the first move by stepping closer towards Noah.

"Where's your sorry excuse of a girlfriend? Was she to afraid to come and play with the big boys?" Dustin instigated at Noah trying to get him snap first.

Noah tried his best to keep his cool unless Dustin kept egging him on more.

Noah was waiting till Dustin got close enough so that if he did snap first he could easily rip out Dustin's throat.

"Do you want to know one of Kat's little secrets?" he aked Noah.

Jer and Dom watched as Noah started to shake with rage.

If Dustin kept talking about Kat any longer then Noah would surely shift and not even Jer or Dom could stop him.

Noah stood there waiting for the right time to let his wolf take over control.

Dustin took a step back and smiled an evil grin at Noah.

"I was with Kat the day of her accident that ended up leaving her blind. But you want to know something else?" Dustin question.

Dom looked at Jer and whisperd, "Noah is about to snap at any moment so I want you to get Marty out of while I take care of the others."

Jer nodded his head knowing that if they where around when Noah shifted it wouldn't be pretty.

His wolf and Dom's wolf were just as strong as Noah's, but having known Noah for years, they knew that whenever he shifted becuase he couldn't control it made him much stronger than them.

"I was one of the reasons Kat got hurt. Then I left her pathetic ass there and found something better,"

This was the last straw. Noah couldn't take it anymore. The rage he felt kept buidling more as Dustin disrespected his mate.

Dustin couldn't have been happier when he noticed Noah was ready to shift.

Right then and there Noah shifted into a snow white wolf with black tips on his ears and tail, four black paws, and his snout was black too.

Noah snarled at Dustin barring his teeth darring him to make the wrong move.

Dustin then shifted into a grey and brown wolf that was slightly smaller than Noah's.

While this was happening Marty took her chacne and elbowed her father in the stomach as hard as she could.

Tom grunted loudly holding his hand to his stomach as Matry took a step back from him.

"You worthless bitch! How dare you hit me!" her father yelled as he slapped her with so much force she hit the ground.

Marty cried out in pain when she felt her father hit her. She tried her best to crawl as far away as possible using what little strength she had left.

Before their father could grab Marty again Dom shifted into a dark brown wolf and jumped between Marty and Tom.

As Dom was keeping Tom busy Jer used that time to run to Marty.

When Marty looked up she saw Dom in wolf form distracting their father so she could get away.

Then Marty realized that she had no strength left to even move.

After a few seconds Marty felt herself being lifted off the ground as two warm strong arms wrapped around her.

"Jer! Your here!" Marty sobbed quietly into his shoulder.

Jer held her closer to his chest glad she was safely in his arms. "I'm here. I got you baby girl, your safe now."

CH. 8 Wolf vs. Wolf

Noah lunged at Dustin sinking his sharp teeth in his fur around his neck.

Dustin yelped in pain as Noah pulled him to the ground then yanked him back up, throwing him against a tree.

When Dustin hit the ground not getting back up, Noah took the chance to go after the others.

Jer slowly sat Marty against a tree in the shade out of view so she wouldn't get hurt.

As Jer was about to sit down with her he heard someone cock a gun.

He turned to see Reece holding a gun up which was pointed at Dom, who was growling at his father angrily.

Reece was going to shoot Dom in order to save Tom, but what happend next noone expected.

The ringing of bullets being fired echoed throught the forest.

Not knowing what happend, Jer knew that he had to help.

"Marty I need to figure out what happend. I want you to stay right here and not move. If something goes wrong use our connection," Jer told Marty, kissing her soflty on her lips.

"Okay. I'll stay right here and wait for you," Marty replied.

Jer quickly got up and shifted into a dark black wolf that looked like Noah's wolf except the coloring was the opposite from his.

Noah had lunged in front of Dom before Reece could shoot him.

Dom, who was pissed, quickly got back up and went after Reece.

Noah felt a sharp pain shoot up his side and he knew that he had gotten shot, but right know wasn't the time to worry about it.

When Dustin had hit the tree it had kicked the breath from him.

He got up slowly and looked up to see that Noah was walking slowly baxk as his blood started to stain his white fur coat.

This was Dustin's chance to take Noah out while he was at his weakest.

Dustin jumped out to the clearing where Noah was and charged towards him.

Noah couldn't let Jer or Dom know that he was injured because that would just distract them from everything.

Dom had pinned down Reece who also had shifted, but was quickly yanked away as Adam sunk his teeth into Dom's back leg.

That gave Reece time to also grab Dom by his neck and pin him down while Adam still had a hold of his leg.

Dom growled, snapping at Reece, trying to get him off.

Jer ran towards Dom and lunged at Reece and they hit the ground with great force.

Jer and Reece rolled along the ground, snapping, growling at one another.

When Dom felt Reece let go of his neck he bit into Adam's fur hard enough to draw blood.

Adam yelped in pain and Dom could taste blood in his mouth.

Dom growled once more as a warning to Adam that he better leave or die.

Adam being smart got up and ran off just as Jer grabbed Reece's side and threw him towards Adam.

Dustin took a sneak attack and lunged at Noah sending him tumbling to the ground howling in pain.

Noah noticed that Dustin figured out that he was injured and was going to use that to his advantage.

Jer and Dom looked up when they heard Noah howling in pain.

Marty: Jer help Noah! He was shot and he's losing to much blood!

Jer heard Marty's voice yell in his head so he turned towards Noah and could smell his blood.

Jer: Ok Marty! Stay where you are while Dom and I help him.

Dustin never felt more alive than he did now.

Noah whimpered when the pain increased as he felt Dustin draw more blood.

Dom and Jer took off towards Noah before Dustin had time to kill him.

Dom tackled Dustin to the ground just in time for Noah to shift back to human form.

Noah screamed as the pain increased more because when you get hurt while you're in wolf form it doesn't hurt as much, but if you shift back before the wound is healed then you'll feel twice as much pain as a human.

Jer shifted back, quickly rushing over to his older brother.

Caleb helped Dustin up before disappearing in the trees along with Tom.

As Jer kneeled down by Noah's side, Dom changed back too and ran to go get his sister.

The side of Noah's shirt was drenched with blood along with his shoulder.

Jer ripped Noah's shirt open to see where the blood was coming from.

He saw on Noah's shoulder were teeth marks that were bleeding a little, but the wound on his side seemed to be the source.

Dom carried Marty towards Jer, who was trying to stop Noah from bleeding too much.

Jer knew that Dom could take care of Marty because right know he needed to take care of his brother.

"Noah, I'm gonna help you up," Jer said to him.

Noah nodded his head slowly and then screamed in pain again as Jer help him up and they began walking home slowly.

CH. 9 He's Gonna Be Alright

As they got closer to the house Noah was on the verge of passing out.

Before they could get to the door everyone came rushing out.

Tanner helped Jer take Noah inside while Bryce followed behind them as they took Noah to his room.

Dom put Marty down on her feet just in time for Emma to come running out crying, throwing her arms round his neck tightly.

"I'm okay Em," he whispered in her ear, "Can you take Marty inside and help her get cleaned up and fed while I go tell Kat and Gaven what's going on then I'll come back to check on you two," Dom said kissing her softly.

"Okay. I'm glad you and Marty are okay. I just hope that Noah is too," Em said before she helped Marty inside.

Dom explained to Kat and Gaven what happend out in the forest.

Kat tried not to cry as Dom told her everything that happend and that Noah was hurt after saving him.

But what did get her to break down in tears was Noah's screams as they filled the house.

She could feel some of Noah's pain as her own because you always felt when your mate was in pain.

Kat and Emma already knew about werewolves from being around Dustin.

Kat just cried into Emma's shoulder as they waited for Tanner to come down and tell them if Noah was going to be ok.

Marty sat close to her brother praying that Noah was going to be alright especially for Jer's sake.

Several hours later Tanner came into the living room with Jer following behing him.

Marty looked up at Jer and asked, "How's Noah dong? Is he gonna be okay?"

Jer came to sit be Marty and wrapped his arms around her waist tightly.

Tanner noticed the fear on Kat's face and knew he had to tell her the news.

"We finally got the bleeding to stop so the wound can heal, but it'll take some time. He's gonna be okay for now as long as he gets his rest and eats,"

Kat smiled, keeping her head down towards her lap. She wanted to ask if she could up to him, but was afraid that she would get in way of his family taking care of him.

Jer watched as Kat got up from the couch along Emma.

He was waitng for Kat to ask him to take her to see Noah, but what she decided to say what something different.

"Em can you take me to the guest room I'm tired," Kat asked trying not to cry.

Emma knew what Kat was doing. She wanted so badly to take Kat up to see Noah, but knew the only way she would do that was if Jer told her it was okay to see him.

Emma also knows that the only reason Kat is not going to see him is cause she would feel like she is interfering with his family.

Emma helped Kat in the bed and covered her up.

Slowly closing the door behind her she could hear Kat sobbing quietly under the covers.

It broke her heart to see her cousin like this.

All she wanted to do was to tell Kat that they were apart of this family now and that what happend to Noah wasn't her fault.

Once she got back downstairs everyone was starring at her shocked.

Emma she didn't have to say anything because she noticed Marty reading her thoughts and then turned to tell Jer what was wrong.

Jer looked up at Emma with sad eyes, "Why would Kat think she wasn't part of this family? I mean, she doesn't have to ask to see Naoh, because she has every right to demand to see him."

Jer and Dom both knew that Noah had been born an Alpha and that's why he was so protective of his family, even the ones that weren't blood relative.

Jer was glad that he wasn't born an Alpha like Noah, but the one thing they did have in common was their anger.

So Jer decided to use his connection to tell Noah why Kat hadn't gone up to see him like he had told Jer to ask Kat to do after he had waken up.

After telling Noah what happend he heard him respond back.

Noah: I'm going to go see Kat.

Jer: Okay. Do you need any help?

Noah: I'm okay for right now, but I'll let you know if I do.

Jer: Okay. Don't push yourself to hard.

Noah: I won't.

Kat laid in bed crying softly until she hear her door open and the dipped down under someone elses weight.

"Kat why didn't you come up to see me?" Noah asked softly before he slide under the covers next to her.

Kat felt Noah pull her closer to his side as his arms wrapped around her waist tightly.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that Jer wounldn't want me to put you in anymore pain after what happend," she whispered through her tears.

"Kat, none of this was your fault. I had sent Jer and Tanner down there so they could bring you up here because I wanted to see you. You're apart of this family now, just like Emma is and I never want you to feel like you don't belong here," Noah kissed her hair as he shifted more comfortably in the bed.

Kat smiled weakly and snuggled closer to him laying her head on his naked chest making sure that her arm didn't hit his wrapped up side.


Texte: shilohann.349
Bildmaterialien: shilohann.349
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.02.2012

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Dedicated to baybeegirl and to my family and friend who have awlays been there for me!

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