
CH. 1 Coming Home

Hi, my name is Cheyanne Collins and I just turned 18. I have bright greenish blue eyes and straight black hair that is short in the back and long on the sides with blue highlights.

I have spent the last two and a half months without my best friend, Darren O'Connor. He is the most popular guy at school and I'm the only one that truly knows the real Darren.

At school everyone thinks of him as a player and always wonders why he hangs around me. Well, you could say I'm one of those quiet girls that keeps to herself and tries to stay in the shadows, away from eveyone.

There are only two weeks left in suumer vacation before Senior starts and I can't wait till Darren gets back from visiting his dad.

He always visits his dad during the summer for about a month, but this time his father wanted him too stay two and a half months because this was his last time to see Darren before he went off to college.

Living with my Aunt Robin is awesome because it's just me and her or if her boyfriend comes over to visit. But lately I have been missing Dare (that's my nickname for him) real bad.

The good thing about being friends with Dare is that guys are smart not to mess with you when he is around, but over the summer I met a guy named Marcus while hanging out with my friend Tess and her boyfriend Leo at the mall.

We would hang out together with my friends sometimes and then that's when things started to get out of hands. Marcus had aksed me out once or twice and each time, I had turned him down because I was secretly in love with someone else.

Leo was always there to step in if things got out of hand and I was thankful that he would do that for me. Plus I know that Dare had asked Leo to keep an eye on my while he was gone.

Today was the day that Dare was supose to come home. I made sure that the whole house was clean and that we had plenty of food to eat cause knowing Dare, he was going to want to pig out.

My Aunt left to go spend the day with her boyfriend so me and Dare could catch up. She was the best aunt you could ever ask for.

After putting on a pink v-neck shirt and skinny jeans, I heard the door bell ring. 'Dare wasn't supposed to be here for another thirty minutes' I thought out loud to myself.

Skipping out of my room, I went to answer the door. But what happend next I never saw coming and let's just saw neither did my friends.

With a smile on my face I slowly opened the door. I frowned when it wasn't Dare. It was Marcus. At that moment I felt my heart start to beat faster and my stomach drop to the floor.

"He-y, ho-t stu-ff," Marcus slurred.

OMG is he drunk? "Marcus what are you doing here? Are you drunk?" I asked getting a little scared.

He stepped into the house and swayed a little before he tried grabbing my wrist, but I moved away before he could.

"Marcus do have you someone who can come get you?" I asked, but he just stared at me.

Before I could realize what was happening, Marcus grabbed my waist pulling me into his chest. As he started kissing me I wiggled out of he grip and push him away from me.

I stepped away from Marcus fearing that because he was drunk he would do something stupid.

As I moved away I felt my back touch the wall. Oh crap, I'm trapped with nowhere to go and Marcus knew that cause he pressed his body to mine.

"Come on Cheyanne I know you want me. Why don't we go back to my place and have a little fun?" Marcus said kissing me.

The kiss was hard and demanding as his grip on my waist tightend. I started getting really scared as tears threatend to come out.

The only thing I knew to do was to knee him where the sun don't shine, and I did. As soon as my knee hit him, Marcus let go and fell to his knees breathing hard.

Maybe if I can get to my room and call Dare then everything will be alright. So I ran to the stairs only to be knocked to the ground by Marcus.

He pinned my arms above my head with one hand as his other trailed down my leg and stopped at my butt. Then his hand moved up to the bottom of my shirt as he started to pull it up.

I started kicking at him. "Please stop!" I begged him.

He slapped he so hard that my lip started to bleed and I could taste blood in my mouth. Tears streamed down my face as he started to unbutton my jeans while kissing my neck.

Slowly he let go of my hands and started pulling down my jeans and as soon as I got the feeling back in my arms I clawed at his arms.

"Let me go! Please stop!" I cried out trying to sit up.

This only made him smirk just before he slapped me again even harder sending me flat on my back for the second time.

I lay there feeling dizzy, while I could feel him slide me jeans off. I sobbed loudly and screamed out for someone to help me.

Then I thought I heard my name. Marcus looked up long enough for me to get up and start running towards the door.

"Get back here you bitch!" I could hear Marcus yell from behind me.

Inches from the door I felt Marcus yank me backwards. My back hit his chest knocking the wind out of me. He put a hand over my mouth and the other around my waist.

"If you don't want to get hurt then I suggest you shut up," he growled in my ear.

"Let her go Marucs before you become the one that's hurt," a familiar voice said.

I looked up to see Leo standing there in the doorway with his fists clenched and an angry look on his face.

Marcus let me go and I fell to the floor with no strength in my legs and crawled to the nearest corner.

"Tess, take Cheyanne upstairs to her room and lock the door behind you," Leo said.

Tess pulled me up and we went upstairs to my room. She locked the door and we sat in the corner together. Tess hugged me while I cried on her shoulder.

Downstairs I could hear yelling, things breaking and then it got quiet, too quiet. Tess looked at me and I nodded my head for us to go see what happend.

I winced in pain as Tess helped me up. Unlocking the door we slowly crept down the hall and down the stairs. Then I heard my name being called and was about to start running back to my room when I realized it was Dare's voice.

CH. 2 Never Letting Go

I looked up and noticed Dare standing in the hallway with Leo beside him and Marcus out cold on the floor. He looked at me and I knew that he could see the hurt in my eyes.

"Dare!" I cried out running towards him.

"It's alright Annie," he said, using my nickname. "I'm here baby girl, no one is ever going to hurt you again, I promise," Dare told me.

Dare wrapped his arms around me protectively, pulling me softly against his chest. I was shacking and sobbing loudly.

In the corner of his eye Dare could see Leo holding Tess close to him. Eventually they left after we gave our statements to the police.

The police arrested Marcus and took him away, leaving me and Dare alone in the house.

Slowly Dare lifted me up bridal style in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder.

Dare carried me into the kitchen sitting me on top of the counter. Opening the freezer up Dare pulled out a bag of peas and handed it to me.

I took the bag and put it on my left cheek that was alredy starting to bruise.

Taking a cloth towel from a drawe, Dare cleaned the blood away from my lip. I winced as he did so.

While I sat there on the counter I called my aunt and told her what happend and that she didn't need to worry because I was with Dare now.

My aunt told me to thanked him and said that she would be home tomorrow morning and that Dare was free to stay in the guest room if he wanted.

Normaly Dare would go home where he lives with Leo and only stay the weekend with me, but after what happend I knew he was afraid to leave me alone.

"I'm so glad you're back Dare, but please don't ever leave me again," I said with tears rolling down her face.

Dare stood between my legs and gently grabbed my face in his hands making our eyes lock.

"I will never ever let you go again Annie, I promise," Dare said as he lightly kissed my lips.

I watched as Dare put the peas away and washed the cloth towel in the sink.

Dare had long straight black hair with bangs pushed to side of his face over his left eyes which were a bright aqua blue.

He also had blond streaks in his hair because when I got my hair done I didn't want to go alone so Dare went with me.

"Do you need any help up to your room to change or can you make it on your own?" Dare asked trying not to show how angry he felt.

I took a deep breath, wipping away the tears from my face and said, "Umm, I'm not sure."

He took a step back and watched as I slowly slide off the counter.

When my feet hit the floor I stood there for a few seconds not moving until my smile went from happy to sheer pain.

Dare caught me before I did a face plant with the floor. Again he picked me up bridal style carring me to my room.

"Annie are you ok and don't you try an lie to me because you know you can't?"

I stood up and held onto his arms, looking up at him. "I'm shaken up and still scarred, but I'm ok now that you're here," I said in a weak smile.

"That's good. Well I'll turn around so that you can change, ok?" Dare said turning his back to me.

I changed into a pair of boxers that I used as shorts and one of Dare's old shirts.

"You can turn around now Dare," I said tapping his shoulder.

"What would you like to do today Annie?" he questioned me.

"Well, could we go back to your place and have a sleepover?"

"Yah we can do that if it makes you feel better. I'll help you pack an over the night bag while you call your aunt and tell her what you're doing," he told me.

After calling my aunt to tell her that I would be spending the rest of the day with Dare at his place until she came home in the morning, I hung up.

I placed the house phone back in the kitchen to notice that Dare was leaning against the wall with his arms across his chest and a smile on his face.

At his feet sat the overnight bag that he must have packed while I was on the phone with my Aunt Robin.

"You ready to go?" Dare asked picking up my bag with one hand then reached for my hand with his other.

I laced my fingers through his and felt how warm his touch was. I could feel that maybe my heart was telling me that I had hidden feelings for Dare; my best friend in the world. But I couldn't, could I?

"Yeah I'm ready."

CH. 3 My Past Catches Up

When Dare pulled into the driveway of his house, I noticed Leo standing in the doorway holding hands with his girlfriend Tess. They were our closest friends.

Tess had long curly brown hair with blond highlights and dark green eyes. While Leo had had short wavy blond hair with black highlights and hazel eyes.

As soon as Dare and I got to the front door Leo pulled me into a great big bear hug, slowly trying not to scare me by his touch.

"I'm so sorry that I hadn't gotten to you in time before Marcus tried to hurt you Cheyanne," Leo said in a hurt voice.

I hugged him tighter letting him know that is was okay to keep hugging me.

"It's not your fault Leo. You got there when you did and that's all that matters."

Leo smiled down at me and replied, "Yeah you're right."

I knew Leo thought of as a sister because I was always over so much when we hung out.

Leo let go of me and grabbed Tess by the hand pulling her inside. It felt good to finally be around my friends instead of being alone in my house.

"We'll be upstairs hangin' out. So just holler if you need anything man," Leo said to Dare as he pulled Tess upstairs with him.

Dare put my bag in the hallway and slipped his arms around my waist from behind pulling me softly against his chest.

I could feel his cool breath against my neck as he whispered, "Well it looks like we're all alone down here, huh?"

I knew that if I answered him that we would both end up laughin' in the end.

I wanted to ask Dare how he felt about me, but I was afraid that he didn't feel the same way.

Maybe this is just from me missing Dare so much. I mean, how could I fall for my best friend?

Then I felt Dare's arms tighten around my waist trying to get my attention. I hadn't realized that I had spaced out like that.

"Annie are you okay?" Dare asked concerned.

Blinking a couple times I shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah."

At the same time I was thinking about weither or not I liked Dare more as a friend, I was also thinking about what happend at my house with Marcus and how much it reminded me of my father.

He would come home drunk sometimes and beat my mother and me. When my mother died, I was left to live with my father alone.

My father would yell, slap, push, anything that would leave a bruise on me, but nothing else.

That's why I freaked when I noticed that Marcus was drunk. It started reminding me of my father.

So after me father decided to leave, my Aunt Robin took me in and if it wasn't for her I would have nowhere to live.

Dare knew all about my father and what he did. He helped me get used to being around people again and not flinching everytime they moved.

With Dare being around I don't flinch as much, but when I'm alone with someone or a group of people I tend to freak out a bit.

At first I only aloud Dare to touch me because I've known him my whole life.

Then when Leo and Tess showed up it took me a little longer to not be afraid of them hugging me or just being alone with them.

Everyday I would get better, but I still have those days where I couldn't be around anyone but Dare and sometimes Leo and Tess.

Dare turned me and lifted my chin up with his fingers making me look at him.

"Annie what's really wrong? I know you better than this and I can tell something is bothering you," he questioned.

"I'm scared because of what happend at my house with Marcus reminded me of my father," I said quickly looking down at my feet, so I didn't have to see Dare's face.

CH. 4 Going To The Beach

Dare pulled my face up to met his gaze. "Annie breath," he said calmly.

I knew I was having a panick attack. They only happend when I think of my father or when someone gets to close for comfort; like today with Marcus.

It's been months since I last had one. I looked in Dare's eyes and took a deep calming breath.

"You ok now?" Dare asked.

I shook my head yes. Later on Dare and I were in the living room watching tv when Tess came skipping into the living room.

"Hey you guys want to go to the beach with Leo and I?" she asked jumping up and down.

"We'll only go in the water if you want to Cheyanne," Leo said coming to stand next to Tess.

They knew that I didn't know how to swim, but I didn't want them to not have fun cause of me.

"I don't mind if ya'll want to go in the water. I can just sit in the sand and enjoy the view of the ocean," I said looking at Dare.

After we all packed our things we headed to the beach to have fun and God knows I need it right now.

The beach wasn't to crowded so we were able to find a good spot to sit. Dare and Leo laid out some towels for us to sit on while Tess and I pulled out the food to eat.

"So Tess," Leo said smiling at her, "I was wondering, what would you do if I dumped a bucket of water on you while you were sitting here tanning?"

Tess looked up at Leo and narrowed her eyes, "Well I don't know? I guess you're just gonna have to find out won't ya?"

I knew that Tess was wanting Leo to dump the water on her so she could get revenge on Leo.

Tess could be a really evil person when it came to getting revenge. I just hope Leo is up for it.

That's when Leo pulled out a big bucket of water and dumped it right on her head.

I laughed as Tess gasped in shock because he actually dumped water on her.

"If I were you Leo, I would start running for your life," I told him through my laughter.

Tess jumped up smiling one of her evil grins and chased after Leo. It was so funny to see the look on Leo's face.

It was alomst like he wanted Tess to get revenge on him because it left me alone with Dare.

Leo ran towards the ocean as Tess followed after him yelling, "Leo, you know you can't run away from your punishment!"

When Leo was standing in the water he stopped and turned to face Tess.

"What are you gonna do Tess, huh? Cause you know that if you get revenge on me, of all people, that you're going to feel bad afterwards," he said crossing his arms in front of him.

Tess stopped walking and loooked at him knowing that he was right. If she did get revenge on him that she would feel bad later on.

"Well Leo, this time I'm not going to feel bad afterwards. Also who said said that I was going to be the one to get revenge on you?" Tess smiled her evil grin.

That's when Dare came up behind Leo and dumped bucket of sand on his head.

Leo turned around to see who dumped the sand on his head.

Dare tried holding back his laughter, but couldn't.

"I'll get you later man," Leo threatend Dare.

Dare just shrugged his shoulders and headed to where I was sitting on the blankets watching them.

"So Annie, what would you like to do since Leo and Tess are occupied with getting revenge on each other?" Dare smiled at me.

"Hey Dare you wanna play football?" Leo asked from behind.

Dare looked at me with a fake smile and I knew that he didn't want to leave me here alone.

Then Tess came and sat down next to me, "Don't worry Dare I'll stay here with Annie while you guys play football."

Dare's face softed a bit, "Thanks Tess. If anytihng happends just call."

Then Dare and Leo headed further down the beach to an open space were there weren't as many people, but I could still see him and he could see me.

Me and Tess talked sbout what we wanted to do when we go back to Leo's place for the rest of the afternoon.

We only had about a week and a half before school started again so we wanted to spend as much time together as we could.

CH. 5 The Beach Surprise

After a while people started leaving the beach a little at a time until me and Tess were sitting by ourselves.

For some reason I started to get uncomfortable sitting out here alone with Tess in sand where anything could go wrong.

I never liked being alone on the beach with anyone except Dare or if I was with both Leo and Tess.

Tess sensed my tension and grabbed my hand gently, "We can pack up and go to the car or we can go to where the guys are playing if you want Annie?"

Before I got to answer Tess I saw two shadows in front of me blocking the sunlight.

"What's two pretty things like you two doing on a beach alone?" said a guy with blond hair.

"Yah why don't ya'll come hang with us?" said the other guy with brown hair.

Tess looked at the two guys and shook her head, "No we came here with friends so why don't you pervs go look for some other girls to mess with?"

The brown haired guy smirked, "Oh, I like um sassy!" Then he grabbed Tess by the waist and pulled her to him.

Tess struggled to get away, but whimpered in pain as his grip on her waist became too tight for comfort.

"Let me go!" Tess cried out.

I knew that I had to get away from them and somehow still get Tess too without freaking out.

But what happend next I didn't see coming. I was suddenly yanked to my feet by the blond guy when he saw that I was trying to scoot away to get to Tess.

"Where to you think your going?" he asked.

He was so close to me that I could feel him breathing down my neck. My heart started racing and I felt my throat close up.

I needed to get away from him, but I was so scared that he was going to hurt me or Tess if we tried something.

I looked at Tess and saw the fear in her eyes. I remember when I first met her how I didn't freak out as much as I normally do when I was around new people.

Then it clicked in my head. I knew what kind of fear that was in her eyes. It was the kind that I used to feel when my father would hit me.

The only thing I knew was that Tess never talked about her past. All she said was that she knew some of what I felt.

But how could she? I mean, at first I thought she was just saying it to make me feel better, but now I'm not so sure.

The fear in her eyes was telling me that she was hiding a secret from her past.

As I struggled to get away from the blond guy I all of a sudden heard Tess whimper more in pain.

"Tess! Annie!" I heard our names being called out.

The blond guy looked up long enough that I was able to step on his foot really hard.

He groaned in pain and let me go. Then I saw Tess elbow the guy that was holding her only to fall to the sand.

Right as I reached Tess I heard more voices from behind me. I was shaking really badly trying to keep from crying because I knew that I had to be strong for Tess.

"Take one more step near her and you'll regret it," Dare threatend.

Then I realized that Dare and Leo were standing between us and the two guys.

Leo stepped forward but didn't get very far because Dare grabbed his arm stopping him.

The two guys stepped back slowly turning around to leave.

Leo then ran to Tess's side pulling her up to her feet slowly.

"Le-o," Tess sobbed into his shoulder.

Leo wrapped his arms tightly around her waist pulling her closer to him.

"Shh... It's ok Angel I'm here now," Leo cooed.

I've never seen Tess like this before. Dare came closer pulling me to him.

"Are you ok Annie?" he asked.

"I'm ok now that you guys are here. Can we please go home now?"

Dare nodded his head yes kissing my forehead trying to keep me from shaking to much.

For some reason I wasn't freaking out as badly as I though I would be. All I could think about was Tess and how terrified she looked.

What I did know was that I didn't want to be alone and probably will have nightmares this week.

I guess what kept me from freaking out to much was the fact that Tess was their and I knew she needed me to be strong for her.

CH. 6 Learning The Truth

As we were walking back to the car I noticed that Tess was really quiet.

She stayed close by Leo's side with his arm around her waist.

Normally I would be acting the same way Tess was, but for the past couple of months I been getting better at respnding to things.

I think because I was with Tess I knew that I couldn't break down and freak out.

The only reason I freaked out when Marcus came over to my house was because I was alone and he was drunk.

Right now I was to busy trying to figure out wht Tess had freaked out than to even think about freaking out.

Maybe having a movie night will help Tess feel better and I can ask her to spend the night so we can have a sleep over.

When we got to the car I turned to look at Tess.

"Tess would you like to have a moive night with us and then maybe you could spend the night too?"

Dare looked from me then to Leo, who had a stressed look on his face.

Tess smiled weakly, "Yes I would like that. I don't think I want to be alone tonight either."

Leo put a finger under Tess's chin so that she was looking up at him.

"You don't have to be alone tonight Tess. I'll be right next to you holding you tight the entire night," Leo reminded her.

Tess snuggled into Leo's side thankfull that he was there for her since he knew exactaly why she was afraid when noone else did.

When we got to the car Dare put our things in the trunk and then jumped into the driver's seat.

I got in the passenger side while Leo pulled Tess into the back seat.

Leo wrapped his right arm around Tess's waist and then used his left hands to hold her right hand tightly in his.

I had known Leo a little longer than I did Tess, but I still didn't know much about her past.

Dare parked the car in the driveway and we all got out.

I grabbed my bag from the back and went to put my things in the house so I could set up everything to watch a movie.

"So what do ya'll want to watch tonight?" Dare asked from behind me.

"Umm.... Can we watch The Big Bang Series if you have any of the seasons on DVD?" Tess whispered.

"Yah we can watch that Angel. You don't have to ask cuase it's kinda your house too and you know we don't mind," Leo said.

I listened to what Leo was syaing to Tess. What did Leo mean by it's kinda your house too'.

Leo must have seen the confusion on my face cause he nodded his head towards the kitchen.

We went into the kitchen and I sat at the table while Leo stood against the counter.

"What's going on Leo?" I asked with a shacky voice.

"I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to get upset that Tess never told. The reason I'm going to tell you is because it's really on Tess to talk about it so she said that I could tell you," Leo said shifting his feet around.

"I promise. I have no reason to judge cause if it's something like my background then I understand her reason for not talking about it," I answered Leo.

Leo took a deep breath before talking, "Well Tess kinda has the same background as you do, but it's a little different."

"How so?" I asked.

"Well like you, Tess was abused, but by both of her parents. Then Tess eventualy moved in with some other relaitves that didn't care about her. They never tried to help or talk to her or even tell Tess it wasn't her fault," Leo clenched his fists at his sides, trying not get angry.

"How long was Tess abused," I whispered sadly. I knew that what I went through wasn't as bad as what Tess has gone thorugh.

My father didn't beat me everyday, but after my mom died it did get worse. The beatings started when I was 10 and then when I was 12 my mom died. I finally moved in with my Aunt Robin when I 15.

"They beatings started when Tess was about 6. When she was about 15 Tess moved to her Aunt and Uncle's place. Before Tess moved in with them, her parents weren't as bad as they were when Tess was younger, but her parents still hit her. Tess, then lived with her Aunt and Uncle for about 2 years before she moved here a year ago," Leo explained with sad eyes and anger in his voice.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to cry because Tess was my friend who really did know how I feel.

"When did you meet Tess?"

Leo seemed to smile at my question. "Well Tess moved here when she was 17. She'll be 18 a week after schools starts. Tess has been living here for 2 years and I meet her about 6 months after she came to town," Leo smiled.

I smiled, "Wow. So that means that you and Tess have been dating for about a year and a half."

"Yeah. To any person that looks at Tess, sees her as a normal person on the outside. For years Tess had learned to keep everthing held deep down inside her. When Tess is around us she knows that nothing is going to happen to her, but like what happend at the beach with those guys Tess freaks out and it could have been a lot worse if Tess had been by herself and I don't know what I would've done," Leo's voice cracked at the end.

I watched as a tear slowly slide down his cheek.

"Thanks you Leo for telling me. I know that was hard for you and I'll do my best to help out with Tess. Maybe we can learn from each other,"

Now everything made more sense. "So who does Tess stay with now?" I asked.

"When Tess first moved down here she was living in foster care. Then when my dad moved out and gave me this house Tess starting staying over on the weekends with me and then Dare moved in afterwards,"

"What if Tess moved in with me and my Aunt Robin. That way Tess would have a place to live at with more privacy," I said.

CH. 7 All Things Come Together

Leo saw Tess curled up on the couch next to Dare as they watched The Big Bang Series.

He wasn't sure if Tess wanted to move and live with Cheyanne.

It wasn't the Tess didn't like her, it was more that she liked to be in a place that was familiar with and Leo knew that.

"Cheyanne, can we wait and ask Tess some other time?"

I turned towards him, confused at what he said. "Yah, but why?"

"Well, it's not that Tess doesn't trust you or anything, cause she does. It's just that, Tess likes to be around people she knows. After what happend today I know that staying somewhere else would only freak her out more than she is actually letting on," Leo explained.

Now everything is all coming together. "Sure. We can always ask her later on. What if I ask her to come stay with me at my house one weekend and maybe you and Dare could come over too?" I asked hopefully.

"Sounds like a good idea. Tess will probaly like that cause she's so used to living here that I know a weekend away from this house won't hurt anyone," he said.

Then he slowly took a breath and continued on, "Also, I want to tell you that sometimes Tess will turn back to the girl she was before she moved here, normaly whenever something happens that reminds her of her past. Kind of like she is know,"

"I understand what you mean. How bout after school starts next week ya'll can come over and we can do something together?" I said as we walked back to the living room.

Leo just nodded his head yes and went over to the couch pulling Tess up then sat down in the loveseat pulling Tess down on his lap.

Tess curled up on Leo's lab and she put her head on his shoulder so that she could see the tv.

I sat down next to Dare on the couch across from Leo and Tess.

Dare wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his side as we all watch the show.

After about two episodes I thought about making cookies. When I said that I heard Dare cheer loudly next to me.

He always loved my cookies and we would always ended up having a food fight at some point while I was making them.

Still sitting next to Dare, I turned to look at Tess to ask her if she and Leo wanted to help too.

"Tess," I asked and she looked up at me with a shy smile, "Would you and Leo like to help make cookies with me and Dare?" I smile.

When I saw her face I thought she was gonna say yes, but what she did next had me thinking I did something wrong.

The light in Tess's eyes soon disappeared and instead in them shown fear, hurt, sadness.

Tess slowly looked at Annie then she looked at Leo. She tried to hold the tears in her eyes and the memories back too, but she couldn't take it.

Tess got up and rushed out the room as quickly as she could, trying to tell herself that she wasn't with her parents or her Aunt and Uncle anymore.

As soon as Tess left the room I thought I said something I shouldn't have.

"It's not your fault Annie," Dare rubbed my back trying to make me feel better.

"Dare's right Cheyanne. Right now, in Tess's mind she's back to how her life was before and the slightest thing said can remind her of that," Leo confessed.

I frowned, "But I've never seen her act like this before whenever I'm around."

"Normally when we are around her Tess can be herself and knows that she's safe, but there have been a couple times in the past where she has acted like this and today happens to be one of them,"

Now I was feeling worried about Tess and Dare must have picked that up from the look on my face cause he answered, "The first time was after she meet Leo. Next, was when she meet me one day Leo had brought her over to visit. Then the last one that I remember was when her parents had come to town for some that we still don't know of,"

"The only males that Tess isn't afraid to be around are Dare and I, so don't get upset if you say something that freaks her out casue Tess is still getting use to having friends other than me and trust me she does like having you as a friend Cheyanne," Leo justified everything before going off to find Tess.


PLEASE READ ----> AUTHOR'S NOTE: Ok, so for those who have been reading the book know that it's been mainly in Cheyanne's P.O.V. Well for this next chapter it's gonna be in both Tess and Leo's P.O.V.S intead so you can understand more about what's going on with them if you were confused in of the other chapters. I might write a chapter in Dare's P.O.V but I'm not sure just yet and if you don't get something or want to know more then just message me and I'll try my best to help you out. P.S. I wrote a little more to the summary so that it fits better with the storyline and with what I've written so far. So make sure that you read that too!!

CH. 8 The Past Still Haunt Me

AUTHOR'S NOTE: ----> This chapter will be split into both Tess and Leo's P.O.V.S so you can see what's going on in there heads. I will talk more about Annie and Dare too cause Annie will use her past to help Tess move on with her life. Both of their pasts will help them both move on in life.

(Tess's P.O.V.)


Texte: shilohann.349
Bildmaterialien: shilohann.349
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2012

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Dedicated to brookiesmilez and to my friends and family who have always believed in me no matter what. "YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND AND EVERLASTING COMPANION. WHATEVER ROAD WE TRAVEL DOWN, I WILL ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE" "IN MY DREAM YOU ARE MINE BUT IN LIFE YOU ARE A DREAM"

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