

She sat there in the cold damp cage they called her pen,she couldnt figure out why she was there all she wanted to go home to mom,but it was her mother who brought her here to the pound,"why mom?".she thought,"why did you bring me here...what did i do wrong?"
and as she looked around at all the other dogs she wonderd where fifi her best friend was did they even bring cats in with the dogs or did they get a different room, she was scared and nervous she had heard of this place from her dog mother and knew what most of these dogs didnt she knew that not all the little puppies would get out,knew that some would be left there to die.
she was scared,lonely and sad her heart was broken in more then two ways,"mom come back",she cried as she thought of the old times they had together the time when she first met her mom, she was just a puppy herself,she remember'd feeling firm gentle hands around her and then when she looked up she looked into the cool blue eyes of her new mom and knew they would be together forever or so she thought.
she also remember'd the day she met her new father,he wasnt fond of her at first but she grew on him and their 3 young one's she loved the way they had crawled over her laied on her when they were sleepy,but most of all she loved the feel of their hearts as they huged her tight it felt as if her own and theirs were beating as one.but the fateful day when they were moving her mother took her to this place,the youngings cried and ran after her as a strange man took her away but mom just grabed them and held them back,she saw no tears in her mother's eyes, but her mother did cry after they turned to go.
she looked at the door and thought ot her self."im sorry mom,I'm sorry mom,I didn't mean to chew the furniture.
Or pee on the rug i tired to hold it.where was she going now?'Why did you yell at me so much?,Why did you bring me here?.and scary. four months have gone by..,You never came back.I promise I'll do better.
Just give me another chance...
Come back, mom,'m still here.I've been here for what feels like forever...
My times almost up,I don't want to die!
she looked all around then lowerd her ears as a women walked in with long leather leash and hooked it to her,"im so sorry girl",the lady said,"but it'll be over soon",she pulled and tuged gentley but it felt like she was yanking and chokeing her throat.

They reached a big dark gray room,she saw on the other side a large metal box with no holes filled with dogs, but instead of going there the lady took her to a white table in the corner of the room.
the room was filled with howls and cries as the men shut the cage door of the box then there was silince."why did you leave me alone here mom?"she looked into the womens face thinking of her own mother then she looked away as a large needle was brought into view,"im cring inside and noboby knows it but me".just as the needle reached her thigh the door burst open and a man panting hard rushed over and took the needle,"no this dog's been adopted just a few mintues ago",the women smiled bright and true huging the her tight.

As she was brought out she meet a older who held he friend fifi, and a young women they smiled and greeted her by rubing and pating her on the head,"what a beauty she is",the young one said,"i just know she'll be the perfect roomie",instead of taking her on the leash she leaned down and scooped her up carried her out to the car she never knew she could have it so nice.
Days later fifi was living with the older women and she with the young girl. she crawled up over her new mother's and nuzzled her neck as she was huged tight and heard her mothers worries and dreams if she could smile she'd be smiling right now,she waited untill mother fell asleep and troted the window and looked out into the sky smiling deep in her heart she knew she had a home.she was there 10 years later looking out into the sky when a older women walked over while her husbend slept and laied a hand on her head,"hey there easter", she cooed,"looking at the stars again?"a bark was all she got along with a lick.
As easter looked up into the sky she remember'd her old mother the one who gave her all the good times and who took her to the pound,"I have a home now and real mom who will never leave me,but ill see you on the other side, fare well mom, fare well untill i see you on the other side",and she jumped between her real mom and dad and slept there peacefully untill the sun arrived to bring another lovely day with her loving family
the end.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.05.2011

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