
Ajanta Spanish in Two Months (through the medium of Hindi -English) is ideal for travellers, students and General Public.
The author of "Ajanta Spanish in Two Months" is extremely grateful to Sr. Jose L. Barron, Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of Spain, New Delhi for appreciating his book of Spanish. The writer of this book is also grateful to Dr. Antonio Binimilis Sagrera, Ex. Professor of Spanish, Centre of Spanish Studies, Jawalharlal Nehru University & Delhi Unversity for appreciating his Spanish book.

Contact : Ajanta School of Foreign Languages
Basant Avenue Market
Amritsar – 143001
PUNJAB ( India )
Mobile – 9417180951 , 9417917979
Phone :- 0183-2223121, 0183-2220590
Website :

Professors :-
Miss Shikha Kapoor
M.A French ( Gold Medalist ) , Panjab University
B.A Honours, Guru Nanak Dev University
Advanced Diploma in French (GNDU)
DALF C1 (République Française Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale )
Certificate (German) , Panjab University
A2 i.e Grundstufe (II) German ( Goethe Institute – Pune )
& Co-author of “ Ajanta French in two months ”

Mr. Dinesh Chander Kapoor
Postgraduate Diploma in Library Science
M.A. ( Economics) Honours ( Economics )
Proficiency in Applied Economic Statistics and Advanced Economic Statistics
Certificate ( French & German )
Member of the Indian Association of Teachers of German & Association of Indian Teachers of French which are affiliated to the International Association of Teachers of German & Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Français
Also member of the French Canadian Studies & Comparative Literature
Ex . Translator of Foreign Languages- Irrigation , Power & Research Institute , Amritsar &
Author of 31 Ajanta Foreign Language books.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2011

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