
Chapter One Street Buy















Robert F. Clifton




















The Wives Of Edward Denbre

Copyright 2015 by Robert F. Clifton


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means

without written permission from the author.


The reader is advised that this is a work of fiction. Any similarity to names of persons, places or events is purely

circumstantial....R. F. Clifton




































Dedicated To The Memory


John Wallace Clifton

1871- 1944






















Edward Denbre had grown up in foster homes. As he grew and matured he had one desire, to be wealthy. Knowing that his only asset was his keen mind and handsome looks he decided to become a con artist. He saw older widowed women as easy targets.

















Table Of Contents


Chapter One....Street Buy

Chapter Two....Romancing The Widow

Chapter Three. The Plan

Chapter Four.... Paris

Chapter Five..... Number Three

Chapter Six....... Zion

Chapter Seven...Meeting Joyce Palmer

Chapter Eight....Aspiration

Chapter Nine......Shelter Bay





























Chapter One

Street Buy


A light, but steady rain fell and at times was carried on the February wind that blew in from the ocean and across the sandy beaches and boardwalk of Atlantic City, New Jersey. When it did, sudden blasts of raindrops pelted the windshield of the 2004 Bentley driven by Edward Denbre. As he drove slowly down the wet streets of the resort city he looked for the man he was supposed to meet at ten o'clock. At the same time,he nervously glanced at the clock mounted in the dashboard of the automobile. He didn't want to be late. At that moment he didn't even know the name of the person he was to contact. He only knew that the drug dealer would be standing on the corner of Congress and Pacific Ave. and he was to say to the man, “Nice Weather”. The contact would then offer various drugs for sale, including marihuana.

Edward wasn't interested in grass. What he wanted was Oxycontin and if possible eighty milligram tablets if he could get them. Since this was his first time buying narcotics and prescription drugs on the street he could only guess what the price would be. As he drove he reached up with his right hand and touched the two, one hundred dollar bills neatly folded and placed in his shirt pocket.

He slowed, then stopped for the red traffic light. Up ahead he saw someone standing on the corner. When the light changed he drove slowly to where a bareheaded, slightly damp young man stood. Denbre pushed the button that lowered the passenger side window and said, “Nice Weather”.

Nice your ass. I'm standin here waiting for your sorry ass to show. You better be making me standin here in the rain worthwhile. What you after man?”

Oxycontin. Eighty milligram if you've got it”, Denbre replied.

I got it. Cost you fifty dollar a pill. How many you want?”


Let's see the hundred.”

Edward removed the hundred dollar bills from his shirt pocket, removed one from the other and showed it to the dealer.

Cool”, said the dealer when the drug and money was exchanged. “You want to buy from me again you go through the same guy. Got it?”He then walked off into the night walking close to buildings trying to stay out of the rain.

As Edward drove off a state of paranoia came over him. This had been the first time in his life that he had met and dealt with a drug dealer. “Were the police in the area, staked out, watching the transaction?”, he thought to himself as he nervously

Looked into the rear view mirror. He slowed the Bentley as he approached a slow moving, marked patrol car, the police officer driving was using a flashlight, shining the light into the interior of retail businesses closed for the night. Once past the radio car he increased the speed then going twenty miles an hour, the required speed limit within the city.

When he reached the city limits he increased his speed as he drove on to Route Forty, the road that took him out through the marshland and to the cheap motels that has been built along this stretch of road right after World War Two. As the windshield wipers moved back and forth removing the constant rain drops that formed on the glass he was able to see a blinking, red, neon sign, that read, “Vacancy”. He slowed, then entered the motel driveway, hearing the sound his tires made as they rolled over crushed stone. Stopping in front of the office he turned off the ignition and got out of the automobile. In the rain he made his way to the office door.

When he entered the office he immediately saw a portly, balding man seated in an old office chair watching television on an ancient, black and white set. Hearing the office door open and the sight of a man entering the room the man stood up. “Good evening. I was just about to turn off the sign and turn in. I had to catch ten o'clock news first. I suppose you'll be wanting a room,” said the man behind the small counter.

That's what I'm here for”, said Edward.

Are you alone or is there someone with you?,” asked the manager.

I'm alone”.

Sign the register. That will be twenty dollars. You got until eleven o'clock tomorrow morning to check out or you pay for another day. Here's the key to number seven. Miserable night, isn't it?” asked the man as he watched Denbre sign the register.

Yeah. Thanks,” Edward replied as he turned and left.

Denbre parked the Cadillac in front of Cabin Seven. Before leaving the dry interior of the car he pushed the button that opened the trunk lid. When it opened he exited the automobile, walked to the trunk and removed a dark blue, over night bag. He closed the trunk lid then pushed the remote on the car key which locked the four doors and made his way to the cabin door. As he stood, unlocking the door, drops of cold rain dripped off of the roof onto his head and ran down the back of his neck. The result of a natural reaction to the cold water made him twist and turn his head as he urgently turned the key in the lock and forced the door open. When he entered the room he dropped the over night bag onto the floor and walked quickly to the bathroom. There, he took a towel off of the rack and dried his head, face and the back of his neck. Afterward he stood looking at the bathroom. The first thing he looked for was the lighting over the sink. He reached for and turned on the wall switch and when the lights came on over the bathroom mirror and in the ceiling he was satisfied. He returned to the bedroom and removed his damp winter jacket letting it drop to the floor.

There was only one chair in the room, an old wooden, kitchen type chair with chipped, light green paint. He picked it up and carried it into the bathroom. After placing the chair where he wanted it he returned to the bedroom and retrieved the over night bag. That too he carried into the bathroom. After taking a seat in the chair he opened the canvas bag and removed a mortar and pastel and placed them on the counter top.

Subconsciously, he was still paranoid and being so turned and looked over his shoulder gazing at the empty bedroom as if he thought someone might be there watching. When the feeling passed he turned back to the counter and removed the two Oxycontin pills and the one hundred dollar bill from his shirt pocket. He dropped the pills into the mortar and began to crush them into a fine, powder. When he was satisfied with the consistency of the Oxycontin he then placed two Theolair tablets in with the crushed powder. Each Theolair tablet consisted of two hundred and fifty milligrams of Theophylline used for chronic lung problems. He then proceeded to crush them, mixing the two drugs together. When he was finished he carefully transferred the mixture from the mortar to a clean, iodine, colored, plastic vial. He then secured the cap in place and put the vial into the over night bag. After carrying the bag back into the bedroom he returned to the bathroom, soaked a hand towel in the bathroom sink then after wringing the excess water from it used the towel to removed any traces of the two drugs that might have escaped as he used the pestle. At the same time he removed any fingerprints he might have accidentally left in the room. In case his plan failed he didn't want any trace of the Oxycontin in his home or that he prepared the preparation here in the motel room.

Denbre then placed the hundred dollar bill in his wallet, put on his jacket, damp now, picked up the over night bag and left the motel room, leaving the lights on.

He had counted on the fact that the motel manager would be either too lazy to go outside in the rain and verify the license plates on the Cadillac or really didn't care what the customer wrote in the registration book. He had entered the letters A,B for Atlantic County and the numbers 360, N.J. a made up license number that if there was such a registration wasn't his. As he walked to his car he looked towards the managers office and saw that the neon sign and office lights had been turned off. Edward entered the automobile, tossed the over night bag on to to the front passengers seat, started the car, backed out of the parking space and drove off. Once on Route Forty he headed back to Atlantic City.

By the time he arrived at the building that housed his condominium the rain had let up. Still, a misty precipitation was being carried on the night breeze which meant the need of the windshield wipers. As he drove into the parking area under the complex he turned the wipers off and slowly made his way to the reserved parking space with the name, DENBRE painted in white. After exiting and locking the automobile Edward walked to the elevator and took it to the top floor where he and his wife Edwina lived in the penthouse. He stepped off of the elevator, walked to the apartment door, unlocked it and entered. After closing the door he stood in the foyer not moving, listening, waiting to hear Edwina's voice. All was quiet. She was still asleep from the sedative he had given her earlier in the evening.

Walking slowly and quietly he made his way to the thermostat on the wall. He turned on the light which allowed him to see the numbers on the dial. He then moved the setting from seventy two to eighty. After that he took a seat in his favorite chair in the living room. Once he was comfortable he sat and waited.

Edward James Denbre was a tall, muscular, handsome man. He stood at six feet tall and weighed a hundred and eighty pounds. Blue eyes and brown hair accented his fair skin and at age forty one he appeared ten years younger. He had been born in Philadelphia on January 27, 1974, mother and father unknown or at least unknown to him. He was raised in several foster homes, He left them when he was eighteen years old and married Julie Anders, a hooker he pimped from time to time. Julie died as a result of an overdose of heroin and he wanted to kick himself in the ass for not having a life insurance policy on her. That was a lesson well earned and would turn out to be an asset later in his life.

He held several menial jobs getting fired from some or quitting others. Eventually he made his way to Atlantic City, New Jersey where he took a job as a dishwasher at the Botany Bay Restaurant. Being young and handsome he had no problem attracting the opposite sex. However, young woman found him to be possessive and dictatorial. Nonetheless, older women welcomed his advances and the attention he gave them. As a result a plan developed in his mind. He would select and court older women, but in particular those who could give him things, such as presents and most important, money.

Denbre scrimped and scraped saving his money. With the money he bought expensive clothes and shoes presenting himself to those who did not know him as a well groomed, well dressed playboy about town. He knew he was on the right path when he entered the Easter Parade on the Atlantic City Boardwalk

and won as the best dressed man. That day he wore a gray pinstriped suit, a black, Prince Albert Coat with a velvet collar and a black derby on his head. Not only did he win, but he slept with the matronly head judge after he persuaded her to stay instead of going back to New York. During they're brief affair Denbre convinced her to invest five hundred dollars in his bogus

company, called Denbre Enterprises. When she contacted him two months later asking for the stock certificates he promised he threatened to tell her husband about their time in her hotel room.

In his spare time and on days off from the restaurant Denbre sat in the local library and read. The first thing he read were books on etiquette and table manners. He purchased a bag of mixed white, plastic knives, forks and spoons and sat in his rented room practicing which utensil to use for each particular course served at meals. He also practiced speaking, adding a new word each day to his vocabulary. As he continued to re-invent himself as an educated businessman he was aware of the one, particular flaw in his plan. That was the inability to enter and mingle with rich, society. He knew that the women he wanted to pursue were known as upper class. Some how, some way he had to find a means to crack that inner circle.

One day, while in the library he took a book from a shelf

and walked to an upholstered chair. There, someone had left the local newspaper. He picked it up and for some reason decided to read it. He discovered an article about a local charity drive that would be held in the ballroom of the Convention Hall. The public was invited. “That's it!”, he thought to himself.

On the evening of Saturday, March 20, 1999, Edward Denbre attired in a dark, blue suit, white shirt and blue striped necktie entered the Atlantic City Convention Hall Ballroom.

He stood on the outside of the crowd and as the sound of a hundred people's conversations resonated he carefully surveyed those gathered in the large room.

The charity event was organized and executed by Mrs. Edwina Binder, widow of Paul Binder, millionaire. She was a local business woman who had one of the leading real estate offices in the county. At the same time it was said that her property holdings were worth millions. Her favorite charity was the Orphans of Haiti for which she raised hundreds of thousands of dollars each year.

Denbre watched people as they walked to where a matronly woman attired in a black designer dress accented with a diamond necklace with matching diamond bracelet met them, conversed with them then politely would turn away and greeted others that approached her. Edward Denbre decided to make his move. He had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He made his way to her then patiently waited until she recognized him by offering her hand.

After taking her hand in his he said, “ Such a worthwhile cause. I believe that you will meet your expectations, Mrs. Binder”.

I'm sure we will. Have we met?”, Edwina replied.

Not officially. I was a friend of Paul,” Denbre responded.

Business or socially?”

Business. I'm afraid at the time I was too busy to ingratiate my self into your past husbands social set. Nonetheless we did get along handsomely in the business world and together in a few ventures did well financially.”

That's nice to know Mr.?”

Denbre, Edward Denbre.”

I don't recall Paul mentioning you.”

That's because our business arrangement was such that I preferred to remain anonymous. I still do. As a matter of fact my donation to your worthy cause will be made in that manner, anonymous and faceless. I hope you understand. Once the word is out that I give to charity I will be beset by every charity and institution seeking funds.”

I understand perfectly Mr. Denbre”.

Edward, call me Edward. I have a feeling that we will become good friends.”

Denbre then read the Atlantic City Press every morning examining the Society Page. Two weeks after their first meeting Edward found an article stating that a charity ball would be held at the Ambassador Hotel on Saturday, April the twenty fourth. After reading the article he folded the newspaper and sat quietly developing his plan.

On a Tuesday morning, Denbre's day off he showered, shaved and dressed in a dark blue shirt, light blue slacks and navy blue sports coat. Once attired he walked casually down Ocean Ave. to where Edwina Binder still ran the real estate office founded by her late husband.

He stood for a moment on the sidewalk looking through the plate glass window seeing her seated at a desk. She appeared to be going over paper work. She also seemed to be alone. Edward took a deep breath exhaled the opened the door and entered the office. When he did, Edwina looked up. When she saw him she smiled. “Mr. Denbre, this is an unexpected pleasure. It's so nice to see you again,” she said.

Please, call me Edward, and the pleasure is all mine. I hope that you won't find me too forward, but I'm planning to attend the charity ball and if I can be so bold was wondering if you would go with me. However, let me warn you. I'm a terrible dancer.

Thank you for the invitation, but I don't attend balls or dances. Unfortunately I suffer from sever asthma and that kind of activity often brings on attacks. Instead of attending this charity ball I simply send a check. I'm so sorry, but again thank you for asking me”, she explained.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry about your condition, but more sadden that we won't be attending together,” Denbre replied.

Perhaps another time at a different event”, Edwina suggested.

Denbre spotted an opening and took advantage. “Then, may I suggest we dine together this evening?” he said.

My you are persuasive. Alright, I accept your dinner invitation. Say eight o'clock this evening?”

Your wish is my command dear lady. May I ask which restaurant you prefer?”

Tonight I'm in the mood for sea food. I like Don Carlo's.

They serve Portuguese cuisine. Is that alright with you?”

Certainly. A restaurant named after a character in a Verdi opera must be good. Now, may I have your address and perhaps your telephone number in case I get delayed?”

After he left Edwina's office he walked several blocks to where Don Carlo's was located. He noticed the small parking lot which told him that in all probability they only took reservations

He walked in, saw cleaning staff vacuuming the lush red and gold rug and women placing silverware, napkins and Chrystal water glasses on tables. Edward turned at the sound of a voice that said, “May I help you sir?”

Yes, I assume you take reservations, said Denbre.

Yes sir, may I ask how many and at what time?”, asked a young woman as she walked to the reservation desk.

Before we do this would you check to see if my friend, Mrs. Edwina Binder made reservations for the two of us. I wouldn't want you to hold two tables when we'll be using only one.”

The young woman scanned the reservation book using her index finger. “No sir. Mrs. Binder hasn't called. Now, what time would you prefer?”

Eight this evening. Oh, and one more thing”.

Yes sir?”

Do you accept credit cards?”

We do.”

Thank you very much”, said Edward

The first dinner date with Edwina Binder raised his credit card debt to three thousand dollars. However, it opened the door for him to begin a courtship, one that lasted just over one year. Edwina Binder welcomed the attention Denbre gave her. She was now a fifty year old widow and as a result of her husbands death, very lonely. At the age of eighteen, and a blue eyed blond she had won the Miss Atlantic City contest. Now, she remained attractive, but was aging.

On Monday, April 10, 2000 the couple were married before a Justice Of The Peace in Atlantic City. Reluctantly, Denbre signed a prenuptial agreement. Although this annoyed him because it interfered on him getting his hands on her money he decided to remain patient and move slowly with his plans.

In the month of September, 2000 the stock market fell drastically. Denbre used this event to convince his wife that at the moment his financial losses were substantial. He told her that under the current situation he was without any money and what funds he did have were tied up in investments in Europe, and the Caribbean. He presented himself as distraught and momentarily

penniless. Edwina then began paying the household bills and those accumulated by her husband.

Unknown to Edwina Denbre was the fact that some of the money she gave to her new husband paid the monthly premium on the one hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy he had taken out on her. He never missed a payment and the policy was kept in a safe deposit box in the bank he used. At the same time Edward became a doting husband particularly when his wife suffered asthma attacks. He would rush to her side and hand her the inhaler and stay with her until her breathing returned to normal. At bedtime he would mix her medication, Theolair with orange juice because Theolair, a brand of theophyline had an extremely, bitter taste. He stood by her bedside making sure that she drank every drop. “This will relax you my dear. We don't want any attacks during the night, do we?” he would say.

After two years of marriage Edwina agreed to open a joint checking account. Edward was delighted and promised to repay her for any expenses related to his business endeavors once his European accounts were straighten. He was told not to worry.

He didn't. Shortly after, he convinced Edwina to change her will leaving all of her assets, cash, property, stocks and bonds and jewelry to him with the exception of ten thousand dollars which would go to her favorite charity, The Haiti Orphaned Children Fund. He sat with her and Edwina's attorney and silently watched as paralegals signed the document as a witness.

Now, he sat waiting as the temperature in the apartment began to rise. He knew that the heat and humidity in the bedroom would eventually trigger an asthma attack. He also knew that the Oxycontin given to her during an asthma attack would slow her breathing. He had discovered this fact by using the computer at the library. One hundred and sixty milligrams mixed with Theoliar should result in her death.

At two o'clock in the morning her heard the rasping breathing as the asthma attack began. Denbre got up off of the sofa walked into the kitchen and after pouring a tall glass of orange juice, mixed the powdery form of Oxycontin and Theoliar together in the juice. He dropped the plastic container into the sink with the garbage disposal, turned on the switch on the wall and listened as the plastic was ground into a thousand pieces and swept away by water from the kitchen sink.

Edward? Edward? I need you,” he heard his wife call from the bedroom.

Coming dear. I'm coming”.




































Chapter Two

Romancing The Widow


With the death of Edwina, Edward Denbre became an instant multimillionaire. Unfortunately at about the same time he became a gambler, a bad gambler. At the baccarat tables in the casino's of La Vegas and Atlantic City Denbre lost a combined, nine hundred thousand dollars. He was still financially solvent. Still, he remembered two things, the poverty days of his youth and most importantly the way he had gained his wealth and fortune. He began looking for another woman, another victim, someone like Edwina.

One evening seated in the cocktail lounge of Resorts International in Atlantic City, at a table overlooking a small row of slot machines, he watched an attractive woman playing a fifty cent machine. What drew his attention to her was the fact that she was winning. He also noticed that as she filled cup after cup with half dollars she was running out of places to put them. Denbre leaned over the brass rail and said, “It seems that you're having a problem with all of your winnings.”

The woman, blond, petite, well dressed and about fifty years old looked up from where she stood and said, “Yes I am.

Can I trust you to hold a couple of these cups for me? I don't want to leave this machine as long as it is paying. Otherwise I'd cash in.”

Certainly, just hand what you want up to me, “Edward answered.

The woman handed Denbre two cups filled with fifty cent pieces. After she did he said, “May I suggest a cocktail after you're done playing, what can I order for you?.'

Thank you, vodka and tonic please.”

No problem. It will be here waiting for you when you're ready. Take your time.”

Approximately a half an hour later the woman's luck ran out and the machine stopped paying. She made one more desperate pull, watched the wheels spin, then stop revealing the fact that she lost. “Oh well”, he heard her say and watched as she removed the three filled cups from the top of the machine.

She handed each up to Edward and said, “I'll be right there.”

He watched her as she made her way the short distance to the three steps and brass handrail that led to the cocktail lounge.

As she approached his table Denbre, the gentleman stood and greeted her. Holding her chair he waited until she was seated then returned to his seat. “I hope you don't mind, but I ordered your drink made with Belvedere.”

The woman smiled and replied, “Is there any particular reason?”

No, other than the fact that I assumed that you are used to it.”

You are very perceptive, Mr. Mr?

Denbre, Edward Denbre.”

Hello Mr. Denbre”.

Call me Edward. My friends do and since you believe that I'm perceptive I have the feeling that you and I will become rather close friends. Meanwhile, while you think over what I just said you can tell me your name.”

Gloria Hanson and before we go any further I want you to know that I don't jump into bed with men I just met.”

That's very admirable. However, I don't recall asking you to do that”.

Touche' Mr. Denbre”.

Edward. Now, before we go any further where is Mr. Hanson?”

In a cemetery just outside of Philadelphia”.

I'm so sorry.”

Don't be. He left me very well off. And what about you Edward? Are you married?”

No. like you I'm a widower. I lost my wife sometime ago.”

Then we're both free to enjoy each others company. Where do you live Edward?”

In Ventnor, practically next door.”

And, can I ask what you do?”

Certainly. I'm an investor. I play the market.”

Successfully may I ask?”


Yes? That's all you have to say?”

I don't know what else I can tell you. I invest my money in different financial plans and once in awhile I invest my friends money. I've been doing it for years and so far I'm financially secure and my friends have made money.”

Very Interesting”.

Really? I find you interesting at the same time.”

I'm afraid you would find me rather boring.”

Right now besides finding you very attractive there's a mystery about you.”

Come now. I've been described as many things, but mysterious is not one of them”.

Then let's end the mystery tell me all about yourself.”

What is there to tell. I was born and raised in Philadelphia. Graduated from Temple with a degree in philosophy which is totally useless. I met and married William Hanson and I lost him to lung cancer two years ago. We had no children and he left me financially secure.”

O.K. you're from Philadelphia, but which part? It's a large city.”

Rittenhouse Square.”

Denbre fought the excitement resulting from the information she had given. As the woman sipped her drink he began to further examine her with his eyes. She was attractive. Her attire, a dress that appeared expensive, but definitely not a designer flock accented her figure. The jewelry she wore was costume, but not cheap by any means. She had admitted that she was financially well off. The question was how well off? Although she didn't give an exact address she did say Rittenhouse Square a relatively expensive place to live in the city. He slowly reached into his inside jacket pocket removed a silver pill box which known only to him contained tic tacs and looking at his watch said, “Excuse me, it's time I took my medication”.

Go right ahead. It's nothing serious I hope”, she replied.

No, but you appear to be in good health.”

Looks are deceiving.”

Oh, something wrong? Nothing serious I hope”.

Just a touch of arthritis. I'm fine just as long as I take my medication.”

I'm glad of that. What do you take?”

Most of the time, just aspirin”

I hope it's helping you”, he said.

It is.”

Good, now if I can be so bold, I'd like to see you again Gloria. I see you as a lady and should be treated accordingly. I'm not making a pass at you or trying to seduce you. What I do have in mind is our meeting socially from time to time both here in this area or in Philadelphia. Here is my card. I'll write my telephone number on the back of it. Should you agree to my invitation sometime please don't hesitate to call. I'll leave you now. Have a safe trip home,” said Edward handing her his card.

The next day Edward researched William Hanson of Philadelphia starting with the obituary printed in the Philadelphia Inquirer's on line, morgue. By reading it he learned that William Hanson had been involved in the import, export business in Philadelphia. He had died at age forty nine and his only surviving relative was his wife and widow, Gloria Baker Hanson.

Next, he called his broker asking him to examine the wealth and holdings of the former William Hanson and his now living widow, Gloria Hanson. When asked why Denbre stated that he was interested in purchasing stock in Hanson's company if it was available. Two days later Tom Harrington called back informing Denbre that there was no public stock and that the company belonged to Gloria Hanson. Her net worth was reported to be one, point eight million dollars. It wasn't as much as he had hoped for, but if he was successful her money would keep his head above water. The Vegas Casino's were demanding payment.

Three weeks after their original meeting Gloria called Edward. “What a pleasant surprise. How are you?”, he asked.

Just fine thank you. I thought you might like to know that I intend to spend this weekend in Atlantic City. Perhaps we could meet for drinks and chat, she said.

Nothing would please me more. Will you be staying at Resorts again?”

No, I'll be a the Borgata.”

An excellent choice. May I suggest dinner there”.

If you wish”.

Oh, I wish.”

My, you are a rascal”, she said as she giggled.

Will you be checking in on Friday?”


Good. I'll take care of the dinner reservations. You have your choice of Bobby Flay's or Wolfgang Puck's.”

I'd like to try Wolfgang's”

Again, your wish is my command. See you on Friday.”

The courtship of Gloria Hanson began at dinner that Friday night. Eleven months later the couple was married in City Hall, Philadelphia. They left immediately for a honeymoon in San Juan Puerto Rico. Once there Gloria sat either on the beach or poolside while Edward played the casino at the El San Juan. As usual he bet big and lost big.

Just before they were scheduled to fly back to Philadelphia Gloria decided she wanted to go to the spa in the hotel. Denbre saw this as an opportunity and said that he would wander down town and tend to some business . He took a cab from the hotel to 600 Avenida and walked into the office of Multinational Life Insurance. While there he took out a life insurance policy on Gloria Denbre for two hundred and fifty thousand dollars and made the beneficiary Denbre Enterprises, Nautilus Beach, New Jersey. He wrote a check for the first premium payment. Back in Atlantic City he made his new wife First Vice President of Denbre Enterprises and as his lawyer added the new officer to the Articles of Corporation explained that the new life insurance policy regarding her was strictly for business purposes.

As the months went by Edward became bored with the marriage. At the same time he was finding it difficult to get Gloria to release funds from her import and export business that was still in operation. He reminded her that although he had made her a member of the board in Denbre Enterprises she had not done the same with Hanson and Hanson. She reminded him that her operation was making a profit annually. His was not.

He also found her astute in business, so good that he had to be extremely careful when mentioning business affairs. Finally, after nearly three years of marriage he decided that it was time to get rid of her, but first, he had to be certain that all of her assets would fall to him. After months of badgering Gloria agreed to sell her business. Still, she kept the proceeds from the sale in a separate account where Edwards could not touch it.

At the same time she kept the condo in Philadelphia for tax purposes. Denbre also saw the Pennsylvania condo as an asset. They stayed there when attending shows, concerts and charity events. Edward used it while attending sports events.

On a Friday evening and alone Edward Denbre entered the condominium complex in Rittenhouse Square, was greeted by the doorman and took the elevator to the fifth floor. There he unlocked the door to the apartment and entered. Everything was neat and in order. After carrying an overnight bag into the master bedroom he removed the ticket he had for Saturdays hockey game. He decided to put it in the nightstand next to the bed. When he opened the nightstand drawer he found several papers. He picked them up and began to read them. All of them were obsolete parts of files from William and Gloria Hanson's business. One thing stood out to him. Gloria's signature. Then, an idea came to him.

Denbre spent Friday night and most of the day on Saturday practicing writing Gloria's signature. Forgoing the hockey game he only stopped practicing to eat. The couple kept frozen meals in the refrigerator's freezer. He heated a meatloaf dinner in the microwave and made coffee. By Sunday morning the bogus signature written by him was improving. Still, he had to get it better.. He gathered the practice papers carried them to the kitchen sink, struck a match and burned them all. Satisfied, he washed the ashes down the drain watching as the operating garbage disposal eliminated any trace of burned paper.

As Edward walked past the doorman he stopped and asked, “Who won the hockey game yesterday?”

The Ranger's 3 Flyers 1,” came the answer.

One week later Denbre complained of an onset of insomnia. After telling Gloria that he didn't want to disturb her sleep he moved into the guest bedroom. There at night he continued practicing forging her signature. When he thought that it was nearly perfect he decided to conduct a test. One night as she slept, Edward made his way into the study, removed her checkbook and separated one blank check from the rear of the book. He then made the check for ten dollars cash, dated it and signed Gloria's signature. He wasn't too concerned about Gloria discovering just what he had done. She seldom needed money using his to shop for food and paying utility bills. At the same time it was he that went to the mailbox in the lobby to check on the mail. He always scrutinized any legal appearing correspondence as well as bank statements containing canceled checks. At the moment his major concern was passing the forged signature as legitimately hers.

The next morning Denbre entered the Commerce

Bank on Pennsylvania Ave. in Atlantic City, walked up to the teller's window and produced the ten dollar check. The teller said, “I'm sorry Mr. Denbre, but there is a problem”.

Edward felt his breath catch in his chest, there was a beginning of a hot flash and he fought to remain calm. “Problem? What kind of problem?”, he asked.

You forgot to endorse it on the back”, said the teller.

How stupid of me”, Denbre said relieved from worry.

As he walked out of the bank into the sunlight he smiled. The signature passed. Now, things in his life would improve. He could move money, in particular cash from her accounts to his. “Who knows, my luck at the tables is bound to change. When I win I'll be able to put back those funds that I have taken. Things are looking up,” he thought to himself.

When a final notice from a Vegas casino arrived in the mail

Edward became desperate fearing being sued in court by more than one casino. Such an action would strip him of what funds he did have which at he moment was only one hundred thousand dollars. He had gambled, lost and partied with the money he received from Edwina's accounts and insurance policy. At the same time he had expenses. He maintained an office in a building which for all purposes was a front for his fake corporation, Denbre Enterprises. There was also dues for the condo association, Atlantic City Country Club, automobile lease on the Bentley and what he considered play money. He liked carrying no less than five hundred dollars in his wallet. Gloria also had expenses. There were her trips to the beauty parlor. Although she was capable to wash her own hair she insisted to have her hair washed and set each week at her favorite salon. While there she had a manicure and pedicure. She also drove a leased automobile because she wasn't comfortable driving Edwards car. She preferred her Lexus. Then, there were her charities. Denbre knew that the expenses occurred in their life style was about to create changes. Something had to go. He decided that it would be Gloria. He would kill her. “How to do it? I can't use drugs this time. Two deaths in the same manner would certainly give insurance investigators and the police a reason to examine a body closely. It could even cause the police to exhume Edwina's body. I should have had her cremated. No, Gloria's death had to appear different. It had to look like an accident and the accident when it happened had to destroy evidence, but how? Fire? The condos were well built, practically fireproof. The one here in Ventnor as well as the one in Philadelphia had sprinkler systems.

So, her death by fire is out of the question. Water? No. Gloria was an excellent swimmer. How about the possibility of her drowning in the bathtub? No. It's been done before. To obvious. “I've got to think of something,”he thought to himself.

Edward sat at his office desk overwhelmed by the need for a plan to do away with his wife. His plan had to be fool proof. Her constant questioning was beginning to irritate him. She complained that the private mail she use to receive now was arriving late. She also mentioned that she had to call Bank of America in order to get the balance of her account since she had not received the information in the mail. At the same time she noticed that there was a ten dollar difference from the last statement she had received.






















Chapter Three

The Plan


After reading the double indemnity clause in the Multinational Life Insurance policy on Gloria, Denbre set it aside on the desk top in his office. He then picked up the telephone and called her lawyer in Philadelphia. When a young woman answered Edward identified himself and asked to speak to Thomas Martin. He was asked to hold for a moment and as he did the sounds of music conducted by Montovani came to him through the receiver. Finally he heard Martin's voice.

Mr. Denbre, how are you?”

Fine Tom, just fine.”

What can I do for you?”

Gloria asked me to contact you. She wants to know what she has to do to change her will without making one or more trips to Philadelphia.”

Why does she want to change her will?”

I don't know. It probably has something to do with another one of her charities. You know how she is.”

I see. Well she can write it out herself, add or make whatever changes she wants to make and have her sign it. You can witness her signing. After that simply mail it up to me and

I'll see that it is re-written here at the office. When it's ready she can come in and sign it before me.”

Does it have to be in her hand writing or can it be typed?”

It can be typed. I would suggest however that if it's lengthy that she initials each page.”

That's all?”

Yes, tell her to try to keep it short and to the point. Will you be the executor?”

I assume so. Why?”

You being the executor would mean no probate, unless someone contests her last will and testament .”

I see. Well thanks Tom. I'll tell her what you said.”

Good by.”

Edward swung the black leather high back office chair around so he could face the typewriter. After placing a blank sheet of white paper in the Underwood he began carefully composing and typing Gloria's new will. He took his time trying to remember all the things she owned, jewels, furs, antiques, stocks, bonds, and most important, cash. He was aware of three bank accounts. One here in town, two in Philadelphia. Are there any more that I don't know about?,” he asked himself. For the next five days Denbre wrote then re-wrote the bogus will. With each satisfied, typed page he carefully signed her initials. When it was finished he sat back and looked at the document with satisfaction. With a smile on his face he leaned forward and forged his wife's signature. The first phase of his plan was complete.

As they sat at the dinner table Gloria took a sip of water and after placing the glass back on the table said, “By the way. I'll be involved in the United Way Drive this weekend so I'm afraid that you'll have to tend to yourself.”

Instantly, an idea came to him. “No problem dear. You've been complaining about wanting the living room in the Philadelphia condo painted. While you're busy here I'll go there and get the job done. Do you still prefer the room done it white?”, he asked.

Antique white. However I don't know why you don't hire a professional company to do the job.”

Because it's an unnecessary expense. I can buy the paint and do it myself.”

Suit yourself.”

I'll have it painted over the weekend, then on Monday

I thought that together we could drive up and you could take a look at it. Afterward if you want we can go shopping.”

You are willing to go shopping with me? That will be a first. You must need something.”

Just underwear and socks.”

Very well. Just remember I want it to be antique white.'

Yes dear.”

And while you're at it fix the doorbell.”

On that Friday late afternoon Edward Denbre carried a one gallon can of Morton's Antique White indoor paint and a small, suitcase past the condominium doorman. “Hello Mr. Denbre. Looks like you're going to be doing some painting,” said the man.

Yeah, you know how it is. The wife has been on me for months to get the living room painted. Incidentally, I'll be sending for take out. Make sure the delivery guy is allowed on the elevator”.

No problem Mr. Denbre.”

Edward took the elevator to his condominium. Once inside he unpacked the suitcase removing white coveralls, a paper painters cap a roll of two and three quarter inch, black, vinyl weather stripping and an old pair of tennis shoes. After placing the items in the kitchen he then carried the suitcase containing clothing changes for the next two days into the master bedroom.

After dining on an ordered pizza, Edward turned on the l television in the living room. He watched three shows on the History Channel and then decided to go to bed.

Up the next morning Denbre made a pot pf coffee and warmed a frozen breakfast meal of sausage and scrambled eggs in the microwave oven. At about ten o'clock he began spreading white paint over the cream color painted living room walls. An hour later he had finished painting the one wall that could been seen by anyone standing in the foyer. Satisfied he put down the paint roller placing it in the paint pan. He then walked to the hallway closet and removed a three step stool. After stepping up on it in order to reach the doorbell mounted at the top of the foyer wall he removed the cover, stepped down and carried it into the kitchen.

The bottom of the doorbell cover was vented. Five narrow, decorative slits allowed the sound of the bells to be delivered through the openings. Denbre took a sharp knife and carefully increased the width of the outlets. Because the cover was made of hard, plastic it took him awhile to accomplish what he wanted. When he was finished the vents had been enlarged, but not noticeable by the naked eye. When he was finished he returned to the foyer and replaced the doorbell cover. He climbed down and went to the front door. There he placed the weather stripping across the bottom of the door. Next, just to make sure he loosened the cover on the wall switch that turned on the foyer ceiling light. When he was done he showered, dressed and decided to go to a restaurant for supper.

On the next morning, a Sunday, while many people were heading for church, Edward Denbre made his breakfast of hotcakes and bacon, along with a cup of coffee. While worshipers gathered to pray, Denbre cleaned the kitchen and went to the bedroom where he dressed. While the members of congregations sang hymns, Edward lifted the top of the gas stove and blew out the pilot light. Then he turn all four knobs on the stove to high. Next, he walked to the wall holding the thermostat he turned it off and left, locking the front door. Stepping off of the elevator and walking past the doorman he said hello and made his way to the garage.

When he got home Gloria greeted him with questions. “Did you get the painting done?”

One wall.”

One wall, that's all?”


Why only one wall?”

The paint fumes gave me a headache so I had to quit.”

I told you to get a professional to do the job. Now my apartment must look like a mess. Do you ever listen to me.”

All I do is listen to you.”

What does that mean?”

It means that after you look at what I've done if you don't like it the room can be finished by a painter.”

Did you buy antique white?”

That's what you wanted. That's what you got.”

Alright, I'll look at it tomorrow. Is there anything else I should know?”

Yes, I fixed the doorbell and placed weather striping on the front door.”

What was wrong with it?”

The bell or the door?”

The bell. I know about the draft that comes through the door.”

Evidently it didn't work.”

Now, you're being sarcastic.”

Hey, I'm sorry I even mentioned it.”

Now you're being ridiculous.”

That's it, I have to unpack. What's for lunch?”

Whatever you find. I've already had mine.”


The next morning, Edward and Gloria stepped off of the elevator. Gloria walked to the front door, unlocked it then turned to see Edward standing in the hallway. “What are you doing?”

she asked.

Open the doorway and ring the doorbell, I want to see if I can hear it.”

Idiot, alright.” Gloria pushed the door open and then with her left hand pushed the doorbell button. He heard it ring, but nothing else happened. Because it was dark in the foyer Gloria flipped the switch on the wall. When she did there was a spark. The invisible gathered cloud of natural gas in the condominium was ignited by the spark made by the lightswitch in the foyer and there was a tremendous explosion. After the sound of collapsing wood, glass, and metal subsided those on the same floor could only hear Edward Denbre shouting, “Gloria! Gloria! Oh my god, Gloria.”

In the months that passed Edward Denbre testified at the inquest of Gloria's death. In the explosion the gas stove had been destroyed making it useless for examination. The force of the detonation had also destroyed that doorbell cover when it shattered into pieces .At the end of the inquest it was determined that there had been a gas leak and a spark generated when she turned on the ceiling light in the foyer caused the explosion. Gloria's death was ruled accidental.

Denbre sat in his office receiving checks from various insurance companies. He collected on the Philadelphia condo. Then he had it refurbished and intended to sell it. It would be all profit. He then waited patiently for the check to arrive from Multinational Insurance. With the double indemnity clause he was expecting five hundred thousand dollars. He had his lawyer send the death certificate and results of the inquest to the company. Now it was just a matter of time before they paid.

With the money received from the sale of the condominium he would pay off the Vegas casino's. The next hurtle he had to get over was the reading of Gloria's will. He wasn't worried about a probate. He was more concerned with the authenticity of her forged signature. As a result he depended on his lawyer. What he would pay the attorney would be worth it if and when he collected.

While he waited Denbre enjoyed what money he had. He golfed occasionally but most times at the country club he had lunch and while doing so listened carefully to those talking about the stock market or about particular businesses, those about to fail, merge or guaranteed to be profitable. Still, he was finding his disguised existence a bit boring. He needed excitement in his life. As a result he decided to travel. Vegas casino's like Atlantic City casino's no longer appealed to him. The Monte-Carlo at Monaco appeared as an adventure as well as a challenge. He made arrangement to go there.

On the flight to Europe Edward flew first class. In the seat next to him sat Henrietta Thornton a short, slightly overweight matronly type with graying hair. The first thing he noticed was the large, diamond ring on her right hand. To him this meant money perhaps big money. He decided to engage the woman in conversation. Besides, there was no way he could ignore her during the many hours of the flight. “Is this your first trip to Paris?,” he asked.

No. I've been there several times,” the woman answered.

That means you know your way about the city.”


This is my first trip to Europe.”

Are you going for business or a vacation?”

One might say a vacation. I want to visit the casino's in Monaco.”

Let me assure you, you will enjoy it immensely.”

Then you've been there, I take it.”

Not for sometime. I went with my husband.”

I see. Are you meeting him in Paris?”

No, I'm a widow.”

Oh, I'm so sorry. Well, since we will be seated next to one another for some hours allow me to introduce myself. I'm Edward Denbre.”

Nice to meet you Mr. Denbre. I'm Henrietta Thornton. Is there a Mrs. Denbre?”

No, unfortunately I lost my wife in a terrible accident.”

Oh no. I know how you must feel. It took me a long time to get over the death of my husband.”

Yes, I must admit I loved Gloria with all my heart.”

I felt the same way about Norman.”

May I asked what he did for a living?”

He was a banker. He owned the Merchants and Industrialist Bank in Baltimore.”

How nice.”

Not really, the business is what killed him. Worry and concern gave him ulcers. That's what killed him.”

He must have been very dedicated not only to his business but to his clients as well. Still, I'm sure that he left you well off.”

He did and I also sold the bank, lock, stock and barrel as they say. I could have retained it, but all that would have done is remind me of what took him away from me.”

I understand.”

I'm sure you do. Losing a spouse is very difficult.”

Yes it is. Now, to change the subject, where are you staying while in Paris?”

I always stay at the Hotel Raphael. Where will you be staying?”

Actually, I hadn't made any arrangements, that's why I asked you. Then I take it you recommend your hotel.”

I do and should we get separated it's located on the Avenue Kleber.”

Thank you Mrs. Thornton.”

Henrietta, call me Henrietta.”

Just as long as you call me Edward. Now that we have introduced ourselves to each other may I be so bold as to ask why you are going to Paris?”

You may. I go every other year. I enjoy the city, art galleries, museums, the shopping and I blush when I say, the night life.”

Why blush? You are certainly entitled to be able to enjoy yourself. After all, you are single, free and don't have to answer to anyone.”

That's all well and true, but Paris at night although no more dangerous than any other city has ,shall we say, a certain element of men looking for unattached women and in particular unattached American women. Although there are times when I find their actions amusing I also find them annoying.”

I see. Perhaps and I only mention this as a possible solution to your problem. Perhaps I could escort you to the places you would like to visit in the evenings.”

You would be willing to do that?”

Certainly, after all you know the city, the hotels and I'm sure the restaurants. As I mentioned, this is my first time in Paris. Look at it this way. I can be your escort and you can be my guide.”

I thought that you wanted to gamble in Monaco.”

I do, but there is no hurry. I understand there are casino's in Paris.”

There are, but relatively small compared to those in the United States. What do you play Edward?”

I prefer baccarat.”

I see. In that case I suggest you play at the Cercle Montmarte.”

Why that one?”

Because I'm a member, otherwise you must produce identification, pay a fee or seek membership. With me you can walk right in and sit at the table.”

I'm beginning to think that you are my new lucky star.”

Good, then you will be staying at the Raphael.”

Yes indeed.”

Excellent, now that that's settled what do you do Edward?”

I'm an investor. My organization is Denbre Enterprises. Here's my card”, he said taking a business card from the inside pocket of his suit coat.

I see you're located in Atlantic City. Isn't that rather far from the flow of the money towns?”

On the contrary, it sits south of New York, Philadelphia and is close to Baltimore, all within driving range and of course there's the telephone and stock ticker machine on my desk.”

Of course. I wasn't thinking. Oh good, here comes the stewardess, I want a drink. How about you?”

A cup of coffee will do just fine.”








Chapter Four



Edward and Henrietta shared a cab from the airport to the Hotel Raphael. After paying the cab driver Denbre followed her through the polished, revolving doors and into the lobby. At the registration desk he allowed her to register first. When it was his turn he requested a small suite with a king size bed. Their rooms were on the fifth floor but not close. Together they followed the bellmen to the elevator. As they ascended Henrietta said, “You will find that the staff here all speak English. There is even an English bar and lounge. From there you can see the Arc De Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. Now, I suggest that after you unpack and get settled you just relax and think about what you would like to do tomorrow. We're only two minutes away from the Champs-Elyse'es. I suggest that you play the casino's in the evening. They open at four P.M. As for me I intend to take a hot bath and a short nap. I also have to make a few telephone calls to friends of mine living here just to let them know that I'm in town.”

I might take a look at the lounge later. Thanks Henrietta.”

You're quite welcome.”

Edward was more than satisfied with his room. At three hundred and seventy three dollars a night it was worth it. There was more than enough room. When he unpacked he found that the hotel provided a dressing gown and slippers. The king size bed he requested appeared to be comfortable, but since he wasn't tired he decided to go to the English Bar and Lounge.

When he got there he took a small table near a window and from it he looked down on the Arc De Triomphe. In front of it were the roof tops of apartment buildings and commercial structures. Automobiles circled the Arc then made their way down tree lined streets. Behind and beyond the monument were the congested, concrete and brick structures of that part of the city, churches, schools, hospitals all with their roof tops exposed. He enjoyed the view. He turned from the window when a waiter appeared ready to take his order. When he ordered he charged the cost to his room.

The next morning Denbre had breakfast in the hotel restaurant. As he sipped his second cup of coffee he read the Connection, France's English written Newspaper. Finding nothing of interest he folded it and was placing it on the table when he heard, “I thought that I would find you here.”

Edward stood and said, “Henrietta, good morning. Please join me for breakfast.”

Oh no. I had my breakfast in my suite about an hour ago.”

Then sit and have a cup of coffee or something.”

No thank you. I must be on my way. I'm meeting friends for lunch.”

Really, I was counting on you showing me Paris today.”

That can wait besides, the real Paris comes to life at night. You do still want to try the casino don't you?”

Yes, of course.”

Then I suggest that we get there by seven or eight. We can stop at a small restaurant I know on the way. It will be my treat.”

That's not necessary Henrietta.”

I know, but this time I insist. Now, should you win at the tables tonight you can pay for the next dinner”

Agreed, but let me warn you, I'm a lousy gambler. Actually, I'm hoping that being with you will change my luck.”

We'll see. Now, I must be going. I hope you find something to entertain you for the day.”

Any suggestions?”

Yes, take a cab and visit the Louvre.”

Two hours later Denbre stood looking at the glass pyramid located outside of the museum entrance. As he did he wondered how many glass panes were used in it's construction. After awhile he made his way to the underground lobby then made his way to the main Louvre buildings. He followed directions to the Egyptian exhibit, knowing that it was impossible to see everything in one day.

For the rest of the morning he looked at the antiquities of ancient Egypt. As he stood looking at artifacts he wondered where and how did the artisans of that time get so much gold.

Moving on he stood with others gazing upon the cloth wrapped mummies. There was even a mummified cat wrapped from head to tail in whatever material they used back then.”

Satisfied that he had seen enough Denbre left the Louver and took a taxi back to the hotel. There, he returned the hotel restaurant and had a late lunch. Back in his room he used the telephone and called Henrietta. There was no answer. Then, at six thirty that evening was a knock on the door to his suite. He went to the door and opened it. Henrietta looked at him and said, “Are you ready?”

Not quite. I called you earlier to ask you if there was a dress code, but you weren't in your room.”

There is a dress code, but that's for those who insist in wearing shorts, or go barefoot with sandals. You look fine. Perhaps a sport coat.”

The couple took a cab to 35 Rue de Abbesses. Because there was a chill in the evening air they took a table inside the Le Sancerre instead of one on the sidewalk. Henrietta read the menu and translated it for Edward.

Arriving at the Cercle Montmartre at eight o'clock Henrietta showed her membership card and introduced Edward as her guest. He was then escorted to the baccarat tables. “When you done playing you will find me playing roulette”, she said as she walked away.

For the next two hours Denbre won a little and lost a lot.

He bet both with the house and against the house, but most times he lost. After losing ten thousand dollars he decided to quit. He tipped the dealer, got up from his chair and headed for the roulette tables. When he got there he saw Henrietta placing hundred dollar chips, betting on the color black.

Looks as though you are winning,” he said.

Yes, a little. I think I'm up a thousand francs, how did you make out?”

I lost.”

Oh well, the main question is did you enjoy yourself?”

Yes actually, up until the time I went broke.”

There's always the next time.”

That's the way I see it.”

What time is it?”

Edward looked at his Rolex. “Ten forty five.”

Well, I've had enough. Are you ready to leave?”


Then I'll cash in my chips.”

Early the next morning Denbre answered the ringing telephone in his suite. “Hello.”

Edward, if you don't have any plans for the day I'm ready to show you the real Paris. At the same time I want you to meet friends of mine, Emil and Shirley Beauvals. I think you will find them interesting. At the same time there might be the possibility of a business transaction for you. Emil is always looking for investments in the United States. I hope you don't mind, but I accepted a lunch invitation at their apartments.”

Of course I don't mind, but I hope this isn't a white tie and tails get together.”

No, silly, but I would suggest wearing a tie.”

What time?”

Oh, about eleven, eleven thirty. I have a reputation of being prompt.”

I'll be ready.”

Good, now I need to bathe and dress. I'll meet you in the lobby.”

Denbre heard the disconnect and placed the receiver on the cradle.

Forty minutes later Edward sat in a chair in the hotel lobby reading a newspaper. He was interrupted when he heard,

Have you been waiting long?

He looked up and saw Henrietta standing in front of him.

No, not really.”

Good, then I suggest we go.”

After walking through the revolving doors Henrietta asked the doorman to hail a cab, which he did. Once inside the taxi she told the driver to go to Seventeen Avenue Foch. She then turned her attention to Denbre and said, “Shirley is my best friend. We were roommates at the Burnside School in Maryland.”

I never heard of it, is it a college?”

No, a private boarding school for girls.”

I see.”

Shirley wanted to be a fashion designer, but because of her natural beauty became a fashion model instead. She came to Paris to work, met Emile and married him.”

What does he do?”, asked Edward.

He manufactures and sells concrete. There is a story, no one knows if it is true or not, that the concrete contained in the cement in the fortifications at Normandy came from his fathers factory.”

What do you think?”

I doubt it. Another story is that his father saw the threat of Germany and war and transferred most of his money to banks in Switzerland. Since Emile is filthy rich I tend to believe that particular story.”

When the cab stopped in front of the apartment building, the couple got out and while Henrietta waited, Denbre paid the driver. Next, he followed her through the entrance and up a flight of stairs to the second floor. Henrietta rang the doorbell and waited. The door was opened by the maid who said, “Bienvendue, M. et Mmme Beauvals sont dans la salle de se'jour.

( Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Beauvals are in the living room.)

Merci”, said Henrietta.

After the two women hugged and kissed Denbre was introduced to Emil Beauvals and his wife. “So Mr. Denbre, I understand that this is your first time in Paris. How do you find it?,” Emil said in English.

From what I've seen so far it is a beautiful city.”

Have you seen it at night?”, asked Shirley.

Only the lights of the casino”, answered Denbre.

Ah, so you are a gambler?,” asked Emil.

I'm more of a loser.”

But I'm sure you enjoy playing.

Yes I do.”

Now, Henrietta tells me that you have an investment firm.”

That's correct.”

Out of curiosity, what are the most interesting financial opportunities in America at the present time?”

Denbre had to think fast. His answer had to be a company with a product unknown and not on the stock market. “Actually, I'm looking at a new cereal company that plans to produce breakfast cereal in the form of the animals from Doctor Doolittle or Doctor Seuss. Before I left the States my information was that the company was leaning towards Doctor Seuss,” he lied.

A childrens cereal I take it.”


When will it be ready?”

Right now no one knows. Production is not the problem. The problem is shelf space in the major food markets. Shelf space, particularly for childrens cereals is expensive. The manufacturers see the price asked as cutting into their profits. Nonetheless I've seen this before. There will be an agreement reached. The question is how soon.”

Interesting. Then they will be offering stock.”

I'm sure. However, there is also the possibility that if an agreement can't be made that the manufacturer might sell the recipe and rights to any of the other companies in business. If I were you I'd wait. That's what I intend to do.”

You will let me know when it is time to buy the shares I hope.”

Certainly. Before I leave make sure I have all of your information, including your Fax number.”

The maid entered the room and said, “ Le de'jeuner est pre't.” (Lunch is ready) Denbre followed the two women to the dining room, Emil followed behind. Once they were seated, Edward said to Shirley,“You have a lovely home. I'm amazed at the size of it.”

Thank you. It belonged to Emil's family and from what I have been able to learn was used often to host business associates. Beside what you see, there are five bedrooms and four baths. Margaret has her own rooms.”

I assume that Margaret is the maid.”


Well, as I said, the place is lovely.”

And what about you Mr. Denbre. Do you live in apartments or a private house?,” asked Shirley.

I reside in an ocean front condominium.”

And I take it then that you are comfortable there,” Shirley continued.

I have to be. I own the building.”

Enough about that. Let's eat”, said Emil.

Escargots Bourguignon was served first. Next came the entree of Truite Aux Amandes which was pan seared trout with a lemon butter and almond sauce, fingerling potatoes and spinach.

Edward passed on the white wine and drank water.

While the two women caught up on the latest news about common friends Emil suggested that the two men retire to the living room. Edward took a seat and listened to the boring voice of Emil as he explained the process of manufacturing concrete.

As the two women talked Denbre although nodding at Emil listened carefully to the conversation going on in the next room.

So my dear, how are you making out now that you are alone?,” asked Shirley.

Fine now. I was lonely at first, then I came to terms with the fact that Norman was gone. I got on with my life.”

Still, I hope he left you well off?”

Yes. As a matter of fact he left me one and a half million dollars after I sold the bank of course.”

Very smart of you to unload the burden of operating the bank dear.”

I think so. Besides, I know nothing about operating a business.”

Armed with that information Edward Denbre decided to attempt to court Henrietta Thornton.

They said their goodby's in Paris. Edward went on to Monaco where he played in the Monte-Carlo. Henrietta flew to London, visited with friends and then traveled back to Baltimore. Three weeks later Denbre sat in his Atlantic City Office and listened to his accountant advise him that after losing two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in the Paris and Monaco casino's he was on the verge of running out of money. He hung up the telephone and sat deep in thought searching mentally for a way to increase his funds. He thought of Henrietta.

It was now late Spring that time of the year when the ladies of local society planned their fund raisers. One was UNESCO. Edward remembered that Henrietta had mentioned that she supported the organization. He assumed she meant financially by making donations. He reached for the telephone, dialed her number and waited for her to answer. “Hello,” she said.

Hello, and how are you this fine day?”

Edward, what a nice surprise. I'm fine. How about you?”

Still suffering from jet lag, but to tell you the truth I might have been born with it.”

Did you call just to say hello or is this a business call?”

Business? I don't think so. I'm calling because I intend to attend a lavish garden party being held to raise funds for UNESCO. Knowing that you have interest in the education of children I was wondering if you would like to attend the event with me?”

When is it?”

Saturday, May the seventeenth.”

Would you please hold while I check my appointment book?”


Three minutes later Henrietta came back on line. “I am free on that date. Yes, I'm looking forward to the event and seeing you again.”

Would you like me to drive down to get you?”

No, I'll drive my own car. I have business in New York right after that date so I'll leave Atlantic City after the event then go on to New York, but thank you for asking. You could make arrangements for me at one of the hotel casino's however.”

I could, but I was hoping that you would stay with me.”

Really? I have to think about that.”

Come now. We're both adults. By now you should know that I'm not some perverted rapist. There is a perfectly fine guest room that you will have all to yourself. Please say yes.”

Alright, yes.”

Then can I expect you on Friday?”

Yes I should be there by two in the afternoon.”

Do you know the way?”

Yes. If not I'll call you.”

Excellent, see you then.”














Chapter Five

Number Three


Henrietta Thornton stood looking out at the ocean through the glass pane door in Edwards condominium. “My, you have such a lovely view from here,” she said.

Yes, but when the northeast storms hit the wind whistles and the rain pelts the glass. At times one would think that the entire building is going to be blown away.”

You have a very attractive home Edward.”

Thank you. I hope you found the guest room to your liking.”

I do and having your housekeeper showing me where everything is was very helpful.”

Here, Renata is my right hand. She actually runs the place. Could I get you something, coffee, tea, a drink perhaps?”

No, I stopped and had lunch. I'm fine for the moment.

Well, if there's anything you want or need don't hesitate to let me know.”

I shall, Edward. Now, this garden party for UNESCO, where is it being held?”

At the home of Jennifer Holmes, in Margate.”

I've been involved with UNESCO for years yet, her name isn't familiar to me.”

Really? That's odd.”

You haven't invited me here using UNESCO as a pretext to seduce me have you?”

No, but there is no guarantee that I won't try after the party.”

You're so naughty. So tell me, how did you like Monaco?”

Beautiful, except for losing at the casino.”

Do you ever win Edward?”

Just enough to make me believe that I can break the bank, like all gamblers. Then of course I give what I had won back to them. Would you like to play while you're here?”

No. I don't like Atlantic City's casino's. At the same time I'm not crazy about Vegas either.”

Perhaps it's the decor.”

No, it's the people.”

Staff, or patrons?”

Both. You should have noticed the difference when you played at Monte-Carlo.”

I did.”

Then you understand.”

I do. How are Shirley and Emil?”

Fine. I spoke with Shirley recently. By the way, she said that Emil is still waiting to hear from you.”

Unfortunately, that deal with the childrens breakfast cereal is still on hold. I wouldn't want to take his money unless it's a sure thing.”

It might be nice if you told him that.”

I'll make a note to do it.”

Now, let's get back to this garden party. How much am I expected to donate?”

That would be up to you to decide.”

What will you be giving?”

At the moment I'm over extended so I won't be giving what I usually donate.”

What is it that you consider usual?”

A thousand dollars. This year I'll be giving between three and five hundred.”

Precisely what I had in mind. My larger donation will be made back in Baltimore, as always. Now, since my sleeping arrangements are settled. May I ask about dinner?”

What about it?”

Will we be dining out or staying in? if we're going out I need to know how to dress. If we are staying in what are my choices?”

I had a private chef prepare two entrees. The first is Cornish game hens, the second is lobster Newburg. When we're ready to eat Renata will serve us.”

You mean warmed up?”

No of course not. I thought that we would dine at about eight. Chef De Cello will be here at about seven or seven thirty to add the finishing touches to his creations. I hope that's alright with you.”

Certainly, right now I prefer the Newburg, but we'll see. I might change my mind.”


Now, what can you tell me about this Jennifer Holmes woman?”

Not too much. She came from being a shop girl to someone with money, a lot of money. One time I saw her make a grand entrance by dragging her Chinchilla coat across the floor as she walked into the room.”

How crude.”

Look at it this way, she wanted attention and she got it.”

And what about you Edward? Do you want attention?”

Only from you”, he answered as he leaned forward and kissed her. The courtship of Henrietta Thornton began at that moment.

Denbre made several trips to Maryland over the next seven months. The necessity of the trips bothered him, but he considered it necessary if he was going to be able to convince Henrietta to marry him. Nonetheless he took advantage of their time together to gather information from her about her wealth. He started by beginning a conversation about stocks and bonds. The result was that he learned that she had many shares of blue chip stocks in her portfolio. He also remembered the conversation she had with Shirley Beauvals in Paris revealing the fact that the proceeds from the sale of her deceased, husbands bank was over one and a half million dollars. Still, he wanted to know more, such as her bank accounts, domestic and or foreign.

On a weekend in July Henrietta suggested that he stay overnight. He readily agreed and at approximately three o'clock in the morning he slipped out of bed. Walking carefully so not to wake Henrietta he made his way to the study. There, using a penlight he removed papers, documents and a journal. He set them aside and slowly reached to the rear of the desk drawer. His fingers touched and grasped a small book. After removing it from the drawer he shined the light on it and saw that it was a bank book. He opened it quickly saw the total sum and smiled. She had more than he thought she had. Denbre carefully placed everything back in the desk drawer, shut off the penlight and made his way back to the guest room.

Armed with the knowledge of Henrietta's wealth his courtship intensified and after a weekend at a Vermont bed and breakfast he proposed. She accepted and after a civil wedding ceremony at the house in Baltimore the couple were wed. Edward then began researching different ways to kill her. Her actual death had to wait until he was certain that her money went to him. Once again a rich widow had insisted on a prenuptial agreement. Reluctantly he had agreed, but considered it only a slight roadblock to his plans. Finally, after some research, a way to kill his new wife began to formulate in his mind. The next order of business was to get his hands on her money. First things first. I need to get an insurance policy on her. Here, I must be cautious. It might be that insurance investigators from other companies are watching transactions that might remind them of large premium payments to me. I've been the beneficiary in two policies. Be smart, keep the premium to under two hundred thousand,” he thought to himself.

On a Thursday morning at the breakfast table Henrietta announced that she would be attending a charity event over the weekend. Edward stated that since she would be busy he would return to Atlantic City to attend to business interests. Actually, he wanted to purchase the insurance policy on his wife and then play the tables in the casino's.

He arrived at his Ventnor condo on a late Friday afternoon. Upon entering he found that Renata after he had called her, had kept the place spic and span. She had even stocked the refrigerator and freezer with enough things to carry him over the weekend. He went to the telephone and picked up the telephone book. Thumbing through the yellow pages he searched for travel agencies and found one close by the insurance company he intended to do business with the next day.

At ten fifteen Saturday morning, Edward Denbre wrote a check for the first payment to the Zerby Insurance Company of Switzerland for a one hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy on Henrietta Denbre. This time he was cautious and did not ask for the double indemnity clause. After the agent took the check both men shook hands and Denbre left the office. He then walked one block and entered a small travel agency. A middle aged woman sat at a desk. One wall of the small office contained printed posters. A blond, wooden stand held brochures advertising vacation places and plans for all over the world. “Good morning. May I help you?”, asked the woman.

Yes, I was wondering if you have any information on the Zion National Park, in Utah,” Denbre answered.

I'm sure we do. If you give me just a moment I'll see what we have.”

Please, take your time.”

After a few minutes the woman turned and handed Edward three brochures. “Many of our clients prefer the Grand Canyon.

We seldom get anyone with an interest in the Zion Nation Park,” she said.

It is my understanding that's why it's often crowded. I might consider the trip to the Grand Canyon for something to do next year,”Denbre replied.

Edward drove back to the condo in Ventnor. There, he sat studying the information contained in the pamphlets. One detail mentioned caught his attention, Angels Landing. To him it was the ideal location. First, it was a precarious climb to reach the summit. One had to walk on a very narrow, rocky path. Most hikers or sightseer's held on to a steel chain as they made their way up and down the path route. The pathway was so narrow that those wishing to ascend often had to wait while those above made their way down the course. The most interesting fact was that it was one thousand, four hundred and eight eight feet from Angles Landing to the bottom of the rocky, canyon below.

Denbre placed the brochures in his brief case. The most difficult part of his plan was going to be convincing Henrietta to vacation in Utah. She preferred Europe to travel in the United States and had mentioned the Greek Islands for this years vacation. From the briefcase he removed two old documents both containing Henrietta's signature. However, the signature was that of Henrietta Thornton. He needed the name Denbre written in her hand. Still, he sat for the next two hours imitating and practicing writing Henrietta over and over until it was nearly perfect. Now, his plan was different. He would not go after her money and property immediately after her death. Instead, he would produce a typed will written before her accidental death and with her forged signature after allowing a substantial amount of time to go by. He had to appear as the grief stricken husband who was not at all interested in his dead wife's fortune. He forced himself to stay away from the casino card tables. He had to appear to be financially solvent should an investigation occurred. His assets was just under one million dollars, but he was heavily in debt. He reached for the telephone on the desk and dialed the number in Baltimore.

Hello?,” said Henrietta when she answered the telephone.

Henrietta. I'm calling to tell you that I'll be staying here over the weekend. I have to go to the bank the first thing on Monday morning. As soon as I'm finished there I'll be driving home,” Denbre said.

Fine, be careful.”

I will dear. Good by.”

Edward fought the urge to go to the casino. Instead, he thought and re-thought his plan to do away with his wife. Before he did he had to have her signature as Henrietta Denbre. There was only one sure way that she would give him what he wanted without causing her to be suspicious. He got up from the easy chair and walked into the kitchen. There he opened the freezer and selected a meal prepared by Renata. He placed it in the microwave oven and heated it. As he sat and ate he was satisfied that the new part of his plan would work.

On Monday morning, at ten o'clock, Edward walked into the Commerce Bank in Atlantic City and requested that Henrietta Denbre be added with him in a joint checking account. He was handed a card and the teller said, “Just have your wife sign on this line and return it to us and we will make the arrangement”.

Thank you”, Denbre replied.

When he got back to the house in Baltimore he stood in the master bedroom unpacking. Henrietta walked in and said, “Well, did you win or lose at the casino's?”

I didn't play,” he answered.

That's very unusual.”

I'm trying to change my ways my dear. Instead of gambling, I think I would like to travel, see things I've never seen before.”

Good, I know you've never seen the Greek Islands.”

All in good time love. While I was in Atlantic City I visited a travel agency. The woman there more or less introduced me to Utah.”

Utah? Other than the Mormon Tabernacle what else is there to see?”

Zion National Park.”

Can you picture me camping in a tent and cooking over an open fire. Where do you come up with your ideas?”

Henrietta, there are luxury hotels there.”

Really. How luxurious?”

I brought the brochures home with me. I remember seeing one hotel, the Brentwood, that listed their rooms at three hundred and seventy five dollars a night.”

I find that hard to believe.”

Well, here it is. See for yourself. And, by the way, when you're done doubting me I need you to sign this card.”

What's that?”

I'm changing my account at Commerce bank into a joint account. In order to do so they need your signature.”

Why are you doing this?”

Because, as the man of the house I see it as my responsibility to pay the bills around here. Since the bills come to you I thought it would be easier for you to just write a check. Now, when you do, it will be out of our account.”

I suppose you're right. I'll sign it later.”

Good, now what about my idea of a vacation in Zion National Park?”

I have to think about it. You do realize that I'm not the outdoors type.”

Later that evening Edward stood looking at the signature of Henrietta Denbre. It appeared, neat and bold and looked to be easy to duplicate. As he looked at the handwritten names, Henrietta Denbre, he smiled, then placed the card in his briefcase.

Over the days and weeks that followed Denbre continued to try and convince Henrietta to join him on a vacation to Utah.

As he tried, she resisted and he reluctantly backed away from an outright argument. Instead, he made the weekend trips to Ventnor and Atlantic City. There, in the condo he practiced forging Henrietta's name. It wasn't perfect, but he was getting close to it appearing authentic.

On another Monday morning after driving from Atlantic City Edward entered the house. “Did you get everything done that you intended to do?”, asked Henrietta.

Not quite, but I'm make progress,” he answered.

And no casino's?”


Good, because I have a surprise for you”.

A surprise?”

Yes dear. I've just learned the the Women's Leadership Conference is going to be held at the MGM in Las Vegas. Before I commit myself to attending in July I want to check out the accommodations. Since Las Vegas is only hours away from Zion National Park I thought that we could see the park. After that rent a car and drive to Vegas. We'll stay at the MGM and while I

look things over before I decide about the conference you can play in the casino. What do you think of that Idea?”

Denbre smiled and after taking Henrietta in his arms said, “I don't know what I'd do without you dear.”



























Chapter Six



Henrietta and Edward followed the bellman down the hallway which led to their suite of rooms. As they did Denbre held his breath hoping that his wife would like the rooms and not make a scene if she didn't. When they came to the door to their suite the bellman unlocked the door then allowed the couple to enter first.

Walking slowly around the room Henrietta remained silent. She walked to the large picture window, parted the drapes with one hand and looked out toward the mountains in the distance.“Well, I must admit dear that what you said about the Brentwood is true. These accommodations are better than I expected. Now, we'll have to wait and see about the qualifications of the chef. Don't forget to tip the man Edward,” she said.

After the bellman left Henrietta began to unpack. As she did Denbre looked out at the red rock formations miles away. From the hotel room window it was impossible for him to be able to judge the height of some of the mountain tops. He tried to find Angels Landing, but couldn't locate it.

The couple dined in the hotel restaurant and once again Henrietta was impressed with both the cuisine and the service. During dinner Edward suggested that they plan the next days activities. They had arrived on a Wednesday. His plan was to be on Angels Landing on a Sunday morning. That way the trail would be either absent of hikers or only a few out and about. Right now he had to create an interest in Henrietta's mindset. He needed her to want to go to Angels Landing. He took a sip of water from the glass on the dining room table and said, “ They say the best place to start is on the trail of Wildcat Canyon. Now that's mostly dry and to do it all the way is only about five miles . I suggest my dear that we just hike a short way in and back. We'll take in the scenery take a few photo's, sit somewhere and have lunch then come back to the hotel. That way we won't be doing more than we should on the first day and besides, we won't need a permit. What do you say?”

Make sure you call room service and have them prepare a lunch we can carry, and make sure we have plenty of water, Henrietta replied.

Speaking of water, there's suppose to be many pools in what they call the Narrows. Some are waist deep so I know you won't want to hike that part of the park.”

Make sure you check the weather for tomorrow. I don't want to get caught out in any type of storm?”

Yes Dear.”

After breakfast the next morning Edward and Henrietta made their way to the trail head of Wildcat Canyon. Edward carried the backpack. In it was a lunch prepared by the hotel kitchen staff. It consisted of two ham& cheese sandwiches, two apples, two candy bars and four pint bottles of water. Henrietta carried the camera. It was a bright, sunny morning and the noon day temperature was expected to be seventy two degrees. The snows that had covered the meadows was gone and the bright, daily sunshine dried the mud created by the melting snow. Now, the footing was excellent and they made there way into the fields of the park. As Henrietta stopped occasionally to point out something that caught her attention or to take photographs, Edward noticed that there were very few other hikers on the trails. He expected that there would be less on Sunday. Right now he had to make sure that his wife enjoyed the day so she would hike again.

As they hiked the sounds of birds singing made Henrietta stop. “Listen, I wonder what kind of birds they are?,” she asked.

A guy in the hotel lobby this morning told me to listen for the song of the Hermit Thrush. That's probably what they are,”

Edward answered.

Well, right now I'm hungry and thirsty. Let's sit on that large log over there and have lunch, Henrietta suggested.

Denbre removed the backpack then sat down on the log. After opening the pack he handed his wife a sandwich and a bottle of water. “I see you neglected to bring napkins,” she said.

Sorry about that.”

Really, I don't know how you would make out if anything happened to me. Now, I have a question.”

What is it?”

I notice that your checking account is slowly dwindling. You haven't made any deposits in some time. Why?”

Edward thought fast before answering. “ Since I turned the checking into a joint account I no longer look at it. I left that up to you to tell me.”

Well, I just told you.”

Thank you dear. I'll move some cash from either my Caribbean or Swiss accounts. There's nothing to worry about,”he lied.

Good, now after I wipe my mouth with a handkerchief instead of a napkin you forgot to pack we can get on our way. I must admit Edward that your decision to visit the Park was an excellent idea. The scenery is beautiful. I can't remember when I felt so good as I do right now.”

That's wonderful, but let's not over do it. I want you to enjoy the climb to the top of Angels Landing on Sunday. I'm sure you'll have an experience you've never had before.”

Are you sure?”

I'm positive.”

At nine o'clock Sunday morning Edward and Henrietta sat having breakfast in the hotel restaurant. As he chewed on a piece of sausage Denbre looked out through the large window checking the weather conditions. He didn't need any delays or postponements. A delay meant more people on the trail. A postponement meant having to leave and head for Las Vegas. Fortunately, the sun was shining in a cloudless sky.

Tell me Edward. How do we get to this trail you've been raving about?”, asked Henrietta.

We simply walk to the Visitors Center and take the shuttle.

Then we're dropped off at the trail head. From there we enjoy the climb to the top of the Landing.”

I really don't see why this hike is so important.”

Henrietta, you've read the brochures. Don't they say that it the famous and best of all the trails? Isn't it said that most visitors hike to the top of Angels Landing?”

Yes, but it is also said that the climb can be strenuous.”

Believe me my dear, once you're on the trail for awhile you won't feel a thing.”

I hope you're right. Anyway, after we come back to the hotel I want to pack. We'll have a long drive tomorrow to Vegas. Are you sure there's no problem driving the rental car there?”

No, I made arrangements to turn it in at the airport the day we fly back home.”

The airport in Vegas?”


Good. Finish your breakfast dear. I want to get this over as soon as possible.”

So do I,” Denbre responded.

Two hours later Edward and Henrietta began the climb to the top of Angels Landing. As they did Denbre, leading the way kept looking back, first at Henrietta and second to see if there were other hikers behind them. At that moment they were alone.

He had made the right decision in planning the hike on a Sunday morning.

I think we're high enough, don't you?”,asked Henrietta.

Nonsense. We're only half way to the top. You'll never forgive yourself if you don't complete the climb. Come on. Don't be afraid. I'm right here to grab you if anything happens.”

I don't like it Edward. Right now it's a long way down to the canyon floor.”

Look up there. See the chain. All you have to do is get there and hold on to the chain the rest of the way. That part of the hike is the easiest. You've already completed the hardest part of the climb.”

I see a very narrow place up ahead”.

And with a chain. I'll tell you what. I'll go ahead and wait for you. You take your time. Hold on to the chain with your hand. When you get to that narrow place I'll be there to help you around it.”

Alright, but I still don't like it.”

Denbre moved quickly up the red rock trail. At the narrow place on the path he looked down. He figured it was at least a thousand feet to the bottom of the canyon. At the same time he saw the jagged rock formations of the mountain walls. Turning his attention to Henrietta he said, “That's it dear. You're doing fine. Just keep coming to me. Take your time.”

As she approached Edward she said, “Give me your hand Edward. I'm scared.”

As he took her hand in his he replied, “There's nothing to be afraid of. Now, let go of the chain. I've got you.”

Henrietta released her grip on the heavy chain. When she did Denbre gave one massive push. He saw the expression on her face change from asking why, to fear. Her mouth opened as if to scream, but no sound came from her. He watched as her body fell, bouncing off of the red rock and down into the trees and shrubbery in the canyon floor. He stood and looked again to see if there was anyone else on the trail. He saw a young couple beginning the ascent and he began screaming, “HENRIETTA!


It took five hours for the park rangers to search and find Henrietta's body. While they searched Edward answered questions put to him by Sheriff Officers of Washington County.

Denbre repeated the same explanation time after time. He told of how his wife was afraid of falling when she reached the narrow path leading up to the summit of Angles Landing. He told of her asking for help and how she held out her hand. He broke down and cried when saying how she let go of the chain with her right hand and as she reached for him leaned to her right, slipped and went over the edge to the canyon floor below.

After two hours of questioning Edward Denbre was told just how sorry the investigators were about him losing his wife in a tragic accident. Henrietta became just another victim of Angels Landing. In his hotel room Edward packed both suitcases, his and hers and placed them near the door for the bellman. The next morning after breakfast he began the drive to the St. George Airport. Once there he watched the undertakers transfer the body from the hearse to the aircraft. The undertaker had made all of the necessary arrangements for the shipping and handling of the body.

He concentrated on his next moves. The first move would take place when he returned to the house in Baltimore. The second move would be making funeral arrangements for Henrietta.

As he took a seat in the first class section of the airplane. He thought of the ten death certificates that were inside his brief case. The first one would be sent to the insurance company, but only after enough time passed for his bereavement. The question of what to do with her property caused him to think carefully before he made any moves. Taking possession of her jewelry would be easy. There was no one to dispute him taking it. He would decide later to where to have it appraised and then sold. There was also the preparation of a new will with the forged signature. The timing of the presentation of the document had to appear that it had recently been found. Reclining in the chair, he closed his eyes and decided to nap on the flight to Salt Lake City.

When the Delta flight from Salt Lake City arrived in the Baltimore/Washington International Airport, Denbre made sure that Henrietta's body was transferred to the local undertaker that had been contacted on the telephone. Satisfied that the body was being attended to in the manner a loving husband would do, he made his way to the parking lot where his Bentley had been parked. After opening the trunk he placed both suitcases inside, closed the lid and entered the automobile, started the engine and began the drive to the house in the city.

The next day in the house in Baltimore Denbre sat reading Henrietta's will. In it she stipulated that he, as her husband was to received twenty five thousand dollars. The rest of the assets from her estate was to be left to her good friend, Shirley Beauvals of Paris, France. “Like Hell”, he thought to himself. Still, he had to find a way to circumvent this will. He had the ability to forge Henrietta's signature, but was leery about creating another false will as he did with Gloria. There had to be a way. He walked to the desk and sat using the computer. After some time he found what he was looking for in Maryland law, a Codicil. He read the definition over and over. “A codicil is an amendment to an original will. There may be more than one codicil. After death all codicils should be presented to the Register of Wills, along with all original wills.” He smiled as he shut off the computer.

The next day he disconnected the keyboard from Henrietta's desk top computer and packed it in his suitcase along with her jewelry. Before making the drive to Ventnor he called his telephone at the condo. After three rings Renata answered.

Denbre residence. Mister Denbre is not available at the moment. May I take a message?”, she said.

Renata, this is Edward. I should be there at about two or two thirty. I'll be staying there for some time, one or two weeks. I just wanted you to know so you can do the food shopping at the market.”

Fine Edward. Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything in particular you would want me to pick up?”

Maybe a lemon pie. Do you still have enough of the money that I left?”

Yes, more than enough.”

Good. I'll see you in awhile. Bye.”

For the next five days Denbre wrote and re-wrote several amendments to Henrietta's will. Using her keyboard attached to his computer meant that the printed letters appeared the same as when she wrote the original, before giving it to her attorney. Once he was satisfied that the changes he made would mean that everything she owned went to him he had to concentrate on when the dates would have been when she made the changes.

Still, he wasn't satisfied. He went over what he had done. If there was a probate he had to appear as a grief stricken husband and not one that was greedy. After studying her estate he decided to leave her art collection to the State of Maryland. The collection alone was worth sixty thousand dollars. He made sure that the art works were donated by Mr. Edward Denbre and the late, Henrietta Denbre. He made a note to inform his accountant at tax time.

At the end of ten days, Edward was satisfied that the codicils were finished and signed with the forged signature. What he needed now was the signatures of two witnesses. He convinced Renata and her husband Julio that he needed their signatures for insurance purposes. After they signed he stated that Henrietta who always liked Renata had left her five hundred dollars. The couple were very happy. So was Edward.

The next day Denbre drove to Philadelphia. There he found the Goldberg Brothers who bought and sold diamonds, silver and gold. After some wheeling and dealing he accepted their offer of four thousand, five hundred dollars for her jewelry.

To him, it was all profit.

When he returned to the house in Baltimore he found several messages from the funeral director wishing to know how and when to proceed with Henrietta's body. Denbre sat pondering what to do. Finally, he picked up the telephone called and told them to cremate her remains. There would be no viewing, no funeral and he wouldn't have to stand around answering questions. Henrietta had only one living relative, an aged aunt living somewhere suffering from Alzheimer disease.

The next day he went to Henrietta's attorney. After accepting the lawyers condolences Edward presented the codicils. When he did he sat holding his breath as he watched

Danial Jacobs study the signatures. He slowly exhaled when Jacobs said, “These appear to be in order Mr. Denbre. What would you like me to do for you?”

What ever is necessary under the law. I must admit that I'm at a loss when it comes to legal matters. I would like you to expedite the proceedings. If that's what they're called, so that I might deal with my late wife's estate and return to my home in New Jersey. Naturally, when you present your fee I will see that you are paid at once.'

Don't worry about a thing Mr. Denbre. I'll get on it right a way. Again may I say how sorry I am for your loss.”

Thank you sir. Thank you. I miss her terribly.”

I'm sure you do,” said Jacobs.






























Chapter Seven

Meeting Joyce Palmer

One year later on a Saturday night Edward Debre sat at the baccarat table in a special room away from the main casino floor at Resorts Hotel Casino in Atlantic City. On this evening he decided to play betting with the house although he had to pay the five per cent when he won. Tonight, he was winning but playing cautiously betting a twenty five dollar chip on each hand.The man seated next to him was losing and losing big. Denbre knew the feeling and watched the gambler who kept increasing his bets hoping to eventually win and go ahead. In disgust the man quit, tipped the dealers and got up and left. His seat was immediately taken by an attractive brunette woman.

The aroma of her perfume made Denbre turn his head and look at her. He saw a young woman who he judged to be between thirty to thirty five years old. She was small, petite, dressed comfortably in a black dress with accessories of a gold, colored necklace and ear rings. He recognized the fragrance she was using as, Obsession. The last time Henrietta bought it she paid over sixty dollars an ounce. As he looked at her, she looked back at him waiting for him to speak. “Good luck,” he said.

It appears that you are doing well”, she replied at the same time placing five one hundred dollar bills in front of the croupier. “Twenty five dollar chips, please”, she said.

To be honest, I've won some times and lost other times. Now, with you here maybe my luck will change.”

And to be honest with you my being here might change your luck from good to bad.”

Oh, dear lady, I doubt it. Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Edward Denbre.”

Hello Edward Denbre. They call me Joyce Palmer.”

Both players made their bets. Edward bet the bank, Joyce bet the player. Edward won. “See, you're bringing me luck,” he said.

That was only one play. So, Mr. Denbre what is it that you do besides play baccarat?”, she asked.

I own an investment company, Denbre Enterprises.”


Yes and I notice that you have a New England accent. I bet you're from Boston.”

Close. I was born and raised in Lowell.”

Now, if I may be so bold what do you do? And when I ask for instance, let's start with the word housewife.”

How about I make it easy for you. I'm thirty years old, graduated from Boston University. I'm a certified accountant, single at the moment and am financially independent.”

My, my, music to my ears. Excuse me”, he said as he bet fifty dollars on the bank. Turning his attention again to the woman he said, “Besides playing the casino why else are you in town?”

I'm interested in investing in real estate here in this area.”

Excuse me, I just won again. Now, if I may, I'll give you some advice. Real estate in this area and Atlantic City would be a poor investment opportunity. This town is on it's way down and out. You don't want to join it.”

Really? I was under the impression that the casino's actually raised property values.”

They did originally. Now, casino's are closing. It's just a matter of time when they all will be gone.”

I see. Well, since you have given me some sound advice what other recommendations do you have?”

Well, since at the moment I'm up in my winnings and you are losing, I recommend that we both quit and move to the cocktail lounge and get to know each other better. What do you say?”

I say that so far your counseling has been beneficial. I'm interested to see what other hidden talents you possess.”

Denbre smiled, “Be assured lovely lady that I'm willing to show you.”

Over drinks Denbre asked, “How long will you be in town?”

Right now I don't know. I was going to stay and look at properties, but after your advice I might reconsider. At the same time I have to find a place to live.”

I have a place in mind if you'd be interested.”

That depends in what you want in exchange for the rent.”

Absolutely nothing. There's a studio apartment in my building that's vacant. It's furnished including linens and cookware.”

And, it comes with no strings attached?”


Tell me more about yourself Mr. Denbre. I find you very interesting.”

Edward, call me Edward.”



What began as a friendship turned into a courtship. Joyce moved into the condo with Edward. She got along well with Renata and a relationship developed between the two women. On market day, Joyce went shopping with the housekeeper. On those occasions Denbre carefully went through her belongings looking for anything that would reveal her wealth to him. At the same time there was a problem. For the first time in his life he was attracted to a woman and not for her money. He was falling in love. Still, old habits were hard to break and he constantly tried to get information from her about her finances.

Alone together in the evenings they sat quietly talking or listening to classical music, something that Joyce enjoyed. Edward went along with it, but was no great fan. Once in awhile

she offered to look at the books of his business. Each time he politely refused. Nonetheless, he was running out of excuses. He was now a wealthy man. There was no problem having someone examine his accounts. The problem would be answering as to how he developed his wealth, something he didn't want to do.

Instead he questioned her and found out that she had been married. Her husband, Howard had owned a marina in Shelter Bay, Massachusetts. He dropped dead of a heart attack at age thirty two leaving Joyce everything he owned. She sold the marina and never remarried. She had no children. Still, armed with that information Edward was unable to put a number on just how much money she had.

Joyce however, got Edward to speak about the tragic accident that took Henrietta's life. He also told her about Shirley Beauvals and the possibility that the woman might one day request and inquiry into the reading of Henrietta's original will.

Why would she do that?”, asked Joyce.

As I recall, before we were married Henrietta considered Shirley as almost a sister. Alone at the time I imagine that Henrietta in a weak moment decided that if anything happened to her her estate should go to Shirley.”

Didn't you say that the Beauvals had money?”

Yes, he manufactures concrete mix.”

With them having money and at the same time living in Paris I sincerely doubt that they would be interested in a probate in an American court.”

Money does funny things to people.”

Speaking of money, how much is your accountant charging you?”

Not too much. The largest bill comes at tax time and what he saves me in what I have to pay, his cost is well worth it.”

I'd charge you nothing, nil, natta.”

I know love, but I want you to stay as sweet as you are. I don't want you involved in ledgers, stock portfolio's, bonds and bank accounts, all of which would turned your attention away from me,” he said with a smile.

Believe me darling. I will always pay attention to you.”


Right to the end.”

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just made a commitment.”

Yes, I did.”

Then, will you marry me?”

Yes, Edward, yes.”

After the wedding and a honeymoon in Aruba Joyce took it upon herself to become a silent partner in Denbre Enterprises. Edward, very much in love never even thought of a prenuptial agreement before the wedding. His infatuation with his new bride resulted in him giving her anything she wanted. Fortunately, she didn't want much. What she wanted was a full disclosure of Edwards assets, and she told him so. “You do realize dear, that in this state anything you own means that I'm entitled to half, don't you?”

Yes of course,” he answered.

Then, the way I see it I'm entitled to know just what my half amounts to now.”

Why is that so important to you?,” he asked.

I lost one husband with a heart attack. There was no warning. He kissed me good by, went to work and two hours later he was dead. You can't imagine the time I had getting his estate settled. The probate alone took months. During that time I found that he owed money and was owed money. I had to turn some delinquent accounts over to a collection agency. They took a percentage. It was a terrible time darling and I don't want to go through it again.”

I see. Well, if it is so important to you then I'll make sure that you know our finances and I'll change my will. However, when it comes to the business, things have been rather slow for sometime now. I'll make arrangements for you to meet with the accountant and my broker. To tell you the truth they know more about my so called wealth then I do. Is that alright with you?”

Of course dear, but I'm telling you right now that after those meetings I intend to take over the accounting duties.”

If that's what you want, then so be it.”

Incidentally, you received a letter from Shirley Beauval.”

What does she have to say?”

She's still sadden by Henrietta's accident and hopes that you are well. She hopes that you will correspond with her in the future.”

Should I?”

No. She was a friend of Henrietta not yours.”

You're right, of course.”

I'm always right dear. Always.”

Did you sleep alright last night? I woke when you got out of bed. I don't know what time it was,” said Edward.

It was around two o'clock. I couldn't sleep so I got up and took a Valium. After that I was alright. Speaking of Valium I have to call the doctor for a new prescription.”

How long have you been taking it?,” asked Edward.

Going on four years now. It all started just before Howard died. I had a miscarriage then on top of that bills started to accumulate. There's not too much income in the marina business during the winter except for boat storage. I was distressed over losing the baby, Howard began drinking. Then, with his death I more or less went to pieces. My doctor prescribed Valium and I've been using it ever since.”

I see.”

What I want to know is information on the lease for your office on Atlantic Ave.”

I'm glad you mentioned it. It's almost time to renew.”

Edward, you're paying three hundred and fifty dollars a month for a one room office you never use. Let the lease expire. We'll conduct our future business here at home. We'll convert the studio apartment into an office and write it off at tax time.”

If that's what you want, fine.”

That's what I want. I also want you to clean the master bathroom and shower. I notice the beginning of mildew on the shower curtain.”

Renata can do it tomorrow.”

I have no intention of waiting to bathe until Renata comes to work. Clean the bathroom and use Clorox.”

That stuff is strong. It takes your breath away.”

It also cleans and disinfects. Use the Clorox. And make sure you clean every inch, including the shower curtain.”

Alright, alright.”

We wouldn't have a mildew problem if you had a fan installed in the bathroom.”

I know, I know. You've told me that several times.”

And you don't listen. Clean Edward, just clean. Now I have to call the doctor.”

Denbre stood at the kitchen sink carefully pouring pure Clorox into a plastic spray bottle. He wore rubber gloves not wanting the smell of the cleaning fluid on his hands. When the spray bottle was filled he then carried the bottle to the master bathroom. For the next thirty minutes he scrubbed the tile walls and floor of the shower stall, all the while trying to see through watery eyes as the fumes of the Clorox irritated them.

Once in awhile he coughed and had to step out of the bathroom and into the hallway where he could breath normally. As he stood catching his breath Joyce walked up to him. “What's wrong?.” she asked.

The Clorox. The fumes made it hard for me to breath.”

Are you almost finished?”, she asked.

I still have to do the shower curtain.”

Then do it. I don't want to see any signs of mold or mildew.”

Did you call the doctor's office?”

Yes. He renewed my prescription and the nurse called it into the pharmacy. It should be delivered by this afternoon.”

Good. Alright, let me get back to work. I'm almost done.”

Joyce walked into the bathroom and looked at the shower floor. “You should have used more bleach than that,” she said.

I used a whole bottle. That should have been more than enough.”

We'll see,” she replied as she walked away.

The next morning the couple sat having breakfast when they heard Renata use her key to enter the apartment. When she did she said, “Oh, my. How can you sit there and eat with the smell of bleach in the place.?”
“Edward cleaned the bathroom shower. It was becoming green with mildew,” Joyce answered.

I would have done it this morning,” Renata replied.

That's what I told her”, Edward responded.

It did him good and the smell will go away. I left the grocery list on the kitchen table”, said Joyce.

After breakfast Edward took the morning Atlantic City Press into the living room. Still dressed in pajamas and robe he sat reading the newspaper as Joyce got dressed. Out of habit the first thing he read was the financial page. He looked over the stocks he owned. Satisfied that all, but one was making money he then turned to those he had an interest in making an investment. He reached for a ballpoint pen on the end table next to him and circled two particular stocks that he would inquire about with his broker. As he did Joyce walked into the room. “What are you doing?,” she asked.

There's two stocks I want to ask about. If they're solid I might buy,” Denbre answered.

Don't you think that you should ask me first?”

Not really. I said I was merely looking into them and might buy some shares. Notice the word might.”

Just remember, I know our finances. You don't. All you know is spend. Play at the casino's. Buy stocks and bonds that go no where. That might have been alright before we married, but now you're dealing with our money. Not just yours.”

Speaking about our money I haven’t seen any of yours. When I first met you all you wanted to do was make investments. As far as I know you still haven't made any.”

Believe me Edward when the right opportunity comes along I'll invest. However, unlike you my dear,you pick stock like you gamble, on hunches. I bet on sure things.”

Oh yeah, give me an example.”

That's easy. You.”

What do you mean by that?”

If you don't know darling I don't have time to explain it to you. Someday you'll see what I mean.”

It probably means that you picked a winner.”

Yes, that's what it means. You're some winner.”

Edward smiled as he made his way to the bathroom. As he did he asked, “Is the smell of bleach gone? I want to shave.”

You'll live. If it gets bad hold your breath,” said Joyce and she poured another cup of coffee. As she took sips she searched the internet on her laptop computer.


























Chapter Eight



Months later Edward and Joyce sat in the office of Byrnes, Byrnes and Coleman, Attorney's At Law. Herman Byrnes looked at the couple and said, “I want to go over this one more time just in case either one of want to change your minds.”

No, I can assure you that we're both satisfied with the arrangement. Please go ahead,” said Joyce Denbre.

Alright, the new organization of Denbre Enterprises means that you, Joyce Denbre are now First, Vice President. It also means that you now own forty nine per cent of the company. Edward retains fifty one per cent. At the same time at the request of Edward I have, with his instructions changed his will. Should he pass away, everything he owns, Denbre Enterprises, Real Estate, stocks and bonds, cash, all goes to you, Joyce Denbre. However, New Jersey Marital Property Law stipulates that any property inherited by one spouse before marriage as a gift or inheritance is referred to as separate property. This means in the case of divorce those assets obtained as a result of the untimely deaths of the former wives of Edward Denbre remain his. Do you understand what I'm saying, Mrs. Denbre?”

I was under the impression that this was a Community Property State,” said Joyce.

No, it's not. Many people make that mistake. There are many factors that are weighed by the court in the event of a divorce. At the same time I suggest that since both of you have your own individual bank accounts that you change then to, Payable-On-death accounts. In relation to the stocks and bonds the suggestion is that you utilize the, Transfer-On Death for the securities and finally the, Transfer of Real Estate. By doing that it protects both of you.”

Then, as I understand it the assets I have as a result of my former husband is protected in case we divorce.”

Can we get back to the re-organization please?,” asked Edward.

Certainly. Now, as I understand it you, Mrs. Denbre in a show of good faith wish to purchase real estate which will be added to the portfolio of Denbre Enterprises. At the same time you also wish to have your last will and testament written with leaving all assets to your husband. ”, said Byrnes.

That's correct. The properties I have in mind are the former Hotel Gwendolyn. It's been closed for some time now. It's too small to be used as a casino. However, I see it as an excellent property to be converted to an assistant living facility,” Joyce replied.

I hope that you are considering using our firm to handle the transaction”, said Byrne.

Of course,” Joyce replied.

This is new to me. What's the asking price?” asked Edward.

Five hundred and eighty thousand dollars,” Joyce answered.

That's too high. I've told you over and over that real estate here right now is a bad investment,” Denbre replied.

I know what you told me and you're wrong. Besides it's my money and it will be my contribution to the company.”

We would be better off with a cash contribution,” said Denbre.

Why, so you could take it to the casino?”

Joyce, let's not expose our dirty linen in front of Mr. Byrne. We can settle this at home.”

For once, you're right. Please excuse us Mr. Byrne,” said Joyce.

No problem. I believe we're done here anyway unless either one of you have any questions,” Byrne replied.

No, I can't think of any,” said Joyce.

Alright, I need both of your signatures on these documents. I'll call in two members of the office staff to be witnesses,” said Byrnes.

Back at the condominium in Ventnor Edward unlocked the front door and allowed Joyce to enter before him. Once inside he said, “I don't like surprises, particularly those dealing with my business interests and most of all not in front of my lawyer,” said Denbre.”

If you're speaking about the Hotel Gwendolyn venture I'll remind you that it was and is my business interest. As far as your lawyer, he became my lawyer with the reorganization. Instead of arguing with me, why not see the hotel as an excellent investment? At least look at the property before you reject it as a poor financial project.”

Because I know this town. You don't. I know what will work and what won't. Have you done any research on assistant living facilities?”


If you had you would have found that most of them have private apartments for the residents.”

Of course.”

That means that after the cost of acquisition the Gwendolyn will have to be gutted and hotel rooms turned into apartments.”

I don't see a problem.”

Of course not. However, let me give you one problem that we would face immediately.”

What's that?”

When the Gwendolyn was built in 1928 the major concern was the safety of the guest staying there. The greatest fear was fire. As a result every room contains asbestos. That means that every room has to be scraped clean and even then has to pass inspection. How much do you think the removal will cost us?”

Joyce remained silent, but Edward saw the look of scorn on her face. A look that bothered him.

The next day as Denbre sat reading the newspaper Joyce walked into the room. “I'll be gone most of the morning. I'll be at the hairdressers and afterward I'll have lunch while I'm out.

Renata will do the grocery shopping. If there's anything in particular that you want, tell her and she'll pick it up for you.”

Thirty minutes Renata left. When she did Edward got up out of his chair and went to the master bedroom. There against one wall was a walnut desk. On the desk top with its lid closed was the blue, lap top computer that belonged to Joyce. Denbre took a seat and raised the lid. He pushed the start button and waited. As he did he reached into the top drawer and removed an address book. He didn't know what Joyce used as a password, but he knew that she used many for different websites she used for on line shopping. There was so many that she had to write them down. Hopefully he would come upon the one that would allow him to gain entrance to the information she had stored.

He turned page after page, trying word after word. Each time the word was rejected. Then he read, Aspiration. This has to be it”, he thought to himself. Using the keyboard he entered the word and with one click of the mouse he saw the home page. He went to the history and recent tabs, clicked on that and got, history. He then sat reading each line that revealed what she had been doing on the laptop. He didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Most of the computer history dealt with web pages for on line shopping companies. He calmly put everything back in place hoping that Joyce wouldn't notice that anything had been touched or moved.

When Joyce returned she walked into the living room where Edward sat reading. He looked up from his book and said,

Did you have a nice lunch?”

Yes. It was a nice day so I decided to take a walk on the boardwalk. I treated myself to a pork roll and birch beer.”

Sounds good. Anything else I should know about?”

Not really, except I'm almost out of Valium. I'll have to call the pharmacy for a refill.”

It seems to me that you're eating them like candy.”

Don't be ridiculous. I only take them when necessary.”

Didn't you order a new prescription with the doctor not too long ago?”

For your information that was over a month ago.”

I don't think so. It was more like two weeks ago.”

You're crazy.”

I might be, but I'm not hooked on pills.”

No, you're hooked on baccarat. It's a shame that you don't know how to play.”

I haven't played in weeks.”

Look out for next week.”

Just for that, I'm leaving. I'll be at Resorts. In fact I'll have dinner there.”

Do both of us a favor.”


Look for a two dollar table.”

After Edward left Joyce changed clothes and went to her desk in the master bedroom. She activated her computer, check to see if she had any e-mail and finding none decided to play computer games.

Her game of solitaire was interrupted by the sound of the ringing telephone. “Hello?.” she said when she answered.

Joyce, this is Doctor Phillips. I recently received a telephone call from your pharmacy. It seems that your prescription for Valium has run out. In checking your records I found that I gave you a new prescription two or three weeks ago. How many are you taking?”

Only what you've instructed me to take and when. I hate to admit it doctor, but I'm certain that my husband is not only taking the Valium, but is showing signs of being addicted to them.”

That's a shame. Nonetheless, he's not my patient. If I were you I'd speak to his physician. Anyway, I'll fax a new prescription for you to your pharmacy. I suggest that you either hide them or put them in a secure place where your husband can't get to them. Is there anything else you need?”

No doctor, and thank you for calling.”

You're welcome. Have a nice day.”

Joyce smiled as she placed the receiver on the telephone cradle.

At half past eight that evening Denbre unlocked the front door to his condo and entered. “Well, well. Here comes the master of the house. Tell me, how much did you lose?,” asked Joyce.

Hey I was up two thousand at one point,” Edward replied.

And, let me guess you gave it back.”

I'll get it back next time.”

Next time? That should be your first name. Next Time Denbre, that's you. It doesn’t matter what the game is you always lose and you'll get it back next time. You want to know something Edward? You're an asshole.”

For the first time in this marriage I agree with you Joyce. I'm an asshole for marrying you. You know what I think? I think that your husband died of a heart attack because he wanted to get away from you.”

There's the door!”

In case you're forgetting, it's my door.”

Was your door. Now asshole, it's our door and don't you forget it.”

And giving you forty nine per cent of the business was a terrible mistake. You can bet your ass that I'll be talking to my lawyer in the morning.”

Go ahead. What can you tell him?”

I can tell him to file with the State of New Jersey a business entity dissolution, cancellation and withdrawal action.”

You wouldn't dare.”

No? You haven't produced those promised funds that you were going to contribute to the Denbre organization. Since you

haven't I'm under the opinion that the contract is either still open for negotiations or for that matter, void.”

You son of a bitch! You wouldn't dare”.

Watch me, and while I'm at it I'm also having him file for a divorce. You're nothing but a pain in the ass,” shouted Denbre as he stormed out of the room.


On a Saturday morning Edward Denbre poured himself a cup of coffee and placed the cup and saucer on the kitchen table. He then went to the front door to retrieve the morning newspaper. When he returned he found Joyce seated at the table.

I'm having toast for breakfast. Do you want any?,” she asked.

No, just coffee is fine. If I get hungry I'll have something later.

Suit yourself.”

Yeah, I will”, he said as he took another sip from the cup.

Joyce sat and watched him.

At eight twenty that morning Edward tried to get up from the table. His legs were weak. He was dizzy. Placing both hands on the kitchen table he tried to brace himself. “Joyce, I, I, I need help. Somethings wrong,” he said in almost a whisper.

Joyce got up and went to him. “Come Edward, let me help you. Lets' go to the bathroom. There I can place cold water on you, you feel feverish,” she said.

Denbre allowed Joyce to lead him to the master bathroom. Once there she closed the lid on the toilet and slowly lowered her husband, allowing him to sit. “There dear. Just sit there. Don't try to get up. I'll be right back. I have to get something.”

Edward attempted to nod his head in understanding but all that happened was that he lowered his chin on to his chest. He sat that way with his eyes closed. Ten minutes later he heard someone enter the bathroom. The sound of a liquid being poured came to him. Next came the sound of the door closing. His breathing once rapid now slowed as he inhaled chloroform fumes. As he slowly suffocated, Joyce sat at his computer typing his suicide letter. Before she did she changed the computer clock to six AM. She would change it back to the right time when she was finished.

After making sure that Edward was dead she called for an ambulance. Once inside the condominium master bathroom they found Denbre slumped on the toilet. Next to him in the bathtub was a blue, plastic bucket. Crime scene investigators determined that the bucket contained a mixture of Clorox and alcohol. The two liquids mixed together created chloroform. Edward sitting in a small. Closed room had died as a result of inhaling the fumes that were created.

Joyce sat in the living room answering questions put to her by the investigating detective. She stood and led him to the desk top computer that Edward used, and there on the monitor screen was. “ I can't deal with life any more. I'm addicted to gambling. I can't stop and owe thousands of dollars to cassino's and bookmakers. I tried taking Valium for my depression, but it didn't help. I see only one way out and that's to take my own life. I'm sorry Joyce. Always remember that I loved you.


After reading the message left on the computer Detective

James Polk had the Crime Scene Investigation team photograph the monitor showing the content on the screen. Next, he turned on the printer and printed five copies of the computer suicide note. As he did Joyce sat crying and wiping tears from her eyes with a handkerchief. Polk turned to her and said, “ I'm terribly sorry, but I still have some question I have to ask you.”

Between sobs, Joyce replied, “I understand.”

Good, now was there ever a time when your husband exhibited and signs of wanting to commit suicide?

No, not that I can remember. I don't even know how he came up with whatever he put in the bucket.”

Do you know what was in the bucket?”

No. all I know was the first police to arrive called for the fire department after they found his body in the bathroom.”

That was because of the vapors still present at the time.

Your husband mixed two household cleaners together. Those combined created chloroform. It appears that he just sat there and inhaled the fumes. In all probability he passed out, then suffocated. If there is any comfortable thought Mrs. Denbre your husband died a painless death.”

But, where would he get such an idea. He was no chemist. He was a businessman.”

I don't know. However, with your permission I'd like to check his computer history. It might tells us something.”

Then, please do.”

Detective Polk then searched the recent history showing the websites and subjects that someone had read on the computer. After ten minutes Polk found, “ Dangerous Household Cleaning Agents.” He clicked on the website and found, “A mixture of bleach and ammonia will create, chloramine, and/or

chlorine gas similar to that used in World War One.” On the next line was, “A mixture of bleach and alcohol will create chloroform.” Polk turned to Joyce and said, “Well, it looks as though he was looking for an easy way to go by using ordinary household products. I'd say that he chose the chloroform because it would be painless. In any event I'm sure that the Medical Examiner will give us a report if he finds anything else of interest. Once again, I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs. Denbre”.

Thank you. Thank you so much.”




















Chapter Nine

Shelter Bay

Floyd Wilkins walked with caution across the snow and ice covered parking lot of the Shelter Bay Police Department. Above him a slate colored, morning sky hinted at allowing the sun to break through and shine and a cold winter breeze blew lifting loose snow and carrying it to the parked cars in the lot. Wilkins had driven the rental car from the Logan airport in Boston to the little seaside hamlet of Shelter Bay, Massachusetts. His assignment as a private investigator was to meet with a Detective Chester Fleming of the Shelter Bay Police Department. Before entering the one story building he stomped his feet removing snow from his shoes. Once inside he met with the Desk Sergeant, “Good morning. I'm Floyd Wilkins. I'm here to see a Detective Fleming”, he said.

The Detective Bureau is right through that door”, said the Sergeant pointing to an open door thirty feet away.

Thank you, “ said Wilkins. He entered the Detective Bureau and saw two men in plainclothes seated at their desks.

Detective Fleming?”

Right here,” said Fleming as he stood up. “You must be Mr. Wilkins. We finally meet,” Fleming continued as the two men shook hands. “How was your trip from Boston?”

I met some traffic, other than that your directions were right on.”

Good, have a seat and tell me again what it is that you want from us.”

Then, I might as well start from the beginning. I have been hired by a Mrs. Shirley Beauval of Paris, France to look into, no, make that investigate the particulars in the death of one Henrietta Thornton Denbre. It seems that Mrs. Denbre died in a fall in Utah. When it came time to read her last will and testament it was found that several codicils had been added. The interesting thing is that originally, the then Mrs. Thornton had stipulated in her will that Shirley Beauval was her only heir.

What brought Mrs. Beauval's attention was the fact that had Henrietta Denbre indeed added codicils to her will, Mrs. Beauval would have been notified. She wasn't.”

I still fail to see what our department has to do with either party, Mr. Wilkins,” said Fleming.

It seems that after the death of Henrietta Denbre, Edward Denbre then remarried. His new wife was Joyce Palmer. In my reviewing the information on their marriage license application Joyce Palmer listed herself as the widow of a Howard Palmer of Shelter Bat, Massachusetts. What I like to know from you is anything about the death of Howard Palmer and everything you know about Joyce Palmer, now Joyce Denbre.

I see. I'll start with Howard Palmer. The county Medical Examiner listed the cause of death as the result of the consumption of Valium with alcoholic beverage which resulted in a massive heart attack', said Fleming.

It's interesting that you mention Valium. It's been reported that Edward Denbre, Joyce Denbre's late husband was found to have Valium in his system when he committed suicide.”

That doesn’t make sense. If you are so depressed that you want to kill yourself why would you take a medication before you did it?”, asked Fleming.”

Exactly,” Wilkins replied.

What else do you have?', asked Fleming.

The fact that Joyce Palmer, also known as Joyce Denbre was born in Lowell. Massachusetts as Joyce Barns. At age nineteen she married one Ralph Givens, who died in an automobile accident. His death meant that she collected on a life insurance policy for almost one hundred dollars. At age twenty two she met and married one Donald Cummings who after eighteen months of marriage was killed by accidental electrocution when the curling iron plugged into the bathroom wall socket accidentally fell into the bathtub while he was taking a bath. Lastly is the suicide of Edward Denbre, a man of wealth and at an age where he could have enjoyed a worry free life, killed himself.”

What else do you have on her?”

She travels. Her operation is to stalk rich men. Her favorite place is the high roller tables in casino's. She prefers the high stake baccarat tables in Vegas and Atlantic City. Sometimes, she'll sleep with a rich guy and if he's married she'll threaten to go to his wife. They pay her to keep quiet. All the while she's looking for the long run, a marriage to a rich guy who when he's dead leaves everything to her.”

I see. Well you've given me enough probable cause to re-open an investigation into the death of Howard Palmer. Thank you. I wish you luck on your investigation.”

No problem, but it's my understanding that Edward Denbre's death will be investigated as a criminal homicide. Should that be done and Joyce Denbre is arrested and convicted the desire of my client is that Henrietta Thornton's funds from her estate be taken away from Joyce Denbre and given to her rightful heir. The rest of the Denbre fortune will probably go to the State of New Jersey.

Then, Joyce ends up with nothing” said Fleming.

Only the rest of her life in prison.”





























































































Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.11.2015

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