
Chapter: 1

Last day of the class was over. I got out of my classroom and bade goodbye to my friends. Now I was walking briskly towards home. Reaching home I flung my backpack on the on the bed and climbed downstairs. As usual mom had kept my food for lunch at the table. I heated the food in the micro oven. I sat at the table and took my lunch all alone as I used to do everyday. After getting on with my lunch I retired to my room and spend so time with my books. This was my everyday routine after coming back from college. Both of my parents are busy people and both of them work for long hours. My mom is a doctor and my father is a top executive in a multinational company.
As a result I had to spend most of my time all by myself and I hated that thing. But as we know that “practice makes a man perfect”. Nowadays I don’t mind being spending time all by myself but there are times when I feel very lonely and desolate cause there are things in one’s life which are to be shred with someone. And still now I couldn’t find out this ‘someone’. At school I had one or two buddies but now being at college I haven’t made a good friend as I have joined it recently. About studying for 2 hours I decided to go out. Everyday I used to go to the “Providence Public Library –Knights Memorial” at 275 Elm-wood street. I put on my vintage styled T-shirt and blue cargo slacks. My mom arrived at 8 from the hospital and by that time I was generally back home. The librarian Mrs. Parker knew me very well as because I was a regular visitor of this place. Actually I found the surroundings of this place very serene and peaceful. Often the tranquil surrounding s in here helped me to concentrate and every tricky sum was meant to be solved here only. Or else I just used to search for new arrival of magazines and books. Earlier to day I had already solved the entire mechanics problem and was applauded by Prof. Kingston who was my physics teacher. So I was pretty free today.
Entering the college today as I always called it (the library), I found that apart from the regular readers there was a new one. As I moved towards one of the book racks I eyed the person very closely. He was tall, that I could understand although now he was seated on a chair and was of my age only. His hair was jet black, which fell on his forehead. He had slanting big blue eyes and a perfect aquiline force. His face suggested that he was weather-beaten and a tough guy but there was a slight touch of tenderness, which could only be noticed by a good observer, and certainly the guy was very handsome.
I took out a book named “Logic Or Magic “and sat at the far end of the table. The boy had also noticed me and looked at me.
I thought no more about the new guy and concentrated on the book found the book very interesting and the writing style was very adept and artistic at the same time and made the reader ponder on simple logical instances which one never noticed.
It was 7 pm already so I got up and went to Mrs. Parker.
“Mrs. Parker. May I borrow this book for two days?”
“Mrs. Parker nodded” of course, Silver (that’s my name .as my eyes had a tint of silver colored I was named “Silver”). You can have it .by the way Silver how was your classes at the college going?”
“College? It’s going perfectly well. Brown university is one of the best one. And our vacations would be starting very soon” I replied.
Mrs. Parker issued the book and handed it to me. I thanked and her and spun back to go when I collided with someone. Unable to balance myself I fell down and the book rolled over up to a distance. She looked up to see that the person was none other than the new guy. He helped her up and picked up the book.
“Err…I am sorry “I said.” thank you for your help”
The boy smiled at me” welcome, it wasn’t your fault your fault. it was just an accident”
He paused and then said” by the way I am Steve. You?”
“Hi Silver!” greeted Steve” nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too” I said and then looked at my watch.” it was 7:15 now. ”Um … I need to go now Steve. Byes see you later. Saying that I hurried off.

Silver a very cute name thought Steve. He didn’t even get the time to bid her good bye. Silver just went off abruptly. He stood there for sometime looking after the walking figure of Silver. He noticed that her long black hair was bouncing and dancing in the air as she walked rapidly.
He had a talk with Mrs. Parker and then went home.

Chapter: 2

Today is Tuesday and as it’s the busiest day of the week there were very few number of people in the library. Steve, the new boy I met yesterday smiled at me. I smiled back.
He pulled back a chair and motioned me to take the seat. I sat beside him.
“So you come here everyday?” he asked
“Yeah. It’s wonderfully calm here” I replied.
“You are right. Yesterday I came here for the first time and I really fell in love with this place. My yearned to come here once again”
“What are you reading?” I said looking keenly towards the book Steve was holding.
“The lost symbol by Dan Brown” he replied.
“I have read that book. Its good .it has detailed information about the pagan rituals and customs and symbolism also,” I said
Steve put his book down” you live at the Park lane street? Isn’t it?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“I saw you today there. You were perhaps going to the college”
“Ya. I read at Brown University. But what were you doing there at that time?”
“Just strolling a bit. Felt very bored at home so I went for a walk,” he said tentatively,
He continued, “Why do you come here everyday, Silver?”
I wasn’t expecting such a question.
I said casually” to read books”
“I know that. I mean…well any reason other than that?”
Now what did he mean by” any other reason”
“Silver? You didn’t answer me yet” he again repeated his question.
I looked at him. He eyes were fixed on mine.
“I like to come to this place”
“But why, Silver? Why do you like to come here?”
“Cause…. Cause this is a place which comforts me. I feel alone all the time at home. I have no one to talk; no one at all every people in my house is busy with himself or herself. So I come here. It seems as if these books are my friends’ .the pages with the printed writings all become an integral part of my life. My life is drab and boring and I …….I hate it.” I blurted out. I continued, “you think I am mad don’t you Steve?”
“No I don’t “he said firmly.” I believe you are just like any other person but that you are special in your own kind of way. What you need is company, someone to rely upon a “friend”. That’s what you need” he smiled at me.
I was little surprised at the thought that he really understood my problem and me.
He got up suddenly” I need to go Silver. I have some work”
“Ok goodbye. Steve”
After an hour after Steve left I went back home and resumed my daily routine again.

Chapter: 3

Today my vacations started. Mommy was at the hospital as usual but the good news was that papa called today. He said that he would be returning after three weeks. All through the morning I was busy with the assignments that I was to complete in the holidays. During the evening as usual I went to the library. I looked around to see whether Steve had come or not. Well the result was negative.
I thought he might be late due to some reason .I went to Mrs. Parker and returned the book that I had issued earlier and picked up a new one. I sat down and started reading it heard the great grandfather clock at the corner of the room that chimed two times. Today in a hurry I had forgot to wear my watch and also left my mobile at home only. I looked up to check the time. I was shocked to see that it was 45 minutes past eight. I had never been this much late in arriving home. I knew that mom would be worried about me. At once I started for home. While walking I remembered that Steve had not come today. May be he was still busy. I didn’t think much about it and resumed my journey towards home. It was all ready very dark and my neighborhood was pretty lonely.

I tried to walk a little faster .it was already going to be nine. I am usually back by six and of course before mom arrives.
I was engrossed in these thoughts when a bright light blinded my eyes. I was alarmed as my pupil adjusted to the intensity of the light. It took me few seconds to understand that the source of the light was from a speeding car. My reflexes are pretty sharp. I dived towards the right side and nearly escaped from being hit by the car. But the place where I landed was full of thorny bushes and sharp edged gravel and stones covered the soil. I hit hard to the ground and was caught among the thorns. I cried out in pain.
“Hey Silver! Are you okay?” I heard someone calling my name behind me.
“I turned back slowly. Steve was standing .he immediately helped me to stand up. My hands had bruises all over and blood was oozing out from the places, which were pierced by the thorns.
“Oh god you are badly hurt” Steve said concernedly.” come Silver. Let’s fetch some medicine”
“No…no Steve I am ….am okay. I will go home and will apply some antiseptic and it will be all right,” I said.
He looked at my wounds.” But your hand is bleeding, Silver it would be better if we apply so medicine on it first”
“No Steve. Thanks, but I need to go home now. Mom would be very worried about me. See its already 9 and I am never late.” I implored.
Steve stood there
Thinking for some time and then said” okay. You need come with me but let me at least walk with you up to your house .you can’t walk like this without any help”
I agreed with him and we resumed our walk.
“What were you doing Steve. At this time here?” I questioned.
“Oh nothing I was just coming back from my friend’s house” he answered tentatively.
“Um…. that’s why you couldn’t come to the library today?”
“Yeah .I was at my friend’s place. So I didn’t get the time,” he replied unwillingly.
I thought that I shouldn’t ask him questions about his doings and activities. I felt somehow that he wouldn’t like those questions. So I ignored my curiosity and concentrated on the consequences that I would be facing after going home. When I pressed the bell mom opened it instantly. She was going to say something but stopped seeing my bruised legs and hands, which were now bleeding badly.
“Oh my gods Silver. What happened? How did you get hurt? She said worriedly.
“Its nothing so serious mom. I just…it was just an accident .I fell over the thorny bushes and got wounded” I tried to explain.
“Aunty you need not worry. She fell on a thorny bush as she said. She would be all right in a few days”
I looked and saw Steve standing behind me. I didn’t know when he came into the house.
Mom eyed at Steve.
“Mom er…this is Steve. He…he helped me when I got hurt. He helped me a lot. He is my new friend,” I said slowly.
“Mom looked at me and then at me and then at Steve.” very well Steve. Thank you for helping my daughter. But Silver you have got to tell me everything that happened and you need to apply some medicine on those cuts or else it will get worse.”
I could see that Steve understood that he should leave now.
“Well goodnight aunty and good night Silver. See you later”, saying, that he went away.
Somehow I explained the incident to mom. She was tensed and warned me to be careful next time.

Chapter: 4

I woke up at 8 in the morning moved my hand and felt a piercing pain. The wound was swollen and pretty bad in shape. I got up and walked carefully not to hurt my wounded toe.
There was a knock at the door. I opened. Mom was standing there smiling at me.
“Silver. Your friend has come to visit you”
“Friend?” I looked at her questioningly.
“Steve has come” she replied.” he is in the living room”
“Steve? Well, ok I am coming down”
As I came down I saw Steve sitting on the couch and turning the pages of a magazine. When I came he looked up. He had a decent smile on his face.
“How are you Silver?”
“I am fine”
“Silver” my mom said” it’s already eight you see. I need to go to the hospital now. I can’t afford to be late. Steve here can stay with you for a while and both of you can chat but for god’s sake be careful and don’t hurt yourself again”
“Yeah mom” I answered and saw mom starting the car. After bidding her goodbye I came inside. Steve was still sitting on the couch.
“How is the cut?” he asked again.
“It’s okay. Though it hurts a little but I am felling quiet all right now. Anyway thanks for helping me yesterday”
“You are welcome. Are you busy now?”
“No not much. I have completed half of my home works and I am free today. What about you? Are you busy today Steve?”
“No .I am not busy at all” Steve shook his head.
“That’s good .so we can chat for a while. Tell me about yourself Steve. I barely know anything about you”
I could again feel that Steve was very vague and uncertain about what he said regarding himself. The gist was that he lived at the Tarkington road with his parents. His father worked at the bank as an accountant and his mother was a teacher, he didn’t have any brother or sister. He was a single child of his of his parents and he was new in this place. He had shifted here recently. But the thing that both of us had in common were that we loved reading books. Our conversation started with books and then it went on to our likes and dislikes and many other things .I told Steve about my college and I could see that he was pretty good at studies. Although, as he came recently he haven’t still got admitted n any college but would be getting enrolled after the vacations are over.
It was already noon. Steve went home and I ate my lunch that mom had left for me. After that I took a little nap as mom instructed me to do because she felt a little rest would help me get well soon.
It was 5 in the evening when my sleep was interrupted by the doorbell.
I got up hurriedly and opened the door.
Steve was standing with a bunch of orchids and a “get well soon” card.
“Wow orchids! I exclaimed.” they are my favorite. How did you know I liked orchids?”
Steve grinned at me” I like to know things about people and when they don’t tell me I find out about them myself”
I couldn’t help smiling too.
“Come in”
“No Silver I have a plan. If you are not tired why don’t you come out with me for a walk? You need some fresh air and your ankles need to have some exercise or else they will get stiff. So what about it?”
“Okay. Just give me a minute. I will get ready”
After few minutes we found ourselves walking down the road towards the valley near the hills also known as the “flora valley”. The surroundings were beautiful. There was a lush of green everywhere. I came to this place many a time when I was a child with mom and dad. But now as they are busy all the time I seldom get the chance to come her with them.
But I felt glad to get the opportunity to visit this place again.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” I asked Steve.
“Yeah it is beautiful but not the best,” replied Steve.
“Not the best? Why, I fell it ‘s just like heaven”
“May be its heaven but it is not the most beautiful thing I have seen”
“Now why is that Steve? What could be more beautiful than this place?”
Steve stared back at me. His big blue eyes fixed on me.” cause” he said slowly” I can see someone more beautiful and angelic than anything in this world standing just before me”
I didn’t expect hi to say that. I never cared about fashion or looks and I always prefer to dress casually. I tried to smile” don’t flatter me Steve”
“I am not flattering you Silver. I told you what seemed true to me. Now it depends on you to decide which one to believe” saying that he abruptly turned away from me.
Something in his voice told me that he meant what he had said. I returned home at seven. Steve left me after seeing that I got to my home safely and bade me goodbye. He asked me whether I would like to come with him to the library the next evening. I said yes. Although I didn’t know why .I am not that friendly with anyone but I always feel so free and comfortable with Steve. But something told me that I was going to find that reason out very soon.
“So how was your day today, Silver?” asked mom as we were eating our dinner.

“Good .in fact very good” I said munching away a sandwich.
“When did Steve go?” she winked at me.
“We went for a walk during the evening and after that he went away” I tried to reply casually.” mom, I am felling very sleepy can I go to bed now?”
“Yes dear. Goodnight and have sweet dreams.”
I gave my goodnight kiss to mom and climbed upstairs. My eyes were drooping .I think the walk had made me tired. I went straight to my bed and fell asleep.
“Beep! Beep! Beep! “ I woke up with a start. It was my cell phone. I looked at my watch .it was already 9.i had been sleeping so long! Oh my god. Surely mom had now already left for hospital. Keeping these thoughts aside I picked up my cell phone.
The call was from an unknown number.
“Hello” I answered the call uncertainly.
“Good morning!” said the voice at the other end. And instantly I knew who the person was.
“Steve! How did you get my cell number?”
“Didn’t I tell you Silver that when people don’t tell me about themselves I find out about them.”
“But my cell number? How did you manage to get it?”
“That’s my little secret” Steve teased me.” but tell me Silver how are you today?”
“I am fine. I just got up now. I woke up very late today”
“Well I hope you were tired after yesterday’s walk. Were you?”
“Not really but I felt pretty sleepy.” I said.
“So are you coming today at the library?”
“Yeah I am.”
“Well them see you there and take care Silver”
“Good bye” I said.
I heard a click at the other end. I put down my cell phone. I ate my breakfast which mom had kept for me. After that I sat down and started to study. I was pretty surprised that Steve called me up. How did he get my number? Only two of my classmates knew my number and it’s very unlikely that they would meet Steve and gives him my number. Moreover another thought puzzled me. The day before yesterday when I got myself scratched Steve cam to my rescue very surprisingly. Steve gave an excuse of visiting a friend. But Steve had told me that he was new here. How could he make friends so fast and that to the other day he told he feels lonely all the time. That’s why he visited the library for the first time that day. Was he following me? I twisted and turned every neuron and brain cell but all my effort went in vain. I again concentrated on my studies.

Oh she is marvelous thought Steve as he put down his cell phone. Steve has never been so friendly with anyone as he was with Silver. He pictured Silver in his mind .her long black hair fell over her shoulder. Her lips were scarlet and how could he miss those big dazzling eyes of hers, which had a tinge of Silver color that made them sparkle. She was different he thought, she was different from any other girl that he had met (he was not interested in girls generally). He was waiting badly to go to the library and meet her.

Chapter: 5

I went into the big hall having those racks fully stacked with books. I had just picked one when I hard Steve’s voice behind me.
“Pride and Prejudice? Have you read it earlier?”
I spun around and saw Steve smiling at me.
“No never. I don’t read much romantic novels. I mainly read thrillers.”
“So are you trying this for a change?”
“Yeah you can say that. Have you read it?”
Steve nodded” I read it few months ago. It’s a beautiful story. Like you I am also a voracious reader of thrillers but one of my friend suggested me to read the book. I found it quiet an exciting one. I mean I never thought that love had such a beautiful meaning.”
“Tell me what did you find out after reading this book?” I asked we sat down on one of the benches.
“I didn’t learn a lot,” he said” but I understood something about relationships. I mean, the bonding between two people. Love is something very pure and essential for one’s existence. It’s required, you see cause you live for a person you love. That’s what inspires you to continue your life. Love is the understanding between two people, how much they know about each other. That’s the whole thing behind the word called ‘love’.”
Steve blinked at me.
I had been listening him throughout and what he said was so true that I became dazed.
“That’s it? I mean the whole thing you came to know after reading the book?”
“You expressed it in a brilliant manners, Steve. I meant it seemed as if you had a lot of experience in these parts.”
“You are mistaken Silver. I don’t have an expertise in these things at all. I just told you what I thought personally. For different people the thing might be in different manner."
"It’s true that for different people love comes in a different way. But does everyone get it? As you said love provides us a purpose to live. But suppose a person doesn’t have someone to love then?"
"That doesn’t happen Silver. Once in life every person falls in love .its irresistible. You can't help it."
"Steve has you ever fallen in love?” I asked suddenly. I knew it was a queer question but I didn't know why I asked him that.
Steve took his time. He looked at me curiously.
"I don't know,” he said blankly.
"You don't know? Funny!"
"No Silver its not funny .you never know when you fall in love. Might be you treat a person just casually but suddenly one day you realize that you love him, that you really care for that person. Haven’t you felt it?"
"I have never had a person Steve. I don't have a single friend. I don't have this 'someone' with whom I can share my thoughts. Its all been so boring so monotonous.” I answered .my voice had an unhappy tone.
"Come on Silver don't tell me that no one had ever asked you out or asked you to go with him on a date” Steve grinned.
I tried to smile” yes there had been numerous” I said slowly” but none of my type. They are just the same. Changing always. If one goes another comes that's what they think. They don't understand anything about 'love' its passion and taste. Besides there has been the rich spoilt brats of my father's colleagues. But they are just arrogant people. Always showing off, that they have money, they behave as if they can buy anything in this world with money. I hate them. I hate them to the worst extent” I couldn't control my anger.
Steve seemed to be queer now as if he was thinking hard about something.
"So you hate guys who are rich? Well then which type of people do you like?” Steve asked.
I thought for a moment. "Um...someone having a simple mind and a simple heart but who really cares for me. I don't want riches. What matters to me is what type of person he is. Like you Steve. You are simple. You live a simple life with your mom and dad. Being rich is a curse. You are not. So you can enjoy your life .you are just yourself unique in your own way."
As I said these words I could feel that I was blushing but I went on.
Steve gave one of his numerous smiles” thanks for the compliments."
We continued our conversation for sometime .I got back at home at 6.after that i sat down to study again. I don't know why I felt so refreshed. Later on Steve called me up once again about my wounds. Today in the library he had inquired about them at least 20 times I think. I couldn't understand what bothered him so much.

Chapter: 6

"Silver” mom called as she put the tablecloth over the table.
"Yes mom"
Mom and I were busy, cleaning the house putting things in order. After one week papa would be arriving. I had only few days of my holidays left.
"I was saying,” mom continued,” that Silver, this boy I mean your friend Steve didn't call you today? Did he?"
"No mom. But how did you know that he calls me everyday?"
"I am your mother Silver. I know you and your nature."
"Well might be he is very busy” I said and turned away.

it has been now nearly three days but still i haven't got any call from Steve. I didn't know where he lived, so I couldn't go to his house to enquire about him. I tried to call him but his mobile was always off. I was getting very worried bout him.
Thinking about this present situation and about papa's arrival I slowly went towards my room and sat down at the table. I was going to open my notebook when something fell. It was a paper, which was neatly folded and was tucked at the windows sill. I opened it. It was written.
"Dear Silver,
Please come tomorrow at valley at 7 pm. come alone. Don’t fear I promise you would be safe and sound. Waiting for tomorrow good-bye.
Well wisher"
Who could be this ‘well wisher’? I didn't have much time to think upon the matter. I was pretty busy with my works and helping mom to prepare as my papa's arrival date approached nearer.
It was dark. I started from home at 6:45 pm. told mom that i am going for a walk but she made me promise that I would return before 9:30.i hurried along the path .i wore a black T-shirt, a Corduroy jacket and blue denims. I didn't wait to tie my hair properly as i was too excited about the identity of my 'well wisher'.
When I arrived at the valley it was very dark. I looked around myself. There was no one. I had forgot to bring my gloves too. And the weather was cold enough. I put my hands in the pocket of my jacket. Suddenly I felt that there was something in one of the pockets. it was a paper. I took out the torch and read what was written on it.
"Walk straight from here. You will certainly see something.
Well wisher"
I didn't know how this paper came but still I decided to follow the instructions.
Suddenly I saw a flicker of light .I moved towards it. As I reached there I saw a huge lamp and beside it there was a basket. While I was examining these things someone came from behind and closed my eyes with his (or her) hands. I was terrified at the first but then I calmed down as I heard a voice which I knew very well.
"Tell me who am I?” the voice asked.
"Oh Steve don't think that I don't know your voice “I replied joyfully.
As soon as I said this the pair of hands retreated back. I spun around and saw Steve laughing at me.
"Its wonderful! Really, it just marvelous! "I exclaimed with joy.
"I thought you would like it” Steve said.
"I like it very much. You are wonderful, Steve.” I hugged Steve tightly.” Thank you so much” I murmured in his ears.
Steve took me gently in his arms.
"I won't tell you welcome Silver” he whispered.” you know why?"
I shook my head.
"Cause in friendship there is no "thanks”, no "welcome”, and no "sorry” he said.” come on Silver, lets have something to eat"
We sat down had had some snacks .we stretched ourselves and spent the time talking and laughing and gazing at the night sky.
"Look at that star.” I pointed.” That small one, twinkling."
"And look Silver there a comet passing. Did you see it?"
"You know some people say that if you wish something at this time then your wish will come true."
"Do you believe it Steve?"
"Don’t know but what's the wrong thing in trying?"
"What did you wish Steve?"
"Let it be a secret."
"Come on Steve tell me.” I implored him.
"You will be knowing it soon” he said grinning at me.
As promised I returned home before 9.
As I stretched my self on my bed I recalled all the events of the day. I believe it was the happiest day of my life. The stars up there and we down here gazing at them. Steve and i laughed and talked and bickered at allot though roughly enjoy the whole thing and i wish I could see more of Steve in the coming days.

Chapter: 7

Oh god! What has happened to me? Thought Steve. At the moment he was so confused that his head was out of order.
His mother also asked him the same question. What has happened to him? But he couldn't answer and escaped the question murmuring an excuse. But how long could he escape the fact that he has changed lately. Most of the time he is aloof. He seems to be deeply absorbed in something.
And sometimes he even skips his meals but he can't forget one thing. And that is Silver. He can’t. The more he tries the more he yearns for her. He can't pass a day without seeing her beautiful face or hearing her sweet voice. But why? He has no answer.

Chapter: 8

Was I dreaming? The voice called me once again.
Of course. It must be papa. I jumped out of the bed and rushed downstairs.
Papa was standing there smiling at me. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly.
"So how are you little princess?” he asked
"I am fine papa. Tell me how are you?"
"I am fine too. But without my family I am not so well."
"Oh papa. I am so glad to see you. You know I have made a new friend. His name is...."
Mom interrupted me" okay Silver now you can tell your papa about your friend later. Firstly let him rest. Today we all would be going to celebrate your papa's return and there fore we would be going to a beautiful place. Okay?"
"Really mom?"
"Yes. Now go and clean your room first "
"Okay mom"
I passed the whole evening cleaning the room and putting things in order.
Once Steve called me .I gave him the news that papa had come. He seemed happy to hear it.
I chatted with him for a bit. These days we always find out time to chat with each other. I really enjoy this little chat and talks of ours.
"Silver are you ready?” mom called.
"Yeah mom. Just a minute. I am coming down” I took my cell from the bed and hurried downstairs.
We were going to the "grandeur restaurant”. Papa was driving the car.
I sat at the backseat with mom.
After reaching our destination we chose a table for three at the middle of the hall.
I went away to wash my hands.
After coming back I saw mom and dad talking with three people.
I couldn't see them as their backs were turned towards me.
"Oh here she come,” said papa. "Silver. Do you remember Mr. Kent and Mrs. Kent? They have come here for a vacation."
I looked carefully. Yeah I knew him he was uncle Kent. My father's best friend and now he own a big MNC .I could say he was millionaire. And I could also remember aunt Jessica, uncle Kent’s wife.
But before I could greet them I was shocked to see someone who was also along with them.
I never expected to see Steve.
"Hello Silver. How are you? You seem to have grown up into a beautiful girl” aunt Jessica said. She pointed at Steve and said,” this is my son Steve. I think both of you are meeting for the first time."
I was so shocked that I couldn't speak anything.
Steve was also alarmed. He smiled weakly.
I couldn't take it any more. My eyes were burning. All those lies that Steve told me were echoing in my ear. The bubble of happiness where i was thriving all thought these days ended in a moment. The happiness of friendship turned cold.
"Mom” my voice was shaking.
"Yes Silver"
"Mom my head is aching and I am not feeling well. Can I go to home?"
"Headache? All of a sudden. You were all right when you came"
"Yes mom but I am, not quite all right now can I go?"
Mom nodded.
"Oh poor child” said aunt Jessica." Silver. You can't go like this all alone. Steve here, will accompany you"
"No aunty there no need for that .i can go by myself."
But aunt Jessica didn't agree.
Steve took me to his car. I wanted to run away but I couldn't do it.
As the car stopped at my house I jumped out. But before I could ran in to my home Steve caught me by my shoulder.
"Silver listens to me. I am sorry that I told you all those lies about my parents that my dad worked as an accountant and all those lies."
I couldn't control my tears. They came out all in a rush. I said hoarsely.” leave me Steve. I don't want to talk to you."
"Silver please. Listen Silver. Please for god sake give me the chance to explain. I had a reason to say those lies."
"I don't want to hear any reason Steve. I am sick of your lies. Please leave me alone. You rich guys are all the same. You don't know anything other than to hurt people."
"Tell me whatever you like Silver. But listen to me at first. Please Silver. I know i am bad I am a liar. But I had to do it. I just...I am sorry. Silver, please forgive me, Silver."
I was crying bitterly.
Steve took me in his arms” Silver, please don’t cry. I know I hurt you but Silver i really didn't want to hurt you. I am going tomorrow back to England. Perhaps..."
It was too tough for me. I moved away from him” I don't want any of your lies any more Steve. Go away. I have nothing to do with you anymore. I hate you Steve I hate you."
I ran in to my room and plunged into my bed. My tears rolling down.
I felt a pain at my throat as if someone twisted it. I don't know how much i cried but I fell asleep unknown to myself.

Chapter: 9

When I woke up the golden rays of the sum was beaming and dancing in my room. I pulled myself up. Just then mom entered my room.
"Silver” she said softly.
I looked at her.
"You have been crying I see” she sat near me.
"Mom” I moaned. Again my eyes were filled up with tears.
"Silver. Don’t cry."
"But mom. Steve told me so many lies. He..."I couldn't complete.
"I know Silver” she replied calmly.
"Mom?” I was surprised.” mom how did you know that he had told me all that lies?"
"Because Silver he asked me before telling you those lies."
"Silver. I knew that he was Jessica’s son. I was just surprised to see him with you. I knew how you hated those rich spoilt guys. But Steve is not that type of a boy. So he decided to lie to you. He never meant to hurt you Silver."
"Why didn't you tell me mom?"
"If I had told you Silver than you would have out rightly rejected his friendship. Mom paused for a moment and then said" Silver. My dear girl, forgive him. He never meant to hurt you"
"So mom you kept the paper on my table and in the pocket of my jacket that day"
Mom nodded.
I was in dilemma didn't know what to do.
"Mom” I murmured.
"Yes dear"
"Mom...Steve. He has gone back to England. He will never come here."
"He will come Silver. He will."
"No mom he never cared about me."
"Your are wrong Silver. He had always cared for you."
"But mom he is away. Thousand miles away. Oh mom I can't face it."
"Silver, there are many odds in life. You have got to face it. You had been so lonely all these years. Your dad and I couldn't give you much of our time. It was our fault. But.... but Silver we couldn't help it."
"Oh mom it's okay. You had always been a dear. I love you mom"
"I love you too dear” mom whispered and squeezed my hand.

Chapter: 10

Tomorrow college would open. The start of my old monotonous life. How I hate going back to the college again.
I thought of visiting the valley once more. May be in future I wouldn't get the time to visit it.
The trees were dancing to the tune of the cool breeze. The breeze touched my inner soul and left me mesmerized. The vista was beautiful. The blue azure sky over me head and the blooming flowers and the birds chirping were all so marvelous that I wished I could see it forever. But still I felt something was missing.
It has been a week after my last encounter with Steve. I felt lonelier than ever. I didn't take his calls because it would make me remember all those beautiful moments that I shared with him. I missed him badly and I don't know but I felt that my life was meaningless without him.
These thoughts were crossing my mind when I heard someone calling my name.
It sounded as if Steve was calling me. No I am dreaming perhaps. How can Steve come here? He is in England.
I couldn't control my excitement. I turned around.
Steve was standing behind me. His blue eyes stared back at me.
"Am I imagining?” I questioned.
" No Silver. You are not imagining” he came forward.
"I am here Silver. I am right here and will be here for you for ever."
"But your home...”
He interrupted me." Home? A place where no one has got any time to take even a look at me…. No Silver. There is only one place where i can survive and that is here, beside you."
Tears filled up my eyes.
Steve held me in his arms .his touch made me shiver.
"Silver. I know I have hurt you. i know you are too good for me. But still I can't resist my self"
I smiled weakly.
He continued to speak” Silver, you are just like an angel. And I am just a human. Tell me how can I resist myself from falling for you. The first day I saw you at the library I knew my heart was gone. It was gone with you. I didn't know how to get it back. I knew you hated rich guys. I wanted to tell you so many times the truth but couldn't do so. I feared that I would lose you if I tell you the truth. But the everyday I wanted you more and more. I don't know but that very silvery eyes of yours captured my heart. Silver I don't want anything but please forgive me. Please "
I smiled at him again." I forgive you Steve."
"Really? Oh what a relief?"
I looked at him. I was half laughing and half crying.
"Silver” he said slowly” you don't know how have I spent the last week. I can’t keep you out of my head. All time I thought about you and I felt so restless. I didn't know what to do. The only thing I wanted is you. I would have sold my soul to the devil to see that smiling face of yours. And so I came here and I would be staying here. I don't fear to tell you that I love you Silver and I would always love you till the last moment of my life."
He hugged me tightly.
He embraced me and said" Silver, I need to tell you something"
"What?” I whispered.
"I love you Silver. And I will do so even if you don't love me”. His voice had a sad tone.
I threw my arms round his neck and cried” Steve .you idiot. I do love you so much."
Steve kissed me softly.
The whole evening we spent at the valley in each others arms and gazing at the sky as the stars came up. It was the most beautiful evening of my life.
I came to know something that day. That some lies hurts sentiments but some lies are really beautiful.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2011

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