
“What! Only one of us can live? I can’t kill Peeta or let him die” Katniss yelled out! Peeta sat up quickly and grabbed his knife from his pocket. He threw it up towards with sky and the clouds disappeared. Then the sky became blurry and started to disappear also. Soon you could see the game maker’s faces; you could see that the knife flew through a window. “Peeta! What did you just do? How did you know they were up there? Wow Peeta You did it!” Katinss squealed and she jumped for joy. Over a booming speaker, a voice shot out the words “You rotten kids. How could… How did… How… How… Ahhhh”. Over to the left where the games where started were two tubes. Both Peeta and Katniss got into their own tube and shot up to town square. They stepped out onto a huge stage in front of thousands of screaming people. They gave a little wave to the audience then ran into their families arms. Peeta and Katniss were so excited to see their families again!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2010

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