
Important List Of Characters ( Not all Character will be listed that you read in this book)

The Characters

*Jonathan Saint Luther Danials Le'De'Monroe
* Trichina Shoji Braise Beauti (Ms.Beauti)
Married Nicskiteraia Morn`a De’Vogue Le’De‘Monroe
Jonathon Saint Luther Jr. Le’De’ Monroe

Children/ Young Adults

Twins 18 1/2-Brother-KJ (Keith Jerome) Le’De‘Monroe
18 1/2-Brother-Nicolas Shoji

3rd-16 yrs-Brother-Detroit Shoji,
4th-16 yrs-Brother-Monty Shoji,

5th-15 yrs-Brother-Jermaine Shoji

6th-14 yrs-Sister-J’Iasha Shoji Le’De‘Monroe

7th-13 yrs-Brother-James Shoji,
8th-13 yrs-Brother-Donnie Shoji,

9th-12 yrs-Sister-Jasmine Braise

10th-10 yrs-Brother-Terrance Shoji

11th-8 yrs-Jazlenia Jazieria Le'De"Monroe


Mrs. Joshua

Mr. Falkner

Ms. Judith

The Hougthitingol
Mrs. Verne Hougthitingol (mother)
Mr.Danstion Hougthitingol (Father)
Yasmine Mona Hougthitingol (Daughter)
Vivian Kendrias Hougthitingol (Daughter)
Dantthry Ves`Mos- Ven Hougthitingol (Son)
Jerimazindian O’Mara Damian Hougthitingol (Son)

The Begining

"Aaah" mama softly gasping while she slips slowly down to the floor holding her bottom belly. Keith and Nicolas running from playing football outside hear their mother gasping "Quick, someone phone Nurse Beauti; mama is going steadily into labor!" yelled her oldest son panicking. With Keith and Nicolas being the oldest they knew this drill pretty well and how to handle the situation before it happens. Because of them being the oldest the wasn't the first time this happened " Come on mama breath in and out, nurse is going to be here soon, they’re going to take you to the hospital.

Calling--------->Ms.Beauti Office

Ms.Beauti-".........."Hello this is Mrs. Beauti at Luke’s Matthews Hospital how may I help you!”

Nicholas-Hell....... Hi....... Mrs. Beauti it’s I think mama is heading into labor this time for sure"

Ms. Beauti-...... Oh are you sure? ..... Okay I’m sending an ambulance right through I will be there in the ambulance. Call your father and get things straightened out and ready we will be there unless than 10 minutes Nicolas you hear me don't panic everything will be just fine."…
Calling Dad………..

Nicholas-...........Hello"........Dad it’s me Nicolas mama's heading to the hospital"
Dad-..........okay I’m on my way let your mother know everything will be okay; your hear me Nicolas.

Nicholas..........nervously he answered "Yes sir"

“Nicolas was known to have panic attacks, seizures and he also had asthma so to tell him everything will be okay ensured him it was okay.

My mother name was Nateria De’Vogue Le’De‘Monroe and she was married to man of great power well known as Jonathon Saint Luther Jr. Le’De’ Monroe who took the name after his father Jonathan Saint Luther Danials Le'De'Monroe. Together forever they promised to always be. From then on they started a family and they had no doubt that they wanted their family to be big. The ambulance sirens hit the mansion Keith still by his mother side trying to somehow ease her pain just as much as he could.

Nicolas opened the door for the Paramedics they swooped in and carried mama with much caution onto the gurney (stretcher). Ms. Beauti was there she was an (RN); “Keith you will have to stay home with the rest of the children and Nicolas will come with me so he could stay by his mother side". "Yes ma'am" they both replied as Keith stood at the door ensure his younger siblings everything will be okay. And Nicolas hops into the back of the ambulance sitting as close to his mom as the Paramedics would let him.

The only closet Hospital was Luke’s Dawn Mercy Matthews Hospital 10-15 minutes away by a vehicle. With mother gasping they pulled up in front taking her to the emergency room Jonathon her husband their father not too far from her side having a somewhat dazed look upon him. Mother stayed in pain 2 and a half hour before her contractions were ready to push me out of her womb.

Lying in that bed she knew the procedures very well as the doctors and nurses begin to tell her what she already knew was breath, push, breath, push. As she breathes and pushed her last time I was born. Everyone gasped of the beautiful smooth light brown skin, the gilt of my curly wavy black and gray hair only some gray strades strands that were together, the colors that spin in my mystical eye's, and last of all my cries,

My mother held me in her arms shushing her every rock singing me a lullaby that made my eye's return under my eye lids as I begin to sleep in her warm cozy arms she and my father whispered " Sleep baby Jade, sleep my Jazlenia Jazieria Le’De’ Monroe" before I closed my eyes again I took a glace of their beautiful flawless faces thatz all I remeber before going to sleep that night. When I was awoken by Ms. Beauti she was dressing me, put me in a basket and took me home with her. This is how it began. My future my life from beginning to end,

I was born June 21, 1994(11:54 pm) at Luke’s Dawn Mercy Matthews Hospital and left there for reasons I didn’t understand and reasons that I soon will decided which road I will take. Before I was left in the Hospital my Mother and Father at least gave me a name that tells a story of its own: Jazlenia Jazieria Le’De’ Monroe.

That’s all they left me and the mystery was that I was one out of the three child they had given the last name of both of our parents. The day I was born was the same day my parent gave me up temporally to the nurse that helped Nateria gives birth to eleven children. Her name was Trichina Shoji Braise Beauti.

Nurse Beauti takes me home and took care of me from then on. She too had a dark secret of her own, many, and I couldn’t see why everyone had so many secrets. But she was nice loving person; she takes care of me and loves me for I am. I knew she wasn’t my mom or dad, but I felt something, not sure if it is love but all this time not knowing anyone. I grew much attached but not attached to her.

Some night when I lay my head on my pillow I see my parent’s faces, while they're smiling down at me. Just liked they had the day I was born. I don’t really know why but I have allotted of dream but I choose not to believe in them but they seem so real and vivid. Those images stayed in my head. I trusted Ms.Beauti but I couldn’t get myself to tell about my dreams. I wanted to ask questions but I felt the answer wouldn’t answer my question. But she treated me like her own, despite the fact I felt inside me was neglected.

But things changed for me after that, I had what was called birth defection, I didn’t cry much , my eye’s didn’t open until five and a half months later, my eyes were several different colors which was weird to some people but unique to Ms.Beauti .My eye’s became Midnight Blue when angry: Gray when sad: Light Brown is my original eye color, they sparkle in the moon and sunlight.

Ms. Beauti always said they were beautiful, until I couldn’t use my eye’s any more, well technical not visibly. I learned to read at eight months. I never spoke unless I thought she needed to know how I personally felt and soon I stop speaking at all. At age six I injured a swan with my eyes, from then on I wore a cloth over my face that Ms.Beauti handmade, from then on she became very protective. I don’t know how or why but it just happened.

Things begin to change once more for me, I had to learn my surrounding by feeling beyond the eye, this was also difficult but I was still learning .Ms Beauti made the weakest part if me the strongest part me. She taught me to use any weapon there was, because I thought it’ll be something I can do while the time pass.

Ms. Beauti thought while she teaches me how to use weapons she minds well teach me self defense with just my hands. I liked to be alone, so during the time Ms.Beauti was away shopping I begin to teach myself three different languages: Spanish: French: Russian also I also learned how to block people out of my head and to get into their head even with the cloth on or off. And Ms.Beauti started to teach me the real meaning of speed, the true passion of it.

She taught me how to stop and restart my heart , slow and speed up my heart beat it was difficult but eventually I learned after she gave up on teaching me, but she doesn’t really know that I am cable of doing these things now. Ms. Beauti didn’t want me to forget my family, my real family. She told me stories of my family every night before bed. She told me I look like my mother, and that one day pretty soon things would be different. But by then I was too sleepy to listen any more. I but one day I decide to slow my heart beat and pretend to sleep, and she begin to say something about me inheriting something from my father which makes my life more sophisticated.

Every morning I woke up to the smell of delicious break feast, and I smile reassuring me of the unexpected. I was home schooled and I liked being alone. But some days I wanted to venture out farther than the grounds we walk. I wanted something different something new, a challenge.Ms.Beauti wouldn't approve of my thoughts so I figured there's no point of me asking. Every single time something goes wrong Ms.Beauti says her favorite quote it seems “That some people can take what little you have and leave you with nothing".Actually don’t sit and think about that one or take it personal because I was born with nothing and left with only a name. Which is truly mine and I own it. And even though I rarely spoke I was proud to have a name that no one can snatch or tell me it wasn't mine.

It was a day Ms. Beauti went shopping, It was bright and sunny and she wanting to do some shopping because she felt an storm heading our way and I went to her room to find a book, because I just about read every book in the library. And I found one written by my grandfather Jonathan “Strong Hearted Life“. On the front it quoted “Your enemy can’t be your real enemy if they can’t point out a weakness”.

I thought everyone had a weakness, so I sat and thought about that quote. But is everyone's weakness detectable, visible and physical, can they change it; can they have none at all? This is what my innocent eye's bleached like once before my life made a extraordinary twist an eye open site I’ve never known. These helps I understand every dark wound these people didn’t want me to heal on my own.

A Site Of A Life To Live

So far my life has been quite and lonely, you can say peaceful I was raised not knowing if I had a friend, not knowing I was only partially human. We live in another dimension but for my first seven years of my life I live on this planet with humans, vampires, werewloves and sometimes where bad meets evil. Some people used to say "Be thankful for what you have. How can you be thankful for something you didn’t know you have? Every since I was born I have been alone not knowing anyone but Ms.Beauti. How can you be thankful if you didn’t have much to be thankful for?

It happens, freshly up out of my sleep. And Ms.Beauti gave me my birthday present in a book with a ribbon tied tightly. I open the box and felt the 14k necklace" thank you Ms. Beauti" " Happy Birthday sweetie"-She has been taking care of me since no one else will. She rush me up telling me to hurry I have many important visitors today. This was odd I never really had many visitors since I was born.

For the last past week, Ms.Beauti had been cleaning and rearranging furniture, I expected we were soon to have company very important company. She begins furiously dusting as if she’d like to impress someone, or to give them a great impression, one not to miss. Getting dress in this mid-night blue gown it's my favorite color. The smell of people made my stomach rumble, or I was just hungry and the aroma of Ms.Beauti cooking filled the place.

As Ms.Beauti took my hand a guided me to the room, the unwanted visitors were waiting more than patiently, as we walked in I made sure I walked close and beside Ms.Beauti. See I felt each heart beat, each breath each visitor took letting me know what was waiting for me, more than patienly. See I couldn't use my eyes, it was said to be dangerous, so I had to wear a clothe thick enough for me not to see through. And I was band from ever removing it. There was a punishment if I did. But I never understood why.

Walking into a once empty that only occupied furniture, which has never been touched, room full of people which was unusual. It was always quite peaceful. Things became quite “Ms.Beauti told me to say hi to all the lovely people who came to visit me she never pushed me any further to say anything at all! I knew right then and there I wasn't going to like them one bit not from the start.

Maybe later but at this moment I was torn into being confused or angry, I didn't know how to feel. There was no specific way to feel. I don’t want to leave what I called home to be somewhere else they called home. I didn't know what or who was there and I also don’t know why. I refuse to say anything at all. Ms.Beauti knew if I didn’t want say or do something I wasn’t going to say or do it.

"We are what you call long lost family “the lady that opposed to me that she is my mother. Her eyes were mystic, and her hair blew as a glitz in the sun, her smile melts my thoughts, I had to break free. Ms. Nicskiteraia and this here is your older brothers, James and Detroit, here is Terrence, Jermaine, Donnie, Bobby, and eldest Nicolas and K.J which you would enjoy being around after some time to create a bond of a relationship. And here stand your sisters Jasmine, J`Iasha you take on a both me and your father looks just as your sisters does. As she reached out and tried to touch my face.

I jerked back. She gentle held me and whisper Happy Birthday. Today I was turning eight. She handed me the animal ,she mention it was a baby Jilin It’s a swan that grows very big, big enough for you to climb on it back and drift to sleep. I called my baby Jilin, Ms, Judith I don't know why, and it sounds proper. "Thank you I guess". My name is Jazlenia Jazieria Le’De’Monroe I said putting my hand for her to shake. Ms.Beauti says that’s a proper way to greet someone for the first time.

“It was wonderful seeing my daughter after so many years; you’re my little “Jade”. I guess that’s what she’ll name me for short.” Jade we came to take you home, I care for you and I miss you so much, I want you to live with us your family! “No, thank you, I'd rather stay where I am, now I will be excused to my room for a moment alone, bye for now" I said standing my ground in a innocent like voice I stomp back up the spiral steps to my room, with Ms. Judith.

I held her tight while rocking underneath my covers. I lay there for awhile, and nobody came. I got out from underneath my covers and walked to my mirror dresser. I stood there for a minute angry because the world hurt me and me never done anything to anyone.

So I stood there thinking deeply , what will Ms.Beauti possibly do if I took the cloth off, what will I look like , what will happen, who it might happen to? Soon I was sitting in a pool of hate, then without thinking I snatched the cloth away fast before I begin to hesitate. Staring at myself in the mirror was something new so I jumped at the site of my, my face, my lushes mid-night blue curly hair and the anger my eyes. I hadn’t realize I was breath taking, the first look at myself felt unreal. Ms .Beauti walked in to see if I was okay, but as soon as our eyes meet she hit the floor and didn’t move.

I got even angrier but this time I’m on my knees and crying. Her heart was still beating I couldn’t get myself to touch her “Ms. Beauti I’m so sorry “I whispered repeatedly. No one seem to notice the commotion so I took my book bag and stuffed it with three jogging pants, three blue jean pants , three shirts long sleeve and short sleeve. And extra pair of shoes, socks and the necklaces Ms. Beauti gave me today for my birthday, and I grabbed the cloth that Ms. Beauti made for me. And I didn’t forget Ms. Judith.

I walked to the window and I promise Ms. Beauti I would use my devein works for good no matter what happens. I gentle kissed her good bye I knew I wasn’t angry enough to kill her so soon she’ll be okay, hopefully when she wake up she’ll know I didn’t mean it. Then I hosted myself over the window seal still in the mid-night blue gown and touch the ground as softly as I could.

With Ms. Judith wrapped into the front of my gown. Slinging the bag on my back in the most confronting position, in which I can travel faster. Wrapping the cloth around my face just like Ms. Beauti did for many years , because I know I could travel faster seeing beyond the eye easier , I wouldn’t be able to see very good I wasn’t raised using my eye’s so I ran as fast as my feet, wind, moon would take me.

I knew the woods better than anyone even Ms.Beauti so I knew my supposed to be long lost family wouldn’t find me quickly ,it would take them some time, but by that time I would be far in and out of the woods. I travel by day even though it’s dangerous and slept through the night. The next day I woke in a warm bed, and of an aroma of fresh food. I jumped from the movement moving the cover’s “Good morning you should know I know the woods better than you but you’re a sharp one you got far in just amount of a day. I didn’t get to meet you yesterday I’m your father nice to see you in person Jazlenia you may have felt you were alone but I always watched you.”

“Time to get dress and be down stairs ready for school, don’t forget breakfast” and he walked out then there’s was another appearance walking in and took some cloths out and sat them on my legs ,I figure who it was Ms.Nateria my mother , then she disappears. I prefer not to talk to anyone just listen. So I sat there I didn’t want to get dress I wasn’t ready to be around a bunch of kids.

I’ve never been around that many people, so I sat there .Soon she Ms.Nateria was back she guided me off the bed gently and begin to dress me but I push her away and dress myself. When I was done she told me to follow her, and I hesitated but I soon felt my feet move to follow her down the step to the breakfast table.

Everyone was there it got quite but my supposed to be father broke it with his deep voice “Good Morning I’m glad you could finally make it” he replied from the north of the room. I had a seat right by Detroit who greeted me like family like nothing changed. “Well we were praying for my mother-in-law, hoping she will be okay after we rushed her to the Hospital, everybody bow your head now.” I sense the tension in the room negative, not with curiosity but with hate and anger and it was pointing towards me. I sat there frowning, confused and feel out of place. Nateria (Mother) cleared her throat and spoke in a mother like stern voice

"JIasha stop glariing, she is as much a piece of this family as you"
"But mother"
"Don't but mother me, close your eyes and keep the moment of peace"
"But why"
"I loved your grandmother as much as you did"
"But why is she here, she did it, she might get made and do the same to one of us"
"She won't, it was a clear accident, now hush your mouth, stop being disrespectful and rude. And finish praying and eat your breakfast. Say another word and I’ll hush you up"

I choked and gasped “Grandma”. “JIasha don’t start this at the table right know” mother said with a stern but calm voice. JIasha didn’t want to hear her, so she stomped out and said her friend’s mom was coming to get her. I was still gasping mother put her arms around me and just held me. I wanted to cry out of anger and confusion but nothing came out. I just pushed her away and sat still for the moment thinking back, and thinking back deep. They all thought it was an accident, but I know some thinks other.

“It’ll be okay you didn’t know, I think it is time for your first day of school” father replied, I’ll be taking you there... He picked me up and grabbed my bag out of my hand. Ms. Beauti (Grandma) taught me to not only see what I’m doing. On an off the ground but I was still learning this, so I really don’t know where we are going, because I didn’t have time to meditate on the house in my mind. He opens a door to a truck, and sat me in as gentle as he could. He put on my seat belt and kissed on my forehead, and said I don’t know how much he missed me and loved me, he shut the door and took a seat in the driver’s seat and begin our ride to the school.
Father tried to make conversation, I just listened quietly. The school I’m going to is Amines Dru’Thell Ferguson School of Time. It sounded weird and boring and violent the way he said it... I’m going to be starting on level #1 until I take the "Bronze test”, to see where I start out at since they have no record of my progress over the few years. So to them I was a newborn with no education at all, and I kind of liked that. They’re supposed to be over #50 classes, there said no one has made it potentially past #Class 50 with the ultimate power to own the thrown or whatever he said.

Only the ones that do own the thrown becomes the one who also holds the thrown in" The House". There children who also have the same last name of their married parents become next to hold the thrown in "The House", not the school: you have to earn that position.. Father attended the school when he was younger, this is where he met our mother and today he stands powerful and owns the throne since he or we can’t die under certain curium standards. So he’s been on this throne for over more than thirty years, so he says.

He stops speaking and takes a breath pointed at the building that was located straight ahead of us; the school took up the whole Bershanell Avenue Street. We swayed to a stop, and heard his heart beat speed up, of excitement as he undid my seat belt, and carried me to the noisy but silent creepy well structured building. I was directed to a small room where I begin to test, which only part of it was on paper.

It only wants to know if I knew my alphabets, how to spell my name, and the name of some objects, if I read, write and speak. But I don’t want to know everything about me. So I didn’t speak which made it slightly harder for them to understand me or figure me out or read my every move like they say they can with every student.

Materilazed Bronze Test

Basic Information

Middle_Jazieria Morn`a Versua De`Daeil____

Eye's__Mid`Night Blue, Black, Gray, Light Brown
Hair__Black, Mid`Night Blue____
Skin__Brown, Flush Light brown_

Language(s)(Please Check one or more)


Question(s)(Please answer with complete sentence)

What are your hobbies?

What book's do you like to read?

What are you emotion's (when).............................................


What do you do(when)......................................................


What (Who) are your favorite.....................

Music-__I like a a varaity of different music
Who(Person)_The man in the book. Ms. Beauti. The beautiful lady whom who took me from Ms.Beauti_
Sport(s)_Baseball, Soccor

Learning-Growing Wise

The test that followed all tested my mental strength, physical strength, verbal strength. Then they were curios about the cloth so they removed it from my face, but I refuse to open my eyes. They wanted to see if I couldnt see the intrustment did I know what they were, but I pretended not to even know any of the intrument they describe, or put on the table before me.

Test was over I was placed in level 15 same as my twin brother Donnie and James. The Test Makers,Nurse,Counselers and my Dad were determind and knew I had more to give then I pretended. Everyone in this level were taller and older than me but not by many years.

I happy they felt that way I didn’t want them to know what I was capable of, and how I came to be who I am. But they didn't know my expression on my face, they were to busy doing nothing

You’re going to follow me to my office, and were going to have a little talk, and give you your schedule before I take you to your class. You will get the rest of your day from there. I nodded slowly and begin to follow the Counselor to his office; I stayed a couple feet or so behide him. But no matter how far back I was be hide him I still could sense his wrenched smell ahead of me. As we walked for a little minute until we were in his what he called his office. He asks me to take a seat and he must have taken a seat to because I couldn’t feel his movement anymore. He said he was trying to decide what classes to enroll me in. I will have to start today in my 3rd hour, he begins to recite my schedule to me:

1st-Mr.Demetric-Stragety and Technique
2nd-Mrs. Valencia-Healing and Restore
3rd-Mr. Falkner-Defense Economic
Lunch-Main Hall
4th-Ms.Sophia- Acceptation and Beauty
5th-Mr.Damain Jones-Battle Field

The Counselor guided me to my current classroom. As once before he walked in front I made sure to walk slowly be hide him. He walked on the right side of the wall and I walked further to the left. While we walked I guided my hand softly over the marble deluxe walls quietly humming one of my favorite song (Diamonds in the Sky) by Rihanna. While walking down the long hallway I’d heard birds chirp as if they hum the song along with me. The bell rang send the hallway filled with billons of kids older than me heading to supposedly 3rd hour all clumsy and laughing and jittery and excited. I wondered will I have friends here in this place a place I have never known in person to exist only to sit and read for hours on this here place. Will I laugh like they laugh?My 3rd hour was Mr. Falkner-Defense Economic

Entering my thoughts, shocking me the Counselor spoke " Walk up were almost to Mr.Falkner classroom, please and thank you" he kept walking and I started to walk faster but still keeping my distance. Excited my heart was in a rush, but I begin to walk slowly again, wondering if I was ready for this?

He stoppped at the entrance of Mr. Falkner classroom waiting patiently for me to catch up.As I enter the classroom behide him, he introduced me to the teacher."Mr. Falkner this is Jazlenia, Jazlenia this is Mr.Falkner"

Mr. Falkner cleared his throat and walked towards me, slipping low onto his tippy toes."Hello there you must be one of the youngest one in my clase, let alone the shortest, may I ask how old are you?"

"I just turned nine years old"

" Proved my point you are the secound youngest one in this class, everyone in this classsroom varies to the age twelve through fourteen"


"You may take a seat next to the secound youngest Jerzmaindian he is ten and no one wants to work with him,because of his capability im going to try to see if he can work with you with no problems."

I didnt reply I just followed his hand to the boy that was sitting at the table alone with his head down.I sat as I found my chair without speaking, we sat directly across from each other.

" Well im going now, make sure if anything happens you call Secoundary Security. And please call her Jade she will go by that name as requested by her mother" the Counselor said leaving with nothing else said.

The Announcements came on and directed us into "The Pledge" stopping and pausing to ensure we were repeating after them." Student and Teachers of every class please stand and put your right hand to the air clenched in an fist position and repeat ofter me"

Announce-"I stand six feet tall"
Teachers and Student-"I stand six feet tall"

Announce-"For the power and grace of them all"
Teachers and Student- For the power and grace of them all"

Announce-I will achieve no more then the greatest"
Teachers and Student-I will achieve no more the the greatest"

Announce- and no less then the ground I walk on"
Teachers and Student- and no less then the ground I walk on"

Announce-My tears will only be of joy"
Teachers and Student-"My tears will only be of joy"

Announce-"And if I frown, I promise to next time make myself proud"
Teachers and Student-"And if I frown, I promise to next time make myself proud"

Announce-"Crown Of Truth"
Teachers and Student-"Crown Of Truth"

The pledge of "Crown Or Truth" was held still in the hand of my great grandfather. And has never been replace.It was the cry of his last spoken words defeating the enemy that was sent only to kill anyone and anything in it place. An dmy grandfather was the only one who sacrfice his life to save many other's. That why he was named Legacy and his name has been spoken for years after his death.

The Announcements ended when we took our seats, and I notice my partner didn't stand up but he was looking at me, I felt a chill roll down my back. As Mr. Falkner begin talking it felt as my partner had disappeared but I knew he was some how still there.

" Today were going to begin a section of Defence Economics of Survival.You need to learn how to survive if you are out on your own and something happens. You wil need to take cover, and lower your oppenets attack.It will put you in less harm and your injury's will not me mild. It will be easy for you to pursue yourself. don't get upset everyone is diffrernt.

"Today we will be visiting the Survival Pleatroom you will only be working with your partner, that makes it even that means only two students to a group. We had to face our partner


Texte: 2010-2013Rolonda WallsInspired My Many BooksI've readCreation + CreativeLive-Love-Lie-Patience-Trouth-Time
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.12.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

My thanks you goes to my Mother My One Brother And my Three little Sisters My Dad And My Handsome Husband Royse And everyone that is blood related And if your a fan and your actually reading this im winking at you whispering smiling saying thank you.

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