
Who Am I

Who Am I

Who am I
I am an 16
year old female
Who am I
I am an Sophomore in
North Technical
High school
Who am I
I am a strong black
Who am I
I am someone whose name
you'll fear
Who am I
I am that nurse that appears to
save you from
your tragic life
Who am I
I am the Queen of
all your dreams
Who am I
I use sarcasm
and anger, passion and love
creativity and realistic,
depression and fear
Who am I
I am a sophisticated black
beautigul yound lady
Who are you?
What do you want to become?
What do you want to change?
Am I who you think I am?

As I stood ready to
Read my poetry final
Infront of my class of
I felt nervouse
And unease
Afraid of what people
might say
This is a first for me
I took a deep breath and read

" Who Am I"
And than I pause
letting them know
this one here was real
Still shaking
because of the words
I might hear
I couldn't take my eyes
of this paper
Alot beging with asking
"Who am I"
As I began as
once again

Who Am I
What does the future see?
When it’s standing
At my door
Like a mirror following me
Copying my every move
And determining my every step
Being my shadow
The one that never left

Who Am I
When I look back
What do I see?
Someone special
In the eye’s who didn’t believe
An Adventure
Unique black young lady
Ready to beat the beast
With her happy brown eyes
Smiling with all her teeth
With dimples that are so sweet

Who Am I
I am goofy
It’s hard not to smile around me
I’m distinguish from the rest
No identical version
Can beat my test
I’m superwomen
With my eye’s close
But when they’re open a
world creates its own

Who am I
I am an open minded person
I speak how I feel
When I feel it
I’m an exquisite person
I am a gem
I sparkle when I want to
And shine when I can
I believe I’m the best
I am going to be a Graduate in 2013
Being good at
Who I am
Who am I
The "I" still stand
And the "Am"
Is Myself
The who is
Who am I

Who am I
I’m ready to be me
No matter what you say to me
And I’m ready for the future ahead of me
I ask again
Before I leave
And lead a brighter future
In time you will see
Who am I?
But the real question is
Who am I going to be?

As I finish
I was happy of those
words I heard
They were mine
And when I looked up
My Peers and my Teacher
Also heard them too
I was happy and I smiled
because they too were speechless
And I never expect to be that
Had I not known that so
many spirit could have been blown
And the joy in there eye's
Have made fire times five

"You could win a noble award
one said to me but im not sure
if thats not possible there
many more than me even better"

"But my Teacher said he made me
go first because I write very deep
and it showed my class what poetry
really mean

I thought to myself
I live to write poetry
And poetry lives to walk in me

But im the quite and shy type
when I finish reading
I hurried and went to my saet,
putting my head down burying
my head in my sleves. And
close my eyes because
I did it. Just for you and me!

She's Crying

Little Angle
Come here
And sit in Mama's lap
Tell me why Mama's baby
haven't laughed
Tell me whats wrong
And why are you scared
Close your eye's
and let out them tears
Don't be afraid of
whats not there
be strong
And show your fear
your no longer scared
Now wipe my little
tears from that beautiful face
Open up them pretty eye's
And explain
Why again is my baby
feeling like an disgrace
to human race
Don't let what them people say
Put you down in so many ways
Do them a favor
And not believe anything they say
Show them you can do
And prove them wrong
Tell the mean people
There day is to come
Believe in who you are
Inside and out
Now form your mouth
Into they beautiful
Smile God made
Now go outside and play
Child play
Your way to young to
be stressing
On little things
Things that don't make
Things that aren't true
There just being rude
Remember your bound to
be great

Her Secret Is Safe With Me

If she cried
her tears would fall
gently down her cheek
She closes her eyes
not really believing
in her dreams

When she open her mouth
to speak words
that can only be spoken
with meaning
and emotions
But no one wants
to listen

She gasped of the
fear choking her
And she's dying in the
inside because
of the stress that's
strangling her thoughts

Her heart beat ever
so faintly
And her face is
to those she hates
so much
She hides her power
to heal

But depression
stands and build
Behind these four
they never seem to give
There the only
promise of the
life she lives

Under the cover
breathing slowly
her life gives
faintly breathing
and her chest is denting
inwards towards her heart

Death of the child
with dreams
To have an out spoken
A out way from
the place that kept her
from being far
from safe

This child had a name
far from what I could
But her secret is
safe with me
Have a nice day and
beautiful dreams


My sweet little baby

Hush and close your eyes
While I rock you softly to sleep
Hush while I sing my last Lullaby
Hush, Hush
My baby
Don't ever shed a tear
I'll be your mother
Through the rain
And through the storms that come near
Hush now while I lay you softly in your bed
The bed of flowers I'll lay before the dirt
Hush while I’ll shed my last tear
Hush while I walk down the line of dirt
Patches to the front door
Hush and give me you merely faint kiss
Hush, Hush now my baby
And walk into the light
Hush while I smile with sensitivity
And fear
Hush my sweet little baby




Yes indeed I got an attitude
My mom’s #1
I'm stupid rich kid
I'm a thousand and one
I'm tired crying
Love makes my heart beat silent
The breeze flows through my hair
The sun burning my face
The warm additive feeling of blood
That’s understandable to some
My dad sucks 9 to 1
The shades is suicidal
My thought only heard only to
Guys who want only
Between my splits
Playing with fire is fun
And playing dumb makes problems run
The odds is drunk
It's hard to some
Yeah I got an attitude
I'm dumb as @#$%!
I only whisper to the mindless
And at nine it stuck
Yes, I got and attitude
Who gives a @#$%!
Mama I have finally won
the championship for eyes and hearts


Fierce Seventeen

3 months from now
I'll be 17, January 21
My Birthday is just coming
Back around
Don't know what I'll be thinking
Mama loves me I know that
Dad only answer when I don't call
And I'm his only child
Living poorly at my mama house
I'm happy for the moments now
Surely I'll cry for the heartless
And die for the painless
My surprise was a welcoming mate
for the nameless
Ask me why I'm afraid to turn 17
for the daisy.
Boys think there passing for amazing
And Daddy’s wife got him stuck on bull****
And it sucks
While I am scared to wear the same ****
The world spins around
Please tell me am I not going crazy
Forgive me mama
But now I hate him

Yet again
I’m going to start
From beginning to End
Yet again
Three months from now
Yet again
I dread to even begin
To turn 18
Time to leave mama's nest
Now to take each bullet
Straight to my chest
Taking deep breaths
The real world is out there
I’m not sure if
I’m able to take this
Final step
Is my head ready?
To step out of my dreams
To what Eighteen
Calls Reality
Time to shake my fear awake
Stepping of my cloud
Let the air hit my face
Eighteen needs to be wonderful
Maybe even great
Time to stop second guessing
Time to step
With nothing but pride
At least I made it
Made It to Eighteen
Were I come from
Eighteen isn’t no nice number
Is it really there?
Three months from now to there?
What I’m I expecting
Do I need to take cover?
Move and settle for nothing
Frowning with such depression
Then smiling
It’s something different
My life was made different
Its tradition to be different
And Eighteen is………………..
Eighteen might just be me?
My Attitude is now mild
And my walk is now confident
Guess what?
My Dad still don’t talk to me
And my mom is in need of help
Little sisters look up
At me in a plead
Time to reach the
Highest star
And shine the brightest
Time to space out
Drop the people
Around me
That doesn’t know what
I’m about
I’m on a mission
Specific steps
To complete what’s next
Curls in my hair
Releasing all my stress
All I ask Eighteen
What’s Next?

You Hurt Me

Why do you care

You let me die
You made me hurt
You made the world with so much hate
You burn the wood
You trash my hood
You infected my wound
You killed the child
You hit her mother
You stoned her brother
You used her sister
Why do you care
I fell and scraped my knee
I cry that tear
I cry with fear
I shout with pain
I stared at the rain
NO one came to my rescue
No came to hold me down
No one was there at all
No one catched me when I fell
No one told me there was no such
thing as the boggy men
No one told me to sit down
No one told me not to frown
No one told me he'll be back
To finish the game he once played
Why do you care

My Fight To Survive

My heart stop beating
long time ago
but I keep on breathing
under neath the flow
I traveled all around
but how come my remains
can't be found
I can't rest in peace
If the peace can't be
I cry day and night
Don't laugh until you've seen
my fright my fight
Soon my heart beat slowly
as the color of my skin regain health
blood leaks from the energy
For I am not all human
I am a step into the dark
the cries I can only hear
the voices that won't disappear
the minds that trapped unexpected
the growls from many beats
the prowls from the descent
and the touch of ungodly
Hear my fight

My Fight Stops Tonight

As I ran
I took deep breaths
As I know this will
be the fight of my life
The last fight of tonight
Not knowing
The last strike
blood drips from my body
But greed to kill my opponent
will still strike fearlessly
I move in time
dodging the fast movement of the
Crawling safely to
My death
My opponent is not scared
but I know this will be the fight of my life
His treacherous smirk
doubted me
I let my pass behide
I let my opponent slide by
Once too many times
Mama and Papa aren’t here this time
My fight
And I’m not backing down
I'm not clowning around
Until I have my opponent by his throat
To he gives up
Till he feels the hatred I have hate
Until the tears be shaken awake
Until he falls gasping for air
Until my name is the name he will


To excoriated pain
To the ultimate hatred
To the soul of the disrespected
To damned of the earth
To the shadows that pass the worse
For The Mother and the Fathers
That didn’t believe in their child
To the upward frown
The tears that signal the child is down
The taunt and torture
The screaming and yelling
Only to open my eyes to insanity
Indefinitely to identity
To surprise me
From the strange
World of integrity
Suppress me
To drain blood from inside of me
Cry for me
Hold me
Grab me before I reach
The line between saint and the deadly
The faint doesn’t make it fair to me
Share with me
Be honest to me
Die and be alive with me
Don’t lie to me
Spare me
I beg you please
But only in my dreams


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.12.2010

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