
Look after you, the fray.
TO: TAMERA LEANNE COX. For givining me the idea to travel into the unknown. My first mythical world.


There were no good vampires in my world, none of the cullens existed here. Only blood thirsty caniving leeches lingerd here in moscow. It was my job to get rid of them. I’d been training for more days than I could count, I was ready.
. “come on!” Boone pushed. “Is that all you got slayer?” his laugh echoed down the halls, in the gym. I let my instincts guide me.
“Not even close!” He mocked, When I busted through the door.
“Where you going slayer?” he mocked again.
“show yourself” I threatened. “I’m tired of these chasing games, literally.”
He laughed, the sound coming from behind me, I swung into the darkness, hitting the stone cold wall.
“ouch! Damn you!!” he yelped, tripping me. Before I hit the ground, he caught me all the hate gone at once from his eyes. Running his stone lips down my cheekbone, towards mine. Our breathing, one in the same. He stopped just before our lips touched. Turning my face to see a reaction. His pale skin at a perfect contrast to his black eyes, his stone lips all but amazed me. I tangled my fist into his hair, and pressed his lips roughly to mines, we kissed until my heart thumped erratically
“Boone!” I sighed, untangling my self, exasperated. “I have to practice!!”
He pulled away, smiling to himself.
“Babe, you just can’t kill a vampire, WE’RE to strong” Well, there was one good vampire. my vampire. A vampire who I would kill for. My allegiance to this vampire had been tested over and over again. But nothing like this, I wasn’t quite sure wether or not I would survive, But his safety was second to none. I was surrounded by lethal enemies of sorts, in a dark pit of nothing. No help, No way out. It would take luck to save us now.

He who is with her, is not with me.

“UGH. Who does she think she is? She’s not even cute! Why is he even with her. She did date like half the football team already!” Bonne and Marcella walked hand in hand down the brightly lit school corridors and past me as usual.
“Ugh, what a ho’!” I said loud enough for her to hear
. Her lips pulled from her teeth into a taunting grimaced. I rolled my eyes.
“You’d better keep on walking, before you break those pretty little nails of yours!” I seethed.
“Get a life, queeny the weenie” she spat.
“My name is quinn q-u-I-n-n!” I spelled it out for her, like she was mentally challenged. It sound like she hissed. Boone nudged her.
“What’s your beef Quinn” Bonne interjected on her behalf. I wanted to throw a smart remark to the wind. I just couldn’t think of one. Noticing my hesitations, montey said,
“ Whatever it is boone” it was his turn to sneer the name “It was between them. Not you”
“And not you either. So why don’t you shut it. Or don’t you like me talking to your girlfriend?” Boone smirked. Mo
ntey said nothing. He knew I wasn’t his girlfriend, and I knew he’d change that the moment I gave him a chance too.
“So, as I was saying, quinn,”’ his liquid voice rapped around my name seductively.
“Whats your problem?” he wasn’t mad, but there was a wicked glint of some emotion in his eye. What was it? He walked closer, exhaling in front of me. Marcella stayed where she was.
“Do you…?” he stopped, and inhaled deepley. He was beautiful. “Do you, like me?” his eye brows raised. I couldn’t answer. “I thought so,” he turned on his heels and walked away before I could answer. Not bothering to grab hold of Marcella’s hand again.
“Creep!” Montey said as we watched Boones retreating figure.
“shut up, and can we please go to class now. I might puke if Marcella walks past us one more time!”
“Okay, but don’t forget. The carnival is today. And we have to wear mascot uniforms.” I moaned internally, I hated the stupid jaguar mascot uniform. But that’s what I get for being on MARCELLAS cheer team, I was always assigned, instead of assigning.
“I wonder why Marcella always makes you be the mascot during carnivals and stuff, you think she’s jealous of your mad cheering skills?”
“Pshhh, you’d have to ask? You know I got all the skills” I joked, cabbage patching into the class room.
It was 2:20, my costume was on, and I was in the zone! Dancing past all the squealing teenagers, and the gossiping teachers. All the way to the kissing booth.
“Hey!” I stopped suddenly, “I was supposed to work the booth right now” I yelled over the babble of the crowd. Taking off my jauguarette mask.
“Oh, but im sure people would much rather kiss me than you” he laughed to himself.
“whatever! you’d kiss me if I gave you the chance.” I blushed, id never been this blunt before, I liked it.
“Bet?” he raised his eye brows, and poked his lips out. I walked closer. He bent his face closer.
“Ah ah ah, your going to have to buy a ticket to get these lips” he popped his lips, licking them a bit. My mouth watered.
I handed him the dollar, smiling a bit.
“You should be the one paying.” I said when marcella walked up. She gave me goose bumps. Boone bent towards me again, I stood on my tipy toes, and out my arm around his neck, so it wouldn’t end until I wanted it too, or atleast until I fainted.
“Your not going to kiss her, are you?!” Marcella hand flashed faster than I could have thought to Boone’s chest. He quivered away from her touch. They had to be the worst couple ever. I smiled in satisfactory.
“You want a kiss?” he asked, biting his lip.
“Boone booker, if you kiss her. Ill break up with you, I’m not lying, I swear I will.” that same wicked gleam in his eye appeard.
“Begone!” he waved his hand towards her, ignoring when she yelled. His face coming closer and closer to mine. I smiled, leaning into my toes, until finally, our lips met.
It was magic, his abnormally cold tongue traced my chapped lips. My eyes closed. He reached over the table grabbing at my waste. My hands twisted in his hair, he started to pull away.
“Like the time froze….” He whispered, still cupping my face.
Someone cleared their throat behind me, Boone wouldn’t loosen his grip to let me look.
But somehow, I already knew who it was.
“She’ll be with you in a minute Monty” and then I heard retreating footsteps.
“You can let me go now Boone,” I whispered. My face bright and wild with excitement. I tried to calm myself.
“If you want me too.” his sweet breathe blew in my face. I could feel the eyes burning into my back. I blushed deeper and nodded my head.

look after you
It had been week’s since we’d kissed. Six to be exact. Things were the same, but different. I would always catch him looking at me, and when he came to wait for marcella at cheer practice, he never kept his eyes off of me. But he never talked to me, and if we were standing next to each other, He would always whisper to me, I almost never heard what he was saying to me. So the last time I asked him and he said “ maybe you should stay off the top of the cheer pyramid, its messing with the little brain cells you have left.” and walked away. Monty was still resentful, only to be expected. So he wasn’t talking to me either.
After school I walked over to the gym, my team wasn’t there. On the front door it read “have fun at practice, by yourself wenner! Everyone else went home already. Love, marcella” I flushed, and on the back I wrote,
“Nice one! It was almost as good as your boyfriends lips… when can I borrow those again, love quinn BOOKER” and added a few smiley face and hearts to it. I put my ear phones in, it was going to be a long walk home. By myself. It was cold, and the air was misty. It was kind of ire. I had the feeling someone, or something was following me, right on my heels, but when I turned around, nothing was there! I was a few blocks home now, and I still had that feeling like I was being followed. I knew what to do when someone tried to render themselves on me, fight like a mad cow! But I was almost home, and I was pretty sure whatever danger I was in, was long gone.
Have you ever been blind folded with a potatoe bag, shoved into what felt like a u-haul truck and smacked around by its walls? Well, its not fun at all. The screaming came minutes too late, and by then, old callused hands where already on top of my face.
“Shhhhhh, quin, please. Im going to unfold you, if you stop screaming” some voice begged. How long had I been screaming? I just nodded. Thinking of ways to get away, but first, kill whoever it was who tried to harm me. kill? would I go that far? Hell yes! Hate was boiling in my stomache, so strong and vile I felt the need to spit it out. I knew the danger I was in was real, I knew that I was in danger, but I didn’t care. It didn’t seem like it was enough to hurt me. Someone started to pick me up, I didn’t not protest, I was ready to fight! Something happened, too fast for me to understand. My senses started to kick in. I could see everything, the old man sitting in an unmoving chair, to the far corner of the truck. I felt tape, ripping to shreds no longer tight around my wrists, heavy breathing in my right ear, Some kind of smell thick in the air, what was it? I could feel my feet, but not the ground that harbored them. I felt different, stronger than ever! No longer unable.
“I know your thinking about killing me quinn.” The old man said raising his bruised hand, how did he know me? “Just listen, so I can explain why you feel untouchable right now, why you feel like you need to protect yourself.” I couldn’t concentrate enough to understand much, but how did he know how I was feeling?
“You have five minutes, or im going to rip your head off, and make your right hand man eat it!: litterally, I amended in my head.
“Your grandmother just passed.” he looked at me, deeply saddend by this fact.
“Liar!” Nana had already passed, both of them.
“No, your real grandmother.” he smiled a bit, “She looked just like you.”
What was he talking about?
“My real grandma?” I stepped closer, his eyes moved as my feet did.
“Your mother, anne, was adopted.” okay, now he was really going to get it.
“Just hear me out!” he held out his hands, when he saw the chargin grow in my eyes.
“ Your grandmother, anna, was a vampire slayer. Your mom wasn’t, it skipps a generation…..” he trailed off, eyeing me.
I could only laugh, everything turned off instantly, kind of like a light switch. I was more aware of myself. I backed up, towards the end of the truck.
“So your saying, I’m a vampire slayer?” I laughed harder now, I didn’t feel like attacking anymore, I actually felt….well, im not exactly sure how I felt.
“ your crazy old man.” I opened the back door.
“Quinn, wait!” he yelled, tossing something to me. It was a card,
“Go home, and ask your mother if she was adopted, and when you know the answer, call me! Everyone in this town needs you when the underground starts to explode, you can be in grave danger! We need to start training you soon.” I smiled once more, and ran the whole way back to my house. I didn’t want to run into anymore creeps. I can take them, I can take them all. I reassured my worries. When I got home, my mom was in the kitchen, and my dad was upstairs. I could hear him scrounging around.
“Hey quinn,” Mom ducked her head under the kitchen cabnet, to get some pans for dinner I presume.
“hey, mom?” I asked awkwardly,
“Yes….” suspiciously,
I looked around and made sure the coast was clear.
“So on my way home from school, I ran into some man” who just so happened to kidnapp me and tell me I was the worlds future vampire slayer. “And he was telling me something about a lady named…anna?” she froze, all the banging from under the counter stopped all at once.
“What-what about it? I I mean her, whoever she is?”
“He said that you were, um he said you were adopted. That nana joy adopted you, that anna was your real mother,” And that she’d just died and left me as the vampire slayer heir. She looked at me from under the counter. her strawberry blonde hair fit well with the face that, I presumed, looked like anna. My mother was slender, with pretty green eyes to play at odds with her Indian colored skin. I envied her. I had to much of my dad, awkwardly awkward looking, with jet black hair and light brown eyes. My mother and me had no resemblance. concentrate quinn. I demanded of myself before I could get totally depressed.
“Quinn, listen….” her voice got all choky, like it did when she felt guilty. Was it true? Was this true? I was I the grandaughter of a vampire slayer? Was I a vampire slayer? ohh gosh. I started to sweat, and a roll of nauseas came up my throat. I swallowed back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I demanded tight throated.
“The past is the past, get over it quinn, joy ohlin is your grandmother!” she hissed.
I stomped away, “joy ohlin didn’t leave it up to me to kill a whole bunch of vampires” I said under my breathe. wait! just back up for a second quinn, vampires aren’t even real! They belong to myth stories. Not in reality. But what if, what if they were real, what if I was in danger. What if it was up to me to stop them? The old man said it was in my blood to stop them. And that the slayer gene skipped every generation, so if I wasn’t slayer, then david would be? And if that’s the case, then I would have no other choice but too become slayer. If this was true, it wouldn’t be so bad. I already felt invincible, like nothing in the world could touch me. why not? better safe than sorry, right quinn?
“ugh, what the hell?” and I dialed the numbers that purged themselves on the back of a real estate card.
“Quinn, I knew you would figure out the truth.”
“Tell me your name old man?” I demanded.
“My name is Dillinger.”
“Its from the sixth century, when the name was popular back then.” he replied, not even a tad bit hurt by my teasing.

“sixth century?! how old are you” I knew he was old, I just didn’t know he was that old.
“Enough! We must get to work at once, midnight, meet me in your school gym. Tennis shoes and work out clothes. Not a mnute late!” and the phone went dead. Would I go, should I go?! Better safe than sorry, I repeated. I stared to get my things together. Shoes, sweats and a tank top. I through a can of pepper spray, just in case.


I was on my way at 11:46. I couldn’t help but to think, was this legit? Everything about Vampires and Adoption? Or was I just the future victim of a Rapist, waiting to end up on the late night news show? I tried to see myself being a vampire slayer, a killer? And if I was a killer, did it really count as murder? Every horror story I ever read said that vampires were evil, they had no heartbeats, so therefore they weren’t alive, were they? I decided, it wasn’t murder to kill a murderer. I started walking faster, the ire headlights were creeping me out. It felt like they were following me, I didn’t feel invincible now, so I ran the last three blocks. The school doors were propped open, I hesitated though, walking back and forth and back and forth.
“Quinn, this is crazy, why are you here!?” I demanded of myself. To find yourself, obviously, I replied. I stood up straight after a moment, acid sitting in the pit of my stomache, I charged into the doors. I counted the classrooms, only three more doors from the gym, I couldn’t hear much now, it was quiet and pitch black, I started to sweat.
“Hello” dirty old man, are you there? I whisperd when I opend the gym doors.
“This way” the old man appread out of no where, I took out the can of pepper spray.
“I came, now tell me why I’m here!” I demanded. My nerves finally getting the best of me. My knees buckled.
“I can show you better than I can tell you!” He smiled a bit, why did that feel sexual? “Just like your grandma when she first came here” his voice cuddled around the memory.
“Look quinn. This is your future, this is your destiny. You have the power of 5 elephants, you have the senses of shark. You have the power to miss nothing. Earlier in the van, you felt that power. I seen it ablaze in your eyes. I felt the power touch around my aura, you felt the speed that made it seem like you were floating. And if you step in this circle, I can take you farther than any other slayer has ever gone. Quinn, we need you!”
“How will you teach me?” I was clumsy and stiff, I wouldn’t be able to fight no matter how tough I might act.
“You already know how, its in your blood. All you have to do is step into this room this….and, and kill whats in there” he stepped aside and pointed to the gym doors. I squinted, hoping to see something small and inexpensive.
“Its your fist kill, his name was danny. He was changed two years ago. strong, fast and dangerous. He’s the perfect first kill.”
“Im not sure about this….” I was nervous, and I wasn’t feeling any of those powers he was talking about.
“Look, close your eyes, feel the danger. Smell the hate, the aversion you feel subconsciously towards him. You feel it yet?” The old man pushed. H told me many stories about vampires taking over countries killing babies, he said that this vampire could slaughter my whole family if I couldn’t kill him. Dillinger eurged me on.
I looked deeper into my body, my soul. I smelled as far as my nostrils would reach. My eyes closed. I heard whispered footsteps walk towards my target, I felt the wind of the scissors cutting the tape. My eyes opened. what I was looking at, I hated. I had no idea what is was.. I just knew I hated everything about it. I looked towards the hands, I could smell the sweet nothing. The beautiful face made my stomache turn. Why did I hate this creator so much? It took a step towards me. The air got thick and smokey, I looked around for reassurance from the old man, but he was gone. What ever that thing was closed in on me. It got colser and closer, making It hard for me to breathe, hard for me to see even. before I knew it I was flying through the air with speed. And then I woke up!

The morning after…
Please let it be Friday, please let it be Friday. Please oh please let it be Friday. I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, 6:15 Thursday may 9, 2011. it read. Damn! My body ached, my eyes were swollen, my left hand had a funny shaped scar under it. I could barley walk to brush my teeth, let alone go to school for 6 hours. But if I hurried, I could get in the car with montey, an upside to my tragic, shock infested night.
When I had my clothes on, and my teeth brushed, I walked too monteys house,
“Montey!” I screeched. No answer. “Montey!”
“He already left dear, he said he had to go hang posters in the gym, he said you were going to help him!” Monteys mom poked her head through the window, looking down.
“I was,” I lied. “I just woke up a little late, Thankyou mrs. Mcmillion” I waved goodbye and started to walk. It wasn’t a long walk to school, my body just wasn’t in the mood for walking!
When I finally made it, only a few people were there. I went to go see what montey was doing. I was walking along the class rooms, not thinking, just walking. When I bumped into Boone, my world stopped at once. I’ve been in love with Boone Booker sicne we were in the 7th grade, he was the whole reason for me joining the cheer team, you know football player, cheerleader, prom king and queen romance? My world evolved around Boone, I watch his ever move. So please, tell me he’s not a vampire. Or at least make me not believe it!
His scent was more powerful, his ora told me he was not to be reckoned with. His defensive stance told me that if we were to fight, I wouldn’t be able to come out of this one.
“Watch it slayer! Just because you finally got your powers, doesn’t mean you can stalk up and down the hallway! Learn some mannors” he growled
“Whoa! Boone, I haven’t done a thing to you, I didn’t ask to become a ‘slayer’ ” I was taken aback, I didn’t know what to say.
“But you are! Just stay away from Marcella and me and we won’t have a problem, got it?!” Marcella? Was she a vampire to. Damn, how many monsters lived in today’s society unrecognized!
“You don’t have to be such a jerk!”
“Me and you are enemies, Quinn. Don’t you feel it, the hate. Bubbling inside your stomach?” he spoke of me hating him, but the only thing I could feel was heartbreak.
“I’m, I’m sorry Boone.” I breathed, and turned to leave, Before my tears could expose pain. If Boone booker wanted to be eniemes, then FINE! I would never speak think or even dream about ‘us’ anymore.
My day went by slow, extremely slow. Montey was nowhere to be found, Boone hated my guts, and I had to turn my pom poms in, which made Marcella loads of happy! I decided to leave.

chapter something; declaring ourselves.
One night Quinn goes to kill this vampire, and she gets attacked, boone saves her life and they start talking.


“ you going to school tomorrow?” Boone asked, the words were so inconsequential, but his tone made my eyes flutter, and I looked at him curiously. His eyes tight around some emotion I couldn’t identify.
“yes, why was sup?” I asked suspiciously.
“Because, I’m not going to school. But I wouldn’t have to much fun without you….” I blushed.
“I’ll go to your house, if you stay the night….?” my smile turned to a grin.
“and your mom and dad?” he raised his perfectly arched eyebrows.
“will be totally oblivious to the vampire sleeping next to me.” I sighed.
“I cant sleep” he answer reflexively.
“You can sleep with me” I laughed, raising my eye brows.
“QUINN!” he complained. We’d been together for a year and a half. I didn’t care about the vampire slayer rules, we’d already broken them all, I just wanted to tie myself too Boone booker in every way possible.
“I’m just saying Boone, we’re ALREADY breaking all the rules, what’s one more to do?” he didn’t answer. “nothing” I amended.
“except kill us both,” he struggled to keep his tone.
“I’ll die someday” I said playfully, he growled though.
When we pulled in front of my house, he leaned in grabbing hold of my face, waiting for me to return his gaze.
“ we will… we just have to wait for things to die down, so that both of our worlds can get used to this.” he indicated to our fingers twined with each other.
I looked at my hands while I spoke.
“I understand, completely, I really do. But I don’t care to much. Your mines! Dillinger even said we were made for each other! And he’s the spawn of all slayers! We’ve given up far too much for each other. I don’t mind risking a little bit more, for you!” He waited a moment.
“ And you, my love, mean more to me than my death.” he lifted my face with his finger.
“So you’ll stay then” my heart thumped painfully at the answer. He heard the change in its pace, and smiled. Delighted.
“I’ll be back at 11 love, your boyfriend is watching right now.” he inclined his head towards monteys old house, laughing a bit. I stepped out into the rain, watching the black Mazda 3 drive off into the moonlight.
11:00 I said to myself while I ran up the two flights of stairs, and into my room. I spread the sheets around, and layed the cover neatly on top of my bed. I sat down at the computer and turned it on.
“Aren’t you cold?” monteys voice was close behind me, scooping me from the computer desk, up into his arms. It was uncomfortable, having his lips so close to me.
“No, now put me down!” I whispered.
“Because, im waiting for Boone, and if you’re here, he’ll kill you. And maybe me. But who knows?” I sighed, babbling a bit.
“Plus, I told you not to sneak up on me like that montey, your not human anymore! My first insitinct is too kill you, until I know that it’s you” I mumbled.
He sat me back on the chair, and sighed.
“Where’s your mom and them? Another business meeting?”
“Im not sure, David’s at practice. I thought my parents were going to be home. But….” I shrugged my shoulders.
Montey shrugged his shoulders too.
“So…” Montey said awkwardly.
“Don’t start montey!” I begged, he was going to make things more akward, by mentioning boone, I’d bet my life on it.
“Start what?” he looked towards the floor, dragging his foot back and forth.
“Ugh, montey, Boone should be on his way, you better leave….” I too, was looking towards the floor now, feeling bad for the love triangle montey had configured in his mind.
“hey” he lifted my face with his finger, a slight smile upon his marble lips.
“It’s cool, this isn’t trey songz, we can be friends!” he laughed.
“This isn’t, what?” Montey lived in his own world, he was compleltey different from everyone out here. Besides being the only African American that went to our high school, he was the only vampire that never thought of me as a slayer.
“You’re the best Montey.” I smiled lightly.
“Goodnight quinn,” He walked towards the window, hugging me when he passed.
“You can’t sleep bloodsucker!” I mocked teasingly.
“Ha Ha, I wonder who’s fault that is…?” he raised his eye brows.
My mouth popped open, my stomache fell to the top of my knee caps.
“Im sorry,” he said instantly “I didn’t mean it literally, it was a joke, come on Quinn! Please don’t start this again!”
His voice came through a long tunnel, my eyes traveling far away to the night when montey had mercifully saved my life, and sucked the vampire venom out of me. Montey was just a regular human, he was not bornn into the slayer world. He’d just been in the wrong places and at the wrong times, too many times. One night, when me and him were walking down the street, I heard yelling, and screaming. I knew a vampire was attacking. I told Montey to stay where he was, and I ran towards the sound.
“You were supposed to stay where I left you”
“I wasn’t going to let you die, you know what vampire venom would do to a slayer, I didn’t know it then, but you sounded like you were in so much pain” his voice broke on the last word.
“I had to do something! It’s not your fault, so calm down and breathe!” he ordered.
I tried to take a deep breathes,
“Now listen, and listen good!” his demanding tone scared me a little. He’d only once used this tone with me. When he began transformation-
“I don’t want to hear about this anymore Quinn. Got it?! I like being a leech, and if you feel like it’s your fault why I’m this way, then I need to give you more than the world. Its like I was meant for this life Quinn.” he finished with a smile, and I had to smile too. “I like not sleeping, sleep makes you mis so much. I was always the slowest p.e, now I’m unbeatable. Plus,” his voice got lower, “I was always scared to die. Now I don’t have too.”
“Then I guess you better get to the giving me the world part!” I said.
“Shut u-” he stopped suddenly, I knew why. I could hear Boone’s now.
“I’d better go,” he rushed out of the window this time, he didn’t stop and smile at me, not even to give me hug.
“goodbye Montey” I wisperd as Boone hopped through my window


“Boone!” I through my arms tight around him, full force. Surprisingly, his body was stiff, un budging, I looked towards his face, and immediately wished I hadn’t. it was cold, and strained.
“What’s, what’s the matter?” it scared me to see him this way, he was almost always in a good mood.
“Montey was here?” he nodded a little, already acknowledging that he was.
“Yea, but nothing happened. I promise” his body still didn’t move.
I rose to my tippy toes, and kissed his ear,
“I love you, and only you Boone Booker, always” he rapped his hands around my waist.
“So, love, what did you guys talk about?” he seemed calm.
“Mostly about how he should give me the world because it was my fault for his transformation…. The usual” I sighed.
“It wasn’t your fault, the idiot shouldn’t have followed you!” I thought about that, and smiled a little, I did ask him not to follow me. No matter what.
“But I would have died if he hadn’t followed, so technically, it was my fault..” he frowned. He knew it was my fault, just like I knew it was my fault, just like Montey knew it was my fault, whether Montey welcomed the transformation or not.
“And don’t call him an idiot!” This wasn’t anything knew, but I was still sensitive about the situation.
“What do you want to do tonight?” I asked, blushing at the thought of what I wanted him to say. He smiled. My breathing all but had my heart jump out of my chest. He was so beautiful, inside and out. And in no ones world should we have ended up together. It was purely luck that had me standing in the arms of a vampire, and that, that vampire had a vampire slayer in his.
“Let’s lie down, it’s getting late my love” he whispered.
“You know, I never did thank you” I said when he walked towards the bed,
“For what?” he said, surprised by my train of thought.
“For you, your amazing, You’re the best part of my life Boone, and I don’t know what I would do without with you. So thank you, For everything. Really” I had to stop talking, the intensity in my voice triggered the tears.
“I love you too, More than anything” My heart thumped louder and louder when he bent his face towards mines. “But that still doesn’t mean that ill have sex with you” he laughed in my ear. I was about to protest, but he cut me off “tonight” he amended.
“Don’t you want me?” I half whispered, my feelings to hurt to keep my voice even. The tears from my reverie spilled over.
He whipped my tears, and started to trace my face, my hairline. My eye lids, my lips.
“Unequivocally” he laughed. “It’s just not the right time to do this quinn”
He was going to listen to my side tonight, and I will get what I want! “Why, huh? Is it because Marcela!” I spat the name towards him, the hate marred the persuasiveness in my voice. “Your sister has made it pretty clear that one, you didn’t have a problem seducing Marcela, and two, that you preferre her over me. So if you wont have sex with me leech, than leave!” jumping out of the bed, almost yelling. Stamping my foot, the complete hissy fit in process. He laughed, I turned my face to keep him from seeing the fresh tears. Almost in an instant, he was holding me again.
“Why so serious?” he tried to joke.
“Boone, its not a joke, I give you everything you ask for, why can’t I just have this one thing? Please, this is all I want. Nothing else, only you. Why deny me?” I looked into his eyes, trying to read them for something, anything that would tell me he was going to give in.
“Listen, don’t be so absurd. You can wait, it’s not going to kill you!” he was getting frustrated, but I was still going to press the issue.
“What’s the wait?” I demanded, already knowing that this battle was lost.
“Timing,” he whispered, kissing me, lightly.
“Fine I grumbled.”
“So,” he said indefinitely “What was your boyfriend doing tonight” he smiled, even harder when he saw that I had no idea as to who he was talking about. “You know, Montey?!” he laughed softly.
I smacked him, I hated when he made fun of this certain situation.
“Where’s your girl at? I heard she was looking for me.” I was talking about Marcella.
“Be right back,” he said abruptly,
“No, don’t leave!” I was sadden by the thought. He kissed me.
“So, how are you going to explain to your mom that you have your boyfriend sleeping in your bedroom?” I blushed,
“Hurry back” I kissed him once more.
“Quinn” my mom’s piercing voice squeezed through the door.
“Who else would it be ma?” I laughed, secretly thinking of the possibilities, of who else it could be.
“How was your day?”
“Its was fine mom, me and Boone,” her smile became more pronounced. She loved Boone, almost as much as I did. “hung out, chilled after the movie.” I lied easily.
“That’s it?” she asked skeptically. I rolled my eyes.
“Wouldn’t tell you if there was more” I mumbled. She laughed, “Besides, it’s complicated mom, way too complicated.” I complained,
“What’s complicated? All you have to do is lay there” she smiled. It was awkward.
“Gross, we’re so not having this conversation. What kind of mom encourages her daughter to have sex at 17?” I wondered idly what she would say if she found out that she was having this conversation with a vampire slayer about her vampire boyfriend, she’d probably reconsider her “uncomplication” theory then.
“The kind who knows when her daughter is in love, and ready, besides, Your lucky it’s me, and not old dad.” I blushed, what did she tell him?
“Mom, I hope you didn’t say anything to him, gosh, how embarrassing, if you did I’ll never talk to you again” I threatened, my voice wavered form embarrassment.
“Yeah Yeah Yeah,” she laughed it off nervously “good night sweetheart. I love you”
“Goodnight mom, I love you too” I replied. She shut the door, and In the same beat, I was back in Boones arms,
“Yuck, I forgot how fast leeches were” he laughed.
“I know, hmmm?” he started to wonder “How do you do it, how can you slayers manage to keep up?” he was astonished, he never talked about my abilities to kill before.
“I don’t know, it’s kind of natural. I’m a human, of course.. But there’s this I’m not sure how to explain it. But something carries me almost, to anywhere I want to go when I’m hunting a vampire, no matter how far they are….” I ended with a smile, I loved being a slayer.
“I wonder…..” He hesitated, it sounded like he almost didn’t want to ask me what he was thinking. almost. he looked away, and I bit my lip in anxiety.
“If something, or someone would make you choose, between me and slaying, what would you choose?” he looked away from me. ,my heart thumped at the thought of giving up either one of the most consequential things to me. But I knew the answer already.
“You,” I whispered into the dark. He kissed me, hard and eagerly. I radiated. My heart thumped, my head started to spin. Maybe he was finally going to give me what I wanted, my stomach dropped, But I new better than to be scared,. He felt the increase in my heart beat, and hitched my leg over his waist, shifting so I was on top of him. My heart thumped louder and louder, realization coming fast and hard.
“Are you sure” He whisperd, “Are you REALLY sure” He was skeptical, not sure if this was his Idea or mine.
“Yes” A heart beat and I half to late to sound really sure. And he kissed me even harder, he pulled my body closer, and we drifted deeper into the night.

The next morning was slow, as was always a Sunday. But this Sunday was different. It was my Sunday. It was the day after I’d tied myself in every way to my vampire. I was still lying in his arms when I woke up. He looked down and smiled at me, I blushed.
“Hey,” I whispered into the pillow, afraid my morning breathe would be deadly.
“Good morning love” he smiled brightly, it made me think of last night even more, I blushed deeper.
“Your little brother is coming in, I’ll be in the closet” he kissed me and ran to the closet. I don’t know why, but I was nervous suddenly. I didn’t feel different, so I couldn’t fathom why the liquid was sliding down my spine into my esophagus. It just was.
David knocked on the door, “Quinn!” he shrilled.
“Hey, punk!” I loved my little brother, he meant the world to me.
“What are you doing today?” he chimed, he was always happy.
“Nothing, Boone and I are going to hang out as usual.” I blushed, something we’d be doing today, again, wouldn’t be usual at all.
“Oh, can you drive me to soccer practice? Just so I can pick up my uniform, and then drop me off at coaches house, Its over in weeds county, in the middle of that farm. Mom and dad said you can borrow the car. We’re going to camp today?” pain jolted through me,
“your not leaving today are you?” I’d have to let him be someday, he was about to turn 9. I smiled a little at the thought, he’d grown up so much in the last few months.
“Okay, let me brush my teeth and call Boone, he’ll come with us, I’m sure he’d like to say good bye.”
“No, please. Just me and you today quinn, please!” I bit my lip. But who was I to say no to him. I’m sure Boone’s feelings were hurt, so I added
“Okay, but make sure you call him before you leave to camp, he’ll want to say goodbye!” I smiled, Boone loved David as much as I did.
“Okay okay okay okay!” his voice went hire, whining a bit. I guessed he was in a rush.
“Okay, let me brush my teeth, ill be down in five”
“Ugh, im going to miss you so much David” I demanded when he got back in the car.
“Gross quinn, don’t get all mushy on me” he blushed.
“So, what was so important that you didn’t want Boone to play tag along? I thought you liked him?” I demanded driving slower, to prolong His time with me.
“I don’t know, he’s cool! I just wanted to be with you today. Im gonna miss you this Whole week” He ducked his head. He wasn’t emotional, just like me.
“Oh,” I smiled in relief “Well, then” I blushed, taken by surprise.
“Whoa!” I didn’t even know it happened, something hard smashed into my car, I didn’t know what it was but it hit me hard, and the damage was mostly done where David was sitting. DAVID, I started to panic, I looked to the left of me, and his eyes were closed.
“David,” I yelled. “Somebody. HELP!” I yelled over and over again helplessly, until something snatched Me out of the car. Relief last only a second. I should have seen this coming, what human would be out in the middle of a crop circle this early in the morning?
“Slayer,” kiarrah purred. “Sorry about the little shit in the front.” she laughed. Nodding towards David.
She had taken me by my neck, my legs struggled to break my body free.
“Let me go ! David, wake up!” I still struggled yelling towards the car. “Just get my brother!” I begged, her fist came hard to my face, I crawled towards my car. I didn’t want to look at what I thought would be the mangled pieces of my brother‘s body, I had not assessed the damage yet. something hard grabbed my foot, great, I’d been waiting for action for months, and now that it was here, I was unready, and unfocused. I broke free again, and stood in a fluid move. If I could just get her to stop for 30 seconds, I could check to see if my brother was okay.
“Just, let me get my brother” I begged once more.
“No, fight me slayer” The hard kick she’d delivered to my stomache was nothing compared to how hard the slap of her voice felt.
“Your wish, my command.” My body went under, I was no longer in control. I didn’t have time to finish her as I would have liked to. I had to hurry to save David.
Something hissed, grabbing hold of my arm. A stmoach twisting crunch sounded from my shoulder. I turned to see who’d done it, and I was out numbered.
“Five to one, aww, did master jack ass not trust one of his leeches to get the job done” I was smacked into the window of the car, David’s eyes fluttered.
“David, wake up for me-”I rushed. Another blow to my chest. I could concentrate more, knowing that my brother wasn’t completely dead, Not yet. it felt like I was being passed around for hours. I couldn’t fight anymore, my body was sore, my arms felt detached. Hope was gone,
“BOONE!” one of the leeches shouted, and retreating footsteps sounded in my ear. I looked up to see Boones figure, coming fast towards me. Who was that behind him?
“Quinn!” Boone grabbed me. David was in Montey’s arms. “Are you okay baby? I’m sorry I hadn’t come earlier, I didn’t even know, Montey came across a few vampires in the neighborhood, and came to get you, so I went with him.” he moaned
“David? Is he okay?” I demanded anxiously, not worried about his undeserved apology.
“He’s fine,” Monteys voice was restrained, he stepped closer, David was fully conscious, since when? How much had he seen? He looked Alert now.
“Quinn, tell me what’s going on,” His voice lower than usual. Hate bubbled deep into my stomach when I looked at his frightened eyes. What kind of monster would subject a 9 year old boy into the world of magic and myths, into the world of war and warfare. Into my world? I knew the answer, and he was going to pay!
“Why we’re those people beating you up Quinn?” he started to cry.
. “Ill tell you soon,” I said.
“But, Quinn!” David demanded. I grabbed his face
“Listen, it’s much better for you to not know, do you want me to go away? And never be able to come home again David? Look at me!” I demanded,
Hysterically now, “No, Quinn!” he cried,
“Then don’t say anything, to anyone. Promise me?”
He looked skeptical, “I promise”
“Montey, Take him to his coaches house, Its still a couple miles down the way. Run! As fast as you can. his bags are in the back of the seat.” I looked towards the car, which had been flipped over, while Montey got his bags.
“Be careful with him Montey, please”
“Montey, tell my parents that we got into a crash, and Boone broke his arm, and that ill be home as soon as possible.” I kissed David‘s cheek, before his and Monteys shape merged together into the evening sun, would I ever see them again? I wasn’t quite sure, after what I planned to do now.
“Where are we going?” Boone asked unknowingly.
“You’d have to ask, you should know where im going?” I raised my eye brow, fixing his statement, I had to do this on my own.
“No!” he demanded, “Your not ready!” he yelled.
“They attacked when I was with my brother! He could have been killed!”
“So now your going to go commite suicide, it’ll be better for him if you stay, they’ll be looking for him quinn, when your dead, and they will kill you. He is the next in line to become slayer.” his voice came fast, like a slap in the face.
I whirled on him, fresh tears in my face “Never say that ! Ever Boone” I yelled into his face. “Moms not a slayer, it skip’s every generation, I’m slayer so David wont have to be.”
He reached for my arm. I jerked it away. “For me, stay and train, we’ll bring down jarrared, and his nomads together” he begged, pouring his liquid onyx eyes into mine.
“And you’ll help me train?” I asked.
“You have my word!” he said fiercely.

That night Boone and I started practicing. Two thousand sit ups. Ten miles and 19 back flips, nothing less, and certainly nothing more.
“Your worser than Dillinger!” I was sore, I could barley walk. Boone carried me through the door when we got home.
“Its because I love you!” I flicked the lights on and seen my parents waiting for me.
“Where have you been?!” My dad’s voice boomed in the silence. Boone set me down, and turned the lights on.
“I’ll call you later” I turned to boone, rushing him back out of the door.
“Upstairs!” I whispered in to the wind.
“Goodnight Mrs. And Mr. ray.”
“I, I, I umm” I was always a bad liar, “I was at the movies?” I looked towards my mom for help. Surely she would help if she thought me and Boone had spent so many hours doing what I think she was thinking.
“Calm down Levi!” she whispered.
“CALM DOWN” my dad stormed, launching himself off of the chair. “SHES BEEN OUT ALL NIGHT, WITH A BOY AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN, I COULD JUST IMAGINE WHAT THEY WERE UP TOO?!” He blushed.
“Exactly” My moms voice was calm.
“Dad, we didn’t do anything.” my moms face fell suddenly, so I added, “Regretful” it was the truth. Training would be the farthest thing from regretful that I could think of.
My mom half smiled.
“I’m not asking permission to have a boyfriend dad. And I’m 17; I know what I’m doing. I’m not dumb, and neither is Boone. So if you can’t except the fact that Boone and I will be together. Forever, Then it would really suck!” I blushed. I never had to yell at my dad.
“And by the way, dad” I knew I’d regret the words before they even hit the air, but I wanted to hurt him as bad as his disliking for Boone had hurt me. “Boone Booker isn’t just some boy, he’s much more important to me than you!” I ran upstairs, half of me just wanting an escape.
“Boone,” I whispered; flipping the lights on. He was waiting in the center of my bed, with a disparaging look on his face.
“Look, I’m sleepy, my body hurts, and I’m emotionally drained. If you’re not going to have sex with me Boone, then scoot over and let me sleep! Please.” I half smiled. He scooted over, and naturally, I curled into a ball at his side.
“Goodnight, my love. I’ll be here when you awake. Just sleep. And we’ll take care of the nightmares together. Sleep now Quinn. Sleep.” his seductive voice did the opposite of put me to sleep. I looked up, raising my eyes brows. He exhaled.
“Go to bed Quinn!” His laugh shook the bed.
“Goodnight Boone……. I love you” I kissed his lips. Letting the tiresome day crash down on me in full. I was sleep before he’d even replied.
I woke up bright and early; running my hand across the rumpled covers spilled out over my bed. Where was Boone?
“Boone?” I stumbled out of my sleepy stupor.
“Shhhh” his head ducked from the closet. Pointing towards the door.
My dad came in. His skin slightly flushed. I got off my bed.
“Dad listen..” I started immediately, the faster I started, the faster we’d be done.
“Wait,” he held his hands up. “I’m sorry for blowing up last night. It was irrational, and well. I’m sorry” he looked out the window, probably wishing he could fly, far away right about now. “I didn’t know you and Boone were that serious. I was surprised actually.” he blushed. “I just thought he was here until, you know” He ducked his head. “ until Montey came around.” he blushed. The hiss that sounded from the closet was almost a growl. One that only I could hear, I was a super human.
“Well, dad. I’m sorry, but Boone is who I choose. Montey was never the one for me. I see that now, I just need for you to too, Boones an irrevocable part of my life dad. Get used to it.” He nodded and waited.
“Was there something more?” I looked at his figure,
He blushed “well I umm, wanted to ask you something.” he turned his head, facing my closet door, Avoiding my eye. “Were you serious? About, you know…” his voice wavered. It didn’t take me to long to figure out what he was asking.
“Oh, um no dad.” I lied, or at least I think I lied.
“O, okay, well then. I’ll see you later. And remember it’s a school night, so be in by 11.”
“You’re leaving?” I accused, raising my eyes brows.
“Yeah, mom and I have a huge business meeting in new York. We wont be home till Friday night, when David comes back home.” My mom went to different cities and states advertising new cars before they hit the lot. She was always gone, so eventually, my dad played tag along, and scored a job too.
“Okay,” I nodded my head. I’d have the house all to myself, maybe it was a good thing they were leaving. Boone and I would need a bigger play pen the next time he’d decide to make love to me again. I smiled.
“Have fun dad, don’t worry about me” I was in a rush now, couldn’t wait for them to get out of the house.
“Hey! Remember not too late home.” And he walked out. I skipped to the closet.
“Boone!” I squealed. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this happy, except for the other night. “We have the whole house to ourselves! For the week pretty much.
So you know what that means?!” I pulled at the button on his pants. He laughed, smacking my hand away.
“Okay, but I have to hunt first! I haven’t eaten in weeks, its killing me. literally!” this was the akward moment I’d been dreading, knowing I was supposed to stop the exact thing that he was about to go do, but knowing I wouldn’t. I loved Boone more than anyone in the world, I’d risk them all to have him healthy.
“I know Quinn,” he processed my changing mood. “I wont hunt in the city, I’ll go somewhere far.” he smiled a bit. “Atleast you know I wont kill the human, It will only turn into a vampire, like me.” he smiled wider, proud that he was no longer a murderer, just a murderer breeder.
“I’d much rather you’d kill them. So in their next life, I wont have too.” I tried to joke. he hissed.
“I’m kidding I’m kidding” peace making now, “go now, and come back soon.” I kissed his lips awkwardly.
“Quinn , I don’t appreciate the fact that you keep using my body for you personal sins” he joked, shaking his head a bit.
“Marcela did, and you didn’t seem to mind, carrying her around school like a prized possession. I love you marcela blah blah blah….” I mocked him poorly.
He grabbed my hand, holding it too his frozen heart. Intensity froze his body, he caressed the side of my face with his palm, and down my neck, bending his perfect face towards mine.
“Its was more like, I love you marcella” He said in his liquid voice. Perfecting my mock. He did love her, damn! I sighed. My face fell.
“quinn?” he started when I did not look up from the floor. He grabbed hold of my face
“quinn, I do not love you, for love does for even come partial as to what I feel for you. You mean more to me than my life, and when we’re together, I cant remember Marcella’s name.” I started to smile. I knew I could believe every word he was saying to me, he had continued to be with me through out it all. No matter what? and if I said anything, Id probly run him away with the sappy replies running through my head now, but it seemed as if he wanted an answer.
“Hurry home!” he left me standing there, and jumped out the window. He would be home soon, so no need to worry.

When he retuned home, I was in my pajama’s.
“Quinn” he smiled delightedly, “I thought my fairy tale was going to end as soon as I left.”
“Never,” I grabbed him onto the bed, “You have this fairy tale for forever” I traced the perfect lines of his face with my pinky finger.
“That’s exactly why, Jade, is going to help fight Laurent…. With us.” He spoke his words with careful deliberation.
“Boone!” I wiggled to try and break free, unsuccessfully. “You know your sister hates me!” I complained.
“It doesn’t matter, she’s promised to act kind towards you throughout the training, and that’s all that matter’s!” He nodded his head infinitesimally, “Anything to keep you safe,” he tacked on.
“So she’s going to be training with us too?” I pouted. He nodded,
“Sometimes, well, mostly she is.”
“Boone, please no!” I groaned, I’d have to hear about Marcella all day everyday now.
“You know your sister would much rather you be with the stinking vampire than the vampire slayer. Please, boone. For my sanity. don’t do this!” I could already hear her now. Marcella this and marcella that, blah blah blah…
Boone did not answer. So I looked up at him, what was his problem? His face was tight, like he was trying to fight back a smile of some sorts. But he eye brow furrowed. I was in trouble.
“Listen, I know she’s your sister and all. But its kind of-” he interrupted.
“No love, its not that its just, she wont have to talk about Marcella. Because Marcella will be there…” He ducked his head, pressing his lips to my collard bone.
“WHAT! I AM NOT TRAINING WITH MARCELLA!” I stormed, jumping up.
“The more the merrier”
“Absolutely not Boone, that’s out of the question.” I stamped my foot, and he laughed a little.
“Later, we’ll talk about this later my love. Come and sit next to me. I’ve been missing you all day while I was away.” I hesitated, wondering how much of my pride would be diminished if I did as he asked.
“No, Boone. There’s nothing more to talk about, I refuse to train with them…” It was unfair that he’d even ask me of such a thing, when I had no one on my side, it wasn’t fair that I would be the only one uncomfortable, and out of place. Unless montey was there.
“Boone! I have a prepossession for you.” he looked at my suddenly hopeful expression, and was instantly curious.
“What?” he hesitated.
“If Marcella and Jade train with us, then Montey has to play tag along as well.” I said my words deliberately, “Like you said, the more the merrier.” I smiled to myself, I knew for sure he wouldn’t allow for montey to be at such close proximity to me, when he was there, but instead of an immediate opposition, he hesitated. Biting his hard lips.
“Okay, we start tomorrow!” He announced joyfully. I groaned, and sank back into he arms.
“You know, nothing good will come of this Boone Booker, you know they both hate me. And you know I can barley stop the fog, who’s to say that we wont fight? And plus, montey and you hate each other. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something happened, because I didn’t want to be the oddball out.” I ducked my head, as I admitted the real reason for tag along monety.
“Quinn, nothing is going to happen. Im going to be there, I’ll protect you from the big bad scary monsters. And you can protect me from your boyfriend” He smiled ruefully.
“There’s nothing big and bad or even scary about your sister and you girlfriend. Those wanna bee’s don’t even scare humans, what makes you think they’ll scare the best vampire slayer that ever lived? And besides Boone, I don’t need your help. If a fight breaks out, you’d have no other choice but to let me do what I was born for, Its my job to kill vampires, no matter what kind of ties they may hold to the love of my life!” I declared, or conditioned, which ever worked best.
“And you would choose slaying over me?” his eye brows raised, and his eye’s were sent to a different place almost. He was no longer staring at the red patterned covers.
“Obviously not, But I let you feed, even though im supposed to stop that sort of thing. So it would be only fair that you let me slay, even though your supposed to stop me.”
“Boone!” I snapped after a few minutes.
“What an odd relationship we have,” He said. Re focusing on my face.
“I know, that’s what makes us so strong!” I replied.
A crease appeard between his eyes, he hung his forehead onto mine. “Have you ever thought about the fact that life without me would be so much better, so less dangerous?” I hated when he talked about such madness. Any life worth living, to me, was revolved around him.
“Yes, and then I cringe at the thought. Im here for forever, even after you get bored of me.”
“Bored?!” he sarcastically scoffed. “Never!”
He scooted me closer, cuddling me into his side. His aroma filled my nose. Bittersweet.
“You know, you’re the only leech that smells kind of nice. I mean, to me at least.”
Before I could realize what happened, I was on my back. Starring in the face of the godliest creature in the world. The intensity in is eyes made my arms weak, I could no longer hold on to the back of his neck. So I settled for holding his waste.
“I love you Quinn ray” And as he said the words, I knew they were absolutely true. He loved me, exactly how I loved him.
“I love you too Boone Booker, more than anything!” that, was also true. I loved boone more than anything in this world. Family and friends I could live without, him? I wouldn’t even try. His face bent towards mines, my heart started racing. Its beat got louder and harder as I realized that, once more, my hormones were getting exactly what they wanted, from the boy they wanted their fix from. I settled in for the long emotional ride.

School : chapter
We left at 6, so we could meet up with jade, marcella, and montey. I was nervous, only because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen, all that I knew was that enemies, mortal, natural born enemies had to work together. To be a team. Maybe, if this really worked, and all of us were a good team, if we could all be like friends. Maybe if this worked out, Montey and Boone wouldn’t hate each other.
“I wonder…?” I voiced my rouge thoughts while I was buckling my seat belt.
“Yes?” He replied.
“I wonder if, like after all this,” I Hesitated. Ducking my head, this was the first time I ever talked about becoming friends with Marcella and jade. I tried to get Boone and Montey to be friends all too frequently. , I wouldn’t get my hopes high though….
“What is it love?” He was anxious now, looking at me from his peripheral, while pulling out.
“I was wondering, like after all this, If you and Montey would be friends. You know?” I looked down, the intense feeling of hope marred in my voice. He lifted my chin with one cold finger.
“It’s a possibility love. It could happen…” he sounded like he was trying to concole me. His words were not genuine.
“Only if you try.” I persisted.
“And I will love,” He said through a tight jaw
“swear too it.” I pleaded
“I swear, love.”
And it was settled. We would both make the best of this. I faced forward, but still looking through my peripheral, and saw a slight smile upon his face. Did I want to know what had brought it about?
When we finally pulled up, jade and marcella were waiting inside the parking lot. They weren’t alone. It was not only Montey with them, but six other vampires. I wasn’t sure who they were, but my mouth watered with the lust to kill them, the blood in my veins raced. My heart beat increased. All of my hunting instincts were triggered.
“Boone!” I yelled. “Get me out of here,” I begged menacingly.
“Calm down Qu-”
“BOONE GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW” I yelled. No longer in control of my voice. What else would slip from my control?
Bonne grabbed hold of my face, my bones Tightened up, ready for attack. I looked at all the apprehensive faces. I couldn’t think of what they saw… I just wanted to close them for forever.
“Baby,” I pleaded. His eyes boring into mines.
“Quinn!” he snapped when my eyes went astray. “this is important to us” My attention was already half way derivated when he said us. “Focus Quinn, please love, for me” his eyes held mines. But somebody coughed in the back, and once again I could no longer hear Boone, his words came from a long tunnel of fog.
“Control your slayer Boone” jade spat.
“Quinn!” he yelled, interrupting what I was about to say. “Jade shut UP!”
“Quinn, they’re waiting. Please be good. please”
My heart thudded erratically, he kissed me. Harder than usual, his lips said be good. I shook the emotions from my body, and turned toward the leeches with a blank face. One of them laughed, but the be good lingered on my lips.
“Quinn!” Montey emerged from behind the vampire lot, with a big smile. I hugged him. Montey and Boone were the only vampires that didn’t get my pulse racing, they didn’t make me want to kill them anymore. I loved them.
“Hey, Boone. I missed you!” this was pretty awkward, while Montey hugged me, Boone had his arm around me still, Stiff and dangerous.
I cleared my throat, eyeing Boone meaningfully,
“Hello Montey” He nodded stiffly, Montey’s jaws tightened, I elbowed him in the ribs, hard.
“Owe, quinn!” he complained.
“He said hello, Montey!” I said maternally. He straightened up,
“was sup Boone!” He too nodded. I chuckled under my breathe. This was going to be a long week.
I looked back and forth, between them.
“Good, so let’s begin” I was speaking to Boone and Montey, the rest I tried to forget -about.
“Nope!” Boone interrupted with a wicked smile,
“Say hi love!” he nodded his head towards jade, marcella and their company.
“Me and Montey are playing nice,” he eyed Montey, and montey took one stiff nod, I would have smiled if I wasn’t so… what was the word?
“Fine!” I turned half way around “Hello Bloodsuckers. Nice to meet you leeches, and please, stay far away from my blood” I spoke to them all at the same time. My chuckle followed an angry growl.
“Very funny” Montey said sarcastically,
“it’s a start, she’s gone from teenager to toddler in a matter of seconds, I guess all these vampires have started the turning her out process. ” Boone eyed me scornfully,
I made a face at them both.
Boone grabbed my hand, setting boundries for montey I supposed, and led me towards the lot of leeches. Marcella eyeing us the whole time.
“So,” I began, “You all know why you’re here, right?” You all know that this has to be important for me to work with you? I added in my head.
“Yes. So let’s get on with it slayer.” Jade said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2011

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