
On top of old Smokey


By Sharon Dorival on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 7:42am


All lost in gloom one day I started singing this song. I sang it for weeks or maybe months.

“On top of old Smokey,

All covered with snow

I lost my true Lover,

Come courting to slow

Well courting's a pleasure

But parting is grief

And a false hearted lover

Is worst than a thief.

A thief he will rob you,

And take all you save

But a false hearted lover,

Will send you to your grave.

He'll hug you and kiss you,

And tell you more lies

Than crossings on a railroad,

Or the stars in the skies.”

Some women thought I was grieving the love of my life. How odd I thought of them. Me grieve? Why? Life is so beautiful! Why should I be sad?

One day Mrs. Jacob told me “You should call him. Ask him what’s up?” I looked at her as if looks could kill. You know old people always know things. Somehow they find out stuff and you don’t know how. They even look like they have been there. What the heck? They are old. I am young. What could we have in common? They are old fashioned and I model the bling and swag. So why do they poke their noses into my life? Or are they simple Know It All’s!


Been there! Done that!


By Sharon Dorival on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 4:17pm ·

“I was in there once and I nearly lost my mind. Thank God I had a doctor on my side. I will not take part in


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-3128-8

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