
Remembering Grandma

I remember grandma with a smile today
I never saw her cry.
I reflect on the treasured memories
Of all our happy years.
I call to mind the way she spoke
And all the cautionary notes.
Her strenth, her grace, the way she walked
I remember these instead.
The good advice she'd given me
Her laughing eyes which shone so bright
So much of Gran will never die
But live forever more.
As I loved her, So I miss her
She's kept in my heart so near.
Loved, cherished and longed for always
Bringing many a silent tear.
~Sharon Aaron-Dorival~
October 18, 2012

Somehow We knew

We visited for the first and last time that day.
At our table covered with books
He sat right across from me.
Smile on his face- so cute!
We talked about nothing for hours
Did some homework and talked some more.
Somehow I ended up on his lap in his arms.
And he held me ever so dear
Like I was the most precious person to him.
I did not fight
Simply enjoyed.
Not a kiss not a caress.
He just held me.
Somehow we knew.
~ Sharon Aaron-Dorival~
September 1, 2012

When I say I am Rasta

When I say I am Rasta, It doesn't mean I'm dread.
Doesn't mean I have locks or eat no meat.
To me Rasta means I am in sync with nature.
I am in touch with God
And look to nature for my strength.
Rasta radiates love and harmony
Divine Inspiration.
Rasta is not in the songs I sing.
Rasta lives within me.
Rasta don't mix up in any kind of dirty scams,
lies, cheating and hurting others.
Rasta aspire to inspire.
Rasta is an on hand thing.
Being Rasta is creative.
Being Rasta is a way of life.
That's what I mean when I say I'm Rasta.
~Sharon Aaron-Dorival~
September 1, 2012


I decided to write one for Camrose.
You know the city with variety of Roses?
Pink rose, Yellow rose, red rose too?
Wild rose is what it's named after.
Once I saw the swan couple dancing in Mirror Lake.
What a sight to behold!
The different kinds of birds-
Goldfinches, Sparrows, Blue Jays, Robins and
others I know not.
Entertainment is classic.
To the Bailey we all go.
To me Camrose is just a natural paradise.
I know you won't believe me,
But trust me it is true.
You can walk the whole town in under one hour.
Talk of hour. Oh! The flowers.
Every house you pass holds a pretty flower show.
The trees serve as Canopies.
Not quite forty I


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Sharon Aaron-Dorival
Bildmaterialien: Sharon Aaron-Dorival
Lektorat: Lena Andrew
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.10.2012
ISBN: 978-3-95500-547-4

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To the lovers all around the World.

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