
Chapter 1

“ I’m sick and tired of the bullcrap in my life,” I told my best friend Gina.
“I know but what can I do, Angie?” She replied.
“We’ve tried everything.”
“Except stuff that works.”
“Well, I just can’t put up with her anymore.”
“Me neither.”
“You either? I’m the one getting hurt everyday! She may call you a “bad word” every nce in a while but that’s nothing.”
“Hey, I’m just agreeing with you. I don’t have to you know.”
“Yeah? Well if it’s so hard than don’t. No one’s stopping you.”
“Whatever. Don’t be so bitchy about it.”
“Oh sorry,” I said sarcastically, “it must’ve been from the multiple kicks in the head.”
“Shut up whine baby.” She yelled so loud I thought the bathroom shook. Yeah sounds pathetic. We were sitting in the bathroom while I was crying because I got kicked and slapped and punched by a girl and her clique that they called The Queens because they think they are royal. The girls name is Tammi. She has midnight black hair that falls down to her hips. Its extremely straight and beautiful. She’s super pretty but I would never tell her that because one time a girl said she was pretty and everyone called her gay! It was upsetting. That girl never came back to school. People say she killed herself but last month I saw her in the general store.
Back to The Queens, I was walking down the hall when I turned around and saw that everyone was staring at me. I didn’t know why so I just kept walking. Then I got to the bathroom and I looked in the mirror and I had a sign on my back. It said:
I’m just like you! Only smaller, skinnier, stupider, geekier, and much more gay! Ok maybe I’m not like you!
Yeah! Pretty bad right. Well I figured it was Tammi that had done this so I went over to her locker and I taped the sign right there so everyone could see it. That’s all I did though and I thought I’d get away with it but… of coarse luck wasn’t on my side. She found it and got super mad. She almost exploded! I could tell, even though she tried not to show it. I felt eyes watching me so I glanced over my shoulder to find Tammi and The Queens. They were all leaned up against the wall in the empty hallway. Except Tammi was standing straighter than a ruler and I could tell instantly I was in for it. Most of it was a blur after that but I can remember parts and sections like the kicking my in the stomach while I cried and begged for mercy. And another part when they pinned me up against the wall and through stuff at me. The stuff they through was like binders, textbooks, and backpacks. That was the last thing I remember. They gt away with it. They always do. Especially because no one was in the hallways. I remember waking up after being unconscious for about 30 minutes and I just ran into the bathroom. That’s when Gina came in to fix her hair and found me.
“Why don’t you just go back to class and forget about me.” I suggesting. My voice was harsh sounding.
“Great idea.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Whatever.” Gina stormed out and I suddenly realized that I had lost my best friend. Well, my only friend.

Chapter 2
I thought for a long time. About the bathroom thing. Me losing my friend. It happened two weeks ago but I have gotten lonelier and loneier. Seems hw I had no one to hang out with! It was Sunday so I didn’t have school. That was the only thing that made me happy. I don’t usually do much on weekends. Just sit around. Oh well I know that today will go by fast! That’s what sucks.

The next day I was getting my books out of my locker for Western civ. when I dropped my huge arms full of books. BAMMM! The smacked off the floor and I see the Queens walk by and laugh hysterically. My face turns beat red. I bend over to get them and I feel my face smash against the floor. I get up and look back and watched the Queens walk away chuckling and mumbling.
“HEY!!!” I heard an angels voice yell angrily so I knew it couldn’t have been an angel. Or just about anyone else in the school. “You think that’s funny? Well it wasn’t. It isn’t. It was just plan old rude. Bitchiness. That’s you. So a little advice. Back the hell off.” I looked back and found out that the amazing voice that just stuck up for my emotional soul was a boy I have never in my life seen.
Brief eye contact was made but I broke it by looking at my big pile of junk. He bent over and picked it all up and handed it to me.
“Thanks.” I managed to whisper but not loud enough for him to hear. He saw my lips move so he knows what I said. He nodded his head in a motion that let me know he was leaving. I watched him get halfway around the corner then I turned around. I hugged my books and let out a sigh of love. Followed by a small smile.
He was pale, had dark hair, green eyes, and was tall. Much taller than me but that’s not hard. He seemed very mysterious but I liked it. I opened my locker to look in my mirror. I fixed my hair and headed to class.

Chapter 3

After being in “La la” land all west civ., I decided to talk to this boy. He never said anything to me specifically and I still didn’t know his name. So I walked all around school after last class and I couldn’t find him anywhere. The bell rang and everyone started to walk out. I looked everywhere. But I couldn’t find him. I nearly got trampled by high-schoolers and I saw just about everyone but him. I searched all the classrooms but still no boy. I was frustrated but I didn’t want the bus leave without me so I started to leave.
I was walking and I was staring at the pages in my book when I ran in to something. I dropped my book losing my page and before I knew it, the book was in my hands again. I looked up to see the boy. My mouth dropped nearly hitting the floor. Not because I had finally found him but that it was like I hadn’t even dropped my book. It was kind of freaking me out but in a way that I sort of liked. No I loved it. It made me get chills like I have never had. It felt good. Him and I were just standing there in the middle of the halls staring into each others eyes. It was strange just standing there making real eye contact with a boy. I gave him a grin just so it wouldn’t get awkward. But it did get awkward. It made me feel more confident though.
“I got to go catch the bus.” I said sweet as I could. He grinned. Him and I walked out together. Not really close but close enough that I knew I was in love.
When we got out the double doors we didn’t see any buses. We both looked all around. No bus in sight. I knew I’d be walking home seven miles.
“Guess I better start heading home. See ya!” I blushed. I didn’t know when I would see him next. Maybe tomorrow at school. I hoped I could spend the evening with him. I knew I couldn’t. my dad would have killed me. Well not literally.
So I started to walk out when I almost tripped over a rock. I was embarrassed but I didn’t think he saw. I looked back and saw him walking into the parking lot. He was amazing to watch. I started walking backwards so I could watch. It was kind of weird but I couldn’t resist. He was super amazing. So amazing that when I started down Main Street I almost cried. I don’t exactly know why it was called “Main Street” when there were no houses or stores. It was almost completely deserted. Except a few people had to go through here to get to school. Not me though. I had to take a different route which I was totally okay with.
I was just about to get the boy out of my head when I was rudely interrupted by a car horn. I looked up and saw a worn out, beat up, truck that looked like a Toyota. I wasn’t quite sure though.
I saw the car door open and I was getting freaked out. Then I thought, who would ever want to steal me? Well that question kept running through my mind and I looked over at the long empty road that was laid out ahead of me. When I looked back up I saw that boy from school. I got shivers of total excitement. I grinned as he came closer and lifted his hand out of his pocket.
“You want a ride?” he asked. That was the first time he has ever talked to me. I kept thinking that what if I say yes and my dad finds out or what if he is some creep trying to kidnap me? Then I thought, well what if I say no? we would never have a love. We might not anyways but I am sure getting tired of playing by the rules.
“That would be great.” I said to him. I knew he could see my the excitement it my eyes because he raised his amazing eyebrows. He nodded his head over to the passengers seat. I climbed in and I felt great. It felt like I was just taking the rule book, setting it on fire, and throwing it out the window. He jumped in and started it up. It sounded junky but in a good kind of way. He pulled out into the road and headed the direction of the school.
“My house is the other way,” I told him.
“I know.”
“So where are we going.”
“Does it matter?” I liked this about him. So laid back and careless and caring at the same time. It was cool.
“Not at all.”
“I mean unless you would like to go home.”
“Great.” he commented. I was tingling at this point. It was just spectacular.
We drove for about 10 minutes then he finally said, “What’s your name?
“Does it matter.” I said just like he said before. “Angie.”
“What’s yours?” I asked. Yeah. I finally get to hear it!!! I thought.
“Griffin.” When I heard it I was so amazed. It was a great name and I was sad that I didn’t know it earlier. Even though today was the first day I have ever seen him.
“I love that name. You know a Griffin represents bravery in medieval Europe. Or so I heard.” I said covering up my smartness.
“I know. I’ve heard also.”
“Cool.” I looked into his eyes and just fell deep into a gaze. Like the sun was going into overdrive. I don’t know if that’s possible but it made sense to me.
Without either of us knowing we drifted of the road and into the other lane. By this time we were on a more public road. We heard a loud horn and looked ahead fast. An eighteen wheeler was heading straight towards us. I closed my eyes and preyed silently. When I opened them again we were back in our lane. We both let out heavy sighs of relief. Not another word was said until we were finally back heading up my road.
“That was a nice ride. I had fun.” I broke the ice.
“Yeah. We should do it again some time.” he looked over at me and grinned.
“I’d like that. A lot.”
He started to pull over.
“What’s up?” I asked.
“ Could I walk you the rest of the way?” he said gentle as a mouse.
“Yeah. Is it ‘cause of my dad?”
“No I just want longer time with you.”
“Oh. Well my dad wont be home until about 10 tonight. He has a meeting.”
“Oh. And what about your mom?”
“my parents are divorced. My mom lives with some weirdo.”
“Oh. I guess I will drive up then.”
“Yeah. Then I won’t have to walk.” we laughed. I knew what he wanted. He wanted just to be alone outside of the car with me. I could do that. We’d probably just sit in the living room anyways.

Chapter 4

When we got home we walked inside and went to my bedroom upstairs so I could put my stuff away. He followed me up and we hung out in there. We were laughing about me falling over when his mouth was wide open. I saw something I wish I didn’t. I wasn’t sure they were what I thought but I was still scared. I stopped laughing and I had my eyes wide and my mouth gaping. He quickly shut his mouth knowing that I saw them. I knew for sure that they were exactly what thought. Fangs.
I swallowed hard and I was still sitting on the floor. He got up so quick I barely realized it. He ran out my bedroom door. I didn’t want him to leave even if I was scared. It was exciting. My adrenalin was rushing. I loved the the fear I had. I noticed I had changed from yesterday. It was a good change. I thought as quick as I could and I had an idea. Vampires love blood so I got up and grabbed my jackknife and slit my finger. It hurt bad but I was desperate. The blood came rushing out. I was wishing he’d come back. He did. He came over close to me and bent over. He whispered in my ear. “Run.” I didn’t want to run though. I knew I had to though.
I slid my window open really fast and without thinking I leaped. I forgot that I was 3 stories up but luckily he was fast. He jumped out right after me and we hit the ground. I was laying almost unharmed on top of him. He looked injured. But he wasn’t. I forgot vampires are practically indestructible. I looked him in the eyes and he looked back at me. I leaned my head down gently kissing his lips. So supple like a bird in a cloud. I couldn’t stop. We just laid there kissing. Until I felt his fangs against my tongue. I stopped kissing him. He just looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. I got chills that this time weren’t so good. I jumped up and fell down again. I was pushed. But by who. I could see Griffin still laying there. Then I looked up and saw a dark figure leaned over me. The figure kneeled by me and had his face by my neck. I was scared I started shivering. I knew that if I tried to fight back it could only get worse. I saw the figure get closer and closer to me. I finally felt two points on my neck. It stopped. I didn’t feel anything else on my neck. I looked over to see Griffin fighting this figure. I knew it was a vampire. I was scared. I got up and snuck over to Griffin’s truck I got in the drivers seat and sat there in a ball. I watched as Griffin landed on the hard ground. I cried and cried. I saw Giffin in pain. He was hurt. I knew that a vampire was hard to kill but I had to help Griffin. I ran inside with out being noticed and I grabbed the 12 gauge that was leaned up against a wall in my parents bedroom. I ran upstairs with it and I loaded it. I pointed it out my window that was still open and I took three shots. The first one hit the ground, the second one hit somewhere in the bushes and the third one hit a tree. Next thing I knew the vampire jumped high unto my bedroom through the window. I screamed as he grabbed me. He pinned me to the wall so I was face to face with him. But it didn’t last long. He had his fangs pressed against my skin again but this time Griffin didn’t come. I felt a sharp pain as my blood rushed into the vampires mouth. I tried to tug away but his grip kept getting tired. I was dizzy because I lost so much blood. I was suddenly laying on the ground. Griffin had tackled the other vampire. Griffin opened his mouth wide and tried biting him. But the vampire was too quick. Soon Griffin was on the ground and the vampire had his fangs driving into Griffin’s precious skin. I watched the blood pour out. I was too light-headed to get up but I tried. I soon had myself plunging toward the vampire but it was useless. The vampire got up and leaped out the window. I looked out the window as he ran away.
I watched Griffin’s body. Cold and empty. I realized that it was over. The end of my life. I would soon become just as cold and hollow. I walked to my desk, grabbed my knife and soon fell to the ground landing on top of Griffin. It was all blurry, then I saw my end. Fade to black.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.11.2010

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i dedicate this to my inspiration; Shane Flint!

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