
I was leaning into my locker looking for my sticky note with the practice time for tennis today. Ah ha! I found it. I was just shutting my locker when someone grabbed my waist and pushed me against the lockers. I saw a glimps of Michaels dirty blonde shaggy hair before he started kissing me.

I didnt mind lately he has been doing this alot going out of his way to show me he cares and what not. Dont get me wrong I liked it but is it wrong I sorta felt suscpicious?

He backed away and smiled at me "Hey beautiful." Michael said pecking my lips again. "Hey Mike." I smiled. We started walking down the hall holding hands. Michael started rattling off about the track meet coming up and how its going to be sick.

I nodded my head every now and than to show I am listening. My attention was actually the back of what seemed to be a new student. I felt kind of guilty but from the looks of the back he must be super hot! He had black wavy hair the kind that went to about his ears. He was tan or mixed like me. I am mixed with black and white. Everyone says im the whitest mixed girl ever. I dont think that makes sense.

So what I listen to screamo, dubstep, and rock. Michael didnt like it he wants to know why I would like listening to people scream words he doesnt understand. But I do. My favorite band was Flyleaf for like ever.

But back to the new boy he had a leather jacket on with black jeans kinda skinny jeans but not. Michael and I were about to turn the corner when he turned around. Ohh man he was hot! I didnt know I was still staring when he looked my way. He winked at me and walked forward.

I was all the way around the corner now so I couldnt see him. "Joan?!" Michael said shaking my hand. "Huh?" I asked looking at him. "I said do you want to hang out today? After school. We can go get pizza." I smiled. "Yeah definitly." He smiled and kissed me and stopped I looked over and frowned I was infront of my class. Michael steered my chin towards him. "I am right across the hall literally! So I will see you soon." I smiled and got on my tippy toes and kissed him. "See you in second." I said walking away.


The bell rang signaling the end of first period. I got up only to be called to stay after to talk to Mrs.Manson "Yes Mrs. Manson?" I asked confused. "I got an email from the principal and he wants you to show the new boy Parker around. You will be excused from the beginning half hour of second period."

"Okay." The bell rang signaling the beginnig of second period. I walked down to the office and knocked on the principls door. "Come in." His voive boomed from the other side. I openned the door. "Ahh miss Rivers. This is Parker Cantwell-" Parker intrupted him. "It's Candelm." The principl looked at him than back at me. "Anyway show him around the school and to his locker." The principl handed me his schedule and locker information.

"So is this school normally this boring?" Parker said speaking up once we got to his locker. I stopped turning the combinatoion and looked at him. "Well its school not cable. People here dont know the meaning of fun." He smiled at me. "Oh and you know how to have fun?" He challenged. I opened his locker and threw his books in. "Oh you would be suprised by how much fun I can have." I stated. Alittle note I am competitive. "Okay right now lets go, leave school and get some donuts?" I pulled out my phone and I had a text from him. 'Joan where are you, you left me all alone with these people!! ;p' I laughed and typed a quick message that said. 'New boy. Duty calls <3'

"Okay. Bring it on newbie." I smirked. We walked out the front door and he lead me to his motorcycle. "Niceee ride!" I said he smirked and threw me I helmet I caught it shocked.

Before I could say anything he cut me off. "Scared newbie?" He said mocking my early words. "In your dreams loser." He chuckled and mumbled somthing I couldnt hear. "What was that?" "Nothing." He said laughing. "Thought so. Now drive slow poke!" He reved the engine and pulled off.

I put my arms around his waist and held on tight.


We drove back to the school with ten minutescto spare so I quickly showed him his classes and walked into mine. Michael looked up when the door open and smiled at me. It looked like they were working in pairs on a project what I didnt get though was why Michael was working with Sandra. Sandra hated me and as far as I knew they were never friends.

I looked at him than walked over and sat with Parkercand we got to work on the partner work. Michael texted me saying 'Babe why are you working wih him? Come work with me.' I looked over at him and he was looking at me. I raised my hand and pointed to Sandy and texted 'You already have a partner.'

Michael texted her again 'Well you werent here and Sandy asked to be my partner. I told her I was going to work with you when you get here.' I looked at him and motioned him over. Michael stood up and walked over Sandy stood up to and followed him over I rolled my eyes.

Michael finally reached us and sat down and pulled his chair closer to mine. I continued working with out looing up. "Joan." "Joan." I looked up at him."Im sorry." He said. "It's whatever I am over it." "Joan dont be like that." He said frowning. "Im not being like anything I am fine promise." I said kissing him on the lips. I was about to look back at my work when Parker caught my eye

He just looked at me and I looked down. "We still on for pizza after school?" "Of course!" I said smiling. Michael smiled back and the bell rang. "Joan." Parker called me. "Yeah?" I asked smiling. "Umm you have my locker combination..." "Oh" I said getting them out of my purse and handing them to him. He smiled and Michael grabbed my hand and we started walking to lunch together.


Lunch was well a mess. I ended up sitting with Michael and his 'buddies' they were ind of disgusting but they were funny and we all got along. Until they decided to fling mashed potatoes down my shirt literally!

"Oh my god!!" I scremed lifting my shirt up and shaking out the food. I then had to reach downmy shirt and scrap some of my boob!. All the guys laughed. I grabbed some of my french fries and smooshed them in my hands and rubbed them all down Matty's face. "Hungry Mattis?" I said using his ful name while laughing.

"Actually yes I was hungry but you know what you look thirsty!" Matty said pouring is wateron my shirt. I screamed and grabbed Josh and used him as sheild. We all started laughing till I looked down. "Now I see why people say dont wear a black bra with a white shirt...." I probably shouldnt have said that out loud because they looked down at my shirt. "Is that lace I see Joe?!?!" Matty yelled.

"Shut up!" I yelled. Michael laughed a sheilded me with his body "you know she is still my girlfriend?" We all laughed and me and Michael walked out of the lunch room. "Do you want one of my shirts I might have some in the car." I smiled "I think not." I said and laughed. "I am just going to go in the bathroom and put it under the dryer." I said shrugging. "Okay well you might want to hurry up you like ten minutes till class." I pecked his lips and said. "Yes sir!" I saluted him and walked into the bathroom.

It took all of six minutes to dry my shirt. And the last four me running to my locker than to class. I walked in right while the bell was ringing. The bird like teacher Miss. Nim stared at me over the rim over her glasses. SO I mockedher with my imaginary glasses. She shook her head and pointed to my seat. I raised my hands in surrender and sat down.


After school was over I went to wait for Michael at my lccker. Parker walked up and slamed my locker shut and turned to his acting like he didnt do it and nothing happened. I smiled and pretended to walk away but I turned and slamed his locker. I went back to mine and started putting in the combination in again.

I was on the last number when someone tickled my side and I messed up! I looked over at Parker and he was trying not to laugh. "Ha ha.." I said sacrcatically I started doing mine and when Parker was almost done I reached over and spun his dial. He looked over at me with a seriously look but I new he was kidding.

I just smiled and opened my locker and before he could do anything I grabbed my bag and shut it. Michael then walked up and kissed me. He grabbed my hand and as we started walking I reached over and shut Parkers locker.

"Thanks Joan I was done actually." I turned my head and smiled. "Sure you were..." I said. We both smiled and I turned my head back around and started talking to Mike about the upcoming homecoming dance.

"So the homecoming dance is coming up.." I suggested to Michael I mean even though we were going out and most likely going together I still wanted him to ask me in like a romantic way. "Oh yeah it sounds like its actually going to be good this year." Michael said then changed the subject. He staretd talking about something that happened in his last period.

I smiled and nodded when he looked at me. I smiled and looked down thinking. 'This way we are together needs to change. And soon.'

We arrived at the Pizza Parlor. Michael sat down and I went to sit next to him when one of his friends dove in the seat I walked over the the other side of the both when two more friends dove in those spots. I shut my eyes and breathed in and out.

***This new character is dedicated to mememe12 my number one fan that had liked all my books and sent me a very nice message!!!***

"Suck's right? I went through this to. That's why I have sworn off dating." I looked over and there was a pretty girl she had curly blonde hair and all black clothes on. But hey my favorte colors were black and red. "Oh hi my name is Ariel bu please call me Arie." I laughed "Hey my name is Joan you can call me Joe to, at least thats what some of the guys call me." I smiled she sat down at the table right next to my booth. I pulled back my chair to that table and we scooted it closer to the booth Michael was sitting in. I sat down with her and we talked I found out she was Parkers fraternal twin!

"Joe babe." I looked over at Michael. Two of his friends had left. Arie and I moved over to the booth. "Whos this?" Michael said motioning to Arie. "This is Arie my friend." I said smiling. "Huh. When did you meet her?" "Two hours ago when you and your friends kicked me out of the table." I said arching my eyebrow and narrowing my eyes alittle.

"Oh sorry about that we have a big game coming up. And you know how important that is to me. Bye Anothony." I looked up as one of his friends were leaving. We talking the rest of the time.

Michael kissed me goodnight. I went outside and followed Arie to her house I was going to stay the night.

Arie threw me a pair of black shorts and a ripped grey tank. Sorry I buy those shirts for night time. I laughed. "No prob. they are actually really cute." I smiled at her and changed in the bathroom.

I came out and her and Parker were talking. Parker looked over. "Hey locker chick!" I laughed and walked over to them. "So we are going to go to the screening room and watch scary movies all night sound good?" Arie asked and Parker nodded. "Um sounds amazing I love scary movies!" We alllaughed and headed to the screening room and moved the couches and layed a whole bunch of pilows and blankets down. I was in the middle and Arie was on the right and Parker on my left we laid down. And I grabbed Arie's and Parker's hands. "This is for back up." I said laughing. "Good idea girl!" Arie said squeezing mine.


When I woke up I was still holding both of there hands. I slowly pulled mine back from theres and got up. I had to pee like a mofo! I tip toed around till I finally found a bahroom. When I walked out Parker was standing there. I grabed my chest and gasped "oh shit! You scared the hell out of me." Parker laughed. "Haha sorry." I gave him a weird look and walked into the kitchen. Parker followed behind me.

"Soooo, whatcha got for me to drink?" He looked aroun and pulled out different stuff. I looked at it all he had Birch Beer(< thats soda btw) Water, Oranje Juice, Milk and some fancy thing. I grabbed a cold Birch Beer and opened it. "Good choose." Parker said winking at me I smiled and drank a huge gulp. I closed my eyes when the stinging feeling from drinking to much of the soda came. I opened my eyes and they were watery I looked at Parker and we starte laughing.

"You guys really need some lessons on what the term inside voices mean!!" We turned to see Arie rubbing her head. We all started laughing. Arie grabbed a cup of O.J. and we went back to the screening room. I helped them clean up the mess.

Arie and I went up to her room so we could get ready to go to the mall. I looked threw my bag I brought a couple of pairs on clothes cause I didnt know what we would do, how long I was staying, and what the weather would be like.

I pulled out my Iphone and checked the tempature for today. It was going to be mid 70's so I grabbed my white short shorts and this new shirt it was dark blue and had red and white colored flower on it and it came to about my bellybutton but there was like a inch more thazt was mostly white lace.

I put gel in my newly dyed dark auburn hair. I applied make up and looked at the clock. It was about 1:45 now so I walked into the closet Arie had everything done except she was in her bra and panties. "Can't decide??" I asked she shook her head and groaned. I walked past her and looked at her clothes I grapped a blow ou shirt that was grey and had a picture of a black bow on it and pulled some black shorts out of her draw. To pull it al together I grabbed black pearl earings and handed it all to her. I patted her head and we both busted out laughing.

I waled out and sh followed and got dressed. "Hey do you have any extra toothbrushes??" I asked. "Yeah middle cabinet third shelf blue box!" She yelled back. "Okay thanks!" I grabbed it and started brushinf my teeth soon her and Parker both cam in and brushed there teeth we all spit at the same time.

I smiled and we walked downstairs. Parker grabbed his keys and we walked outside. I jumped on Aries back nand yelled. "Faster pony!!" She screamed/laughed and we ran to the car. We both yelled shotgun I groaned and got in the back while Arie smilled evilly. We got to the mall 15 min. later.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller i.d. it was my bff Natalie. "What are you wearing right now?" I laughed. "Hi Natalie how are you?" Natalie laughed. "Sorry but seriously what are you wearing?"

"Ehh white shorts, blue, red, white shirt trimmed with lace.... Why?" I asked. "Cause I see you!! Look to your left." I looked and there she was jumping up and down waving. I hung, and grabbed Arie and Parker's hands and ran to Nat *Natalie*. I huged her when we got there and introduced Parker and Arie. I could instantly tell Parker and Natalie kind of liked eachother. I dont know why but I kind of got jealous I shook it off and we all started to walk around.

I got a text it read

~Babe can I come over right now?~ Michael

~No sorry I am at the mall with Nat, Arie, and Parker :(~ Me

~Uh do you care if I come and we can meet at the food court?~ Michael

~No I dont mind hurry up sexy ;)~ Me

~Of course my lady ;)~ Michael

I put my phone away and asked if we could go meet Michael in the food court in 10. We walked around and shopped I bought some new Victoria Secret and a cute dress from Express. And flip flops from Pac Sun.

We walked to the food court and I saw Michael hecame up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips I smiled and pulled back. Everone greeted eachother and we walked to get some food.

Michael pulled me aside as we were walking into the movies. "I need to talk to you." I nodded and shouted to the others. "Hey we will meet you ib there." There was a chorus of okays and mhmm's. I turned to Michael and smiled at him.

"So we have been dating for 2 years now." I nodded and he continued. " 1) I want to give you this ring its like a promise of our love like we will be together for a long time. 2) I want to take our relationship to the next level." With that he pulled me really close and kissed me passionatly ans slowly I moaned quitetly and kissed him back. We broke apart and I smiled. "Yes." I said.

If your wondering what he meant by 'next level' we havent had sex yet. I mean we have done other stuff but we both didnt want to rush.

"This weekend my parents are going down to there friends for the weekend and my siblins are all staying over someone elses house so this Sat. we will. I said and pecked him on the lips and led him into the movies. We were going to see the Katy Perry movie!!!

CHAPTER 7 ***Sexual content butterfly stomachs and weak knees beware !! ;)***

We stepped out of the movie theater like 'yeah that was awesome' Michael said "girl I know your stallin" Right now I know I was but I must admit my lips needed some lip glossin cause my lip gloss is poppin!

**********If you dont know my creativity there -_- I had lip gloss by Lil Mama so I changed it to fit the story !! Sorry it was suck in my head and I wanted to get it out !*********

Okay so in all seriousness I walked out super hyper on Michael's back. So I guess I didnt really walk. But me and Michael walked to my house since it was not s far away. We walked in and was like everything was in slowmo i turned around after shutting the door and he was slowly walked to me.

I leaned against the door and smiled at him. Michael finally got closer and moved my hair from my face and left his had on my cheeck I placed my hand on his and leaned into his hands. I felt his lips lightly brush mine a couple of times.

I opened my eyes and he was staring at me. I moved closer and kissed him finally he moved closer to me one hand on my waist the other on my cheeck still. I moved my hands up his chest slowly and wound my hands around his neck and into his hair. I slide out away from him and he groaned and placed his hands on the door and his forehead.

I went behind him and slowly I pulled back his jacket hand ran my hands over the muscles in his back he shivered and leaned into me I pulled the bottom of his shirt up and over his head. He turned around and leaned against the door. I dropped his shirt and got closer to him I admired his body for alittle while.

Michael did the same to me he pushed my jacket off and lifted my shirt off. I leaned against him and we started kissing it got even more heated. We started backing up and when we hit the steps Michael spinned us around so it was him that fell back with me falling ontop of him.

Shoes were off and pants were too by the time we got into my room. I shut the door like an reflex. I turned around and the first thing I saw was Michaels boxers on the floor.... meaning he was fully naked under my covers.

I bit my lip and walked to the edge of my bed. I pulled of my underwear and my bra and crawled onto the bed and under the cover and rolled to my side looking at Michael he pulled me to him.

And we strted kissing next thing I nknow he is postioning himself between my legs he looks at me and I nod and reach up to kiss him while we are kissing he slowly moves closer to me.

You know what happens I am so not giving you every little detail of that !

Awhile later when he was holding me from the bac I turned towards him. "Your not going to disapear now right??" I asked with a small smile. He smashed his lips to mine.

"Never in my life will I leave you. Hopefully if you still love me when we get alittle older you will be my wife." I smiled and kissed him. "I will." I smiled we cuddled and fell asleep with no space between us.


I woke up and stretched my arm back only to snatch it back from the coldness next to me. I rolled on to my back and opened my eyes. I looked around me and then got up and went into the bathroom and showered. I did my hair and brushed my teeth. I went into my closet and just threw on sweats and a cut off half shirt.

I walked downstairs and looked threw the house. "Hmm." I murmered I couldnt find Michael "I guess he left."

I felt someone put there arms around me. "Nope I am right here." I smiled. "Where were you ?" I asked him with him still holding me from the back. "Outback laying in your hammock." He said laughing. "OooOoo can I join ??" I said turning to him.

"Well you have to pay a fee to get on the hammock." I laughed. "I have to pay a fee to get on my own hammock ?!" He just nodded and smiled. "Fine what is the fee ??" I asked.

He backed up from me and touched his lips repeatidly. I laughed "okay I get it."

I pushed him into the wall and kissed him. He went to pull me close but I pulled away. I smirked when he groaned. I went to turn around when he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. I put my hands on his chest and leaned back as he pulled me closer and closer.

I was laughing. He put his forhead against my stomach and kissed my stomach. "I said ten kisses Joe.." Michael looked up at me with the puppy dog face.

I laughed even harder I lifted his face by his chin and quickly pecked his lips and pulled back. "Thats two." I said and walked away.

"Joe ! Where are you going ?" I looked back. "If you want the next eight you better hurry up !" I yelled and turned the corner. I hid nehind the wall and when he came around the corner I kissed him taking him by surprise..

"Three." "Four." "Five." I said between kisses. "Six, seven, eight." I said kissig him really fast. I pushed off of him and opened the back door. I stoped midstep and he ran into me I turned and kissed him slowly. "Nine." Michael said smiling at me. We both started laughing and walked out back.

I reached the hammock and walked to the other side. I went to get in when Michael stopped me. "Uh uh you my lady are one kiss short!" I smiled and climed on the hammock. Michael held my waist balancing me. I kissed him and pulled away when he pulled me closer.

"Haha." I said and layed down on the hammock. Michael tried climbing in but ended up falling on his ass. I shot up and looked over the edge and busted out laughing. I laughed so hard I flipped over the edge and fell on my stomach I rolled over.

I couldnt stop laughing I looked over at Michael and he was laughing to. Michael got upand pulled me up with him.

I hugged him still fighting off giggles. "You should ha ha have seen your FACE !" I giggled.

My phone started ringing and I answered it. "Hey Jojo it's Parker." I smiled "Hey parker ! Whats up ?" I asked. "Well Arie and I are going to the beach. Wana come ?" He asked. I looked at Michael and he looked mad. "Hey Mikey do you care if I go to the beach with Parker and Arie?"

"No no its whatever." He said scratching the back of his neck. "I should probably go anyway." He mumbled and stood.

"I can come call me when your about to leave." And I hung up.

"Michael I am not leaving yet !" I yelled as he was opening the back door. He stopped and turned around. "Im just gonna head out now."

"Okay one sec." I ran up to him. When I went to kiss him he moved at the last second so I kissed his cheeck. I looked at him and he looked away and hugged me and turned around and left.

"What the hell." I muttered.


Texte: Mine
Bildmaterialien: Google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2012

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