
Well helloo...........

Felicity! hurry up and come here! my brother Lannen kept yelling
I slowly walked down the steps into his basement/room " yes your majesty? " I said sweetly. He scowled before saying "I have big news for you. Since I am the oldest-"
"Yeah by one year" I mumbled.
"Whatever anyway though I invited five of my goodest friends to move in...."
"Hahaha so funny now really what did you need to tell me?" I asked
"I am serious and since I have the basement you have to share a bathroom with them." He smiled and I scowled then went up to my room and finished getting ready.

I checked my reflectionin my mirror I didnt look that bad now I am not cocky about my ooks I have been told the whole range of your hot to your sexy. I have long curly dark brown hair I am tall, I have a slender body and I am mixed with black and white so I have caramel skin and brown eyes.Today since it issupper hot I decided to wear a crop black shirt that says 'Breathe Caroline' on the front jean shorts and no shoes I put eye liner on the top and lip gloss and went down the stairs. I walked to the front door to open the screen windows. And get the mail. As I was walking back to the house I tripped on the curb. Two strong arms circled my waist and saved me from posably doing a face dive. I turned a round and saw five guys not just guys but beautiful guys! And one of them had there arms around my waist(who cares that it was because I almost fell they are still there.) "Well helloooooo....." I said then mentally smacked me self in the face. Did I really just say that? The guy smiled and they all chorused hellos. I turned around as I heared footsteps. "Dudes!" my brother yelled. While they were doing there manly greetings I started walking back to the house. "Felicity did you meet the guys?" I nodded and went to turn around when the guy that caught me said "yeah she met us, she practically did a face dive to the driveway." He smirked and I glared at him my brother laughed and rattle off there names.
"So this is Alec, Blake, Aiden, Declan, and Jayden." Jayden was the jerk who caught me he had brown hair and bright brown eyes, Alec had black hair and grey eyes, Blake had black hair and blue eyes, Aiden had blonde hair and eyes that looked blue but green at the same time. Declan had brown hair and green eyes. They all were gorgues.
How the hell am I going to survive living in a house with six guys and five are totally sexy and totally not related to me!

Time to get situated

While Lannen showed everyone around I went to my room. Ten minutes later I heard a stamped so that meant the guys were picing there rooms. I layed down on my bed and started listening to music. My door burst open and Alec and Declan pushed eachother to get in. "Dammit why do you get the farthest room down?" "Ummm because it is my house and I was here first..." They both smiled nd ranout to see which rooms were left. Well I guess it was time to get situated.

"Felicity can you come here please?!" someone yelled tome while I was in my room. I walked to were I heard the voice which was the room over right next to mine. It was Jayden yay!.... not. "yessir?" I asked when I was in the doorway. "come in come in and shut the door behind you." I looked at him and slowly inched in and closed the door with my foot. I didnt trust him enough to take my eyes off of him. "What do you want Jayden? I have places to go people to see." I said eyeing him from under my eyelashes. "Yeah sure where are you going to the playground to see your little boyfriend?" he said sarcasticlly. "Ha ha ha verry funny, but no I for one dont have a bouyfriend-" "good." He said cutting me off. ".....And two I have a party to go to tonight so there you go." He smiled and walked over to me and grabbed my hands, then got to his knees "Oh my fair ladie may I assisst you on this lovely night?" I was so shocked I just stared at him with my mouth open. "close your mouth youll catch flies." He laughed I quickly snapped out of my trance and ripped my hands away. He looked shocked, well good. "Hell no! I cant take you anywhere acting like that." I scoffed andwalked out leaving him on his knees staring after me.

I stormed in my room and slammed my door and walked to my bed. I went back to the door opened it and silently shut it. I was mad for who knows what ut I couldnt take it out on the poor door it didnt do anything to me. I know, I know weird. There was a knock on my door. "Jayden your immature so foget about the party your not going!" I swung the door open. But Jayden wasnt there it was Declan. "Ohh a party am I invited? Cause you know the ladies love me." Declan had that nice dlight Irish accent that made you want to melt right then and there. I must have been in thought for awhile cause the next thing I knew he was knocking on my forehead. "Hello anyone in there?" He laughed at his own joe and I hadno choice but to smile, he was so hot! "Well actually I was invited to this party. Not anyone else who lives here but I could text them and ask if I can have a plus six, she will probably say yes if I tell her it'smy brother and his ive sexy friends." I shut my mouth really quickand looed down. Oh my gosh did I really just tell him I thought they were hot! Oh jeez.

Declan lifted my chin and leaned down on my closed bedroom door. Huh? When did I close that? "So Felicity you think i'm sexy huh?" He smiled. "What no, are you crazy? Your a, a uh, umm a....guy!" I scoffed still looking anywhere but his face. I took a chance and looked at him which I shouldnt have he was staring intensly at me. "ummmm" I mumbled we stood there and stared at eachother for awhile. Then my body totally moved without my command and the next thing I knew we met in the middle and started kissing. At first it was alittle sloppy because he was still kind of leaning on the door. So I grabbed his shirt with both of my hands and swung us around so my back was on the door without breaking the kiss. "felicity" he brethed against my lips. I shivered and mumbled something unintelligent. I put my hands on his chest to brace my self when I broke the kiss. Are breathing was heavy. I stared at my hands on his chest and slowly ran them down admiring the hardness. I looked up and he was watching my hands. I got my breathing undercontrol then pushed past him. What the fuck amI doing I just met this dude like last week! I sat on my bed and looked at my hands. I felt the bed sag next to me but I was to busy thinking to care.

"City..." He said cautiously. "City? Is that some nickname or something?" He smiled clearly embarrassed. "Yeah sorry I didnt mean to call you thst." He smiled "No no it's okay" I said quickly "I have tons of nicknames I just have never heard City I like it it's cute." "like you" He said then got up and walked out. "thanks?" I said to a closing door. So are they coming to the party or not?

Time to party people!

I went to each guy and told them that they were invited to come if they want, they were all down for it. Lannen almost made us late trying to explain rules to me. "No taled to weird guys, dont drink any beer, and hands to yourself. Blah blah blah." I looked at Declan when Lannen sai hands to yourself he looked up and caught me looking I smiled and he smiled back then Lannen shewed us out the door breaking the momment.

When I walked threw the door the party was in full swing but everyone still stopped and looed at all of the guys that came in with me. Right when we walked in no other then the hoe Miranda runs up and is all over Alec. For some reason jealousy shots threw me but I have no idea why Alec hardly talks to me he has that whoe mysterious thing going on. I looked away adn walked straight to the dance area. I saw my bestfriend Savanna and ran up to her and hugged her. "Vanna I missed you so much!" "I know Liss I missed you too!" She pulled me into the middle of all the dancers. Not even ten minutes later I felt someone put there hands on my waist I half turned about to tell them to back off of me. "Hello beautiful" Jayden whispered in my ear. He was a pretty good dancer he actually moved instead of just standing there smooshing me to himself. "Hi Jayden." I walked out of his arms "bye Jayden" I turned to walk away ut he grabbed myarm and twirled me to him we werenow chest to chest without an inch in between us. my head was still in his in the air, his other hand was on my waist holding me to him, andmy other hand was on his bicep. He smiled and started to move to the music. I thought what the hell and started to dance. I turned around in his arms, his hands went to my waist and we swayed to the music.

I opened my eyes an saw Declan staring at us. He noticed my gaze and grabbed miranda and pulled her well she technically pulled him to the dance floor. He grabbed her waist and they started to dance to the beat when she put her head to the side Declan looed at me then lowered his eyes to Miranda and kissed her softly on the neck. I was officially pissed. He was doing it on purpose to I just knew it. SO I fought fire with lava. I turned in Jaydens arms grabbed his face and crashed my lips onto his he was unresponsive first but then he got himself together and kissed me back. He pulled me closer to him and deepend the kiss. Just as I was about to grant him access I was jerked back and pulled away from Jayden and into a nearby closet. I had no clue who dragged me in here but I had an idea who did and my idea was confirmed when he turned the light on. Declan.

"What do you think you were doing kissing him like that and infront of everyone?" He yelled. "What the hell do you think your doing kissing that stupid slut Miranda's neck?" I screamed back. We just stared at eachother for awhile. He finallybroe eye contact and looed down and ran his hand threw his hair. I stared at him waiting for something, anything. After five minutes of silence he stormed out. I stood there for acouple o seconds then followed him outside to the side of the house. He was sitting on a chair by a fire pit. I grabbed a chair pulled it infront of him and sat down. "Declan.." I said hesantly and tried to raise his face but he wouldnt let me after a couple tries I gave up and kneeled infront of him and stuck my head under his. He just stared at me so I just stared at him. He raised his head so I got back in my seat and touched his knee. "Declan look i'm sorry its just when you kissed her neck I just got so, so so-" He cut me off "No I shouldnt have done that I was just jealous that Jayden was dancing with you not me." I smile at that and hugged him. he stood up and made the hug more comfortable. I layed my hean on his shooulder.

"What the hell?!" Are heads snapped and we looked over at Lannen. Uh oh here comes trouble.

"Ohh! Lannen we just hugged it was nothing! I jumped back and said. "nothing my ass I saw you to all over eachother" He slurred. "Dude your drunk I was mad and she came a calmed me down that was it I sware." Declan stated calmly. "Yeah whateverr I..I will deal'burp' with this when we get home and and dont th-think I will forget cause I wont I am very smart!" He swayed at the end from how hard he was trying to talk. I tryed to hold back a smile and I walked up to Lannen hugged him then walked forward but turned around and yelled "Time to party people what are we waiting for?!"

I should not have drank that........juice?

"wooooooo" I screamed from the top of the table as I swiveled my hips to the beat of the song.I looked up and there was alot of people watching. Huh I wonder when they got there? I smiled and flipped my hair to the side and kicked my shoes off and tossed my jacket on a group of guy's. I was about to get down when my third favorite song came on. Benny and the Jetz. I started singing aloud and dancing to the beat. I was lonely so I grabbed a random guy and pulled him up and started swaying to the music. He put his hands on my waist and I leaned in and closed my eyes. Man he was so warm and comfortable I felt at home leaning on him. The song ended and a slow one came on he spun me around to face him and I kept my eyes closed and I layed my heaad on his shoulder. I finished my drink then threw the cup and put my head back down. I inhaled his scent. He smelled like freedom and rain. I was dying to see who this wasI liftedmy head up to see who he was but then he spun me around to the new song and I was faced away fromhim I turned around and all I saw was the back of his perfect blac hair head, and musculer frame. I jumped down to go after him but my dark blue dress came up alittle and went to fix it I tripped and fell into some girl I mumled an apology and pushed threw people to getmy eyes on who that guy was. I saw him go around a corner into the hall. I ran after him put when I turned the corner the room was empty.

I was about to turn around when someone put a cloth on my eyes I was about to freak out but then someone whispered. "Looking for me?" I inhaled and I smelled fresh rain and freedom I smiled and went to turn around but he held me still and tied the cloth then turned me around. I reached around blindly and felt his face I crefully ran my fingers over his face trying to make a mental picture but I couldnt when I got to his lips I hesitated then trace them they were full and soft. I ran my hands down his chest and felt him shudder I leaned in and tried to find his lips and he helped me. Just as I was about to deepen it he stepped back I reached out but felt air. I ripped the blindfold off and looked around and I was in the room all by myself. I groaned in frustration. "Whats wrong Fel? Did the little princess not get what she wanted?" I tensed I could reckognize that voice anywhere. I turned around and glared at Miranda "Shut up slut." I said and turned away and walked out of the house. I called the guys and we all stumbeled into the car except for Aiden. He laughed at us then climbed in the front seat."See this is why I like to be the driver cause tomarrow all of you are going to have massive hangovers. "threw something at him and stretched out over Blake, Alec, and lannen I put my head on Blakes lap my torso on Alecs and my feet on Lannen. I felt ALec rub my back and I closed my eyes and got comfortable.

The car ride was long because some people had to get stuff from there house because they were crashing at are house. Blake scooted my head off his lap and Lannen pushed my feet off him. I just snuggled onto Alec he patter my head an whispered "you now I would love to stay in the car but I wantto go to bed in a bed. I sat up and scooted out and gave Alec enough room so he stood up outside of the car I wrapped my arms around him and mummbled 'carry me' He sighed and lifted me up bridel style. I soon felt softeness on me but it was to cold I latched on to the hot object that I was on and pulled it onto the bed with e and snuggled against it I heared a mummble slash laugh but ignored it. "Goodnight T" Someone said "Night night Mr.rain" I said cause thats what he smelled like. I didnt remember that he was the mystery guy till I woke up in the morning feeling like an eighteen wheeler rain over me. "I should never have drank that......juice?" I mumbeled. What was in it anyway? I groaned and flopped back down and quickly .fell back asleep.

Where oh where has my mystery man gone?

I narrowed it down and I know he lives with use so it's one of the boys in the house! Dammit unless its one of the three boys that come over every freakin night, they are so immature I caught them trying to peak in my underwear drawer like really?

"Get out!!" I scream they all turn around with guilty yet not guilty looks. "Oh sorry Lis......." They just stared at me so I looked down. OMG I was in my bra and thong and the blanket were at my waist I snatched the blanket up to my chin "GET OUT!!" I shreaked. They laughed and walked out ofmy room. Ugh guy's!

I sooo didnt just hear that!

I walked down the hall to go get some food and I heard Alec in his roo talking to my borther. "I dont know man, I mean I know she is your younger sister and all but I think I am falling in love with her!" "Holy jeez!" I whispered. I peeked in and saw Alec sitting on his bed with his face in his hands shaking his head. My brother waled forward and gave him a 'manly' pat on the back, I rolled my eyes and ran when they started to walk to the door. I went into Declan's room only to see a pretty dark haired girl snuggled to his chestwhile he played with her hair. My mouth fell open and I slowly bcked away but not before Declan looked up. My eye's went wide and I ran out.

I collided with something solid and looked up into stormy grey eye's. "Hey Alec" I said trying to act normal. He smiled and repied hey. "Soo Fel I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me this weekend......together.....without theother guy's?" I stared into his eyes and nodded I was pretty sure I was incapable of forming an answer. He smiled the turned to walk into downstairs.

I walked down a couple of minutes later to see Blake, Aiden and Jayden at the table eating with those stupid guy's. They were talking but I didnt hear what they were saying till I got closer. "Man I swear Felicity has the hottest body ever!" Gage one of there friends said they all agreed and kept talking about me "I sooo did not just hear that! You guys are really sitting here talking about my body. I mean im flatter but eww not at the table. Oh and Aiden you have a little something on your face." I said before walking out back and sheding my towel and laying on a floaty in the pool.

A couple of minutes in complete peaceI was about to sigh when my floaty got flipped with me on it and I went under I quickly swam to the ledge and pulled my self out and looked back at all the guys an there friends. "Really do you really wana play dirty with me?" I glared. "Watch your back boy's" I said over my shoulder as I picked up my towel and walked inside.

Mission: Bad boys

I creeped slowly in to Lannen's bedroom I took out the neon pink hair dye and softly massaged it in his hair. He rolledover smearing in allover himself, I held in a laugh and went to Jaydens room.

He was laying on him back I grabbed some hot wax and put it on his leg's and put peaces of waxing paper on top and left.

I then went into Aiden's room and got out honey and put it inside his mourning slipper's, He moved so I ducked onto the floor and slowly crawled out.

I the went into Declan's room and went into his bathroom and super glued his toilet shut and put a clear plastic on his shower and sink faucet so he the water would explode when he turned it on. I walked out of his room and slipped into Alec's.

He was sleeping on his back I crawled onto his bed slowly and pulled out my jumbo black sharpie I leaned over him and started righting 'I love Justin Bieber' all over his face.

I had just finished writing 'love' when Alec rolled over and wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled his head onto my chest!! Holy shit the dude was practically on topof me. I tried to wiggle out but he brought his other handand drapped it onto my waist with his other arm.

Wow his arms were so toned yet comfortable I relaxed and scooted closer. He made a noise and my eyes shoot open. "Snap outof it Fel!" I mumbled and started to move his head he rolled onto his back and pulled me with him so I was ontop. I smiled because I could finally finish I finished writing on his face and started to slowly slide down his body to get to the end of his bed. I started to blush when my face was by his crotch he shifted and moaned in his sleep. I made a wierd high pitched noise and quickly got down. I ran out the door and into myroom and layed down for a few minutes.

When it was close to morning I went downstairs and sat in the living room. I heard someone get up and shut a door. Probably going to the bathroom it was silent then I heard a BOOM! I busted out laughing. I bet that was Declan my answer was confirmed when he came running downstairs soaking wet and holding his crotch running into the downstairs bathroom I started laughing again when I heard a boyish slash girly scream. There were three more yells and all the guy's came running downstairs. I was sitting ontop of the couch incass I needed a fast get away when Declan, Aiden, Lannen, and Jayden came to stand infront of me. Declan was soaked, Aiden had a slipperdripping from honey and his foot had it all over it too. Lannen had pink streaks all down his face and his hair was a wierd red slash brown slash pink color. And Jayden had huge bald spots on his legs that were an angry pink and red. I started laughing so hard "What-" Laugh "happened to you guys?" I sputtered chocking on laughter. I heard a chucle from behind me and we all looked to see Alec pointing and laughing at the guys he came and sttod by them.

"What the hell happened to you gu's?" He said while he tried to control his laughter. Declan glredand said "I wouldnt be laught Mr. I love Justin Bieber!" All the guy's and I busted out laughing cause we all knew he despised Justin Bieber's music.

Alec ran in the bathroom. We all stared after him and then heard. "What the hell?!?!"Alec stormed back in and stood with the guys they all glared at me. I smiled and flippedover the back of the couch when Aiden tried to grab me and I ran outback. They were close behind me. I jumped over the chair and threw a ball at them and I ran back inside. I turned around to see were they were and I saw three of them coming so I ran to my room and locked the door.

I ran to my bathroom and shut and locked the door. I jumped in the shower and did my normal routine's while they banged on the door. Once I got out I noticed they werent banging I opened the bathroom door slowly and walked out. I my door was opened I checked my room and no one was in it so I shut the door and locked it.

I put on jean shorts and a white tank top with my favorite colr spice berry lace bra underneath with a matching thong. I put gek in my hair and added top eyeliner mascara and chap stick and went downstairs.

As I was passing my bed I stopped backtracked and screamed. "Ahhhhhh!!" I heard laughter and I ran out front and saw the guy's holdong her. "Give her back to me now!" I screamed to Aiden. "Never!" He shouted. I started running after him but someone grabbed me around my waist and pulled me back. I fought while yelling "Give me my damn Lala Loopsie back now!!!" (Yes I know they are dolls but my blue haired one is so adorable!) They laughed and started tossing her back and forth. Jayden fake dropped her and I gasped.I couldnt take it anymore! "Okay okay I will do whatever you want I swear just put her back!" All of the guys smiled and I folowed after them to my room. They put her back and they turned to me. "We get to do what you did only slightly different." Lannensaid I stared at them in horrer as they came closer.

In the end Lannen dyed a couple pieces of my hair blue. Aiden squirted honey onto my toes. :( And Jayden got to give myhair a trim which turned out to look not that bad just kind of choppy. Declan poored cold water all over my clothes I was wearingmaking my shirt see threw! Alec pulled my shirt down alittle and wrote something fro one shoulder to the other on my chest. I looked and it said 'I love Taylor Swift' I screamed on that one and punched him.

All the boys survyed there work. Aiden was the first to speak "She actually look's really hot right now." Declan, Alec, and Jayden all agreed. "Hey that's my little sister yourtalking about!" Lannen yelled they all buted up laughing and I smiled they all shuffled out and I changed into grey yoga pants and a pink tank top.

We all went downstairs and the seats were taken so I went and sat on Alec's lap since he doesnt know I know that he is in lovewith me he wont do anything perverted. He shifted so I got comfy we turned out the lights and watched 'Hannah'. I started falling asleed to the sent off rain and freedom my eyes shot opened and I looked up at Alec. Alec my Alec was the mystery guy that kept me up at night! I stared at him and he looked down and caught me staring I blushed and looed back at the T.V He sighed and tugged me closer. I layed my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I soon felt a soft mattress under me. I whispered "stay with me tonight Alec" I heard a shirt and pants bieng thrown on the floor then his heat. I put my head on his chest and snuggled. I brought my leg up(I know I sleep wierd) and put my arm acroos his stomach and he put his on my waist. I was asleep in no time.

You sooo cuteee <3

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. Laying next to be was Alec and his chest was uncovered. I blushed and slowly eased out of bed and went to domy normal routine. Today we were going to the beach so I wore a dress with a open back it was dark blue and had a little white tie at the waist. I added white flip flops and layed the outfit out on my chair. I put my dark red two piece on. I was lotioning my legs when I heard a noise.I looked over and Alec was sitting up rubbing sleep out of his eyes. "Hey" I said trying not to make things awkward. His head snapped towardme and he relaxed when he saw it was me he smiled and replied "Hey Lis."

"So you're coming with us to the beach today right?" I questien smiling he just looked so cute in his half asleep state. He scratched his head. "Um yeah most likely why?" He asked I looked down and replied. "I was just wondering if you want to ride in my car with me....just me?" I looked up at the last part and we stared at eachother finally he said "yeah sure that would be cool" He smiledand got up and walked to my door. Just ashe was passing threw he turned around and said "just wal into my room when your ready." I nodded in acknowledge meant and waled to my bed to get my dress on.

Alec's POV

Felicity nodded her head in aggremment and walked to her chair pulling a curve higging dress on.
I walked out and shook my head. Man she undos me bad. I walk into my room and jump in the shower I wrap a towel around my waist and open the door. I walk into my room shaking water out of my hair. I turn around and close my door. "Oh jeez im sorry I thought you would already have your bottoms on!" I turn an look at Felicity who has a slight blush toher cheeks I smile and say "It's fun I am not totally naked.....unless you want me to be?" I actinnocet waiting for her reaction. "Oh my gosh oh my.....okay will be downstairs when your ready" SHe states she goes to pass my but my arm stops her. She looks up at me and I lean in and whisper in her ear "I was kidding. Unless you know you really want me to" I pull back a little to look at her. Her mouth is openI smile and say 'im just joking.' She walks out and right when she gets to the top of the steps I step into my doorway and call her name. "Yeah" She reply's with rosey cheeks. "you sooo cuteee!" I laugh and walk into my room to get my bottoms on. A few seconds later I hear her descend the stairs. I smile "I wounder what it would be like waking up to her everyday?" I mumble to myself as I grab a toweland slip on my shoes.

Uh oh here comes trouble

Mystery guy POV

"Man sitting in the car for two hours, I think we should go to the beach." I said I looked next to me at Rick. "Yes man I am cramped up and ready to see the ladies!" We both laughed and I pulled into a parking space and turned off my car. "Hey dude you remember Felicity?" Rick said. I sighed and replied "No talking about her when I am on my vacation! It's time to forget the past and move on." I stated nd looked at him. "Well she is here and I am pretty sure hidding from you because she was waling with someone and looked over and when she saw us she grabbed the guys hand and jumped behind those bushes over there." I looked to werre he was discretely pointing and I could see the top of her head. Well Fel was never good at hide and seek.

Felicity POV

Alec and I got out of the car and went to get drinks. While we were walking back I saw Rick and my almost first guy (as in I almost lost my virginity to!) He wasnt looking so I grabbed Alec's hand and pulled him behing some bushes. "Wh-What are you ding!" He laughed. "Long story short my first love Dustin, slash the guy I almost lost my virginity to but it ended badly is here with his stupid cocky headed friend Rick! He cannot see me it will be so awkward!" Alec stared at me for awhile looked up winced then looked down he leaned down and whispered "play along" He blocked my body from view and started makeing out with me my eyes widened then I shut them and responded to his ask for entrance. "Rick why are you playing with my emotions she isnt even over here!" "Dustin I swear I saw her she was standing over there!!!" Dustin groaned and I heard them walk away. Alec broke the kiss and sat down. I sat down beside him and looed up "Thanks" I said breathlessly. "Welcome" here replied in the same breathless voice.

Beach Fight!

Alec just stared at me for awhile the he cleared his voice and stood up. He stretched out his hand and I gratefully took it. "Sooo...." He said "So..." I replied we laughed and walked to everyone else. "Where were you guy's!" Fumed Lannen "Hiding from my ex." I said bored. He calmed down and smiled. "Alright you guys lets go!" He yelled and I striped my shirt and shorts and Alec striped his shirt and we all shot off towards the water.

We stayed in the water for awhile dunking, swimming, and splashing together when we got out. I was the last to get out. I moved my hair out of my face and jogged to catch up to the guy's. I grabbed a handful of wet sand and threw it at the guys it exploded on lannens back and hit the others they turned around. And I smiled devilishly. "It is so on!" Lannen yelled. Everyone started to grab sand and throw it at eachother. I was laughing uncontolably when someone hit me in the back of the head with sand. I turned and saw Dustin and Ricky. "Mind if we join?" He smiled "Why not!" I grabbed sand and threw a huge wet ball and it hit him in the chest and slowly slide down. I laughed and ran. I heard him laugh as he chased me I ran threw the other guy's and noticed soe girls from here that I knew had joined.

"Got ya!" Dustin yelled as he tackled me to the ground he started wiping wet sand all over me. I screamed and laughed and we restled while whiping sand all over eachother. I got sand and put it all over his face. He grabbed me and started wiping it all over my neck and face. I screamed mercy and he laughed. And rolled off me and we layed there laughing. I grabbed more sand and threw it at him and jumped up and ran to the water were everyone else was. He ran in with me and we all got inot this huge wrestle.

I was on Alec's shoulders pulling him under water. Declan came and pushed me off I screamed and fell in the water I stayed under and grabbed his legs and pulled him.

Declan went under and I latched on to his chest with my arms around hi neck and my legs around his waist I puled him under again over and over till he finally got me off we were both putta breath laughing when we noticed everyone was also laughing at us an Lannen was on the sand. "I got this whole thing on tape!" He yelled we all laughed and got out of the water and dried off and piled in the car.

When we got home we uploaded the video to Youtube and watched it with a bowl of watermelon. It was so funny later that night everyone just ended up staying over and we all fell asleep all over eachother watching movies.

So sore!

I felt like I couldnt breathe my body hurt so bad. I tried to open my eyes but something was over them. I reached my hand up and pulled a hand off the top of my eyes. I dont know how but Jaydens hand was over my face? Weird...... I went to sit up but something was around my waist and on my chest I looked to see Alec had his head on my chest and his arm around my waist and are legs were tangled. As much as I love this I had to pee so bad it wasnt funny!

I slowly moved my legs from his and I started to shift tomy right so he would slide of but that didnt really work seeing as decla ws right on my other side so I was trapped I tried going up or down but I was in lie a box of people. So I decided to do it the hard way I turned my head to look at Alec I didnt ntice how close are faces were. "Alec... Alec!" I whispered trying to wake him up.

"Hmm?" He mumbled I played with his hir till he opened his eyes. He smiled at me a squeezed me. "Not to sund like I dont like this which I do, I mean who wouldnt it like evry girls dream, well I dont know not every girls dream since you dont know every girl I guess you could say th-" "Fel!" "sorry I was babiling wasnt I?" I asked alec he chuckeld and nodded. I smiled "What I was trying to say was I need to go pee and your kind of stopping me from that" Alec looked down then up. "Oop's." He said releasing me. "It's okay I will be back." I smiled. "Okay hurry I am getting cold!" I laughed. "I love you" I frooze and looked at Alec his face confirmed it I really just said that out loud to him. "Fel" Alec said. I made a squeky sound and ran to my room and locked the door and went to my bed.

A couple minutes later I heard a knock. I looked up and saw a note being slipped under my door. I creeped over to it and opened it. It said

Dear Fel,
I love you too ;) love Alec.

I yanked open the door and we just stared at eachother before he crashed his lips to mine. I gave a gasp of suprise which he took to advantage and gained entrance. I didnt mind though. After a couple of minutes we broe a apart. We were equally breathless. I smiled at him and led him to my bed.

Now before you think 'You slut!' We didnt do anything we just layed down and talked about anything and everything. I felt so comfy soon enough we both fell asllep in eachother's arm's.

New's to Lannen

I woke up and looed to my left and smiled Alec was still with me. He was awake though. "How long have you been awake?" I asked cautiously. "Long enough to know you talk in your sleep!" He said witha chuckle. "Lies! All of them." I gasped he pulled me closer and said "no I think its cute with you 'Alec I love you' 'kiss me' 'Aleecc' 'ohh alec!' They were so cute." I stared at him in horror "Your kidding right I didnt realy say that cause Oh my thats so embarrasing!" I coverd my face because I had started to blush.

Alec took my hands off my face and whispered. "It's okay your my girlfriend now-" I cut him off by rolling ontop ofhim. "Really? Im glad it took you long enough I mean come on how many hints does a girl have to throw a guy bef-" He cut me off with a kiss. I kissed him back with everything that I had. He pulled back and rested our foreheads against eachother. "Fel you make it so hard for me to wait till your ready when you do that to me" "Sorry..." I rolled off and scooted away and looked at the wall. "No I like being close to you! But when you kiss me like that I forget everything I promised I wouldnt rush." He pleaded as he pulled me against him and wound his arms around my waist. "So why dont you forget everything then?" I asked stubbornly. "Because I want to take things slow with you Felicity I really do like you alot." I sighed and turned to him. I rested my head between his head and shoulders.

We just layed there like that for awhile not saying anything. I kissed his neck a couple of times till he kissed me. I sighed and put my arms around im to. "Alec?" "Yeah?" "Why are you so hot?" He looked down at me and laughed "I could ask you the same thing Fel." I smiled and got up. "Woah woah were are you going?" Alec asked. "We should probably tell my brother sooner then later that we go out..." Alec nodded his head yes and got upand threw on a shirt.

I knocked on Lannen's door till he opened. Lannen opened the door while putting on a shirt. "What Fel it's freakin 2:00 in the afternoon!?" "Yeah about the time people should be up already...You know normal people.." I said while smiling. He grabbed me and put my head under his arm and messed with my hair. "Ahh come on Lan really!?" He let go and laughed at my hair. I fixed it then punched him in the gut. "What now suckah bite me hoe!" I yelled and went to sit on his bed.

"Alright what do you want Liss?" I looked at him and started playing withhis hair. "Alec and I go out!" I said in arush and looked at him waiting for the yelling. He smiled and said "about damn time! I mean I was about to tell both of you to stop playing around and date already." I smiled a huge smile. I probably looked crazy cause Lannen made a weird face and backed away. I ran to him and jumped on him. "Your okay with it? Yay! Oh my jeez I need to go to Alec!" Lannen pushed me off and said while I ran away. "You need to go on a diet I mean your skinny but your heavy.. And noone say's Oh my jeez anymore weirdo!" I back pedaled to his door "Well I never..." I said in a country accent then ran away.

You and only you

There was banging on the door over and over and over! You would think the person would get the idea that obviously im asleep or I dont want to answer the door. I finally get up and go to the door. "Obviousy I didnt want to open the do-" I was cut of when Alec started kissing me. "It took you long enough" He whisperedn against my lips. I pulled him closer and shut the door and locked it. He flipped us around so I was against the door. I connected our hands and he raised them above our heads agains the wall. "Felicity." "Alec?" "I think im falling in love with you and fast" He rested our forheads together. "Alec" "Liss?" "I think I am already there."

Alec jerked his head back and looked at am. "Really?" "Yes..." I was scared I hate the feeling of being in love but I love it at the same time. I am afraid of being hurt cause god knows how many times thats already happened to me and I am not trying to let it happen again. I needed to be on my gaurd. Alec had me like a goldfish in a bowl...I know thats weird saying probably cause I just made it up but think about it makes sense.

"Felicity!!" "Huh? Oh what?" I didnt notice I was lost in thought for so long. "I was saying do you want to go to the movies just you and me we can whatch the new MIB 3?" " Oh my gosh yes I have been wanting to see that!!" I smiled big and pecked him on the lips. I started to push him. "Get out I need to change." "Please can I stay I wont look...." I looked at him. "Uhh fine, no peeking!"

I grabbed a pair of panties and a bra and went to take a shower I got out and started getting dressed before I relized I forgot my clothes. I peeked out and didnt see him the door was cracked so he must have left I finished my hair then wwent out to get clothes. "Fel!" I jerkedmy head towards the voice it was Alec!! He was back! "Ahh dont look! Turn around!" He stared at me and came closer and closer finally my back was agaist the wall. He ran his hands from my hips up my body up to my face and cupped it. I shivered and got goose bumps. "You make it hard for me to keep my promise when you make mee feel like that." I said. "You make it hard for me too when you look, feel, and breathe like that." I blushed. "Sorry." "No it's nothing to be sorry about Liss your beautiful." I looked in his eyes and kissed him with everything I had.

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I knew this was kinda bad because one I never finished getting dressed two my door waSNT shut three I was falling even harder by the minute and four I was thinking about doing something else instead of going to the movies.....

"Alec we better stop before I change my mind about going to the movies." I said breathless "Hey I was going to say that.....later...." I laughed and kissed him again. "Let me get dressed. "I like your outfit already." "Oh okay yeah. Let me....Your girlfriend go to the movies were a bunch of guys might be in my bra and panties great idea!" I started waslking out of my room I got all the way to the steps before I felt arms grab me and pull me back to my bed.

"Your so funny Fel! I forgot to laugh." I on the other hand could not stop laughing my ass off his face wasflushed with the idea of me going like that. "Haha you *giggle* should totally haha see your face ahahahahaha." Alec stared at me then sat up. "Oh come on Alec I am sorry!" "Fel I dont like the idea of you being with another guy I might sound protective or controlling or whatever but I dont even like the thought of another guy looking at you." I looked at him in shock. I got up threw on some jean shorts and a see threw lace shirt that hung loosley on me with a tank top. I walked back to him. I bent in front of him so we were I level. I pecked his lips then his cheeks his eyes and his forhead and nose then his lips over and over till he responded or looked at me.

"Alec I love you, you no one else. I am scared to loose you I dont want girls looking, thinking, touching or even fucking smelling you!" I sat on his lap with each of my legs on his sides. "I want to be with you no one else. I want to loose my virginty to you I couldnt picture it a better way. ANd if you think for one second that I would leave you well you have another thing coming mister cause I will be here even when you dont want me to whether you like it or not!!!" My voice was rising with every word and I just noticed I had begun to pace. I stopped pacing and went to my closet and just sat down. I could tell he followed me because his shadow bocked out the light.

He began to do the same thing I did kissing me everywhere on my face. I turned my back on him and he sighed. Alec pulled me closer and put his head on my shoulder. "Felicity?" "Hm.." I mumbled. "Look at me please!" I moved my mirror and looked at it through it. He knocked it over and before I could react he was infront of me bringing me inches from his face. "Fel....I love you. You and only you. For the rest of my life!" He stood upand walked out.


Everything was going perfect with me and Alec we have been going on date's and un lock ome of the guys I have dated he doesnt push me to do more than I want. For that I am so grateful but I think tonight I want to go all the way we have been dating for one and a half years now.

There was a knock on my door, Mason my bestfriend and Savanna my other bestfriend walk in. "Savanna!" I scream. See Savanna has been gone on a family trip. Since there is only one week before school starts she is back! "Felalah" I laughed at her nickname for me. We did some sort of tackle hug. Someone cleared there throat and we looked up. Mase (Mason) was standing there smirking at us. I looked at myself and realized we were kinda in a sexual position and I had a skirt on and no shirt. "Can I join?" Mase said coming closer. I screamed and jumped up and ran he chased me and grabbed me by my waist and spun me around. I giggled and we fell to the ground. I felt bad for Mason I landed on him. I laughed "Oh my gosh Mase sorry are you okay?" I said still laughing

Alec walked in "You Fel I might start think your cheating if you and him get anymore close." I looked up and smiled and ran to Alec and threw my self on him and started to kiss him. Right when it started getting serious I pulled away. He laughed and him and Savanna walked out. "Hurry up hoe the skating rink isnt going to wait forever!" Savanna yelled. "Whatevahh whore!!" I laughed. I lpooked at Mase and he looked annoyed and pissed. I sat down in front of him puling on a shirt in the process. "Whats wrong Mase baby!" He looked up at me. "You know Fee one of these day's its going to be me kissing you and not Alec." He stated and kissed my cheek then walked out. "Wha?" I said alittle to late.

I threw on my converses and walked downstairs and everyone was already at the door. "There you are sweetie I have been looking for you, where were you last night?!" Aiden said leaning in for a kiss. I laughed and swatted his arm. He has been doing that alot lately I dont know why. "Oh my I forgot hun here give me a piggy back ride to the car and I am sure to remember everything we planned for tongiht!" I said in a southern bell accent and winked. He laughed and I got on his back. When we passed Blake I grabbed his lollipop out of his mouth and put it in mine. "Hey!" Blake yelled pulling me from Aiden's back. I turned around to him and licked all over the lollipop and passed it back. He stuck it right in his mouth and moaned. "We practically just made out!" I laughed one thing you dont know about Blake is hes a freakin sexy nerd boy!

I looked at Mase and he just winked I sighed and got into the car and held Alec's hand. I couldnt wait till we got to the skating rink I had a feeling this night was going to be unforgettable!

Skating Rink Smack Down!

We parked the car and I ran out like a little girl. Alec ran up to me and put his arm around my waist and we walked in just like that. Tonight the place was absolutly full just the way I liked it.

I had been skating awhile with Mason and Savanna and Declan. "I am going to find Alec guys!" I yelled over the music. "I will come with you!" Mason yelled back.

We walked around forever and I couldnt find him. "Let's go change our shoes cause I am ready to leave anyway." Mason nodded in agreement. He walked ahead of me. All of the sudden he walked he turned around pushing me backwards. "What are you doing! Are stuff is back there!" I asked he just gave me a look. "You dont want to go back there trust me." I pushed past him and walked there. I looked back and he had his newbie scrunched over his eyes between his hands.

I walked around the corner and rolled my eyes Miranda had some poor guy against the locked and they were making out. "I would like to get into my locker without you getting whore all over it. Please and thank you." I said annoyed she turned around and smirked. "Hey Felishitty. I was right you cant keep a guy!" She said. I was confused till I looked at the guy. It was Alec. My mouth dropped open and tears started to form. Alec looked at me with regret, shock, and saddness in his eyes. He reached toward me.

I let him hug me I just wanted to be in his arms one last time. After a couple of seconds I pulled away. Tears were now falling freely and fast. "Fel..." He began bujt cut him off. "Stop! Just stop it!" I slammed myself back against the lockers to avoid his touch. "Dont touch me, dont look at me, dont even talk to e Alec!" I said I wasnt said anymore I was pissed the fuck off.

I stormed away and Mase grabbed me "hey you okay?" I could tell he knew I was up to know good because he tried tyo grab me again. "Fee you dont know what your doing. Dont! DOnt so it Fee!" He pleaded but I was out to cause harm.

I spotted her flirting with Aiden I walked over to her and yapped her shoulder. She huffed and before she could even turn around and see who it was I punched her in her face then tackled her. I just started throwing punches while she smacked and scratched. "You stupid bitch you ruin everything!" I yelled. "No! You just cant keep a guy!" She screamed. I screamed. "No you just cant help but open your legs to everyone with a dick you slut!" I growled. "At least I can get some you virgin!" I gasped.

We rolled a couple of times before someone tried to pull me off but I just kept throwing punches, and now kicks. I got pulled outside and slamed into the wall. I looked up at Mase and scream/cried "What are you doing?!" "Saving your stupid ass from getting in trouble!" He had a point so I calmed down. Savanna came out and ran to me and hugged me. "I found out what happend hun I am-" She started. "I dont want to talk about it can we just go home?" I asked she nodded and went back inside to grab everyone.

No regrets

Mase put me in his car and shot a text to everyone with my phone that I was staying at his apartment tonight becuase I didnt want to go back at the house.

We pulled up to his apartment he lived in it alone cause he didnt get along with his parents tat well i silently got out and started walking to the door. Mason jogged up to me and threw his arm over my shoulder. We walked in and threw are stuff on his bedroom floor I sat down on his bed. He sat down next to me. "Go take a shower I still have some underwear and clothes here that you keep in the top drawer." This wasnt the first time I stayed here me and Savanna and sometimes just me did it alot. "Mmk" I mimbled and walked into the bathroom. I showered and caqme out in a towel.

He kissed the top of my head and went into the bathroom to take a shower himself.

I just put a bra and boy shorts on and got under his covers. He came out i his boxers and hair wet and got in too. I scooted closer and turned to look at him. I just stared at him and he did the same.

I dont know why but I didnt care I leaned in and kissed him. I didnt pull away though I kept my face there and kissed him again. He put his hand to my lower back and realized I was only in my panties. He smiled and pulled me closer and we just kept kissing. Soon he was over me. He pulled away. " I think we should stop. I looked at him and nodded. "Yeah totally." I said and we just started to kiss again and rolled twicer so he was still on top. "Fel I need to stop before I go any further I cant contain myself much longer." He groaned. I bit my lip and whispered in his ear. "Then go further with me." I layed back dow and he looked in my eyes. "Are you sure?" I nodded and said "no regrets." He gave me a look of desire and kissed me.

Well you can tell what happend I lost my virginity and I didnt feel any regrets. Mason was my bestfriend. In the morning there was no weirdness we just went back to are normal routine of jabbering and playing around and just hanging out. Of course there was a couple of make out scenes but come on I am only human!

Savanna knows all

Mason and I walked out of his house brushing hips and I couldnt stop smiling! Then I started to think of Alec and what's going to happen when I get home and have to see his face. Which just made me remember how he cheated on me with Miranda!

I started brething heavy and I just fell down to my knees and sat down. "Fee are you okay?!" Mason came to my side and sat infront of me and pulled my legs in his lap. "I cant-I-I- cant go back Mase! I dont kow what I am going to do." He just stared at me and pulled me up so we were standing very close he pulled my head to his chest and I just stood there with my arms still held to my chest.

Oh my life was a mess I was still likie in love with my cheater boyfriend and I just had sex with my bestfriend who I am pretty sure I like alot more than I should.

We finally got in his car and drove to my house. When we walked in the door the house was literally a mess there was a hole in the stair wall and the table by the top of the steps looked like it was thrown down the steps with everything on it.

I walked into the living room and everyone was just sitting there not talking what I first noticed was Alec wasnt down there.

"Fel!" Lannen yelled and rushed and enveloped me in a hug. Soon everyone was in the hug. I couldnt take it I started to cry. After a couple minutes we broe and I noticed Savanna and Lannen were tearing up a bit. "Oh guy's dont cry!" I said and hugged them both again.

"Oh so you can but we cant?" Savanna said I laughed and hugged her again. "Well I am going to my room to take a shower and change." I said kissind all the guys on the cheek. "I am coming!!" Savanna said loping our arms together. I smiled at her and we walked up the step steping over all the crap.

"So what the hell happened?! I have seen like three punched in holes in the wall!" I asked looking at Savanna. "Well lets see Alec started freaking out when we got home because he wanted you but you werent here you were with Mason so he went all grrr hulk on us but we finally got him in his room. And I am pretty sure he was talking to himself about you. Also I know he got himself drunk because I went to check on him and he had an empty bottle in his hand and he was asleep."

I just stared at her and mouthed 'wow'. She nodded and we walked into my room. I went into the shower and Savanna cracked the door and sat on the toilet and we talked. I got out and threw on panties and a bra and I was in the process of pulling up some sorts when I heard Savanna shriek. "What! What happend?!" She pointede to a spot above my right hip on my stomach.

I looked down and there was a hicky there! I slowly looked up st her and she sucked in a huge breath so I knew she was about to start yelling. IO dropped my shirt and ran to her tackling her on the bed i covered her mouth with my hand as she started yelling and yelling and yelling!

She finally stopped and put her hands up in surrender. I let he go and rolled off and layed next to her. "So you and Mason had sex! And it was your first time! Awe how was it did it hurt? Ohhh was he sweet and gentle? Did he talk to you throughout the whole thing? God I hate when they do that!" She babbled on and on! "Savanna!" "Sorryy....." " It hurt at first but then it was perfect and he was so sweet! And no he didnt talk the whole time we were to busy kissing!"

We talked about it for awhile and Savanna suggested I go talk to Alec sooner then later so I got up hugged her. "Please tell everyone to stay down stairs and not to bother us Vanna." "Sure thing babe" I winked at her and we walked out.

The talk....

I knocked on his door and heard a mumbled 'fuck off'.... Classy. I opened the door and it was really dark. So I turned on his light. I found him on his bed it was... Lets just say it was a mess. He bolted upo and got ready to say something till he noticed it was me. He just stared at me then tears started to roll down his face.

I dont know why but I went to him and helled his head on my lap annd rubbed his back. After awhile he straightened up and layed his head on my chest causing me to lay back. Alec wrapped his arms aroun my waist tightly adn we just layed there I continued to rub his bare back.

After about an hour his breathing got even so I knew he was asleep. I soon after fell asleep also. And I know I shouldnt but I couldnt help it I snuggled closer.

I woke up to someone shaking me.I opened my eyes and there was Alec sitting up looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please can I tell you exactly what happened??" I just nodded and sat up fully and sat criss cross apple sauce.

"Okay so all of us guy's Lannen, Blake, Jayden, Declan, Mason, and myself kind of drank.... alot before we left. Well while you were skating with Aiden, and Mason I was at my locker getting money for a drink. Miranda came up to meand started talking-" I cut him off.

"What did she say?!" Alec just looked at me. "Oh sorry go on." I said. "She was telling me you never liked me it was all a lie so you can get to know Mason cause he is or was a good friend of mine. And she was pointing at you and saying all these things like about how you let him touch you. I thought it was true because he had his arm around your waist and you guys were also skating facing eachother holding hands and laughing."

"Miranda told me that it wasnt the only time hes touched you and it wouldnt be the last! When I thought about it I did see you guys earlier that day in your room and you were shirtless and you both were laying on the ground next to eachother laughing."

"I didnt know what to think. I couldnt think! Miranda ran her fingers down my arms and whispered in my ear it was time to get back at you for all the lying. Then she started kissing me and then you came around the corner! Fel you started screaming at me I didnt know what to say to make you listen. So I just let you go to calm down so we could talk."

"Then I had heard you fought Miranda! When I went to look for you they wouldnt let me. Savanna said you were going to meet us home. Soon as we got home though Savanna got a text saying you were staying at Masons so I guess I just I lost it you know?......"

I stared at him I felt horrible he was told lies he didnt even kiss her back I didnt know what to do. So I decided I should tell Alec what happened between me and Mason.

"Alec I am so sorry!" I said. "For what?! I am the one that hurt you!" Alec replied hugging me. "No. No. No. I- I slept with Mason last night." Alec slowly pulled out of the ug and stared at me mouth slightly ajar. "You gave him your virgintiy?!" He choked out. I looked down and nodded yes.

"I am not going to lie that I am okay with it cause I am pist I wanted to be your first in all the things I could. I want to be with you forever. But I guess you could say weare even. I believed Miranda when I shouldnt have, didnt push her off right when she started kissing me an-" I cut him off again. "And I slept with Mason." I said looking in his eyes

"How but this Fel we go back to normal." I looked at him and he kept going. "I will back off alittle so you can choice if you would rather be with Mason or me. But no matter who you choose I will be there for you through it all." I smiled at him and kissed his lips. "Thank you Alec." We stood up and walked down stairs.

Double Take

Later that night after dinner Mason asked me if we could talk I said yeah and while he talked I cleaned my room.

"So I understand you and Alec are alright.... I am glad I hate seeing you sad. But I guess it's all better now right?" "Yeah everythings peachy keen!" I said smiling I coukdnt help it I was just so happy. Alec and Mason were being so nice which was hard to believe in this situation.

"So I just wanted to let you know...."

"We go back to normal." I looked at him for a second before going back to folding my clothes and he kept going. "I will back off alittle so you can choice if you would rather be with Alec or me. But no matter who you choose I will be there for you through it all." I did a double take.

"Woahhhhhhh....." I said. Mason gave me a 'your going bat shit crazy look' "What?" I gulped. " I am not even playing right now that is like exactly what Alec said to me!" Maso just stared at me. "Than I guess it's going to be alot harder since you know we are such great guys." I looked at him to see if he was joking. "Well me more than him obviosly, I mean look at me!" Mason said wiggling his eyebrows. I through something at him and laughed. Mason picked up what I through at him and looked at me. He held up a pair of boxer's that said 'Gabriel Garcias my boyfriend' over it... in marker.. so obviously I wrote it.....

I dashed and went to grab it but he ran out of my room. "FELICITY IS IN LOVE WITH GABRIEL GARCIA!!!!!!!!" I finally tackled him and grabbed my boxers I jumped up and stuck out my toung at him. I looked up and everyone was staring at us.

"So what if I am.Gabriel loves me too!" I said then brushed past them all and sat on the couch.

Truth or Dare- gone wrong

We invited a bunch of people out to this highschool to age twenty four year old club place. We got thereand thank the lord up above! Everything so far was going smoothly Mason and Alec even said a few words together orcourse they were. Pass me the pizza. And Of course pass me the ranch... Great progress though!!! kinda.... Okay not really but whatever! Who asked you anyway?

We decided to play truth or dare group style boys against girls. It was epically funny.... at first. Savanna had to go up to this guy who was wearing all black and he had very light skin. Savanna had to go up to him and say 'Will you turn me into a vampire?! And then start making out with him it was so priceless. Especially when his 'girlfriend' came to the table and started screaming. Savanna threw her hands in the air yelling 'it was a dare!' Over and overwhile running to us laughing.

Jayden had to go up to a wall by this group of girls that he has been making oogly eyes at and start kissing the wall. Wow I have never seen a man make out with the wall and then to top it off he turned to the girls and yelled 'do you mind?!'

Blake and Aiden had to slow dance together and act like they were crying.

Finally it was the guys turn to ask one of us girl's truth or dare. We were all pretty buzzed so everyone was coming up with the dumbest and craziest things!

Mason looked at me and said truth or dare? "Truth..." I said because I could see him eying up a girl that has been eye raping me all night and I was so not going there. Mason looked at me and asked the question that was and never would have crossed my mind with how well it was going.

"If you had to pick now who would you choose me or Alec?" He said staring at me. Everyone went quite even the people who really didnt know what was going on. "Yeah Felll... Who would you choose?" Alec said cocking his head to the side.

I looked at both of them. Well I guess I might as well spit it out right now.

"Well I choose............"


I hope you liked it!!! I will be beginning the secound book to this starting from this exact moment!! I hope you are excited to hear who she chooses!! Sorry for the cliff hanger but I had to!!!

-Shai Michaela <3

I know you must hate me, if you even still care lol


How could I leave for three years? Scratch that how could I leave and never finish the second House Of Guys. Well, to be honest I actually lost my interest in writing. I was not happy with any of my books that I published. I left this site and started using Wattpad. While, I have not posted on there I have recently decided to start a new book. I am so sorry I let all of you down. If anyone would like to take over the House Of Guys series and make it their own, message me. I would love someone to give it the attention I did not. While ultimately I am giving you rights to the book (If anyone does want it) I would like you to think of me as a cowriter, or consultant. I'll save all the details for anyone who is actually interested.

Forgive me?
Sending love to everyone who has supported me.
-Shai M


Texte: All mine; no touchy
Bildmaterialien: google
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2012

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