
Once apon a time....

"Don't you think for one minute that I never had feeling's for you! You know I wont hurt you. So why do you always push me away? Is something wrong?" He screamed

"Yea me." I said before I ran to my car and drove away as fast as I dared.

That was a month ago but for you to understand we have to go back to the beginning. Moving Day!

The Moving Day

I was staring at my now empty room when the car horn beeped. I blinked out of thought and grabbed the last bag and walked down the steps slowly taking everything in. I walked outside and to the car my new

family was in I threw my bag in the back got in and buckled up. I got my I-pod out and prepared myself for a long, bumpy ride.

A hour later we went over a speed bump and it woke me up I stared out the window and all I saw was field after field. I cleared my already dry throat "Where exactly is your house?" Aunt Miny (Yea her name is Miny..)She smiled and in her usual perky country acent said. "Well to our little town called Morgansville, Texas sweetheart! Awww I just know you will love it pumkin, it just tickles me pink thinkin' are little cherry pie is coming to live with us! Uncle John grunted in male agreement. I gave what I hopped was my most reasurring smile I could muster. And leaned back and put my earphone's Back in and blasted my music so I couldnt hear them singing 'She'll Be Comin' Around The Mountain'
"Were here!!" Uncle John yelled like he was telling the world. I expected to see a old bumpkin house but it surprised me to see that it was big... no huge! My face must have showed what I was thinking because Miny smiled and said "You didnt think we lived in a hole did you!!" And laughed as she and John helped me grab my things.
I survied my surronding's while we walked up the drive way it was alot of forest and a only five houses but I could see the sign at the end of the road that say's the town is right around the corner. I also noticed that Miny's house I mean our house was the farthest away except for one house that looked strangly similar to our's down the road. I could see people inside and by the look's of it they looked like the front page of a perfect home life magazine. Ughhhh gag me. I smiled slightly and closed the door behind and followed my Aunt to my room.
The interior of the house was cute is was like antique but it didn't look stupid like all those rich 'I'm so cool!' wannabe's. We turned left then went up the stair's. And thank you lord! My room was by itself at the end of the hallway. I turned around to say a polite thank you but they were already gone. I took in the room it was pretty. I went and sat on my bed.
I bolted up when I heard a loud bang. And I looked around. It took me a second to remember my parents were dead. I grimaced at that thought.My eyes watered as I remembered what went down that night. I know it will be a year next month on the ninth since the accident. There was a knock on my door so I jumped up and quickly wiped my eyes and went to the door.It was Miny. "Hey sweetie I just wanted to let you know that the neighbors are coming over at nine o'clock to meet you! You will LOVE the Jones they are so cute. well I will leave you to pack." I smiled and shut the door as she walked away. I only had five bags so I was done in no time. I took a shower to pass by the time then got ready. I put on skinny jeans and a black see through long sleeved shirt with a black tank top and bra on. And I put on the little make up I had witch was black liquid eye liner on the top and a dab of sparkles on my eyes and then I added gel to my head of unruly curls and went down stairs. Right when I was passing the front door it chimed I jumped and looked at my phone. "Wow five minutes early. Super!" I muttered and yelled 'I got it' and walked the few steps to the front door and opened it.

Holy S*** cookie cutter hottie!

Holy Shit! Was my first thought, I just stared then collected myself and cleared my thought. Only then when I look past him did I see O..... Its the Cookie Cutters. But I gotta admit Cookie Cutter boy was hot. "Hi I am Cayden." I moved so they could come in. They turned to me at the same time. "Hi I am Kristen and this is my husband Mark, And our son Alec." I smiled and looked at Alec he was staring at me an when he saw me looking at him he put his head down but not before I saw him blush. I was about to lead them to well I dont really know but anywhere when Miny came around the corner. "Oh Kristen, Mark your here come on the dont be shy lets go to the living room and have some tea." "Oh Miny it is good to see you of course tea sounds lovely!" Replied Kristen. Mark smiled and turned to Brent and said "oh why don't you both go to town and hang out?"
My eyes got wide for a second before I fixed my face and turned to Alec. He smiled and walked to the the front door. I threw on my flip flops and walked out I turned around and shut the door and stepped back and turned around and walked straight into Alec hi arms caught me by my hips I gasped but it was not from the embarrassment..... He smiled then very slowly let me go but not before letting his right hand linger. He looked back up at me and then realizing what he was doing pulled his hand away and cleared his throat and turned around and started walking. "Hey if you couldn't tell I am a girl I don't walk as fast as you!" He muttered something I only caught some of "trust..I.....tell." And slowed down. I caught up to him and we turned onto the road that lead into town. We stopped at at a little store called Frosty and got ice cream. "Everyone are age either hangs out at the skate park or the beach." It was a little cold for the beach so I suggested we go to the skate park first.
Five minutes later we arrived at the skate park and he was right there was alot of people there. He lightly guided me with one of his hands on the small of my back to a couple groups of people. About the sixth group I had already forgot peoples names we arrived at what looked like the last people. I exhaled quietly. When we got closer one of the girls noticed his hand on my back and scowled but quickly removed it and ran up to him a pushed me and threw her hands around him. "Alec Oh my gosh! You never said you were coming today." She reluctantly let go and turned to me with clear disgust on her face. "So who is you little friend"

He smiled and said Tori this is Cayden, Cayden this is Tori." She lost intrest and turned back to him I snorted and looked around and noticed a group of guy's Alec didn't introduce me to. They were staring at me and the hottest on curled his finger beckoning me to him. without warning my feet started moving to him and suddenly I was right in front of him. He took my hands and sat me as close to him as I could get and smiled at me and traced my jaw while saying "hey I'm Brad." I smiled at him and thought (Huh my kind of guy...The ones who wont look for more then a little bit of fun....)

Skate Park

Two hours later alot of people had left leaving me, Brent Alec and of course Tori and some other people. I was on top of the highest ramp with Brad. While Alec was acroos the park with Tori and the others, I could see him looking over his shoulder every couple of minutes at me and Brad. I looked back at Brad and he just stared at me. Then he reached up and played with one of my curls. "So mystery girl when do I learn your name?" "I smiled and said "It's Cayden." He smiled and dropped my hair to put and arm around my shoulder and said. "Well I hope your boyfriend down there would stop looking over here because I was hoping I could steal you away." "You mean Alec?" I asked looking down there and sure enought he was watching when he saw me he quickly smiled and turned back around. "He isn't my boyfriend I just met him today he is my neighbor. I just moved in with my Aunt and Uncle." He smiled and said "I knew you weren't from here because if you were I would have remembered such a sexy thing like you." I smiled and looked away from his intense eyes. He pulled my chin back to him and said "your not shy are you?" I smiled coyly because he fell for it. "Nope just getting kind of bored."
He smiled like a little boy who was told he was having ice cream for breakfast right before his head swopped down and his lips met mine halfway. Man he was a great kisser and I should know. We made out for awhile before someone cleared there throat. He put his finger up and I reluctantly broke away and looked down while I laughed but I quickly clamped my mouth shut because it was Alec and he looked pissed. I stared at him and he finally cleared his throat and said "My mom called and said your Aunt has been trying to reach you but you were obviously busy." He paused to sneer at Brad and then continued "She said that they want us to head back now to have dinner together." I pulled my phone out and sure enough I had eight missed calls. "Oops." I said and stood. Brad stood at the same time and grabbed my phone from my hand and quickly put his number in then slipped it into my back pocket himself and smiled. I smiled back and he kissed me one more time. And jumped down and left looking over his shoulder once to wink at me. I Looked away smiling then got down and started walking to the gate. Alec caught up with me in no time and said "So you and Brad?" I looked at him "me and Brad what?" "nothing." Was all he said until we got to my house he said so quietly I almost missed it "Be careful cause he is not the type of guy who will take care of you. And he wont be caught dead with a girlfriend." "Well good because I don't deserve to be treated good!" I growled and stormed inside leaving him outside I yelled that I was just going to turn in cause I was a little overwhelmed by everything. And I stomped up the steps I had just gotten to my door when I heard the front door close.
There was a knock on my door not even a minute after I laid down on my bed in my short shorts and a small tank top. I didn't even get to wash my make up off. "What?" I grumbled there was no reply but the door opened. And of course in walked Alec. "Yes Alec?" I replied with a bored tone. "I wanted to talk to you." "Well obviously hence the fact you are standing in my room." He walked up to were I was lying on my bed reading and stared at me. "What!" I snapped. He looked in my eyes and said the words I knew all to well that he was going to say. "Why don't you deserve to be treated right?" "You would know if you knew me but you don't so lets leave it at that." He frowned the took my book and sat down by me and I sat up and scooted to in front of him. "I would think you deserved to be treated right no matter what. And I know I could treat you good." He said looking down. I just stared at him till he looked up. "I am broken beyond repair I don't deserve to be treated good. I deserve to be treated like the broken thing I am. And even if you would be good for me I would ruin you that's how bad I am and not to be mean but my heart wont open for anyone." He stared at me the slowly raised his hand and laid it on my cheek and sighed.
"Why can't you give me a chance?" "Because I don't want to hurt you. You could do so much better!" Later that night after he sulked downstairs and shortly after they left I laid in my bed thinking about what he said. How could someone with a life so promising want to be with me? I thought about it till I finally fell asleep. But being tortured with that thought would have been better then what I dreamed about.

The Dream

**The Dream

Luke kissed me. I pulled away and stared at him. "You know we cant." I said he knew we couldnt be together. I was leaving, he was emotionally damged. Nothng would work we would both end up getting hurt in the end.

"Cayden take a chance please common. Just kiss me say yes! It will be okay I promise. I will change for you! Anything for you." Luke said. "I am leaving!" I screamed. "I dont care! I love you!" I shook my head no over and over I started crying.

"You know what why dont I just end everything than?!" Instantly Iknew what he meant I chased after him as fast as I could.

"No!!!" I screamed as Luke slammed the door. I started banging and banging screaming for him to open the door up and talk it out with me.

"I love you Cayden! You are the only reason I am still breathing." I heard him talking but I couldnt make it out.


I shot up in my bed and looked around. I was covered in sweat and I had tear streaks going down my face. I never want to remember that stuff why does it awlays come back when I am finally half okay?! I got up and went to take a shower I fixed my hair and went downstairs. Of course Alec was the only one in the kitchen but why he didnt live here?! I tryed to tiptoe back out. "Cayden." Alec said I slowly turned around and smiled sheepishly at him. "Whaaaattt are you doing here?" I asked. "I am here for you." He said. "Ha ha he ha. Seriously what do you want?" He sighed and stood up and pulled me by my arm out of the house. "Helllooo I am only in my bikini top and jean shorts!" "And we are going to the beach." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things. Alec opened the door and there was Brad I smirked at Alec. "Mind if I tag along beautiful?" Alec said no the same time I said not at all.

We all rode in Alec's car which was kind of weird because Brad was leaning into the front flirting with me while Alec was clenching his jawl trying to stay calm. I just smiled and flirted back.

We came to an abrupt stop which made me slam on my seatbelt. "Seriously?!" I said to Alec he shrugged andgot out. I got out and stretched. Brad came up and traced the seat belt line from my shoulder all the way down to my hip on the other side. "Thats so hot." Brad said winking at me. "Thanks Alec did it for me." I said and brushed past him and trailed my hand down Alec's arm. I leaned in and whispered "Thanks." My lips brushed his ear and I felt him shiver slightly. I smiled evilly and left them both standing there.

Miyah (This chapter and character is dedicated to a big fan that has showed alot of love for my books *mememe12*)

I was standing in the sand waiting for the guys when I got tackled. I got screamed on the way down my arms were pinned and i looked up. The one and only Miyah was above me grinning like a fool.

Okay so info on Miyah totally unbelievably pretty! She had red hair and she had a model body and to die for clothes. She knew everything about what happened to me I mean everything. I had sputtered the whole story in a drunk haze ut she remembered and stuck to me like glue for the whole tme she was down were I ussed to live.

"Holy Fucking Shit! Cayden you sexy bitch I missed you!." She said and gave me a huge kiss on the face. Miyah is like the 'new' me we kiss who we want no matter the gender but we both are straihgt. We do what we want whenever we want. That's why we are so close. "Miyah you stupid whore what are you doing here?!" "I live here idiot! What are you doing here?!" I smiled and said deadly calm "I just moved here!" "What?!" She screamed I just noticed alot of people were staring at us and a few nerdy nerd boys were droling. Haha. "Yay!" She yelled we got up and started talking talking and talking.

"Well well well who is this sey lady." I smiled. "The one and only Miyah my best best friend in the whole fucking universe!" We giggled. "I am Brad." Brad said kissing her hand and winking at her. "OoOo niceee. And who is this devilishly handsome shy fellow?" I looked at Alec and he smiled at me. "Alec." I said smiling back. "So how long has he been in love with you?" She whispered. I smacked her arm and shhh'd her she has always been good at that kinda thing!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2011

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To those who think it's better to be alone

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