

A man ran through the empty, dark streets. Lamps cast pools of light on the sidewalk, and the man avoided them. He took backstreets and side alleys, running, running. In the quiet night, his footsteps sounded like thunder and his breathing a tornado. He stopped. He had arrived at the pier. He looked at the ocean, the full moon casting its pale sheen on the waves. Suddenly, a siren wailed in the distance, then more could be heard. Window shutters from the buildings all around the square were opened, and sleepy faces appeared. The police cars halted in front of the man, revealing his orange jumpsuit, shaggy brown hair, and shining silver handcuffs. A police officer slammed his door shut and turned on his megaphone.
"Halt in the name of the law! Edward, if you come quietly, no harm will come to you." The officer put the megaphone down.
"Deputy O'Crag, sir!" A luitenet called.
"Hush!" Came the reply. "Edward, we have a K-9 unit, and thirty trained officers armed and ready. Come right now, and no one is harmed."
Edward laughed and ran onto the jetty. Soon, gunfire rent the night air, shutters and doors were slammed and bolted, dogs barked and somewhere a baby cried. It was hushed by its mother. Edward jumped into the sea.
"Hold your fire! Get the dogs!" O'Crag called.
Edward stayed under water, and swam. Even though the handcuffs restricted much of his movement, Edward still pressed on. He then popped up for air, and continued. Edward soon made it to an island, covered in trees. He smiled, muttered something, and passed out on the golden sand. Waves lapped his feet, and the moon looked down upon the fugitive.


On the island, a dragon stood snarling over her egg. She was guarded by her two closet friends. They bit, fought, scratched, and released jets of flame from their mouths. The mother was hit in the back. Black magic was used in the retreat of the dragons. She growled, and the two dragons knelt by her side. "Take care of my egg..." She shuddered, then went limp. One dragon stood up and flew the egg to a cave, where he waited for his friend, who was cleaning up and fighting small resistances.

Chapter 1

Rain pattered on the cave roof. A mighty dragon stood and half furled its wings, stretching. Moonstone, as he was known, lay back down and shuffled his scales. He yawned, revealing an impressive maw and rows of sharp teeth. Moonstone peered into the night. His friend, Emralhelm, should have arrived by now. Moonstone relaxed and curled up next o his fire, which gleamed against his moon colored scales and made the gems in the cave walls look as if they had candles inside them. Moonstone slept on, unaware the new dangers that would await him in the morning.
In the middle of the isle, a foreboding castle stood. Inside, growls and cackles of laughter could be heard. Something was going on, definitely something...
Moonstone stood in front of his cave and stretched his wings. He breathed in the fresh morning air, and soared up, into the sky. He flew toward the hills, where dragons of Ells Vail would reside during horrible rain storms. No sign of Emralhelm. Moonstone shook his head and headed for the other side of the island. Moonstone let his frustration out with a burst of fire. Suddenly, a blur of black came beside him.
"Midnight! What are you doing on this side of Ells Vail?"
"Following you!" She giggled. Midnight was an orphaned dragon, and still quite young.
"I'm trying to locate Emralhelm. Have you seen him?" Moonstone looked at Midnight. Emralhelm and Moonstone had carefully raised Midnight.
"No! Where could he have gone?" Midnight exclaimed.
"Only one explanation then...King Virulhim has used his black magic and trapped Emralhelm." Moonstone shook his head and Midnight gasped. King Virulhim had arrived on Ells Vail soon after the Great War ended.
The Great War was when the good dragons fought against the black dragons. The black dragons wanted magic to be used by all, while the good dragons believed in the rare magic dragons use. Regardless, the War lasted 100 years. Much bloodshed occurred, and the island lay in ruins. In the end, the good dragons won, and the black dragons were banished.
Few good dragons remained, and those who did have either hid deep in Ells Vail or died. King Virulhim had washed up on the shore and rooted out the living dragons. He had also harnessed the black magic. Moonstone nudged Midnight.
"Go home." She sighed and flew away. Moonstone flew toward the castle. He landed on the sloped side of a hill, right next to the castle. He heard bits of what appeared to be conversation.
"...Weapon, bow down...."
" you..."
"Shut upI I will break you..."
Then, a door slammed.
"...Stupid...will bow down...soon....hahaha!"
Footsteps faded. Moonstone blinked. He sucked in his breath and flew away, thinking if that was Emrahelm. Moonstone had heard the clanking of chains, and heavy breathing. A rescue attempt had to be made, soon...
In the castle, Virulhim paced the floor restlessly. That stupid creature outside would be his weapon! The only thing was how to break him...
Midnight scratched at the floor of her cave. She was bored and wished that Moonstone would return. She wanted news of Emralhelm. Midnight whisked around, her black wings half folding out and her jaw snarled back in what she believed to be a terrible show of her teeth as she heard something land in her cave entrance.
"Haha, calm down young one." Moonstone folded his leathery wings and laughed. He walked into the cave. "Sit down." midnight obeyed. Her mind was bursting with questions, but she stayed silent as Moonstone related all he had heard and thought about. Midnight ruffled her black scales and gasped. Emralhelm, the great, wise, powerful Emralhelm, captured? She shook her head and turned away, puffing out a small jet of fire. Moonstone smiled. Midnight reminded him so much of...never mind, he couldn't think There was that terrible word, it. Moonstone released a jet of fire, bigger and longer than Midnights. Moonstone closed his mouth. He looked at Midnight.
"Time for you to go to bed."
"Ok." Midnight sniffed and curled up in a corner of her cave. Moonlight glanced at Midnight and headed out to gather firewood. Moonstone returned and lit a small fire in the caves center. He sighed and settled down to sleep.
The earth was shaking. At least, that's what Moonstone thought. He looked up and saw Midnight's worried face. "What's going on?" He sat up.
"Something...outside!" Midnight gasped, her eyes going wide. Moonstone ran out of the cave, thoughts running through his head. King Virulhim, Emralhelm...Moonstone skidded to a halt an gasped at what lay before him.

Virulhim laughed his cackling laugh. He launched another arrow at the figure in front of him. The creature deflected it without effort, the claws sharp and gleaming in the early morning light.
"Good job, Ashmelt." Virulhim purred.
"Thank you, master." Ashmelt bowed, his black-orange scales shuffling. "When shall I go and complete our mission?" He blinked.
"Soon, my friend, soon." Virulhim jerked his head around when he heard a commotion outside, in the forest. He climbed the battlements, Ashmelt following. They both gasped and Ashmelt crouched low, puffing smoke fom his nostrils and growling. Something deep inside him willed him to go to the pale blue and black dragons. Ashmelt shook his head. He growled again and let a small flame escape his throat.

Chapter 2

Far away from Ells Vail, in the town of Cresent Moon, humans gathered at friends houses for summer barbecues or trips to the mountains. One family, the Lees, met up with thier lifelong friends, the Dews. Their families were taking their annual trip to the mountains.
"Hey dad, how long are we staying in the mountains?" One son asked his dad.
"Two months Nick." His dad said, tousling his hair.
"Thanks dad!" Nick ran off to play with his best friend, Zane. They started running around and eventually crashed into their sisters.
"Hey Diane, wanna play tag with me and Zane?" Nick asked his sister.
"Only if Stacy will." Diane winked at her friend. Stacy was Zane's sister.
"Sure!" Stacy jumped up. "Nick is it!" The kids scrambled as Nick reached his fingers out.
"Kids, time to get in the car!" Mrs. Lee called to the laughing and out of breath children.
"See you there!" Nick called to Stacy and Zane. The parents smiled and got in their cars.
Diane jumped out of the car and streched her legs. The trees around their little cottage had grown a few more inches. Stacy ran up to Diane.
"Should we check our garden?"
"Sure!" They ran off to the backyard as their parents unloaded the car. The boys helped with bags and other small luggage. They were startled as a squeal came from the back. Nick and Zane ran around to defend their sisters. It turns out, they were screaming because the sunflower had grown and was now producing seeds.
"Girls." They mumbled. Of course, their parents were admiring and congratulating thier daughters. They then trooped into the house. Nick pulled down the staircase to the top floor, where the kids slept. They took their usual places and organized the spaces.
"I bet you boys can't keep your side clean for two days." Stacy chanted. Diane seconded the 'motion'.
"Ha! 5 bucks!" Nick laughed. Zane smiled and held out his hand, as if expecting the cash already.
"Well, I'm gonna go outside. Oh, and Zane, close your hand. Don't go catching bugs now!" Diane and Stacy walked downstairs, laughing. He nearly died. He had a crush on Diane. He had had one, in fact, since the fourth grade. She was pretty, with light green eyes, short brown hair, and a sweet smile.
"Dude, what up with the staring?" Nick hit Zane with the back of his hand.
"Oh, uh, nothing.." Zane shook his head and followed everyone into the backyard.
"Resume the tag game?" Diane suggested. Shouts of 'yes' were heard as the kids scattered. Nick grabbed empty air as Diane slipped away. Stacy climbed a tree and called to Nick.
"Can't catch me!" She taunted. She reached for a higher branch and a rock fell down. Stacy swung down and picked up the rock.
"Hey guys, look."
"What?" Everyone crowded around.
"'s not natural." Stacy was right. The rock was smooth, and had bands of green, blue, and black on it.
"I wonder what it do-aaaahhh!" The kids were transported to Ells Vail. They had landed in a jumble in front of a dragons cave and now were looking at the angry faces of a fully grown dragon and an adolescent, smoke billowing fom their flared nostrils.
"Hi." Zane waved weakly.
"What are you doing here, humans?" The blue one asked.
"We aren't sure ourselves..." Diane said, looking around. Her mind was drinking in the scenery, and the look of the angry dragon. The images were feeding her author mentality.
"Hm. Well, I'm Moonstone." He said, sitting down and licking his fearsome teeth.
"I'm Midnight! She squeaked happily. After looking at Moonstone, she walked up to the humans. "Who are you?"
"I'm Diane, that's my brother Nick, my friend Stacy, and her brother, Zane." Diane introduced them all.
"Are you here to save us?"
"Save you? What?" Nick asked, confused.
"Follow me into the cave. I'll explain." Moonsone said.
"WHAT?" Virulhim exploded. "Those stupid creatures are talking to humans? Oh well. Ashmelt, your mission is at hand."
"Master." Ashmelt dipped his head and flew to the cave where the humans had disappeared. He landed softly, listening to he conversation. Moonstone was explaining the Great War. Soon, Virulhim's part would be revealed. He had changed the island, or at least, was planning to. By rooting out the living dragons, he could capture one and turn him into a destructive weapon, the peacekeeper of Ells Vail. But, the kings hopes were dashed when he relised just how many dragon left there were...three. Ashmelt raised his head. The history he was hearing was something completely different than what Virulhim had said...unless..there was that part of him again, knowing the truth was being said. Ashmelt shook his head. Virulhim had said the black dragons won and a resistencia of good dragons had survived and remained. That part of him said no, the good dragons winning and black dragons being banished was true.
Ashmelt cocked his head. They were getting ready to make a rescue plan.
"We should go by night. They won't expect that." Stacy said.
"Alright. What night should we strike?" Moonstone asked.
"Hmm...maybe two months from now? No, it should be week from now?" Zane suggested. Moonstone blinked thoughtfully.
"Sounds great."
More conversation ensued, but Ashmelt had flown away to tell his master. One week from now, and Ashmelt would be the most remembered dragon in Ells Vail!
"Great, great! Good job Ashmelt! Rest now, we have much planning to do." Virulhim walked away, thinking. Ashmelt sat down happily. He returned to the courtyard and sat in his nest, thinking about everything he had heard. There was much to plan, such as defense, capture, and of course, there were those little creatures called humans to deal with...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2012

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