
Author's Note

People wish for newfound luck. They want bad things to stop happening to them. Why does this happen, they ask. But there is a way to get lots of good luck, and it's not just believing in yourself. The Luck Exchangers come into play. They are spirits with power that can make bad luck go away. In order to do it, They have to get all the bad luck that willhappen to the clients in the future, even if it begins in a few minutes.

They have strange  ways of retrieving all that bad luck. How, you ask? Many ways. Paralyzation, hugging, etc. The Luck Exchangers began around 200 years ago and only 11 exist. Their power made them realize their destiny, and they chose the path to help those in need. However, there is a limit on time. If the clients are grateful for what the Exchangers did, their luck won't ever go away. If the actions are just a fraud, the bad luck returns. The clients have to mean it from their hearts, otherwise, the visit would be meaningless. I  hope you enjoy these stories. (And hopefully they make sense)

Story 1: Slyphia * Kress

Sylphia was on her way to meet her new client. She sensed him in the bushes. *Why the hell is he in the bush? No wait, he's trying to assault me....what an epic fail, especially with the shadow showing...* As he was to go out to jump her, she grabbed his hand and poked his stomach.

*EPIC FAIL,* She thought..   

The boy was very shocked. He struggled to move, but failed. "What the hell?"Hey, why can't I move?"

"Kress Harlem, 3rd year of Jownn High, known as Mister Misfortune." She looked at him for a little bit. "That is you, right?"

    "W-what the-? Just how did you know who I am?? And why can't I move??"

"Don't worry about it. You'll only be paralyzed momentarily. And you'll only be late by five minutes."

    "WHAAAT?! Don't you realize what you just did?!"

"I am quite aware. Do not worry." He struggled and struggled, but no no avail.The effect wore off after five minutes have passed and Kress ran off to class. As he came barging in his class he was begging on his knees for mercy. He apologized repeatedly to his teacher. "I'm so Sorry!! I won't be late anymore!!"

The teacher looked at him funny. "What are you talking about? You're right on time."

"I am?" That girl is crazy I guess. Five minutes after the bell rang, Sylphia came in the class with cuts, a black eye and bruises. Whaaa? Why is she here? Kress had no idea on what's going on. She doesn't come to school here!! That stuff happens to me normally....

"I am sorry for my truant behavior sir."

"I don't want any more excuses! You now have detention!"

This is too weird! She doesn't have class here, or even attend this school! Just what is going on?

Kress and Sylphia hung out more often and became friends . But Kress still kind of became suspicious of her on why she suddenly came. Weeks later, Kress started to realize something. Nothing but good things have been happening to him. He was considered a popular kid and made lots of friends that didn't hurt him. On the other hand, he also noticed that bad things are happening to Sylphia. She gets all these bruise marks,cuts, and black eyes.  just the same things that would normally happen to him. I can't take it! He thought.  Especially seeing a girl in pain. This isn't worth it!! I have to do something. Kress started to look for her. He finds her getting beat up by other girls.

"Please stop it!! Don't hurt her anymore!"

    "What are you doing over here Kress?! Go back and continue your good luck!! I was trained to endure this pain!"

"You know,We're friends now, and as a friend, I can't just sit here and let you get hurt!"

    "So you don't want to keep your good luck?"

"No! I don't want to keep my luck, even though I don't know what the hell is going on. Even if it's going to hurt you!"

Sylphia started to glow, and so did Kress. They both teleported and appeared in the forest. "Please tell me, what is going on? I want to know."

"All right. I can't keep secrets from my newfound friend. My name is Sylphia. I am a Luck Exchanger."

    "A...Luck Exchanger? Just what is that?"

"Yes, A Luck Exchanger. A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said you'll be five minutes late, I applied that luck upon myself. I paralyze my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."  

  "But why me? Why didn't you choose anyone else?"

"We do not get to choose. Fate decides for us. But I think I am glad to be serving you."

     "Will it be like this forever?"

"Well, it really depends. If the person is grateful for their good luck, it stays. However, if it gets abused too much, the luck disappears and the bad luck shall return."

    "I see..." Kress is starting to understand his situation.

"Kress Harlem...Why would you give your luck up? Why would you do something for a stranger like myself?"

"Just Kress please, it sounds too mature with my full name. Anyway, I wouldn't keep my luck and just abandon  them, it's just not in my nature.And besides, we're not strangers anymore remember?"

"I see...One more thing."


"Why did you attempt to jump me when we first met?"

    "...To be honest, I really don't know..." They both laughed for a while. Soon, the forest started to fade,and Sylphia is starting to disappear. Kress jumped back in shock. "What's going on Sylphia?"

"I forgot to mention, there's only a limited time an Exchanger can have before moving on to their next client."

    "Why didn't you mention it earlier??!"

"Slipped my mind. My apologies."

    "Will I see you again? There are still many questions I want to ask!"

"In all due time, Kress Har-, I mean, Kress."

    "Thanks for what you did for me."

Sylphia smiled and vanished. Kress saw himself sitting back in the front gate where they were. Kress looked at the sky and gave his thanks, and soon went home with his new found luck.

Story 2: Reed * Yuae

Yuae was a gifted child. She does whatever she can in order to meet everyone's expectations . But the one thing she cannot seem to get are real friends. Every day she would have stress on her and she took it out on other people    

As the day went by, Yuae was bitter as usual and started to walk to the park. "Honey!" Her mother called. "Don't forget your coat! It might rain out!" But she already left. Yuae grumpily walked around the park and started to scream at people who tried to talk to her. As other people saw what happened, they started to leave, leaving Yuae by herself. "Forget these people! I don't need them!!" She sat on the swing but saw no one offering to push her. She went on the slide, but nobody came to help her up when she fell. "Hmph. It's no fun at all! Why can't I have friends?"

"Maybe it's because you scare them?"Yuae looked around and saw a boy her age sitting on the bench. "How dare you! I am sure I don't scare anyone!"

"Then, where is everyone? If you let them talk to you without shouting, they won't be-"

"Quiet! I'm thinking of a way to get friends!"

The boy just started to laugh hard. "Man, you're a hardheaded girl!"   

"What was that?" Fire was starting in her eyes.

"You cut everyone off. Doesn't that give you a clue at all?"

Yuae looked around and saw that the park was empty. She turned her head away. "I don't need you telling me anything."

"The sky is kind of dark. Don't you have a coat or anything?"   

"Who are you, my mother?"

"No, But I can imitate mothers. 'Honey clean your room! Finish those vegetables!' Do your homework!' "    Yuae stared blankly. "Was that supposed to be funny?"

"That was kinda the point. What? You got servants to do all that?"   

"Yes." He stared at her strangely. "I'm just kidding!"  Droplets started to fall on her face. Yuae then started to scream. "NOOO! I'M GETTING WATER ON ME!!!!!!" It rained harder and harder. The boy started to run around in puddles. "The rain feels so good!!" He stopped to see her crying."What's wrong? You look down."   

"I can't be in the rain... My parents actually punish me if I do something this childish...I'm expected to be mature."

"Then take a breather Yuae Nuden! There's no one else around so might as well enjoy it."   She sighed. "You're right...wait! How'd you know my name?"

"You don't need to worry about that. Come on! Catch me if you can!" The boy pushed her into a puddle and ran. Yuae got up and chased after him. She started to like the rain and the stress flew away. They both laughed until a limousine came along. "YUAE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT IN THE RAIN????" Yuae stopped and saw her mother shouting at her. "So much for fun....Looks like you'll get sick...It's nice meeting you. My name is Reed." Before Yuae had a chance to ask some questions, Reed hugged her. She stood there awkwardly while Reed ran away. The driver grabbed Yuae by the arm and drove back to the mansion.   

Yuae sat down in a towel at home. "Why were you out in the rain like that? Don't you know you'll get ill? And you'll miss your work..."   

"I...just wanted a break. Mother, don't you get it? All I have been doing is all work and no play."   

"Well, that is true, now that I think about it. Let's see..." Yuae was surprised to see her mother actually paying attention to her. All she would do is yell and lecture her and that would be the end of it. But now, it seemed like a dream that she doesn't she doesn't want to wake up from. Oh well, she thought. Might as well just enjoy it for today...I'm sure everything will go back to normal...   

But for a while, Yuae's mother had let her do things she wasn't able to do before. Later on, she was less stressed and was able to make friends without shouting at them. She heard sneezing in a tube at the park one day. She looked over and saw Reed curled up with newspaper as blanket. "R-Reed! W-what are you doing here?"   

"Hello again,Yuae Nuden.I'm touched you remembered my name" His warm smile made her blush."U..uh I really don't know how you know my full name, but I prefer just 'Yuae' "  

  "Alright,if you say so, Yuae.""Just what happened and why are you here covered in newspaper?"  

  "Got scolded by my parents, Locked up in my room, escaped, mugged, and a cold. I think you got real bad luck here.""What are you talking about? You're the one with all this."   

"It would've happen to you if it weren't for me.""Just what are you saying? Just let me help you. You need rest." They both started to glow and they appeared in the forest."What happened? What's going on?" 

   "I have a question.""Okay..."   

"Would you regret helping me if you were still stressed out?"

"Of course not. You helped me."   

"Okay. I think I can trust you. You might believe this, but the truth is, I am known as a Luck Exchanger."


"A Luck Exchanger.A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said you'll be sick, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I hug my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"Why me? Why was I chosen?"  

  "Who knows? Fate decides for us.But the catch is, they pick people with good hearts. Personally, I would have picked by beauty." Yuae blushed. The image of the forest starts to fade."This is crazy! What's going on now?"   

" seems my time is running out."

"Running out?  "What do you mean running out?"   

"I have a time limit to stay...but it looks like my time is up...""But you were the first one that was brave enough to talk to me. Can't you stay a little longer?"  

  "Sorry. I wish I could change the rules." The forest disappeared."Let your heart stay pure. If you are grateful, your luck will be with you forever. If it is abused, bad luck will come back. It was nice meeting you Yuae. I hope we can play again."  

  "Reed...I'll never forget what you did for me..."Reed smiled and disappeared. Thank you, Reed. I'll stay grateful for you. Yuae then started to tell stories to her friends.

Story 3: Cara * Mel

Mel loved sweets. He would have much as he can.He had one problem though, Mel can get easily sick from them. But he can't help it, he fell in love with it. As he went off to his favorite candy store, 'Endless Heaven', he noticed a tall girl looking at the sweets in the display. She just couldn't decide. Man, I haven't seen anyone take this long. I think I'll help her out a little. "Hey girl. I think you should try the Double Double Choco Explosion Candy Bar."   

"You'll get diabetes if you keep eating that stuff, Mel Calone." "Weird that you know my name, but there isn't any worry. I can conquer any sickness."

Weird....that's not what they told me...I should do this quick! "Uh, I'll just take a sucker, thank you very much." After the candy man gave the customers what they wanted, Mel looked hungrily at his dessert. But the girl randomly smacked him in the face, took his treat, left her sucker and ran out of the store.   

  On his way home, Mel couldn't stop thinking what happened earlier. Was that even necessary? She slapped my face, jacked my treat, and left me with this lamebrain sucker. I mean, what kind of girl is she? Also, I wonder, how'd she even know who I am? As he was in his train of thought, the girl ran into him with groceries in her arms."Ow! Hey what gives...!!! Hey! It's you! The girl that took away my treat!"   

"I...I'm...s-s-sorryyy..." She slowly got up picking the groceries that were dropped. "...My apologies Mel...My Cara..!! Oh, look at the time! I better get going!!" Cara ran quick, but Mel started to chase her. Why is he following me?? Got to lead him off track. She tried and tried, but she just can't seem to shake him off. She then tripped, fell, and the items in the bag she was carrying broke.  Mel caught up to her panting. "Man, you run fast....phew....I almost tripped back there...Are you okay?"   

"...Yeah...I think so..."she tried to get back on her feet, but she felt a sharp feeling in her ankle. "Hey, Hey! Don't strain yourself! Are you nuts?!""You know, I took the fall for you, Mel Calone." 

   "Huh? I don't get it.""You'll know soon enough. And it's only a sprain, nothing to worry about. I can conquer any injury."   

"If you say so...wait! I have a question for you."

 "What is it?"   

"Um...Why did you slap me earlier? Don't you think that was a bit odd?"

"Odd? How?"  

  "Uh hello! You told me that I'll get diabetes if I kept eating those desserts, and then you slapped me in the face and jacked my candy!"

"...I have my reasons. But it is not time to tell you yet, Mel Calone."   

"What do you mean? And how do you know my name?"

"There's a name tag on your shirt. "   

"There is?" He looked at his shirt, but saw no name tag. "HEY!" he was shocked to notice her missing. What a weird girl...He went home to his secret stash on candy...but he soon realized, he wasn't getting sick like he normally did. WOW!!! I really can conquer any sickness! Take that, Cara! Days past and he didn't get ill, but he never saw the girl for quite some time. I wonder what happened to her. I hope she's okay. I haven't been sick ever since I met her... He searched all over the city and finally found her by the bushes next to "Endless Heaven"."Hey! What happened to you?"  

  "Taking all of your bad luck..."

"Wha? Can you explain this to me?"   

"I think it's time." Cara started to glow as did Mel. They found themselves in the middle of a calm forest."You're not a normal girl, are you?"  

  "I'm afraid not. I am what you call a Luck Exchanger."

"I'm sorry, a what now?"   

"A Luck Exchanger. A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said you'll get diabetes, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I slap my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"That's what that was that was painful."  

  "Hehe...sorry about that.""Do you get to choose anyone? "  

  "Unfortunately, no. Fate chooses our clients. But get this, I really can conquer any injury." The background is disappearing and Cara began to vanish."Just what is happening??"   

"We Exchangers have a limited amount of time on staying with their client's.When the time comes, I have to work for someone else. Work never rests, I guess. At least you got a pure heart."

"How can you tell?"   

"If you didn't, they wouldn't pick you now, would they? Anyways, Stay grateful and your luck will be with you forever. However, If you become selfish, the bad luck will return to you."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, don't you worry about it." The forest disappeared and only Mel came back in front of "Endless Heaven". The candy man waited for his order. "Hey there sonny. Would you like a Double Double Choco Explosion Candy Bar?" He thought it over for a moment and finally replied, "Nah. I'll just take a sucker."

Story 4: Milo * Winston

Winston was a really wealthy person. Everyone wanted to be a friend to him, but he can see their true intentions, so he goes and pretends to be friends with them. After he rejects his 'friends' later, those same people would beat him up or break into his home to steal valuable items. Eventually, almost everyone started to hate him and gangs up on him when no one was around. He then lost all hope and trust became a problem for him. He can't seem to trust anyone. One day, Milo, a really poor boy, was looking for work. He stumbled on the steps. A bitter Winston answered the door.

"What do you want?"

"Would you be willing to give me a job? I'll do anything and won't disobey. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it."   

"Really now? If you really want my trust, you will have to work hard. No slacking off, understood?"

"I promise.I never go back on my word." Winston let Milo in and commanded his servant to take a small vacation for a month.   

  "You are now my servant for the time being. You will cook, clean, and cater to my every whim. You'll get your pay at the end of the week, if you do a good job.""Yes sir, I will do my best."  

  It won't be long until he betrays me, and then his true nature will be revealed. He'll only be like the others, breaking in my home and stealing precious heirlooms.Milo started looking for the cleaning supplies and started on the house. Hours went by and he started to make meals for the home. Winston called him and not once did Milo stall. He did his commands and went back to work. Hmm...this kid is tough...but I wonder if he really...

A week later Milo stopped momentarily and said,"I need to tell you something."  

  "What is it?" "Don't go outside, Winston Shale. Your enemies are waiting to jump you once again."    "How do you know?"

"I can sense danger." Milo went back to work. Winston was speechless then again, he could be one of them...I just can't trust him. Or anyone... A rock broke through the window aiming for Winston. But before it hit him, Milo ran and ended up getting hit with it instead on the head.

"Hey! Are you alright?? Why'd you do it?"   

"I'm your servant for the time being. And the servant always protect the master." Some blood came from his head. They saw what was going on from the outside. They ran in took Winston's servant and started beating him with the rock and other weapons.

"Please...beat me as much as you like...just don't hurt my master..." Winston was horrified to what was going on, for this kind of thing would happen to him on a daily basis. After they were satisfied, they left him there. Milo staggered back up and went back to work. What the hell is he doing??? He's hurt, but doesn't complain. He just acts as if it were nothing! Is he really that devoted?   

When a week was over, Winston receive strange luck. the people that beat Milo before gave back the heirlooms and apologized. They wanted a second chance. Winston didn't know what to think. He looked at Milo, and all that he did was nod. Winston resisted and Milo gave him a little nudge, but finally gave in. He actually had a good time with them. For the first time in his life, he had other people to talk to. He was finally getting what he wanted, someone to trust.Eventually, Milo was in very bad shape, but he kept working non-stop. Winston was in complete shock to see that he was still there working on cleaning the house.


"Please stop! You're in no condition to work!"

"I cannot...I have to give luck...."   

"Stop talking nonsense! Please sit down!"

"If you say so..." Winston sat on the chair and Milo sat on the floor.  

   "Uh, you can sit on one of the chairs, you know.""From what I know, servants are not allowed to sit on chairs or other royal-"  

  "But I'm not a prince. Are you disobeying me?" Milo quickly got to his senses and sat on a chair.

"So tell me, why did you get beat up instead? Everyone hated me! They don't even know you!"   

"Let's just say I'm a whipping boy."

"But I told you, I'm no prince."  

  "Touche, Winston Shale."

"Stop calling me that!"   

"Well, that is your name, isn't it?"

"You don't have to say my full name." 

   "So what do you want to be called?"

"Winston." Just where is this guy driving at??" How do you know my name first of all?"

    "Well, someone needed help with trust...and you were picked."

The two boys flashed and arrived in the forest."Where are we?"   

"Winston. Do you trust me?"

"You were beat up by the people who became my friends, kept working even though you were not in good shape to do so...Things changed when you showed up at my doorsteps. I think that's enough reason for me to trust you."   

"Okay then. I'll tell you everything. My name is Milo. I am known as a Luck Exchanger."

"Hey! I've heard stories about it...but I assumed they were just some folklore. So what are you called again? Luck Switchers?"   

"No, A Luck Exchanger. A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I warned you on what would happen, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I work for my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"I see...You really helped me realize something..."  

  "What would that be?"

"Real trustworthy friends devote themselves to others." Milo just smiled. the forest was starting to disappear. "H-hey! What is happening here?!"

"I forgot to tell you. There is a limit an Exchanger could be with their clients."   

"What nonsense is this?! I thought you would stay!"

"I won't be here physically, but my luck will be with you, as long as you're grateful on using it. Selfishness will only cause it to come back."  

  "I'll find a way to stay grateful.""I'm sure you will..." Those were his last words before he disappeared with the forest. he found himself sitting back in his home. He then got his bags went to other people's houses and asked, "Would you be willing to give me a job?"

Story 5: Taki * Morrison

Morrison was the typical school nerd. Nobody really liked him. In class assignments, nobody wanted to work with him. In P.E., nobody picked him on the team. Nobody even wanted to be near him. He was known as "Morrison the Bore." One person tried to get close to him, but he realized on how boring he was, so he spread bad rumors about him. And that's how it came to be.   

One day a new girl came along. Everyone loved her. The guys were all over her. The girls wanted her phone number. The new girl didn't like the attention she was getting. "Whatever you do, don't go near Morrison the Bore," someone would say. Everyone else agreed. She looked over at Morrison reading a book. "Don't go to him, he will contaminate you and you'll be boring too!" She just rolled her eyes and went along anyway.

"Hi! I'm Taki. It's very nice to meet you, Morrison Wells."

"Hey." He responded, not looking away from his book. How does she know my full name? Probably looked at my records. Taki was thinking of a way to get him away from the book.   

"Do you think you can show me around the school?"

"Sure. Here's a map." He passed her a school map.

    "Uh, I can't read maps..." He looked away from the book he was reading and was looking at her sternly.

 "You're kidding me, right?"

    "No...Can you show..." She felt very embarrassed about the situation. Morrison put the book down and gave a closer look. Up close he saw two sparkling brown eyes, long brown hair, and a rosey cheeks that mcan melt anyone's heart. Morrison thought he was having a nosebleed. He blushed for a moment and finally said,"I'll show you around."

"Really? Thank you! I really appreciate it!"   

"Alright but don't shout. If anyone saw us together, they would hate you too. And you're new, so I want to help you secretly so you can keep your reputation. Deal?"

"Bad deal! I can care less on what people say. If they hate me, so be it! I'd rather be beaten up than to do things in secret. "   

"But if they saw you with me-"

"Just show me around in public. They'll understand. Trust me." 

   "Well..."Morrison hesitated. He showed her around where to get to her classes, where everything she needed to know. After they walked around the boarding school, Taki thanked him, as expected. But instead of a friendly handshake, Taki kissed him."You'll get hurt later." Morrison became red as a cherry as she walked away.WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!? Well at least it was on the cheek...and what was that comment about?!

The next day, while Morrison went to read his usual book in the hallway, some people came over and talked to him. He seemed very confused.They greeted him with the warmest smiles and crowded him instead. But when Taki came in, She smiled when she saw the crowd smothering Morrison instead of her. They turned and started to mock her.

"Hey it's Tacky Taki."   

"She's not as great as Morris here."

Well this is awkward, thought Morrison. Maybe they found out...but, why are they surrounding me? They started to yell at her. throw things at her. Called her names.Why are they doing this to her?? That's not right at all! Morrison ran to her aid and got her out of the hallway. They started to chase them both.

"I want to beat Tacky Taki!

"I want to date Morrison!"

They ran until they reached an unused room. They went inside and waited until they left.


"Are you okay Taki?"

"Yeah...I think so..." 

   "Why did they do that to you?"

"Ever heard of a Luck Exchanger?"   


They glowed and arrived at the forest. "Whoa...what is this place?"

"This is a place where a Luck Exchanger and their client talk until the Exchanger vanishes Morrison. Did you feel any regret on helping me?"   

"No. I kinda....uh...felt fuzzy when helping you...""

Okay good enough. I think it's about time to tell you that I am one of the Luck Exchangers.  

  "Just what IS a Luck Exchanger?"

"A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said You'll get hurt later, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I kiss my clients on the cheek so that the good luck will apply to them."  

  "Hmm...Interesting.""But be warned. If you stay thankful, you'll have my luck for the rest of your life. Screw it up and it goes away."   

"Thanks for the advice. I'll be extremely careful"

"I'll be watching you." Taki started to vanish along with the forest. Morrison waved happily and returned to his room. "Maybe I need less time with books and more time with friends."

And that's exactly what he did.

Story 6: Bunni * Holley

Holley was a loud girl who could speak her mind. But sometimes, she gets in big trouble for what she says at times. People were starting to get annoyed with her because her mouth would keep running and it wouldn't stop. And her big mouth would start fights at times, even a big riot. She was jailed before, but was pardoned because she would talk for 6 hours to the judge, jury and crowd and they wanted her to stop. No one seemed to be able to get her to settle down. Holley is also an addicted fighter. She loves to start the fights and get into them herself.    

She went to a public park and started looking for decent fighters. Everyone saw her and dashed away. Holley gave a shrug and started to head off too. She then noticed a quiet girl sitting on the bench, feeding the birds. Holley then went her way, scared the birds, and started running her mouth again.   

"Hey! What's your name? Name's Holley Duncan. Your outfit looks ridiculous. Have you seen the in on  passion for fashion lately?" The quiet girl looked at her.

"You'll get beaten...if you keep fighting."   

"You spoke! Look Missy, I don't know if you noticed, but there's no one worthy on fighting me. Do you know where I can find a good spot to rumble?"

"Can't you go home?"  

  "Huh? No way! I'm never going back to my old man."

"Why is that? Why won't you go back?"   

"I'm not telling a stranger my business...unless you wanna fight me."

"...You won't win."   

"How do you know?? You're starting to tick me off!" Holley was about to sock her in the face, but the girl blocked the attack.

"You need your it."

Holley was about to give one more blow, but she missed.   

What?! I never miss! How can this be?

"My father was part of the fighting league. I picked up a few things. But I hate fighting."  

  "WOW!!! The fighting league!? Very impressive. Why do you hate it so much??? It gives so much adrenaline!"

"It's not worth it if fighting loses the ones you care about..."  

  "What? Just what are you getting at?"

"My father got killed. He had the same attitude you have. All that obnoxious behavior got him shot. You'll get shot too. If you're unfortunate, you could even be shot by your father..."  

"I'm not like your father...I'm like Holley Duncan. I'm very tough and I won't die...and for your information, I'm waaaay stronger than my old man."

"Promise? Promise me you won't be reckless again."  

  "I Promise." The girl started to give her a stern look. 


"It's not enough." 


"You have to pinky swear. Don't get yourself killed. Is it hard for a pinky swear?"   

"N-no! It's very easy!" Holley quickly wrapped her pinky around the girl's. The girl then got up from her seat, smiled, and walked away. Holley was bewildered to see that she had made a promise. What did I just do? I can't keep promises! But it's a pinky swear, so I actually have to try!! 

"Wait! What's your name? " 

The girl stopped and replied, "Bunni, but you can call me B, if you want." before walking away. Bunni...It suits her...She's so quiet. Holley was walking to her apartment and thought of the promise all night. Why can't I stop thinking about it? She's a stranger to me after all... Later on, she was starting to get lucky. People from all over the fighting region came and challenged her. But she defeated them all...barely. The last man she fought had something to say to her.

"Listen... There's this one place meant to be torn down soon. There's a rumor that a strange group lives there and is undefeated. Be careful if you plan on going....They also may have some dirty tricks up their sleeves."

She gave thanks and left. I wonder if she's still around? "B! Hey B!"   

"Oh, hello again Holley Duncan. Still alive I see." She noticed some blood on her arm.

"Holley Duncan! You are hurt!"

"Oh, this? This is nothing.Just a sign of toughness."

    "You promised me you wouldn't be reckless!!"

Oh crap, I forgot...   

"You forgot about it didn't you?"

"N-n-n-no way! I'm still alive, aren't I? I can't change the way I am...If I fight, there's no chance of me running away."

    "...Fine...just promise me you won't die." She pulled out her pinky.

"I won't forget my promise this time." Holley wrapped her pinky around Bunni's. "I'm heading over tothe abandoned gym, okay? Before Bunni had a chance to say anything, she was already on her way there. Dammit Holley! What did I say about not dying!? She looked at the building.  This place must be it! I just know it!

"Hello? Anyone here? Are you guys scared that I might kick your asses? "

She then heard a noise coming from the other side of the wall. Then it became a loud roar. Surprise attack huh? Heh, how creative...this must be the group I was warned about...

She ducked and punched the flying man. Others started to come and attack. Now, it's an ambush? Can't they do anything more fun these days? She dodged their every move and pummeled them, leaving them with bruises and black eyes. In around ten minutes, gurneys were all over the place taking them away for treatment.

"Now you know...nobody ever messes with me, Holley B. Duncan!"   

"You still haven't faced me yet!" Holley looked and saw her father beginning his stance."Wha? You're one of those weirdos?"   

"They're weak, it was meant to be... and I'll beat your ass!"

"You're making a big mistake. Prepare to dig your own grave Old man!" They brawled and seemed equally matched, but he had something that she wasn't planning on.


A GUN? You GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!    "Hehehehehe. not so tough now are you?"


"HOLLEY!!!!! DUCK NOW!!!!"

Where'd THAT voice come from?? Better listen.

BANG! The gun shot fired and Holley ducked...but unfortuately, It hit Bunni standing at the entrance.

"B!!!" She ran to her aid. She saw the wound on her chest. Holley was horrified that she was the one that told her to duck. "Bunni!! Wake up! Please! I...I don't want to fight anymore! Not if it'll end up this way! I'll change my ways! Please, just don't die on me!!" Soon, Holley and Bunni glowed and arrived in a forest."Where are we?" Holley looked around and saw Bunni sit up. "B! Are you okay?'   

"Hm? Oh, just a minor flesh wound."

"You were shot in the chest! No one can survive that!"   

"If I was an ordinary person, I could die..."

"Eh?"    "You'd said you wouldn't fight anymore right? Because of my wound...did you really mean that?"

"Yes I did! I wouldn't fight anymore if anyone I cared died for me!"   

"I see...I guess I can tell you. I am a Luck Exchanger."

"Luck Exchanger?" Never heard of it." 

   "A luck exchanger is a spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said You'll get shot by your father, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I give my clients pinky swears so that the good luck will apply to them."   

"I see...That random promise..."

"Yes...that random promise..."

The forest started to fade,and so did Bunni. "...And you kept it Holley.You didn't die like you promised."    "But...what will happen now?"

"Whatever you want to happen." Stay grateful, otherwise your luck will falter if you choose to disregard my warning."   

"I prom-" Bunni sent out her pinky. Holley smiled at her and grabbed it. She had made another pinky swear. The police came in and took her father in the cruiser. Holley couldn't have felt more safer. Hmm...I wonder what I can do with this old place... What used to be an abandoned building is now a center where troubled kids can learn to behave themselves.

Story 7: Rika * Zen

Zen really liked his place in the world, he just didn't know how to show it. And because of that, he became a real klutz. Even though he tries hard not to, wrong words just come out of his mouth. He even hurts other people without even knowing himself, so be became a very rude person. People understood that and tried to get help for him, but since the rudeness was so unbearable the therapists quit, every single one of them.

There seemed no hopeful way out, so he became cold. Cold as ice. He thought that it felt good to stay away so other people wouldn't get hurt, but later on when he started to realize it wasn't his place. It was too late.Everyone started to hate him. He became enemy number 1. Whenever crime started, he happens to be there at the wrong time. He's been to jail for a certain amount of time and his luck got even worse.

After he was released from prison once again, he saw a teenage girl looking at the jail entrance. It looked like she was waiting for someone. He thought it was unusual, so he went and spoke to her.

"Hey, whatcha doing there?"  

  "Looking for him."

"Who are you looking for, exactly?"   

"Zen Teugasa"

"That would be me. What do you want?"  

  "I need to tell you something in secret."

"What is it?" Zen bent down and the girl went closer to his ear. After she got close enough, she shouted from the top of her lungs, "IN A WEEK FROM NOW AT 5 PM, YOU WILL GET HIT BY THE TRAIN ON THE DIRT ROAD!!! "His ears rung from the shouting. "Okay...Was that even NECESSARY?!"

"Yes." The girl quickly ran off. "Wait!" What the hell was that all about?

After his release, His landlord evicted him from his home for too much jail time. He  looked for an apartment to stay in. He found a sign that says 'ROOM FOR RENT'. Zen knocked and that girl from earlier answered the door.

Oh, hell no! Anyone but her!! he thought.   

"Zen Teugasa. This is the only room available. I suggest you come here. You're lucky to find a room in your state, 'Enemy number 1.' I wonder if I help out, I'd be considered 'enemy number 2...'   

"I am so out of here."

"Oh, no you don't!" The girl dragged him in the house and locked the door.   

"Hey, you stupid girl! Let me go! I'd rather be dead than over here!" "Seriously, you'd get shot down down when going out there.

Really?! She's not listening to a word I'm saying!!

Besides, wouldn't you rather be sleeping here in a warm bed than the cold streets?"   

"I'll take that chance"

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, but I have a mental disability to shout in people's ears instead of whispering. I didn't mean to get you angry. Can you please stay?"

Zen thought about it thoroughly and finally asked himself, What left do I got to lose? He went inside and flatly sat on the couch."For starters, who are you?"  

  "Rika. My name is Rika."

"So...uh, Rika, how long have you been living here?"   

"For about five years...It's been getting lonesome around here."

"Five years? But I was pretty sure it's been empty for that long..." hm, I think there's something I wanted to ask her..."Hey, when you shouted in my ear, What did you mean when I was gonna get hit by some train?"  

  "I mean what I said, You'll get hit by a train next week. You can say I'm some sort of Oracle."

"Okay, now you're high. And trust me, I've heard people say stupid things." 

   "You may think I'm high now, but you'll thank me eventually."

"Whatever." Zen lied himself down on the sofa and thought of the situation.  Man, First I get chased down, I get arrested, got this girl on crack to make me half deaf, lost my home, now I'm living with that same girl who's high like hell. I really don't think luck will ever be on my side...   

"Don't worry Zen Teugasa, luck will be in your favor, just have a little faith, alright?" The next day, Zen was on his way to a bar he would usually hang out. Instead of getting a cold stare, he got a warm welcome.  Huh, that's weird. He sat on the stool. His leg started to cramp so he stuck his leg out. He accidentally tripped a man walking by. He was about to apologize, but the man apologized first. "Sorry man, had a little too much to drink. He went and spoke to people, and surprisingly, they were talking to him. Okay now I KNOW something is wrong here.

As he was in thought, Rika came by and everyone gave her the cold stare. The man who was having a good happy hour saw her and started to throw a fit. The bartender called the police to inform them on "Enemy number One." Zen came back to reality and saw The man insulting her and fighting her, but she was quick. Okay, now I'm confused, this kind of stuff would be happening to me right about now and in about two minutes and the cops come in to drag me away, even though I didn't start anything. And as he predicted, the cops came. "Okay officers take me away."

But the cops didn't listen and took Rika away. "What?! She didn't even start anything. So why...?" He later went to the visitor's room and spoke to Rika."Okay, what the hell happened back there?!"  

  "You should be waiting out at the front entrance, then we can talk. I'm being released soon, due to a trial error."

"Okay. But you better tell me what's going on!"  

  "Don't worry, I will." He waited for a while and saw her being escorted out by an officer. "Thanks sir, I'll be back soon!" He only gave her a cold look. Rika then saw Zen and said, "Man, talk about getting the cold shoulder.You got it hard, Zen Teugasa."  

  "Uh...just Zen will do. Anyway, what happened?? Usually I get arrested on the spot!"

"Lucky break huh? It seems that luck is finally going in your favor."  

  "Seriously, what's going on here?""That's my little secret...""Huh? Just what are you saying? You said you'd tell me!"   

"I never promised you though." She only smiled. Zen was getting frustrated how the things were going. "Gah! Why won't you tell me?! It's not like I'd tell anyone! They wont listen to me anyway..."

"Oh? That's highly unlikely that will happen. Despite the warm welcome, things will get better for you and worse for me."   

"What? That's crazy. Things will get normal soon."

But was he wrong. During a few days, he hasn't been accused of anything, he was greeted by some people, things were looking up for him.They even invited him over to their homes. Rika wasn't doing so well though. She was isolated from the prisoners, even got stabbed a few times. Zen visited her many times, and she would bust out each day before getting caught again. but all she shouted was "5 PM!!" to remind him about the fate that would happen. That unfortunate day would soon come.

He was walking along to a acquaintance's home and he was given directions. Zen realized that the path he had to take was through the dirt road where the railroad tracks would be. IN A WEEK FROM NOW AT 5 PM, YOU WILL GET HIT BY THE TRAIN ON THE DIRT ROAD . He tried to walk across it, but his pants got stuck along the way. The train's wail was heard in the distance and he looked with a pale look upon his face. Zen looked at his watch. It was 4:59p.m. That phrase kept running through his mind as he was trying to make his escape. But the pants were stuck tight.


Rika came and shoved him out of the way. The train raged through and Rika became the victim. His face was filled with horror.


The engineer heard his cry and stopped. Zen ran and carried Rika from the front. He looked at her in disbelief. "Why?! Why did you save me?! I'm a lowly criminal who doesn't deserve to have luck!!!"

"You're...wrong. You just didn't have good luck..."  

  "Why did you jump in front of the train like that??"

"I'll tell private..." Suddenly, those two started to glow and sparkle, and the scene disappeared. Instead, a scenery of a forest suddenly replaced it. "Hey! Your wounds healed! Are you alright?"

"Yes. quite."

"Did you spike my drink?"

"No. Listen, I think it's okay for me to tell you. I am a Luck Exchanger."   

"A...what now? A Luck Exchanger?"

"Yes. A luck exchanger is a spirit who gives good luck. They  have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck first. When I shouted in your ear about the train, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I have to shout in my clients' ears so that danger will go to me instead.   

"So, it's not a mental disability?"

"No, I made that up. But you're okay and that's all that matters to me.You have a good heart."   

"Huh? How can you tell? I kinda have a long record..."

"Do you ever hurt anyone on purpose?"  

  "No, I was isolated to begin with to protect everyone."

"Fate tells me to go to you and cure your bad case. But promise me this: Stay pure and grateful...otherwise you'll end up back in your old lifestyle, cold and friendless. Got it?"  

  "Yeah. Thanks for helping me, if it wasn't for you, I'd be a goner." Everything started to shine brightly and Rika started to disappear."Whoa! It looks like I spent enough time here..."

"Don't leave yet! I still have a lot to learn about you!"    "Don't worry, if my luck is still with you, that means I'm with you too, okay? Don't ever forget that!" After the scenery disappeared, Zen returned to that scene when Rika got hit by a train.

"Sir?! Are you alright?? What happened to that girl?"

"Have you heard of the Luck Exchangers?"   

"Only in they really exist?"

"Let me come over to your place and I'll tell you about it."

Story 8: Greta * Emil

Greta was a stingy person who cared about only herself. That's what everyone says, but that isn't particularly true. She loved animals in secret and holds a lot of animals at home.The problem is, she can't seem to take care of them and there is a ruckus almost every night.She would steal anything for them, which is what she did.But for some reason, they don't seem to like her very much.She was running along until she saw something that caught her eye. An adorable orange kitten was walking slowly as it saw her. "Ooh! How adorable! I am so taking you home!" She picked up the animal not knowing there was a collar on it. The kitten struggled to beak loose, but there was no use for it. She held it tightly, like a stuffed animal. She heard a cry and started to hide by the corner.   

    "Chia? Just where is that troublemaker?" A tall boy in a black and white uniform running out of the pastry shop nearby. He spotted Greta with the kitten and he started to smile.   

"Oh, Please excuse me miss, But that kitten your holding belongs to me."

"Oh...I'm s-sorry...I didn't know." She regrettably and slowly gave back the cat. It jumped to the boy gratefully. He looked at her and saw a little tear coming out of her eye as she was leaving.  

   "Hm..Would you like to take care of Chia for me?" Greta's eyes started to brighten as the kitten's paws stuck to his shirt."Really? You don't find me stingy, even though she might not come back? Who are you anyway? You look new."  

      "I am called Emil, and I don't believe in rumors people say. I sense you have experience on pet care?" Greta thought back to those times when she found animals.

....not a very good experience I'd say, she thought to herself. Chia started to freak out as Greta was thinking. The boy started to console the cat.   

"There, there, Chia, you'll be just fine.I think I can trust her." Chia just looked at her suspiciously. However, it seems that Emil trusts her strongly and decided to give her a chance. She leaped onto the girl's shoulder.    

"Oh, by the way, one of the animals will escape and you'll get hit by a drunk driver trying to save it.Well, nice to meet you, Greta Baynes."

He went back into the shop leaving behind a confused Greta.That's weird, I never let my animals out...and how does he know me??  Greta was on her way home, wondering what that comment was about. As she got home, the cat was horrified to see what the house had to offer. The house was dusty, some dogs were lying around, fish tanks were filthy, skinny rabbits were on the side, hiding. horses stayed independent and walked around with little food.

"I'm sorry about this kitty, I try, but people keep stealing the animal food for their own...Now if you'll excuse me, I must be shopping for kitty food now." She put down Chia to explore the place as she heard a doorbell ring.

"Hm? Who could that be?" She opened the door to find a police officer at her doorstep.

"Uh...can I help you?"

Chia stopped to see what was happening."Someone called about a disturbance in the area." He looked inside to see the sickly animals. "And it looks like you're not caring properly for the animals."   

She stood there emotionless, and only responded "You're crazy. Please leave the room or I'll call the police." She slammed the door and he started to walk away but then realized he was one of them. "Hey wait a minute-! Ma'am!" 

Greta walked through the back door and hoped no one would see her. But she was wrong as backup came to take her away. Chia, horrified at the scene started to understand why no animal wanted to be with her. She looked at the miserable animals. She then escaped to find Emil. She found him locking up. He then notices her running and started to scold her."Chia! Why are you here? How will she get her luck if you're not with her?"   

I can't do it Emil! She has a lot of animals on the brink of death here, and I don't think she can afford pet care! I'm scared!"

We've done this for 200 years now, Chia. I thought we went over this. Please don't give in, no matter how grave the situation may be."   

But you haven't seen the horrific sights! She resorted to stealing things for her animals because no one seems to help her out. She can't afford anything  for that matter! She just got arrested by trying to escape an officer. They're dying Emil! Are you sure this is our client?

"I see...but don't worry about it. By tomorrow morning, people will be willing to help her out. Remember that. And I am positive she is our client."

By tomorrow morning, he was right. Someone paid for Greta's bail and she was sent out. But that really surprised her, since no one in the city supposedly cared about her. Apparently, a veterinarian paid her bail. But Greta was not about to let someone take her pets away.  But the vet wouldn't take a no for an answer, so she followed her home.As she was heading to her house, a group of people were waiting to greet her with warm smiles and a little cheer. Hm?? What are they doing here?? More vets, and Animal control...but why are they waiting for me? " Like I told you before! I can't afford anything to help my pets! I'm sorry!" She didn't want to hear anything that can make her run.   

"That's alright, Greta. We'll help them out, no charge!" One of the veterinarians said. Greta could't believe her ears. Am I hearing things right??? I can't believe someone would help out a thief like me...She really couldn't turn them down after waiting all night in the slammer so she decided to give them a chance. She opened the door and let them inside. They ran in, with their medical kits and got to work. Soon enough, after a few days, the animals seemed more happy and energetic. But there was one animal she was missing.

"Chia?! Oh crap! Where'd you go?? Has anyone seen an orange kitten??" They all shook their heads. Chia was waiting for that dark moment to come. She leaped out and ran outside. Greta saw her and ran out after her.She saw Chia shivering in the middle of the street.

"Don't worry Chia! I got you! I promised him I'd take care of you and that's exactly what I'll do!! Even if it has only been for a few days...I'm sorry that I'm a horrible pet sitter."

Chia looked at her with tears dripping down her cheeks as she gave her a warm hug. Thank you Greta. You tried your best. And you'll soon be rewarded

As Emil predicted, a drunk truck driver was heading their way. Emil looked out and saw Greta and Chia unable to move in the middle of the street as the drunk driver came closer. He dashed out to push them out of the way to take her place. Greta was petrified and speechless to see Emil take the fall. Her feet finally decided to move and ran to his aid.

"Are you alright?! I'm so sorry! I was just so scared!!"

Greta, there's nothing to be afraid of...He's just fullfilling his task.

"Who said that??" Greta, Chia, and Emil started to teleport to a forest. Greta looked around the mysterious place and after a few moments she finally asked, "Where am I now?"   

"You are now in Exchanger Forest." "E-Exchanger Forest you say?" She then saw the green trees that illuminated with the sun above along with the hills with flowers and a waterfall. She thought it was a very beautiful place to be, but she didn't see any animals around. "Man, if animals lived here, they'd be truly happy. Whoa, Emil, you're healed!" Chia and Emil just looked at her sadly.   

  "Do you know who we are?"

"Hm...this seems highly of my old friends told me about this...Are you, one of them? Luck Exchangers?"   

They nodded their heads. We must be very popular if you know who we are.

"Chia! You just....talked? I didn't expect you to be one of them." Chia just purred and rubbed against her leg.  

   "Looks like we have to get going Chia." Chia walked to Emil, but looked back at Greta sadly.

"You'll still be here right?" Greta's heart shattered as they shook their heads. They started to fade as the background was too.We won't be here physically, but we'll still be able to see your progress afterwards. And your luck will be with you too alright? Just don't mess it up.

"I'll do my best. And I won't steal anymore either." They were delighted to hear that from her and they both waved goodbye. Greta found herself back in the middle of the street as the vets were astonishingly watching her return. "Are you alright? We saw everything before your disappearance. What happened?" 

   "I'll tell you later, but right now, I realized I can't keep all these animals. So I wonder what I am going to do with them." Greta saw abandoned land that could be used...and I know what exactly what to do!" Greta and the vets got to work. Eventually she created a environment where the animals could be free until adoption.

Story 9: Helaroi * Remy

Remy always wanted to be a sports star. However, he couldn’t get in the team, let alone the school’s home team. He would practice nonstop at home, but he just couldn’t seem to progress as he wanted. One day as he came out after total rejection, he saw some people practicing. Looking with jealousy, he didn’t realize there was a baseball heading his way. One of the boys had to shout to get him back to reality. “Hey Remy, watch out!”

Without a second to lose, Remy sensed the ball coming and couldn’t move. One of the boys was heading his direction and caught it with lightning speed. Remy couldn’t believe what he saw. No way! This kid is good! I never saw anyone catching it this quick!

The boy looked at him. “Are you alright?”

Remy returned his stare.  “Uh, Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little shaken up is all.” God that was pathetic…

“You’re Remy, right?” Remy looked at him suspiciously, “Just how do you know me?”

“I’m one of the new transfers here from New York. Also…uh…people seem to spread bad rumors about you…the Non Athletic Dork.”

“Well that figures…”Remy replied rather glumly. The boy quickly tried to cheer him up.

“Ah, don’t worry about it! You’ll get better. Practice makes perfect!”

 “Unless they can’t improve…” Remy couldn’t shake off his gloom from the fact that he was horrible in sports. The boy felt real bad for him. Out of the blue, he raised his hand.

 “High five?”

Remy looked at him strangely again. “And why would I do that?”

“It’s just an encouragement, and my way of saying good luck.” The boy raised his hand again and urged him to give him a high five. At first, Remy was real reluctant to do anything, but eventually he gave in. His hand stung for a few seconds and felt something stirring in him. The boy wondered if he improved.

“Think fast!”

 Remy saw the same ball headed his way once again, but only this time, instead of reacting with fear, he reacted with courage. He swiftly caught the ball without a second glance. Remy looked surprised as he saw the ball in his hand. “What did I just do?”

“You caught the ball. You’re getting good quick.” Remy couldn’t believe he actually caught the ball and he felt if someone practices with him, he can improve.

“So, hey kid, want to go for a few rounds?”

“Nah, I have to be going somewhere, but I’ll see you later Remy Thompson.” The boy was about to leave until he stopped to say something else.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. The name’s Helaroi. It’s nice to meet you. You might get rejected again for the tryouts.” He left without another word. Remy thought about that boy that night. No person helped him improve before. Or, let alone gave him encouragement to keep trying. Whenever he would get turned down, the coaches taunted him and gave him a bunch of discouragement to not try out again.

Strange kid, but he helped me improve that quick….and I’ve never heard of a Helaroi before…Is he really a transfer? And how does he know me? Nobody talks to the transfers for a few days until the popular kids get them. And that last comment…go figure.

The next day, Remy saw a poster saying that the same tryouts will be open for a next few days. He decided to give it another go. Surprisingly enough, Helaroi was there, like he was waiting. The coach started out and started to scream.

“Alright, listen up!! You think you got what it takes to be in the baseball team?! There absolutely needs to be, no whining, crying, or complaining! If you do any of the three, you’ll be kicked out three seconds flat! And you won’t be able to ever tryout anymore!!” The coach got closer to Helaroi.

“Do I make myself clear?” He huffed.

“Yes sir,” Helaroi replied without any emotion.

“All right, you worms! Let’s see what you’re made of!!” The coach marched looking angrier at each step

Remy just shot a strange glance at him. Just why is the football coach filling in for the baseball team??

As he looked across the line, He saw Helaroi sweating bullets. Is he okay? He shouldn’t have anything to worry about; since he’s one of the best players I’ve seen!

“Thompson!! You are up!” Remy nervously walked forward and stood in front of the coach. “Alright maggot, let’s see what you are capable of…”

Suddenly without warning, Varsity players started to throw baseballs at him. Remy’s hand felt like it was controlled and it caught every ball that was thrown at him. Every. Single. One. 

The other players were shocked that Remy Thompson, the once worst player, to a baseball superstar. Nest He was given a bat for him to hit the baseballs that was to be thrown at him. And, to everyone’s surprise, he aced the test.

Helaroi however was a different story. What Remy saw was confusing. Yesterday, he was one of the best players he encountered, and now, he sees baseballs hitting his face, and he kept striking out.

What just happened? Wasn’t he one of the best players? How could he lose horribly, unless he did it on purpose!!

The coach screamed at Helaroi who stayed emotionless. The coach gave him such, harsh, discouraging words to be sure he won’t tryout anymore for baseball, football, or any other sport. Afterwards, Remy went and confronted Helaroi for the horrible display.

“What the hell was that?”

“I guess luck wasn’t on my side…Heh, that’s okay. It’s only a game after all.” Helaroi was about to walk away until Remy

“Listen to me! You were very good yesterday!!”

“Like I said, it’s only a game. Hope luck stays on your side.”

“It was just a fluke! I’ll get back to normal soon enough and get kicked off for sure! I’ll be sure to recommend you”

Helaroi looked at him all panicky. “Uh, you really shouldn’t do that!”

“Why? It’s not like you lost your talent.” Remy gave him the eagle stare, the stare that can frighten anyone.

“Uh … actually. I kind of…did.” Remy gave a small shout of surprise and confusion

“What do you mean, you lost your talent?”

“I gave it to you.” Helaroi shrugged. The two began to fade.

The two began to fade and soon arrived at a strange locater where there are nothing but trees and a beautiful pure lake.

"Where are we?"

“Welcome to Exchanger Forest.”

“We’re in a random forest…go figure. “

“Wait…Exchanger Forest? What do I have to trade? I left my cards at home so, I don’t know what else to trade….”

Helaroi laughed for a while. “No we don’t do those kinds of exchanges here. The exchange has already been settled.”

“What do you mean? ’Already been settled’?”

  “Remember when I gave you the high five when we first met yesterday? That is when the Exchange began. My luck for yours, I’m a Luck Exchanger.”

Remy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All the luck he has was gone that day, all because of a single high five. “But wait! The last comment you made. That kinda discouraged me a bit.”

“Sorry, I have to say what will happen; otherwise that exchange wouldn’t be complete.”

“I see…”

“Now that the explanation is finished, looks like I have to be headed somewhere.”

“WHAT?? No way man! You just got here!”

“Sorry man, I’ve been doing this kind of thing for many years…there are a lot of other people I have to encourage. You understand right?”

Remy thought deeply about that day and wondered if he can really give others luck like he did to him. He didn’t want to sound like a jerk so he agreed.

“Oh, one last thing. You have to stay grateful. If you don’t, your lousy skills will come back to haunt you.”“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good.” Helaroi waved as he disappeared. Remy started to fade out too. Soon he arrived at the outer field where his team started to cheer for him.

“Well, let’s play.”


Story 10: Justen * Tula

Tula loved to dance. However, there was a problem. She was a total klutz. She would practice each day, sometimes for hours and she would always mess up on one drill after another. Sometimes, she would also hurt other people too.  Her purple workout clothing, black leotards and green knee socks, along with her tied up ponytail, she prepares for practice. The other girls gave her the dirty look as she came into class.

"Hey, look, she came back. Why doesn't she just go home?"

"Hey Kim, can't you do something about this?"

 The class queen, Kim Gardener walked up to Tula and said , "Hey, Tula! Don't scew it up for the rest of us. The dance instructor will bring some very important people to this institute so don't make us look stupid."

Before Kim went back to her spot she graabbed some shoes. " Oh, before I forget, here. These shoes will look better for feel a lot lighter for you to mess up less."

I am not falling for it, she thought. I already know what's going to happen and I am not going to make that same mistake.. She already knew the important people are coming, and she's been practicing at home for hours on end.She will not have her chances sabotaged all because of Kim's prank.

Tula took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes nothing..." The music started and she started to do some moves. But something, as usual, was wrong.

"I-I can't move!! Why can't I move?!"

There was a few snickers in the back, some high fives, and some cheers. Tula looked at Kim as she held superglue in her hand. Tula had fire in her eyes targeting Kim as she tried to escape the puddle of goop which happened to have the same color as the floor. She fell over on her face and there were more roars of laughter. "KIM YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!" Tula finally wriggled free and started to charge.There were screams that echoed down the hall as she tackled Kim and punched her repeatedly in the head. Kim was powerless and tried to fight back, but it was no use.

"Hey what is going on here?" The instructor came in and he didn't need an explanation. He picked Tula off Kim and sent them both to the office. Tula waited out the door as she heard crying in the office. Kim left and mouthed 'You are going to get it big time. Big Time' Tula ignored and turned her head away. Tula shook a bit when she entered Mr. Gardener's office.

"Ms. Jones, this is it. This is the last time I ever hear this from you and Kim. Bullying my daughter like that, how could you?"

"But sir! She started the whole thing! She-"

"I don't want to hear any of it! Kim told me the whole thing. She told me that after you rudely refused to take her spare shoes, you charged at her for nothing."

"That's a complete lie! Sir, she set me up! You need to hear my side of the story. You only hear what your daughter has to say."

"One side of the story is enough for me. I don't want to hear any more."

"But sir!"

"Enough!! The best punishment I can give you is three day suspension! And when you come back, you will NOT attend the important showcase!"

"WHAT? Sir, that's not fair! Plus that's cruel and unusual punishment."

"Keep talking and I'll make it five days!"

"Didn't you say three days??"

"Get your stuff and get out of my sight before I make it a whole week Ms. Jones!"

Tula said nothing more, got her stuff from her locker and noticed a note inside.

I Told you you would get it.

She angrily tossed the note in the garbage bin and left the dance academy.

For as long as she can remember, She and Kim were always rivals. Kim would always get her in trouble and get away with it. She especially can't get away with it now, since her father was the headmaster of the Dance U. Institute (D.U.I.). For the past few years, things have gotten out of hand for Tula. She outgrew her ways, but Kim,  unfortunately, hasn't.

"Damn Kim for getting away with everything! That is the last straw. I don't care if I have to stoop low to her level. I will get my revenge...but it would make me look even stupider! Geez what do I do anyway?" Tula was brainstorming an ultimate plan but lost it when she ran into a man on the way home.

"Ow...can you watch where you're going??"

The man just stared at her. "Excuse me?" Tula started to realize how rude she was getting. She quickly replied, "I'm sorry! I just had a bad day, that's all."

"That's quite alright miss. Any idea where Dance U. Institute might be located?" Before he could get an answer, He was found by himself. Strange one, he thought. Oh well, my destination is probably close...

Tula came into her apartment with tears of hate and disappointment. Her roommate Jennie heard her from the slammed door.

"Tula? You're home early. Did something happen?" Tula looked at her as if she were her mother. She turned her back and threw herself onto the couch.

"I don't want to talk about it Jen." Jen seemed hurt, but she wasn't planning on giving up that easy. Plus, she had a feeling that she already know what was bugging her close friend.

"It was Kim again, wasn't it?"

 "You read me like a book. I should know better than this." Jen gave a small chuckle. "Why don't you tell me all about it hon?" Tula told her the event that went on earlier this morning.

"I knew it was a lose-lose situation. I knew if I accepted those shoes, I'd get in trouble anyway because I know how these girls are when it comes to shoes. Plus they had glued on tacks on the inside, I saw a glimpse. But I shouldn't have attended class if I knew she go down this low. Just how? Just how can a person not hear two sides of a story? There are more than one perspectives you know!"

"That's not right. Tula, the headmaster HAS to hear you out. If he doesn't hear your side, then there are no rules that haven't been broken. More people would be unjustly punished for what they haven't done yet."

"Jen, this isn't the court of law....Anyway, I tried, but all it got me was a five day suspension from the Institute.I also kinda beat the crap out of the Bimbo Queen..."

"Five Days?! Damn girl, is there no more love in that place? I mean seriously! I thought we discussed this anger issue of yours! I mean, sure she deserved this, but that won't change anything..."

"It looks like that I have to practice some more, until I go back there."

Jen looked at her worried-like. "...I'll clear the fragile stuff we have in this room, and I'll see you in a sec.."

A week passed and Tula feels more confidence in herself, despite the fact  that she almost broke her roommate's ankle. "Okay, I'll pretend to apologize to the queen, I'll mind my own business and everything will go smoothly. As long as his precious 'jewel' doesn't get hurt, I'm safe."

But instead of nasty, dirty looks from her fellow classmates, they were all ignoring Tula for someone else. I wonder what is going on, she thought. She squeezed through the squealing girls that were over a student. A male was in their presence. The girls were all over him. Tula was puzzled until the boy turned to look at her. She then realized it was the same guy that she ran into a week ago when she was in the foul mood.

Ack! It's him! just what is he doing here? Is he really attending this school??

Tula panicked and turned away quickly enough to not attract any attention. Okay, she thought. Maybe he won't recognize me, I mean, it's only been one week. Her theory was flawed as the boy saw Tula doing some stretches before class started. He walked over and asked, "How are you feeling today?"

Tula blindly responded "Can't complain anymore that's for sure!"  As soon as she turned to see who was talking to her, she froze to see that the boy was actually talking to her. The other girls saw the boy talking to her, giving her the stink eye and some weren't paying any attention and continued giving the boy the dreamer's eyes.

"It's alright, there's no need to be afraid. It's just that I can remember peoples faces that quick."


He nodded and gave a warm and friendly smile. "My name Justen. I recently moved here and very interested in this place. He grabbed her hand and gave it a firm grip. Tula blushed as his gentle smile eased her nerves.

 "No! This is not how this was supposed to be!"

Everyone turned to Kim Gardener, the Queen Bee. "Justen! You're supposed to do that to me! You are my one and only boytoy and don't you forget it." Tula looked at Justen suspiciously.

"I don't remember asking you to be my girl. I don't have to know you to hate you.  You are the last person I'd ever think of going out with. I just can't stand girls like you, thinking you're so high and mighty  just because her daddy's in charge. Get out of my sight, you disgust me."

 Tears swelled up in her eyes and asked, "Do you really mean it? Am I really not your girl?"

Justen just gave a sigh. "We only saw each other once, that's all. Let me put this in simple terms, I, do not, like you in any way. I don't even want to be an acquaintance. You seem to be bipolar to be cying like that. Enough of that though, crying only makes you look stupider and ruins your makeup."

Kim wiped her tears and left the room bitterly. "I hope you get expelled with this!!"

Tula looked at Justen with a shocked face. "Wow, even I wouldn't go that far to make the Queen cry like that."

"Then it was about time that someone did." Justen gave another of his goofy smile. "Would you like to dance with me?"

Tula just gave him a confused look, along with fear. "It's best if you didn't."

"C'mon what could go wrong?"

"Everything."  The boy turned to all the other girls and they all nodded in agreement. "She is a danger to society."

"She knows how to injure people."

"She's always fooling herself."

Justen shook his head in disappointment. "It's pressure ladies. You end up messing up at some point. If people expect you to do better, there is a chance that you'll screw up in a move or two. You can't expect yourself to be perfect. If you relax when you dance, you'll feel like you're stepping on clouds. You'll feel more at ease and in no time, you'd master your dance. Doesn't sound real, does it?"

Most girls shook their heads in response. "Exactly. Gotta give her props for coming back at least."

Justen held Tula's hand and moved slowly. Their feet swerved like clouds going through a relaxing breeze. Tula seemed less tense and frustrated and her dance with Justen seemed to ease her nerves. the other girls stared in awe as the duo danced through the whole period. A week later, people started to talk again.No one has seen Kim, but it didn't really seem to  matter at the moment

The pair did another dance. Tula was so relaxed she didn't feel any of her troubles. Justen was just glad that he had someone to dance with.

"Aww, they actually look good together."

"We're way out of their league."

Justen and Tula smiled at each other and the rest of the crowd.  Tula finally felt at ease as soon as she finished her dance. Justen was pleased that he put the false rumors at an end. At the end of the day, Tula did a lot better in her other classes when it came to dancing.

"Thank you for the dance, Tula. It was real nice. Be careful, though. You'll end up breaking an ankle by someone who despises you so much."

That comment turned her switch right off. "So much for you're welcome."

On her way home from school, she found Kim digging a rather large hole. "Uh,don't mean to interrupt, but WHAT are you doing?"

"Digging a hole," Kim replied without turning her head.

Tula stared at her strangely. "Why??"

"For my grave. Let's face it, You're popular than me. Everyone loves you more than me, even my dad.  I don't even exist anymore. If I bury myself underneath, no one would even notice that I'm gone."

Tula grabbed Kim, filled the hole and slapped her across the face. "Girl, I don't know what issues you got right now, but you gotta quit it. This is not like you at all! Look, I don't care if you taunt me or play pranks anymore, you just need to chill out and collect your senses."

Kim had tears fall out of her face. Her mascara was running a bit too. Kim ran home ignoring Tula and searching for another shovel.

Tula really didn't care much about what just happened, so she ran to her apartment to find Jennie. She hugged and danced around with her.

"Tula! Tthe hell is going on?"

"I met a guy!"Jen froze."You met a guy??"

"A guy!!" Tula shouted.

Both girls squealed as they both danced around.

"Tell me! What is he like?'

"Tall, dark, handsome. He even danced with me!" Jennie stopped dancing as she heard the phrase.

"Girl, did you break his bones afterwards? 'Cause you know how to do that sort of thing."

"No Jen, listen! We danced together and nothing bad happened in a week!"

"A whole week! Where was I when this happened??"

"Tico's place, remember? You left me a not saying "I'll be at Tico's for a while. Do whatever you want as long as there's no adultery involved" By the way , You know I'm innocent!"

"Uh-huh...." Jen looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, I'm gonna practice some more for the showcase tomorrow."

The next day, Tula seemed super confident, she had a guy to rely on, she had new friends, no more nasty rumors. Yep life is sweet right now, she thought. Well, better find Justen.

Tula looked all over the auditorium for him, but he wasn't there. She looked in the classrooms, but he wasn't there either. Tula was starting to worry. What if he's sick, she thought. I can't do this without him!"

One of her classmates rushed to Tula. "hah...I finally...hah...finally found you!"she responded wheezing along the way.

"Where's Justen??"

"He's been admitted to a hospital. Someone intendedly broke Justen's ankle."

"WHAT? Which hospital?"

"We're all at the same hospital just come with me!"

They ran to find Justen in a hospital bed with his leg up. Tula had a feeling on who might have sabotaged the whole thing, but that didn't matter right now. She needed to tend to her friend. "Justen! What happened?"

"Tula? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the showcase?"

"My friends come first! I can't do this on my own! Plus the whole thing might have been sabotaged too."

Justen chuckled." You don't need to worry. You have my talent after all."

Tula didn't understand what he meant and started to cry a little. The other classmates felt such sympathy for Tula. "Come here, I gotta tell you something."

Tula came closer as he wanted her. He planted one on her right in the lips. Soon they started to glow, and then transported. She looked around to see nobody but Justen and herself. Around them were trees, flowers, a waterfall even. It seemed so lovely to her that she had nothing to say.

"Tula, I want to thank you for being such a good client. I never had this much time to stay at D.U.I. Plus, I actually enjoyed spending time with you."

"You still can, Justen! I mean, I haven't even got a chance to know you better..."

"That's quite alright Ms. Jones, there isn't really a need for it. Plus, It's time that I have to leave."


"Do you know this place? I heard that this is in stories that parents tell their kids these days."

"This is...Exchanger Forest. So you must be..."

"You're very smart. Looks like I don't have to repeat myself for the billionth time, let me tell you, it gets very boring. You got your luck by dancing with me. Sweet huh?"

"So, we won't see each other anymore?"

"We will, just don't turn into a snob and be ungrateful for everything you got. Otherwise you'll end up breaking your own ankles."

"Thank's for the advice. I have to give you something in return though."

"What do you....ohhh." They gave each other a kiss until Tula arrived back at the hospital.

One of the classmates asked, "Was he one of them?"

Tula nodded her head and decided to be an anti-bullying speaker for schools.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2013

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st. Pat's day. That's what gave me the idea for this story. Hope you get entertained.

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