
The begging

Annie P.O.V:

Hey I’m Annie and I’m a werewolf I am the alpha of Midnight Moon. I have not found my mate i hope i find him soon.I have one best friend and her name is Adrian her real name is Adrianna. My only other best friend is Hannah we like to call her sissy.

Hannah P.O.V:

Hey I’m Hannah and i’m a werewolf i am the beta of Midnight Moon we have 5 members including myself.I love my alpha she is sweet along with her bff Adrian than my bff Violet than the omega Kayla. We all get all along great except for Kayla.It is fun but hard so lets hope it gets better we just recently moved to Rosewood and we are going to Rosewood high. So after signing up we had to go shopping our moms loved it while we hated it while we were dragged from store to store i could hear people talking about us and my dad and the rest of the pack laugh at us. When we got home Annie smelled something and so did i.We told the girls and our moms and dads to get their heads down. Than we found the note that said to meet the Knight Pack at the Aphrodite fountain in the central park 2 miles from here take a left than go straight and we will be able to smell them and to be there at midnight. So we got ready we grabbed our new clothes threw them in our rooms and changed into our perspective clothes than grabbed our weapons and got into Annie’s Black Mustang and my white ford F-150.When we got there we found them quickly and hid we love to have the advantage and here it is.We heard two guys talking saying that it was 12 and we were late “No, we aren’t y'all just can’t pay attention to your surroundings” shouted Annie. “So now why do you want us here and don’t make a move or your dead” I shouted.Which was greeted with a couple of growls than i smelled hunters and hit the pavement i had gotten them out of the way only to be hit in the side with a silver arrow.I went flying in the other direction but i felt a strong pair of arms pull me down and hold me down than i felt the arrow pull out and  I let out a scream but it was muffled than I blacked out.

Annie P.O.V:

When we were talking me and Hannah smelt something and of course her instincts kicked in and she jumped down and pushed the boys out of the way than got hit with a silver arrow it should have blown her away but one of the  guys grabbed her and pulled her to his chest another pulled out the arrow and she screamed that is when me and my pack lost it we jumped ripping off the weapons we had and started after the hunters we shifted quickly and chased them down and killed them than we ran back and remembered we had no extra clothes the guys asked us to shift back and the guy holding Hannah told the guys to give us their shirts and they did when we came out they were just like we left them except a couple of others showed up and were looking at Hannah and couldn’t figure out why she was still asleep. I walked  up and sat by her side the girls followed my example than we said as one “Hannah beta of  Midnight Moon it is time to wake” than she woke with a start.

The Begging


Jason P.O.V:

My Senior year of high school was supposed to be normal but well i’m a werewolf so that doesn’t happen a lot of time so yeah.Well my pack is called the knight pack as in knight in shinning armor. You have me the alpha, Alex the beta, Samuel the omega, Josh, Daniel, and Keith. We get along okay i guess its rough but we get along. Well my senior year my pack figured out someone moved into our territory. So, we found where they lived and left them a note with explicit details on where to be what time to be there and how to get here. Me and Alex was talking it was 12 and we were worried we had to warn them we said they were late.“No, we aren’t y'all just can’t pay attention to your surroundings” shouted one girl. “So now why do you want us here and don’t make a move or your dead” shouted another.Which my pack greeted with a couple of growls. Than something weird  happened the most prettiest girl that i have ever seen hit the pavement and ran towards us. She hit us dead on in mid air than i saw the arrow hit her.I pulled her down with me and you can tell she was in pain she didn’t move i didn’t want her to. I told my parents to start heading this way but not to fast.Than Alex came over before i could stop him he pulled the arrow out of her side. She screamed in my chest i was pissed than i could tell she blacked out. That is when we saw 4 girls jump out of the trees ripping off weapons and shifting tearing their clothes to shreds. They chased after the hunters and i could tell they killed them and than they were back in a flash they obviously had no clothes to change into. Than Alex asked for them to shift back. “Give them your shirts” I said. Than they disappeared and my family showed up they were  inspecting the girl i was holding when they came out. I guess it was the alpha but she walked up towards me in a non aggressive manner the rest followed. They all sat down around me i guess it was because of the girl i was holding. All of the girls said “Hannah beta of  Midnight Moon it is time to wake” than she woke with a start. Man i fell in love immediately her gorgeous silver eyes i just noticed her golden hair that ran down to her waist. She blinked and looked around i wondered what she was looking for. Than i guess all of their packs family showed up i heard a man say her name than she ran to him and hugged him and wouldn’t let go. She looked up at him and he sighed he looked at the girl that was still sitting he called her name “Annie she has gone blind again please tell me what happened so i can know how to deal with it.” She told them her side and than our side i was shocked no one else was. Than Hannah spoke “Alpha why can’t i see anymore i can’t see the fountain or the flowers that were there and i can’t see you”. I saw one of the woman burry their heads into a mans chest she looked like she was sobbing but you couldn’t hear it. “Momma why are you crying?” Hannah asked. She walked to the man and woman and hugged them. “May I ask what is going on and why can’t she see she could see perfectly before she blacked out?” “The reason why is because i blacked out without the arrow row in my side I was cursed when i was little if i was shot with silver i would black out and if someone took it out before i blacked out than i would go blind but we have to cut my hand with silver so i can see again.”I was shocked this beautiful girl was blind because of a curse it pisses me off so much.Than my dad and her Alpha saw each other walked up and started to talk probably catching up. I wondered why they talked so long than i was wondering what was going on than my dad frowned looked at Hannah than her mom. “Your the mate of two werewolves how” “I don’t know” “The Alpha’s Alpha wow when did she get cursed and why” “She was 4 and she was running into the woods i followed her she ran into an old lady and made her drop her stuff she helped pick it up but we didn’t know that she was a old hunter one who could cast curses she smiled at the old lady apologized than left. Then Savannah an old member of our pack bumped into her but didn’t help i guess she had her in mind when she did the curse so we tried to find her but she went missing” All of a sudden i heard a soft voice singing Hannah was walking around and bumped into the woman who was passing by she dropped her stuff and Hannah kept apologizing while she was picking up the woman’s stuff. She was having trouble so i went and helped her. “Thank you so much my name is Eden and i believe my dear child you have meet my mother and she casted the curse on the wrong person i will fix it and the one who didn’t help where did she go” “Arizona” “Nevada” “Yes” “Now child hold still you will fall asleep and sleep for 24 hours than wake being able to see and you will never go blind again” Than Hannah fell i caught her than the woman disappeared. Everyone came to me asking questions but i wasn’t paying attention. Than my wolf Xander screamed mate in my head and my eyes went wide. The girl i was looking for all my life is now asleep in my arms man can this day get better. ‘Son’ ‘Yes father’ ‘Is she your mate’ ‘Who all can hear me now’ ‘Only me and the other Alpha’ ‘Annie you know its rude to listen in on other peoples conversation at least say your here because i can’t make you go away’‘Yes Daddy i’m sorry i’m just worried about Hannah we are like best friends’‘It’s fine and dad she is’ ‘Now we see what happens’‘She’s waking up’ ‘what how’‘Dad i wouldn’t lie just look at her’Hannah was looking up smiling at me and giggled. Than was gone but with the girls that was supposed to meet us on her tail.“Well that was interesting to figure out”“I bet it was son i bet it was”



Well i didn’t really see Hannah after that and i got all the guys to spill on who their mates are:

Me (Alpha)=Hannah (Beta) (Alpha’s-Alpha)

Alex (Beta)=Annie (Alpha)

Samuel (Omega)=Kayla (Omega)

Josh (Werewolf)= Adrian (Werewolf)

Daniel (Werewolf)=Violet (Werewolf)

Keith (Werewolf)=Sarah (Girl that goes to our school)

We all laughed about it all of us were intertwined.It was the night before we started school and everyone couldn’t wait to see their mates again. We all fell asleep smiling thinking about tomorrow.When we woke we all took a shower and got dressed when we walked out of our rooms we all laughed because my dad was still in his PJs “How did you all take a shower and get dressed so quickly” “Because Dad we have mates that we haven’t seen in awhile that we will see today” I heard a chuckle “Really I didn’t think my nephew would grow up so fast” He nugged me and i hated it so much “Uncle James stop please we all found our mates and everyone except for Keith’s is in the same pack” “Ok calm down now Jason i was just picking you have grown though stronger maybe but grown yes” “Breakfast come and get it”

Hannah P.O.V:

“your mate will be mad that you haven’t eaten since you last saw him” “he will be very mad” “Fine i’ll be down in a few”

Jason P.O.V:

All of us were worried we still hadn’t seen our mates yet. Than i felt a hug from behind. So i tightened my muscles to make them let go and instead of letting go they nibbled at my arm. than whined i felt sad than happy because i knew who it was i turned around and swooped her in my arms and started walking to my truck same as hers but mine is blue.I put her on my tailgate when we got there and just held her hands and let her lean on my chest everyone was  either looking or taking pictures which i guess Hannah hated. Than the rest of the packs showed up and surrounded and hide Hannah and Me. “So how have you been my love” I said “Fine” Hannah said I could tell she was aggravated and i saw some of the girls snickering about her and how she looks I was pissed. Than she did something unexpected she sat up and kissed me I deepened the kiss even more and i heard her pack make gagging noises than stop i guess the guys started to kiss them to. When the kissing was done i was gasping for air but she was fine which surprised me i saw her get up and walk to the  guys and girls that the girls call “The Slut Group”. Hannah walked past them and flicked her hair which in turn messed up their hair and make up which made me laugh out loud than they ran crying to the bathrooms i guess. but than the principal came out she cursed under her breath and walked to him showing that <kiss me smile> and started to talk like nothing was happening and her pack walked up to her and they walked in side all of the guys were gasping for breath “I guess they must do a lot of stuff” “We do” i didn’t see them come back out but Hannah kissed me again grabbed her bag and went inside the guys whistled in the hall but i guess she was just making sure that she didn’t have any competition.Which i knew wasn’t going to be a problem. Me and the guys walked into our home room class which my Uncle taught the girls walked in laughing and smiled at my uncle there were no humans in there only my pack & 2 Vampires that we made a peace treaty with Annie growled showing her domince  I could tell that they were scared which made Hannah pissed she whispered in Annie’s ear and Annie looked at Hannah sighed than walked to Alex and sat next to him grabbed his hand and squeezed. Than all the girls even the Vampire clenched their fist except Hannah she punched a wall and left a huge hole i caught her as she fell her hand bleeding we went into the halls apparently it affected all the girls which sucked. We told every guy to grab a girl and follow us. They did we went into the woods and it worked for everyone except Hannah when she woke up she had a migrane and i had to take my hat and glasses and give them to her and had to carry her back to the school and all the adults were there and i reliazed we were all spirits except Hannah she was in a coma we all died except Hannah no she cant live with out me. Everyone started crying apparently there was a gas leak but than Hannah’s eyes opened and she started freaking i walked over and conferted her and she calmed down than everyone started coming back to life but me i kissed Hannah than i woke up in a hospital trying to figure out what happened when Hannah walked in with flowers when she saw me she smiled ran and jumped in my arms I loved it. than she said that the school building roof collapsed on me and if it wasn’t for the guys punching it when they did i would be dead. They laughed. “Hannah you punched it and you now it you put him in your truck and ran over the speed limit just to get him here.” ‘your over exaggerating it” “no were not” “Whatever”I smiled at Hannah blushing than she walked over gave me the flowers gave me a kiss than left “how long have i been out” “3 months” “what” “yeah and Hannah has done nothing but go to school come see you and cry she barley gets any sleep” “Ugh i hope she’s okay” “she will be fine how about you” “the doctor said he will be fine” “that’s good” “I want to go home” “I know you do but you have to wait for 1 more week”

Annie’s P.O.V

It’s been hell lately its been two weeks since Jason woke up and Hannah has been eating and getting more sleep but I can’t sleep. Everybody was going back to school again but me I’ve been fighting with the other parts of me. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys I’m also part vampire, angel, demon, and avatar not even Hannah my beta knows to be honest only my adoptive parents know about it. I walked into the school they had already fixed it I was in a pair of black baggy jeans and a black long sleeve shirt that was also baggy because I was covering all the bruises and cuts that I got from battling for control over myself I was battling over control for my body since the incident because I blamed myself for what happened and the other parts of me knew what would happen if i kept control of myself so they tried to get control so I didn’t end up doing something I would regret so I got to school late and I knew I had bags under my eyes I just walked in got my late pass and walked to my first class Hannah’s mate uncle was the teacher I had also gotten injured when the celling fell and he was the only one who knew but I acted like I was perfectly fine. I walked into the classroom today he gave us free day where we could study or hang out with friends I just gave him the late pass and sat in the corner of the room away from all the windows because it was the darkest part of the room I had covered my scent so nobody knew I had walked in the teacher walked up he told us to call him Mr.James so we did.




still Annie’s P.O.V

So he walked up to me and said “Annie can I talk to you in the hallway for a minute.”  I knew Alex and everybody heard Mr.James say my name and looked our way and when they saw me their eyes grew wide and I stood up and walked out of the room without even looking at them I heard Hannah whimper softly I didn’t want to hurt her but soon I was gonna have to leave the pack in her care because my demon wanted blood and so did my vampire and I couldn’t let them hurt anybody I cared about. I turned and looked at Mr.James we had walked half way down the hall I saw my pack and Hannah’s mate Jason’s pack put in the hall and my mate and my vampire and demon where fighting me again *Look guys just wait tell I leave this town and let you guys have blood but you have to promise not to enter this town again* *Fine* they said in unison I breathed out slowly and I knew tears where starting to fall out of my eyes I looked up and meet Mr.James eyes when he saw me crying he went to go comfort me I stepped back and put my hands up as my fangs started to show “Look just tell them I’m sorry but I have to go if I stay they’ll get hurt and there’s nothing they or anyone can do to change that and tell Hannah that she is in charge of the pack tell I get back and tell Alex I'm so so sorry” and with that I took off running and as soon as i passed the welcome to rosewood sign my vampire won and then I was pushed into the back off my mind as she ran to the next town to get the blood she wanted

Alex’s P.O.V

I watched as she ran out of the school how did she run that fast we chased after her but we lost her scent once we hit the edge of town and I couldn’t help the tears running down my face as I turned to Hannah “Why did she run out of town and why did she look like she had fangs?” Hannah was crying so hard i felt really bad “I don’t know she always disappears around this time of year and I don’t know why” we finally got her to calm down five minutes later and I finally got myself under control and decided I was going to get answers we went to their pack house and walked up to Annie’s parents office where the adults where talking in hushed tones. They looked at us and realization dawned in their eyes when they saw the tears in Hannah’s and my eyes. “I guess we are are going to have to tell you guys the truth now.”  That was Annie’s dad he stood up and motioned us to follow him we did we walked into a section of there house I hadn’t seen before Hannah whimpered and moved closer to Jason and he said “whats wrong baby?” before Hannah could say anything Annie’s dad did “Annie wasn’t very strict with where they went in the pack house but this way was of limits because her room is down this way.” As we walked down the hall there where scratches and holes every where there was writing scratched into the wall as well it was ‘I won this round Annie’ I jumped  at that because to be honest it was creppy when we reached the end of the hall there was a door that was black it was weird there was a sign that said ‘Beware of the hybrid’ I looked at Annie’s dad confused  and so did Annie’s pack he opened the door and we all walked in there was a bed there but it was in shreds and there was blood everywhere and by the smell it was Annie's we looked up at the wall and there was paper all over the wall and it said ‘I hate my self’ ‘I'm a disgrace’ ‘everybody hates me’ ‘nobody cares’ ‘there not my real family’ ‘i want to die’ ‘they all hate me’. I was mostly shocked her dad didn’t seem fazed he walked over to a dresser that looked like it had survived years of fires and people throwing it around and things like that he opened the top drawer and a razor was sitting there and it looked like it had fresh blood it smelled like Annie's. He pulled out a piece of paper that was in a picture frame and gave it to us. It said ‘this certificate shows that  Mr. and Mrs. Midnight have adopted this unnamed child from the supernatural orphanage she was found in the middle of the woods at three years old and she 

never said a word to anybody there wasn’t a note or anything but she was sitting in a puddle of blood and a red cloak to big for her was wrapped around her so the kids nicknamed her little red riding hood she is a hybrid she's part werewolf, vampire, angle, demon, and avatar we do not know her date of birth.’ And Hannah just stood there shocked while Adrian looked at him and said “That’s why we never had a birthday party for her and we only meet her when she was 7?” “Yes because we adopted her.” her dad said I was totally confused. Then Hannah’s dad walked in and said “We found her but we are having a hard time containing her it seems like she already got ahold of at least five people.” What know I'm really confused. He walked out and we followed him a van pulled up and he gestured us to hop in we did mine and Jason's parents where in the van already along with Jason's uncle and they took off we crossed two states and then we stopped in the middle of the woods and got out. Annie’s dad walked deeper in the woods with us on his tail and what i saw next scared me Annie was knocked out on the floor with a gash across her forehead and her eyes were glazed over and what scared me the most was her hair had turned blood red and she had fangs that where covered in blood her dad seemed to get pissed and walked over and picked up one of the guys by his throat but when I heard Annie say “Daddy.” he dropped the guy real quick and was beside her in a flash she was back to normal with her dark brown hair with natural  highlights but her eyes where still glazed over he smiled weakly and he helped her up she stumbled and fell into his arms he picked her up easily like she was as light as a feather and walked back to the van her mom was there with a bag in her hands he laid her gently in the back of the van her mom climbed in and shut the door I heard her mom say something but I couldn’t make out what she said when she steeped back out Annie was right behind her and her once bright blue cobalt eyes where know a very light blue which I think means she was sad and she looked at us and her eyes seem to look shattered like a mirror when you dropped it her dad walked up and whispered in her ear and she started crying and took off but it look like she ran to the pack house and my wolf was upset she didn’t say anything to us but then again she really didn’t talk much to anybody we all got back in the van and went to the pack house I went strait to her room and opened the door and she had her back against the wall and had the razor in her skin and she slid it

across and did it again and again then she laid it down and breathed out and she seemed to breath a lot easier and it broke me then she started crying and started trying to grab the razor but the tears in her eyes blurred her vision I walked over to her and made sure that the door was closed and grabbed the razor and tossed it across the room it made a little thump when it hit the ground she looked up at me and realized who it was she started crying even harder and my wolf was able to enter her mind  what i heard upset me and my wolf by the way his name is Heath *He  probably hates me and thinks I'm weak and doesn't want me as his mate because I'm a hybrid* She was crying even harder then before I heard her wolf say *I don’t know sweetie I really don’t know* then I heard another voice and it sounded really sorry *I hope he isn’t to be honest if he does it’s my fault for not letting you get further away from here* Then another voice *to be honest neither of us gave her a choice she got a lot further with you then she would have with me* then another sweeter and gentler voice said *It’s neither of your faults if he really is her soulmate then he will except her for who she is and will still love her like there is no tomorrow* I smiled inwardly and leaned in slowly and kissed her which made her freeze up and I could tell that she stopped crying I leaned back and sat down because I had been squatting the whole time I pulled her into my lap and held her tight as I watched the cuts on her arms heal faster than they would have done for me and she laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep then my alpha Jason walked in and sat in front of me smiling then I saw his mate Hannah peak her head in the door when she saw Annie in my arms asleep she walked in the room quietly as if not to wake her and she didn’t make a single noise at all which surprised me because Jason made a lot of noise and he rarely makes noise when walking in less he wants to and I know he didn’t. She sat on Jason’s lap and he wrapped his arms around her she just looked at Annie for a little bit then Annie started to stir from her sleep and she opened her eyes slowly and they where a bright cobalt blue and a small circle around it that changed constantly so I couldn’t tell you what color it was but she blinked a few times before she realized where she was and I didn’t understand how she didn’t know and she blushed when she realized she was sitting on my lap but then she got up almost making my wolf growl she put up a finger as in give me a sec and she crossed the room without making a sound 

sound Hannah was laughing so hard that there was literally no sound coming out of her mouth when Annie reached the door she pulled it open and everybody from her pack and my and Jason’s pack fell on the ground and Annie kept walking back to me as the guys realized how quietly she walked  there eyes widened I noticed that the omega from Annie’s pack wasn’t with them and Annie said so low I barely picked it up “Where’s Kayla?” All the girls jolted up and sorta hid behind there mates like something was about to happen then I saw her walk up to the door and lean against the frame smiling what the hell was she smiling about Annie seemed calm to me and the guys but Hannah and the girls shrinked away from her as if this has happened before and I was confused weren’t all omega’s nice sweet and kind werewolves Annie’s eyes went black which made all the girls with there mates in tow and Hannah grabbed me and Adrian Annie’s best friend grabbed Kayla’s mate I heard what sounded like thumping but the door shut so quickly that none of the guys could go back into the room and the girls seemed like they didn’t want to then the door opened i felt wind fly through my hair and then there was nothing we looked in the door and nobody was there but Annie’s room was suddenly very clean. All of us smelt the fear radiating off of the girls Hannah didn’t reak of it as much as the others and we all walked to the living room I heard people yelling but I couldn’t make it out then kayla walked past us she had a black eye and her lip was split as well as she had a few cuts on her arms legs neck and face and me and the guys where utterly confused about what was going on then I heard Annie yell “I don't care if she does that one more time I'm kicking her out the pack I’m getting tired of it” as she walked out of the house even me and the guys where scared by the power radiating off of her. Her mom ran after her and we decided to follow her when we found them Kayla was looking at her feet regrettably while Annie talked to her in a very low voice I couldn’t pick up then Kayla said “Yes Alpha” and took off back to the house Annie just shook her head and walked up to us and looked at the girls very slowly as if she was assessing them they all lined up in a line and it seemed to be by command Annie shook her head lightly then said “Girls get ready were going hunting tonight.” Then all of us guys where listing know Hannah said “Hunting who?” That confused us even more but what Annie said next answered it for us “We are going after a bunch of rouges that teamed up and are 

attacking packs around this area” But why would they be doing that I couldn’t ask because Annie ran up grabbed me and took off all I could see was blurs then we where in her room and for some reason it gave me an adrenaline rush she was laughing at me I looked at the door and it was locked she walked into the closet and heard soft thumps and i saw a crack in the door so I looked into it and she had on a pair of black jeans and a black lace bra and from what I could see she had a four pack I looked some place else not wanting her to catch me and think I'm a pervert. She walked out in black combat boots black jeans of course and a black long sleeve shirt that squeezed her a little bit letting me see that she did have a four pack and the size of her breasts I just smiled while she through a cloak on the bed it was black she also threw a sword 2 guns and two knives she threw a pair of gloves on the bed and sat down and zoned out so I got up and walked to where she was I walked up to her and got as close as i could and kissed her which brought her back to the present but I decided I wasn’t just going to lightly kiss her on the lips anymore so I deepened the kiss by wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling myself closer she wrapped her arms around my neck but I decided it wasn't close enough so I moved my hands down and grabbed her ass and lifted her up which made her legs round me I moved my arms back to her waist and I ran my tongue on her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gave and I explored her mouth for a little bit she tasted like cherries and then we started to play with each others tongue and i will admit it got more heated then expected because we ended up on the bed and both of us shirt less and I started to kiss down her neck and lower to her breasts and I kissed all the way down to where her pants where and back up to the joint where her neck and shoulder meet and bit down she gasped in pain and then moaned in pleaser but her room is so sound proof I knew nobody heard it then I kissed where I had bit officially clamming her as mine and then I pulled back up and kissed her passionately again and we pulled away when we heard a knock at the door she said yes and I knew she tried hard to make her voice like it normally was and she succeed and the voice which was her best friend Adrian responded “Your dad wants everybody including our mates in his office it seems he's going to let the boys see what we do when the sun sets and the moon rises.” This was going to be interesting I got up and put my shirt back on and Annie said 

“Alright we will be there shortly” with that Adrain left Annie got up and put her shirt back on and grabbed the cloak and put it on and fixed her hair it was in a high pony tail she smiled at me and I smiled back


Annie’s P.O.V

After I smiled at Alex he smiled at me and I put me sword on then I clipped my first gun on my hip and put one of my knifes in my belt then I put my right leg on the bed at a right angle and strapped my other knife to my lower leg and my gun to my thigh and I straightened up and I put my hood on and i put my gloves on and Alex fixed his hair and was looking at me I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed his hand and took off and made sure my bedroom door shut behind me and I ran to my dad’s office when we got there I stopped outside the door so Alex could get organized again it made me blush to think about what had just happened. We walked into the office the boys were standing to one side looking confused while the girls turned around and bowed there heads in respect like sensei taught us to do I nodded my head and they straightened up and looked at me for orders I looked at my dad for info he handed me a folder I sat on his  desk which made all of my weapons visible except for the knifes in my gloves I loved them they where really awesome I opened the folder and read through it real quick and sent the info they needed to the over the pack link the girls put there hoods down and they where smiling and I knew why I kept the best info for last who there main targets where. I smiled but didn’t remove my hood and said “Hannah you get second in command. Adrain third and everybody else but me doesn't have any real big targets so you will wait for my signal before you move in got it.” they all said in unison “Got it.” and put there hoods back on Jason looked at me and said “Who do you have that is so important or would you like to tell the group.” really sarcastically all of the girls flinched knowing what was about to happen but before I could go off on him my dad did and lets just say it was hilarious because his and Alex’s parents where in the room as well as his uncle. “Boy you need to take this seriously if the girls didn’t do what they do you and your family would be dead right know so shut up!” I looked at my dad and my mom touched his shoulder which immediately calmed him I looked at Jason and said “I’ve got the leader” “And what are you supposed to do sweet talk them into not hurting you” I was pissed before anybody could stop me I had him pinned against the wall with my knife against his throat which made all the guys and his and Alex’s parents jump along with his uncle. “Not even close what we do is we take them out like I could easily do to you right know.” I said it and to everybody but the people that have known me since I was little I was calm but in reality I was pissed nobody could move because even my pack was shocked because normally I kept my cool but this guy just seemed to press my buttons. Hannah was the first to react she walked up and grabbed me and dragged me back and I shook my head and breathed out I turned to my father and nodded my head he did as well and me and the girls where off.

Alex’s P.O.V

When the girls took off we all just stood there then Annie’s dad grabbed a remote and clicked a button and a t.v. popped out of nowhere I sat down in front of his desk and then I saw Annie in a tree interesting she looked strait to the screen and nodded her head he clicked a button then I heard a howl and knew it was hers then she jumped out of the tree and landed at the edge of a clearing and I saw Hannah and Adrian at different spots of the clearing and then I noticed the other girls as well and Annie did a hand jester then our point of view changed to where the leader of the rouges where we heard “Our next target will be the knight pack” before we saw Annie run up behind him and behead him we heard a gunshot as third in command fell down dead and we saw Adrian and second in command fell down after we saw a knife come around his head and slit his throat and then we saw Hannah. Annie whistled and the other girls came out and they got to work and at the end Hannah and the other girls where behind Annie exhausted and a guy was standing there not even looking worn out and Annie was standing there I saw two sword across the field one of them where hers and the other I guess was his. Annie ran at him and jumped over him and landed behind him he turned around to a knife at his throat Annie said “Any last words before I kill you.” he said “Yeah burn..” and before he could finish his sentence she stabbed him in the throat and twisted blood splattered everywhere. She pulled her knife out and he fell to the ground she wiped her knife on her pants and put it back in its sheath and walked over to the other girls she put her hood down and it was emotionless and I was in awe she  walked over to Hannah and kneeled in front of her and said “Are you ok.” Hannah just laughed really coldly this is a side of them I know none of us have seen “Yeah that ass just scratched my arm but it will heal soon enough Adrain already wrapped it.” Annie just nodded her head “Good.” She walked over to the other girls a few of them had bandages here and there and Adrian looked unscathed “How are you guys doin.” they said in unison “Fine” Annie just nodded and walked over to her sword and put it in its sheath. When she turned around Adrian was there and so where the other girls Annie nodded her head and they disappeared from the screen and Annie’s dad hit a button and the t.v. disappeared. Then five minutes later the girls where here but Annie had her hood on her dad motioned for them to follow him and they did and we followed them as well and then we where at the medical room  and they had three doctors in there I guess they get hurt a lot the girls walked in and we followed in pursuit one of them motioned for Annie to sit down but she looked like it pained her to the doctor took off Annie’s cloak and her shirt look like it had stretched out but what I didn’t like was the smell of blood that hit my nose the doctor pulled up Annie's shirt where her stomach showed and what I saw broke me she had what look like a knife wound in her stomach and it was bleeding but it look like it didn't affect her the doctor made her lay down and I walked over to her and sat in the seat beside her and Hannah walked up and said something Annie shrugged her shoulders and Jason walked up behind her she had a clean bandage wrapped around her arm and she looked exhausted and then she fainted and Jason caught her he almost lost it then she started to snore lightly and I almost couldn’t contain my laughter but he picked her up and walked out the room. I turned back to Annie and she seemed to be fighting sleep as well all of the girls seemed to be to tired to even keep there eyes open Annie was the last one awake her wound was almost completely healed I smiled and kissed her forehead and pulled her into my arms as soon as her head hit my shoulder she was out and to be honest I did laugh because it was hilarious. I walked out of the room and to her room I shut and locked the door behind me I laid her down and removed her shirt and jeans and took my shirt off and put it on her. It only covered what was needed and nothing else which was perfect for when its just me around I pulled the blanket down and took off my jeans and got into the bed next to her and realized the time was exactly 10 pm wow time went by fast when your watching your mate kill  people. I snuggled in closer to my mate and fell asleep with her scent surrounding me.

Jason P.O.V

When Hannah fainted I caught her but I almost lost it and hurt someone but then she started to snore lightly could my mate get  anymore perfect. I picked her up and walked out of the room to her room and I could tell Alex was trying hard not to laugh he had a twisted sense of humor. I laid her down on her bed her room was pink and white total opposite to her alpha’s to be honest that girl scares me more than i’ve ever been in my life and that is saying something because when I was little I was terrified of the dark saying that demons would eat me if I went into the darkness. She is a whole new level of darkness. I looked at the clock damn it was midnight today has been a long day but i’m pumped with adrenaline and to be honest I don’t know why. Hannah sat up groggily and I laughed because she had bed head and to be honest she looked hot as hell plus I changed her out of her clothes and into my shirt when we got into her room. She stretched reviling her white lace underwear I growled approvingly she blushed and moved to cover up I had already claimed her to be honest I claimed her yesterday. I got up and pushed her down lightly so I didn’t hurt her and moved on top of her I was putting all of my weight on my arms but she wouldn’t look me in the eyes. I grabbed her and flipped making it where she was sitting on my stomach she finally looked me in the eyes  I sat up which made her slid down I wrapped her legs loosely around my waist  and wrapped my arms around her waist I pulled her closer and she was blushing big time and I knew it was because she felt my erection to be honest she turned me on big time especially when she acted super innocent and I don’t know why. I kissed her lips and tightened my grip on her not enough where it would hurt her just enough to make me sure she wouldn’t run off I don’t know why but ever sense Annie took off from Alex because she thought he would think she was a monster I couldn’t believe she would think like that but that’s what he told me and Im happy that he claimed her she just seems to be keeping a lot of secrets from him Hannah has only kept that on where she is a cold hearted killer but that didn’t affect me by the way they where talking I just feel bad for him because he’s always been the talkative one that can get peoples attention easily though it didn’t bother him he actually loved it while his mate on the other hand can get attention easily but hates it and to be honest she is very quite and shy but give you that feeling that you want to stay on her good side which I probably screwed up with what I did earlier. But I put that to the back off my mind as Hannah  broke out of her shock and kissed me back soon I pulled off my shirt she was wearing and it got heated as I pulled off her bra and i laid her back on the bed and started kissing down her neck to her breasts and I started to suck on one and played with the other one she moaned and I smirked I pulled back up and kissed her Hannah pulled up to my ear and whispered into my ear saying “Jason mate me fully please” of course I was initially shocked but smiled and said “Of course baby” and I’m going to stop there and not go into what happened next but to say something it was awesome.


Annie P.O.V

When I woke up to my alarm clock in the morning I forgot where I was and there was a strong muscular arm around me. I almost freaked out tell I smelled my mate’s scent and calmed down and I realized I was in my room.  I leaned back down and kissed his nose he jolted up and I giggled he looked at me for a second before laughing with me. I got up off the bed and realized I was in his shirt he must have changed me last night. I grabbed a fresh pair of undergarments and a white muscle t and a pair of blue jeans and walked into the bathroom and I locked the door and undressed. I hoped in the shower and bathed I got out five minutes later and dried off and put my clothes back on I walked out of the bathroom with Alex’s shirt and smiled at him as he buttoned his jeans and I walked up and gave him his shirt. He put it on as I walked to my dresser and did my normal routine of deodorant and perfume I grabbed my black mustang keys and my cash and my phone my cash and phone went in my pocket and I clipped my keys to my jeans because they where clipped to a d ring. I turned around as I fixed my hair to see Alex was ready to go I smiled and spoke to Hannah through the pack chat as I walked out the door *So Hannah what happened to you last night* I knew she had fully mated with Jason but I wanted to see if she would tell me *Me and Jason fully mated last night* she said very happily *Hey don't bring your keys your riding with me today* Hannah *Ok*. I walked down stairs and grabbed an apple and threw it to Alex along with a bottle of water and I grabbed me one as well and motioned for him to follow me and he did as he bit into his apple. When we finished our apples and water bottles we threw them away and sat on the hood waiting for her to come out and as she did she threw me a look I smiled and laughed and jumped in the driver seat before Alex could do anything Hannah was in shot gun seat. Alex and Jason hopped in the back talking about what happened last night and how crazy we where. Me and Hannah laughed but neither of us buckled up I  threw the car into drive since I had parked weirdly I could get out easier I the through I stopped for a second and watched as the rest of the pack with there mates got into vehicles I nodded to Adrian and Violet hopped in a White Yellow and black mustang with there mates. They nodded back and I took off. Alex and Jason started cursing as they where thrown back into the seats and put there seat belts on when I was three minutes away from the school I slowed down to the speed limit laughing. Me and Hannah couldn’t stop laughing when we pulled into a parking spot we could tell that I scared the guys and to be honest it was hilarious. When the rest of the pack showed up they looked at us strange except my pack they joined in laughing with us than Alex came up behind me spun me around kissed me than threw me over his shoulder like i was a sack of potatoes. I yelped when he did but i saw Jason do the same thing to Hannah and she bit her lip i knew why the guys looked at her than me. We both blushed one of Hannah’s turn ons that i found by accident was being picked up and thrown over a shoulder like a damsel in distress when she is being taken away. They laughed but Jason turned her around kissed her and she let out a moan i laughed but Alex kissed me and when he stopped i growled because i didn’t want the kiss to stop ever.

Hannah P.O.V I sighed when the kissing stopped after i let out a moan and Jason told me i was blushing i hated it but i dealt with it. Because one of the popular clicks that hated me and Jason together. I kissed him again right in front of them. Than one of the girls had the balls to hit me lets just say Jason had to pull me off of her and almost start having sex with me in Annie’s car just to make me calm down. I was calm afterwords but Annie was pissed she was cussing out the girl who hit me. I laughed and said “If you want a fight meet me after school because I’m not scared of you” She replied back with “Fine bitch after school we will meet here” I walked away with the girls laughing and the guys asking questions than Annie said “She has gone to Juve before and she got kicked out early for fighting back” that replied with me being turned around by my mate and him saying “Please don’t hurt her so bad that she has to go to the hospital” “Don’t worry baby i got this and i wont throw the first punch either” I said kissing him and walking to first block with him in tow. “Hey Mr.James” we all said in unison. “Welcome to Class” said my mates Uncle We all walked to our perspective seats the Vampires kept to them selves and we were besides our mates me and mate were in the middle I never understood why though. After school we waited in the parking lot and of course they were 5 minutes late. “Are you ready or do you need to tell your friends the plan to embarrass yourself” Than she threw the first punch i grabbed it twisted it and pushed her away from me not going to brake my promise to my mate. Than she walked up to him i realized then she was n’t human she kissed my mate and he kept pushing her away from him but she wouldn’t stop thats when i blew and my wolf won. “So you think that your the smart Demon by kissing my mate you should know better than that” everybody jumped back including my mate i hated it he thinks I'm a cold blooded killer and know i monster and i lost every bit of control i had left with that. I watched as my wolf teared her apart and when i got control back everyone was reeking of fear and she was in front of my with cuts, scratches, bites, and bruises every where i fell to my knees and cried. Than something i didn’t expect to happen happened  my mate walked up picked me up bridal way and kissed me and carried me to Annie’s car and held me while i cried.

Jason P.O.V.

I hated the fact she was crying and i heard what she said before she lost complete control  “I love you no matter what happens” i whispered to her than she fell asleep she cried her self to sleep than Annie came up rubbed Hannah’s head and got in the driver seat Alex got in shot gun seat and looked at me in the rear view mirror. When we got to their pack house Hannah was still asleep Hannah’s parents were outside waiting when i stepped out after Alex opened  the door for my with Hannah in my arms went up to the front door and there were out packs that i had never seen before around they got up looked and Hannah than bowed i was shocked but i kept walking i went to her room took her shoes and socks off and her jeans her shirt was long enough to cover what was needed. I walked to the living room where Annie was about to bite someone’s head of literally “what’s going on” “He is trying to get to Hannah and wont tell why” “So” “1st I'm her mate and you will tell me and 2nd no one will see her tell she is awake and eats something” That earned a couple of growls than i heard Hannah’s growl and it shock the whole house she put her jeans back on ant that was it “You will do as you are told I’m not in the mood for any of you and if you want to see me you will tell my mate why and will not fight about it and if you growl at my pack our my mate’s pack or my mate i will personally rip your head off is that understood” I could feel the fear radiating off them “Yes Alpha’s Alpha” thats when it struck me their here because she is the Alpha’s Alpha than she fainted i caught her just in time i took her back to her room laid her back down took her jeans off again and went down and everyone was apologizing to Annie and me “Its fine and why do y’all all want to see Hannah” “Because if our Alphas don't see her they will die” “Damn i guess I’m lucky than” “How so I'm her mate but than again I'm the alpha of a pack” “Yeah your lucky there” “Here’s my question tough was am i alpha and her beta than” “Because when her real dad died her mom went to her second mate which was a beta” “Than were is her real pack” “Right here” Thats when a bounce of guys and girls that were all teens walked in kneeled in front of me and said “When her father died our parents died we all meet again 5 years ago trying to find her we only found her when that demon kissed you and wouldn’t stop no matter what you did and she lost control that was the first time ever that she lost control of her wolf and it scared her but signaled for all alphas to come and that is how we found her again” “Jonathan how have you been” thats when i turned around and saw here this time in a silver dress “Damn” thats all i could say she blushed bright red than walked up and grabbed my hand and said “Stand up friends sure its been a while but what i told you when we were little remains the same don’t bow your my friends and my pack you don’t have to.” “Thank you Hannah” Said Jonathan as he stood he was as tall as i was she sighed and said “Damn I'm always going to be the shortest aren’t i” “Yeah pretty much” Thats when i picked her up took her into the kitchen and asked “What do you want to eat” “Anything I'm starving” I came back with this

“Damn i didn’t know you could cook” Hannah said when she took her first bite “It helps that i would eat a lot and my mom said if i wanted to eat i had to cook it my self” “Well I'm glad she did its amazing” Man she was hot, kind, sweet, loving, caring , and everything I ever wanted. I blushed Jonathan chuckled. “Well i didn’t think guys blushed” Hannah “We do a lot” Me and Jonathan said in unison. Hannah laughed and it made me smile I couldn’t help it her laugh was amazing and i couldn’t hear it enough times to make me not smile I didn’t understand why but i didn’t care. My life is perfect with her and with out her i would be nothing.

Hannah’s P.O.V

I loved his smile it was amazing i couldn’t help but laugh when him and Jonathan spoke in unison. It was amazing i had my pack back and i had my mate life couldn’t get better then i also have Annie and her pack my life is the best i used my power and accepted ever packs alpha so they could go home. I was thanked by so many people I thought my head was about to blow but i got over it when Jonathan came over with the rest of my pack.



10 years later


We all got married to our mates and everyone but me and Annie had kids we were pregnant. Needless to  say everyone was happy and the due day July 4. Jason was estatice. “So whats her name going to be” I said to annie and Alex “Sarah” they said together than Annie looked at me all serious because i kept what it was from everyone including Jason. It was July 1 and i was finally going to tell everyone. When everyone was in the room Annie said “So what are you going to have” “Twin Boys” Everyone was shocked than happy Jason was literally crying. I smiled than everyone said together “Congrats on the Twin Boys”i was shocked than happy. Me and Jason talked in our private chat for a few seconds and came up with their names. “Their names will be Samuel and Cade” Everyone cheered.   3 Days Later

It was July 4 and lets say labor pains suck. An hour after arriving in the hospital i finally gave birth to 2 perfectly healthy twin boys. And Annie gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl they wheeled me in Annie’s room while i held the boys and everyone came in and smiled at the babies. When they opened their eyes they saw their mom and dads and i was happy they got that. Me and Jason ended up being Sarah’s God parents Annie and Alex were Samuel’s God parents while Josh and Adrian were Cade’s Godparents when i told them that Adrain literally cried. While Josh smiled and shook mine and Jason’s hand and Adrain almost killed me and Jason in a hug. We were allowed to go home immediately and i was happy about that and we took the babies home with us. I smiled the whole time on our way home and i knew that that smile would never fade even in the darkest of times.



I dedicate this to my Step-Father who I claim and will always claim as my dad. His name is Samuel Coleman Lee. He was an amazing man. I am sad he is gone I realize even know that he wont be able to walk me down the aisle of be there when i have my kids but I love him forever and this book is for him.


I also thank my twin Annie for helping me you are the best I love you forever and I know Sammy would have loved our book.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2016

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