
The Beginning


I was walking into the new school with my best friend the alpha’s daughter Brandi i’m the beta. Oh i’m being rude my name is Annie and i’m the beta of the silver moon pack we are the second strongest pack in the united states. As you have possibly guessed yes i’m a werewolf but life is never easy we have been moving all over the country to find mine and brandi’s mates I hate moving around like this but its not up to me it up to are alpha. Right now we are in unclaimed territory its right beside the strongest pack in the U.S.A’s territory the knight pack yes as in knight in shinning armor. But let get back to the real world. Me and the alpha get the papers we need we are the the only seniors in are pack. “hey why do you look sow gloom little red.” That is what the pack calls me because the found me in the woods with a red blanket wrapped around me in the middle of a bunch of rouge werewolves trying to kill me. They saved me and I became a part of there pack. They found a jewelry box near by with a lock on it and they found the key around my neck and the box said not to open in tell i turned 17 but the box said my first name was Annie and that was it. “I was just thinking about the box thats all alpha” i said in a low voice where only other werewolves could hear. (Annie you need to just breath every thing will be okay) said my wolf her name is rose. “ Okay i’m sorry i’m just a little worried but ill be fine” i said in my head my Alpha laughed and said come on we walked into are 5th class of the day we got here just as the bell rang. We walked in and it was like time froze and the most intoxicating scent hit me and my head started swimming and i knew that i had found my mate not only that but rose was screaming in my head mine, mate and things like that sow. *Hey Annie did the same thing that happened to me happen to you* My alpha said through the pack chat. I nodded. ‘You must be the new students’ “yes we are i’m Brandi silver moon and this is my cousin Annie silver moon ‘Okay please step up to the front of the class and introduce yourselves’ ‘Students I need you to pay attention go ahead’ “Hi i’m Brandi and this is my cousin Annie” ‘does anyone have anyone have any questions for these two young ladies’ “yes i do” said a male voice from the back that i couldn’t hope but wish for him to keep talking ‘okay Payton go ahead’ (his name is Payton perfect name for are mate)rose said “What is your last name Annie” “Silver Moon” ‘Thats a funny last name where do you come from china’ said a annoying squeaky voice ‘Malinda Jackson you know better now go the office’ she got up and left ‘Annie you can sit next to Payton and Brandi you can sit next to Andrew’ We sat in our seats and then everything went back to normal well the way it was before we walked in “Annie is it” said Payton “yes and you must be Payton” I said sorta coldly but i couldn’t help it i realized he was the alpha of the knight pack *Annie don’t you even he’s your mate be nice trust me mine isn’t to great either* *really who* *his beta* uhoh (Annie we need to talk but we cant do it here) what do you mean no one can hear you (Annie be very careful i wish i could explain but i can’t not in here) thats when i felt like i got hit in the head with a baseball bat and it hurt really bad i have to get out of here now i tried to get up but i almost fell on the floor i heard Payton talking to the teacher with my alpha and his beta “excuse me but i think Annie’s not feeling well can i take her to the nurse” ‘of course you two please go with him just in case’ I felt two hands grab me but i felt like i was slipping away an arm wrapped around my waist which brought me back to the present

The Beginning part 2



I walked into class and sat in my seat. Then two girls walked into my class one of them looked a lot like me but she had purple eyes i have pink. We have long brown hair hers curly mine straight I was dressed in white while she was dressed in black. We were both tall, thin, and all the guys say were hot but i don’t believe them. Owh i’m sorry i’m being rude i’m Hannah Blackwell. I’m a vampire one of the strongest my adopted dad is the strongest and he has been training me. The only reason i’m not dead is because the knight family protect because they feel they owe me there lives because i saved all of them including the alpha from a bunch of rouge vampires sow and i’m good friends with the soon to be alpha’s friend and a good one at that. Sow back to the real world. The other girl said “Hi i’m Brandi and this is my cousin Annie” The teacher said ‘does anyone have anyone have any questions for these two young ladies’ “yes i do” I would recognize that voice any where it was Payton though he seems to be fighting his wolf I can tell it by his voice. I looked and it seemed that his beta Andrew was fighting his wolf as well. Then the teacher said ‘okay Payton go ahead’ The Payton I must say not the sharpest sword in the shed said “What is your last name Annie” Wow smart ass you tryin to impress her that is not going to work *I heard that you do relize we added you to the pack chat* *duh i’m not stupid i was stating a fact* “Silver Moon” ‘Thats a funny last name where do you come from china’ said barbie thats not her real name but thats what me and everyone from Payton’s pack call her and her wanna be’s The teacher said ‘Malinda Jackson you know better now go the office’ she got up and left ‘Annie you can sit next to Payton and Brandi you can sit next to Andrew’. I snorted at that one *thats ironic guys don’t u think* that earned me a few growls oh well. “Annie is it” said Payton “yes and you must be Payton” she said kinda coldley. Then she went into a session with her wolf. She bent her head down in pain and her nose started bleeding I don’t think she relised it, me, Payton, Andrew, and her alpha Brandi all stood up they went to talk to the teacher and I walked to her and i heard them talking to the teacher. “excuse me but i think Annie’s not feeling well can i take her to the nurse” Payton  said ‘of course you two please go with him just in case’ that was the teacher. They started walking are way and she started collapsing I grabbed her and i heard a voice talking in m head Patyon put his arm around her waist and i saw that she was starting to come to the real world. We walked outside she was still leaning on Payton I mean she visibly paled and my head started to hurt really bad I turned around and looked her dead in the face and I startled every one of them except Annie “Explain now” She looked at me and said “I cain’t but I think I have an idea”

Their Past



We got back to the school and got in are vehicles me and my alpha in my mustang and my mate and my alpha’s mate in my mate’s Lamborghini. We drove to are pack house were my alpha’s parents were waiting with the box in hand how did they know. ‘Annie it’s time you open the box’ said my luna Lilliana. I took the box from her outstretched hands and felt a huge shock go through my body and then i was scared about opening it. (Annie you have to open it to know who you are) what do you mean (Please just trust me and open it) I took the key from around my neck and put it in the keyhole and I heard a gasp from behind me I turned around and found my other best friend Noah starting at Hannah and I chuckled softly I looked back at the box and realized i only had half of the key Hannah  walked up beside me and took out a key from her pocket and put it in next to mine and then a blinding light made me close my eyes when i opened them again the where one key i grabbed it and put it in the key hole and turned the key and i blacked out. Then i saw a woman who looked just like me she walked up to me i turned my head and saw Hannah sitting beside me i looked back at the woman and this time a man who looked a lot like her except had short straight hair that only went to his eyes and then i saw the fangs and I breathed out the woman said “ I know this will be hard for you but we’re your parents” I looked at the man with a demanding look he sighed “you look just like your mother when she gives me that look, but ill make this simple in tell you come to were we are your mother figured out i was her mate and as you have guessed she is a werewolf and i’m a vampire, we fully mated and i got your mother pregnant and two days before you were do the counsel started looking for us sow that they could kill all of us but your mother gave birth to you and we left you in the woods your mother took you Annie and wrapped her in a red blanket and blocked your vampire gene with magic and i took Hannah wrapped her in a black blanket and i blocked her werewolf gene” “When you wake up those genes will be unblocked owh and children are last name is black and Hannah keep and eye on your little sister she is mischievous and gets into a lot of trouble I love and have always kept an eye on you two I know we will see you soon” Then we woke up. When i opened my eyes a pair of breath taking emerald eyes were looking deep into mine full of concern. I smiled and chuckled and then i was squeezed to death by my alpha. When i finally was able to breath I looked around and i couldn't find my big sister “Where is my big sister” “Who” Said Noah and her scent was on him then i heard her scream in my head and i took off a lot faster than i have ever I ended up at a old abandoned house and a white wolf walked out i laughed and threw her a pair of clothes she walked back out just in  time to catch me from busting my head on the floor i don’t know why but was really craving blood when she handed me a bag a bit into it and she was laughing the whole time as i drank the bag dry i tossed it and wiped my mouth then my mate showed up with my alpha, her parents, her mate, And Noah. “Guys I would like you to meet my older twin sister Hannah Black” “What” They all said at once me and my sister both winced at that one. “Guys let them explain said a voice from behind me and Hannah we turned around and there stood a woman that was dressed in complete blue we couldn’t  see any of her features I had seen her before “You are the woman who caught me when i jumped of that cliff why did you catch me” “You did what know” that was my sister, my mate, and his beta. “I’m your guardian angel i’m supposed to protect you really i didn’t know i had one yes you do and your the only one here that does” “why did you jump off a cliff” “I’m fine besides i’ve been closer to death than that” “what are you crazy” “no just suicidal see” i showed them the scars from i cut my wrist and arms though the scars were vanishing fast. “I used to have 50 but they are fading away as you can see.” “great sow this is what mother was talking about” “yep” “sow you’ve talked to your parents” “Yep” “good now i think you two need to sleep” She waved her hand and everything went dark.

Mates and Parents


Sow I found my mate then weird shit happened and then she falls asleep and I don’t think I can wake her up my luck huh. “Don’t worry they are just asleep they’ll wake up when the minds, bodies, and souls have rested” “that doesn't reassure me” I walk over to my mate Annie and pick her she’s as light as a feather. Once i pick her up and her head is on my shoulder i could visibly she her relax. (Well at least we know she acknowledges are presence) my wolf Dagger said He was still upset by how she treated us coldly earlier. Hey dude were good don’t you remember when she woke up the first time (Yes she actually smiled at us) Dude don’t worry about it she’s just having a bad day i bet she really didn’t want to treat us as coldly as she did (whatever) Two year old “Please follow me and i will explain everything” we followed my mate’s guardian angel. “sow how are Annie and Hannah related” “there parents are Shalya and Jackson black, Shalya was the alpha of the moonshine pack and jackson was the prince of vampires “thats why my alpha voice doesn’t work on Annie” “Yes it is” ‘but they vanished 17 years ago along with there alpha’ “yes they did because to protect the alpha’s children they had to sleep in tell the children turned 17” “wait a second there turning 17 today” “ yes and once they awake we will be at are destination” ‘wait a second if i’m correct it was told that once the dark prince had children the an alpha that all the werewolves would join under the younger child and all the vampires would join under the older child and the wars between vampires and werewolves would stop’ “That is correct there will no longer be any packs or covens we will be joined together again by these two” ‘thats why the council wanted to kill us” said the most beautiful voice in the world i looked down at her and she seemed to be calm, cool, and collected ‘Annie what are you thinking’ “I’m not I thin i’m seeing things” “baby are you okay she looked up at me and looked me straight in the eyes and i saw everything she was seeing and I put her down on her feet and hugged her she hugged me right back and started to cry into my shoulder “What is she seeing’ asked hannah she is a really good friend and i have a feeling she’ll be a good sister. “She’s having a history lesson”was all i could say she pulled away from me but never let go of my hand and she walked up to the lake that i just realized was there she tugged on  my hand i looked at her “do u trust me” (of course we trust her) “yes” “good follow me” she jumped into the lake what i didn’t realize was the she was holding my hand still and i forgot to hold my breath (stupid) I know this she swam up to me and smiled but i was starting to loose conciseness she said in my head *silly you forgot to hold you breath* she swam up and kissed me that brought me back she tasted like cherries and i kissed her right back then i realize we are about to surface sow i pull away from her though i don’t want to “what to you sow long” was all i heard when i surfaced. I was still tying to catch my breath but i got out of the water Annie surfaced like a professional swimmer and she was laughing while she walked out of the water. “Payton here forgot to hold his breath” She walked up and kissed me then walked deeper into the cave “sow now that it’s just you and me what happened” I turned around ready for big sister mode but all i got was best friend mode thank the goddess “Like Annie said i forgot to hold my breath i was starting to loose conciseness she swam up and kissed me and thats about it” “Good i’m not ready to be an aunt yet” (Good because i’m not ready to be a dad yet) then control yourself and after that we ran to catch up to the others hannah beat me but of course she a vampire.

Meeting the Family



After my amazing kiss my Payton i walked deeper into the cave. When him and Hannah finally got back from there talk Hannah was walking beside me and he was on the other side. I said in a really low voice sow they could hear me “sow you don’t want to be an aunt” “not at 17 I don’t think sow” “Girls you need to see this” that was my mate i cant get help but fall hard for his accent. *Baby quit daydreaming about me you don’t want to be drooling when you see this* I turned bright red. I looked up and saw all of the people from my original pack sleeping where they were at everything had stopped it was like itself time had stopped. Hannah stood there shocked but i didn’t know how but i knew i needed to go past this my body i grabbed Hannah’s and Payton’s hand and dragged them with me past everyone to a room with my mom laying on a bed with red bedding and my dad kneeling on the floor beside her he had her hand in his about to kiss it i walked over to them Hannah and Payton stood in there tracks and couldn’t move Payton’s eyes followed my every movement i walked over to my mom and kissed her cheek i walked over to my dad and hugged him. I walked back over to my mom and i just looked at her and i couldn’t stop the tear that ran down my cheek and it feel on my moms cheek and ran down her cheek to her arm down it and it touched the spot were my parents hands were connected and a blinding flash of light happened and i felt Payton grab me and turn me around and put himself between me and what ever was going on when he finally move my sister was in the same potion i was “over protective mates get on my nerves” i said out loud “Good they better be over protective or they would suffer dire consequences” said a voice i had heard in dreams sow many times before “Daddy” “Yes baby girl its me” I ran into my dad's arms and i felt hannah run and hug him as well my mom jioned in the group hug. We pulled a part and then my crushed me into a huge bone crushing hug. "um sweety i think your squessing her to death." she put my back to arms length and then put me into another but just a bear hug not a bone crushing hug she let me go and i checked for broken bones I smiled and proudley and said "No broken bones" my dad chuckled my mate walked up to me and wispered in my ear "Baby you okay" I looked at him "yeah why do u ask" my dad sucked in a breath my mom grabbed a mirrior and gave it to me my eyes were white i stood there shocked and then i felt a pain shoot through my body and i dropped the mirrior and collapsed 

The family reuinion


I caught her my beauitful mate before she fell on the floor and i fought the erge to let my wolf take over and kill everone in the room "she'll be fine just give her a minute" this was her dad she trusted him sow i did (Okay figure out what is going on before i rip some one's head off) "What's going on" the woman that looked like an older virsion of my mate said "she is fighting her demons inside her hers will be stronger than anyone's very had to face because of who she is and who she is to become" my mate started cying and i wanted to comfort her i just didn't know how sow i picked her up bridal style and just held i wasnt going to put her down to save my life "I have a feeling she come out of this sooner than you think" That was hannah her twin sister ahe had been quit this whole time "How do you know" Hannah walked up and put a hand on her sisters forhead and in a voice i could barley make it and im a werewolf "stay strong sister and fight i know you think no one cares about you but know you have your parents, me and most importantly your mate who loves you more than anything in the world if you dont make it he will do what you have done since you were 5 but he cant take his life because he has th think about his pack's well being but it will destroy him and he will take that knife and do what you did sow many times before sow stay strong and fight little sister not for me or are parents but for yourself and your mate" with that she walked over to the corner and sat there curled up into a little ball and stared at annie Noah walked over and kneeled in front of her which got in her veiw and then a bright light flashed and when i opened my eyes all the guys were in tuxs the girls were in dresses and before me stood my mate stood in utter shock in a beatiful black dress this is what it looked like and i must say she looked hot as hell in it her mom hugged her and started crying she looked at her dad for help he was standing right beside me when did he get there (While we were drooling over his daughter) owh crap "you get that honestly i never know what to do when people are upset and most people say im coldhearted though most people who have said that it was normally before i killed them i was payed to kill them by the councle sow" she looked at me and smiled and she started looking me up and down then went over to hannah and wisperd something in her ear that made her look at me and giggle and irelized that Noah was standing beside me too *Sow did you like what you saw baby* she blushed then said *every damn bit* then it was my turn to blush her dad looked at me looked at her and than at her mom and they said in unsion "Score one for Annie" i gave them a questing look "i know how hard it is to make a guy blush and she did it with no problem" "I have to agree with her on that one it easier to was eaisier to get my mate here to stop cutting then it was for her to make me blush" he said "good i think im going to need some pointers" he looked at me weird i walked over grabbed annie's arm and showed her dad and mom the scars "Her mom started to cry and her dad actually had a wooried exprision while Annie said "Another point for me i actually got my dad to show that he was worried about something" her dad just hugged her and straitened while he hugged her which i might say lifted her a foot of the ground litteraly "Dad crushing me" she chocked out "sorry sweety but only two people have been able two say that in my life time and that is you and your mother" then i saw hannah jump on his back but with dress couldnt put her legs around him then jumped off and ran behind Noah laughing her dad chased after her but normal human speed Annie ran uo and kissed me the walked over to her mother who had just go hannah still and they started talking and her father took her mothers hand and gave me and Noah a hint to follow his example and trust me we did we walked back out into the bigger room and everyone was chatting when they saw us they kneeled and before i knew it her father and mother and sister and Noah bowed and i bowed as well because something was telling me too i looked back up and Annie curtsied and and everyone staightened out though she seemed a little jumpy i looked at her dad and he shook his head yes he knew what i was thinking i walked uo behind her and hugged her and she leaned into me i heard a few wolf wistles and saw they guys that did it got hit in the head by the people beside them i just laughed and then the festivtes began

Mate time


After the party was over we walked out of the cave and to manson that i had not seen before my mom said that this was the pack ansion and that the day after tommorow we would descuss weddings plans and bringing my people back together agian to stop this blood shed but i just wanted to spend time with my mate before any of that we found are room it was really easy not me and alex walked into the room and i had already changed into some shorts and a muscle t both black my faviorte color alex shut the door and walked over tothe bed and positened himself over me and put all his weight on his arms and was smiling at me that breath taking smile that got me the minute i saw him but before any thing i had to apoligize "Payton i ow you an apology" "for what baby" "the way i treated you sow coldly in the class room i shouldn't have treated you like that and im sorry just something was telling that something was going to happen and i didnt know what and i aggrevated me" i looked down because iwas ashamed of my actions he i dont know how he did it but used one hand to lift my chin up and didn't fall on me "Baby i geussed that besides i can't stay mad at you for vey long i love you to much to" and with that he leaned doan an kissed me first it was slow then i got heated and are lips stayed in sync he licked my bottom like asking for entrence which i happily gave and he explored my mouth he tasted like cinamon and then he lowed himself more and flipped up sow that i was on top but he sat up and i could feel how hard he was he pulled his shirt off and it landed on the floor with a soft thud but i really wasnt paying attention all icould pay attention to was the kiss but then i relized Payton didn't lock to door i used my new powers i heard in lock and smiled and sayed in my head thank you any time sweet heart im your gaurdian angel and if your ada walks in on the little session which i know will go further his fatherley instincts will kick in and it just would not be a fun night but enjoy yourself princess you deserve it then i became ingrossed in my and Payton's kiss then my shirt landed on the floor next to his and soon all we had on was are undergarments i wrapped my legs around his waistg and my arms around his neck and once i did that he got really hard 

It was the next morning i woke to payton kissing me i dont think he knows im awake sow what i do is i flip my self on top of him and i kiss him very passionatley he was shocked for a minute there but soon joined in the kiss and i heard my mom "Its time to get up you to" i pulled away fom Payton and ran into the the bathroom i heard him growl and my mom laughing her ass off my dad asked what was sow funny she said nothing thanks you sow much mom i said in my head *of course sweety sow how did it go last night and dont worry your dad's blocked and mother wont come out becaus he's your mate* *it was awsome* *Sow why did he growl* i hopped in the shower and it was perfect temp *We were kissing* *explain in more detail please* *Well Payton kissed me when he woke up but when he did i woke up sow i decided to take him by surprise sow i flipped us and i was on top of him and kissing him and he had just gotten over his shock when you told us it was time to wake up*  I heard her laughing as she walked away from my bedroom door with my dad in tow asking why she was laughing i walked out of the shower and dryed off and wrapped a towel around me and walked into the bedroom and think the godess that he put his boxers back on or we would have a repat of last night i walked to my dresser and pulled out some underwear and a bra and put them on i felt alex come up behind me he put his head on my neck relizing the only thing left to make us fullymated was for him to bite me which after i though that he bite my neck and i felt pain then lust and then he kissed the bite sealing it i turned around and kissed him like i might die if didn't kiss him and he did the same thing we pulled way from each other when i heard someone clear there throat and there stood my sister smiling from ear to ear "sow you guys gonna get dressed and join us or what" then she jumped out the window she came in from I growled and i heard Lughter from every werewolf in the house sow me and him got dressed and he picked my outfit out which i didn't even relized i hadwe walked into the kitchen hannah walks up to are dad looks at me and smiles evilly and i look her dead in the eyes and smile an evil smile and you could see the fear in her eyes and it reaked off of her and she ran and you could her her door slaming shut echo threw the house my dad looked back at me with a questing look but im to busy rolling around on the floor laughing and Paton is just sitting the he laughed with me fora minute then helped me up then he wispered in my ear "baby dont laugh at your sister or i wont give you another kiss" and you should have the look of horror on my face when my mom saw it because i was facing her not my dad and she had heard what he said she walked up and hit him in the back of the head *sorry baby but i thought it was mean that your were laughing at your sister* *i was laughing because she actually thought i would hurt her* *owh* and i kiss him then go sit at the table and eat then my dad says "you eat just like your mom" where he thought we couldn't hear him and Payton finishs his sentence "like a guy" bad move my and my mom looked at each other and i said "owh and by the way dad me and  Payton fully mated last night" my dad was stupified and PAyton was shoked that i had told him like that then hannah, Noah, andrew, my old alpha , and her parents walked in laughing because they had heard everything I looked at the girls and said run and everygirl ran outside and hopped in the car my mustang it was a beautiful shiny black i was in driver seat my mom in passanger and everyone else in the back i pulled out that drive way like a bullet  

2 hours later we arrive home laughing and chatting and the boys all look at us with questioning looks i shrug my shoulder and sit on Payton's lap which i could tell he didn'd mind on bit and i said "Well mom to finish are conversation in the car why plan my wedding first im the younger one" "yes but you and your mate are already fully mated.

The next day


I kissed my mate as soon ad I woke up i couldn't help it she looked like an angel. When i did i closed my eyes i felt her move but thought she was just situating herself in her sleep then all of a sudden i was flipped and she ended up on top of me we were still naked from last night which was awsome i might add! I went hard right away still in shock she kised me i pulled out of it and joined in the kiss but her mom knocked and i didn't hear what she said my mate laughed jumped off of me and ran into the bathroom I growled at the loss of her touch my wolf was whinning  in my head her mom was laughing when i heard the water turn on in the bathroom how is the water running? (dont know don't care) I pulled my boxers back on and fixed my bead head in the mirror in the room and sat back down on the bed and replaid what happened last night in my head. She walked out of the bathroom in a towel i wish she was at least wearing a bra and underwear i almost lost control and last night would have happened all over again. She walked over to the dresser and put on a bra and underwear i walked up behind her and put my head on her neck then we both relized that all i had to do was claim her as mine (aurthor's note a werewolf bites there mates neck they claim them) and i did just that and i felt are bond become a lot stronger than what it was she turned around and kissed me like if she didn't she was going to die and i kissed her back like if i didn't i was going to die. We pulled away from each other when i heard someone clear there throat and there stood my best freind Hannah smiling from ear to ear "sow you guys gonna get dressed and join us or what" then she jumped out the window she came in from my mate growled a menicing growl which even scared me and my wolf which is hard but she was doing it easliy and i heard Lughter from every werewolf in the house sow me and her got dressed and i picked out her outfit. We walked into the kitchen hannah walks up to her's and my mates dad looks at Annie and smiles evily and just looks her in the eyes and i watched annie's eyes change to a very dark purple almost black color though she didn't relize it and smiled evily then you could see the fear in hannah's eyes and it reaked off of her and she ran and you could hear her door slaming shut echo threw the house my father in law i should call him i geuss looked at annie with a questioning look but annie was just rolling around laughing on the floor i laughed once with her then helped her up and said "baby dont laugh at your sister or i wont give you another kiss" and you should have the look of horror on her face her mom heard and saw the look of horror on her face (were dead) she walked up and hit me in the back of the head it fucking hurt like a bitch *sorry baby but i thought it was mean that your were laughing at your sister* *i was laughing because she actually thought i would hurt her* *owh* she kissed me then went and sat at the table and started eating sow did everybody else that was in there and we all started eating her dad said in a really low voice were he thought we couldn't hear him about annie "you eat just like your mom" and then i said  "like a guy" (Bad move stupid were going ot die know) owh crap your right her and her mo looked at each and she said  "owh and bythe way dad me and Payton fully mated last night" her dad was stupified and I was so shocked she just sayed that like it was no big deal i mean he finally got his daughters back yesterday and then he loses one (yep were dead might want to tell are mom and dad we love them and we will miss them) hey dude he wont kill us well i hope not (Me too) the others walked inwalked in laughing because they had heard everything annie looked at them and said to the girls "Run". 2 hours lster the girls walkin lauging we all look at them with questioning looks annie shruges her shoulders and sits on my lap i dont mind but my wolf wants a repeat of last night. I just sat there holding her knowing my wolf didn't want ot hurt her sow he didn't take over. Then my butterfly said ""Well mom to finish are conversation in the car why plan my wedding first im the younger one" her mom replied kinda in an obvouse tone "yes but you and your mate are already fully mated" "True" she turned around and kissed my gently on the lips and turned back around her dad was watching all of this amused i looked at him with a questioning look "Her mom did the exact same thing to me and the same day we fidured out we were mates we fully mated" "so that's why im still breathing" "so you guys going too tell us what happened last night or no" Hannah is crazy im going to die "No we wont none of your buisness sow poof" And with that hannah was gone "her wolf side listned to Annie and did as she was told though she dosen't want to but hannah wont be able to control annie" "Can i come back now" "yes as long as you dont ask that again" And she came back and we changed the subject by the time we planned the whole wedding out annie had curled up on my lap head on my shoulder but on my legs and hands were laying on my chest she was my world and know she was my princess "Take her up stairs she needs sleep she probaly barley got any sleep last night" That was her dad he was standing in front ogf me he picked her up and i got off the couch he handed her back to me and i walked to our room put her on the bed shut the door took off her clothes and put her in my tshirt i had in the closet then i took off my clothes and layed down beside her she put her head on my chest her hands on my stomach and smiled in her sleep i put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me and fell asleep with dreams of my perfect mate which i dont deserve.

My mate and me


When alex took my little sister to there room and looked at my mom she knew what i was about to ask "your sister is supposed to be dead when i left o bunch of werewlolves came and tore into her but the angel princess saw and me and the angel princess are good freinds and she halped she gave your sister her life back and protected annie in tell the silver moon pack came and took her in then the princess became her gaurdian angel and it broke my heart to watch as my babys grew up with out me and there father but annie was affected more than you she always felt out of place she blamed her self that her parents left her but ever since she was little she ahd dreams about you and me and your father it was are memories and she also has a gift she can see the dead and she can learn how to fight with any wepon our talk any laungage very fast" "Thats why she could take down everyone including my dad when we were little and he was the best fighter the pack had not to mention the alpha but she never tried to take the pack form us though she could have very easily" "That is becasue her wolf and her are loyal to the end" Then i left the room i couldn't belive it my little sister is supposed to be dead i just couldn't belive it i opened her door to see if she was sleeping her and PAyton we in each others arms asleep like nothing was wrong with the world i smiled and shut there door and walked to mine i opened th door and shut it behind me then i was shoved into the door but not hadr enogh to hurt me then i felt electricity go through my body and knew it was my mate Noah I loved him with all my heart mind and soul the only other person that found a place in my heart as sone as i meet them was my little sister annie love her to death but she worries me then i was brought out of my thoughts by the door being locked and him slaming his lips in to mine he lifted me up by grabing my but and i wrapped my legs round him and my srms locked around his neck and my hands in his hair then it got serious when he got on the bed and unwrapped my legs from around him and my arms from around him his shirt landed on the floor along wiht mine then in a flash we were stark naked then i wont get into detail but we had the time of our lives and fully mated we woke up the next morning in each others arms i kissed his nose and he was still asleep so i got up and went to take a shower

Before the wedding


I woke up the next day and relized i was being pushed against my mate's chest i smiled kissed him and got off the bed and into the shower I got out and walked into the room got dressed and walked out into the hllway and ran into my twin sister litterally and from her sent i could tell she had been mated with noah i smiled and said "Congrats sis so you tell mom yet" "no not yet" "Dont have to sweety and i decided to combine your weddings so you two and me will go pick out dresses get your hair, makeup, and nalis done then well come home get you dressed and then well have the wedding" I collapsed because i had a huge shot of pain run through my chest and i blacked out when i opened my eyes my mate payton, and every one was standing around me with worried expressions i didnt understand in tell i looked at my chest and saw a bandge with blood at the spot where i had felt the pain then i relized what happenedthen me bein me said "So is the weeding goin to be cancled be cause of this if it is that is goin to suck" every one seem startled except my dad who just chuckled very loudley which made me laugh and by the time i stopped laughing every one was smiling and my sis still had a pained look in her eyes then i had a flash back of when i was little when nare pack got attaked by vampires and i was stabbed a few times but i helped protect the pack i blacked out once the addrenillon left my body and when i had woke up my alpha and everyone else  had the same look on there face the look of guilt and that was part of the reason why i started to cut becaus eit was my fault i had worried them like i did once i was out of my flash back i sat up and pulled my sister in a hug and my scars where in full veiw and i din't relize it in tell my dad and mat both grabbed one of my arms and i noticed the every scar i had ever had had came back i pulled my arms away from them and moved th blanket and the scars from when i had my previous battles where there but none of them hurt like they normally did i looked really confused then all of the pain hit me at once and i doubled over and puked up some blood and that scared everyone but then i got the pain back under control and got of the bed and walked into the bathroom took a long look at myself and saw all my scars all the cuts and everything and thought how could i have done this to them to any of them im worrying them again and i shouldn't be im nothin a nobody i dont deserve any of them just like the other kids use to say too me no matter who was in hearing range im a nobody i dont deserve them none of them they all deserve better than me i was crying i wiped away my tears and made it look like i was wasn't crying and walked back into the room every one except my mom, sister, mine and her mates, and our dad had left i sat back down on the bed my mate leaned in and wispered in my ear "I heard you crying why do you act like you have no emotion" by then he was talking loud enough where every one could hear him. i said simpilly "I have so much blood on my hands you would not belive it was possible because i have had to protect the people in my pack I have been empty since i was little i cant rember one time i genuanlly smiled except since our birthday i have always seen ghosts i have always been able to talk to them i have killed a lot of people and in turn the destroyed my soul and me intierally no nobody has called my coldhearted because they have never haad the chance i killed them and got it over with and i've have never had one single night of sleep since i was little hat didn't have the people's faces ive killed or the faces of my family i never knew i felt the pain they did no matter if it was emotional or physical and i got to the point where i stopped feeling emotians intirally and pain had became a daily thing no matter if i inflicted it or if someone else did and i have gotten to the point where i jumped off a cliff, off of a skyscraper so you have no idea if i have emotions our not." everyone stood i shock and i turned around and looked int the mirror and my eyes were red this happened every time i had killed someone or was about to and i knew i hadnt done either sow i didn't understand why it was happing my dad walked up to me a grabbed me and put me in a hug which lifted me off the floor that was when i felt it i felt all of the pain go away i felt my past going and staying in the past i felt like i had emotions for once in my life and i couldnt understand any of it he put me down which ended up with my mate wrapping his arms around me and my mom started to cry my sister hugged her mate and i was still counfused until i saw my skin was perfect no scars nothing i was even more confused i had tan ish pale ish skin i grabbed a mirror nad my hair was longer and healithier my eyes changed color and i still didn't understand any of it my dad chukled when i put the mirrior down and looked at him with a counfused look but he said "get dressed so you and your mom and sister can go buy yours and your siters dresses and everyting else ok love you see you later boys follow me" they did after they kissed us and walked out i got dressed and we went out got our dresses and everything done up and it was exhausting 

My dress 


Hannah's dress 

The wedding


 Sow we got home got dressed and got to the doors right as they were starting the music hannah was jumpy and i was calm as ever we walked in and up the isle and when every one saw us they freaked out ecsasially all the vampires when they saw me the started talking hannah looked at them the same time i did and they shut up they all where a little scared of me oh well i geuss we got to the end of the isle where are mates where both open mouthed and drowling i smiled and said it very softly "guys your drowling" a few of the werewolves snorted and tryed to keep themselves from laughing which they did we excanged our vowes and kissed which sealed everything and i could tell the boys and there wolves wanted to go a little further i said it where only them and hannah could hear me "yall might want to keep control in her because if you do lose control i dont think youll be getting what yall want any time soon" my siste laughed and the guys blushed and i laughed as well we slow danced then a little while later the weeding was over a couple of months later the vampires got together under hannahs rule all of the werewolves were under my rule and everything worked out fine in the end of everything we had a war with the counciil we won we split the species under both me and hannah and we ruled them and there was peace and harmony 



The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.08.2015

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