

There once was a boy. He was being raised in a way no other being has ever heard of. Kept from the world and taught nothing of what he needed to know. Not how to care for himself nor anyone else. He knew nothing of the world. It's hardships, pain, anger, and war were but mere fairytales in books handed down to him by the shadows he was confined in. He believed his torment would end once he rid himself of his captors. Yet his captors had brainwashed him into thinking they were his family. As he grew and grew, he began to fight back. First physically, then mentally, and at last turning the very world he was hidden from against them. Deeming them torturers of the last generation.

The boy knew alot about metaphysical realms, dark lands, dimensional rifts, time, and space. All through his books. It was all that intrigued him. The only escape. The only way to stop his mind from deteriorating in what he sees in the world today.

Dominic knew his day would come. When he would be free of his torturers. He just never expected it to come so suddenly. As a warrior he knew he would have to fight his way out. But as a master he knew he needed a plan. A plan that would take him from a measley unknown human, to leader of realms. From the darkest places unto timeless abyss', his name would ring out with the sound of a million deities.

As a child Dominic fell victim to abuse, abandonment, neglect, imprisonment, and betrayal. The ingredients to raise a monster. He had subjective ways of dealing with these things. Ways no one in the world would understand enough to grasp how complex he works. He is constantly bashed about doing things in such an unorthodox manner. Yet somehow he always finds a way out. 

Those that claimed to be his family were the main ones that contributed to his daily beatings. They kept him locked inside a dark room only released to go to school. He was forced to listen to the laughter of the other children as they played but was never able to see any of it. Dominic grew a heavy amount of hatred during this time. Not only was he getting beat at home, he also was being bullied at school. No one knew though. Dominic was very good at hiding his problems.

Dominic can see possibilities others were oblivious to. He made it his point to seize every one. Like the first one, he managed to evade his torturers, freeing himself of his shadow prison. The second time, he evaded slave traders, who thought he had but a feeble mind from not witnessing the world. But having been treated the way he was, Dominic knew how to talk and deal with people.

Though he was constantly falling victim to physical and mental torture from those he came across. Yet mild compared to his origin. It hurt to know the whole world works the same. He pondered for years on a getaway. Each time falling victim to an agenda made to put him in situations that were only partially beneficial to him. No one warned him that he would end up like the rest, stuck and vulnerable if detected.But like always he could see his way out. This time it wasn't going to be easy, nor will it be quick.

So one day he decided to keep his presence in as many worlds as possible until he can find one where living with a mind like his can be possible. A world where the easier things in life can flourish. Even though he is stuck now, living day to day, surviving the best way he could. Keeping a select few by him whilst always trying to make it to his vision. Stuck and lonely, even amongst family, he gew into a man this world has not seen in over a thousand years. This is the story.

Chapter 1: Leaving

 One day after working so many jobs in so many different cities, Dominic decided he would not stand for wasting anymore of his life listening to someone else for a little change in his pocket. He knew that all he was doing is wasting away. He was meant for greater things. He heard the calls. Yet refused to answer them until he got his answers, and they came to him. Hundreds of thousands were said to know who he is, but none spoke of his existence.

Dominic soon realized that he would be free of all things he hated most. One more step was needed though and now he knew where he must begin. Death Valley. The first trail of shadows where a map of the hidden paths reside. But the trip was to be treacherous. Unknown troubles lurked this path, yet it will turn him into not only a greater warrior, but also a hunter by the time he reached the valley.

As he began treading on this path he could feel his strength rising. Physically, Mentally. As if he suddenly was gaining strength other only spoke of. The world began to bend to his will. Making food grow almost instantly as if the world knew he was hungry. The cold of night bounced off his skin as if he were coated in fire. His eyes became so peircing the darkness seemed to quiver as he gazed through it. Weariness was something he had forgotten as he moved forward.

Now as Dominic neared theoutskirts of his hometown, he turned and peered out, hoping it was the last time he would ever see this city. It wasn't until now that he realized why he hated this place so much. It was the place of his torment after all. It was meant to hold him back. Chained down to one place and one situation. He took a deep breath, turned, and continued on his journey.

Upon reaching the next town he was confronted by three hooded figures. He could not see their faces, yet their eyes glowed with different colors. The first had red eyes, he stood in the middle. To his right, this man had white eyes, whiter than any clothing Dominic had ever seen. The man to the left had green eyes, greener than the best lawns in the world. It was as if the shadows cloaked them as they moved forward.

"Your path is shrouded in hardship and many beings that want you dead." It was as if the trio spoke in unison.

"Who are you?" Dominic asked hastily disregarding the words spoken to him. Someone always wanted him dead.

"We are the guides of darkness. Revealers of shadows. Protectors of all dark things. We are the shadow keepers."

Dominic paused because even though he knew of the hidden world within he never thought he would ever meet the keepers. Let alone the shadow keepers.

"What beings and hardship do you speak of? And can they be avoided?" Dominic demanded answers.

"Nothing can be avoided less ye return to the life handed to you by your creators. You must pass all the trials in each trail in order to be successful in yourmission for deeper elevation."

Just as they finished speaking, they vanished. Giving no chance for more questions to be asked. Dominic could not believe that he now had more questions than he did before he left. He dreamt of answer every night leading up to this day. He was sure that this nomadic event would clear his conscience, subconscience, and inner being of misunderstandings and curiousities. Why then, on just his first stretch, has so many question arisen?

As he continued on his path, mulling over the event that had just unfolded, he could feel the muscles in his feet and legs contracting from weariness. He has been walking 10 hours now. Only just realizing that it's been two hours since he last saw a car. Dominic stopped to take a look at his surroundings. One road lay ahead, with trees on either side as far as his eyes can see. The wind breezing by, bringing nature's sweet scent to his nose. He took a deep breath, smiled, and continued walking. He loved the night, but he knew he had to find a proper place for his hammock before the night dragged on. Daylight had to be reserved for travelling for that was the only time he would likely get a lift. 

Dominic came a set of trees that looked promising. But he needed to get away from the road. He took out his compass and began walking west. At least he knew which direction to take back to the road. Counting his strides he stopped at a perfect spot to camp. He set up his hammock, started a small fire, and heated up one of his rations.

As the flames danced and crackled among the darkness of night he slowly ate, all the while not moving his eyes from the fire. Not five minute passed before he could he the slow and subtle cracking of twigs in the brush around him. Dominic knew he couldn't panic, but he needed to put the fire out. Whatever was lurking out there could either be friend or foe, but he always prepared for the worst. He grabbed his fire blanket and carefully covered the flames, all the while watching the darkness around him.Nothing moved.

As soon as the fire was out he darted through the darkness, flanking the sound of whatever was moving through the night. This was one reason he knew he can nevr forget his origin. That bloody city taught him how to move, unseen and unheard. Even by the very shadows around him. It also enhanced his sight in the dark.

Eventually Dominic round back and ended up back at camp. Nothing. He could see no animals nor any people. Now everything stood silent. He decided to get some rest. The sun shall return soon.

Chapter 2: Enemies and Friends

Dominic awoke to birds chirping and squirrels scouring around for food. The early morning spring breeze assisted in keeping him awake. That was always pleasant. The morning sun was barely peeking over the horizon, yet gave off enough light for it to be morning. Enough light to make Dominic realize a small figure sitting just beside his hammock, hunched over his fire pit from the night before. Dominic beagn to move slowly, pulling his knife from his pocket. Then preparing to leap from his hammock onto whatever, or whoever, it was that sat before him the being spoke, "I wouldnt do that if i were you."

Catching Dominic by surprise as the creature turned around Dominic fell backwards and off the hammock onto the dirt floor. When he opened his eyes he found himself staring at something he had only read about in his book during his growth in the shadows of his torture chamber.

"Who are you?" Dominic asked and the creature smiled. He had long golden hair that seemed to intertwine with his redish golden beard. Eyes so small it was as if he had only pupils, no iris. His skin was a yellowy tan, with wrinkles spread out as if carefully placed upon his face. And his smile revealed a set of white and gold teeth. As if to mimic a checker board.

"I am Maltez. Keen and swift. I have been sent to assist you on your journey west into the dark lands" Maltez looked so eager to be standing where he was, speaking the words he spoke.He then stuck out his hand to offer Dominic a hand up from the dirt floor.As soon As Dominic reached out it was as if he had been launched to his feet. Only then did he realize that Maltez was about three feet tall, wearing gold and green leather garments.

As Dominic examined his new partner, and soon to be friend, he asked, "Wher did you come from? Was it you moving aroundin the brush last night? Why did you wait til i was asleep to sit at my camp?" 

Dominic had many questions. Maltez quickly stopped him and offered to help pack the campsite while question were answered. Dominic agreed and began taking down his hammock. Maltez picked up Dominic's hiking pack and began stuffing everything back inside.

"As for where I'm from, I was born in a forest called Emitald forest. It lies at the bottom of Yemisite Mountain." Maltez spoke with an accent Dominic has never heard before.

"Isn;t Yemisite Mountain home to the last of the dwarves?" Dominic could recall this from a book in his past.

"Yes it is. I am only half dwarf. I am also half leprechaun. I could never be accepted amongst the dwarves.

Maltez pause as if the thought of being rejected by his own people was the equivalent to having a knife run through his chest. He glanced over at Dominic who said nothing as he listened to what Maltez had to say.

"To answer his other questions," Maltez continued, "Yes it was i who moved about last night. To meet a bring such as myself in total darkness would only have ignited a battle. For i doubt you would have been as understanding as your are now in darkness."

"But i can see perfectly in total darkness." Dominic contested.

"That may be true, but the shadows alter my appearance. Being half leprechaun has curesed me to look like a beast throughout the night. Much like a demn of old. Those treacherous creatures are looked down upon by all who know of their existence."

Dominic could not believe his ears. The old ones. Now way they were still around. No one has seen them in centuries. But then again, part of this world contains a world hidden from view that no one is aware of. No one but the keepers. At least that's what the books say.

"If the old ones are still around, how come few know of their existence?" Dominic curiousity can now be heard strongly within his voice. 

Maltez stopped, closed the backpack, and turned to Dominic "If the demons of old were known to Humans, they would be hunted down. This world will fall into darkness and chaos. The old ones do not tread where population thrives. Those that encounter them are either devoured or enslaved unless proper tribute or sacrifice is made."

Dominic did not know what to say. They both turned and began walking. Maltez had a spring in his step that allowed him to walk as fast as Dominic. Shocked at all he had heard, Dominic could not brig himself to think clearly. He didn't even realize they were still heading west. Away from the road he once followed. In deep though, Dominic could do nothing but follow the footsteps of his new travel companion.

As the sun rose up above their heads Dominic suddenly realized that they were still in the woods. Now it seemed as if there was nothing but bireds and trees in every direction. 

"Maltez, where are we? And where are we going?"

"We are going west. Currently trecking through the Dead Forest. hence the leafless trees and lack of wildlife. The birds only pass through. This was a place of war. War between races. Until a man, much like yourself, rose dead trees from the ground, separating the humans from the other races. Closing all portal and severing the rift from which darkness flowed."

Dominic began to get eager and with ecitement asked "Is that the war that broke Pangea? The last great war before humanity's enslavement?"

"Yes Dominic. I am surprised you know of this war. Growing up with humans I assumed you thought it to be a myth. Or even a land no man walked, as it is said among your kind that Pangea only existed during a time where dinosaurs walked the earth without the other races."

Maltez did nothing to keep the amazement from his voice. But as he spoke he realized Dominic was no longer beside him. He turned to see a look of great concern on Dominic's face. He was so fixed in place not a hair on his head had moved. As Maltez turned to see what it was that had Dominic in such a frozen stance he couldn't belive his eyes. But he knew one thing. They had to run.

"RUN DOMINIC!!!" Maltez shouted while simultaneously grabbing his wrist and pulling as he himself begain to run. It was as if being formed completely of shadow, rose from the ground, pursuing them with such a swiftness it almost seemed like they never moved. 

"Maltez, what are they?" Dominic broke his amazement.

"Those are Ragul. Dead warriors trapped inside the trees when Bankrow created this forest. Unless the tales are true i can not explain why the have come out in daylight." Maltez spoke clearly, not breaking rhythm, not losing one breath.

Dominic couldn't focus on the billions of question that begain to pop into his head. He just ran. Trying to keep up with Maltez was harder than he imagined. But the Ragul were still in pursuit. Closing in on them, Dominic could feel their cold breath just behind his neck. He then remembered an incantation from one of his old books. Bits of it came to him as they ran. Hoping he remembered it fully Dominic jumped and turned to see three Ragul just inches away from him.

"DRAKAN ENROATH MOSKINONE" Dominic was surprised he could remember the spell. Instantly the three Ragul were trapped in a box of light bright enough to house them withough blinding neither him nor Maltez. Maltez helped Dominic off the ground just after he threw daggers towards the Ragul which made both the light chamber and them disappear. 

"Who knew you could speak the lost language of a time before words were ever recorded" claimed Maltez with a curiousity in his voice that wanted to know more about Dominic.

"Books were my only friends as a child" Dominic proclaimed as he dusted himself off from the dirt and twigs. "Besides, who knew you could cast magick without an incantation."

"Oh that, that was childs play" laughed Maltez as he spoke "Your ancient magick is still stronger. Though the are no incantations of it recorded in our books. You must have a deep connection to the world itself."

"I'm telling you, everything i know came from those books i somehow got my hands on. Maybe i mixed a few things and played with words. But i only cast when i know the magick will work. Otherwise I'm just putting myself in danger" Dominic tried to help Maltez understand what he knew.

"Either way," Maltez continued as he turned to keep walking "We must get out of this forest before more Ragul show up. I just hope we don't get followed. Legends say that they can leave the forest when they are attacked."

They were still seven miles from the woodline. They had to keep walking, despite the ever approaching sunset. The Dead Forest was no place to camp, no matter how strong you or your magick is. It is said that the forest comes to life at night. All of the dead and dark creatures that dwell within roam the forest in search of unlucky travellers who get lost within the trees, unable to find their way out.


Chapter 3: Mixing of realms

As Dominic and Maltez exited the forest, they realize that more than half the night has passed. Being within proximity of the Dead Forest was still not ideal for a campsite. Tonight was to be a night of no rest. As they tred on growing further away from the woodline Dominic could tell that Maltez was beginning to grow weary. His feet slowed up and he soon began dragging his feet through the dead leaves on the dirt floor. Though they were still within a forest, it was clear that the Dead Forest was no longer in sight. All the trees here had leaves and an owl hooted in the distance.

"Maltez, I think we should make camp. You seem to be growing weary. Plus we only have a few hours left before sunrise, and you know how I want to reach a road and hopefully get a ride to make the trip even a day shorter." Dominic sounded as if he was pleading with Maltez.

"We will never be able to hitch a ride. Nor will we be able to reach the road. Remember my existence is unknown to humans, along with the other races. We can keep going until sunrise just to be sure we weren't followed by the Ragul or anything else from within the forest." Maltez insisted.

"I thought you said the the Dead Forest was the sepereation between the humans population and everyone elses? Wouldn't that mean that you should be able to freely walk the world without having to hide?" Now Dominic was confused.

"Yes this is true," Maltez explained "but we never stepped through the portal. Deep within that place is a portal to unlock the veil which keeps our races from colliding with each other and sparking another war. But that is at the center. We never came close to it, I know shortcuts."

Now as the first light crept up over the horizon and the early birds began to sing Maltez came to a halt. He said nothing, only began to unpack. Dominic did not question him and began to tie up his hammock. Maltez laid out a sleeping bag and the told Dominic that he would gather some firewood so that they can have a meal before sleep. Dominic began to gather rocks from around their campsite to make a small pit. Maltez came back and forth dropping sticks each time. Mostly twigs, as he was raised not to rip branches off of still standing trees. That would be destruction of life which was no threat to him. Dominic now began to feel weary. He continued setting up the fire and lit it. Making sure it burned hot enough to cook whatever Maltez had in mind.

Now as Maltez returned for the last time he seemed to be holding more than just sticks and twigs. Sure enough as he dropped everything by the fire out fell two rabbits and four frogs. Dominic knew how to hunt and trap animals for food. Yet he was still surprised because to his knowledge Maltez had no trap. He dared not question Maltez's tactics for every hunter had their own tricks. But it bothered Dominic because not even he could catch such an abundent amount of food with just his hands. He watched as Maltez skinned the rabbits and chopped the frogs. The water he set on the fire began boiling. Maltez dropped each animal carefully in the pot as well as a few herbs and a chopped potato he pulled from his sack.

"Did you use magick to catch these animals?" Dominic could not hold back his questions anymore.

"No! There's no honor in a hunter using magick against what he decides to use for food. I am part leprechaun. That gives me more speed than any other being around. And being part dwarf gives more strength than any leprechaun. Just imagine what i could catch with these hands." Maltez spoke swiftly to defend himself and his honor.

"It sounds like you're saying I will never be as good of a hunter as you." Dominic looked down with a sense of disbelief in his voice.

Maltez grabbed the two bowls by the fire and began serving stew as he spoke, "Anyone can be taught. Only the eager ever learn enough to keep up with us in the Emitald Forest. Not even the dwarves that dwell within the mountain and they have the greatest hunters known to all the villages."

"How is that if your people are greater hunters? Is your existence not known to the rest of the world like the other races?" Dominic asked as he took a bowl from Maltez. 

"Unfortunately not. Only to the dwarves. Any clan without a village stays hidden from the rest. It is believed that we are still savages because we choose to stay within nature." Maltez said before tasting his own bowl of stew."This trip was issued to the leader of the leprechauns, by the dwarves, as a chance to be put on the map and accepted into the council of races so that we might have a say in all treaties and be recognized as intellectual beings who just love the world enough not to build villages or destroy nature's path around our land."



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2018

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