
Coral & Nightmares

I dove into the water shattering the glass surface, I came up for air flicking my black hair to one side, Iput the snorkel on and dove under, I was admiring a turtle when I noticed a shark, I swam to the bottom reef and hid behind a large piece of coral, as the shark disapeared I was about to sim out from behind the coral when something firey red caught my eye, I looked over to see a small piece of coral the size of my fist, glowing bright red, I needed air badly but my curiosity got the better of me and I reached out to the coral as my fingers brushed the rough surface, a buning sensation coursed through my fingers, I looked at my hand and saw my flesh melting as if I had touched fire, I picked the coral up ignoring the excruitating burning on my hand, I swam to the surface my lungs burning and my legs protesting in pain, i reached the top and though the coral on my boat. I sped through the water then drove home. Once i reached home i put the coral on my side table then wrapped my hand up in bandages. I fell asleep on the couch, but I didn't sleep peacfully, nightmares bounded me in terrifying memories forcing me to re-live them, I felt the binding pain again as they broke my ribs, i remember screaming in pain begging them to stop but i made them do it slower more painfully as i cried for my mum and my dad the two people that would never come, my parents died when I was just a baby and I had spent 18 years in agony and pain living in an orphanage.

I woke up sweating and crying, I composed my self and made my self a latte, I went into my room and went into bed.


I woke up to static, I looked up and saw my clock half melted and spitting sparks, I was so confused, I was about to touch it when I heard glass breaking down stairs Iran downstairs to see two really buff guys taking my money, they looked at me and started coming towards me, I started running but one grabbed my hair yanking me back, I fell to the ground and gasped in pain as the guys foot came down on my legs. I heard the cracking of bones and I held back a scream, he started walking away when I got up my leg protested but these motherfuckers weren't leaving with my shit. The guys laughed and one walked towards me taking out a big knife, he lunged at me and we both fell to theground, we rolled a couple times trying to get theupper hand, he was on top if me with the knife against my face, "Bitchyou say oneword anout this and I'll kill you, you understand me?" he asked I didn't answer for a while so he dug the tip of the knife into my cheek dragging it down drawing blood, i was getting pissed. "No," I said sternly as i ounched the guy in the face, he rolled off me and i grabbed a piece of shattered glass and cut his arm and leg he got up and ran out the front door, i looked at theother guy, "Get the fuck out before i go ape shit on your ass!" I yelled, he bolted out the door. I went into the bathroom to clean up my cheek i looked at it and grimiced it looked pretty bad, suddenly my cheek felt hot and the cut closed up, it was completly healed whent he burning went away. Something weird is going on and i don't like it.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2012

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