
chapter one

First day of school in my new home... great. “Veronica get up your going to be late for school.” My mom was screaming from the kitchen “Coming ma.” running from my room is like a maze, dodging my grandma and two little sisters in the house. Yummy... the smell of bacon and eggs filled the whole house. “morning mom hi daddy” I screamed from the hallway. “Ouch.”
My sisters will do any thing to make me chase them around. “Ouch.” Even step on my feet. “Im goin to get u two for sure” I screamed while running after them. I made sure to stop to say good morning to my favorite grandma before I ran after them. I could hear them going into the dinning room screaming “she’s goin to kill us.”
“Veronica you better leave your little sisters alone. You hear me” she told me.
She’s always on there side “but ...” I wined. Mom told me to hurry and eat our im going to miss the bus. “ fine but what if no one likes me” I wined.
Dad yelled “there not supposed to like u” always thinking im talking about boys “ or I will personally, kill them”
“Not like that daddy” I kissed every one bye.


The school bus was packed with kids and when I mean packed I mean kids were sitting on other kids laps. So me being new and all I tried to find an empty or two sitter booth. I felt my self being watched but it was more of a ‘wow’ not like who ‘she’ kinda thing. Maby it had something to do with the boys I sat near. They were located towred the back of the bus and they sat on there own and me needing a place to sit I moved one of the boys bags and sat next to him like no big deal... I guess I was shit wrong.
“ excuse me, but normally people wouldn’t sit there. You can come sit with me if you like.” one of the blond fake girls sitting alone told me keeping her eyes to the floor of the bus. I looked at her skinny white figure and was like “ umm no thanks im good here” I smiled and noticed the bus was quite and when I didnt make a move to get up and the bus moved everyone went about there business.
I looked at the guy who I sat next to and noticed he to looked as surprised like everyone else. “ did I do something inappropriate or something “ I asked him noticing the other guys who sat near him looked at me like I was insane. The guy behind me grinned and stuck his hand out


hi im Chris, and no, you didnt do anything wrong” I heard the hint of a Spanish accent and instantly got attracted to him, I love me a boricua. The two other guys who I swear could be twins both looked at me up and down and they smiled lookin away and Im not to sure but I think I saw one blush and the other coughed. “ don’t mind them two they don’t know how to act around beautiful young ladies such as your self” the guy sitting next to me in the sit said looking at me up and down like his friends just did. “ im sorry im Shane or the Hispanics call me...” “ let me guess its either papi or Shane.” I interrupted him smiling. He looked at me and leaned in so his mouth was next to my ear “ you Linda can call me papi” he whispered before blowing in my ear. I shivered and the thing I did next surprised me even more. “ Papi Chulo is more my liking” I said to him looking him up and down like he and his twin friends had done to me before. He then licked he’s lips which sent another shiver down my spine. His friend Chris in the back of us kick the back of his side of the booth causing him to grab my thigh so he wouldn’t fall off. When he touched me I felt almost like a shock or something like fire on my thigh were he was touching me. After he recovered his hand was still on my thigh and when his friend told him he snatched his hand away and apologized. “ I didnt mind


just be a little more meaningful” I whispered and winked at him. He looked at me and to my surprise he put his hand back on my thigh. “ is this better mami “ he said breathless almost. Before I could reply he looked at the seat across us at his twin friends and took his hand away and asked “ im stupid im sorry I don’t even know your name or nothing and im here trying to make you mine.” he was running his hand through his curly hair lookin down as if ashamed of him self. “ my name is Veronica im Puerto Rican and African. Im a tenth grader and im 15.” after I said all that he looked at me and smiled then he frowned and asked “ you gota man Veronica. Veronica que Linda.” I blushed at that and I told him im single and no man has ever been good to me.
When the bus came to the school he walked me off the bus into the school and to my locker. “ I have a question for you Shane.” I told him after I opened my locker.“ go head anything you want to know, just ask” I grinned at him while he was lining on my locker with the same friends from the bus behind him. “ you said you were trying to make me...” before I could finish what I was going to say my best bit
cousin April ran over to me yelling hi and was up. “ Veronica omg were no longer freshman nigger... umm who are they cause honey im


still single.” thats my girl April always looking and she always had a man, with her perfectly curved body and chocolate skin. I had curves but not as fine as hers I had the waist and she had everything else. “ April this is Shane and Chris. The other two I don’t really know.” she smiled at one of the twins and off she went to flirt with him who’s name tuned out to be Liam and the other one was Jack.
“ yea back to my question you said you were trying to make me ‘yours’ or something like that. What did you mean by that?” I asked him and he actually blushed ahhh I made a guy blush, cool. He was going to answer but what do you know asshole shows up. His big black body stepped right in between me and Shane. Shane was taller and a lot bigger but Josh could fight, like really fight. “ was up baby I miss you and I kept thinking about you all summer.” he smiled at me and handed me a rose. “ aw Josh how sweet you know I thought about you to.” he smiled at that and I could see Shane about to walk away and I said to Josh “ I thought about you and Bella dating and her in your bed the day I came to surprise visit your two time cheating black ass” I through the flowers at him and before I could react Josh slammed me against the lockers while he slapped me and called me an ungrateful slut


holding me by mi throught. An out of no where Shane grabs Josh by his arm and slams him to the ground and starts pounding Josh’s face in. Josh is bleeding with a busted lip broken nose and puffy eye. I ran over telling Shane to get off after Shane was finished beating the shit out of Josh he looked at me and when he saw the hand mark on my check from Josh’s hand he took me into his arms and rubbed my back. “ nothing and no one will ever harm or upset you again I promise. Veronica will you let me protect you for as long as you’ll have me?” I was surprised I barely knew this man and yet he wanted me to be his girl... wait a minute. He didnt ask that, stupid, he just wants to be friends well I guess so hell he just saved me from my ex so. “ si thank you for your help Shane thank you. But you didnt have to do that I mean what if you got hurt or worse?” I looked up at him and he smiled at me saying “ mami I would kill for you I don’t know what you did to me but im attracted to you and whats mine is always my responsibility. Come on ill walk you to your first class.” he kissed me on my forehead and nodded to his friends. He put his arm around my waist holding close to him.

chapter 2

Okay as if the day couldn’t get any freakier with three new friends an abusive exboyfriend and a bodyguard/boyfriend. April started dating David and my friend Cindy one of the two Boricua’s I can stand is now dating Jack. Cindy was about half a foot shorter than Jack and April a tad shorter than David. Poor Chris I got to introduce him to my girlie Brittany the other Boricua I can tolorate.
“ whats on your mind mami?” I then realized I was staring at Shane half the lunch period. Shane and I have every class togeather, only cause he convinced the dean to let him. I looked away and I felt my cheeks start to burn and I heard April say ‘v is feeling Shane’ I think I blushed five shades of red. “ Oooh nothing just...” Cindy chimed in “ just lookin at the guy you want as your boyfriend, right VeeVee!” damn she said that shit mad loud. I kicked her under the table “ ow what, what I say? Im just being honest thats all I hear from you. ‘ Shane this... Papi that ’.” she said that like the most natural thing in the world.
Shane faced me “ Really now. Is this true


‘VeeVee’” oh yea I was blushing big time. I looked at that smirk on his face and just told the truth. “ well yea. I like you and so what I talk about you...” “ 24/7 ” “ thank you April “ I said to April with sarcasm as she smiled and said no prob. I looked at Shane and he was lookin at me up and down. I gave him a look and checked myself looking for a stain or something wrong. “ Veronica, would you be my female?” I stopped breathing I mean literally stopped breathing. I looked him in the eyes to see if there was any trace of a joke or something... nope he was serous. I heard Cindy say ‘ breath chica breath ’.
When I took a breath and looked at my food than back to Shane. “ um... I don’t know I let Josh into my life and the second I turn my back he’s mackin on my worst enemy.” he looked at me with a stunned look on his face. “ you think I would do that kind of sick shit to you Veronica. V, im really into you, hell I think I may even like you and I only had one girlfriend and im asking you to be my female. I don’t know” he ran his hand through his hair and smiled boyishly “ something about you makes me feel like im important and worth something. I feel like I owe you everything, I want to buy and give you anything.” he took a deep breath and looked at me through closed


lids. Wow I mean wow. I cant beilve all that just came out his mouth. “ Shane I would love to be your female or girlfriend. You don’t have to give me anything, buy anything. With you I feel protected and valuable and I like it. I like you Shane and I want you as my man.” I couldn’t help but jump on his lap and hug him. He surpriesed me even more, I keep getting surprised with them around, he stood up and spun me around. He kept me in the air till a monitor came and told him to put me down. When we sat back down I was blushing and Shane had a big ass fucking smile on his face as he rapped his arm around me. So far the day is going very well and you know what it cant get any better... well so I thought.

Chapter 3

Great this will be fun. “ well mostly they were stoned or worse totally sexed out. You know what I mean?” he seemeed lost at the last the last comment I said. “ trufully no you lost me at sexed out.” great of course that part. “ sexed out as in only sex on the mind if you don’t get it you’ll totally freak out. And I have had four ex’s my whole life so yea. You said you had one girlfriend. Is that part true?” I had to ask couse well I diserve to know, right? He looked at me and said “ four ex’s that I have to beat... fun!!!” I looked at him and saw the big ass mistouvose smile across his face that made my blood boil. With wide eyes I squealed ‘no’, I choked on my pepsi and he came over and sat next to me laughing. I looked at him “ you’re an ass you know that. Threatining people you don’t even know. And what bout you and that one girlfriend question i asked huh?” I asked him raising mi waxed eye brow. He looked at me and turned around.
The watress stopped by laying our food in the spots we sat at. She touched Shane’s arm “ sir are you alright? You look stressed.” she asked with a smile and simpathy on her face. I looked at her and told her slut ass off. “ bitch, you best be getting your hand of my man before I get the bustin on your white ass. I don’t care , ill claw your damn eyes out you look at him again and ill rip that arm off if you don’t remove it!” “ oh sorry ma’am, rude of me. Will there be anything else for you guys.” she took her hands off his arm and looked upset.

"no i dont think so. you veronica?" shane said trying not to laugh at mi serouse face, and the waitresses scared eyes.
"no. wait yes. i would like a diffrent waitress or waiter. not you you slut." i said nicely. shane couldnt hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. i looked at him with a questioning look.
he took my hand while the waitress left. "your amazing you know that. you are specail to me. and i love how you take chareg." he winked making me blush slitly.


Texte: mine. ALL MINE!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.04.2012

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