

The air is alive,with all this buzzing

Spring is near and these Eden inhabitants
are eagerly preening for her arrival.

Kind friends,
I ask you to pardon my intrusion!
I am seeking a refuge; my travels have
caused me great fatigue.
My wings are weary;
my gossamer-veiled body aches.
From far off the birds sang your praises,
and I floated here on their melody.

In unison, by their songs,
I am offered sanctuary
for as long as I need.
Your generosity has caused a calmness to embrace me.
Delight emerges from the corners of my

Down the garden path a rose beckons;
Come to me and rest.

Her petals open to reveal the inner
A bed of pink velvet so soft to the touch,
and yet warm upon my skin.

I am in competition with the sun!
With transparent wings now motionless,
lighting the garden, throwing silver
luster erratically,
vaulting from bush to loam.
From leaf to soil.
From flowers to the feather of the earth.

Sitting in this pink tone, the sun and
I play hide and seek, as he darts from
behind the drifting clouds.
Among friends, now, I have a time to rest,
and dream of sweet tomorrows.

Warm words whispered of nature awakened
have a narcotic effect on me.
I ask for more and watch her sparkle.
Giving me a sweet sensation
from my head to the tips of my toes.

As a guest I regard the engaging ladybugs,
in their dotted attire scurrying,
They clean the stems of the poppies and stock,
while the grasshoppers sit with their legs
positioned to hear all

the latest news.

The garden speaks through all of its
creatures,and the thousand flowers
a language of splendor...

With the scarlet foxgloves standing
so tall at attention...

The Martha Washingtons clothed
in burgundy fashion...

Spring came through for a visual inspection, hummingbirds offering to be her guides. Given a cool cup of nectar
and looking from side to side.
She waved at all, no matter how small.
No matter how humble.

Then taking one last look,
with a pass of her hand
and a wink of her eye...

"You have all done superbly
with such blazing colors and stature.
I am well impressed,
you have all worn your best.
I must depart, but I look forward to seeing
you next year."

Pink approached, a little shy,
and gazed around.

I have found such comfort here.
Since I have lost my way, dare I ask you if
I might stay?
Such a haven you have here with love for
bug and bloom.

A yes in the air from all!

The lady bug flew up next to me,
told me of a place where I might
like to stay.

Then the grasshopper tipped his hat and
followed us down the wavy path,
behind the old oak, majestic and strong.

Just beneath
in the shade of the tree
was a cottage made of rushes and twigs.
I opened the door; it was cozy inside,
just needed to be cleaned.

All pitched in with tiny broom
and cloth,
and laughter,
and soon the inside gleamed.

Flitting out the door I began to fly,
wanting to show all those below
how happy they had made me.

Leaving glittered ribbons behind
to form a canopy over my new bungalow.


Texte: (c) Serena Axel 2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.03.2011

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