

Oh that I could bottle all the love you transmit to me;
Amass and melt the words you have bequeathed me.
Cautiously pour—not spilling a drop—into a carafe,
inhaling the essences of Jasmine and Rose
This liquid love would shimmer and dance
in the glass receptacle,throwing shards of light,
your love, around the room.
With ivory and lace fingers I lift
The ambrosian heaven of you, then place it
in an aerie, prominent niche
for all to see and desire.

This Night

Embrace me and let this delicious moment linger.
Let us stay here until the blazing magenta sky
has long, long faded away.
Saying nothing, yet hearing all through the silence
of our mended hearts.
The heavens see us and open for us—we are bathed in the night’s glow.
We do not want to surrender this day.

Wondrous Life

A seed planted
with love.
Pushing and breaking
through this brown,
moist earth
To stretch and reach,
seeking the sun.
The life energy
forces a bud
or two.
Petals unfold
to reveal the
heart of a flower.
An added delight
a perfume is emitted.

Strong and lasting
for days, a lifetime
for a flower.
When it fades
and is gone,
seeds fall
to the ground.
Sheltered,it will grow
and bloom
over and over again.

I feel electric!
This night in the garden elevated above me, heated winds resembling a whirlwind, swirl
and nip at my body.
Stars explode like fireworks against the indigo sky.
My impulse is to try to capture them
as they sink to terrafirma beneath my bare feet.
Suddenly the ground is covered
with diamond images lighting my life.
My heart leaps; you have changed my life,
just as you have transformed this night to day.
I am electric!

My Star
I walk down the path and look to the sky.
There you are, my silent star,
but vibrant and shimmering.

The clouds snow white,
and shapes to challenge my imagination
drift across you and try to hide
your beauty and luminance.

The wind comes out and whispers in a warm tone
for the clouds to flee.
Leaving you to guide me safely home to you.

Our Hideaway

This is our secret place
hidden away with giant ferns
constructing a long green fence.

Looking beyond are wild flowers
carpeting the ground.
Here the sky breaks open.

Butterflies descend like a kaleidoscope.
Slowly I lower myself down
to the flat rock
where we always sit next to the stream.
I abandon my shoes and dip my feet
into the cool waters of
the stream rushing by.
My toes are being tickled
by momentary fingers,and this
causes me to jump in a rollicking way.

I kick and I splash.
Droplets of water fill the air
like a gentle cooling rain.

I spy a large turtle
still wearing water
as he ascends the edge of the

Here I am alone.
You are away, and now settled
I impatiently open your letter.
Perusing words of your feelings,
they are transparent to my soul.

They speak to me of what is to come...
when you return.


Texte: (c) Serena Axel-2010
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my great husband who has helped and encouraged me. The cover an original art piece by my mother.

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