
Heart and Soul

My heart and soul

They burn and cry

Wondering if you cry, too.

My heart and soul

They died when you left

Wondering where your love has gone

Has my heart wondering

Will you always be lost in that dark void of nothingness

or will you find me again.


The reoccurring dream of you

The life I want to have

Give me hope

My heart trapped on you

The smile you bring to my sadden face

Give me hope

The spark that is still alight

For you my life lover

Gives me hope

One day of will return


All that is

All that I don't want

Please relieve me of the

pain of this broken heart


Spinning and Spinning

Making my mind explode

Trying to get you to forgive me

In front of me a revolving item

Wondering if maybe my revolving world

Pain, will it end


Shattered, it sucks

I am alone and sad

My heart, in a million pieces

Still loves you

Shattered, it plays happy

In the end it hurts some more

Each day my shattered heart is without

Is even more pain


My eyes are sad and Lonely

As cool wet droplets run

My warm cheeks being cooled

By my love burdened tear

I cry for you, for your heart

I cry for you to love me and never let me go.

Cry because I want the life I know

The person I love.


You need space

You need time, Okay

For this I now understand

My heart is weeping

Waiting under the red wood oak

there is where it is going to wait

Waiting for the day you return

Waiting, waiting, and waiting, for you my love

My Life Lover

With everything he cherished me

Toward my dreams he pushed

He loves me unconditionally

My heart is faithfully his

My life lover

Changing my heart and soul

I opened up to you

I let down my barrier

Loving you for an eternity

My life lover

Not Titled

Holding back the tears

Pretending to be happy

When in reality your dying

You want nothing, only him

Him happy, laughing, and

Not having a worry at all

He says things are finished

To move on

You still love him with every piece of that shattered heart


Why so fragile, my heart

Hearing his name

Hanging with your friends

being alone

Everything and everyone

My heart wants to weep

Sob until there nothing left

Only a empty hole that wants to give up

My fragile heart, is lost

Forgive Me

I screwed, I caused a mess

I hurt you and I am sorry

All I want is, forgiveness

I want you back in my life

The love of my life

I need you to look

Look inside, and find it to

Forgive and forget

Forgive I want you back


Soaring high and alone

Trying to be on my own

This little sparrow

Only wallows

Sparrow fly free, fly high

You will make it through

You are beautiful

Your life fulfilled

Sparrow you heart, loyal

And always his

Will one day bring him home

Rose Bush

Rose Bush

Little black rose bush

So rare with so much meaning

You look beautiful

Your thorns, will they help, with this pain

I think they might

Watching the warm, crimson blood

gives me a rush of relief for a few minutes

Even reality rushes back and I plunge back into darkness

Alone and forgotten

Thank you little black rose bush, until I need you again


I am getting tired

Pretending, it's tiring

Pretending to be happy

Faking that sweet smile

Pretending I am not mad

I play nice

Pretending I am not scared

Will I ever win your heart back

Pretending I don't miss you

I am dying inside

Pretending I don't care

When you are the only one I care for

Pretending I am not alone

When you're the only one who made me whole

Pretending I am not hiding

Hiding from the world, hiding my true self

Pretending you not the only one I can be myself around

When you are

I am growing tired of pretending

Will you please come home?

From Loved to Hurt

I loved you with every fiber in my being

but you played with my hear

I am hurt

Why did you leave? Why did you have to go?

Now I suffer a pain that I can't escape

Will something sharp help?

What about something dull?

Or something that slowly consumes

It consumes you slowly from the inside, out

All I want is to feel loved by you again

Not this pain

Little Bundle

Nine months I wait

Until that little bundle

That joyful bundle comes into my life

but without you that little bundle

The one that is always crying and screaming

Is just another obstacle in my path

I need you to start the life I want

Oh, so badly

I Can't

I can't do this

Not without you

I can't be truly happy

When I don't have you

I can't do nothing but cry

When you shattered my heart

I can't move on

While my heart is trapped on you

I can't have the life I want

Because you are part of that life

I can't be me anymore

Until you come home, I can't


Come Home Honey

To a place of warmth

Come home honey

So I can keep you safe in my arms

Come home honey

To your family

Come home honey

To your darling girl

The wife that loves you so

Come home, my love

Please come home

I miss you oh, so much





False happiness


They are all buried inside

Wanting to blow the top

I am trying to keep them in check

Though, I am losing it

Am I going crazy, I think I am

I the loony bin, I am

there I will stay

Until you return and save my crazy soul

I am going crazy, crazy, crazy

Wanting you back so badly

Crimson Red

I cry and cry

Wanting to escape

As I watch my crimson red blood

My blood, it covers me like a blanket

I feel safe under it's crimson red color

Dripping from my finger tips

Silently hitting the sink

Being wash away by the running water

It takes my pain and sadness with it

That crimson red color, I love you

Crimson red still with me until I need you again

You Gave Them the Chance

Wondering what happened to us, I know

You gave them the chance

You didn't follow your heart or conscience

You allowed them to use you

I know they told you lies

I know you want your dream

I want to help you, damn it

I will never tell you lies

You gave them the chance

To shoot you down

Now you need to get of ground

You gave them the chance

To use you and throw you away like yesterday's trash

Your not trash, you deserve to be cherished



When I needed someone

The people I least expected were the one's

Except for two. Two who will always be there

No matter far you are, I know

I know, you will always be there

My two bestie's, My two sisters

The one that knows best

You'll always be there for me

So in return I am going to be there for you.

Thank you for everything

Thank you for being there

You never dared playing with my heart

You have always been a true friend

Thank you, sisters


My heart shattered

Then you showed me I mattered

You turned my life around

You showed me I was not alone

You showed me I meant something

Now your the one that means everything

You're leaving in a week maybe less

I am here, a hot mess

I have to let you go,

But please take my heart with you

Cause just than may I be happy

or maybe I could just find a new heart

Someone who won't betray my heart

someone like you

You're gone, the one that matters

Now, we can only be friends

I am now running to great ends

trying to get you to change your mind

I always want you to be mine



Texte: Serena
Lektorat: Serena
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2012

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