


I know what you all probably be thinking. Why girls like me be working a business with supernatural creatures like vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. Well let me first introduce myself. My name is Lea Richardson. Some people would say that I look like an angel because of my beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. I wanted to tell them no, but I just couldn't. It made me feel special... Anyways, back to introducing myself... I am in charge of Mom's company, which is a dating/ match making business. Dad wasn't able to take over because he is in a coma.


Ever since Mom and Dad got in a car accident 3 years ago, things hasn't been the same. Dad survived, but Mom didn't make it. She died the day after the accident. Everyone loved Mom, especially me. I don't know how she got along with the supernatural creatures, but I did my best to do the same. I'm only 21 years old. What a girl like me know how to run a business like this. I can barely get myself a guy to be with. I barely like this business, but I'm getting used to it.


Mom always thought that everyone deserve love. Especially the people who are not in the human world. So she made this company by scratch and it has been growing ever since. I just want to make Mom proud of me. She worked so hard on this company. I didn’t want it to die with her, so I took over. What I basically do is help supernatural creatures find love or their 'soul mate.' I don't really believe in that kind of stuff. I almost thought I did find my own soul mate, but all I got was my heart broken. That's why I made sure I do not fall in love again. I don't want to go through that pain again. I just do my job. Everyone depends on me a lot now. Some people don't believe that I can run this business, but every time, I would prove them wrong. I also made some good friends during the 2 years working. I just hope that the business keeps improving.



Chapter 1




I woke up and find my cat, Snow Flake, on my pillow next to me. She kept meowing in my face. I sat up and smooth my hair back. I look at my alarm clock.


"Snow Flake. It is 4:23 in the morning." I said, but she kept on meowing. 'Sigh'. I pick her up and left out my room. I went to the kitchen, pulled out Wellness Divine Duos with Tuna Pate & Diced Salmon wet cat food, and put it in her bowl. When I put Snow Flake down, she went straight to the food and start eating. "Are you satisfied now?” I went to the couch and sat down. Her breed is a British Shorthair. She mostly lazy, but she can’t help herself. I had her for 4 years and she still acts the same, but I still love her. Snow Flake came to me and jumped on my lap. I rubbed her head as she kept purring. I jumped when I hear the phone ringing. I picked up the phone and answered. "Hello?" I said


"Hi Lea. I know it is early, but we need you to come to the office. This is important." Sarah said. I took a deep breath.

"I'm already up. I might as well go."                              

"Thank you so much! You won't regret this."

"Fine. Let me get dress."

"Ok. Bye!" Before I say anything, she hung up on me. I look at the phone in shock.


"See what you have done, Snow Flake. Now what do you have to say for yourself." All she did is look up at me. 'Sigh' I got up and put Snow Flake down. I hurried up stairs, quickly wash up, brushed my teeth, put on jeans and t-shirt, and grabbed my car keys. I know I should be dressing professionally, but Sarah did sound like the meeting was so urgent, so I will have to go like this. I put on my jean jacket; put my hair in a ponytail, and then I left my condo. After I locked the door, I went to my silver Volvo. I got in, start the car, and drove off. It took me 26 minutes to get to the company. During the ride, I was wondering what the meeting was about. When I parked the car, I got out and went inside. Karen, my assistant, was waiting inside, holding a cup of coffee. I went to her and smile.


"Thanks." I said

"You welcome. The meeting is upstairs on the 5th floor. They are waiting for you." Karen said

"Ok.... Do you know what the meeting is about?"

"No. They wouldn't tell me anything. Sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. Thanks anyway." I pressed the button to go up. When the elevator opened, I got inside. The door was about to close, but a guy stopped the door and came inside. I look up at him. I don’t know if I was dreaming, but he was like no boy I had ever seen. His hair was black and his warm eyes were like smooth raindrops of blue and green swirling together. His clothes were pretty plain, contrasting deeply with his face. I had said to myself that I would never fall in love, it was extremely tough this time. His fingers were long but strong looking. My eyes wandered up his arm, to his strong forearm disappearing into the sleeve of his jacket, pushed up to below his elbow. The guy turned to me and raised an eyebrow. 


"Are you going to push the button or are you going to keep staring?" He asked. I blushed with embarrassment and look away.

"… what floor?"

“5th” I pressed 5th floor and took a sip of coffee, trying to distract myself. A few times, I would take a quick glance at the guy. I couldn’t help but to look. From his strong facial structure and pale skin, I knew he was a vampire. One time, he caught me looking. I don't know why I'm acting like this. It’s not my first time seeing a handsome vampire. He reached over and pressed the stop button.

"Is there anything interesting over here?" I look over at him and he is leaning against the wall and staring right at me. I took a deep breath.

"No. I just thought I saw something on the wall... but it’s gone... Not like I was looking at you... Even though, I wasn't... I was looking at the wall."

"You already said that." Why am I so nervous?

"I know... I just like repeating things... I'm that kind of girl." I did a small laugh, but he didn't even laugh back. Instead, he was checking me out.

I blushed. Then his eyes met mine. “Are you ok? You look so tense.”

“’I’m fine. I just have a big meeting.”

“Me too. My parents are trying to set me up with some chick.”

“You are saying it like it is a bad thing.”

“Well, I don’t want to settle down yet.” He took a step toward me. I took a step back.


“Let’s just say that I like to experience more ladies. They are so fascinating.” I choked on my coffee. I look up at him and I notice that he was closer to me. “Be careful. You don’t want to choke… Are you okay? Your face is blood red.”

“Sorry. I forgot to breath.”

“I can help you fix that,” He smooth my hair behind my ear.

“How can you do that?”

“Well…. Let’s start by this.” He put his hand around my waist and brought me close. He lean down and kissed me. His lips were cool. He kissed me again and again, each kiss more intense than the last. My heart raced wildly as he was press against me. Time was lost until he stopped and then he looks right at me in my eyes again. He gave me the most heart melting smile. I was so dazzled by his smile that I drop my coffee. 


“Is everything alright in there?” Someone asked on the intercom.

“Yes. Everything is great.” He lets go of me and press the stop button again. The elevator starts moving again. I look away quickly when the elevator opened. I leaned against the wall and took deep breaths. My heart was beating so fast. “See you around beautiful.” He got out the elevator and walked away. I sighed in relief. I took a few breaths to calm my heart. I step off the elevator and walked to the meeting room. I don't know who the guy is, but I will have to stay away from him. I just met him and I already have a crush. I went inside the room. I froze. I felt so out of place with everyone wearing something professional. Sarah came to me.


"Lea, what are you wearing? Why is your face so red?" Sarah asked. I ignored the last question.

"You the one that said it was very important. I thought this was urgent, so I came." I said

"Never mind." Sarah is a witch and employee. Also, she is my best friend since elementary school.  

"Who are they?" I nodded my head to the blonde hair women and a guy with black hair. Both of them looked like they belong on front of a magazine.

"Lea, this is Mister and Misses Knight."

"Hello." I shook both of their hand, and then I sat down across from them. Sarah sat down next to me. "Lea is the owner of this place." Sarah said. I look at her then, back at Mister and Misses Knight.

"Aren't you too young to own a company?" Mrs. Knight asked.

"No. I am capable of taking over a business." I said. "What do you need Mrs. Knight?" She looked uncomfortable.

"It's complicated."

"I'm sorry, but I don't deal with divorces."

"Divorce? My wife and I are not getting a divorce." Mr. Knight said.

"Then what is this about? I only do match- making. You two already married." I said

"I know. We came here for our son, Drake." Mrs. Knight said

"Lea, this is the Knight family. Remember?" Sarah said. I thought about this for a second, and then gasped. The Knight is royalty among all vampires. They are pure blood vampires, which mean, they were born as vampires. They can age and stop aging as long as they want to. Oh my! They are here... at my company.

"Oh. I am so sorry about that, would you like some water… blood???" I asked

"No thanks, we just ate. We came here for our son." Mrs. Knight said


"Drake is our youngest child. He is having trouble finding the right girl."

"When you say young, what do you mean?"

"He is 23. He should start getting committed in a relationship just like the other 5 siblings."

"So... what do you need me for?"

"We need you to find Drake his soul mate." I look at them in shock.

"Does Drake know you are here?"

"He is with me."

"Let me rephrase the question. Does he know that you are finding him a soul mate?"

"Yes, but he is upset. He'll get over it."

I took a deep breath. "Ok. What type of girl does he like?" I handed them the folder with girls. Mr. and Mrs. Knight looked at the photos and the info of the girls. We usually start with showing our customers other people who having trouble finding their own soul mates. Mrs. Knight gave me back the folder.

"We don't want any of them."

"If you expect me to find his...”

“That’s the key word. ‘Find’” Mr. Knight said

“So you want me to find a girl. That can take weeks…months.” I said

“We know, that’s why we came here. Please.” Mrs. Knight said. Before I could say anything, someone came in. I turned around and I see a guy from the elevator. He looks as shock as I was. I tried my best not to blush, but it didn’t work.


“Excuse me sir, but you’re in the wrong room. Can you wait outside? I’m in a meeting.”

Mrs. Knight stood up. “He belongs in here. Lea, this is my son, Drake.” I looked at him in shock.

“Your son?” I said. Then I remember what he said in the elevator. ‘My parents are trying to set me up with some chick.’

“Do you’ll know each other?” Mr. Knight asked. He looks at both of us. All I can think about is the hot kiss Drake and I shared in the elevator.

“We met in the elevator.” Drake says with a smirk on his face. Drake sat beside Mrs. Knight.

“So, will you be able to help us?” Mrs. Knight asked

“S-sure.” I said. I can feel Drake looking at me.

“Thank you so much.” Drake looked at Mrs. Knight.

“Why can’t I find my own soul mate?” Drake asked

“It’s because every time you find a girl, you end up having sex with them.” Mr. Knight said.

Drake smirks “It’s not my fault that I am irresistible. Isn’t that right ladies?” Even though Drake was talking to Sarah and me, he was mostly looking at me.

“Yes.” Sarah says quickly. I elbowed her. She looks at me. “What?”

“Please Drake. At least try.” Mrs. Knight pleaded. She took Drake’s hand. “Do it for me.” Sarah and I waited for Drake to answer. He smooth his hair back in frustration.

“How does this match-making thing work?” Drake asked. Everyone turned to me.

“Well…basically, you come to us and fill out this paperwork. Then, we help you find the love of your life.” I said as I handed him the paperwork.

“Does it usually work?”


“What if it doesn’t?” Everyone looks at me.

“Um… well… it worked on most my customers.”

“So, you expect to help me find the love of my life that fast?”

“Drake, stop!” Mrs. Knight said

“No, it’s alright. I’m not expecting anything from you, Drake. If you don’t think this will work for you, then don’t sign the papers. Don’t waste anyone’s time, but if you willing to try… then I promise you that you will find the love of your life.” Drake looks at the paper, then back at me.

“I need a pen.”

“Oh.” My heart flutter as our hands touched when I gave him my pen. After he completed the paperwork, he gave it to me and my pen. I put it in my folder.

“So…when do you want to start?” I said

“Saturday.” Mrs. Knight said. I wrote it on the folder.

“Okay. Sarah will be working with Drake.” I said. Sarah smiled with excitement.

“Oh no. We want you to do it.” Sarah smile dim down a little.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. I only set up the meetings and make sure my customers are happy. My employees work with the customers. So if you don’t want Sarah to do it, I can get someone else to work with Drake.”

“No we just want you.”


“This is your business. I want to see if we made the right choice. So we trust that you will be best for us to help.” I took a deep breath.

“If I do go, where is it supposed to be?”

“Los Angeles.” Mr. Knight said

“What?! I definitely can’t go.” I said.

“Why not?”

“I have obligations to take care of.”

“Like what?”

“My Dad is in a coma. I can’t just leave him.”

“I’ll be with him.” Sarah said

“Problem solved.” Mrs. Knight said

“What if something happen to him?” I ask

“Then I will call you.” Sarah said


Chapter 2


"I need to think about it. When do you want your answer?" I asked

"By Friday." Mr. Knight said. I groaned and bit my lower lip.

"What time?"

"12:00 pm." This is so frustrating. 

"Are you ok? You are turning pale." Mrs. Knight said. I stood up and paced back and forth across the room. 

"She's fine. She always does this when she is thinking." Sarah said. I stopped and look at Sarah. "What?" 

"Nothing." I said. I sat down. "I'll give you the answer by tomorrow or later on today."

"Thank you so much. Here is my number." Mrs. Knight said. She handed me a card.

"We should be going. It was nice to meet both of you." Mr. Knight said. We all stood up. 

"It was nice meeting all of you." I said. I shook Mister and Misses Knight's hand. Drake was about to leave, but Mrs. Knight stopped him. 

"What?" he said

"Shake her hand and say thank you." Mrs. Knight said.  Drake came to me, shook my hand, and kissed the back of it. I just felt my heart just stopped that second.

"Thank you." I blush. 

"You.... welcome." I said. I was breathless. He was still holding my hand. 

"Drake, stop charming her." Mr. Knight said. Drake looks away from me. I let go of his hand and took a step back. 

"I was only saying thank you." Drake said

"That seems more than a thank you."

"Let's just go." Drake left the room. 

"Sorry about that. Don't pay no attention to him." Mrs. Knight said. All I did was nod my head. When Mister and Misses Knight left, then Sarah shut the door. She turns to me. 


"This is so exciting! The Knight's came to your company." Sarah said. I looked at her. 

"I don't think I will be able to do it." I said. 

"Why not? Is it because of Drake? I know he is hot, but come on. It is not your first time working with handsome guys."  I blushed.

“We basically made out in the elevator.” I said quickly

“What?! How that happened.”

“I was so nervous and he could tell. So he took advantage of that and he kissed me.”

“How was it?”

“It doesn’t matter I can’t go.”

“It was just one kiss.”

"It’s not that. It’s Dad." 

"What about him? I said I would look after him."

"I know, but what if he wakes up? I don't want Dad to wake up and see my best friend instead of his own daughter."

"Come on Lea. Your Mom would have wanted you to do this." I frowned

"Don't put my Mom into this."

"I’m sorry. I'm just saying that this is a good opportunity for you and your Mom's business. Don't let this opportunity pass you by." 

"I have to go." I grabbed my purse and the folders. 

"Ok. Just think about it." I nodded and left the meeting room. I got on the elevator and press in the lobby. When the door of the elevator opened, I left out and went outside. I got into my car and sat there. After thinking for a while, I started the car and drove to the hospital. When I got there, I walked into the hospital and signed in. After that, I went to my father's room, sat by his bed and held his hand. Ever since Dad has been in a coma, he has been looking older. His face was a little swollen and his hair is turning gray. He really couldn't breathe on his own, so they had to stick an s tube down his throat. His hands were cold and he looks so fragile. I miss his smile. I also miss when he would call me his little angel. A tear ran down my cheek.


"Hi Dad. It's me, Lea." I said. "Business has been good. I wish you were there with me." All I could hear is the heart monitor beeping. 'Sigh'. "Guess what? The Knight family came. They are royalty to the vampires. They want me to find a soul mate for their son Drake. It’s a great opportunity for me. I'm not saying this because he is hot, even though he is. He is charming and a great flirt, even though I don't have a little crush on him.... what am I doing?" I leaned back in the chair. I can't believe I'm telling Dad about a guy I have a crush on. Crap. This sucks. I shook my head and look back at Dad. "Anyway, it is also a great opportunity for the company, but I can't go. If I do, then I will be leaving you all by yourself. Sarah said that she will look after you while I'm gone, so you won't be alone. I trust that Sarah will take good care of you while I'm gone.” I scooted closer to the bed and lean against Dad. More tears start coming. "What if I leave and you die? That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t know what to do." I started to cry. Life is so difficult right now. I stopped when I hear a doctor come in. I sat up.


"Was I interrupting something?" the doctor said

"No." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I watched as the doctor checked Dad, and took notes. After he was done, he came to me. "So... how is he? Is he going to wake up soon?"

"So far, I don't see any progress."

"So, what are you trying to say? That he is going to die."

"That's not what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that we need to keep a close eye on him."

"Where is Dr. Peterson?"

"He is in a meeting right now."

"Ok. Well, Can you tell him that I might be out of town for a few days? Sarah, my employee, will be coming over to watch him if I’m not here." The doctor wrote down what I said. After that, he left the room. I stayed with Dad for a few more hours, and then I left. I called the office and told them that I'm not coming to work today. On my way home I thought more on what I should do. My mind was all over the place. When I pull up to the condo, I got out the car. When I got inside, I got a water bottle from the refrigerator and sat down on the couch. Snow Flake was on top of a pillow sleeping. I pick up the phone and called Sarah. On the third ring, she answered.


“Hello, Sarah speaking.” She said

“I don’t know what to do.” I whined

Sarah sighs. “Lea, I told you what to do.”

“I know, but I’m so scared.”

“About what?”

“Everything. This is my first time helping someone find the person they want to spend their life with. That’s why I hired you’ll for. I’m just so nervous.”

“Lea, I believe in you.”

“Do you know how hard it’s going to be to work with Drake Knight? You must have forgotten that he kissed me in the elevator.”

“Oh, you still haven’t answered my question earlier. How was it?”


“Ok. Ok. Sorry. I can’t help to ask, he’s hot. I just don’t think Drake is the problem. You still having doubts leaving your Dad?”

I groaned. “Yea, that too.”

“Why you having doubts?”

“Every day I have been by Dad’s side. Hoping that he would wake up and see my face.” Tears filled my eyes.

“Lea, I don’t know what to tell you. All I can say is that whatever choice you make, I’ll be happy with it. I just want you to know that I will keep a close eye on your dad. If he wakes up, the first thing I will do is call you. If you decide to stay, then I’m okay with that too. No one is making you go. I just want you to be comfortable in your choice.”

“Thanks Sarah. You made the choice a lot easier.”

“No problem. You’re my best friend. I don’t want you stressing out.”

“Yea. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. See you later.” After I hung up, I sat back and thought about what I was about to do. Sarah did say she will watch over Dad, and I can trust her. Right? I took out the card Mrs. Knight had given me and stared at it for a while. I groaned.

“Here I go.” I dialed the number. On the first ring, she answered. 


"Hello?" she said

"Hi. It's me. Lea Richardson." I said

"Oh. Hi. You made up your decision?" Wow. She is in a rush. 

"Yes." It was quiet for a few minutes. 

"So, what is your decision?"

"I'll go."

"Are you sure?"

'Sigh' "Yes. I'm... sure."

"Thank you so much. You won't regret this. You should start packing." 


"So you got today and tomorrow to pack." I groaned

"Ok. You want me to meet you’ll at the train station."

"Train Station? Sweet heart, we are taking our private plane to Los Angeles. Also, you don't have to worry about meeting us there because we are going to be picking you up." I just felt my heart just stop this second. I will be flying on a jet. Oh my God. I hate planes. That's why I only ride trains to faraway places. I can't help myself if I'm afraid of heights. I was that way ever since I was a little girl, so Mom and Dad would take me on a train when we travel. Now I have to go on a jet. 

"Are you sure? I can meet you’ll at Los Angeles." Mrs. Knight laughed

"You are so funny Lea. You don't have to worry about meeting us there. We'll go together."

"Oh… so exciting. Well I have to go."

"Sure. See you on Saturday."

"Ok." I hung up and sat back. I picked up a pillow, put it to my face, and screamed. Why does it feel like my life have changed in that second?



Chapter 3


 For the past 2 days, I have not been at work because I was so busy packing. Sarah has been coming over to help me pack. When I was done, I would go to the hospital and visit Dad. Dr. Peterson hasn't told me anything new about Dad. He would tell me the same thing. “Nothing has changed.” It pissed me off, but what can I do about it? I'm not a doctor, but I was still worried about Dad.


“Now what? Can you do anything that could take him out his coma?” I asked

“We tried that, remember? He almost died.” He said

“I know.” I sat down in a chair.

“There is one thing I can do, but you might not like it. It’s none of my business.”

“What is it?”

“It’s been 3 years. I know it must be hard for you, but have you ever thought about letting him go.”

“You mean letting him die?”

“Yes. You paying a lot of money to keep him in life support, but it’s been too long. Do you think he would want to be on life support all his life?

“You right… It’s none of your business.” I look away from him and moved close to Dad. “You don’t understand. Dad is all I have. If I lose him, then I lose a piece of me.” I look back at the Dr. Peterson. “I know you probably thinking I’m being selfish for keeping him alive… but I still have little hope for him. I believe that he will wake up and we can be together again.” Tears ran down my cheek as I look back at Dad. “I love Dad. I already lost mom, I don’t want to lose him too. Sorry if you don’t understand, but that is how I feel.” Dr. Peterson walks up to me and got down on his knees. I look at him.

“No, I understand. I can’t promise anything, but I will try everything in my power to help your Dad.” I smiled

“Thank you.” I said as I gave him a hug.



'Sigh'. Now it is Saturday and I'm still thinking about him. Sarah carry my suitcase downstairs and near the door.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked

"I'm starting to get second thoughts about this." I said

"Lea, I said I'll look after your Dad."

"I know, but...”

"No buts. You already told them that you will go. They will be here any minute now." I groaned.

"Why don't you go? You can use witch powers to turn to me."

"I would go, but I can't. I'm still learning to control my powers. Anything can go wrong. Even if I do know how to control my powers, I still wouldn't do it."

"Why?" I whined

"Because, you need some time away. I think going to Los Angeles is a good start."


"Do you trust me?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question."

'Sigh' "Yes. I trust you."

"Then trust me on this. Ok? You will do fine." Before I could say anything, I heard a knock on the door.

"Coming." I stood up and gave Sarah a hug. "Remember, I leave you in charge. If you have any problems, call me. I left a note on the table. It has everything you need to take care of Snow Flake. Also, keep me updated on Dad."

"Ok Lea." I went to the door and opened it. I couldn't believe who was at the door. Drake smile at me.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. 

"Of course she is. Right Lea?" Sarah said when she elbowed me. I look away from Drake and look at Sarah.

"Oh... Yes, I'm ready." I said. Drake took my suitcase.

"Then, let's go." he said

"Have a nice time." Sarah said and gave me a quick hug, then gave me my purse.

"I'll try not to." I said to myself as I went to the limo. I heard Drake chuckle. Of course he can hear me. The driver opened my door for me as I went inside. Mister and Misses Knight were sitting in the limo across from me. After putting my suitcase in the trunk, Drake got into the limo and sat down beside me. 


"Do you have everything?" Mrs. Knight asked me. 

"Yes." I said

"Good." During the ride to the airport, I have been getting more nervous. I bit my lower lip as I look out the window. 

"Lea? Are you ok?" Mr. Knight asked. I look at him and smiled.

"Of course I'm ok. Why you ask?" I said 

"Just asking. Have you ridden a plane before?"

"Yes. I have rode it many times."

"Oh really?" Drake said. I turned to him. 

"Yes. I rode it many times during work. I can't wait to get on the plane." I lied. I can tell that Drake knew I was lying. I look away and did not say anything else. After an hour in a half, the limo stopped in front of a jet plane. "Wait... I thought we were going to the airport?"

"No. We are taking the jet. This is our private plane. Remember, I told you that on the phone." Mrs. Knight said as she got out the limo. The rest of us got out after Mrs. Knight. I look up at the jet and groaned. 

"Are you still excited to get on?" Drake whispered in my ear. I shivered. Drake smirks as I turned to him. 

"Of course I am. Look how excited I am." I said as I smiled. Drake raised an eyebrow at me. I look away. I took deep breaths, and then I went up the stairs to the jet. I went inside and sat down in a seat. I leaned back in my seat. I tried so hard to calm down my heart, but it didn't work. My heart beat was racing. I bit my lower lip. Drake, Mister and Misses Knight sat down in their seats. After we put on our seat belt, the jet started. The faster the jet goes, the more nervous I get. 


“Is it hot in here?” I asked

“It feels fine to me.” Mr. Knight said. I took off my jacket and smooth my hair out my face.

“Are you sure?”


“It feels hot.” I smooth my hair out my face. “Is the air on?”

“Yes.” I look around until I found a paper bag. I put it close to my mouth and start breathing in and out.

“I thought you love planes?” Drake asked sarcastically.

“Shut up Drake!” I said. Drake raised an eyebrow at me. I’m starting to panic. My hands were shaking. "Oh God. I'm going to die." I said to myself.

"We are not in the air yet." Drake said

"Doesn't matter. All of you going to live while I’m going to be dead. Young! I'm too young to die. Look at me."

"Hey! Calm down."

"I thought you rode a plane or jet before." Mrs. Knight said

"I lied! Ok. I admit it. This is not real. I am at home in bed. I’m drinking a warm cup of chocolate Frappuccino." I said

"What?" Drake said. I just ignored him and look out the window, but it didn't work. I looked out the window and I only see clouds. I just couldn't take it. I unbuckled my seat belt, got up, and ran to the bathroom. 

"Lea! Be careful." Mrs. Knight said. I lean down and vomit in the toilet. Someone was holding my hair back while I was vomiting. When I was done, I flushed the toilet and stood up. 

"Thanks." I said. I turn around and I see Drake. I was so embarrassed. I blushed. He smirked. 

"You welcome. How you feeling?" he said. I went around him, washed my hands, and my mouth. It felt awkward that Drake was standing there, watching me. When I was done, Drake passed me a towel. I took it from him and left the bathroom. He followed me out. I turn to him and he was close. I look up at him.


"I'm fine."

"It didn't seem like it."

"I was only freaking out a little." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"A little?"

"Okay. A lot, but I'm not use to being on a jet."

"Or..." Man, he is good.

"Okay. Okay. I'm afraid of heights."

"Wow." I frowned.

"I'm serious."

"I know. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know. You all wanted to take the plane. So I agreed. I also wanted to impress you’ll, but all I did was make a fool out myself."

"Yes. You did." I look away, feeling embarrassed. 

"Thanks for telling me that. Now I feel worse." Drake took a step toward me. 

"Will you be able to survive the rest of the ride?" When he took another step toward me, I took a step back, but I ended up against the door. I was breathless. 

"Yes... no... I don't know." He took another step toward me. 

"I can fix that." My heart leaped. 

"H-how?" He leaned down and smiled. 

"…Sleep." I frowned.

"What...” Before I could say anything else, I blacked out. All I could remember is when he catches me.


Chapter 4


I woke up and I hear voices. Everyone stopped talking when I opened my eyes. I jumped when I see vampires staring at me. It was just plain weird. I sat up and leaned back on the couch. 


"You finally awake. How are you feeling?" Mrs. Knight asked

"I'm fine. What happened?" I said 

"I thought you knew."

"What you mean?"

"Drake compelled you. You were asleep for the rest of the ride to Los Angeles."

"What?!" I look around for Drake, but I didn't see him. 

"You were freaking out on the jet, so he compelled you." Mr. Knight said. I blushes

"Sorry." I said

"Mom, is she another one of Drake's girlfriends? Don't tell me that I will have to erase her memory." the girl said

"Girlfriends??" I said

"No. This is Lea Richardson. The match-maker." Mrs. Knight said

"I thought she was older than this." the girl said

"You must be talking about her Mom. Lea is her daughter" 

"Oh yeah. Now I remember. Are you too young to own a business?"

"Crystal!" Mr. Knight said

"What? Just asking a question." she said 

"It’s ok. I'm use to people asking that. Yes I am too young to own a business, but I have to or they going to tear it down." I said.

"What about your Dad?" Crystal said. I look away for a few seconds, and then I look back at Crystal.

"He's in a coma."

"Do you have other living relatives?"

"No. Just me and my Dad."

”I'm so sorry. It is probably horrible for you to be in charge. I'm being rude. Let me introduce myself. My name is Crystal, Drake's sister. I'm the oldest." Crystal has black hair with hazel eyes, and...pregnant.  

"Oh... you are having a baby."

"Yes. We are having a girl."


"My husband and I. Caleb." I finally notice that she was sitting next to a guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"I thought vampires can't have kids?"

"They can't, but pure blood vampires can."

"Don't forget about us." A guy said

"I haven't told her about myself." Crystal said

"Basically, she going to say that she is happily married for five years and she can't wait to have the baby."

"Shut up Peter! At least I am married and in a relationship." Peter has black hair with hazel eyes. Peter frowned at Crystal. 

"I am in a relationship. Alexandra is my girlfriend."

"Then where is she?"

"You know she is a model, so she is busy out of town."

"Then what is her phone number?"

"She doesn’t have a phone."

"Why the hell not?"

"It’s.... part of her religion."

"He's gay." Drake whispered in my ear. I jumped and look up. He smirks and sat down next to me. 

"I'm not gay. Why everyone keep saying that." Peter said

"Because it’s true." Everyone said

"Whatever. I don't have to prove nothing to you guys. I was only talking to Lea." Peter said, then turns to me and smiled. "My name is Peter. The second oldest. I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, but she is not here"

"Just shut up Peter." The guy said. He turned to me. "Don't pay him no mind. He is crazy. My name is Christopher, the middle child. Also, here is my beautiful wife, named Caroline." Christopher has blonde hair with hazel eyes. Caroline has brown hair with blue eyes.

"The only beautiful person in this room is me." The girl said. She has blonde hair with hazel eyes. "Also, you are not the middle child. I am."

"Gabriella, we both are the middle child. We’re twins, remember?" He said

"Whatever. I know what I'm talking about. Right Victor?"

"Of course." Victor said. He has caramel colored hair with emerald eyes. 

"Did you give me the earrings I wanted?" Gabriella asked

"Of course I did, but it’s at home." She looks at him.

"What? You suppose to bring it for I can show it off."

He sighs. "Fine. I'll go now."

“While you out, you could also get me the necklace I wanted too."

"Fine." I look at them in astonishment. I couldn't believe what I am hearing. Victor got up and left the house. 

"Where's your other sibling?" I asked 

"Sabrina's out. She will be back later." Gabriella said.

"Let's not worry about her. Let's worry about your outfit. It just won't do." I look down at my outfit. I was wearing a short sleeve black dress with black flats. My hair was pulled back with a gray headband. I look back Gabriella.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"It looks so...dull. You need some color. And the earrings. It’s so out of style." I blushed and touched my ears.

"I think the earrings are cute."

"We don't go for cute anymore. We go for gorgeous. Also, the necklace won't do." I touched my locket.

"My Mom gave me this."

"Oh. Sorry... I didn't mean it...”

"It's fine. You didn't know."

"Why you always have to do that, Gabriella." Peter said

"I said I was sorry. Besides, I thought Christopher told you to shut up." Gabriella said

"Christopher not the boss of me."

"But we are the middle child."

"Yeah, but I'm the oldest."

"So what? Peter, even though you are gay, you don't have to be bossy."

"I'm not gay!!!"

"Both of you. Act mature." Crystal said

"I am mature." Gabriella said

"You don't even know what mature means."

"So… that doesn't matter. I am mature. At least I'm not… fat."

"I'm pregnant idiot."

"Who are you calling an idiot?"


"Girls. Come on." Christopher said

"Stay out of it Christopher." said Gabriella.

"I am part of this." Now everyone was arguing. I look around for Mister and Misses Knight, but they weren’t in the room. I jumped when I see Drake leaning toward me. 


"Can I talk to you in private?" Drake asked. I look around and still hear them arguing. I look back at Drake. 

"Sure." I said. Drake and I got up and left the room. He led me to this room upstairs. It looked like an office. Drake sat on the couch in the corner of the room. He patted the seat next to him. Instead, I sat on the black leather recliner chair. 

"Sorry about my family. They always like this." he said.

"It’s ok." I said

"Come here. Sit next to me." I look at him suspiciously.


"For we can talk."

"I really don't know. I can stay here and we can still talk." Drake smiled at me.

"Come on Lea. I won't bite." I bit my lower lip. What is wrong with me? He just wants me to sit next to him. There's no harm done. I stood up and sat down next to him on the couch. "Was that so bad?" I smiled.

"I guess not." I look away for a few seconds to catch my breath, and then I turn back to him. "Drake?"


"Can I ask you something?"


"Why did you compel me?"

"You already know why."

"No I don't."

"Actually you do. You told me that you would not survive the rest of the flight here. So...I helped you out." I frowned.

"By compelling me." He smirks.


"Can you at least warn me when you want to compel me?"

"Ok. I'll try."

"I don't want you to try. I want you to do it."

"Sorry. I can't promise that." I frowned.

"That's not fair. You basically taking advantage of me." He smiles at me.

"I know."

"You are so difficult." Drake shrugged.

"Now, I want to ask you something."


"Why is a beautiful girl like you still single?"

"I just want to be single. Wait... I never told you I was single."

"You didn't have to."

"Wait... you read my thoughts!" Now I was pissed



"What? I only read a little. Also, it is so obvious that you are single."

"No it’s not."

"Yes it is."


"You living alone in a big condo. You have a cat that is basically your own child."

"So what. It’s good to be single. At least I don't sleep with every person I meet."

"That's who I am." He smiles at me. I rolled my eyes.

"You know that is plain gross. Right?"

"Like I said before. I can't help that I am irresistible. Girls can't help but to like me."

"Every girl you see can't always like you." Drake smooth a strand of hair out my face. I think I forgot how to breathe for that second. He leaned forward.

"Do you like me?"

"I really don't know." He smirks.

"That's not really an answer." 

"Fine. No, I don't like you."

"It didn't seem like it on the elevator." I blushed.

"You took advantage of me."

“But, you kissed me back.”

"Well, it was nothing."

"Oh really. Do you really think I'm the hottest guy you ever seen?"

"You were reading my thoughts?"


"Well, I wasn't talking about you." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Then, who were you talking about?"

"I was talking about... Ian Somerhalder."

"Ian Somerhalder? Really??"

"Yes. Ian Somerhalder."

"I'm much better looking than him."

"It's your opinion. And I mean what I say."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are. Every time you lie, you would scrunch your nose." I touched my nose, and then I moved my hands.

"Well, I'm telling the truth."

"Then, why every few seconds, you would look at me."

"I told you already. I was looking at the walls." Drake chuckled.

"You are doing it again."

"Doing what?"


"No I'm not. I was looking at the wall. The design was so interesting."

"Fine, whatever you say, but I still remember that kiss we shared.” I blush.

"Really?" Drake nodded and leaned down further. What is he doing? Is Drake going to kiss me again? His cool breath ruffled my long hair. I was breathless. I can't do this. I put a finger to his lips to stop him. I felt the coolness of his lips. He moved back. 

"What?" I look away and took a deep breath. When I look back at Drake, my heart start racing again. So, I look away again and took another deep breath. Then, I turned to him.

"We can't do this."

"Why not? We are here alone. Nobody else around. Just you and me."

"I'm helping you find your soul mate."

"So, you don't want to kiss me?"

"No... I mean yes I want to kiss you."

"Then what are we waiting for." Drake leaned down toward to kiss me. I didn't want to stop him, but I had to. So, I put a hand to his chest to stop him. 

"Drake. I can't."

"Why can't I kiss you?"

"You're my client. I'm supposed to help you, not kiss you. Besides, we just met." Drake leaned back.

"Ok."  I frowned.

"'OK.' That's all you have to say. 'Ok.'" 

"Lea. What else do you expect me to say?"

"Fine. Just forget it."

"What I do now?"

"You just don't understand." I got up and left the office. When I shut the door, I walked off. After a couple of minutes of walking, I realized I left my purse in the office, so I went back to it. When I got there, Drake was leaning against the door, holding out my purse. 


"You are looking for this?" I cross my arm over my chest.

"Yes... No... Maybe."

"Are you always indecisive?"

"I don't know. You the one who can read my mind." Drake smiled 

"Ok. I guess that's a yes." He gave me my purse and I took it. 


"You welcome. Do I get a reward?"

"Drake, let me make this clear. I would never, ever kiss you in my entire life. You got that."

"Who said I wanted a kiss?" I blush. Drake smirk. I jumped when someone cleared their voice. I quickly moved away and turned around. Crystal was standing there, watching us. 

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked. Drake was about to say something, but I interrupt him. 

"No. Drake was just giving me my purse. Right Drake?" I said as I look at him. Drake looked at me back, then at Crystal.

"Yes. I was just giving Lea her purse." he said 

"Ok. Well, Lea, Mom told me to show you where you going to be sleeping." Crystal said

"Oh. I'm sleeping here?" I asked

"Yeah. Wait. Is there something wrong with sleeping here?"


"Then, come on." I turned around to where Drake was, but he wasn't there. So I turned back to Crystal and followed her to my room. It was upstairs on the right side of the house. When we were inside, Crystal sat on the bed. 


"Nice room." I said 

"Yeah. This is the guest bedroom." Crystal said. She looked up at me.

"Why you look so tense?"

"Oh sorry." I sat down on the chair.

"About Drake and I... nothing happened."

"You don't have to worry Lea. Drake do this to every girl. Every time Mom and Dad would find women, a matchmaker, Drake would flirt with them, and then they end up having sex. Soon, the ladies would fall in love with him, so we would have to erase their memory of what they shared with Drake, and then we send them back home.” I look at her in shock.

"Then, what you need me for? I'm only human."

"I know, but you worked with many supernatural creatures. Of course vampires. Good looking or not, you still get your job done. We believe that you can help Drake. Don't let his good looks fool you because every other girl did." I smiled.


"Lea, you are our only hope. Drake need to stop sleeping around with these girls and he need to start settling down."

"I'll do my best." Crystal smiled at me.

"Good. I'll help you unpack."

"Oh. You don't have to do that."

"But I want to help. Now come on." So I got my suitcase and we start unpacking. While we were putting the clothes away, Crystal would shake her head. 


"These clothes. You mostly have suits that are black and gray."

"That's not true. I got some white ones." Crystal raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Remind me to take you shopping.” I blushed and looked away. After we were finished, we went downstairs. I took out my cell phone and I see that I got 5 missed calls from Sarah. 

"I need to take this call. I'll be right back." I told Crystal.

"Sure. No problem." she said. So, I went out the back door. Outside in the back is a beautiful garden. I sat down on a wooden bench and called Sarah. On the second ring, she answered. 


"Finally, you called me." Sarah said. 

"Why you say that?" I asked

"Your cat. She is getting on my nerves. Instead of naming her Snow Flake, you could have named her Brat because that's who she is. Now I know why I didn't get a cat."

"Don't talk about her like that. What she do now?"

"Remember the bath you told me to give her?"


"Well, every time I would try to put her in, she would scratch my arms until I let her go. Also, every time I would feed her, she would be hungry again. Your cat is just fat. She need to worry about losing some weight." I tried my best not to laugh.

"Come on, she not that bad. Where is she now?"

"I put a sleeping pill in her cat food, so she passed out in it."


"What? Snow Flake doesn’t like me and I don't like her. I think she did all those stuff to me on purpose. But don't worry. I got her back. Now she knows not to mess with me. Revenge feels good."

"Snow Flake is just a cat."

"So. I am just a witch, but she still treats me like crap."

"Both of you are crazy."

"No I'm not. Snow Flake is the crazy one."

"Snow Flake is not that bad."

"Oh really. Well, guess what happen when you left?"

'Sigh' "What?"

"She pisses in my purse. And I also think she cuss me out in cat language. She lucky my phone and wallet wasn't in there. I washed out my purse 4 times and it still smells like pee. There's a war between us and she probably think she is winning, but guess what? I am winning. You hear that Snow Flake."

"Um… Sarah… You okay?”

"I’m fine. It’s your cat that is not okay.”

"Well, do something for you two can get along."

"I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll try."

"That's good enough. So, is there any progress with Dad?"

"No. Sorry Lea."

"It’s alright. Did you read him the books?"

"Of course I did. Now, I want to hear about your day."

"Except for me embarrassing myself on the plane and Drake trying to kiss me; other than that, it was great."

"What you mean that Drake was about to kiss you?"

"It was nothing."

"What you mean it was nothing? Drake tried to kiss you. That count for something."

"Well, I’m actually happy we didn't kiss."

"Why you didn't let him kiss you?"

"Wait... you wanted me to kiss him?"

"Duh. It’s so obvious. He's sexy, have a charming smile, and he so good with words. What more do you want."

"He is my client. I can't just kiss him. Who do you think I am? Besides, he is not my type."

"What you mean he is not your type? I just described him."

"I know, but I don't like guys because of their looks. I go for what's on the inside. Drake is not that type of guy. All he does is have sex with girls and then push them away. That’s what he did with the other women who tried to help him find a soul mate. I'm not going to be like those women. I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Find Drake a soul mate."

"Ok. How is that working out for you?" I groaned.

"We just got here and he is being difficult. He's flirting with me and he tried to kiss me. Twice! He is driving me crazy. And it’s not in a bad way. Also, he compelled me on the jet."


"Remember? I start freaking out on the plane. So he thought compelling me is the right choice."

"Ok. What's wrong with that?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong. What if he compels me again? He might compel me to kiss him or... have sex."

"Then let him."

"Sarah!!" I was shocked. Sarah is the strangest witch I have ever met. 


"He would be basically taking advantage of me."


"I don't want that."

"Fine." In the phone, I can heart Snow Flake hissing and growling.

"I have to go. I need to handle some business."

"Don't you hurt Snow Flake."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Before Sarah hung up, I hear her say something else. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Want some more cat food." I smiled. Sarah is so crazy. I got up and turned around. I jumped when I see Victor standing there. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. 


"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Victor said. “Are you ok?" I took a few breaths, trying to calm down my heart.

"I'm fine." I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I didn't hear you come... oh. Never mind. Vampire speed." Victor smiled.


"How long have you been standing here?"

"Not for long."

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"No. I got here when you ended the call."

"Oh." I sat back down on the bench. Victor was about to go back to the house. "Victor." Victor stopped and turned to me.


"I hope you don't mind me asking this but, why do you let Gabriella treat you like this?" Victor came over and sat down beside me.

"I don't mind but, what do you mean about Gabriella treating me like crap." I blush.

"Well, you let her tell you what to do. Why you do it?"

"Because I love her and I want her to be happy. I know she love me too, but she been the type of girl who doesn’t like to express their feelings. Besides, she was like this when we met." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And you still married her." Victor laughed.

"Of course I did. She's my soul mate."


"I know you probably think I'm crazy."

"No. I don't. I'm actually surprised. How do you know when you find your soul mate?"

"I really don't know, but I can tell you this. When Gabriella and I first met, I can feel this connection between us. I never felt it with any other girl. Only with Gabriella."

"Do you think Drake would be able to find his soul mate?" Victor smooth his hair back.



"That's a hard question. After seeing girls coming in and out this house, then I really don't know." I groaned. I knew this was going to be difficult.

"So you basically saying that I should give up now."

"I never said that. There's something you need to know about Drake..."


"He doesn’t believe in soul mates. He thinks that it doesn't exist."

"Why not?"

"From what Gabriella told me, the reason why is from what happened a long time ago."

"What happened?"

"Their Aunt Maria was killed by a guy named Addanc. She thought he was her soul mate. They tried to warn her, but she didn't listen. So, of course, she ended up getting killed."

"What happened to Addanc?"

"They haven't made a decision yet. He still in prison the last time I heard. All I know there is a severe consequence when you kill a pure blood vampire. Of course, Maria was a pure blood vampire." I shivered and sat down for a while.

"So you basically are saying that Drake would not fall in love because of what happened to his aunt."

"Wow Lea. You are a great listener." I blushed.

"Thanks. Why can't Drake be more like you?"

"No. You don't want that. Don't worry about Drake. All you have to do is get to know him. He is a great guy."

"I'll keep that in mind.” I stood up and went with Victor to the house. When we were inside, I sat on the couch while Victor went upstairs. I just sat there for a while, until the front door opened. A girl with black hair and hazel eyes and a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes came in the living room. Gabriella and Crystal came in. Crystal sat next to me while Gabriella sat on the love seat. 


"Hey, I remember you." the girl said

"You couldn't have. She just got here." Gabriella said. She rolled her eyes.

"No. I do remember her."  "Sabrina, I'm going to hang out with the guys." The guy said

"Nicholas, you said that we can talk." Sabrina said

"Not now, but later." he said

"Now I remember both of you. I helped both of you get together. Remember?" I said

"Oh. Lea! Now I remember too. I came to you asking you to help me find a guy to be with." Sabrina said

"Of course she found me." Nicholas said

"Um... yeah." Nicholas gave Sabrina a kiss on the forehead, then left out the living room. Sabrina sat next to Gabriella on the love seat. 

"It have been a while since we see each other. How are you?" Sabrina said

"I'm fine. Have things been going well with you and Logan?" I asked. The smile went away from Sabrina’s face instantly.

"You shouldn't have asked her that." Crystal said. 

"Why?" I said. Sabrina was about to say something, but stopped herself when Victor came downstairs. We all look up at him. I can tell that Victor felt awkward with everyone staring at him. Victor quickly left the room.

"Ok. Before I tell you, I want to know what you are doing here." Sabrina said

"She helping Drake find a soul mate." Gabriella said.

"Gabriella, I was talking to Lea."

"You didn't say her name, so how am I supposed to know."

"Sabrina, just ignore Gabriella and tell Lea." Crystal said

"Fine. Things have been great between us but..." Sabrina said I groaned.

"What you mean 'but'...” I said

"Well, he haven't proposed yet.” she said

"What you mean he haven't proposed yet?"

"Lea... Nicholas and I have been dating for almost 2 years and he still hasn’t proposed."

"Does Nicholas love you?"

"Of course he doesn't love her since he hasn’t proposed." Gabriella said

"Shut up Gabriella. She was talking to me." Sabrina said

"Whatever. I'm just trying to say this. Maybe he is gay just like Peter."

"I'm not gay." Peter said as he walked past us.  Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"I know what I'm talking about." she said

"No you don't idiot. Even though Nicholas hasn't proposed doesn't mean he is gay. Just because your high school crush turned out to be gay, doesn't mean Nicholas is." Crystal said

"Hey! How am I supposed to know that?"

"When he starts hitting guys on their butt. Also when he gave you fashion tips. Then he would ask the guys for their cell number."

"Fine. I didn't know, but everyone else didn't know either."

"Actually, everyone in the school knew that he was gay. The only person who didn't know is you."

"Girls? Can I finish my story?" Sabrina asked

"Sorry." Gabriella and Crystal said at the same time. 

"Thanks." she said. Sabrina turned to me.

"Well, I already told you that we have been together for almost 2 years. For the past month, he hasn’t proposed. Is there something wrong with me?"

"Yes." Gabriella said

"Gabriella!" Crystal yelled

"What? She asked a question."

"There nothing wrong with you." I said

"Then why haven't he proposed?" Sabrina said

"I don't know. Did you ask him?"

"Of course not."

"Maybe... he might be nervous."

"Nicholas never gets nervous."

"Have he been busy?"

"No. He always hangs out with the guys."

"See... Nicholas is gay. You will just have to live with it." Gabriella said. Sabrina gasped.

"What if Gabriella right? What if he is gay? Oh my God. I'm dating a gay man." Sabrina said

"He can't be gay. I can prove it to you." Crystal said. "Nicholas? Can you come here? Please." Nicholas came into the living room.

"Yes?" he said

"Are you gay?" Crystal asked. Nicholas looked at Crystal in shock.

"Of course not! Why would you ask that?"

"Gabriella said you were gay." Nicholas looked at Gabriella and frowned.

"Grow up Gabriella. I am not gay." Nicholas left the room. Gabriella gasped.

"I guess I was wrong." she said

"Well, since he’s not gay, I still want to know why he haven't proposed. I have put pictures of the engagement ring inside the house. I also put it into the car. After all that ink I wasted, he still haven't proposed." Sabrina said.

"I thought he took you out to eat." Crystal said

"He did. He said it was important. I thought he was going to propose, so you see that I dressed up. When we got to the restaurant, he told me he got the promotion at his job." Sabrina said

"That’s good." I said

"Oh, I'm not finish. He got down on one knee holding a small box." Sabrina said as she was about to cry. 

"Aww. He proposed." I said

"No. He was tying his shoe. I felt so embarrassed when I was crying yes. I just told him I was talking on the phone. When he sat down, he gave me the small box."

"Then he proposed." Sabrina cried some more. 

"No. Inside were these." She took out the velvet box and opened it. Inside was diamond earring. 

"That looks cute."

"Lea, Don't lie to her." Gabriella said

"I'm not lying." I said

"Those earrings are not cute." 

"Why you say that?"

"You can see that these earrings are 10 kt. He can do better than that. Victor can do better than that. He can give me a 50 kt."

"Gabriella. If you don't shut up, I will shove my fist to your face so hard; you wouldn't be able to see for a few hours." Sabrina said. Gabriella gasped.

"I'm not the one crying because Nicholas didn't propose." Gabriella said

"Shut up Gabriella!!"

"What is your problem? I'm just trying to help. You need a chill pill."

"Crystal. You better get her. I'm about to go off on her."

"Ew, don’t you dare. If you about to go off, go to the bathroom. This is 200 dollar dress. You would not be ruining it."

"What?" I said. Crystal touched my shoulder and shook her head.

"Ignore her." Crystal said

"What?" Gabriella said

"That's it! I had enough!" Sabrina said. She got up and tackled Gabriella. The love seat tipped over. The guys came in. Nicholas pulled Sabrina off of Gabriella. Caroline came into the living room and frowned. 

"What's going on in here?" she said.

"Nothing. Go back to the kitchen and help Mom cook. Ok?" Christopher said. Caroline nodded and went back in the kitchen.

"You messed up my hair!" Gabriella yelled. She looked at her hand and gasped.

"You broke my nails!" Gabriella started to cry. Victor held her while she cried. Sabrina pushed Nicholas away.

"Don't touch me!" Sabrina yelled

"What is wrong with you?" Nicholas asked. Instead of answering, she left the room. Nicholas looked at me.

"What's wrong with Sabrina?" Everyone looked at me. I blushed.

"I think I hear my phone ringing." I said. I backed up until I bump into someone. I turned around, look up and saw Drake. I left out the living room. I went down the hallway to the staircase to get to the bedroom I was in. I stopped when I hear crying. I went to the door where I hear the crying and opened the door. I ducked when a vase was thrown out, so it hit the wall and broke. 


"Oh sorry Lea. I thought you were Nicholas." Sabrina said as she sat on the bed. I straighten up.

"It’s alright. I heard you crying."

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have seen that."

"It’s alright. Is it safe to come in yet or are you going to throw something else?" Sabrina chuckled.

"It’s safe." I smiled and sat down on the bed beside her. I gave her a tissue. She wiped the tears away.

"Just to make you feel better, Gabriella just got a broken nails."

"It makes me feel better a little." she sighed.

"Why my life have to be difficult?"

"That's not true. You just are going through a rough time right now."

"Maybe I should be single like you."

"No you don't. You should not be me."

"Why not? You single."

"I know, but being single is disastrous."

"Then why do you stay single?" I look down at my hand.

"I just didn't find the right guy."

"Maybe I didn't find the right guy." I look back at Sabrina.

"If I knew that you and Nicholas didn't belong together, then I wouldn't have let both of you meet."

"I know. I know. I just want to know why he haven't proposed yet."

'Sigh' "Maybe he is not ready yet."


"No. Nicholas is a great guy. Just give him more time. Ok?" Sabrina sighed and smooth her hair out her face.

"Ok." I smiled.

"Good." I stood up. I was about to leave, but Sabrina called my name. I turned to her.


"I hope you find the right guy."

"Thanks." I turned and left from the room. 

'Maybe not' I thought to myself as I walked to my room

Chapter 5


I walk to the dining room as we were getting ready for dinner. It was a long dining room table. I sat down next to Sabrina since she wanted me to sit between her and Nicholas. It felt awkward eating with vampires. Everyone had a glass of blood to drink instead of me. I had a glass of wine. A few butlers came around and take the plate cover. There was mashed potatoes, steak, and asparagus. Everything smell so good. Before we could eat, Mrs. Knight clink the glass with a fork to get everyone to be quiet. Everyone looks at her as she stood up.


“I would like to make a toast to Lea.” Mrs. Knight said. She looks at me and smile. “I would like to thank you for deciding to come all this way to help Drake. As soon as Sabrina told me how you was able to help her find Nicholas, I knew I had to come to Seattle…But, I know it must be very hard for you to leave your Dad. It took a lot of guts.” Mrs. Knight wipe the tears from her eyes. Seeing her like this made me tear up. “I’m so sorry you had to leave him. I was wondering why you decided yes, but we are so grateful for you to be here. Thank you so much for being here.” I smile.


“Your welcome.” I said. We’ll pick up our glass and clink glasses. As soon as I sat my cup down, I got up, went to Mrs. Knight, and gave her a hug. She hugs me back and kept whispering “Thank you.” After dinner, I stayed in my room and start planning what I'm going to do tomorrow. When I was done, I got ready for bed. I put on my night gown and brushed my hair. I brushed my teeth as I was thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be long. How am I supposed to find his soul mate? First, I need to teach him how to treat ladies. After I was done, I went to the bed and lay down. I couldn't even fall asleep because I couldn't stop thinking about Dad. I groaned and put a pillow to my head. I can still remember how bad Mrs. Knight felt for me being here and not with Dad. I took the pillow off my face and looks at the ceiling. Everyone is depending on me to find Drake a soul mate…so it put a lot of pressure on me. How am I supposed to do that? My mind was all over the place. I groaned and sat up. 


"I need fresh air." I said to myself. So I got out of bed, put on my shoes and jacket, and left out the room. I went downstairs as quietly as I can and walked out the back door. The cool air blew against my face. It felt good. I walked around the garden. What am I doing here? I should be with Dad, not here. But the Knight family wants me to help Drake. How am I going to do that if Drake trying to get rid of me with his good looks and charm? Why can’t Drake take this seriously? I groaned. I walked around for a few more minutes trying to calm down. When I did, I waked back to the door. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "Crap." I'm locked out the house. I looked around until I saw the fence. That should lead to the front of the house. So I went to the fence and start climbing. When I was on top of the fence, I tried my best to not look down. "Oh God." I took a few more breaths.


"What are you doing?" I hear someone. I look over and I see Drake.

"Nothing. Just enjoying the view." I said He raised an eye brow at me.

"On the fence?"

"Yes. Now I'm getting off."

"Ok." Drake moved back and leaned against the side of the house. "I'm waiting."

"Ok. Be patient."


"Fine." I took another deep breath. I put one leg over the fence, then another. I turned around and start to climb down, but I ended up missing a step, so I end up falling. Thank God I landed on my knees. Even though I ended up scraping my hands, I was fine. Drake walked over to me and helped me up. My hair was blowing in my face. "Why didn't you catch me?"

"You were the one that acted like you knew what you were doing."

"Fine. Just fine." Drake smooth my hair out my face. 

"Come on. I'll clean your wound."

"I hope you don't feed me your blood or something." Drake laughed.

"You are so funny. Come on." He took my hand and led me to the front of the house. He took out his keys and unlocks the door. He turned to me. "You can go inside."  I look at him suspiciously, and then went inside. I sat down on the couch while Drake got the first aid kit. A minute later, he is sitting next to me on the couch with it. "Take off your jacket."


"For I can make sure you didn't scrape anything else."

"Ok." I took off my jacket and laid it next to me. When I look back at Drake, I can see him checking me out. I look down and realize I was still wearing my night gown. I gasped


"What?" I look back at him

"Focus. I'm bleeding."

"Ok. Show me your hands." I did as I was told. He opened the first aid kit. He took out a packet and opened it. From what I smell, it is alcohol. He took my hand and put the alcohol pad on it. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from screaming. Drake smiles. 

"You are enjoying this?" Drake looks at me, then back at my hand. 

"You can probably say that."

"Go on. Laugh. Laugh that I fell off the fence."

"Why were you outside?"

"I told you. I was just enjoying the view."

He looks back at me. "Were you trying to run away?"

"No. You can't get rid of me that easily. I just couldn't sleep."

"So you decided to get on top of the fence?"

"No. I tried to get back in, but the door was locked. So I thought I could get to the front of the house if I climb across the fence."

He raised an eyebrow. "You are so weird... and confusing."

"Thank you."


"Why what?"

"Why are you so weird?"

"People said I get it from my Mom."


"Yeah." I look away. Drake finished cleaning my hands. "Drake?"


"Where were you?" Drake bandaged my hand, then look at me. 

"Like you, I went out to get some fresh air."

I raised an eye brow at him. "Oh really?"


"I can tell that you are lying."


"Your clothes are wrinkled, your hair is ruffled, you got lipstick mark on your neck, your breath smell like liquor, and...” I leaned over and took a sniff of him. "Sex."

He leaned over and smile. "Wow. You really are good." He was so close. My heart was speeding up. Drake could tell I was nervous. I bit my lower lip. I just couldn't look away. Drake looked at my lips. I blushed and moved back. I smooth my hair back as I took deep breaths. 

"Thanks... I guess." Drake leaned back too.

"Did you get this from your Mom too?"

"No. I just knew. I start noticing more things after my ex-boyfriend cheated on me."

"Let me guess. He told you?"

"Good guess, but no. I noticed when every time he would come to see me. He would smell like sweat and girls perfume with a hicky and kiss marks all over his neck."

"Why he cheated on you?"

"Because of the sex."

"Oh. So you wasn't good at it." he smiles

I frowned. "No, I just wouldn't have sex."


"I'm not telling you." Drake leaned forward.

"Tell me."

"I'm a virgin." I covered my mouth and look at Drake in shock. He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"A virgin? Really?"

"You compelled me!"

Drake leaned back. He looked pleased with himself. "Yeah."

"Stop doing that!"

"No. It’s fun. You’re adorable when you are mad. Besides, I’m surprised you’re still a virgin."

I blushed. “Why?”

“You’re gorgeous.”

“Well I’m not going to have sex with anybody like you do. I’m trying to wait for the right person. I just don’t see the point to have meaningless sex.”

Drake smiles a little. “I guess you’re right.”

“Why you do it?” He looks away from me.

“I don’t know. I just don’t see the point in waiting.”

“Have you even tried?” He looks at me and held my gaze.

“No. Why would I? I have needs. The attention the ladies give me is amazing. It makes me feel wanted. Besides, it get my mind off of other things.”

“Drake, you are wanted. You’re wanted by your family.”

He smiles. “I know, but that’s not enough. I want more.”

“Maybe that is enough. You just don’t know it yet.” Now it was quiet. Drake looks away.

I yawned. "Wow. I guess I'm tired after all. I should be going to bed." I stood up.

"I'll go with you." Drake stood up. We both went upstairs and he led me to my room. I turned to him and look up.

“Good night.” I said. He gave me a crooked smile. I felt my heartbeat stop for a second.

“Good night. Thank you for the… talk.” He leans down, kisses me on my forehead, and walks away. As soon as he walk around the corner, I went inside the bedroom and shut the door.



Chapter 6


I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I look at the alarm clock. It was 9:00 am. I sat up and got out of the bed. I did my usual routine. I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, put on a stretch honeycomb leather dress with black flats, and I flat ironed my hair. When I was done, I decided to make my bed. After that, I left the room and went downstairs. The house was quite. I went into the kitchen and I see Sabrina, Gabriella, Caroline, Crystal, Mrs. Knight, and Peter. 


"Hi everyone." I said. They look at me and smile. 

"Hey. Are you hungry?" Mrs. Knight asked


“Try this. They are fresh from the oven.” Mrs. Knight handed me a chocolate muffin. It was still warm. I took a bite and… it taste awful. It was burnt and it didn’t taste like chocolate. “How does it taste?” I look at Crystal and she shook her head.

“Wow. This is… delicious.”

Mrs. Knight smiled. “You really think so?”


“Take another bite. The second bite would be much better. Take a big bite.” This was torture. I took a big bite from the muffin. I almost threw up, but I chewed and swallowed it.

“That’s enough for me. I am full.”

“But, you only took two bites off it.”

“That’s all it take for me to get full. Two bites.” I turned around. “Hey Peter. Where is Drake?”

“He’s outside with the rest of the guys.” He said

“Where?” I said

"He is at the front of the house."


“Peter, I don’t know why you not with the rest of the guys.” Sabrina said

“You know he is gay, so he wants to do girly things.” Gabriella said.

“I’m not gay. Can I just sit here and hang out with Mom.” Peter said

“Or maybe, you just want to hang out with the girls.” Crystal said

“Come on girls. Stop messing with Peter. If he says he is not gay, then he is not gay.” Caroline said

“Thank you Caroline. That’s why you my favorite.” Peter said. This family is strange. I talked to them for a little while before I stood up.

“I need to go. Drake and I should start looking.” I said

“Ok dear. Do you want another muffin to eat later?” Mrs. Knight asked

“No.” I said quickly. Mrs. Knight raised an eyebrow at me. “I mean… I don’t want to eat it all. Everyone else needs to eat. Besides, I still need to finish this muffin.” I held up the muffin.

“You got a point. Well, have a nice time.”

“Good luck.” Crystal said.

“You will need a lot of it.” Gabriella said.

“Thanks… I guess.” I said. I left out the kitchen and went out the door. The guys stop talking that same second. I blushed. “Drake… we need to go.” The guys now looked at Drake.


“Can we go later? I’m a little busy.” He said

Now I was pissed. He got the nerve to tell me he is busy after I told him last night to get ready. The guys now looked at me. “You weren’t too busy last night while you were sleeping with those girls.”

“Damn. She told you.” Nicholas said

“Shut up.” Drake said. In a second, Drake was in front of me. He smile at me.  “Lea? Can you please wait inside?”

I frowned. “No.” I said. I can feel everyone watching us. I look over and see the girls from the kitchen, looking out the window. I look back at Drake.

“I didn’t eat.”

“Eat this.” I gave him the rest of my chocolate muffin. “Now come on.” Drake smile went away.

“Why do you have to be so difficult? Did you get this from your Mom too?”

“No. Wrong again… I got it from my Dad. Now get in the car.”

Drake looks at me in shock. He was about to say something, but stopped himself and went to the car. I sighed in relief as I smooth my hair behind my ear. 


“Great job Lea.” Mr. Knight said

“Thanks.” I said. “I need to go. I’ll see you’ll later.” Mr. Knight tossed me the keys to the car. I turned and went to the car. As soon as I unlock the door, Drake went inside the driver seat. “What are you doing?” I asked

“I’m going to drive.” He said

“But… I have the key.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes. It’s right here.” I held out my hand, but it wasn’t there. Drake started the car.

“Get in.” I frowned and crossed my arm over my chest.

“This is so unfair.” I went to the passenger side and sat down.

“That was the same thing I was thinking when you made me go to the car.” I put on my seat belt.

“Whatever. Just drive.” Drake smirks and gave me back the chocolate muffin. He starts driving full speed. “Drake!” He turned around the corner so fast. I look out the window and everything was a blur. I closed my eyes. “You are going to fast!”

“I know.” I opened my eyes and glared at him.

“Well stop.”


“Why not?”

“I like driving fast.” I looked away.

“Whatever you say. Just stop at a café. I need something to drink. “

“Fine.” After a few minutes, he stopped the car in front of a Starbucks. We got out the car and went inside. I threw the muffin away as we sat at a table and a guy came over to us.


“Hello. My name is Lucas. Would you’ll like anything to drink?” he said

“No thanks.” Drake said

The guy turned to me and smiled. “How about you?”

“I would like a Chocolate Frappuccino.”

“Did anyone ever tell you that you have the most beautiful blue eyes because you do?”

I smiled. “Um…Thanks.”

“No, thank you. At first I was feeling a little down today, but you made it better.”

“Oh wow.” Drake says. I look at him, then back at Lucas.


“By seeing you smile. I like putting smiles on girls’ faces.”

“Well, I’m glad I made it better.”

His smile brighten. “I’ll come back with your drink.”

“Ok.” As soon as the guy left, I look at Drake.

“You got to be kidding me.” Drake said

“What?” I asked

“He was flirting with you and it was so bad.”

“No he wasn’t. He was just being nice.”

Drake raised an eyebrow at me. “I can tell that you have been single for too long.”

“He was just being nice. He said I have the most beautiful eyes.”

“I know you do. But he was still flirting with you.”

I blushed. “You think I have beautiful eyes?”

He gave me a crooked smile. He looks so nervous. “Yea” I look away, and then look back at him. I just couldn’t look away. It seem like Drake couldn’t either. There was something about the way Drake was looking at me, it made me feel special.

“Well, maybe he wasn’t trying to flirt. I can tell when a guy is flirting or not. At least he didn’t kiss me when he first saw me.” Drake laughs. I sigh with relief. Things were back to normal.

 “You liked the kiss. I knew you wanted me to kiss you.” I rolled my eyes.

“No, you knew I was nervous, so you took advantage of me.”

“Finally you admit that you were nervous.” I smile.

“Shut up.” We finally look away when Lucas came back with my drink.


“Here is your drink.” Lucas said

“Thanks.” I said

“So… I was just wondering if you would like to go out on a date.”

“With who?”

"Me. Of course.”

“No.” I hear Drake cough. I look at Drake and it looked like he was trying not to laugh. I glared at him, and then I look back at Lucas.

“Why not? You already have a boyfriend?” He looked at Drake, then at me.

“No. You’re not my type.”

Drake looks at Lucas, then at me. “Um… I’ll meet you in the car.” Drake said

“Sure.” Drake got up and left the café. I look back at Lucas. “I’m sorry Lucas. I have to go. I’ll see you around.” I stood up and gave him the money for my drink. “Keep the change.”

“What is your name?”

“Lea.” I left the café. When I was in the car, Drake turned to me.


“What is your type?” Drake asked. I looked at him in surprise.

“What?” I asked

“Since Lucas is not your type, then who is?”

“I am not going to tell you.”

“Why not? Don’t tell me you like ugly guys?”

I laughed. “Do you always guess wrong?”

“Just tell me who your type is.” He smiles, but he looks so serious. 

“You might think it is stupid.”

“No I won’t.”

I look at Drake suspiciously. “Are you sure?”


‘Sigh’ “The type of guy I’m looking for is that he would have to be funny, smart, caring, and cute. I want a guy who would love me for me. A guy who can stay in a commitment. Basically, my prince charming who will tell me every day that he love me and protect me from anything.” I just realized I was smiling. I look at Drake. “But… the guy is not real. I haven’t found that guy yet. He is just a fantasy. That’s what he will always be. A fantasy.” ‘Sigh’ I look away and took a sip of my Chocolate Frappuccino. “It was a stupid fantasy.”

“No it isn’t. You will find that guy someday.” I look back at Drake and smile. 

“Thanks Drake. That was sweet of you to say. You need to show this side more.” He looks away.

“I think we should be going. Now put on your seatbelt.”

“Ok. Ok. Go to a park that is quite.” As soon as I put on my seatbelt, Drake drove off.

Chapter 7


He drove to the empty park and parked the car.


“Let’s begin practicing.” I said as we got out the car, went to the bench and sat down. 

“Why do I have to practice?”

“For you can learn how to act appropriately with women.”

“I do act appropriately.”

“Actually, you don’t. I’ll teach you how to really talk to a girl without flirting.”

“I don’t flirt all the time.” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yes you do. I probably know what you do when you meet a girl.”

“Oh really. Try.”

“Let me guess. You go to a club and sit. You look upset. A girl come over and asks what’s wrong. You tell her that you went through a bad break up or there was a death in your family. She start to care and get all soft for you. She asks what she can do to make you feel better. Then, of course, you have sex with her. After you done, you compelled her that when she leave, she would not remember. Did I get it right?”

“Wow. You are good at guessing, but you forgetting one thing.”


“I also feed from her.” I shivered.

“You are such a jerk. You are using those girls.”

“Why do you think I compel them?”

“How would you feel if someone uses you like that?”

“Lea. What do you expect me to do? Go to the girls and tell them sorry for having sex with them. Also, I drank some of your blood.”

“I just want you to treat a girl right. That’s why I am helping you. Now, pay attention.” I smooth my hair back. “When you first meet a girl, don’t flirt. It shows that you are desperate.”

“I’m not desperate.”

“Yes you are... All you have to do is be yourself. Talk to her like you talk to your friends.”

“I don’t have friends.”

“Why not?”

“When people find out that I am a Knight, then they would try to be my friend, and then end up treating me like I’m royalty. When I meet a girl, they try to impress me and have my child. I just want to be treated like I’m normal.”

“I think you are normal. They are just jerks.” Drake smirks.

“You just saying that to make me feel better.”

“No. I think you are a great guy.” I smile

“Are you warming up to me?” I rolled my eyes

“No. Just telling the truth. There just this one side of you that is flirtatious, and unpleasant. The second side of you that is sweet, kind, and very caring. That is the side of you I want to bring out more." I straighten my dress and hair. "What do you always say when you start to talk to someone?” Drake just stares at me.

"I don't know."

I sighed in frustration. “You can at least say ‘hi’ or ‘hello’. That would be nice. Now we can finally start. Pretend you just met me.”

“This is so dumb.”

“You didn’t even try.”

“We already met.”

“So. That’s why I said ‘pretend’. Now try.” Drake sighs in frustration.


“Hello. My name is Lea. What’s yours?” Drake laughs.

“You got to be kidding.”

“Drake. I’m serious. Just try.”

“Fine.” He leaned back and smile. “My name is Drake. You probably heard of me.”

I smile back. “No I haven’t.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I am new here.”

“What you doing in town?”

“Exploring. Los Angeles is a beautiful city.”

“I guess. But I think you are much more beautiful than this place.” I blush.

“Thanks.” Drake moved closer.

“You welcome. Do you want to go somewhere else?”

“I barely know you.”

He smirks. “That’s why I am going to take you somewhere for we can get to know each other a little better.” Drake smooth my hair behind my ear.

“Oh really.”

“Yeah.” He lifts my chin, lean down, and kissed me. I moved away and stood up. My heart was racing.

“Drake! Why did you do that?!” He stood up.


“You kissed me.”


“You not supposed to do that.”

“Ok. You didn’t even enjoy it?”

“That is not the point. You not supposed to kiss me."  ‘Sigh’ “We will just pretend this never happened.”

“So none of this happened.”

“Yes. Just don’t do it again.”

“Do what?”

“Kiss me.” He smirks.

“I thought you said it never happened.” I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. Let’s just finish practicing. With no kissing.”


“Ok. Now, let’s try this again.” I said. I sat back down. “Hi, my name is Lea.” Drake starts laughing. “Drake, stop laughing.”

“How do you know my name?”


“Stop what? I don’t know you.”

“I’m serious.”

“I’m serious too. Have we met?”


“Did anyone ever tell you that you look just like Emma Stone.” I groaned.

‘This is going to be a long day.’ I thought to myself.


So, for the rest of the afternoon, I have been trying my best to help Drake. Of course it didn’t work. He kept playing around with me. I was going nuts. Drake tried to piss me off. Well guess what? It worked. I finally decided to leave the park. Drake followed me.


“You are so difficult!”

“Why you say that?”

“Do you realize that I’m trying to help you and you make this like… a joke?”

“I’m sorry.” I stopped and look up at Drake.

“No you not.” Drake smiles.

“Yes I am.”

“If you were sorry, you wouldn’t have done it.” Drake took a step toward me and took my hand.

“Well, I am sorry.”

I let go of his hand and cross my arm over my chest. “Okay… if you sorry, then tell me in a straight face that you are sorry.” Drake was trying to keep a serious face, but it failed. He starts laughing. I frowned.

“I’m sorry. It’s hard to stay serious.”

“Wow… Just wow.” I walk away to the car and got in the passenger’s seat. Drake got into the driver’s seat and start the car.

“Lea, I’m just kidding.”

“Well, I’m not. I’m serious, Drake.” He sighs


“I don’t want to talk anymore about this.”

“Ok. Fine.” Drake drove off. I thought he was driving us back to the house, but he drove us to Joe’s Pizza House. He parked the car.

“What’s this?”

“I’m hungry. Come on.”


Drake and I left from the car and went inside. One of the waiters led us to the table and gave us a menu. Drake and I agreed to get a pepperoni pizza. Drake leaned over.

"Are you still mad at me?"

I leaned back in my chair. "A little."

"Come on. Smile."


"Lea, don’t make me go down to my knees and ask for forgiveness."

"You wouldn't do that." Drake raised an eyebrow at me. He got up and went down to his knees. 

"Lea Richardson. I am so, so sorry. I will try to not do it again. Just forgive me." He said loudly. Everyone start looking at us. I blushed

"Drake! Stop this." I whispered

"No. Just forgive me. Remember, I'm a good guy. Just give me another chance." He said louder. I groaned

"Fine. Fine. I forgive you. Now shut the hell up and get up." I said

Drake smirks. "Not until you smile."

I smile. "Is that better?"

"That's good enough." He got up and sat down on the chair. A waitress came over.


"Did you just say Lea Richardson?" she asked

"Yea. That's me." I said

"Remember me? You use to baby sit my little sister, Emily."

"Oh yeah. Ana, right?"


"I haven't seen you'll in a while." I got up and gave her a hug.

"Yeah. Dad wanted to move. He made this place."

"Wow. That's great."

"I heard about your parents. I'm sorry about what happened. How is your Dad?"

"He's... good."

"Is he out of a coma?"


"Oh my god."

"I know. Enough about me. How is Emily?"

"She is fine. She is still growing."

"How old is she?"


"Wow. Where is she?"

"At home with Mom. She didn't feel well."

"Oh. Well, can you tell her I said hi?"

"Sure. I can see you met my cousin, Drake."

"Cousin?" I look at Drake as I sat down. Ana brought a chair to our table and sat down.

Drake smirk. "Yep." he said

"You never told me you have a cousin." I said

"You never asked."

"Are you two dating?" Ana asked.

"Ew. No. I'm just helping him find his soul mate." I said

"Finally. Drake, you need to settle down."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what everyone says." he said

"So you took over your Mom's business?" she asked

"Yeah." I said

"That's great. After you done with Drake, you can help me out."

"Sure. How old are you?"


"Wow. Same age as me. When will you stop aging?"

"When I'm... 25."

I turned to Drake. "What about you, Drake?"

"I already stopped." he said

"Wow. Why did you stop?"

"I want to stay young."

"Then, how old are you now in human years?"

"I’m 40."

"So you decided on your own?"

"Yeah. It was my choice."

"You don't even want to age a little while longer?"

Drake leaned toward me. "You ask too many questions."

"I know."

"Well stop." He was now serious.

I leaned over and frowned. "No. Why you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Always starting a fight."

"No I don't."

"I know what you are doing."

"Oh really?"

"Yea. You need to stop. I'm getting sick and tired of it."

"You need to stop being bossy."

I gasped. "I am not bossy!"

"Yes you are. I thought you were supposed to help me, not yell at me."

"Oh. I'm sorry I hurt the baby feelings. Well suck it up. If you stop pissing me off, I wouldn't be yelling at you."

Drake growled. He looked pissed. "You better watch it. Don't let me get to my bad side."

I gasped and frowned. "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"If it sounds like a threat, then I guess it is." Ana look at both of us in shock.

"Are you sure both of you are not dating?" Ana asked

"I am definitely sure." I said. Drake was about to say something, but my phone rang. I took out my cell phone and it have Sarah’s picture showing. "I have to take this call." I got up and went outside. I answered the phone. "Hello?"


"Hey Lea." Sarah said

"Hey. How are you?" I said

"I'm good. How have things been going with you and Drake?"

"Exhausting. He is pissing me off. But I will get over it."

"That’s good."

"That's all you wanted to ask?"

"...No. I got some news."

"What kind of news?"

"Good and bad news."

I went to the side of the building and leaned against the wall.” Give me the bad news first."

"Ok. The bad news is..."

"What? Tell me."

"The bad news is that I accidentally turned Snow Flake into a giraffe."

"A giraffe?"

"Yeah. She was pissing me off, so I accidentally said a transformation spell, and then she just turned to a giraffe with a cat tail."

"Where is she?"

"She is in the guest bedroom."


"I know. I know. I'm still trying to fix things."

'Sigh' "Fine. What is the good news?"

"I just left from the hospital."

"Great!! How is Dad?"

"He is fine. The doctor needs to give him surgery."


"They need to remove his left kidney because it is badly affected."

"How is this good news?"

"The doctors said that he might be waking up soon."

"Oh my. Wow. This is good news. When are they going to do the surgery?"

"Tomorrow. I would call you when I'm at the hospital for you can talk to Dr. Peterson."

"Ok. That is some good news. Thank you Sarah."

"You welcome. I have to go. It's time to feed Snow Flake."

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye." When I was about to go back inside, a guy stopped me. I turned to face him. The guy has black hair with icy blue eyes. He looked like he was in his late 30's. The way he looked at me was frightening. He looked...hungry.  I looked into his eyes, and I see no emotion. He looked so dangerous. He smiled and I can see his fangs. Of course he is a vampire.


"I finally found you." he said

I took a deep a breath, trying to calm my heart. "Do I know you?" I said. My voice shook. He knew I was frightened. His smile widens. 

"Yeah. I use to visit you when you were a little girl." I frowned. I study him until I finally remembered.

"Now I remember. I was 6. You would talk to me, and then disappear. Mom and Dad thought you were my imaginary friend, but you look so real."

"I am. You still look beautiful."

"Th... thanks."

"Can we go somewhere and talk? In private."

"No. I have to be back inside." As soon as I said that, his smile went away.

"Lea... come with me." He said it so coldly.

"I said no. What do you want from me?"

"I want you."

“Are you too old for me?"

"Are you too young to be running your Mom's business?"

"How did you know I'm running Mom's company?"

He smiles. "I know everything about you. I know when you were born. I know when you had your first kiss. I know about the car crash. I..."

"Wait. How you know about the car crash?" He looks pissed because I interrupted him. He still kept that smile.

"I was there."

"What you mean?" He just stared at me like he was looking into my soul. I look away and took a step back.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I look back at him.

"Tell me."

"Fine." He took a step toward me. "I went to the company that night. I didn't expect your Dad to be there. I told them to tell me where you were. Of course, they wouldn't tell me. So, I gave them one more chance to tell me. They still wouldn't listen. I told them that there are some serious consequences for not listening to me. They left the building, ignoring me. So, I followed. Your Dad need to watch where he is going next time. He would have seen me coming."

Tears ran down my cheek. "You crashed into their car!!"

His smile widens. "They wouldn't listen. Like I told you, there are some serious consequences. It was fun to watch. Other people saw the crash, so they called for help. I watched as the ambulance took them away. I went to your parent’s house. On the calendar, it said you were at a school trip for 3 days."

"I came back home early because of the crash. They told me Mom just passed away suddenly that night and Dad was in coma."

"Actually, your Mom was still alive."

"How do you know?"

“Instead of telling you, let me show you.” In a second, he was in front of me and he put his hand on my head.


Everything went black. Next thing I know, I was in a room with Mom. She was waking up. Tears fill my eyes as I walk towards her.

“Mom…” I said. She didn’t respond. She was trying to sit up, but she wince in pain. Next thing I know she looks at me. Instead of looking at me with joy, she looks terrified.

“What are you doing here?” She asked. Before I could say something, I hear laughter behind me. I turn around and I see the guy from the pizza place. Mom wasn’t looking at me. She was looking at him.

“You know why I’m here.” He said

“Please leave.”

“Your daughter is on her way here. She left her senior trip early. When she gets here, I’m taking her with me. All you have to do is tell the doctors that you give me permission to take her.” Tears ran down Mom face.

“No. Please just leave. I’ll do anything else, but please leave my daughter alone.”

“I only want your daughter. She’s amazing. She’s smart, beautiful, and independent. She would make a good bride.”

“Go to hell!! You are not taking my daughter!” His smile went away quickly. In a second, he was right next to Mom.

“You really shouldn’t have said that. I will have Lea.”

“Over my dead body.”

“Suit yourself.” Next thing I know he grab my Mom by her neck. With his other hand, he put his hand on her chest. He closes his eyes as Mom starts to shake. Her eyes start rolling to the back of her head.

“Stop!!” I yelled as tears start streaming down my face. I look at the heart monitor as her body kept shaking uncontrollably. I tried moving his hands, but my hand went through his. I look at my hands then back at my Mom. Blood starts running down from her eyes. Next thing I know, she stops moving and the heart monitor went flat. He opens his eyes as he looks at me and smiles.

In that very second, I forgot how to breathe.

I closed my eyes, then open it again. Instead of outside, I was back inside sitting at the table again screaming. Drake was trying to calm me down.


“Lea, calm down.” Drake said. I look around and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. I got up and went outside. I look around panicking. I jumped when someone touch me on the shoulder. I turn around quickly and punched him in the face. My eyes widen as soon as I saw it was Drake. “Ow, what’s that for?’

“I’m sorry. I thought you was the guy.”

“What guy?” I ignored him and start looking around again.

“How I get inside? I was out here.”

“You walked back inside. Then, you just start screaming. Do you remember?”

I start crying. “No. I don’t remember anything. I was outside.” I walk to the side of the pizza place. “He was right here.” Drake follow me and look around. “Well, he’s not here anymore.”

"He killed her." I cried


"He killed Mom. He caused the crash."

"Where is he?"

"I don’t know. I was with him out here. He made me black out.” Drake looks around. 

"Lea, I don't see anyone." Now I am more scared than ever.

“I know what I saw! He was out here and he kept telling me that we should be together. I remember. I’m not crazy!” Drake looks at me worried.

“I know you’re not crazy. I believe you. Just calm down.”

“I am calm!” I lean against the wall and slid to the ground as I start to cry more. “I’m not crazy.” It starts to rain. Drake leans down in front of me. He lift my chin up for I can look at him.

“Lea, you are not crazy. Did he tell you his name?”

“No… I’m so stupid.”

“No you not. We can still track him down. We going to make sure he don’t mess with you again. Okay?”

“Okay.” Drake smooth my wet hair out my face.

“Good. Now come on. Let’s go back to the house.” He stood up and helps me up.

“What about the pizza?”

"Ok.  Let me get the pizza, and then we can go."

I start to panic. "Please don't leave me. Please." I laid my head against his chest. Ana came to us.

"You don't have to worry about it. I will get someone to deliver the pizza to your house. Just get Lea to the house safely." she said

"Thanks Ana." he said. Drake paid Ana the bill, then we went into the car. He reached in the back seat and put his jacket around me. He starts the car and put the heater on to keep me warm. As he drove off, I look out the window and all I see is his icy blue eyes staring at me from the shadows. All I can remember is what he said.


You really shouldn’t have said that. I will have Lea.’ If he killed Mom, I wonder what else he would kill to have me. I close my eyes as a tear ran down my face.


That scared me the most. 

Chapter 8


Ever since what happened that night, I have been too scared to leave from the house. Drake told his family what happened, and they tried their best to look for him, but they didn't see him. I was pissed off that I didn't ask for his name. When I went to L.A., I didn't expect to get all stress out. To stay calm, I would meditate. The more I meditated, I start to get calm. The only thing that got me happy is that Doctor Peterson has finished the surgery on Dad. Sarah told me that Dad seems to be getting better, but he is still not awake. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't give up hope. 


I still worked with Drake on the training, but we did the training in the house. We would practice in the morning to the afternoon. At night, Drake would leave and come back at 2 or 3 in the morning. I know I sound like a stalker, but I'm not. Peter would tell me what Drake is doing if I ask. Right now, I am in my room meditating. I had the lights off and some candle lit in my room. I was sitting down on the floor with my eyes closed as I try to concentrate, but I couldn’t. The mysterious man with the icy blue eyes keep popping up in my head. I open my eyes as I see someone in front of me. I scream and end up falling backward.


“Sorry Lea. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Sabrina said as she blew out the candles and turns on the light. I sat up and look at her.

“No, you don’t have to apologize. I’m just a little jumpy today.” I said as I stood up and drank a cup of coffee.

“You’re too jumpy. It looks like you haven’t been getting enough sleep too.”

“I’m fine.”

“What you doing on the floor?”

“I was meditating…well…trying to meditate.”

“Lea, you should get some sleep.”

“No.” I said quickly. Sabrina raise an eyebrow at me. “I’m not tired.”

“Sweetheart, you look exhausted.”

“That’s why I have coffee.” Sabrina sighs

“What you need to do is get some sleep. Also…maybe go on a date.”

“What you mean a date?”

“I mean, while you are free… maybe you should go on a date.”

“No. I’m too busy to go on a date.”

“Come on Lea. At least try. Besides… I already told him that you said yes to the date.” She says quickly as she left my room.

“What?!” I followed her downstairs into the kitchen. “What you mean that you told him? And, who is the ‘he’ you talking about?” Sabrina looks at me and smile nervously.

“His name is Dylan… He hangs out with Nicholas. I accidently told him that you was single.”

“How you accidently told him about me being single?”

“That’s because he single too. I show him pictures of you and he thought you were cute. So I set up a date between you too.”


“Give him a chance. He don’t bite.”

“He’s a vampire!”

“No… a werewolf.”

“I’m not ready for a date.”

“Please Lea...”

I groan. “I’ll think about it.’ Sabrina hugs me.

“That’s good enough. Now, you need to get some sleep.”

“No thanks.” I look at the clock. “Besides, its 12:00 pm. I have a session with Drake right now.”

“Aw… Okay.” I pour myself another cup of coffee and went into the living room. Drake was sitting in the living room, He was looking up at the ceiling. I sat down beside him.


“Are you ready?” I ask

“Not really.” He said


“I'm just bored.”

"It’s not supposed to be fun. I'm trying to help. You must have forgotten that we need to find your soul mate."

"I know, but I didn't expect to do it at my house. What you want me to do? Marry my sisters." he said sarcastically. I frowned. Crystal came into the living room and smile.

“We already taken, but Peter is still available.” She said. Crystal and I start laughing.

“Shut up, Crystal. I was being sarcastic.”

“If you say so.” She says as she left the room.

I smile. “That was kind of funny.” Drake frowns.

“No it wasn’t.”

“Don’t look at me like that. You the one that said it.”

“Okay. Can we please go?”

"Fine. Where do you want to go?"

"Finally. Get dressed."

"I'm already dressed." Drake looks at me up and down. I was wearing a grey sleeveless shirt and a black work pants. My hair was pulled back into a bun. 

"You are dressing like this?"

"Yes. You don't like it?"

"To be honest, no."

"Too bad. I'm wearing this."

“Lea… Please change.” I groaned.



“Fine.” I went upstairs and put on a circle-print faux-wrap ruffle dress in black. I went back downstairs. “How’s this?” He looks at me up and down.

“It’s good, but one more thing.”


“Take your hair out of that bun.”


“Just do it.”

“Okay. Okay.” I took the pins out my hair and let it fall against my face. I look in the mirror as I ran my finger through it. As soon as I was done, I look back at Drake.

“Is this good?” He gave me a crooked smile.

“Yes. You look amazing.” I blush

"Come on before I change my mind." I grabbed my purse and followed Drake to the door. I stop when we were outside. I look around me, hoping the guy wasn't here. What am I doing? I shouldn't be here. My heart starts racing some more as I heard someone coming, but it was just a cat. I turned around and I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Drake came back to me. "What are you doing?"


"What does it look like I'm trying to do? I'm trying to get back inside, but this stupid door won't open."

"It won't open because I locked it." Drake held out the keys

"Please open the door."

"You are still scared about the guy."

"No. I'm not. I just changed my mind. We can stay here." Drake raised an eyebrow at me as I blushed and look away. Drake lifted my chin for I can look right at him. 

"Lea, do you trust me?" I thought about that. I really don't know, but he did comfort me when I was crying, No guys have comfort me like that. "Lea?"


"Do you trust me?"

"Yes." Drake looks surprised that I said yes

"Well... if you trust me, then you must know that I won't let anyone hurt you. Ok?"

It warms my heart to hear Drake say that. "Ok."

Drake smile. "Do you still want to go inside?" That second, I forgot how to breathe, so I just shook my head no. "Then, let’s go." Drake went to the car, while I try to keep my balance. Why does he always make me feel this way? I went into the car and sat down. As soon as I put on my seat belt, Drake drove off. In 15 minutes, we were in front of a bar called 'The Huxley’. Drake and I left the car and went inside. There were many people dancing or drinking. Drake led me to the bar. He ordered 3 shots while I order a strawberry daiquiri... virgin. When the bartender gave us our drinks, Drake drank each in one swallow. 


"Really? You take me to a bar. How are you going to find your soul mate here?"

"There are many girls here." 

"Drake. We can't be here."

"Lea, have fun for once."

"I'm not supposed to have fun. I'm supposed to help you." Drake shrugged his shoulders. A girl with auburn hair came over and smiled.

"Hey." she said. Drake smiles at her.

"Hi." he said

"I have seen you the other night. Your girlfriend dumped you, right?"

"Yeah... “Drake smile went away. I didn't even fall for it. I hope she doesn’t. 

"You poor thing. I'm sorry about what happened. She made a big mistake."

“The one thing is that she never let me get the chance to ask what I did wrong. Did I love her enough? Was I good enough?”

"You got to be kidding me." I said. Drake and the girl ignored me.

"You are good enough... you want to dance?" she said

"Sure." She took Drake's hand and led him to the dance floor. Drake looks back at me and smile. I roll my eyes and sat down. A guy came over to me and smile. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.


“Hello beautiful.” He says as he start checking me out.

“Hi.” I said.

“What you doing by yourself?”

“Because I like being by myself.” He sat beside me.

“No girl should be alone.”

“Well… I’m not like other girls.” He smile and leans toward me.

“You’re different from other girls. I like that. You want to get to know each other better?” I lean toward him and gave him a flirtatious smile.

“You want to know what I want.’

“What?” He looks so anxious. I lean closer to him.

“If you don’t leave right now… I will kick you so hard in groin that you won’t be able to worry about getting to know a girl better.” His smile went away quickly. I lean back and turn away from him as he walk away.


For the past few hours, guys would come over to me to get me to dance or 'get to know me better'. The only thing I did was curse them out and tell them to leave. So far, I have drunk 4 strawberry daiquiris. Also, Drake would come back to the bar and drink more shots. Then, he would go back to the girl. He was pissing me off. I should have stayed at the house when I got the chance. The bartender guy gave me another strawberry daiquiri.

"Thanks." I said

"No problem. This is on the house." he said.

“Do I know you?”

“I’m Lucas. Remember?”

"Lucas. I thought you work at the cafe."

"I do. This is my second job."

"Why you got two jobs?"

"Trying to build my own business one day."

"Cool. It takes a lot of work to own a business."

"Why you say that?"

"Well... to keep it short... after my Mom died, she left me her company."

"What kind of company?"

"It’s almost like a dating service."


"That was the same thing I said when they read my Mom's will."

"No offense, but... are you too..."

"I know. I know. I am too young to own a business, but if I don't, then they were going to tear it down. So... I agreed to do it." I look around for Drake, but I didn't see him.

"I wasn’t going to ask that, but okay. Why you not dancing?"

"I don't like to dance. I just want to get out of here."

"What are you doing here then?"

"Drake wanted to come. Now, I'm going to find him and get out of here. See you around." Lucas smile at me.

"Sure." I was about to leave, but he stopped me.


"You look gorgeous today." I smile

"Thanks." I left and look around in the club, but I didn't see Drake. Now, I am pissed. I went to a group of guys. The guys turns to me and smile.


"Hey sweet cheeks." one of the guys said

"Don't call me that. Have you'll see a guy. Pale skin with black hair and hazel eyes? He’s tall and handsome with black button down shirt." I said

"If I tell you, what can I get in return?" He starts checking me out. His eyes stop at my chest. I frowned cross my arms over my chest.


He sighs and took his eyes off my chest. “Come on. Don’t be shy. I at least need something in return.” He moves closer as he touches my cheek with the back of his hand. I smack his hand away.

“I said no. If you not going to tell me, then bye.” I was about to walk away, but he grab me by my arm.

“You not leaving.” I turn around and kneed him. He lets go as he falls to the ground. I look at the other guys who was with him. They look away from me, so I walk away. I walked around the club looking for Drake, but I didn’t see him. I was about to give up until I hear some noises coming from the girls restroom. When I opened the door I see Drake kissing the red headed girl. Drake's shirt was off and he has the girl against the wall. I felt hurt. I don't know why, but I was. I can't do this anymore. The girl open her eyes and she look right at me. She gasps and taps Drake on the shoulder.

"What?" Drake said as he turns to me. All the desire in his eyes turns to surprise and guilt. "Lea." I turn around and walk away. I went to the bar. As soon as Lucas looks at me, he starts looking concerned. 

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked. I wiped my tears away. 


"Can you take me back to the house?" I asked as I ignored his question.

"Sure." Lucas went to a guy and told him to take over the bar. When he said yes, Lucas led me out the club. He led me to a Jeep. When we got in the car, he drove off. I told him the direction back to the house. When my cell phone rang, I look at the caller ID. It was Drake. I ignored the call. "Did you find Drake?"

"Yeah... He was making out with a red haired chick... In the girl’s restroom." I was so frustrated. "All this hard work and this is how he repays me. I tried to help him find a right girl, but he’s just not listening. All he cares about is himself."


"No Lucas. Everything I do is never good enough. What is wrong with me?" Tears start running down my cheeks. 

"Lea... don't think that." Lucas stops at a stop light.

"It’s true, Lucas. Every single day, I feel like I'm letting Mom down."

"No you not. Drake is just one person. You got many more people to help. Don't let Drake mess with you. He is a jerk for doing this to you. Your Mom is very proud of you... No matter what." I wiped my tears away.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah... To make you feel a little better... I think you are awesome." I couldn't help but to smile.

"Thanks Lucas."

"You welcome.” He says as he starts driving again. “What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going back home to Dad and the company. There is nothing more to do here. Drake made his decision."

"Oh." Lucas looks disappointed. He stops in front of a small diner. “I at least want to buy you dinner.”


“I know. I know. I’m not your type. That’s why this is just friends eating dinner and getting to know each other.” I laugh.

“If you put it that way, then okay. Besides, you did say you was going to pay.” Lucas smiles

“Come on then.” As soon as we got out the car, we went inside and sat down.

“Wow, everything smells so good in here.”

“Yea. I love going here.” A waitress came over to us.

“Welcome to Parkway Diner. My name is Denise and I will be your waitress for this evening. What would you’ll like to order?” she said

“I would like a double cheese burger with fries and a large strawberry milkshake.” Lucas said. After Denise writes it down, she looks at me.

“What about you?”

I look at the menu. “Um… I would like fish and chips with Coca Cola.” She wrote it down, then left.

“How you doing right now?”

“I’m a little better. I really want to thank you for getting me out of that club.”

“No problem… Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” Denise came over and sat down our drinks, then left.

“Why you decided to come here?”

“What you mean?”

“Well, if you knew that Drake was always like this, why did you decide to still come here?”

“I thought I wanted to help… but I don’t know anymore. I thought it would be easy, but it’s not.”

“Did you always wanted to take care of your Mom’s business?”

“Not really. What I really wanted to do was travel the world, but I wasn’t able to. I start running Mom’s dating business at the age of 18. I just became so busy. A lot of people quit because they didn’t think I could run it, so I had to hire more people. I had to bring my A game.”

“What about your Dad? Why don’t he help out?”

“He’s in a coma.”

“Oh. Things must be really hard for you. How you deal with it?”

“With what?”

“Everything in your life.”

“I keep myself busy.”

“Do you ever want free time?”

“I never have the time for free time… well…until now.” Lucas smiles

“Good.” As soon as Denise bring us our food, we ate and got to know more of each other. I felt comfortable talking to Lucas. After Lucas pays for our meal, we left out the diner and he drove me back to the Knights house. He stops the car in front of the house.

“I had a lot of fun tonight. Thanks for dinner.”

"You welcome. I had fun too…Will I see you again?"

"I don't know. You can call me some time. You got a piece of paper?"

"Sure." Lucas took out a receipt and gave it to me. I wrote down my cell phone number and gave it to Lucas. Lucas smile. "Thanks. Talk to you soon."

I smile back. "Yeah." I took off my seat belt, lean over, and kiss Lucas on the cheek. "Thanks for driving me to the house and for the talk."

"No problem. Stay safe. Okay?"

"Yeah." I left out the Jeep and went to the house. As soon as Lucas drove away, I look under the mat in front of the door, but it wasn't there. Crap. Maybe they don't have an extra key. I knock on the door. A few second later, Gabriella opens the door. She looks shocked. 


"Lea? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Drake." she said. I walked past her in the house. 

"I was, but I got a ride here." I said as I walked upstairs to the room I was staying in. Gabriella followed me. 


"I caught Drake making out with this girl at the bar. I thought he needed some privacy." I took out my suitcase. 

"What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving."


"I can't stay here. All I'm doing is wasting my time. I can't help him find a soul mate if he don't cooperate."

"Come on Lea. Think about this for a second."

"I did. I can't take it anymore, Gabriella."

"So, you are going to give up. Just like the rest of them."

"What you want me to do? I tried. Drake doesn’t want a soul mate. He just wants to have sex with girls, then erase their memories of ever seeing him. I'm not going to stay here and watch." Gabriella look into my eyes and smile.

"I know what is going on."


"Even though I'm dumb, but I am not stupid. You like Drake." I frowned

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"You can think whatever you want, but I am still leaving."


"I'm sorry Gabriella." Tears ran down my cheek. 

"Fine. Do whatever you want." She left the room. I wiped my tears away and went back to pack my bags. I paid and print out a train ticket. Then, I call for a cab. My train leaves tomorrow morning. I still need to get out of here. When I brought my suitcase downstairs, I turn on the light and see Drake in front of the front door. 


"Hey." he said

"Hi." I said as I put my purse on the couch.

"You left the bar."

"You needed more privacy. Where is she?"

"Who?" I was pissed.

"Don't play dumb with me Drake. Where is the girl?" Drake took a step toward me, but I step back. "Tell me." Drake smooth his hair back.

"She is at home."

"Did you..." I just couldn't finish what I was saying. Drake sat down on a recliner chair.

"It doesn't matter."

"You right. I'm done. You got what you always wanted. Are you happy now?"

"Lea, what’s that supposed to mean."

"It means I'm getting the hell out of here." I grab my suitcase and purse and start walking toward the door, but Drake got in front of me.

"You don't mean that. Just think about it."

"Why people keep saying that?! I did think about it. I'm getting sick and tired of you and your games. Coming here is a mistake. I’m not doing that anymore."

"You are the one who came."

"You think I want to be here! No! I should be at home with my father who might be dying. But I can't because I have to help you. You keep treating this like it’s a joke. You just don't want a soul mate."

"I didn't even ask for your help."

"Then, don't sign the damn contract! I told you not to waste my time. Just because you’re Aunt Maria was killed by someone she love, doesn't mean you can't love."

Drake eyes gotten darker with anger. "Who told you that?"

"That doesn't matter! You know I'm right." I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Drake, I hope you get your act together because if you don't, then you going to be alone... forever."

"Where did you get this from? You’re Dad or your Mom?"

"Neither of them. Just me." I heard a car honk.

"What's that?"

"A taxi. Bye Drake." I roll my suitcase out the house and put it in the trunk of the taxi. When I got inside, I told the taxi driver to take me to the nearest hotel to the train station. While he drove off, I look out the window and I see Drake outside watching. 'Sigh' I look away and put my hair in a ponytail. I felt bad for leaving, but it was a right choice. I can still remember what Gabriella said.

'So you are going to give up. Just like the rest of them.'

A tear ran down my cheek. Gabriella is right. I did give up. It was my choice. It was the right thing to do... Right?


Chapter 9


Things have been going by fast for me this morning. I have called Sarah to pick me up from the train station. Since I have to be at the train station at 10:00 am, I decided to wake up at 7:00 am. I know it’s early, but I want to get to the train station on time. After making up the bed, I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth and got dress. I decided to wear a white strapless shirt, black work pants with a grey jacket and flat shoes. I brush my hair back into a pony tail to keep it out my face. When I check out the hotel, I stood outside as I look at my phone. I groan as I see 10 messages from Gabriella. Most of them said “Please come back!!!” I was still wondering how she got my number.


I took a taxi to the train station. My train supposes to be here in 30 minutes, so when I got into the train station, I sat down outside on the bench and took out my book to read. I was reading Pride and Prejudice. It was my first time reading it. The only reason why I am reading it because Sarah suggested it. I was swept away by the witty developments as Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy struggle to love. I was getting to the good part, until someone came to me.


"Can I sit here?" he asked

"Sure." I said. I didn't even look up. I just keep reading, but I feel the guy looking at me. I save my book page and look over. I was about to say something, but I recognize him. "Drake!"

"Hi to you too. I thought you might want this." Drake gave me a warm cup.

I look at Drake suspiciously. "What is it?"

"Your favorite. Since you had to come here early, I thought that I can bring you something."

"Oh... thanks... How did you know I was at this train station?"

"You left the computer on."

"No I didn't. I turn it off... Did your parents tell you to get me? What about Gabriella? If they did, then tell them I won't change my mind. I'm still leaving."

"They didn't send me. I came by myself."

"How did you find me?" Drake looks down at his hands.

"I called Sarah. She told me where you were. She didn't know which train station, so I had to follow your scent." I felt a little weird after he said that. 


"I wanted to tell you..." he stops himself and smooth his hair back.

"Tell me what?" Drake finally looks at me. 

"I'm sorry."

“Drake, I’m tired of your apologies.”

“I know, but I mean it this time. I know I have been a jerk lately. I did take this as a joke. I wasn’t trying hard enough… You took the chance to stay home, but you didn’t… You decided to be here with me instead of with your father… Look what I did in return… I waste your time…”


“Let me finish…” He take a deep breath. “You surprise me last night. No one has ever talked to me like that before. Not even my family… well… except for my Dad. But you... you told me how you think of me and I admire that. It hurt... but it was true." I look at Drake in shock.

"It’s okay."

"No, it’s not okay. Ever since my Aunt Maria was murdered, I just gave up looking. I just don't want to fall in love."

"Wait... Then, why did you come here?" Drake looks away from me.

"I'm willing to try." He looks back at me and took my hand in his. Now, I was nervous.

"Try what?"

"I’m willing to change."

"Drake... I'm not asking you to change. You are perfect the way you are. All I want you to do is cooperate with me." Drake smiles.

"You think I'm perfect." I frown.

"That's all you get from what I said."

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." Drake let go of my hand, I wish he haven't let go. He was now serious. "I know I wasted most of my time already, but I want to know if you can give me a second chance."


"I know. I know. I just want to prove to you that I am serious about this."

'Sigh' "Why are you telling me now?"

"Because... it’s hard to explain" I look into his eyes and what I saw was sadness. All I want to do is take it all away for he can be happy. A train stops across from me. People start getting on the train. I look back and forth from the train and Drake. I groan. I can't believe I'm about to say this. 

"Drake..." I held his hands. "If I stay... you would have to promise that you would work hard and let me help."


"That means you can't keep sneaking out no more to go to bars. No more making out with random girls. The only girl you can make out with is your soul mate."


"I can still get on the train." Drake groaned

"Fine... Fine. No more bars. No more girls. Now, can we leave?"

I smile. "Sure." Drake looks down at my hand, which is still holding his. Then he looks back at me and smirk.

"Can I have my hand back?" I blush

"Yeah." I let go and stood up. "I'm hungry."

"We can go to the house. Mom is cooking."

"No." I said quickly. Drake laughed as he stood up.

"You hate my Mom's cooking that much?"

"No offense, but she is a horrible cook."

"She is not that bad."

"Yes... she is."

"Do you know how to cook?"

"Yes. My Grandmother and Mom taught me."

"Maybe you could cook for me."

"If I have enough time."

"We have time now."

"I thought your Mom was cooking?"

"She is."

"Then... how am I supposed to cook."

"At the house."

"No." Drake sighed

"Fine. Well... we can go to IHOP."

"Yes! I love that place."

"Good. That's something we can agree on. Afterward, Ana going to meet us at the mall."


"To take you shopping."


"You need new clothes."

"No I don't. I have plenty of clothes,"

"Well... these clothes suck."

"I wear these types of clothes all my life. My parents and friends never complain."

"They never complain because they don't want to hurt your feelings. I'm being honest. Even Ana agree."

"Well.... I like my clothes. Nothing you can do will change my mind."

"I can compel you."

"You wouldn't dare."

“Come on, Lea. At least try some clothes.”

"Fine. You'll can take me shopping." Drake smile

"Good girl. Let’s go." Drake grabs my suitcase.

"Wait..." I drank the whole cup of chocolate Frappuccino. When I was done, I burp. I blushed. "Excuse me." Drake smile

"Are you done?"

"Yeah. Let's go." I threw the cup away and start walking. In a second, Drake was in front of me. My heart jumped. "What the hell!?!"

"You are going the wrong way. The car is in the opposite direction."

"Oh... I knew that." Drake raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay. Whatever you say." I follow Drake to the car. Drake put my suitcase in the trunk. Drake was about to go to the driver's side, but I stopped him. 'What?"

"I'm going to drive."

"No you not."

"Come on Drake. I just want to drive."

"You know this is a sports car. That mean it is meant to be driven fast."

"I know Drake."

"Don't be driving slowly."

'Sigh' "Okay Drake. Can I drive now?" Drake looks at me suspiciously. He took a step toward me.


"I will try."

"I want you to promise me."

"I can't promise something that I can't keep."

"Okay... I guess you not driving." I groan

"Fine... I promise." Drake smirk at me and gave me the car keys. I went to the driver’s side of the car and got inside. Drake was already in the passenger seat with his seat belt on. When I put on my seat belt, I started the engine and drove off. On the ride to IHOP, I almost crash the car into other cars. I had to keep myself from laughing because Drake kept swearing. I really didn’t know how to control this car. When we made it to IHOP, I park the car in a parking spot. I turn off the engine and got out the car. Drake was standing in front of me.


"What is your problem?"

"What? You told me that I have to drive fast... So I did."

"You almost killed me."

"You mean I almost killed myself." Drake was about to say something, but he stop himself and took his car keys.

"Let's go inside now."

"Okay." When we went inside, Emily ran to me. I pick up and gave her a hug. Ana came over to us. 

"Hey. You look so much better." Ana said to me.

"Thanks. I thought you were going to meet us at the mall." I said

"No. I'm not. I told Drake that I would meet both of you here." I look over at Drake and frowned.

"What?" He said as he smiled. I look back at Ana.

"Then, what is Emily doing here?" I asked

"She wanted to come and see you. I told her no, but she came to Dad to snitch on me. He told me that if Ana don't come with me, then I can't go. So... here we are." Ana said. Emily stuck out her tongue at Ana. I couldn't help myself but to laugh.

"I miss you Lea." Emily said

"I miss you too. Wow. You grew up fast." I said

"I know. A few of my teeth grew out."

"Good for you." Drake came back to us. I didn't even know he was gone.

"They got a table for us." he said

"Good. I'm starving." Emily said as I put her down. She grabs Ana's hand and they went to the table. Drake came to me. 

"You really great with kids." he said

"I know. Emily is such a sweetheart." I said.

"Yeah. She is." I look over to Drake.

"We need to talk about your lying." Drake smirk

"I didn't actually lie."

"Yes you did."

"How am I supposed to know she is going to this IHOP?" I was about to say something, but my cell phone rang. I check the caller ID. It was Sarah

"I need to take this call."

"Sure. I will be at the table."

"Okay." I left out IHOP and answer my cell.


"Lea? Where are you?" Sarah asked

"I decided to stay here after all." I said. She didn't answer back. "Sarah?"

"I'm sorry. Did you just say you were staying?"


"But... Lea. At first you were crying because you wanted to go home... Now, you want to stay. Make up your mind." I was shocked

"I thought you wanted me to go here."

"I did... until Snow Flake."

'Sigh' "What she do now?"

"Well... Remember when I told you that I changed her into a giraffe."


"Well, I changed her out of a giraffe."


"That is not good. She is now a kangaroo and she keep kicking me. She already broke 2 of my ribs."

"Wow. Where is she?"

"She is in the closet. I hit her with a shovel."


"I had to do something! She almost killed me! Don't worry. Snow Flake is still alive. How long do you think it would take to find Drake a soul mate?"

"I don't know. I will try to work harder to find her." I hear Sarah groan.

"Why don't you ask Mrs. Knight to plan a masquerade for Drake to find his soul mate there?"

I smile. "That is such a brilliant idea! Sarah, you are a genius."

"Thank you. Now hurry." Sarah hung up. I turn around and see Drake. My heart skips a beat.


"Drake! You scared the crap out of me!" I yelled

"Don't tell me you really going to do the masquerade?" he asked

"You were eavesdropping."

"Yeah. Now, are you going to answer my question?"


"Yes you going to answer the question or yes you going to do the masquerade?"


"Well.... I'm not going."

"Why? You promised to cooperate."

"I know, I just not going to a stupid masquerade."

"Drake, I miss my train because of you. Why can't you do anything for me?"

"Why can't we just finish looking?"

"Because it would take too long. You must have forgotten that my Dad is in a coma. Now, answer my question." He sighs.

"I don't want to talk about it."


"I said I don't want to talk about this. Can you stop arguing with me for once?" Drake look pissed, but I still had to try

"If you don't tell me, I will ask Ana." I was about to go back into the restaurant, but Drake stop and put me against the wall.

“Lea, just stop.”

“You can't keep this away from me. I will find out."

"You won't find out because I would compel you."

"Drake, you keep saying that, but you never do. What is so bad about a masquerade that you don't want to go?" I tried moving away from him, but he put me back against the wall.

“Please, Lea. Just let this go.” Drake said as he moves back. I didn’t even answer. All I did was watch him go back inside IHOP. My heart was start racing. I had to calm myself down. After a few minutes, I lean off the wall and went back inside. Even when I had to sit next to Drake, we barely touch. When we would talk, we wouldn't even talk about the masquerade. After we were done with our food and paid for it, we left and drove to the mall. Ana and Emily drove with us. As soon as we get in the mall, Drake decided to go somewhere else.


“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” I said. “You might like it.”

Drake frowns. “I’m not going shopping with a bunch of girls.” Drake took out his wallet and gave me his credit card. “Buy anything you want.”

“I’m not going to take your money.”

“I will.” Ana says as she take the credit card, but Drake took it back.

“No. This is for Lea.” Drake said as he hand me the credit card. I frown.

“I said I’m not taking your money.” I said.

“And I said I will.” Ana said

“Lea, just keep it.” Drake said.

“Drake…” I said

“Is anyone listening to me?” Ana says in frustration as she interrupts me. Drake bring me to the side away from Ana and Emily.

“Lea, why can’t you take the credit card?” he asks

“I’m not going to take your money. I thought I was just trying on clothes.” I said

“What if you want something?”

“I just don’t feel right taking your money.”

“Please Lea. You are not taking it. I’m just giving you money for you can buy some clothes. Just keep the credit card.” I groan.

“Okay. Okay.” I put his credit card in my purse.

“Thank you.” He smile as he walk away. I went to Ana and Emily as we went to clothes stores to try on and buy. Since the clothes I chosen 'isn't good enough', Ana picked out my clothes. When she was done, she led me to the dressing room for I can try them on. I tried on many clothes. Most of the clothes I tried on look great, but some I didn’t like at all.. I put on this yellow sun dress, then walk out the fitting room to show Ana and Emily. Ana took a good look at me and shook her head 'no'. 


"What's wrong with it?" I asked

"Nothing. I just don't like it." Ana said

"Me too." Emily said

"But... I like it." I said

"Then, that's definitely a no." Ana said. I groaned

"Fine." I was about to go back to the dressing room, but I stop myself and went back to them. "Um... Ana..."


"... I need to ask you something."

"If it’s about the dress, then no. You can't keep the dress."

'Sigh' "It is not about the dress... It's about Drake."

"What's wrong?"

"I told him about planning a masquerade for he can find his soul mate there."

"That is a great idea."

"I know... but Drake doesn’t even want to have a masquerade."

"I know. He didn't tell you why?"


"The reason is... that his Aunt Maria was killed at the masquerade. Ever since that night, he never wanted to go to a masquerade. He thinks it is bad curse."

"Oh." Now I felt bad. I turn back around and went to the fitting room. After I finish trying on the clothes, I used the credit card to pay for the clothes and a candy bar for Emily. We met Drake at the food court. Drake already had his food, so we went to McDonalds to order. As soon as we got our food, we sat down and ate. I took a bite of my salad.

"Lea?" Ana said

"Yeah." I said as I took a sip of my water.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" I choked on my water and start coughing. I can hear Drake chuckling. I glare at him, and then look back at Ana. 

"I don't think it is the right time for me to get a boyfriend."

“Why not?" Drake asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Just asking."

"One reason is that I have to help you. Second reason is that I'm not ready." I said

"Or, you just can't get one." Ana gasped. I look at Drake and frown.

"Yes I can! I can get any guy I want."

"Prove it."

"I would take the challenge. Prove him wrong." Ana said

"Yeah." Emily said as she ate her French fries. I look at Ana, then at Drake.

"Fine." I said

"Okay." Drake said. I took off my jacket and took my hair out of a ponytail. My hair fell in my face. When I fixed my hair, I put on a little lip gloss. I look at Ana.

"How do I look?" I asked. Ana smiled

"Gorgeous." she said

"Thank you." I stood up and went to this guy that I noticed who was checking me out. I sat down across from him. I can feel Drake, Ana, and Emily watching me.


"Hey." I said as I gave him one of my flirtatious smile. From the way he looks, he look like he is in his 30's.

"Hey. What's your name?" he asked

"Jenny..." I lied. "Yours?"

"Carter. But you can call me Big Papa if you want." I tried very hard not to throw up or roll my eyes. I can hear Drake, Ana, and Emily laughing.

"Well... why are you sitting here by yourself?"

"Waiting for a friend. By the way, Jenny is a beautiful name, just like you." I smile and took his hand in mine. His hand was sweaty.

"Thank you."

"You are a great girl. You want to go back to my place?"

"I thought you were waiting for your friends." 

"Forget them. What do you say?"


"What about a kiss."

"Not in a million years."

"What about a date."


"What about your phone number?"

"Sure..." After I gave him a phone number, I went back to Drake, Ana and Emily. I took out my hand sanitizer and pour some in my hands.

"You really gave him your number?" Drake asked

"Of course not. He is a freak. I gave him a number to Chinese place." I said. Ana laughed

"Good job." Ana said

"Thank you." I said

"Drake. You owe Lea an apology."

 "Not yet." Drake said

I frowned. "Why not? I just proved you wrong." I said

"That guy was easy. He fell for you that quickly."

"He did not."

"Yes he did. He already showing his friends the number you gave him." I turn around and Drake was right. Carter was showing these guys the paper I had put the phone number on. I turn back to Drake.

"What is the point? I proved myself." I said

"Guys..." Ana said. I can hear Emily laughing.

"Stay out of this Ana." Drake said

"Don't talk to her like that." I said


"I don't know what your problem is."

"Nothing." I took deep breaths

"Calm down." Ana said

"I am." I said

"Are you sure that you'll are not dating?"

"No. Why?" Drake asked

"You'll sound like a couple." Ana said

"Yea." Emily said as she took a sip of her juice.

"No we don't." Drake and I said at the same time. We look at each other. I blush and look away. 

"Drake... I mean Ana... can I talk to you in private?" I asked

"Sure." Ana said. "Emily. Stay with Drake."

"Okay." Emily said. Ana and I got up and went to a store. We stop in front of a rack of clothes. 


"Is Drake listening?" I asked

"No." she said

"What about Emily?"

"She is not listening. What is going on?"

“Drake is such an ass. He pissing me off.”

“He piss off everyone. That’s who he is.”

“That’s why I need to ask you a favor?”

“What is it?”

“I need you to ask Drake to go to the masquerade.”

“I thought he said no.”

“I know, but you can convince him.”

“Why you think so?”

“You are his favorite cousin.”

“No I’m not. We barely talk.”

“Oh. Well, can you still ask?”

“No… but I know someone who can.”


“Emily, of course. She’s good at convincing people.”


“Yea. I’ll go get her.”


“I will be right back.” When Ana left, it took her a few minutes to come back with Emily.

“Emily… Can you do something for me?” I asked her

“Anything for you.” Emily said as she smiles.

“Can you convince Drake to go to the masquerade?”

“Yes. For a price.” I gasped and look at Ana.

“Don’t look at me like that. I told you she was good at convincing people, but I never told you she was going to do it without a price.” Ana said. I look back at Emily.

“Okay. What you want?” I said

“I want Drake to spend a whole day with me.” Emily said. I hear Ana laughing.


 “Also… I want you to give me 20 bucks.”

“Wow. Fine. I will give you 20 bucks.” Emily held out her hands. “What?”

“Can I have it?”

‘Sigh’ “Okay.” I took out my wallet from my purse and gave her 20 dollars. Emily smiled, took a teddy bear from a shelf, and brought it to the cashier. As soon as she brought the teddy bear, we left the store and went back to Drake. Ana and I sat back down as Emily sat down on Drake’s lap.

“Look what I got.” Emily said as she held her teddy bear.

“That’s cute.” Drake said. I had to keep my heart from racing. So I just drank some water.

“Yeah. I finally got the teddy bear I wanted. You know what else I want.”


“Nothing… well… I was wondering… never mind.” Emily said as she start to pout.

‘Wow. She’s good.’ I thought to myself.

“What’s wrong Emily?” Ana asks

“I want to go to a masquerade… Oh…Drake, maybe you can do the masquerade. Then you can invite me.”

“No thanks.” Emily eyes start to water.

“Why? Please Drake. For me?”

Drake looks at me suspiciously. I look away. “Did Lea put you up to this?”

“Why would she do that?” Ana said

“No. So… can you do the masquerade?”

“Okay. We can have the masquerade. Now tell me if Lea put you up to this.”

“I don’t know. My mind is a little blank.” She said as she held out her hand to Drake. I gasp.

“I have to go to the ladies room.” I said as I left the table. I went to the bathroom to hide. I pace around in the bathroom. Some of the girls who would come in would look at me like I’m weird. I ignored them and kept pacing.

Well, the plan worked. The masquerade is going to happen, but what about Drake. Will he keep his word about going? Did Emily tell Drake I paid her to convince him about the masquerade? I groan. I went to the sink and wash my hands.

‘I can do this? I can handle Drake.’ I thought to myself. So, I left the restroom and start walking back to the food court. When I was getting near it, someone pull me into the closet. My heart stops beating rapidly. I want to scream, but the person had their hand over my mouth. So I did the only thing left to do… I start hitting the person. When I kneed the person, he groaned. He took his hand off my mouth in order to push me against the wall.


“Please don’t hurt me.?” I pleaded

“I would never hurt you.” He said. I recognized his voice quickly.

“Drake?” When he let me go, the light came on and I could see clearly now.

“Hey.” He smiled. I slap him. “Ouch. What’s that for?”

“You almost scared me half to death.”

“I know. You deserved it for getting Emily to come to me about the masquerade.”

I gasp. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Don’t do that. Emily told me everything.”

“Where is Emily?”

“She is with Ana.”

“Why didn’t you get on Ana? She was part of this too.”

“Because it was your idea. Why couldn’t you just leave this situation alone?”

“I already told you. I want to help you. Don’t let what happen in the past keep you from falling in love.”

“That is not true. I just don’t want to go to the masquerade.”

“Well… I don’t care what you want. I will be planning the masquerade if you like it or not. I’m not going to be staying here forever. I still have to go home.”

“I know. So little time left.” He said as he took a step closer to me.


“I don’t think I want you to leave.”

“It’s not your choice. I have a life back home.”

“I know. But I can still dream.” I blushed as I see Drake looking at my lips. Why did Drake make me feel this way? Drake looks right into my eyes. “Lea…” Before he could finish, I kissed him. He automatically kissed me back. He moved his hand to cup my face. I can feel my chest beating fast. I know I’m not supposed to be doing this, but… I want to. He picked me up and put me on the sink. It starts getting hot in here. When I start unbuttoning his shirt, the door opened. The janitor start to walk in, but then he look up and saw us. I hurried and jumped off the sink and pushed Drake away from me. I feel so embarrassed.

“I’m so sorry.” The janitor says all scared. “I’ll leave you two alone.” He said as he walked out. Drake turned back at me and tried to kiss me again, but I stopped him.

“No Drake.” I said

“What? He’s gone.” He said

“No. We shouldn’t be doing this. Let’s just go.” He sighed and backed up.

“Fine. But before you leave, button your pants.”

“What? They are…” I looked down and see my pants are about to fall off. I hurried and pulled them back up and buttoned it. “How you even… never mind. Come on before Ana and Emily come looking for us. Button up your shirt.” I said as I walked around Drake and opened the door. When we left out the janitor closet, we went back to the food court where Ana and Emily are.

“Where have you guys been?” Ana asked

“In the janitor closet.” Drake said. Ana raised an eyebrow at him.

“No. We walked past the janitor’s closet.” I said quickly as I nudged him.

“Oh… you are lying.” Emily said, smiling,

“No I’m not. Can we just leave now?” I said as I got up. Ana looked between me and Drake, but she got up.

“Fine.” She said as she grabbed our things and start walking out the door. Before we made it out the door, the same janitor guy who caught me and Drake in the closet, smiled at us. I tried to ignore him, but he came to us.


“Excuse me, but I forgot to tell you to use protection next time. Safety first.” He said as he laughed and walked away. Ana looked at me, all shocked.

“Just walking PAST the janitor’s closet, huh?” she said all smiling.

“Ana, nothing happened…” I said

“Yeah, okay.” She said sarcastically.

“What’s going on?” Emily asked. She looks so confused.

“Nothing, Emily. Let’s just go.” She said as we walked out the mall. When we were in the car, Drake drove to Ana’s and Emily’s house.”

“Remember the deal...” Emily said to me as she got out the car.

“What deal?” Drake asked

“I’ll tell you later.” I said to Drake as I got out the back seat. I went to Ana.

“Please don’t tell anyone about this.” I said. Ana turned to me.

“I won’t… but you need to tell me something.”


“Are you sure you and Drake aren’t together?”

“I’m sure.”

“Then... what about the janitor closet thing.”

“It was just a moment of weakness. It won’t happen again.”

“Why am I not convinced?”

“I don’t know.”

“Lea… I see the way you look at Drake. You can’t hide it.” I cross my arm over my chest.

“I do not have feelings for Drake.”

“Don’t convince me. Convince yourself. All I’m trying to say is that you need to figure out what you want. If you don’t… then it might be too late.” Ana gave me a hug, and then went inside the house. I was so confused. I don’t know what I want. I turn around and see Drake leaning against the car. I do not have feelings for Drake, I can’t be. I’m supposed to help him… not kiss him… right? ‘Sigh’ I went to Drake.

“We need to talk.” I said

“I know. About the deal you made with Emily.” He said as he brought me close.

“Not that. The kiss.” I said as I move back. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“What about it?”

“It can’t happen.”

“Don’t tell me this. You kiss me first, I didn’t know you had it in you,” He gave me a crooked smile.

I blushed. “Well, you had me against the wall. You caught me off guard.”

“So you are saying that putting you against the wall got you to kiss me. Well… if that the case, maybe I should do it more often.”

“Drake… I’m serious. This can never happen again.”

“I don’t think I can promise that.”


“I’m serious, Lea. But… I promise I would try.” He smooth my hair behind my ear. I move back.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Come on. We should be on our way to the house.”

“Okay.” He opens the passenger door for me. When I was inside, he shut the door. When he was in the car, he drove off. While Drake and I were talking, I still couldn’t get what Ana said.


All I’m trying to say is that you need to figure out what you want. If you don’t… then it might be too late.


What if she is right?


Chapter 10


When we got to the house, Gabriella was happy to see that I stayed. Everyone else didn’t even know I was gone. So I just told them that I went shopping with Drake, Emily, and Ana. Crystal was real happy I got new clothes. I told everyone the masquerade idea and they agreed. So Mrs. Knight starts planning it. Sabrina, Crystal, and Damien start the guest list. Caroline and I are in charge of the food. Everyone else is just helping out… well… except for Drake. Drake has been in the kitchen watching me. Mrs. Knight decided to do the masquerade on Saturday. 5 days from now. That mean I got a lot to do. Sarah would keep me updated on Dad. So far, he has been doing well, but he still didn’t wake up. I would also talk to Lucas. He is a great guy. During the time, I would help Drake on how to treat girls. He kept his promise and cooperates. He still flirts with me a little, but it was okay. I got used to it. We were now in the ball room.


“Drake, do you know how to dance?” I asked

“No.” he said as he ate a strawberry.

“Why not?”

“No one taught me.”

“Drake… you didn’t take dancing lessons.”


“Well… I’m going to teach you now.”

“No thanks.”

“I didn’t ask for your permission.” I said as I stood up. I grab Drakes hand. “Come on. It’s not that bad.” I said as Drake stood up. I led him to the middle of the dance floor.

“This is ridiculous.”

“No it is not. Just try.”

“Okay. Okay.”

“Okay, do you know the first thing to do?”

“Of course.” He put his right hand on my waist slightly around the back, while I put my hand on his right shoulder. Then he took my left in his in a loose grip.

I smiled. “Good. Now, we dance. You lead, I follow.”

“Where’s the music?” I groaned and went to the stereo. I turned on some graceful music, then I went back to Drake and we got back to position.

“There. Now let’s start. Like I said you lead and I will follow. On the first beat, you step forward with your left foot and I will do the opposite. Then on the second beat, you step forward and to the right with your right foot. Like an upside down L in the air with your foot. Then on the third beat, you slide your left foot over to your right and stand with your feet together. On the fourth beat, step back with your right foot, and finally, on the fifth beat, step back and to the left with your left foot. Then you repeat those steps. Okay?” Drake looked at me like he was so confused.

“Can you repeat that?”

‘Sigh’ “Instead of telling you, I will show you.” I went to rewind the ballad music and then I went back to Drake. When we start dancing, a few times he would step on my foot. He would apologize, so I would nod my head and tell him it is okay. During the end, he had gotten a little bit better. I couldn’t help but to blush when he dip me at the end of the song. He looks down at me and smiled. My heart fluttered. We were so close. His facial expression turns to desire as he looks at my lips. My blush deepened. He looks back into my eyes.

“You don’t know how hard it is for me to not kiss you right now.” He said softly. It felt like my heart just stopped that one second. Drake was leaning in; about to kiss me, but someone cleared their voice. We look and it is Crystal and Caroline. Drake dropped me and I fell on the floor. All that passion was gone. Now I was pissed.


“Drake?!” I said. He looks down at me and smirks.

“Sorry about that.” He said as he helps me up. I fixed my clothes and hair.

“Yeah.”  I look at Crystal and Caroline and smiled. “Hey.” Caroline help Crystal sit down.

“Sorry, were we interrupting something.” Crystal asked.

“No of course not.” I said. “I was just giving Drake some dancing lessons.”

“Oh, Drake. I didn’t know you didn’t know how to dance.” Caroline said

“Yea. No one taught me.” Soon it just had gotten awkward. So I cleared my voice. They look at me.

“Well, I’m going to fix something in the kitchen. I’ll see you’ll later.” I said

“I’ll come with you.” Drake said.

“Oh, not yet, Drake. We still need to have that talk.” Crystal said.

“Not right now.” Drake said.

“Yes, right now.”

Caroline moved me away from them. “You don’t want to hear this.” She said as she led me to the kitchen.

“Listen to what?” I asked.

“You do not want to know. Just don’t worry about it.” I just nodded my head and start making batter for the muffins. Caroline was sitting down drinking a cup of milk while reading a magazine. As soon as I put it in the cupcake pan, I stuck it in the oven. I sat down next to Caroline. We made some arrangements for the food for the masquerade. 30 minutes later, we were finally got the food ordered. Ana came in.


“Hey you guys. What is that delicious smell?” Ana asked

“It’s my muffins.” I said

“Well it smells great. Finally something smells good in the kitchen.”

I laughed. “Thanks…I guess.”

“Good, but remember Drake would have to keep you’ll energy up while he take care of Emily.”

“What?” Drake said as he came in the kitchen. Ana looks at me.

“You didn’t tell him?” Ana asked

“No.” I said

“What is going on?” Drake asked

“Well, let’s just say I made a deal with Emily that you would spend time with her.” I said as I nervously smiled. But Drake didn’t smile. He looked pissed. My smile went away quickly.

“Why in the world would you make a deal for me without telling me?” I smooth my hair back.

“Because…if I tell you…then you would say no to the masquerade.” I said as I chop some carrots.

“I know.”

“Well….it’s too late. You still going over my house right now.” Ana said, as she took the knife away from me.

“I’m so happy I’m not you.” Crystal said as she came in and sat down. She ate one of the carrots while rubbing her belly.

“I’m not going.” Drake said. I took out the muffins I made out the oven and put it on the counter.

“Drake, it probably won’t be that bad.”

“Crystal… have you seen Emily. She is wild!”

“Don’t you talk about my sister like that… even though it is true?” Ana said. Crystal took a muffin.

“Drake, I babysit Emily when she was 3 and until she was 5. She not that bad,” I said

“You are going anyway.” Mrs. Knight said as she came into the kitchen.

“What?!” Drake said

“You need to learn how to take care of a kid, so when you have your own kids, you will be ready.” Drake growled.

“Mom, not this again.”

“Yes, this again. Is Crystal the only one who is about to bring me a precious grandchild? I want some more grandchildren. Besides, you almost close to finding a soul mate.”

“Fine… forget it.” Drake left out the kitchen.

“Have fun.” Sabrina said as she took a bite of the muffin.

“Yea.” I said as I grab a muffin and left out the kitchen. I followed Drake to the car. I went into the driver’s seat and sat down. Drake was already inside. I turn to Drake.


“I’m so sorry.” I said.

“I wished you could have told me.” He said.

“I know. I should have told you from the beginning, but I really wanted you to have this masquerade.” Drake looks at me for a second, then look away.

“You want to know why I didn’t want this masquerade.”

“I already know. You think it is bad luck.”

“You ask Ana, didn’t you?” I laugh nervously.


“Well, that is not the only reason.”

“What is it?”

“Because it reminds how close to you leaving here.” When he said that, it felt like my heart just skipped a beat. Drake looks at me, then his eyes trail down to my hand, which is holding a muffin. He smiles and looks back at me. “Is that for me?” I blushed.

“Yeah…it is. I thought you might want it.” I gave him the muffin.

“Thanks.” I watched as he took a big bite of the muffin. “Pretty good.”

“Thanks.” I said nervously. As soon I drove off, I sigh in relief as he look away from me. When we get to Ana’s house, Ana’s father was walking out the house.

“Thank you guys.” He said as he went inside his car and drove off. Drake and I look at each other then back at the houses.

“Was it me or did he rush out the house?” Drake asked.

“Yeah.” I said. Drake looks at me.

“I thought you said she was not that bad.”

“I did. She was not bad when she was 3 and 4. I don’t know how she is now.”

“Well…you owe me.”

“Okay…Whatever you say.” Drake smirks and got out the car. Drake came to me.

“I mean it. You owe me.”

“I know. I know.” I got out the car. “Come on.”

“What you doing?”

“I’m coming with you.”


“I at least owe you that. Don’t make me change my mind.” I took Drake’s hand and led him into the house. The door was unlocked, so we went in. Emily was standing in front of the door. She smile, ran to me, and gave me a hug.


“I knew you wouldn’t break the deal.” She said

“You thought he wouldn’t come.” I asked


I look at Drake. He sighs and leans down for he could be at Emily’s height.

“Why would you say that?” Drake asked

“Because, you always hanging out with girls. You never have time for me.”

“Well…I’m here now. That counts.” Emily smiles

“Yeah.” Drake ruffled up her hair as he stood up. “Come on. Let’s play tea party.” She ran to the back. I turn to Drake and smile.

“See, you getting good at it already.” I said.

“At what?” he asked

“Taking care of kids.” Drake gave me a crooked smile.

“Thank you.”

I blushed. “You welcome.” I turn away and went to Emily’s room. Drake followed. Emily had the table set up. Drake and I sat on the small chair next to Emily. She gave us a plastic tea cup and a plate. On the other chairs, she got stuff animals sitting down. On each plate, there was an Oreo cookie.

“Would you like some tea?” she asked us.

“Yes. I said. She took my cup and uses the teapot to pretend to pour tea. She did the same for Drake, even when he didn’t say anything. Drake looks inside the cup.

“There is nothing in the cup.” He said. I nudge him. “What?” I lean to him.

“That is the point. You suppose to imagine tea is in the cup.” I whisper to him

“What is the point?” he whisper back

“I don’t know. Just go along with it.” Drake sighed.

“Fine.” I lean back in my chair as I ate the rest of the Oreo cookie.

“Lea…” Emily said

“Yes?” I said as I took another bite of the cookie.

“Mr. Teddy likes you.” I start coughing. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I look over at Drake and see him laughing. I glare at him, and then look back at Emily. “Who is Mr. Teddy?”

“That’s Mr. Teddy.” She pointed to a teddy bear with a bow tie. I look back at Emily.

“Why would you say he say he like me?”

“He thinks you’re pretty.”

Drake leaned over. “Remember. Use your imagination.” He whispered to me. I sigh in frustration.

“Shut up.” I whispered back. He smile and leans back. I look back at Emily. “Can you tell Mr. Teddy I said thank you.”

“Teddy wants to know if you want to go to a bedroom for a second.” Drake and I gasp at the same time.

“Did she just say that?” I asked Drake.

“Emily, where did you hear that?” Drake asked

“Whenever you call me, I hear you ask that to a lady and the lady would sound happy afterwards.” Emily said

“Oh.” I give Drake a dirty look. “What?’

“Emily…don’t you say that anymore. Not in front of your parents and Ana.”

“Why?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about that. Just know that it might get you in trouble. Just like it did to Drake right now.” I said to Emily, even when I was looking right at Drake.

“Drake, this is how your masquerade will be. I can’t wait until I go to it.’ Emily said

“Okay…Emily. I need to talk to Drake for a few minutes.” I said

“Okay.” I grab Drake’s hand and pull him to the living room. As soon as we were in there, I stomp on his foot.”

“Hey! What’s that for?” he said

“You know what it is for.” I said as I try to hit him again, but he caught both my hand.

“Calm down.”

“Calm down! You expect me to calm down after an eight year old child tell me that you called her while you were having sex!”

“You think I did that on purpose?”

“Did you?”

“No. I was talking to Emily. When I said good bye, I thought I hung up.”

I cross my arm over my chest. “You still shouldn’t have had sex with her.”

“Why you so mad? This happen a year ago.” I sigh in relief.

“That’s good.” Drake gave one of his charming smiles.

“You’re jealous.” I blushed

“I’m not.”

“Come on. Be honest. “

“I am being honest. If I was jealous, I would ask for the girl name and address.” Drake laughed as I smiled.

“Real funny.”

“How am I funny?”

“You lie so much that you think everyone believes you.”

“What you mean?’

“Well…you try so hard to convince us that you never convince yourself.”

“Why you and Ana keep saying that?”

“Maybe because it is true.” He turned and went back into Emily’s room. After I sigh in frustration, I went back to Emily’s room. Emily was jumping on her bed. I smile. Drake sat down on the rocking chair.

“Lea?” Emily said

“Yeah.” I said as I stood against the wall.

“Can I do your hair?”

“Um…sure. But, you can’t do it while jumping on the bed.”

“Okay.” Emily stopped and got off the bed. As I took the pins out my hair, my hair fell against my face. When I sat down on the floor, Emily starts brushing my hair. It was quiet for a while until Emily decides to say something. “Your hair is so soft and long.”

“Thank you.” I said

“I wish I was beautiful like you.”

“You are beautiful.”

“I know. It’s just…you are prettier. I want to be you when I grow up.”


“That’s because you’re brave and very nice. Also, I want to own a business too.”

“What your business going to be about?”

“Selling unicorns.”

“Wow. Look at the time. Time for lunch.” I stood up quickly and left out the room. Drake followed.

“You leaving me with her?” he asked

“Don’t worry. You will do great.” I said as I put my hair in a ponytail.

“What if I do badly?”

“You won’t do badly. Don’t worry too much.” I squeezed his hands and then went into the kitchen. I fixed grilled cheese sandwiches and poured some apple juice in the cups. When I call for their names to come and eat, Emily came into the dining room and sat down at the table. “Drake?” He didn’t even respond. Emily was giggling when I put her plate down with a cup of apple juice.


“Thank you.” She said as she took a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich.

“You welcome. Um…Emily?” I said


“Where is Drake?”

“He is hiding.”


“We were playing hide and go seek.” I left out the kitchen and went to Emily’s room. He wasn’t there, so I look in the rest of the rooms in the house, but he wasn’t there either. I went back in the dining room.

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.” She giggled some more.

“Emily…Can you please tell me where Drake is?” She held out her hand.

“Pay up.” I groaned and took out $10 dollars and gave it to her. Her smile widen.

“Can you tell me now?”

“He on the roof.”


“I don’t know.” I sigh in frustration and left out the house, I back up until I see Drake. He was leaning back on the chimney, smoking a cigarette. I picked up a pebble and threw it at him…but, of course it missed. He sat up anyway.


“What?” he said

“Is that how you speak to a lady?” I yell up.

“What do you want Lea?”

“Come down. Lunch is ready.”


“Why not?”

“Not to sound mean, but… Emily is psycho.”

“Why you say that? I thought you’ll was playing hide and go seek?”

“No we weren’t. She was chasing me around with holy water and a stake. So, I decided to hide on the roof. “

“Come on. She can’t be that bad.”

“You got to be kidding me.”

“What?” Drake stood up and jump off the roof. He landed foot first. He came to me and was about to take off his shirt, but I stopped him.

“What are you doing?” Drake chuckle

“I’m taking off my shirt.”


“To show you something.”

“Show me what? Your 6-pack abs.”  I took the cigarette from him, threw it on the ground, and crush it with my foot. When I look back at him, his shirt was off. “Drake!”

“Look carefully.”

‘Sigh’ I look at Drake chest. There was a stake stuck to his chest. I cover my mouth to keep myself from laughing. “I thought you said she was chasing you around with a stake, not gluing it to your chest.”

“Yea… with a different stake after she’d super glued this one on me.”

I giggled. “I’m not going to ask. Why can’t you just take it off?”

“If I do, my whole chest skin would come off. It would take a few days for it to heal.”

“Well… I will help you.”

“How you expect to get it off?” I smile and took his hand in mine.

“Watch and learn.” He raised an eyebrow as I pull him into the house and into the dining room. After giving Drake his lunch and drink, I went to the bathroom and got ear swab and the rubbing alcohol. When I was back in the dining room, Drake was pouring vodka in his apple juice. “Drake!”

“What? I’m thirsty.”

“Why you pour Alcohol in your apple juice?”

“I wanted to try something new.” Drake took a sip of his drink, but spit it back out. “That was disgusting.”

“That’s what you get.” I laughed

“Ha ha ha. Keep laughing.” He took a bite of his grilled cheese sandwich.

“You are the one who put vodka in your apple juice.”

“You could have stopped me.”

“What happen to all that talk about ‘trying something new’?” Drake finished his grilled cheese sandwich and threw his trash away.

“Let’s get this over with.”

“Come to the living room.” When we were in the living room, we sat down on the couch. I open the rubbing alcohol bottle and soaked the ear swab with it, and then I start working. It was so quiet. I look up and see Drake staring at me. I blush.

“What?” I said

“Sorry… I still have trouble believing that you single.” he said

“Why? You find me attractive.” I said sarcastically. Drake gave me a crooked smile

“You can probably say that.”


“I’m serious. Why you never start dating again after your ex-boyfriend?”

“I never had enough time. Ever since Mom died and Dad is in a coma…I was too busy. I still have a lot to do. Being here is almost like a vacation.”


“I don’t know. I just feel that I owe it to my Mom. She sacrificed her life because this psychopath thinks he is in love with me... I just don’t think I’m ready yet.” I finally got the stake from his chest. I hand him the stake.

“Thanks.” I smile

“You welcome. I’m sorry I told you all that.”

“It’s okay. I asked a question.”

“It’s so easy to talk to you.”

“Wow. That’s the first time somebody said that to me.”

“Well…It’s time.” I look up at Drake and smile.

“Well, can I tell you something?” He smile back.


“I think you are pretty good kisser.” I roll my eyes.

“Oh really?”


“Are you trying to sweet talk me?”

“Maybe. Is it working?”

“Maybe… You the one who can read minds.” Drake chuckle and smooth my hair behind my ear.

“That is true.” He start leaning in as he was about to kiss me, but Emily came in. We moved away from each other quickly. She was giggling and fell down on the floor.

“Emily, are you okay?” I asked

“I’m *hiccup* fine.” She said as she giggled some more. She tried to stand up, but she fell back down and starts laughing again. “Ouch. My booty hurts *hiccup*” I look at Emily carefully. Her eyes were bloodshot red.

“Emily? Are you drunk?”

“Huh *hiccup* Oh, I drunk the rest of Drake’s apple juice. The one that was left on the table. It was so strong *hiccup* but it taste so good. Do we have anymore?” I look at Drake and frown.

“What?” he said. ‘Sigh’ I look back at Emily.

“No we don’t.” I told Emily. She whined and starts running around in the house. Of course she was too fast, so I had to stop to catch my breath.  Drake finally caught Emily. She kept laughing and hiccupping when I got her to take a bath. When she was done, she put on her PJ’s. I put her in bed while Drake left out the room as I was tucking her in.


“I got a head ache. I don’t want apple juice anymore.” Emily said. I laugh.

“That’s good.” I said as I sat down on the bed and lay back next to Emily. She laid her head on me.



“When will you and Drake get married?”

“Um…Emily…Drake and I are not getting married.”

“Why? You’ll look cute together. I won’t tell Mr. Teddy. He will get over it.” She whined

“I can’t. I still need to find his soul mate…” I look out into space and sigh. “Besides…we are not in love.” She looks up at me.

“Please fall in love. Then you can get married and you can stay here.” She whimpered.

I look down at her and wipe her tears. “Oh. So…this is why. You want me to stay.”

“Yes. Also…you would be able to hang out with me all the time.

“Emily…I can’t. I have a sick Dad at home and a business to run. I can’t just leave all that behind.”

“I know…but…”

“No buts…”

“I don’t want you to leave.”

“What about this? I promise I will come by and visit you sometime.” Emily smile

“Yes. That would be amazing.”

“Good. Now…go to sleep.”

“Okay.” She lay her head on me and close her eyes as I sing to her as she fell asleep…but I end up falling asleep too.



Chapter 11


I was in the hospital. I walk down the hallway until I get to Dad’s room. I walked into the room. He is still his skinny, pale self, with the tube down his throat. The only difference was that someone else was in the room. The woman was sitting at Dad’s side, holding his hand.


“Sarah, what are you doing here?” I asked. The woman turned around and I almost dropped to my knees, but instead I start crying.

“Lea.” She said as she stood up and walk to me.

“Mom.” I cried out as I hugged her. I knew this wasn’t real, but I would like it to be real for a while. Her scent is still the same and she still looks the same from the last time I saw. Just hugging her made me cry harder.

“It’s okay, Lea.” She said in a comforting voice.

“I missed you so much. Everything has been hard since you died.” I said

“I missed you too. How is your father?” she said as she walked back over to his bedside,

“From what Sarah is telling me, he is doing well. His condition is getting better.”

“That is good.” She said as she wiped her eyes.

“Mom, I miss you. I wish I was with you.” When I said that, Mom turned around, tears running down her face.

“Don’t say that. It’s not your time yet. You have so much to live for. What about Drake?”

“What about Drake? Once I help him find his soul mate, its back to pain and sadness back at home”

“Lea, you will not be alone. You will always have me in your heart. I want you to know that I will always be with you. It’s time for you to wake up. Stay safe.” She turned back to Dad and kissed him on his forehead, and then went to me. She gave me a hug. “Don’t give up on Drake, sweetheart.” She whispered in my ear.

“What? Wait Mom…”

“Wake up.” She said silently. After that, I woke up. I look over at Emily. She was still asleep. So, I got up carefully and left out the room. As soon as I shut the door, I turn around and see Drake and Ana. I’m so happy Drake covered my mouth before I screamed. They led me to the living room. Drake finally let go of me.


“You’ll almost scare me half to death.” I said

“I know, but we heard you screaming your Mom name to see if you okay.” Drake said

“Well, I’m fine. It was just a dream, but…why didn’t Emily wake up.”

“Oh…she’s a deep sleeper. I’m actually surprised that you’ll get her to go to bed on time. Usually, she would still be awake. You’ll need to tell me your secret.” Ana said. Drake and I look at each other, then back at Ana.

“You do not want to know.” I said. Ana was about to say something, but someone knock on the door.

“I’ll get that.” Ana said. When she left out the living room, Drake looks at me.

“Are you sure that you are okay?” Drake asked. He looks so concerned.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. Just a crazy dream, which will never happen. That’s all.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Before I could answer, Ana came into the living room with a guy.

“You must be Lea.” He said

“Yes. Who are you?” I said

“Dylan. Are you ready to go?”

“Go where?” Dylan laughed

“You are so funny.” When he sees that I wasn’t laughing, he stopped. “Wait…you serious.”


“Our date.”

“What date?”

“Sabrina said you agreed to it.”

“Oh. Of course she did. Um…let me get ready.”

“Sure. I’ll wait down here.”

“Thanks.” Ana followed me up the stairs. She looked so excited. As soon as we were in the bathroom, I start to fix my hair.


“Aren’t you excited?” she asked

“I’m not so sure.”

“Well…you should be. He’s hot.”

“I don’t pay attention to looks.”

“Or maybe you not excited because he’s not Drake.” I gasped and turn to Ana.

“That’s not true.”

“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Before I could say anything, Ana was gone. I groaned and turn back to the mirror. After I was done straightening my outfit and hair, I went downstairs. Dylan wasn’t there.

“Where’s Dylan?” I asked

“He’s waiting in the car.” Ana said excitedly. “Have fun.”

“I’ll try.”

“Come on, Lea. It’s been too long since you been on a date. Cheer up. Maybe he’s the one. Your soul mate.” Drake laughed. Ana frowned and looks at Drake. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing…it’s just…Dylan doesn’t look like Lea’s type.” He said

“Oh really. Then, what is Lea’s type?” Drake smile dim down a little and he left the house. He didn’t even say anything. Ana smiled. “I thought so.” Ana looks back around hugged me. “Bye Lea.”

“Bye.” I said. As soon as I left the house, I see Drake leaning against his car. I went to it.

“Are you nervous about your date?”  He asked

“No, why you ask?” I said. It looks like Drake was about to say something, but he stop.

“Nothing. Just be careful.” I smiled.

“Thanks.” I gave Drake a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you at the house.”

“Yea.” I moved back and went to Dylan’s car and got in the passenger seat. As Dylan was driving off, I look out the window and see that Drake is gone. During the ride, a few times, Dylan would lean his head out the window and howled through the night. It gave me a headache. I was so happy when we finally made it to the movie theatre. When we got out the car, we went inside and got in line.


“What movie you want to see?” Dylan asked

I look up on the board. “Um…we can see ’21 Jump Street.’ Is it okay with you?”

“I’m cool with it.” When Dylan paid for the tickets and snacks, we went to sit down. But when the movie started, I couldn’t get Dylan to shut up. He kept talking and laughing so loudly during the movie.

“Dylan…” I whispered

“Wow. Greg is such an idiot if he doesn’t know his Miranda rights. I know it.” He starts laughing again. I frowned.

“Can you quiet down?”

“Okay.” I sigh in relief. For a while, he was quiet, but he start laughing loudly again and talking, I groan and blush with embarrassment.

“Just shut up already!!” One the guys in the seat behind us said.

“You shut up. I already saw this movie. The supplier is the P.E. teacher, Mr. Walters.

“You jack ass! We didn’t even see it!” a woman yelled.

“Too bad!” Dylan yelled back. I groaned and leaned down in my seat.

“Why don’t you shut up or I would come down there and kick your ass!” a man said

“Come then. I’m waiting…Damn, it’s just a movie.” Dylan said. That’s when everyone starts yelling at him. I had to convince him to leave because he was about to fight one of the guys. I had to keep him from turning because I already see his claws growing out. When I finished calming down Dylan, he drove us to BLT Steakhouse. Dylan ordered a plate full of rare hanger steaks while I order the lump crab with baked potato and grilled asparagus. As soon as the waiter left, Dylan leans back.


“I am so sorry for what happened at the movie theater. They are such jerks. I know they ruined your time, but I think this date is going well.” Dylan said. I had to try my very best not to cuss him out.

“Yeah…it is.” I said. Dylan took a few gulps of his draft beer.

“I don’t know why Sabrina didn’t introduce me to you earlier. You’re hot.”


“No problem.” He winked at me.

“God, just kill me now.” I said to myself.


“Nothing…Nothing at all...” He nodded as he drank the rest of his beer. As soon as the waiter came back with our food, Dylan starts eating. He only uses his hands. Again, I blush with embarrassment because everyone was watching with a disgusted face. The other embarrassing thing is that Dylan keeps ordering more draft beer. I went to the restroom and stood in front of the sink as I took deep breaths. A lady came into the restroom and stood beside me.


“Is that your boyfriend out there?” she asked

“No. It’s just a date.” I said

“He eating like an animal. Don’t have any manners at all.”

‘He is an animal.’ I thought to myself, but instead, I said. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry on his behalf.”

“Mhm. Okay.” She said as she went into one of the bathroom stalls. I left out the bathroom and went back to the table. As soon as he paid the bill, I had to help him stand up straight because he was so drunk. When we got to the car, he leans against it.

“Give me your car keys.” I said. He laughs.

“Why?” he ask

“You are too drunk to drive. Let me drive you home.”

“Okay, if you insist.” When he gave me the car keys, he went to the passenger seat. As soon as I was in the car, he told me his address as I was putting it in the GPS. On the ride to his house, he couldn’t stop talking about how good looking he is. I was so happy that I finally made it to his house. Dylan turns to me.

“I…had a great…time tonight.” He said in a slurred voice

“Yeah.” I said

“Can you…can you help me in the house?”

“Um…sure.” So, as soon as I got the key to his house, I unlock his door. I help him upstairs to his room. I sat down his car keys on his dresser.

“Thank you so much.” He said as he gave me a hug. I hesitated before I hugged him back.

“You welcome. I should be leaving now.”

“Please…don’t go yet.” Before I could say anything, he kissed me. I can taste the alcohol. I stop the kiss and tried to push him away. He starts kissing my neck. Now I was getting scared. He took off my jacket and start moving his hand down my body.

“Stop. Please.” But he didn’t listen. He kissed me again and was forcing me onto the bed. Tears filled my eyes as I was trying to get free. As soon as I kick him in his groin, he groaned in pain and let go of me. I got up quickly and ran down stairs. As I was getting closer to the door, a wolf jumps in front of me. I gasped. It was Dylan. I turn around and tried to run back up the stairs, but Dylan gotten a hold of my ankle with his teeth and pulled. I hear a wet pop. I screamed in pain. I rolled over and kicked him in the face he let me go. I stood up and limp towards his bedroom. I hurried and push his dresser in front of his door to hold it closed. I jumped back as I hear Dylan growling and hitting against the door. Tears ran down my face as I back up and fell down on the floor. There were cracks forming on the door.

“Leave me alone!” I yelled. I crawl back until I hit the corner of the room. My heart was beating so rapidly. Dylan kept hitting on the door. I wept and was shaking. I look down at my ankle. It was bleeding a lot and purple. I was in so much pain. Oh god, I was bitten. Does it mean I’m going to become a wolf? All I know is that I want to get out of here. I don’t know what to do. Finally Dylan stopped banging on the door. My heart froze as I start to listen. It was so quiet. I have to get my phone. I wipe my eyes as I slowly gotten up. I felt a sharp pain, but I ignored it and limp to the bed. I sat down and grabbed my purse. My hands were shaking as I took my phone out my purse. I thought about calling the police, but I would sound crazy if I say I was being attacked by a werewolf. So I decided to call the Knight’s house. After a few rings, Peter answered.


“Hello?” he said.  I was quiet at first because I was trying to control my tears. “I said hello.” He said impatiently.

“P-peter…” I stuttered

“Lea? Is that you?”

“I-I’m so s-scared. Please come g-get me.”

“I thought you were on your date?” I jumped when I hear something go against the window. I whimpered. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

“Dylan is trying to get me. Also he bit me and I’m hurt really badly. Please come now.” I spoke quickly as I was crying.

“Lea calm down.”

“I can’t!” Next thing I know Dylan crashed through the window. I screamed and dropped the phone as I ended up falling off the bed. I wince in pain, but I still tried to scoot back to the restroom. Dylan bit down on my injured ankle with his teeth again and starts pulling me. I bit down on my lip to keep myself from screaming in pain. I kicked Dylan in face. At first he didn’t let go. So I kept kicking as hard as I can until he finally let go and start whimpering.  I rolled over and crawled to the bathroom. I had to slam the door on Dylan many times to get the door closed. As soon as I locked the door, I climbed in the tub and end up breaking down in tears. I wanted to go home. Why can’t life be normal? How did Mom deal with this? I start to feel light headed. I must be losing a lot of blood. I lean my head against the wall as I look at the door. I just wished Mom was here. After a few minutes of crying, I drifted off to sleep.


Chapter 12


I woke up to a sound of something crashing. I hear a lot of growling. Oh God. I was feeling sick to my stomach. I grabbed on the counter and used all my strength to stand up. I can barely feel my left foot. 1 leaned on the counter. I have to find something to defend myself with. I look around until my eyes stop to the mirror. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. I used all my strength to punch the mirror. I groaned in pain. I punched the mirror until glass crashed down. My hand was filled with cuts and it was bleeding. I turned on the water and rinsed off my hand as tears ran down my face. I froze when I hear the doorknob to the bathroom turn. I jumped and hurriedly grabbed a sharp jagged piece of glass and limped toward the corner of the door. The door knob kept turning until the person got the door open. My heart was racing, but I tried my best to stay quiet. The person moved up. From behind, I can tell the person is a male. When he turn around, I jumped out and stabbed him in the chest. I end up falling on top of him. I crawled back against the wall and closed my eyes.


“Lea, calm down. It’s me, Drake.” He said. I open my eyes and look at him face to face. It was Drake. He grabbed the glass piece and took it out his chest.

“I’m so sorry. I thought you was Dylan.” I said as I start to cry.

“Dylan ran off, but we hurt him real bad, so he didn’t go that far.”

“You ok?”

“Yea, it will heal. I’m only worried about you.” As soon as he was about to come to me, he stopped. “You are losing a lot of blood.”

“Yea.” Drake closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Drake?” When Drake opened his eyes, it was pure black. Drake was in front of me in a second. Drake touch my ankle then put his hand to his mouth as he sniff my blood.

“I trust you Drake.” Drake looked so sad. He closed his eyes as I put my hand to his cheeks. Peter and Christopher came in the room.

“Is everything okay?” Christopher asked. Drake opened his eyes and it was back to beautiful hazel.

“Yes” Drake said

“Oh so much blood here. What did he do to you?” Peter said

I was feeling so weak. “He… was drunk. He kept touching and kissing me. He bit my ankle.” I said. Drake growled. Christopher put the back of his hand on my forehead.

“Oh crap. You burning up. We need to get you to Caleb quickly.” Christopher said. Drake picked me up and gave me to Christopher.

“While you’ll do that, I’m going to find Dylan.” Drake said. I held onto Drake’s hand

“Don’t, please.”

“He hurt you. He’s not going to get away with this.”  Tears filled my eyes.

“Please. Don’t go.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back.” Drake kissed me on my forehead, and then he was gone.

“I’ll go with him.” Christopher said as he hand me to Peter. In a second, Christopher was gone too. I lean against Peter.


“I guess it’s just you and me.” He said. As he left the bathroom. There was stuff all over the place. Peter went downstairs and we left out the house. I lean against his chest as he carried me to the car. He laid me down in the back seat and strapped me in. “Try not to fall asleep. You already lost a lot of blood. We don’t want you falling asleep and drifting into a coma.”

“Okay.” I said. During the ride back to the Knight’s house, Peter kept saying my name to make sure I haven’t fallen to sleep. I kept drifting in and out of sleep. So I barely knew what was going on. I closed my eyes and drift off to sleep. When I open my eyes, Caleb was in front of me checking my pulse.


I tried to talk, but I couldn’t say anything. I look around and I could only see bright light. “Don’t try to talk. I gave you general anesthesia.” Caleb lean me back. “Just close your eyes and relax.” So I followed directions as I drift back into deep sleep.




I regained consciousness and the first person I see is Drake. He was wearing something different. I sat up.

“Am I werewolf now?” I asked. Drake laughed

“No. Caleb stopped the change.” Drake said


“He gave you vampire blood. The vampire blood overpowered it. If we haven’t gotten you here in time, you might have gone through the change.”

“Oh crap. Now I’m a vampire.”

He chuckle. “No. Unless you died, you not a vampire.”

“What if I did die?”

“Then you a vampire.” I tense up and sat up quickly.

“Drake!” He laughs. Caleb came into the room.

“What’s going on?” Caleb said

“Am I a vampire?” I asked

“No. Why you asked?”

“Drake said you gave me vampire blood.”

“Yes. I used the vampire blood to stop the wolf venom to spread. So, as long as you don’t die anytime soon, then you won’t turn to a vampire.” I looked down at my hand that I injured and I didn’t see the wound.

“I’m healed.”

“Yea. The vampire blood healed your hand.”

“What about my ankle?”

“Oh, it did heal, but I had to break your ankle again to rearrange to make it straight again. So you will have to use crutches for a while.” I look down at my cast. I groan.

“This sucks so much. I went to one date, and I end up getting my foot broken and harassed. How can I be so stupid?”

“You are not stupid don’t think like that.” Drake said

“Well, it’s true. I should have left as soon as he embarrassed me at the movie theatre, but I wanted to be nice. Now, look where it got me. With a broken ankle.” I said

“I can give you vampire blood again.” Caleb said

“Never mind.” I said quickly. Caleb and Drake laughs. Sabrina came running to me and gave me a hug. Tears were running down her face.


“Lea, I heard what happened. I am so sorry. I didn’t know that Dylan was that crazy. I gotten Nicholas to go talk to him.” Sabrina said

“It’s alright.” I said. Drake and Caleb left the room

“No. It’s not. This is my entire fault. I should have minded my own business and just let you find your own date.”

“Sabrina, it’s ok. It wasn’t your fault. Okay?” Sabrina nodded. I scooted over on the bed and Sabrina sat beside me. She laid her head on my shoulder as we talked. Even though we were having a great time, I can tell Sabrina still felt bad because I would see her look at my cast a few times. Poor Sabrina.

Chapter 13


Ever since that day, Sabrina have been apologizing to me. I keep telling her it is okay, but she never listen. Dylan have been calling the house to talk to me, but I would keep on refusing him. One time, he even came by here, but Nicholas convince Dylan to leave out. It was hard for me to help out with the masquerade for a few days because of the crutches. Things has been awkward between Drake and I, but we grow closer since he pick me up from Dylan’s house. I saw another side of Drake that I like very much. Actually, my feelings for Drake has grown and I can’t find a way to stop it. I can’t stop thinking about him, but I would keep reminding myself that Drake was not interested in me to stay focused. Now, today is the night of the masquerade. I didn’t need the crutches any more, but Caleb suggested that I keep the cast on longer. He told me that my ankle wasn’t healed all the way. Now, I was going through the list to make sure everything was ready. The ball room was ready and the tables was set. Everyone was getting ready. Ana came downstairs with a beautiful emerald dress. She wore her hair in a bun. She came to me.


“Why aren’t you dressed?” Ana ask. I hear the door knock.

“I told you. I’m not going.” I said as I went to the door.

“Why?” She said as she whine and follow me.

“I told you why. I don’t want to go.” I open the door and smile. “Hey Lucas. Thank you for coming at the last minute.” I said as I gave him a hug.  He hug me back.

“Of course. I would do anything for a friend.” He said.

“Who is he?” Ana asked as she smiled at him flirtatiously.

“Ana, this is Lucas. Lucas, this is Ana. Lucas would be bartending.” I said.

“Cool. Nice to meet you Lucas.” Ana said as she held out her hand. He smile and took her hand.

“Nice to meet you too.” He said as he leans down and kiss the back of her hand. “You look amazing.”

Ana blushes. “Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.”

“Thanks.” I felt awkward watching them.

“Um… Ana. Why don’t you show Lucas where the bar area is? I said

“Yes I will.” She says as she took Lucas hand and pull him away.

‘Sigh’ As soon as I shut the door, I went back to work. After a couple of hours, the guests start to arrive. Everyone was downstairs, except for Drake. I went to Mrs. Knight.


“Have you seen Drake?” I asked

“The last time I saw him, he was in his room.” She said.

“Thanks.” I said as I went upstairs. Like Mrs. Knight said, Drake was in his room. Drake didn’t even look up. This is my first time in his room. His room was big. Of course he has girl posters on his walls, but his room was tidy. Drake was sitting on his bed. I went to Drake and sat beside him. He was holding a picture of woman standing next to a little boy.


“She is beautiful. Who is she?” I asked Drake.

“This is Aunt Maria.” He said.

“Is the boy you?”

“Yeah. This was the last picture we took together. She always told me to treat ladies right and to always follow my heart. She would say that she can’t wait to see me find the right girl and start a family.”

“Then why you not down there finding the right girl.”

“Because… I’m nervous.”

“You nervous?”

“Don’t act like you’re surprised.”

“Why are you nervous?”

“It’s just… I didn’t even want a masquerade.”

“Then, what do you want? Tell me and I will do it.” Drake looks at me and smile.

“I’m just confused. What you think I should do?”

“I think you should go downstairs and give this masquerade a try. If you can’t do it for me, at least do it for your Maria.” Drake stood up.

“I guess I can give it a try.”

“Good.” I stood up and fixed his tie. “Now go downstairs and find the right girl.” I said enthusiastically. Drake raised an eyebrow at me. I blush. “Too much?”

“Yea… but…” He went to his night table.

“But what?”

“I want to give you something.” He came back to me with a beautiful crystal amulet.

“What is this? It is so beautiful.”

“It was my Aunt Maria’s. She gave me this before she died.”

“I can’t take this.”

“I want you to have it. You dealt with my crap for the past few months. I at least want to give you this. I know Aunt Maria would want you to have it.” Tears filled my eyes as I look at the amulet, then at Drake.

“But… Drake.”

“Please Lea. I want you to have it. Besides, it would look much better on you than me.” I laugh as I wipe the tears away and took the amulet.

“Thank you so much.” I gave him a hug. He hug me back.

“No problem.” After a few seconds, I finally let go.

“Now go downstairs before you miss the girl.” Drake put on a black mask.

“Okay. Leaving now.” He smiles, kissed me on my forehead, then left the room. I got a tissue and start wiping my eyes. When I turned around, I see Crystal and Gabriella standing there.


“I guess you’ll heard everything.” I said

“Yep.” They said at the same time.

“Now what?’

“We just want to thank you for helping Drake get over his fear.” Crystal said.

“Also, we need to get you in some clothes. You can’t go downstairs like that.” Gabriella said.

“I told you’ll that I’m not going.”

“I don’t take no as an answer.”

“It’s true.” Crystal said. ‘Sigh’

“Fine.” I said

“Yay.” They said at the same time. Gabriella rushed me out of Drake’s room and brought me to her room.

“I will be downstairs.” Crystal said.

“Okay. Remember to eat healthy. You need to lose all that fat.” Gabriella said. Crystal frowned.

“For the last time. I’m pregnant!”

“Who cares? Just lose the fat.”

“You know what… I’m tired explaining to you. I’m not going to let you stress me out.” Crystal left out the room and went back downstairs to the masquerade. Gabriella stood back and studied me. She smile.

“I know the right dress for you.” She went to her closet and pull out this gorgeous blue ruching sequins ballerina dress with strappy silver flats. “Put these on. I would be waiting downstairs.” I groaned and went to my room. I changed my clothes to the dress and shoes. I took out my hair and curled it. I put on black mascara and eyeliner with a little bit of lip gloss. I jumped when the door open.


“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” Mr. Knight said

“It’s alright. What you doing here? Is there anything wrong?” I said

“No. Everything is fine. Gabriella told me you was in here. You look beautiful.” I smile.

“Thank you. And you look… handsome.”

“Thanks. Who do you think Drake got his good looks from?”


“Good girl.” I grab the amulet from the dresser. “You need help with that?”

“Oh… sure.” I gave him the amulet and turn around. I lift my hair as he put on the amulet. As soon as it was on, I let go of my hair and turn back to Mr. Knight. He smile.

“You remind me so much of my sister Maria. Both of you are good hearted and delicate.”

“Thank you.”

“You welcome… I want to give you something. I’ll be right back.” Before I could say anything, he was out the room. In a minute, he was right in front of me holding a box. “Here.” He put the box on the bed.

“What is it?”

“Open it for you can find out.”

‘Sigh’ I went around Mr. Knight to the bed. When I opened the box, I gasp. Inside was a beautiful gray baroque mask. “It looks gorgeous.”

“It was Maria’s. She wore this at her masquerade. Crystal fixed it for you.”

“… I don’t know what to say.”

“Say thank you.” I smiled.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll be downstairs.”

“Okay.” As soon as Mr. Knight left, I look back at the mask. I took a deep breath before I picked up the mask and put it on my face. I was nervous. I don’t know why, but I am. I really wasn’t planning on going to the masquerade. It seem like they plan for me to go.


‘Sigh’ “I might as well go.” I said to myself. I left out the room and took deep breaths. As soon as I was calm, I went down the stairs, I stop when I see everyone looking at me. I blush and smooth my hair behind my ear. My heart was racing as I went the rest of the way down the stairs. Guys came over to me quickly, trying to talk to me.. Some of the guys were vampires, werewolves, and witches. I went past them until I got to the bar area where Lucas and Ana is.

“Lea?” Ana asked

“Yes.” I said

“Wow. You look amazing.” Lucas said.

My blush deepen. “Thanks. Why is all those guys going after me like this?” I said

“”That’s because your scent is intoxicating. They can’t help but to look.” A guy said behind me. I turned around and see Peter coming through the crowd of guys with a woman.

“Peter?!” I said.


“Huh?” Lucas said.

“He means that she is very hot.” Ana says quickly. We had to be careful since Lucas don’t know about the supernatural world.

“Oh. Okay. Does that mean they are bisexuals because they look at me like that too?”

“Okay guys. Nothing to see. She is just a girl. Give her some space.” Peter said as he ignore Lucas. The guys sigh in disappointment and finally left me. I went to Peter and gave him a hug.

“Thank you so much. You saved me.” I said.

“No problem. Besides, I wanted you to meet Alexandra. My girlfriend.” Peter said. I look at her. She has strawberry blonde hair with blue eyes. She was filing her nails.

“Oh. Hello Alexandra.” I said.

“Hey.” She said as she continue filing her nails and chewing gum.

“How are you?”

“Fine… I guess.”

“How long have you two known each other?”

She blew a bubble. “I don’t know and I don’t care. Patrick, I want to eat.”

“My name is Peter.” He said

“Whatever. I’m going to eat.”

“Okay sweetheart.” Peter tried to kiss her, but she stop him.

“Lipstick.” Alexandra walked off. I look back at Peter.

“Wow. She’s… interesting.” I said

“I know. Isn’t she great?” Peter said

“Not exactly.” Ana said

“I think she is amazing.” Peter said

“Dude… Something must be wrong with you.” Lucas said

“I’m fine.” Peter said

“Peter…” I said as I sat down. Peter groaned.

“Everything is fine.”


“Okay. Okay. She is a pain.”

“What do your family think of her?”

“They still don’t think she is my girlfriend. They think I’m crazy.” Before I got to say anything, Peter left.

“Is he okay?” Lucas asked.

“I don’t even know.” I said as I sat down.  I look around the room. Everything looks great. Ana sat beside me.

“You did a good job with the masquerade.’ Ana said

“You mean WE did a good job.” I said

“Look at Drake. He looks miserable.” Lucas said. Drake was surrounded by many girls. Some of the guards was keeping some girls away. Drake looks at me and pretend to shoot himself in the head as he made a face. I start laughing.

“He don’t look that bad.” I said as I smooth my hair behind my ear. “Maybe I should go to him.”

“No I will. You need to relax.” Ana said as she got up and left. I groan and turn around in my seat to Lucas.

“Can you give me an apple martini?” I asked him.

“I thought you don’t drink?” Lucas asked as he start fixing my drink.

“I do now.” Lucas laugh as he gave me my drink.


“I’m stressed out.”

“Your always stress. Don’t stress out. You will wrinkle up your beautiful face.” I smile

“Thank you Lucas. You are a great friend, but you still can’t cheer me up. These past few weeks has been stressful. I had a lot to focus on. I had to focus on Dad, the masquerade, and then the issue with Drake.”

“What issue with Drake?” I groaned.

“Never mind.” I gulp down the apple martini. “Enough about me. What about you? Have you gotten enough money for your business yet?”

“Yeah. After the Knight family pay me, I would have more than enough to buy it. Thanks to you.”

“No problem… But you still haven’t told me what type of business you want to do.”

“Oh. I want to own a restaurant. It has always been my goal. Ever since I was a kid, I always pictured myself owning a family restaurant. When I live in a foster home, I start helping out with cooking. They always supported me.”

“Wow. You grew up in a foster home?”

“Yeah. I was given away when I was a baby.”

“Have you met your parents?

“No. I don’t even know their names.”

“That sucks. Why you never told me this?”

“Well… you never asked.”

“Well, I’m glad I can help. Just send me an invitation to the opening of your restaurant.” Lucas laugh

“Sure… Lea?”


“Do you think, by any chance, that Ana is single?” He ask as he gave me another apple martini.

“I don’t know. Why?”

“Well… I was going to ask her out on a date.” He smooth his hair back as his face turn a little red.

“Aww. You like her.”

“Lea, can you just tell me.”

“Okay. Okay. I think she is. Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

“Ask me what?” Ana said as she came to us.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” I took my apple martini and left. I went to check if everything was okay and see if anyone needed my help. Of course, everyone say the same thing.

“Go have fun.” It pissed me off, but I try not to show it. Now I’m just standing here with my third glass of apple martini. I already hear this buzz in my ear. I drank down my drink.


“I thought you don’t drink.” Drake whispered in my ears. I jump and turn around to him. Drake helped to keep me balanced. I hit him on the arm. “Hey. Why you always hitting me?”

“You scared the hell out of me. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

“Sorry. It’s just… you look so bored and… pissed off. So I want to see if you alright.”

“Finally someone notice. Yes I’m pissed off. I’m asking if anyone need my help, but they keep saying the same damn thing! ‘Have fun!’ ‘Enjoy yourself Lea!’ Stop telling me to do that!” Everyone start to look.

“Lea, calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down. I’m getting sick and tired of you keep saying that. I am calm!”

“How many drinks did you have?”

“I told you 3. Why you ask?”

“Just asking. I’m making sure you wasn’t drunk.”

“You thought I was drunk. Aww, you care.”

“Nope. Just asking in case I would have to take you upstairs.”

“Drake!” I hit him again as he laugh.

“Just kidding.”

“Yeah right.” Caroline and Christopher came over to us.

“Lea?” Caroline said as she studied my face.

“Yea.” I said

“Finally I found you. There are too many brunettes here. Everything I would find a girl, I would tap on them to get their attention. Of course they wasn’t you.”

“Wow. Do you need my help with anything?”

“No. Also, Drake, your Mom need you.” Drake groan

“Now I need a drink.” Drake said as he walk off.

“I feel so sorry for him. I hope he find his soul mate.” Christopher said. I smooth my hair behind my ear.

“So, what did you guys need?” I ask as I change the subject

“We have good news.” Caroline said excitedly.

“Oh. What is it?” I asked

“Tell her Christopher.” Christian says

“Well… we…” Cristopher starts off.

“…Having a baby!” Caroline said excitedly as she interrupt Christopher.

“Wow. I'm so happy for you guys.” I said as I hug Caroline.

“Thank you. We have been trying to have a baby since our honeymoon. Now, I am finally pregnant. I’m just so happy!” she said as tears ran down her cheek.

“When did you know when you was pregnant?”

“Early this morning.”

“That’s good. Did you tell anyone else?”


"Why you telling me this?"

"I just wanted to tell you too. We already feel like you are part of the family.” Tears fill my eyes.


“Yeah.” Christopher said

“Thank you. You don’t know how much that means to me.” I said as I hug Caroline and Christopher.

“You welcome. We need to leave. I need to take Caroline in bed for she can sleep.”

“I love that you take care of me.” Caroline said as she gave Christopher a kiss. I smile. I wanted a relationship like that. Caroline and Christopher left and went upstairs. I went to the right side of the room and sat down. When a butler was walking by with a tray with a glass of Champagne. I grab two glasses, sat down and put it on the table. Drake came to me.


“You know that is nonalcoholic.” He said

“No wonder it taste funny.” I said

“Are you going to just sit here and drink?”

“Yep. You know me so well.” Drake laugh.

“Come on Lea. You got to do something. You are used to doing stuff for others, but you need to start learning how to do stuff for yourself.”

“Like what?” Before he could say anything, Crystal came to us.

“Drake come on.” She said

“What now?” Drake said

“Mom said its time for you to pick a girl to dance with.” Drake groan. He took my other glass of Champagne and drank the whole glass of it.

“Drake!” I yelled. He ignored me and follow Crystal. I cross my hand over my chest and follow the crowd. I was standing beside Lucas. All the girls was lined up in front of Drake. Mrs. Knight stood beside him.

“What is going on?” Lucas ask

“Remember that I told you that I’m helping Drake find his girl?” I ask


“Well, he picking one of these girls to dance with.”

“So, the girl he pick, then it’s the girl he end up with.”

“I don’t know. They never told me.” Mrs. Knight step up and project her voice.

“Thank you everyone for coming. Right now, Drake is going to pick one of these beautiful ladies to dance with.” Mrs. Knight said. She turn to Drake. “Go on.” Drake groan and walk up to each girl giving them a good look. I bit my lower lip as everyone was very quiet for Drake can concentrate. Everyone gasp as every girl he pick, he shook his head. After the last girl, Drake came straight to me.


“What are you doing?” I whisper to him.

“Come on. Let’s dance.” I cross my arm over my chest.

“No, Drake. You have all these beautiful ladies to dance with.”

“Lea, come on. What’s so bad about dancing with me? Am I that bad?” he said sarcastically as he pretended to be hurt. “Besides, you owe me, remember?” I roll my eyes and took Drake’s hand.

“Fine. Let’s go. We are dancing to one song and one song only.” Drake gave me a crooked smile.

“Okay.” Everyone watch as he led me to the middle of the dance floor. Drake put one of his hand on the middle of my back and put his other hand in mine. I put my other hand on his shoulder and we start waltzing… and he was good.

“I thought you don’t dance?” I said

“I lied”

“Of course you did.” I look where Mr. and Mrs. Knight was. “Your parents are looking. They look concerned.”

“I know.”

“Drake. You suppose to pick one of those girls.”

“I’m not interested in any of them.”

“You not interested in any of them? I thought you were a ladies man.” I said sarcastically.

Drake laughs. “Shut up. You know what I mean.”

“No I don’t. What you mean?”

“I don’t feel that spark that Mom describe. I really want to feel it, but I don’t.” Drake looks down at me. He looks so sad. “I’m so sorry Lea. I’m letting you’ll down, but maybe… I’m not supposed to find love.”

“Drake don’t say that.”

“Why? It’s true.”

“Drake, it is not true. You’re hot, smart, courageous, nice and genuine person. Any girl would be happy to be with you.”

“Did you just say I was hot?” He did a crooked smile that I love.

I laugh. “Yes.”

“Even you would fall for me?”

“Yes. Even me.” Drake smooth my hair behind my ear. I haven’t realized we stop dancing. Everyone kept dancing.

“Lea… I have to tell you something.”


“I…” Before he could finish, a blonde hair girl with brown eyes and silver mask came to us.

“Hello Drake. My name is Tiffany. I just gotten here. Your Mom said I can have a dance with you… well, unless you already busy.” She said. I move back.

“He is all yours.” I said.

“But...” Drake said

“Maybe she is the girl. Have fun.” I whisper to him.

“Lea…” Before he could finish, I left them. Before he could finish, I left them. I look back and see Drake dancing with Tiffany. He lean down as she told him something. He start laughing. My heart sunk a little. I turn around and went to the bar area. Of course, no one was there since they are dancing, so I grab a bottle of vodka and left out the back door. I took off my shoe and start walking through the woods as I open the bottle and start drinking. Further I walk through the woods, I start to notice that I was getting more lost in the woods. I fell to the ground 4 times because I was so drunk and the cast on my ankle. When I fell for the 5th time, I just stay on the ground and cried. My ankle was hurting. Now everything I was holding back is starting to get to me. From Mom being dead to the problems with Drake. I can still remember the way Drake look at me. I touch the amulet he gave me. I was so confused with my life. I took off my locket Mom gave me and open it. Inside on one side is a pic of me when I was a baby. On the other side was Mom and Dad. They look so happy… and in love.


“Mom! Why is this happening to me?” I yelled at the sky. “Answer me!!” But all I could hear is grasshoppers and the rustling of the trees. “I thought so. You left me in this world. Why you doing this to me, Mom? You said you was going to protect me.” I drank some more of the vodka. I lean my head on the tree. “You should have let me die. Maybe you’ll life would have been better. Dad wouldn’t be fighting for his life every day in the hospital. You would be alive and running the company… but no. You wanted to save me.” I toss the locket and try to drink some more vodka, but the bottle was empty. “Oh great. You happy Mom.” I groan and close my eyes. I would keep drifting off to sleep. I open my eyes and see someone walking toward me. I smile. “Mom.” Next thing I know, I was asleep.



I woke up in bed and had a huge migraine.  I look around. At first everything was blurry, until everything was clear. I was in Drake’s room. I sat up quickly, but I became dizzy.

“Be careful. You can make yourself sick.” Drake says as he came into the room. I put my hand on my head as I sat back to the head board. Drake came over and hand me a glass of water and aspirin. I took it and drank down the water.

“What time is it?” I asked as I gave him back the cup

“4:14 am” Drake sat on the end of the bed.

“How long has I been out?”

“For 3 hours”

“The masquerade over?”

“Yep. Everyone is home. I found you outside passed out. You drank a lot last night.”

“I know. I feel so embarrassed.” Drake smooth my hair out my face.

“Lea, are you okay?” He look so worried.

“I don’t know. I was so worried that the masquerade would turn out horrible and I was thinking too much, so I start drinking. I never been so stressed out in my life. I just try to keep myself busy, but no one wanted me to do anything. I don’t like not doing anything. Then, everything I was holding back inside got to me.” I close my eyes. “Drake how do you handle with your stress.” I open my eyes as Drake sat next to me.

“I go to the gym and work out.”

“Does it work?”

“A little. It takes some of the stress away.”

“Then what takes all the stress away.”

Drake smirks as he looks at me. “You do not want to know.” At first I was confused, until I finally gasped.

“Drake!” I punch him on his arm, but I couldn’t help but to smile too.

“What? You asked.” We start laughing. I lean on his shoulder.

“Thank you, Drake. If it wasn’t for you, I would still be in the woods.”

“No problem. I’m glad to help you. I don’t know what will happen if something happen to you. I’m really worried about you, Lea.”

“Aw… are you growing soft on me?” Drake smiles.

“Shut up.” I laugh. I can feel him staring at me. I look up and stare up into his beautiful hazel eyes.


“It’s something about you that I like so much.”

“Aw. You think of me as family too.” I said as I smile, but he look so serious.

“Would I do this to my family?” He said as he stroked my cheek with the back of his hand before slowly leaning down to kiss me; giving me time to change my mind. He pause millimeters away from my lips and for a second I thought he was going to stop; but then his lips touch to mine again. His hand went to my waist barely touching me. Drake kiss me slowly and gently. I pull away a bit to catch my breath as I look up at him.


“No you wouldn’t, unless there something you not telling me.” My heart skipped a beat as he laugh.

“No I wouldn’t. I like you a lot, Lea… The reason I pick you to dance with is not to piss off my parents or that you owe me. I picked you because I wanted to. You were the first person on my mind. I like that you never gave up on me. I never felt like this with any other girl.” I was speechless to what he said. Drake was waiting for me to say something. I didn’t know what to say, so I kiss him again. It slowly got more passionate until I finally felt him flood my mind with emotion, completely subsiding my own pain. I let down any walls that threatened to rise while Drake drown me in a pool of lust and desire. I ran my fingers through his hair; while it shimmer under the lighting. Drake’s hands slid lightly down my sides, moving them back up to my waist as they neared my hips. He made me lift all of my walls so the emotions bled into every corner of my mind, I felt him move his hands to the zipper of my dress as he slip it slowly off of me, he kiss me slowly again,  “Lea, tell me what you want,” he whisper against my lips. 


“Make me forget,” he knew what I meant; he was reading my emotions as easily as he read a book. I want to forget losing Mom, Dad being in a coma, all the stress. All I wanted to do is focus on now. Everything became hazy as he unleash the flood of emotions into me; desire, lust, love.

Chapter 14


I woke up feeling a little sore. I gasp when I look up and see Drake. He was still asleep. He had his arms around me. I couldn’t help feeling comfortable in his arms. That’s when I realized what I done. I just had sex with Drake. I look under the covers. There was a little blood. I can’t believe I lost my virginity. I can remember the steamy night we shared. It was so good, but I felt so wrong. I groan.


“What have I done?” I said to myself. I sat up quickly, for I won’t wake him, and got out of bed. I grabbed the closest thing on to me, which was Drake’s shirt, and put it on. I look at the clock and it was 6:00 am. I start to feel nauseous, so I ran to Drake’s bathroom and threw up. As soon as I was done, I left out the bathroom and Drake was awake.


‘Crap.’ I thought to myself. I went to Drake. He sat up smiling groggily.

“Lea? What you doing?” he ask. I was a little happy he wasn’t all the way awake.

“I’m looking for my phone. Go back to sleep.” I said as I lean him back.

“Are you sure?” I can help.” He yawn as I help him lean back.

“Yes. Don’t worry. I’ll be back.”

“Okay.” He said as he close his eyes. I kiss him on the forehead before I slowly left out Drake’s room and quietly shut the door. I went to my room and shut the door.

‘What have I done?’ I thought to myself. I need to tell Sarah about this. Then I start to realize that I really don’t have my phone. I put my hand to my neck and went to the mirror. I don’t even have my locket Mom gave me. I still have the amulet on. I tried to look for my cell and my locket but it wasn’t there. I must have left them in the woods. I grab the house phone and dial my number. After a couple of minutes, I could hear it from outside. I went to the window and it is coming from the woods area. I must have dropped it while I was walking around. I hung up the phone, then I went downstairs and out the back door. I walked through the woods trying to retrace my steps. I called my phone again until I hear it ringing, but it was coming from right behind me. I slowly turn around and see Dylan. I start backing up.


“Looking for this.” He said as he held up my cell phone.

“What are you doing here?” I said through my teeth.

“Lea, I need to talk to you.” He said as he took a step toward me.

“Stay the hell away from me.”

“Lea. Come on. I won’t bite.”

“That’s what they said last time, but I still end up getting bitten.”

“Lea, I’m sorry.” He try to touch me, but I step back.

“I said stay away from me.”

“I want to make things right.”

“It was too late when you almost turn me into a wolf.” I tried to turn around, but Dylan grab my wrist.

“Lea, wait…” Before he could finish, I threw the house phone at him and ran away. I try to stay on my feet, but it was hard with my cast on, so I end up tripping and hitting my head on a boulder. I black out instantly.



I woke up to a bright light.

“Am I dead?” I ask as I try to sit up, but someone laid me back down.

“No. Thank God.” Gabriella said as she hug me.

“Are you crying?”

“No. I just had something in my eyes. Oh crap.  I just ruined my mascara. I will be right back.” Gabriella grab her purse and left the room. I look around the room. I was at the hospital. Caroline, Christopher, Mr. Knight, Sabrina, Ana, and Victor was here.

“What happened?” I ask as I touch my head. I felt the bandage. “I have a major headache.”

“You hit your head pretty hard that you cracked your skull.” Sabrina said

“How long have I been unconscious?”

“For two days. You kept drifting in and out of sleep.” Mrs. Knight said as I groan.

“How did I get here? I was in the middle of the woods.”

“Well, someone drop you off at the hospital and left. The doctor said if it wasn’t for him, you would be dead by now. Do you remember what happened?”

“All I remember is that I was looking for my phone and locket, then I was running away from somebody. Everything else is hazy.” I just left out the part that I woke up in Drake’s bed after having sex with him.

“Who were you running from?” Victor asked

“Um… Dylan.” I said

“I told Dylan to leave you alone. He never listen.” Sabrina said

“Do you remember what he want?” Ana ask

“I don’t know. All I know is that I was scared.” I said

“He need to be taught a lesson.” Christopher said as he stood up.

“Christopher, calm down.” Caroline said

“He tried to hurt her.”

“You don’t know that. Besides, Lea is fine now. Just sit down.”


“Christopher, I’m alright. Going to Dylan will not change what happened. It only going to make matters worse.” I said. Christopher sigh and sat down. Crystal and Gabriella came into the room.

“Oh. You are awake.” Crystal said as she hug me.

“Gabriella didn’t tell you?” I ask

“I did.” Gabriella said as she frown

“Sorry Gabriella. I thought you were lying.” Crystal said.

“I never lied to you’ll.”

“Yes you do.” Everyone said

“Well… it was just a few times.” Gabriella said

“You have been lying all your life.” Crystal said

“No I haven’t.”

“Yes you have.”

“Why you guys didn’t tell me?”

“We did.”

“Oh… okay.” I put my finger to my temple.

“Oh… Lea. Do you notice anything different about me?” Crystal asked. I look over to her.

“Nothing, except you lost your baby fat… wait a minute. You had your baby!” I said



“I had him at the masquerade.”

“Aw. A baby boy. Not a girl. What is his name?”

“Yea. We decided to name him Louis Knight.”

“He is so adorable. You should see him.” Sabrina said

“Yeah. But I’m still cuter.” Gabriella said

“Shut up, Gabriella!” Everyone said. Gabriella cross her arm over her chest as she frown.

“I wish I could see him if I wasn’t stuck in bed.” I said

“Well, you can.” Caleb said as he brought Louis in a baby carrier.

“Aw, he is so cute. Can I hold him? Please.” Crystal looks at Caleb. When he nodded his head yes, Crystal gingerly took Louis out the baby carrier and carefully put him in my arms. Louis has his father’s hair, but Crystal’s hazel eyes. Louis mostly looks like Caleb. “He look so human and cute.”

“Well, that’s how it goes. We are born human until we decide when to stop aging.” Crystal said as she smooth Louis hair back.

“How do you stop aging?”

“By drinking blood.”

“Oh. Can you’ll start aging again?” Everyone suddenly look at Mrs. Knight.

She sighed. “Everyone says we can’t, but I found out that you can. You just need a witch to do it.” Mrs. Knight said.

“Have you done it?” I asked.

“Yea, but as soon as I turned 40, I decided to stop aging again.” Mrs. Knight said. I laugh.

“I guess you’re right.” I look back down at Louis. “He is so calm.”

“That mean he likes you.” Caleb said.

“Hey! How come when I hold him, he whine? I’m his aunt!” Gabriella said

“That’s because you almost drop him.” Crystal said. I gasp

“Really?” I asked

“I had a phone call. Geez.” Gabriella said

“Well, Louis is a sweetheart.” I said as I kiss him on the forehead as he yawn.

“We are glad you said that because we got some good news.” Crystal said

“What is it?” I asked

“Well… Caleb and I was discussing about who going to be Louis godmother and godfather.”

“Cool, who did you pick?” Crystal look at Caleb then look back at me and smile.

“We decided to pick Peter to be the godfather.”

“Oh. That’s cool. Who is Louis godmother?”

“We was wondering if you can be Louis godmother.” I look at Crystal in surprise.


“Yeah. Drake already told us that you are great with kids.”


“Yea. Lea, you have did a lot for us. Your one of us now.” Tears fill my eyes.

“Are you sure? I will be going back home soon.”

“Then, we will come and visit or we will give you your own jet so you can fly for free anytime.”

I laugh. “Okay. I will love to be Louis godmother.

“Good, because we already put it on his birth certificate.” I smile and gave Louis back to Crystal.

“I think he poop his pants.”

“Aw. Not again. Caleb, change his diapers.”

“Why me?”

“Because I asked you last time, but you made me do it. Now it is your turn.” Crystal said

“I don’t know how to change diapers.”

“Well, learn now.” Crystal put Louis in Caleb’s arms.


“Honey. I’m doing this because I love you.” Crystal gave Caleb a kiss. “Now change Louis diaper. He stinking up this room.” Ana got up and grab Louis diaper bag.

“Come on, Caleb. I’ll help you.” Ana said

“Thanks Ana.” Caleb said. I watch as they left room. I look around the room again.

“Where is Drake?” I ask. Mrs. Knight stood up quickly and came to me.

“He is on a date!” Mrs. Knight said excitedly.

“Oh. He is.” I said. I felt a little hurt.

“Yea. With Tiffany. She was one of the girls at the masquerade. Don’t worry. Drake wanted to come to see you. He was so worried about you, but I had to convince him to go on the date. I told him that you would have wanted that.”

“You told him that?”

“Yea. I thought you wanted that. Did you?”

I bit my lower lip and look away. “Yea. That is what I wanted…um…I’m getting tired.”

“Sure sweetheart. Get a lot of rest. Okay?”

“Yes.” When everyone gave me a hug, they left.


I lean back on the bed and took a deep breath to keep myself from crying. What is wrong with me? This is what I wanted. Drake to find the girl who he going to spend eternity with, but I can’t help the way I feel. A tear ran down my cheek as I close my eyes to fall asleep.

Chapter 15


 I woke up to someone touching me. At first, it was a blur, but as soon as I could see clearly, I see Dylan. I was about to scream, but Dylan cover my mouth with his hand. I was about to grab the remote with the nurse button, but Dylan took it away from me. I whimper.


“I’m not going to hurt you. Just let me talk to you. Please.” Dylan pleaded. I look into his eyes and all I see is pain. I relaxed a little and nodded. “If I remove my hand from your mouth, would you promise not to scream?” When I nod my head yes, he remove his hand from my mouth. I sat up on the bed and look at Dylan with suspicion. Dylan groan in pain as he sat up.

“What happened to you?”

“My wolf pack jumped me from behind, then they kicked me out the pack. Then, Drake and Christopher beat the crap out of me. They broke 4 of my ribs.”

“Well… you deserved it.”

“I know… and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act like that. I was so nervous.”

“What you mean?”

“When I’m around pretty girls like you, I get so nervous. I tried to make this date perfect, but look what happened. I tried to calm myself by drinking some beer, but I couldn’t even hold my liquor. So I got crazy. I didn’t even remember what happened that night. I had to hear it by Sabrina and Nicholas.”

“What about the movie theatre?”

“I do remember that. Sorry. It’s a bad habit.”

“What about the restaurant. Do you remember at least a little?”

“Yea. A little. I tried to act cool, but that’s how I eat.”

“Well, it didn’t work.”

“I know. The last thing I remember is leaving from the restaurant. The rest is a blur. Lea…when Sabrina told me what happened that night, I never felt so disappointed in myself. I have no pack, my own family won’t even look at me anymore. I am so sorry. I wish I could take back what happened.”

“But… you can’t.”

“I know.” He wipe his tears from his eyes. All that anger I felt for him was now gone. Now I felt sorry for him.

“Why did you come to me?” Dylan look at me, then look away.

“I wanted to tell you I was sorry, but you ran off. When I found you again, you was unconscious and you was badly hurt, so I took you to the hospital and contact Drake from your phone. I wanted to stay longer to see if you were alright, but I knew if I stayed, it would only going to make matters worse.” Dylan finally look at me. “I’m sorry.” I couldn’t help it, so I carefully sat up and hug him. Dylan hug me back. Next thing I know, Drake come in and pull Dylan away from me. He threw Dylan against the wall.


“Drake!” I yell. I flinch as Drake turns around. His fangs were out and his eyes were now coal black. I slowly took the IV out my hand and went to Dylan.

“Lea…” Drake said. I turn around and see that his eyes were back to normal and his fangs were gone. He looked worried.

“Drake. Wait outside.”

“Lea. I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

“Drake, I’m alright. Can you please wait outside?”


“Just go. Please.” Drake was about to say something, but he stopped himself and left out the room. I look back at Dylan. “Are you okay?” Dylan put his shoulder back in place.

“Yea. I should heal.”

“I should get a nurse.”

“No.” Dylan groan in pain as I help him up. “I deserved it.”

“Stop saying that.”

“Well, it’s true. I did a horrible thing to you. I have to live with it for the rest of my life. Now here we are. You could have let Drake beat the hell out of me, but you didn’t. You could have let him stay in here, but we still here. Alone. Why you being so nice to me?”

“I don’t know. I’m confused as much as you are.” Dylan nodded.

“Okay… Well, I should be leaving.” Dylan start walking away, but I stop him. He turned back to me.

“Why did you call Drake first? Why didn’t you call no one else?’

“Well… You were conscious for a few seconds and you said his name a few times when I was running you to the hospital. So I text him. Was it wrong for me to do it?”

“No…it wasn’t.”

“Well, I need to go. I don’t want Drake to come back in and beat me.”


“Bye Lea. I hope you find true happiness.” Dylan went to the door.

“I don’t think I will find true happiness.”

“I think you already have. You just don’t know it yet.” Before I could ask him what he mean, Dylan already left. I groan and sat down on the bed. I laid back on the pillow. Drake came in and sat down on the chair beside the bed.


“Did he hurt you?” Drake ask.

“No. You had no right to hurt him like that.” I said

“Lea, you must have forgotten that he tried to rape you and turn you to a wolf.”

“He was drunk.”

“That is still no excuse.”

“Drake, he lost everything. His pack. His family.”


“Drake, what if this happen to you? Would you still think it was no excuse?”

“Yes. I would face the consequences.”


“What? Lea, what’s wrong with you? Just a few days ago, you were crying in my arms talking about how scared you were. Now you are hugging him.”

“You must have forgotten when I said he lost everything. I just wanted to be nice.”

“Well, you are too nice.”

“Drake, why are you getting on me so much?”

“Because I care about you. I don’t want you to get hurt. It was already hard for me to leave you with him.”


“All I’m asking you is to be careful. Please.”

“I am. Dylan saved my life. If it wasn’t for him, I would be dead in the woods.”


“Drake…let me finish.” ‘Sigh’ “Dylan was the one who contact you on my phone. He was the one who took me to the hospital.”

“Why was here today?”

“He just came by to apologize. That’s all.”

“I can still worry.”

“Drake, it’s sweet to hear that you care about me, but I do know how to protect myself. You must have forgotten that I work with many supernatural creatures every day.” Drake chuckle.

“You right about that, but…you should let other people to protect you. You not alone, Lea.”

“I know Drake… so…How was your date with Tiffany?” I said changing the subject.

“It was great… I guess.” I sigh in relief.

“What happened? You’ll had sex… didn’t you?”

“Lea, calm down. We didn’t have sex. The only thing we did is go to the movies and get something to eat. That’s all. I just drop her off at home and came straight here.”

“Do you like her?”

“She’s alright.”

“What you mean?”

“She’s not you.” I groan


“What? It’s true.” Drake came toward me and took my hands in his. “Lea, the things I told you was true. All those feelings I have are true. The night after the masquerade was amazing. I think I have grown feelings for you.” I blush.

“Drake… that night was amazing, but…”

“I hate but’s.”

“I was still a little drunk. This shouldn’t have happened. I’m still in shock.”

“Lea, you weren’t that drunk. I know what drunk is.”

“Drake…I was emotional. I needed comfort and you gave me that.” Drake sigh in frustration and let’s go of my hand.

“Lea… I just want you to be honest with me… Okay?”


“Do you feel the same about me?”


“Just answer. If you don’t, I will leave you alone.” I look away to hide my tears. Then I look back at him.

“I don’t feel the same way about you, Drake.” Drake looks so hurt. He looks away from me.

“Of course you don’t.” I lift Drake chin up for he can look at me.

“I am so sorry. Give Tiffany a chance. Work things out with her.” Drake looks disappointed, but he nodded his head.

“At least you being honest.” He kiss the palm of my hand. “You know it is going to be hard to resist you?”

I laugh a little. “Yeah.”

“I should be going.” He said as he was about stand up.

“Please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone tonight.” Drake gave me a crooked smile and sat back down.

“I won’t leave you.” I smile back at him as I lay my head back.


So, for the rest of the night, Drake stay with me. Even though I fell asleep, I still couldn’t help but to feel bad.

Chapter 16


For 3 days, I had to stay at the hospital because the doctors suggested it. I have been eating a lot more too. Sarah called me a few times to make sure I was okay and kept me updated on Dad. Drake has taken my advice and he have gone out with Tiffany basically every night. I can admit I was happy for Drake, but I was little jealous. I didn’t want to be jealous. I’m not that type of girl from what Drake is telling me. Tiffany is a great girl. So, I’m happy for him. I haven’t heard from Dylan since his visit at the hospital. I admit, I am worried about him. I’m still wondering if he still alive.


‘Sigh’ Right now, I am about to leave from the hospital. Drake and Tiffany was waiting. While the doctors was taking out my stitches. Tiffany came to me while Drake went to get the car. After the doctor was done, he took off my cast.


“Your ankle looks fine to me. The doctor who treated your injury did a good job. It looks like it still need to heal, but its good.” The doctor said as he put on a boot. “Keep that on for a few weeks until your ankle is healed.”

“Wow Lea, you are so brave. I would be crying if I was you.” Tiffany said

“It doesn’t hurt.” I said as the doctor left the room.

“Are you sure you human? Because that should hurt. When was the last time I had stitches?? I don’t remember. It was long.” Tiffany laugh.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt that much.” I laugh a little.

“You are so interesting, no wonder Drake like you so much.” Tiffany eyes darken. She was now serious. I stop laughing.

“Tiffany, he like you.”

“Save all the crap for home. I overheard everything at the masquerade. Even though I’m blonde, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid.” Tiffany step closer.


“No, you listen to me. Things are going good between me and Drake. I don’t want no weak human to mess things up for me. You hear me?” Now I was scared. “You hear me!!”

“Yes.” Tiffany smile and step closer.

“Good because you don’t want to lose your daddy too.” She whisper to me.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.” Tiffany move away from me quickly as Drake came into the room.


“Lea, the doctors need you to sign out.” Drake said. All I did was nod my head. “Are you okay? Your face just gotten pale.” I look away.

“It’s nothing. I just feel a little queasy from the stitches, that’s all.” I said

“I told you it would hurt.” Tiffany said

“Yea. Can we leave now?” I said.

“Sure. Let me help you.” Drake said. He was coming to me, but I got out the wheelchair and move away from him.

“I’m fine. I can walk on my own.” I said. Drake rose an eyebrow at me.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. I just have a slight headache. That’s all.” Drake didn’t look convinced, but he nodded.

“Okay. Let’s get you to the house.”

“Okay.” So after I signed out, we finally left the hospital. I lay down in the back seat while Drake drove and Tiffany sat in the passenger seat. A few times, I would call Sarah to see if Dad was okay. Sarah would tell me yes, but I was still worried. I couldn’t get what Tiffany said to me out my mind. I pull out my phone again and call Sarah.

“Lea, I said your Dad is okay. Stop worrying.” Sarah said

“I can’t help it.” I said.

“If she said your father okay, then he is okay.” Tiffany said as she looks at me with a smile. “But if I was her, I wouldn’t leave his sight.” She wink at me, then look away.

“Tiffany, stop scaring Lea.” Drake said.

“Sorry.” She said as she kiss Drake on the cheek.

“Lea, are you okay?” Sarah ask.

“Yea. Just don’t feel well. I’ll talk to you later.” I said.

“Okay.” Sarah said. As soon as I hung up, I close my eyes and end up drifting off to sleep. I didn’t realize Drake stop the car until Drake touched me. I jump and look at him Drake looked worried.


“Lea, you don’t look so well.” He said. Drake was right. I didn’t. I could barely breathe and I was feeling queasy.

“I’m fine. Just a little tired.” I said

“Are you sure?”

“Drake, she said she is fine. Lea looks fine to me.” Tiffany said

“Well, you don’t know Lea as much as I do.” Drake said. Tiffany frowned, but put a smile on her face that quickly.

“Okay.” Drake help me out the car.

“I’m fine Drake.” I said

“Who you trying to convince? Me or yourself.” He said. I ignore him and start walking to the house. I was about to open the door, but Drake stop me. I look at him suspiciously.

“Drake, what are you doing?”

“I don’t think you should do that.” Drake was about to say something, but Tiffany move Drake out of my way.

“Let her open the door.” She said. Tiffany looks at me. “Open the door.”

“Tiffany, what the hell wrong with you?” Drake said


‘Sigh’ I ignore them, open the door and went inside. As soon as I turn on the light, everyone yell. “Surprise!!!” At first I was in shock, then everything went black.



I was in a car. I sat up when I heard Mom and Dad voice. Tears fill my eyes.

“Mom! Dad!” I said, but they didn’t hear me. Instead, they was talking about something else, so I listened.

“We need to call Lea. She needs to know.” Dad said

“No. She already know I’m working with supernatural creatures. She don’t need to know about Addanc. Not yet.” Mom said.

“We made a deal with him! He not going to give up.”

“You don’t think I know that! But, he not taking our daughter. He just can’t.” Dad kept one hand on the wheel and with his other hand held Mom’s.

“I know.” Tears ran down Mom’s cheek.

“Honey, what are we supposed to do?”

“We go get Lea, then we go somewhere far away.”

“What about the company?”

“Maybe we can ask someone to watch it for us. Right now, we need to worry about staying safe.” Mom start to cry.

“I don’t want to die. The company is starting to become successful. I want to see Lea grow up, get married, and have babies of her own.”

“And you will see it. We will see it. I promise.” Mom smile and squeeze his hand.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Look out!” I said as a car crash to us. When I open my eyes, I was in the ball room. I look down and I see that I had my masquerade dress on.

“You look so beautiful.” He said. Hot tears ran down my cheek as I ran to the guy from outside the pizza place.

“You bastard! How can you do that to me?!” I yell and start hitting him. He took my hands as he stare at me coldly with his icy blue eyes. I moved away from him quickly. “You’re Addanc.” He smirks.

“Correct. You have been paying attention.”

“Why can’t you leave me alone?”

“Not until I get what I want.”

“Why me? I’m only human.”

“Not very long.”

“What you mean ‘not very long’?”

“You remember when your mommy and daddy was talking about a deal.” He took a step toward me. I took a step back.

“Yes. What about me?”

“Well, I’m surprised your Mom didn’t tell you this. Before you were born, your Mom couldn’t get pregnant. They tried very hard until 4 months later, your Mom is pregnant with you. To make this story short, when you was born, your mommy and daddy was really happy. But something went wrong. You was just premature. You wasn’t even going to survive. Your Mom tried to ask doctors and her supernatural friends for help, but they couldn’t help either. So the only choice that was left is to go to me.”

“Why you?” He kept his eyes at me as he took a step to me.

“Because I’m the most powerful vampire in the world.”

“I thought pure blood vampires was the most powerful vampires in the world.” Addanc laugh

“That’s because I’m the first born vampire. I have the power to give life, but I also have the power to take life away with one…single…touch. Your Mom and Dad came to me to heal you. I told them yes, but they had to sign the contract first. Of course, they was so concerned about you, so they signed it, but they forgot to read the small print underneath their signature.”

“What was it?” Addanc touch my cheek lightly, but I moved away. “Stop stalling and tell me!”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “Instead of telling you, why don’t I show you?” He snaps his finger and a contract landed in my hand. Addanc went to the bar and poured him some liquor. “Look at the underlined words and I want you to read it.” I look over it and was about to give it back to him. “I said read it!” I flinch and look back at the contract. My voice shook as I read.

When the child turn to a young adult, you must give her to me forever. No taking back. If you refuse, you must surely pay the consequences.” I look at Addanc. ”That’s why you killed Mom. She refused.”

“You just turned 18. I asked your parents patiently, but they wouldn’t listen. So I followed the contract.”

“Well the deal is off.” Addanc start laughing again. His laughter brought chills through my body.

“Of course you would think that. If it was over, you would be dead by now and I wouldn’t be wasting my breath with you. I would like to kill you right now, but Drake is too busy trying to bring you back to life.”

“I’m dead.”

“Right now I stopped your heart, but you will wake up soon. So, I never gave people more time on a contract, but I will make you an offer. If you complete it, the deal is off and you can move on with your life.”

“What is it?”

“Break Drake’s heart.”

“What?” He poured himself another shot of liquor.

“I know how you feel about Drake. Your heart ache for him. And I know he has feelings for you too. That’s why I want you to break his heart. Make him hurt.”

“No. I won’t do it. There have to be another way.” Addanc looks at me with intensity in his eyes as he crushed the glass cup. In a second, Addanc grab me by my throat and put me against the wall. I couldn’t breathe as he lift me from the ground.

“If you don’t, your father dies and you stay with me forever. You want that?!” He let go of me and start brushing himself off. I fell to the ground gasping for air. “You have until you leave that house. Don’t fail.” He snap his finger.



 I sat up gasping for air. Drake held me to him as I start to cough. Ana held my hand as she was crying.

“Lea, don’t scare us like that again.” Ana said. I couldn’t really say anything because of my throat was in pain.

Caleb lean toward me. “What happen to your neck? It looks like someone was choking you.” I could barely speak. Instead, I start crying.

“No more surprise party for you, Lea. Drake, get Lea to her room.” Mrs. Knight said. Drake nodded and was about to pick me up, but Tiffany stop him.

“What about the movies? We were supposed to go.” She said.

“We can go next time.” He said

“But Drake…”

“Stop Tiffany. Lea was just woken up from being dead. I’m going to worry about her.”

“Of course you make her the victim.”

“That’s because she is the victim.”

“What about me? Are you going to always put her first?”


“Don’t ‘Tiffany’ me. Let your family take care of her. Come on Drake.”

“Tiffany, I said no.”

“Why are you so worried about her so much?! She is just a human!” Everyone went quiet and look at Tiffany.

“What the hell your problem? Lea just died and all you doing is worrying about yourself! So, don’t talk about Lea like that!!” Caroline said as she took a step toward Tiffany.

“Stay out of this.” Tiffany said.

“Lea is part of this family. So like Caroline said before, don’t you dare talk about Lea like that.” Gabriella said.

Tiffany start laughing. “The last time I check, she was so much more. Isn’t that right Lea?” Tiffany said as she look at me. Crystal tried to attack Tiffany, but Nicholas stop her.

“I want you to leave now!” Mr. Knight said. Tiffany look at Drake.

“Drake, you going to let him kick me out like that?!” Tiffany said as she gotten angry. I just had enough.


“Stop!!” I yelled. My voice was hoarse, but I was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone start looking at me. “Stop fighting! You’ll shouldn’t be arguing like this! I can defend myself!” I tried to get up, but I end up falling again. Drake tried to help me but I move away from him. “Don’t touch me. I got this. Go with Tiffany. You promise her to go to the movies, then go to the movies. Have fun.”

“Lea…” Drake said.

“Stop! Please just stop.” I look at Tiffany and she smile. Everyone watches as I gotten up and uses all my strength to get upstairs. As soon as I was in my room, I slam the door shut, lock it, and slid to the floor as I broke down crying. All I can remember is what Addanc said.

You have until you leave that house. Don’t fail.

Chapter 17


After crying for a while, I was finally able to calm down. Mrs. Knight came into my room and sat beside me on the bed.


“Hey sweetheart, how you doing?” She ask as she sat on the bed beside me.

“I’m fine. In a little pain, but that’s all.” I said

“We were so worried about you. I can’t believe you drop dead like that. I don’t get you humans.”

“I wasn’t dead for that long.”

“Not to you, but you were dead for half an hour.”

“What?!” I sat up quickly. “What you mean I was dead for half an hour? It didn’t seem that long.”

“Well…it was. We were almost about to call that Sarah girl, but you woke up just in time. What happened to you?” I was about to tell her about Addanc, but I changed my mind. I don’t want to put them in danger.

“I really don’t know. All I remember is blacking out.” I lied

“How you get that mark on your neck? I don’t remember that mark being there.”

“I’m just breaking out. That’s all.”

“It looks like a bruise to me.”

“How things going with Tiffany and Drake?” I said as I change the subject.

“Tiffany is pissed. She left out here speaking in some type of language that I don’t understand.”

“I thought Tiffany and Drake went to the movies.”

“They didn’t. Drake wanted to stay here and make sure you’re okay. I never seen him care about girl like that before. The way he looks at you…I can’t describe it. He act different around you. You really got to him.”

“Maybe he just want to protect me because he think of me as a little sister.”

“Maybe…maybe not. He probably have a secret crush on you.” Mrs. Knight said as she start laughing.

“Maybe.” I said as I laugh nervously.

“Anyways… do you want anything to eat?”

“No thanks.”

“Okay. I’ll let you rest. Crystal and Sabrina would be checking on you time to time to make sure you’re not… well… you know what I mean.”

“Yea.” Mrs. Knight gave me a hug.

“I am so happy I was able to meet you. I know your mother must be very proud of you… speaking of your mother.” Mrs. Knight leans back and took out my locket out of her pocket. Tears fill my eyes.

“You found it?”

“Not really. It was sent to the house by anonymous person. I don’t know how they gotten my address to my house, but I recognize the locket. I knew it was yours instantly as I look at the picture inside.” I turn around as she put the locket on. “Now it is where it belong.” I smile and turn around as I gave her a hug.

“Thank you so much.”

“You welcome.” She said as she hug me back. She stood up and walk to the door.

“Good night sweetheart.”

“Good night.” Mrs. Knight left out the bedroom. I lean back in bed and close my eyes. Today was crazy for me. I really do need some sleep. Maybe sleeping would help me get my mind off of Addanc. After a few minutes, I eventually start falling asleep, but every time I’m half asleep, Crystal and Sabrina would take turn waking me up to make sure I was alive. So I decided to watch some TV to keep myself occupied. But it didn’t. All I could think about is the deal with Addanc. I wipe the tears away as I remembered what he said.


I want you to break his heart. Make him hurt.

My heart hurt as I was thinking about it. I tried thinking about something else, but I couldn’t, so I turn off the TV and left the room. It sound like everyone was asleep, so I went downstairs to the kitchen. I cut me a piece of apple pie and microwave it. As soon as it was done, I took it out, poor me a glass of milk, and grabbed me a fork as I sat down at the table. Peter came down the stairs.


“Lea… what are you doing awake?” Peter asked

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“Me neither. Oh… that looks good. You eating that?” I was about to say something, but he took my fork and ate a piece of my pie. “Mm… this is so delicious.”

“I bet it is. You can have it.”

“Are you sure?”

‘Sigh’ “Yes.” I slid the plate to him as he sat down across from me.

“Thanks. You’re so nice.” He took another bite of the pie.

“No problem.” I was about to grab for my milk, but Peter took that too.

“Now, why couldn’t you sleep?” I smooth my hair back.

“I had a lot on my mind.”

“Me too.” He sighs and took another bite of the pie. When I didn’t say anything, he looks at me. “Are you going to ask why?”

I groan. “Why you have a lot on your mind?”

“I don’t know. I’m so confused,”


“Well… I broke up with Alexandra while you was dead.” I start blushing.


“Do you want to know why?”

‘Sigh’ “Why?”

“I know you probably surprised… I’m surprised too.”


“I’m gay. I know. I know. Such a shock. I hid it for too long.”

“Oh really.” I tried really hard not to laugh.

“Yes.  I know. I paid Alexandra to be my girlfriend to prove to my family that I’m not gay, but I couldn’t hide it anymore.”

“That’s good Peter. How did your family react when you told them?” He frown as he took a sip of milk. When he put the cup down, he finally looks at me.

“They said ‘finally’ and laughed.” This time, I couldn’t stop myself. I laughing and lean back in my seat.

“I’m sorry. That was funny.”

“It’s okay.” Peter finishes the pie and drank the rest of the milk. “It is nice to talk to you Lea. I feel much better.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Peter came to me and gave me a hug.

“I’m sorry about your pie, but it was good.” I smile.

“It’s okay.”

“Now excuse me. I have a date tomorrow.”

“Oh… Who’s the lucky guy?”

“His name is Derek. He’s a vampire. I met him at Gabriella’s fashion show.”

“Do you like him?” Peter’s face start to turn a little pink. “Are you blushing?” Peter sat beside me.

“To be honest, yes. He is cute and funny… but I’m also nervous.”


“I think I might mess up this date.”

“No you won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Peter, you are a great guy. Just be yourself. If he don’t like it, then it’s his loss.”

“Thanks Lea. You made me feel so much better.”


“Good night.” Peter gave me a hug, then left.


‘Sigh’ I got up and cut me out another piece of pie. After I microwaved it, I pour me a cup of milk, then sat down. I heard a slam of a door from upstairs. Sabrina came downstairs angrily, but stop when she saw me. She sat down beside me.


“Hey Lea. What you doing up?” she said.

“I couldn’t sleep. What happened upstairs?”

“That pie looks good. You going to eat that?”

I groan and gave her the pie and a cup of milk. “Now tell me what happened upstairs?” Sabrina took a bite of the pie, then she start to cry.

“Nicholas and I got into a fight.”

“About what?”

“Everything. I tried talking to him, but it only get worse. I think I ended our relationship.”

“No. What was the argument about?”

“Our relationship. We have been dating for 3 years now and our relationship is not going anywhere.” I gave Sabrina a napkin to wipe her eyes. “Thank you.” She ate the rest of the pie and drank the rest of her milk.

“Do you feel better?”

“A little bit.” Sabrina sighs and lean her head on my shoulder. “Am I doing anything wrong?”


“Well it seems like I’m doing something wrong. I have been a perfect girlfriend. I loved him and put up with all his crap for this long and this what I have to deal with. I thought he loved me.”

“Don’t say that.” I look over Sabrina and see Nicholas coming down the stairs.

“Well, it’s true. If he loved me, he would have proposed. I want to be married and have kids of my own. Why can’t he just say those easy 4 words? It’s not that hard.”

“’That’s why you so mad at me? Because I wouldn’t propose.” Nicholas said. Sabrina sat up quickly and turn around to him. She got up and went to him.

“Nicholas, please don’t start.” She said

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Why do I have to tell you? If you love me, you should have known.”

“I always wanted to propose to you, but it was never the right time.” Sabrina sniffled.

“What you mean?” He smile

“Every time that I tried, I get nervous. Sabrina, I’m sorry you mad at me. I just wanted this proposal to be perfect… but I think this might be the best moment.” Nicholas bend down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. Sabrina and I gasp as he open the box. Inside was a diamond ring.


“Sabrina, I have waited so long to ask you this and I know you have been waiting too. Sabrina Lee Knight, I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. You mean everything to me. I want to spend my life with you and start a family of our own. I already ask your Mom and Dad for permission. Now I’m asking you.”

“Oh Nicholas…” Tears filled Sabrina eyes. I hand her another tissue. “Thanks Lea.” She looks back at Nicholas.

“Will you marry me?”

“Yes! Yes! About time.” Nicholas smile and put the ring on Sabrina’s finger. As soon as he stood up, Sabrina gave him a kiss.

“Congrats you guys!!” I said. Sabrina turn to me and gave me a hug. “I can’t breathe.” I said breathlessly. Sabrina let go.

“Sorry. Look at the ring. This is the one I wanted.” She look back at Nicholas. “You have been paying attention.” She said

“Of course. It’s hard not to when you have a picture of it everywhere.” Nicholas said. Sabrina looks back at me.

“I have so much to do… Lea, I want you to be my maid of honor.” I look at Sabrina in shock.

“What?” I asked.

“Can you be my maid of honor? Please.”

“I really don’t know. I will have to go back home soon.”

“I know, but I was wondering if you could stay longer. At least leave after the wedding.”

“Why me? What about Crystal and Gabriella?”

“I don’t want them. You help me find Nicholas and we have grown close since you been here. You have been a good friend to me and the family.  Also, Crystal is too bossy and Gabriella is too much to handle. I already think of you as a little sister. Come on. Please.” I smooth my hair out my face.

‘Sigh’ “Can we talk about this in the morning? Why won’t you’ll go upstairs and celebrate. Congrats.” As soon as I gave them a hug, they went upstairs. I groan and sat down on the couch.

“What did I get myself into?” I said to myself.


Chapter 18


So, ever since that night, Sabrina have been telling everyone about the proposal. Nicholas and Sabrina decide to have a spring wedding. So they have two months to get ready. I decided to stay, but it was hard to stay away from Drake. I tried very hard to get Drake and Tiffany to hang out more and it might have worked. I convince Misses and Mister Knight to give Tiffany another chance. They agreed, but they still didn’t like her. Drake looks happy and I was happy for him. But… I couldn’t help to feel a little jealous when I would catch them kissing. Most of the time, Tiffany would kiss Drake in front of me. I was devastated because I would still remember that intimate night we shared, but I had to deal with it. Every time we would spend time together, it starts to get very hard for me to control my feelings. Lately, I haven’t been able to sleep. All I can think about is the deal with Addanc. A few times, he would come in my dreams to keep telling me about the deal. So that’s why I would take energy drinks. Now I am with Sabrina and Crystal in the kitchen. Crystal is feeding Louis while Sabrina and I are going through her wedding arrangements.


“Okay. I got the dress picked out. Lea, when will the dress be done?” Sabrina ask me. I put my cup of coffee down and look at the agenda.

“The dress will be done the day before the wedding.” I said

“Okay. What about the rings?” I smooth my hair back.

“They are in a safe place. Did you and Nicholas pick out the cake?” Sabrina gasp

“Crap. I forgot about the cake. When do the bakery close?”

“In three hours.”

“Oh snap. Nicholas and I have to go to our dance lesson. Crystal, can you go?”

“Sweetheart, I can’t. You know that I have to take Louis for his checkup.” Crystal said

“For what?” Sabrina asked

“Louis fangs are growing out too early. He not supposed to grow them yet. So I’m taking him to the doctors in the Shadow World.” Sabrina looks at me and smiles.

“Lea…” I groan

“Fine. I’ll go.” I said

“Go where?” Drake ask as he came into the kitchen. He got an apple and took a bite.

“Pick out a cake.” Sabrina said. Sabrina gave me a hug. “Thank you Lea. You are a life saver.”

“Yea. Let me get dress.” I said. I went upstairs, washed upstairs and brush my teeth. When I was done, I went to the bedroom and put on a masked kitty T-shirt with a biker skirt and zara sneakers. I flat ironed my hair, put on Ray-Ban original sunglasses. When I was done, I went downstairs. Sabrina gave me the car keys.

“Again, I want to thank you. You are the best maid of honor.” Sabrina said. I smile.

“You welcome.” I said as I left the house. I went to their garage. Their garage was huge. The Knight family has 6 to 8 cars. When I press the unlock button, I follow the sound and it led me to a Hyundai Veloster Turbo. As soon as I was in the car, I put on my seat belt, start the car, and drove off.  I stop at the red light and start humming to the song.


“Hey.” I jumped and turned around. Drake was in the back seat.

“What the hell Drake?!! You almost gave me…”

“I know. I know. I almost gave you a heart attack, but you didn’t.” He got out the car and gotten into the passenger seat.

“What are you doing here?” He shut the door.

“I want some cake.”

“Only I’m supposed to go. I didn’t invite you.”

“I know. That’s why I invited myself.”


“Green light.” I drove off.

“I’m going to turn the car around.”

“Come on Lea. The bakery will close in 2 hour. So, you might as well keep going.” I groan. I hate that he is right, so I kept driving. When we got to the bakery, we got out the car and went inside. The lady look up and smiled.


“Finally, you’ll get here.” The lady said

“What?” I said

“Aren’t you’ll Sabrina and Nicholas.

“No. They couldn’t make it. My name is Lea, Sabrina’s maid of honor and this is Sabrina’s brother, Drake.”

“Oh. Well hello. My name is Ginger. I own this place.”

“She’s a witch and she sell the best cakes.” Drake said

“Oh. You cute and pay attention. If I wasn’t married, I would eat you up.” Drake took a step back. I couldn’t help but to laugh.

“I know a witch. She is having trouble controlling her powers.”

“Poor girl. When did she get her powers?”

“She told me she was 5 when she got them, but she was 16 when she realized it.”

“What happened when she realized she was a witch?”

“She turned us all into babies.” Drake chuckled

“Oh dear. Did she improve?”

“Well… no. She turned my cat into a giraffe.”

“That’s not bad.”

“With a cat tail.”

“Oh. Then you tell her to definitely give me a call. You already have my number.’


“Good. Now we can start.” Ginger led us to the dining area. Drake and I sat down at the table. “I’m going to bring the cakes for you’ll can try them. They will be labeled. Here is the list of the cakes. You can check off which one you don’t want and check off the cake you’ll want.” She put the list on the table.

“Okay.” Ginger smile and left. I turn to Drake.


“Now… how do you know this place?” I asked

“When I was a little, Mom and Aunt Maria would take me here to pick out my birthday cake. You should have had a piece. It was delicious.” He said.

“It looks like Ginger don’t recognize you.”

“I never met her. I only met her Mom, Larissa.”

“Oh.” Ginger finally came back with a cart of cakes. She set them down on the table.

“Enjoy.” She said as she left.

“So… what was your aunt like?” I asked as I gave him a piece of cake.

“Well, she was beautiful and very funny. She wasn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. She was pretty awesome. I could tell her everything.” He said

“She sound amazing. I wish I could meet her.”

“She would have like to meet you too.” I start to blush when he smile at me. I look away from him and look at the cake.

“Okay, this cake is a strawberry cake with vanilla icing.” Drake took a bite.

“We can’t get it.”

“Why not?” I asked as I took a bite. “It’s good.” Drake looks at me and raised an eyebrow. I took another bite.


“Yea. Why you ask?” He cleared his throat as his eyes darken. “What’s wrong?”

“You really like it?”


“It has blood in it.” I spit out the cake and chug down the milk. Drake chuckle. I put the cup down. “Why didn’t you tell me before I ate it?”

“I wasn’t sure. She masked the smell. I’m surprised you enjoyed it.”

“Me too. I’m checking this off the list.” As soon as I did that, I grab the second cake and cut out a piece for me and Drake.

“What is this?” I look at the label.

“Carrot cake with French icing.” Drake took a bite. I bit my lower lip with nervousness. “So…”

“It’s alright.”

“Good way or bad way.”

“Good.” I look at Drake suspiciously. “What?”

“Are you sure?”


I groan. “Well, we still can’t get it.”


“I hate carrots.” Drake raised an eyebrow at me.


“Don’t look at me like that. I can’t help it.” I crossed it off my list.

“You didn’t even try it yet.”

“So… I hate carrots.”

“Fine.” I pour me a cup of milk. Drake grabs another cake and cut off a piece for us.

“So… what is going on with you lately?”

“What you mean?”

“You have been keeping yourself busy.”

“That’s normal for me.”

“You been eating a lot lately.”

“Are you calling me fat?”

“No. I’m not calling you fat.” He said quickly. “I just wondering if you been depressed or something.”

“Well, I have been hungry. So, I just eat.”

“Or it maybe you hormones.”

“Excuse me.”

“Nothing.” Drake said quickly. “Anyways, you haven’t slept in days. You keep drinking energy drinks and coffee.”

“I’m fine.” Drake leaned over and took off my sunglasses.

“No you not. The last time you acted this way is when that guy visited you at the pizza place.” I look away and took a bite of the cake. “Lea…”

“This cake is delicious.”

“Lea… Did he visit you again?”

“We should definitely get the red velvet cake.” Drake lift my head up so I look him right in the eyes.

“Lea, answer the question. Please.”

‘Yes. He visited me again.”


“At my surprise party. While I was dead, he visited me.”

“About what?” Tears filled my eyes.

“He told me that I was born premature and didn’t have much time to live, so my Mom and Dad went to him. They had to sign a contract in order for him to cure me. They signed it but they didn’t read the small print on the bottom.”

“What was it?” I look away from Drake and use the clean napkin to wipe my tears. “Lea…” I look back at Drake. “What did it say?”

“It said, when I become older enough, they would have to give me to him to be with forever. If they don’t, they will suffer a serious consequence. Well… you know what happened.”

“Why is he still messing with you?”

“Dad is still alive, that mean the deal is still on.” Drake eyes darken as he stood up quickly.

“I’m going to kill him.” I stood up and went to Drake.

“Calm down Drake. You don’t know what you are saying.”

“I do.”

“Well don’t. He will kill you. You don’t know who you coming up against.”

“Lea, I’m not going to sit here and let him do this to you.”

“See… that’s why I didn’t want to tell you in the first place. I knew you was going to act this way.”

“Like what?”

“Over protective. I know what I’m doing.”

“Oh really.”


“If you know what you doing, then why are you so scared?”

“I’m not scared. I’m going through a lot right now. So, instead of worrying about me, you should worry about Tiffany.”

“Why in every argument, you always bring her up?”

“Because she is your girlfriend, that’s why?”

“There’s more to this. Is there anything going on between you two?”

“No Drake. I just want you to stop worrying about me.”

“Lea, you are a human. You can easily be killed by him. So, what is his name?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not?”

“Because he is dangerous. Please Drake. Just forget about it. I don’t want to lose you too.” Drake face soften.

“Lea. You not going to lose me.”

“You don’t know that. My Mom told me the same thing and look at her now. She is dead.” Drake pulled me in for a hug.

“Lea, you not going to lose me. I just want to know his name. That’s all.”

“I can’t… Sorry.” I move away from Drake and went to Ginger. She smile.

“Did you’ll pick a cake?” Ginger asks

“Yes. The red velvet cake.” I said

“Good choice.” Drake came in.

“Lea…” he said. I groan.

“I said no.”  I said

“Lea, duck!!”


Before I could ask why, someone crash through the window. Ginger left and I went under the table while Drake fought them. They were vampires. Every time Drake would kill, more guys would come through the windows. Even though I was still scared, I watch with interest as he fought. With one of the vampires, Drake twisted their necks off. Another vampire came in and tried to get Drake from behind, but Drake quickly turned around and grab the man head. He squeezed until I heard a wet crack. The man fell to the ground. I moved back, but a vamp pop up in front of me. I scream as he quickly grab me and ran. He carried me over his shoulder and ran to this black van. He put me down and tried to tie me up, but I bit his hand. He let go and I tried to crawl away, but he grabbed my foot and drag me back. He tied a cloth over my mouth to keep me from screaming.

“You are so lucky that he wants you alive because I would kill you after doing that to me.” He said as he tied my hands and feet in order to put me in the van. As soon as the van door shut, the van start moving. Tears fill my eyes as I look around. I tried to get my hand free, but the rope was too tight. As soon as the car stop, the guy who was driving climb to the back and went to me. He kept his mask on, but I can still see his eyes and mouth and he was smiling.


“I really couldn’t help myself. Boss can wait a few minutes.” He said. Tears starts running down my cheek as he start touching me. “Don’t cry.” He tore off my shirt and stared at me with desire. “Now I know why Drake is so into you.” He was about to unbutton my pants, but the door was pulled out.

“Don’t you even dare touch her!!” Drake said. His shirt was bloodied. His eyes were pure black. In his eyes, all I can see is anger. Drake pulled the man out the van. Drake grab him by the shirt and repeatedly punched him until he went limp. Now all the man was doing is coughing up blood and groaning in pain. Drake took off the man’s mask and lift the man up. “Who sent you guys?”

“I’m not telling you nothing.”  He said weakly. Drake punched the man in the face again, then picked him up.

“I said, who sent you?” The man spit in Drake’s face. Drake start to smile, but it wasn’t a nice one. “Very clever.” He punched his fist through the guy’s chest. He screamed on the top of his lungs. I never seen this side of Drake before. I was a little scared right now. “Now it is your choice. Would you rather tell me who you are working for or I can just rip your heart out? You choose."

“I don’t know... I swear… I never seen his face…”

“What you mean that you don’t see his face?”

“All we hear is his voice when he give us orders. They call him ‘the demon’. He has the power to give or take away a life.” I froze when he said that. Drake lets go of the man and steps back. The man starts panting and holding on to his chest. Drake looks back at me, then back at the man.

“What he want with her?”

“I don’t know. All he told us is where she was and to bring her with us alive. He didn’t tell us anything else.”

“Are you lying to me?”

“No. I swear I’m not.” Drake lean toward the man.

“If I find out that you are lying to me and see you or your men around here again, then I will kill every last one of you. You understand?”


“Fine. Go.”

“I can’t go back there. They will kill me.”

“Not my problem.” Drake said as he got up and went to me. His eyes was back to normal. As soon as he was able to untie me, I see the man running toward Drake. Before I get to tell Drake, he turned around quickly and twisted the man’s neck. He fell to the ground. Drake turned back to me.


“Are you okay?” he asked me

“Yes. Just a couple of bruises. That’s all.” I said breathlessly. Drake nodded and helped me out the van.

“Let me get you out of here.” He said as he picked me up and ran. In a few minutes, we were in front of the house. When he put me down, he open up the door. It was quiet in the house. Drake went to the phone and start calling someone. I went upstairs and took a hot shower. I was still shaken up about what happened earlier. As soon as I was done, I put on my night gown and sat in front of the fireplace in my room. Drake came in with two mugs. He gave me one. He wince in pain as he sat down.

“Where is everyone?” I ask

“They are doing errands. Also, I called Ginger. She said don’t worry about the shop. She knows a spell that will clean it up. She will have the wedding cake delivered to the house by the time of the wedding.”

“That’s good.” I took a sip of the drink in the mug, which was herbal tea. I look at Drake and it looks like he is in pain. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just a little wound, that’s all.” I put the mug down.

“Let me see.”

“Lea, I’m fine.”

“Drake. Let me see.” He sigh and put the cup down. He took off his jacket, then shirt. I was caught off guard that I start to blush. I can see Drake smiling with satisfaction. After calming down, I finally was able to see what’s wrong. He had this wound on his side. It was bruised, bleeding, and swollen.

“Drake, what happened?!”

“Lea, calm down it will heal.”

“That is still not answering the questions.” Drake sigh

“I was staked.”

“Drake… I thought you heal faster than normal vampires?”

“I do, but he used broken chair leg, so there might be pieces of it in me.”

“I’m going to clean it up.” I got up and went to the bathroom.

“Lea, this is not necessary.” I came back with the first aid kit, lighter, and tweezers. Drake raised an eyebrow as I sat down. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to mend your wound.” I turn on the lighter and let it heat up the tweezers.

“Who taught you this?”

“My grandmother. Now hold still.” I said as I use the tweezers to pull out the wood. While I was working, Drake did not mover or make a sound. I look up to see if Drake was still awake. He was, but he was looking right at me. I look down and blushed as I kept working. “What?”

“When were you going to tell me about the deal you made with Addanc?”

“I don’t know what you talking about.”

“Lea, I’m serious. All this time, I thought you were trying to rush me into this relationship with Tiffany, but you really doing is completing a deal with the devil.” I ignored him and cleaned off his wound. After I was done, I put gauze on it. “Lea… say something.”

“Now your wound will heal fast.” I said as I stood up and threw away the trash. When I put the stuff away, I turn around and see Drake in front of me.

“Don’t change the subject.”

“What you expect me to say? You shouldn’t be reading my thoughts in the first place.”

“Why did you agree to the deal? Lea, you can’t change the way I feel about you.”

“You don’t think I know that!” I closed my eyes to calm myself. As soon as I was calm, I open my eyes and look up at Drake. “I didn’t agree to the deal because of the way you feel about me.” I smooth my hair out my face as I sat down on the bed. Drake look down at me.

“Then why you do it?” Tears filled my eyes

“He didn’t give me no other choice. If I didn’t do the deal, I would be dead by now. I wouldn’t be here trying to explain myself to you.”

“Yes you did. You could have come to me. That guy killed my aunt. You don’t know how dangerous he is. He could have killed you.”

“And what would you do? You would have gotten angry and tried to find him. Then what?! You would be dead! My Mom tried to protect me and look what happened. She is dead! I just wish that everyone would stop protecting me. If that happen, Mom would still be alive.” That’s when I start to notice that I was crying. Drake sat next to me. I lean in as he gave me a hug. “It’s all my fault.”

“No.” Drake gave me a tissue to wipe my eyes.

“Yes it is. If Mom and Dad would have let me die, everything would be normal.”

“What is normal? My life wasn’t really that great until I met you.” I look up at Drake.

“Really?” I sniffled

“Yea Lea. Since you been here, you have been amazing. I’m so lucky to meet you.” Drake smooth my hair out my face.

“Thank you Drake.”

“No problem.” He kissed me on my forehead. Drake lean down keeping his eyes on me. “Don’t you ever feel that way again. If something like this happen again, then tell me. Okay?”

“Okay. Okay.” I smile. He kissed me on my forehead again. I lean my head on his chest as I gotten myself together. After a few minutes, I look up at him as he look at me in my eyes. He kiss me on my forehead again, then lean his head against mine.

“Why do you make me feel this way?” My heart was racing.

“I’m wondering the same thing with you.” He smile as he looks at me. He slowly bend down toward me, his lips grazing mine so softly. It was almost as if he was testing my boundary line. I put my hand on his cheek, slowly urging his lips harder against mine. There was a part of me that is telling me to stop, but I didn’t want to. I pulled away a little to breathe. My gaze moved from his eyes to his lips and he kissed me again. Every breath I take was another reminder of what was happening. His scent, the way his hand entangle in my hair, pressing my lips against his with an urgent pace. We laid back as his lips slowly made a pattern of kisses down my jaw and neck. My entire body buzzed with excitement as his hand trail down my body. But, all the excitement was gone as I remembered Tiffany. I pushed Drake away and sat up.

“What?” he said.

“I can’t do this.” I said.




“I’m serious Drake. We can’t do this. It’s not right.”

“Lea, you are so confusing.” He said as he stood up. I frowned.

“How am I confusing?”

“There is something going on between us and you can’t even see it. Every time when we get so close, you always push me away. You keep sending me mixed signals and I’m getting sick and tired of it.”

“Drake, what you expect me to do? Just kiss you even when you have a girlfriend.”

“Before I even met Tiffany, I had feelings for you, and I know you did too. From the first day we met, I was attracted to you.”


“Yea. I was. Why you think I kissed you on the elevator?’

“You really want me to answer that?”

“Lea, I’m serious. I tried very hard not to feel this way, but it was so damn hard. But the night of the club, you had this fire in your eyes as you told me what you thought of me. My feelings grew for you. I’m not sorry that I kissed you. I’m not sorry that we had sex. I’m not sorry I grew deep feelings for you. I wouldn’t change a damn thing about anything. I thought being with Tiffany would change how I feel but it doesn’t. My feelings will never change…and I just thought that you felt the same way. I guess not. You don’t even know what you want.”

“…I don’t know what to say.” Drake sighs.

“You want to know what the hardest thing is. Staying angry with you. So… until you figure whatever is going on, then you know where to find me.”

“Drake…” Before I got to finish, Drake left the room. That one second, I forgot how to breathe. I was waiting for Drake to come back, but he didn’t. All I hear is the door shut. That’s when I start to cry. I pull my knees close to my chest as I cried. As soon as I heard my phone ring, I answered it.

“Hello?” I said as my voice shook.

“What’s wrong Lea?” Sarah asked

“I think I really messed up this time. I don’t know what to do. I never been so confused.” Next thing I know, Sarah poof in here, falling to the ground. She stood up quickly.

“I’m getting the hang of this.”

“Sarah?” Sarah came to the bed, sat down next to me, and gave me a hug.

“I’m here. Don’t worry. I’m here.” I lean my head down on her shoulder as I cried. After what it seem like forever, I finally stop crying. Sarah gave me some more tissue to wipe my tears.

“Thank you so much for coming.”

“No problem. Now tell me what happened.” I nodded and told Sarah everything that been going on between me and Drake.  I even told her about me losing my virginity to Drake at the night of the masquerade. Sarah looks at me in shock. “Lea. Why didn’t you tell me about all this sooner? I’m your best friend.”

“I’m not finish yet.”

“Oh, tell me.” I smooth my hair out my face.

“When we got here, I cried in his arms. I was vulnerable, so things got a little intense.”

“You’ll had sex again.”

“No! Of course not. We made out a little, but that’s all.”

“What is wrong with it?”

“Nothing. It felt good, but I just couldn’t do it.”



“But you told me that Drake liked you before Tiffany.”      

“He do, it’s just Tiffany.”

“What about her?”

“She threatening to kill Dad if I don’t leave Drake alone.”


“Yea. She really hate me and I don’t know why.”

“Lea, you blaming her, but it is your fault too.”

“How is it my fault?”

“Before Drake even met Tiffany, you already had feelings for him, but you never told him. Then, when Tiffany come along, you just making up excuses.”

“Now you sounding like Drake.”

“Yea, well it’s true.” Sarah sighs. “Lea, you help a lot of us find love, but you never have that for yourself. I get it. You finally found someone, but now you are scared. You scared that you might get your heart broken again.”

“How do you know so much?”

“I went through the same thing. Remember, my heart was broken so many time that I didn’t trust guys. But you was there for me and you gave me hope. Now I want to do the same for you. Lea, you are my best friend. All I want is for you to be happy. Just know that Drake can’t wait forever.”

“I know. I know.”

“Okay, I have to go. I need to give Snow Flake a bath.”


“Just think about what I said.”

“I will.” After she gave me a hug, then she was gone. I went underneath the covers and lay back. I still couldn’t get what Drake said out my mind. Drake and Sarah wasn’t right. Weren’t they? A tear ran down my cheeks as I close my eyes to fall asleep.

Chapter 19


Ever since that day, I haven’t seen Drake. He did tell everybody what happened with Addanc, then after that, he just ignored me. I didn’t blame him. After what happened that night, I would be mad at myself too. Everyone else could tell that Drake was upset at me. Mostly Gabriella and Sabrina would come up to me to ask me why. Every time, I would walk away and keep myself occupied on the wedding, but I still couldn’t get Drake out my mind. I miss him. All the guys left the house for the bachelor party. I did get to see Drake. After giving Sabrina a hug, he just left. It hurt, but noting would work, so now, I’m sitting in the corner, drinking Champaign. Sabrina was opening up her gift from Gabriella. She open the bag so excitedly, but her smile slowly start to fade away as she look at the gift.


“What the hell is this?” Sabrina asked

“Your wedding gift.” Gabriella said.

“This is a book on how to lose weight. You think I’m fat?”

“No. This is for later on. Just in case you might become fat like Crystal.” Crystal was about to get up.

“Everyone stop! Just stop. Can we get through one event without arguing?!” I yelled. Everyone look at me in shock.

“Lea, calm down and take a chill pill.” Gabriella said. I stood up and went to her.

“Shut up Gabriella! You have been a pain. Just because you are a blonde, doesn’t mean you can act like a total bitch!” Gabriella stood up and frowned.

“What the hell you think you talking to?” I didn’t back down.

“I’m just telling you the truth. I’m getting sick and tired of you nagging about what this and that. Keep your comments to yourself. I know you can be a nice because I see it. If you show that more, people would like to hang out with you a little more.”

“Everyone love hanging out with me. Even Victor.”

“Yea, that’s because he is your husband. If you keep treating Victor like he is your slave, then he will be gone.” Gabriella face sadden.

“He told you that?”

“He didn’t have to. He love you and you treat him like this. Ease up on him. Just think about it.” Tears filled her eyes. I felt bad. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She gave me a hug.

“You are right.” She let go of me and grabbed her purse. “I need to go to Victor and make things right.” She said as she left the house. I sat down and grabbed another glass of Champaign while everyone is still looking at me in shock. Mrs. Knight came over to me.

“What’s wrong dear?” She asked me.

“Nothing, just tired.” I said. Sabrina came and kneeled down in front of me.

“You are not okay. You have been distant. You and Drake. Have you’ll gotten into an argument?” Sabrina asked. I drank down the Champaign.

“I really don’t want to talk about it right now.” I said. Gabriella sat beside me.

“Lea, you are family. You can talk to us. We are so worried about you.” Tears filled my eyes.

“It’s complicated.” I said

“Please Lea. For me. As a wedding gift.” Sabrina said. I look at everyone.

“Fine.” I said. So everyone gather around me as I told them everything about what was going on between Drake and me. Then I told them about the argument we had last night. The more I talked, the more I cried. “I don’t know what to do. I’m so confused.”

“Lea, why didn’t you tell us this?” Mrs. Knight asked

“I was scared. I wanted to figure things out first, but it is so hard.” I said

“Oh my god. After all these years I try to get Drake, but he fall for a human.” Said one of Sabrina’s friends.”

“Get out Lisa!” Sabrina said


“You heard me. Get out!” Lisa gasped and stood up.

“Am I still a bridesmaid?”

“No, but you can still come to the wedding.” Lisa groaned and left out. Sabrina looks back at me. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. It’s true. Why in the world would Drake fall for me? I’m only human. Just a weak human.” I said

“No you not. Don’t say that.” Crystal said

“It’s true.” Sabrina got up and led everyone else out, while Mrs. Knight, Crystal, Caroline, and Ana stayed. When Sabrina came back, she sat next to Ana.

“I knew something was going on between you two. After the janitors closet, I knew things would get serious.” Ana said.

“I’m so screwed.” I said. “Can you’ll just erase my memory about this? Please.”

“We can’t Lea. You have to figure things out.” Mrs. Knight said

“I should have known this. After all this time. You and Drake need to figure things out.” Caroline said

“I can’t. Drake already mad at me. Besides, I’m leaving tomorrow after the wedding ceremony. It’s the best choice I have.” I said

“Lea… you can’t keep hiding what you feel. It’s unhealthy. Tell Drake how you feel.” Tears ran down my cheek as I shook my head.

“I can’t. I just can’t. He better off without me.” I stood up and walk away. They was calling my name, but I ignored them. I just walked away. I wanted to be alone. For the rest of the day, I stayed in my room and cried. A few minutes later, Crystal came in to comfort me until I finally fell asleep.



I was standing in the middle of the road. I look around until I stopped. Beside the bridge, there was a car wreck. The car was turned over. I quickly went to the car.

“Are you…” Before I was able to finish, I gasped. The person in the car… was me. I was leaning against the steering wheel unconscious. “Oh crap.”

“Lea?!” Drake said. I turn to him.

“Drake? What happened?” I asked. Instead of answering me, he ran through me. Literally. I turn back around and I see Drake pull the door off. He pulled me out the car and laid me on the ground

“Lea. Wake up. Keep breathing.” Tears filled my eyes. I backed up until someone grabbed me.




I woke up gasping for air. I look around. It was morning. I jumped when the door open. I threw a pillow and Ana caught it.


“What I do?” Ana asked

“Sorry. I’m just a little jumpy today.” I said

“You still upset about the Drake thing?”

“Yea.” I lied. What else I’m supposed to say? Tell her I had a dream of my own death. Nope. I can’t.

“Lea, don’t worry. He will talk to you. But, right now, we need to worry about getting Sabrina ready for her wedding.” Ana got me out of bed and we went to Sabrina’s room, where everyone else is. Sabrina was all jittery. As soon as Sabrina seen me, she ran to me and gave me a hug.

“Lea, I am so nervous. I can’t believe I am getting married.” Sabrina said

“Calm down and take deep breaths.” I said

“I am… But I am worried about you. I don’t want my maid of honor to be unhappy.”

“I’m fine.” Sabrina smiled

“Good.” So, all during the morning, we got ready for the wedding, while the crew set up the back in the garden. The guys were getting dressed downstairs. As soon as we got Sabrina ready, I went downstairs to check on things. Guests was coming in and taking their seats. I went to the kitchen to check on the food and cake, then I went to check on the guys.

“Are you guys ready?” I asked. Peter came to me.

“Wow Lea. You look amazing.” Peter said. I look down at myself. I was wearing a sleeveless red dress like the bridesmaids, and my hair was in curls and pulled back in a bun. I look back at Peter.

“Thank you. You look great too.”

“Thanks and yes we are ready.” I look around. Caleb was talking to Christopher. Victor came to me while Peter went to Nicholas.


“Hey.” Victor said

“Hi. I’m sorry I yelled at Gabriella. I was going through something.” I said.

“Actually, I want to thank you. Ever since that happened, Gabriella changed a little.”

“What you mean?” Victor smiled.

“She open up more. We actually talked for once, so that’s why I want to thank you.” I smiled

“You welcome.” Victor gave me a hug, then left. I went to Nicholas. “How are you doing?”

“I’m nervous, but I’ll be fine.” Nicholas said

“Good. I don’t want you to chicken out.” Nicholas chuckled.

“I won’t.”

“Good. Now where is Drake?”

“On the balcony talking to Tiffany. I think it is getting serious in there.” Peter said. So I left out and went upstairs. I stood outside the balcony door to listen.


“Drake. What you mean it is over?!” Tiffany said

“I’m sorry. I can’t do this anymore. By staying in this relationship is only making me feel worse for staying.” Drake said

“Drake… I- I love you. Please.”

“I can’t. All I’m doing is holding you back.” I look through the opening of the door. Tiffany was crying at first, but it turn to anger.

“Bull crap!! That is not the reason!”

“Tiffany…” Drake was about to take a step toward her, but she slapped him.

“No! It’s her! The human girl.”

“No it’s not.”

“Yes it is! I see the way you look at her. I told Lea to stay away and look what happened! She never listen!”

“Lea is not part of this.”

“Yes she is! The other day, I saw you kiss her. I’m not stupid.”

“Tiffany… it was just a kiss.”

“Shut up Drake! You know it wasn’t just a kiss. It was much more.” Tiffany starts to cry again. “I just want you to love me as much as you love her.” Drake pull her in for a hug as she cried. His eyes met mine as I took a step back. I blushed as I turn around and ran down the stairs. I waited until Tiffany came down. She glared at me, then she left out the house. I turn around and see Drake.


“We need to talk.” He said

“I can’t. Not right now.” I said as I fixed his tie.

“Lea…” Before he could finish, Crystal came to me, holding Louis.

“Lea, we ready to start… wait… Was I interrupting something?” Crystal said.

“Yes you are.” Drake said. I turn to Drake.

“Not right now Drake. Please. We can talk about this later.” I said

“Fine. Just fine.” He said as he left.

“I’m sorry.” Crystal said.

“It’s fine.” I said. “Let’s focus on the wedding.” Crystal nodded. So we went to the others and we got started.



The bridesmaids and grooms men came down the aisle. Then Emily, flower girl, went down the aisle, throwing flower petals. Crystal held Louis with rings on the small pillow. Everyone awed. Then I went down the aisle. I couldn’t help but to blush because everyone was looking. I stood in my place. Everyone start to stand as the music start and they look back. Sabrina was walking out with Mr. Knight by her side. I look at her and she look so beautiful, but she look so nervous. She stopped. She turned around and went back inside. Everyone gasped. Drake and Nicholas was about to follow, but I stopped them.


“I’ll handle it. Just stay here.” I whispered.

“I’m coming.” Drake said

“No just stay here.”

“She is my sister. I’m coming.”


“Just make sure she is alright.” Nicholas said. I nodded. Drake and I went back inside.

“Follow me. I know where she is.” Drake said as I start walking. I stop him.

“How do you know?” I asked 

“She likes to go to the roof to think.”

“How do you know?”

“She told me. Now come on.” So we went upstairs and went to the bathroom where the window is open. I look out the window and see Sabrina sitting. I stuck my head back in.

“Drake, go out there and talk to Sabrina.” I said

“Why me?” he asked

“Because you’re her brother.” Drake looks at me suspiciously.

“I thought you could handle it.”

“Just go! I’m not going on the roof!”

“Fine.” Drake climb out the window. I wait while Drake talk to Sabrina. 10 minutes later, Drake came back, but Sabrina wasn’t with him.

“Is Sabrina coming?”


“What you mean no? Drake…”

“What? She won’t listen to me. It’s a girl thing. Maybe she will listen to you.” I start to panic.

“I’m not going out there.”

“Lea, sooner or later, you would have to get over you fear of heights. This is your chance.” I look out the window, then back at Drake.

“It’s too high. What if I fall?” Tears fill my eyes.

“I will make sure that won’t happen.” Drake kiss me on my forehead. “I promise.” After calming down for a while, I took off my heels, and Drake help me outside on the roof. I tried my best to not look down, but it was too late. The ground was far down. I went down to my knees. Sabrina look at me and gasped. She wipe her tears and help me to her.


“What are you doing out here?” Sabrina asked. I sat down and took deep breaths.

“I was going to ask you the same thing. Why aren’t you downstairs getting married?” I said. Sabrina looks away.

“I don’t know.”

“Sabrina, I thought you wanted this wedding?”

“I do… well I thought I did.”

“What you mean?”

“I was really excited about getting married…but as soon as I was walking down the aisle…I start to have second thoughts.”

“About what?”

Tears filled Sabrina eyes. “About everything. What if our marriage don’t last? What if we get into arguments and he won’t love me anymore?”

“Don’t say that. Nicholas loves you. You should have seen him earlier today. He was so nervous, but so happy. He love you so much. Don’t let him get away.” I look out into space as I start thinking about Drake. “If you do, then you will never know if you will find a guy like him again. You will regret it for the rest of your life. He always makes sure that you are safe. One side of him is sweet and funny. But the other side of him bring a different side of you that you never knew you had. When he smile, it makes your heart race. It brighten your day every time. Then, when he kisses you, it feels like only you two exist. He makes you feel… special. He’s your soul mate.” Tears ran down my cheek as I look at Drake. He was on the phone. I look back at Sabrina. She was looking at me. “Don’t let him slip away. Please.” Sabrina leaned over and gave me a hug.

“Your right.” She leaned back and smile. “Thank you.”

“You welcome.” She was about to stand up, but she stop herself.  She looks at me.

“When you was describing that guy, I knew who you was talking about. Try taking your advice too.” She stood up and went to the window. Drake helps her in. I smooth my hair behind my ear and stayed there. Drake came out and went to me.


“You want me to carry you inside?” he asked

“No. I just realized how calm it can be up here.” I said. Drake sat beside me.

“Yea. Whatever you said to Sabrina really worked. She looks less nervous.”

“I know. I just spoke from the heart.” I look at him. “Drake…” He looks back at me.


I was about to say something, but I held it back. “Nothing. I just wish things could be different. Less…complicated. I wish I could stop hurting you like this.”


“It’s true. Ever since I got here, I have been making your life a living hell.” Tears ran down my cheek.

“Don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it. I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” I took deep breaths as I try to calm myself. “I’m so sorry... That’s why I’m leaving today. After the wedding reception, I’m going home.”

“What? Why?”

“I think its better that way.”

“Better for me or better for you.”

“Drake don’t make this harder than it already is.”

“Lea, you can’t do this.” I look away from him.

“I already book my flight.” Before Drake got to say anything, I was already up. I carefully walk to the window and went back inside. By the time I was finished fixing my makeup, Drake was inside. We went back to the wedding.


This time, Sabrina went down the aisle all the way. The ceremony was different, but beautiful. The only difference was that after they exchange vowels and rings, they also exchange blood. I had to keep myself from passing out.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You’ll are now bond. You may kiss your bride.” Everyone cheered as they kiss. Tears filled my eyes as I watched. As soon as everyone said congrats to Nicholas and Sabrina we all went inside. I sat down next to Sabrina. Crystal made sure that Drake sat next to me. I stare at her suspiciously.

“What?” she said. I just shrugged my shoulders and try not to think about Drake. After we ate, everyone danced. On the flower toss, I got it. Everyone look between me and Drake. I blushed and handed it to Ana. She looks up at Lucas and smile. I was so happy he missed the wedding so he don’t have to see them exchange blood. He congratulates Sabrina and Nicholas on being married. I took pictures with everyone with my camera for I could remember their face. I also took one with Drake. I look up at Drake.

“Thanks.” I said

“No problem.” He said. Drake gave me a crooked smile that have so much effect on me. I blushed. “Lea…” Before he got to finish, I walked away. After a few minutes to calm down, I went up to say a toast to Sabrina and Nicholas. I went to the middle of the ballroom floor where the mic is. The butler hand me a glass of Champaign. “Thanks.” I drank the whole thing. Then I grab another glass and gave him the empty one. I grab the mic. Everyone was looking at me. My heart was racing, so I start to blush.


“Hi everyone. My name is Lea. I would like to make a toast for Sabrina and Nicholas. You guys have the strangest relationship, but you’ll love for each other is so strong. I admire that so much. You’ll went through some ups and downs, but it only made you stronger. Trust me when I say this. Marriage is not easy. But you have to work through it. Sabrina, I know you are scared that things won’t work out. I’ve been there. I’m still going through it.” I look at Drake. He was looking right back at me. “I’ve got my heart broken a year ago and I’m still scared to go through that again.” I look back at Sabrina and Nicholas. “Sabrina, you asked me why I’m still single…Well, you’ll gotten your answer. That’s why I can relate what you going through. When I met you two, I knew you two was right for each other. As soon as I brought you two together, I saw love in you’ll eyes. Like I’m seeing now. So you don’t have to worry about anything. I wish you both the best.” I raise my glass with everyone else. “Cheers.” After we drank our glass of Champagne, Sabrina came to me and gave me a hug as everyone cheer.


 After that, Nicholas and Sabrina cut the cake. I stayed for another hour until I have to go. I went upstairs to grab my suitcase. I put on my jacket and went downstairs. The Knight family was waiting. I smiled. Gabriella was the first one to come and give me a hug. 

“I’m going to miss you.” Gabriella said.

“I’m going to miss you too.” I said. Gabriella backed away as she wiped her tears.

“After everything that happened.”

“Of course.” Gabriella smiled.

“Good.” I hug everyone else. I really going to miss them.

“Are you sure you want to leave? You can stay another night.” Crystal said

“I’m sure. I have to be at the train station early. If I stay here another night, then it really going to be hard to leave.” I said as I kissed Louis on his forehead.

“Well, you just remember that you have a second home here. So stay in touch with us.” Mr. Knight said. Tears ran down my cheek as I smiled.

“I know.” I said as I gave him a hug.

“Tell your Dad we said hi when he wakes up.” Mrs. Knight said as I gave her a hug.

“I will.” I said. I step back and look around. “Where is Drake?”

“He left. Drake really don’t like good byes.” Nicholas said. I felt a little hurt, but maybe it was a good thing that he is not here. I nod my head and smiled.

“Well… can you tell him I said bye. Please.” I said

“Of course we will.” Ana said. I went to Lucas and gave him a hug.

“Be safe.” He said.

“Of course.” Caleb carried my suitcase to the taxi. “Bye everyone. I will miss you all.” I gave Caleb one last hug, then I went inside the taxi. I look out the window and smiled as I watched them as I drove by. They waved and kept yelling ‘I love you’ until I was out of sight. It hurt to be leaving, but I have to go. I wipe my tears with a tissue and lean back in the seat.


In 20 minutes, I was at the hotel. After paying the taxi man, I went inside and check into the hotel. As I caught the elevator to the 3rd floor I start to think about Drake. I look around as I remember we had our first kiss on an elevator. Tears ran down my face as I touch my lips. As soon as the elevator open, I went to my hotel room and got inside. I close my eyes.


‘Lea, get yourself together.’ I thought to myself. As soon as I was calm, I took a hot long shower to relax. When I was done, I put on my night gown. I went through my luggage and picked out the clothes I’m going to wear tomorrow. As soon as I was done, I look around to see what else I can do. It was so quiet. I sat down on my bed to find anything to watch but nothing was on. I was so bored. I groaned and turn off the TV. I grab a Snickers bar from my purse, and grab my camera. I lean back in bed and look through my pictures. They were nice. Some of them I laughed because it was funny. One of them is a pic of me, Ana and Caroline making goofy faces. I took some nice pictures. I start to cry as I see a pic of me and Drake. I took a bite of my Snickers. I changed the picture and it showing Drake holding Louis. I admit, I miss Drake… A lot. I’m still hurt that we never got to say good bye. I jumped when I hear a knock on the door.


“Coming.” I said as I put down my camera and wipe my tears. I put the Snickers on the night stand as I put on a robe and went to the door. I look in the mirror to fix my hair. I was surprised when I see Drake when I opened the door. I frown. “Drake… what are you…” Before I get to finish, Drake kissed me. I couldn’t help but to kiss him back. I admit, I miss his kisses. I was disappointed when Drake broke the kiss. My heart was racing. I open my eyes and I look into his eyes. I took a step back for him turn away from him as I try to catch my breath. But I couldn’t. Tears filled my eyes. “Why did you do that? All you doing is making things worse. Why can’t you just move on?”

“Because I can’t. I already tried. More I stay away from you, then the more I start to realize that…” He said

“Realize what?”

“That… I am in love with you.” He said.  It felt like my heart stopped this one second.


“I love you Lea.”

“Well, don’t.”

“Why not?” I finally turn to look at Drake.

‘Because I don’t deserve you. You and Tiffany supposed to be together. She is right for you. She can give you so much more.”

“If I knew that Tiffany was best for me, then I wouldn’t be here.”

“Why me? I’m just a weak human.”

“No you not. Lea, you are beautiful, caring, honest, and sometimes stubborn. But, you are not weak.”

“Drake we don’t belong together.”

“Well… I will wait for you. It might take years but I don’t care.”

“Drake, I’m trying to hurt you. Why you doing this to me?”

“Because you can’t stop the way I feel about you. I know I’m probably not the prince charming, but I want to be. I don’t know if we going to go through some problems in the future. I can’t promise that. But I can promise that I will love you forever. I will start aging again for I can age with you. I can go back to Seattle with you and help you with your business. I’ll help you take care of your father. I want to marry you and have kids with your beautiful eyes and smile that I love so much. I’ll protect you with every inch of my body. All I want is to be with you. I love you Lea. I never said this to a women in my entire life.”

“You willing to do all that for me?” Drake smile as he went toward me. He wipe my tears away.

“Yes. I know it must sound desperate…”

“It’s not. It’s just sound like a man in love.” He pulled me to him and lower his lips to mine. I closed my eyes as our lips touched, feeling a zap of electricity. The room seemed to spin around. A flush of regret wiped over my body. I realized what I am doing is wrong. I thought about Addanc and the deal, but I can’t bring myself to stop the kiss. I clutched desperately, never wanting this moment to end. The urgency in the kiss was unbearable. I wanted him. So, I set the guilt aside and all I thought about is us. I placed my arms around his neck as I drew myself closer. He shut the door behind him with one quick movement, then he pick me up and went to the bed. As soon as he put me down, he kissed me again. My heart was racing. I was filled with passion. Drake trailed his fingers down my body. When Drake untied the robe belt, my heart froze for a second and I knew Drake heard. Drake broke the kiss and moved back. I was a little disappointed.


 “We don’t have to do this. You might be emotional.” He said. I start laughing.

“Shut up.” I said before I pulled his head down and kissed him. He gave in and kissed me back. He finished untying my robe belt and I took it off. His kisses start trailing down my neck. He went back up and kissed me again. He reached up and pulled me deeper into the covers with him, into a never-ending night of pleasure and desire.



Now, Drake held me close to him as I laid my head on his chest.


“Are you sure you were a virgin?” He asked. I start laughing.

“Shut up.” I said as I nudge him. He sat up to look at me.

“I’m serious.” He said as he smooth my hair back.

“You read my thoughts.”

“Yea, but you could have been lying.” I roll my eyes.

“Yes, I was a virgin. You just brought that side of me out.”

“I have that effect on women.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah.” He leaned down and kiss me.

“You sound proud of yourself.”

“Not really. I’m just happy to be with you.” He said as he kiss me again. I kiss him back.

“Why?” Drake lean back to look at me and smile.

“I told you it would be hard to resist you.” I smile at him.

“I’m irresistible.” Drake starts laughing.

“Yes you are… You know you lied to me.”

“About what?”

“You said you would never kiss me again…well you did. Also, we had sex twice.” I start laughing.

“So true. Well, you are persuasive.”

“I’m just speaking from the heart. You taught me that. You touch my heart, so I want to return the favor.”

“My Mom use to tell me that too. She said I touched everyone hearts. They would call me their angel.”


“Yea. I thought it was my eyes… but it’s not. I was on the brink of death, but Mom and Dad risk everything to keep me alive. I really don’t understand why they did it.” Tears ran down my cheek. I look up at Drake. “My Mom wouldn’t give me up. She told him, ‘Over my dead body.’ And that is what he did. I watch as he took her life away. If he willing to kill Mom to get to me, then who else he will kill. Drake, why couldn’t she give me up?”

“Lea, she died for you can have a life.”

“What life? When I go back home, I go back to what I was doing. Keep running the business. Keep waiting for Dad to wake up from his coma. That is not a life. Now I have to live in fear because everybody I care about want to die for me. I want it all to stop.”

“You can’t keep a person from caring about you. When you really care about someone, the only thing that is in your mind is to keep them safe. If it mean you have to make a sacrifice, then so be it.” I sat up.


“Because we love you. What you think people would feel if something bad happened to you?” I start to think about the vision I had of my death. “Lea, all we want to do is keep you safe. Is that too bad?”

“No.” Drake smooth my hair behind my ear as he kiss me.

“I love you Lea. You don’t know how much it would be painful me to see you hurt.”

“I love you too.” Drake kisses me as we lean back on the bed.

Chapter 20


I open my eyes as I look around. I look up as I see Drake lying beside me.


“Hi beautiful.” He said as he smile at me.

“Hi.” I said as I smile back.

“Sorry if I woke you up. I just love watching you sleep.”

“You didn’t.”

“Good.” He said as he start leans in and start kissing me. The kiss was so passionate. I broke the kiss to catch my breath as he start kissing down my neck. At first I was enjoying it, until he bit me.

“Ouch.” I push Drake away. He tried to kiss me again, but I push him away and got out of bed. “Drake, what is wrong with you?” I put on my robe and turn to look at Drake…but it wasn’t him. It was Addanc. He smile as he sat up. “What are you doing here? Where’s Drake?”

“You are such a great kisser. I was enjoying myself.” He said as he gotten out of bed.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“This is your dream.” In a second, he was in front of me.

“Are you telling me all of this is a dream? What happened last night was a dream too.”

“No. That was real. That’s why I’m here. You broke the rules.” He grab me by my neck and put me against the wall. “I told you to break his heart and you didn’t. Instead, you two had sex.” I could barely breathe as his hand tighten. “Too bad. I thought you were different, but you are just like your stupid mother.” Tears ran down my face. He start to close his eyes as he raise his other hand, but he stop himself. “What the hell?” He open his eyes as he looks at my stomach, then back at me. He smile as he let me go. I fell to the floor as I was gasping for air. He got down to his knees as he kept his eyes on me. “What do we have here? Someone has a little surprise for me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“You will find out soon.” He looks at my stomach again, then back at me. “I will give you another chance. You going to break his heart…and I’m going to be watching. You won’t see me, but I will be there. As soon as you done, you leave and never see him again. I know you will do the right thing.” He snap his fingers



I woke up gasping for air. I look around and I didn’t see Drake. All I saw was a little note.


‘Be right back. Getting some breakfast.



I jump when I start hearing my phone vibrate. I grab my phone look down it. I had few texts from Gabriella, Crystal, Caroline, Peter, and Ana that said ‘Miss you’. I scroll down some more on my phone. I had 5 missed calls from Sarah. I quickly called her back. On the second ring, Sarah answered.

“Finally you called.” Sarah said

“So you missed your plane?”

“Yea. What’s wrong?” Sarah went quiet. “Sarah?” It sound like she is crying.

“I am so sorry Lea. I take my eyes off him for a minute, then he was gone.” Tears filled my eyes.

“He’s… dead.”

“No. Well I hope not. When I say he was gone. I meant literally. I was gone for two minutes, then I came back and he was gone. Someone took him.” I was about to say something, but I stopped myself when I remembered what Tiffany said. 

Good because you don’t want to lose your daddy too?

“Tiffany.” I mumbled.

“What?” Sarah asked

“Nothing. I’m on my way there.” I stood up as I left the bathroom.

“Wait… but you missed the plane.” I stopped as I remembered.

“I know. I will take another plane to Seattle.” I said as I start putting my clothes on quickly.

“I thought you was afraid of planes.”

“It’s not that bad.” After I was done, I closed my suitcase. “I’m going to the airport.”

“Okay. See you soon.”

“Yea.” When I hung up, I turned around and see Drake come in.


“Hey.” He said as he sat down the two cups and the bag. He looks at my suitcase, then at me. “Where you going?” I start to remember what Addanc said.

I know you will do the right thing.

“Drake… last night was amazing, but I have to go.” I said

“Oh, I hate when this happens.”

“I don’t think this will work out.”

“Lea… we talked about this.”

“Drake, we are so different. We are not compatible. I can’t do this anymore. This is how I feel and you can’t change that… I just can’t be your soul mate.” It hurt me to say that. Tears ran down my cheek. I went pass Drake and left out the room. When I press the down button. The elevator open and I went in. As soon as it went down to the lobby and open, Drake was in front of it.

“So… everything that happened wasn’t real? You telling me you loving me wasn’t real?” Drake said as he follow me to the hotel clerk.

“Drake, don’t do this.” I said as I paid the hotel clerk. When he gave me back my credit card, I start walking toward the door, but Drake stops me.

“Lea, talk to me!”

“Yes, I lied! Everything that happen was not real. I don’t love you, so move on. Stop wasting your time on me. Find a girl that will actually love you.” Tears start running down my face as I saw how hurt Drake was. Everyone starts watching.


“No. Just stop. This is how I feel. So do me a favor. Move on. Please.”

“I heard enough. You want to hurt me. Fine. You succeeded.”

 “Drake… listen…”

“No Lea. You listen. You not doing this for me. You doing this for yourself. You will always be afraid and even I can’t stop it. Lea, I am tired of you pushing me away. You are right. We aren’t mean for each other.” It hurt when he said that.

“Drake I’m sorry.”

“Oh, now you sorry. It’s too late. So… don’t be sorry. I am. I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard. I just have to know that I can never find someone.”


“Lea, just go.” I tried taking a step toward him, but he moved away from me. I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the door and turn to him again.

“Drake I am sorry.”

“Why is it so hard to believe?” I nodded. I took off the amulet and went to Drake.

“Take it.”


I grab Drake’s hand and put the amulet in it. “You need it more than I do.” I went back to my suitcase. “To make things a little easier, don’t call me.”

He smile, and it wasn’t a good one. “You don’t have to worry about that.” I flinch because when he said that…it didn’t have any emotion. I left out the hotel. Drake didn’t even follow me.

“I knew you would do the right thing.” Addanc said as I hear him in my Next thing I know, I end up break down crying. I look at the door again and Drake wasn’t there. After standing there crying, I caught a cab to the airport. When I paid for my ticket, I made it on the plane just in time. It felt like a long plane ride back to Seattle. I still couldn’t get over how emotionless he was. I broke him. As soon as the plane landed, I grab my suitcase and got off. As soon as I saw Sarah, I ran to her and gave her a hug. She hug me back. 


“Are you okay?”

“No. I mess everything up.”

“What you mean?” Before I could answer, I start to feel nauseous. I let go of her and went to the trash can as I threw up. I sat up as soon as I felt a kick. I put a hand on my stomach. “Lea, you okay?” A lady came to me.

“Are you Lea Richardson?” She asked

“Yes. Why you ask?” I said

“Someone wanted me to give you this.” She said as she gave me an envelope. Before I got to ask who, she was already gone. I look back at the envelope. It had this scent I recognize. I open the envelope and a ring fell out. I gasped as I look at the ring. Sarah picks it up.

“It’s was Dad’s wedding ring.” I said.  I look back in the envelope and pulled out a note. The note said.


I warned you. Can’t wait to see you again.

                   -Tiffany xoxo

P.S. Your Dad says ‘hi’'


Tears filled my eyes. Does it mean that he is alive? Then I hear something hit the window. I went the window and look out. I see Tiffany as she smile at me. She blew a kiss at me. I look down at the note, then back at the window, but she was gone. Next thing I know, I feel a small kick in my stomach again. I gasped and look down at my belly. This can’t be happening. I put my hand on my stomach and looked up.


“Lea, what is going on?” Sarah asks. I turn toward Sarah.

“I’m pregnant… and I think that Tiffany knows.”



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.12.2012

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