

9 years ago

I stood there in the cold night staring at my dead father. I can't believe he's dead. I'm only 8 year old. I saw the vampire suck life right out of him.

"No! Please Dad. Wake up! You the only one I have. Don't leave me!" I yelled. Tears ran down my face. I tried shaking him to wake him up. But he didn't open his eyes. I screamed and ran out the woods. I ran until I was behind our house. I went to my next door neighbor's house. I banged on the door until Brian opened it.

"Zoey? What are you doing here? It is 12:00 am." he said.
"Dad is in trouble. We need to save him." I said. I start pulling him to the woods.
"What are you taking me?"
"To Dad. We need to hurry!" We finally made it to Dad. Brian checked for Dad's pulse.

"He's dead. We need to get out of here." he said.
"We can't leave Dad here!!" I yelled

Brian helped me drag Dad out of the woods. When we was out, Brian took out his cell phone and called the police. While he was talking to the police, I stared at Dad with horror. I started to cry and I fell to my knees. It started to rain, but I didn't care. I layed against Dad. Why did he leave me out in this world. I feel so alone.

"Zoey. We have to go. The police will come and get your Dad." Brian said.
"No!! I'm not leaving him!!!" I said. I was in so much pain. I love Dad so much. I couldn't leave him. The police and the ambulance finally came. Brian picked me up and they took Dad away from me.

"No!!! Let me go!" I yelled. I tried to get out Brian's arms, but he tightened his grip around me.
"Let me go!" I said. I start hitting his arms, but he wouldn't let go. I stopped hitting him and watched the men put Dad in the ambulance and drove away. The police man came toward me.

"I'm so sorry about your Dad." said the police man.
"I want to go with my Dad!" I yelled.
"You can't. Tell us what happen."
"Not until you take me to my father!"
"Zoey! Don't speak to the police man like that." said Brian.
"You not my father!! Take me to my father. Now!!" I said.
"We can't!! Your father is dead! He is not coming back! Now tell us what happened?!" yelled the police man.

When he said that, it felt like I was shot right in the chest. Those words hurt. Dad really is gone. He is never coming back.He left me in this world all by myself. With nobody. Tears ran down my cheeks. I told the police everything that happened.

"Zoey? Vampires are not real." Brian said.
"Yes they are!! They killed Dad!" I said. It hurt to know that they don't believe me.
"Vampires do not exist." said the police man.
"I'm telling the truth! Why doesn't anybody believe me!" I said.
"We'll find out who killed your father, but we want to know if you have any other living relatives."

I stared at them with disbelief. They really don't believe me. Just because I am a kid. I shook my head no to answer his question.
"She can sleep at my house for tonight." Brian said. The police man nodded and left. Brian carried me toward his house. When we were inside, he put me in the guest bedroom. I can feel Brian's wife, Mitchelle, and his son, Michael, starring at me. He lay me on the bed.

"Are you hungry?" Brian said.
"No Can you leave now?" I said. Brian nodded and left. I could hear him talikng to his wife about what happened.

"Oh. Does she know who killed him?" said Mitchelle.
"She thinks a vampire killed him." Brian said.
"Do you believe her?"
"Not one bit. She probably hallucinating. She will be better in the morning."

I got out the be and oppened the door a little to see. Brian's wife is pretty. She has blonde hair with hazel eyes. Michael has his Mom's blonde hair, but he has his father violet eyes. I was still mad when I heard Brian didn't believe me. I shut the door and sat back down on the bed. I was soaking wet, but I didn't care. I felt like screaming, but I didn't. Mitchelle came in the room.

"Zoey, I am so sorry about what happened to your father. If you want to talk to someone, you can always talk to me." Mitchelle said. I just nodded and looked at Michael. He was standing behind Mitchelle. He kept staring at me. Mitchelle led me toward the bathroom so I can take a hot bath. I washed myself clean. When i was done, I grabbed a towel to dry myself off. I put on a T- shirt and shorts that belong to Michael. I walked out the bathroom and went back to the guest room. I shut and locked the door for nobody won't come in. I wanted to be alone. No one believe me. They think I'm crazy. But I'm not. I start to cry.

I can still see the vampire looking at me smiling with Dad's blood on his lips. Before he could get to me, another guy stopped him and pulled him away from me. I finally stopped crying and stared at nothing. All I know is, I can't just lay here and cry all night. I need to find this vampire and kill him. He don't deserve to live. I have to avenge my fathers death. I can't tell nobody about this. They will think I'm nuts. I closed my eyes and locked away all my emotions. But there is one thing I am feeling. It is hatred. Hatred for vampires. I screamed against the pillow. When I was done, I fell asleep.

If you don't know my name already, my name is Zoey. Zoey Davis.


9 years later

I woke up feeling tired. I still can't believe it is my birthday.I looked around my room. The same room I stayed in when I was 8 years old. I can still remember that night. I winced when I think of Dad. It felt like tears were about to come out, but I held it in. I got out of bed and left my room. While I was walking toward the bathroom, Michael blocked me. I frowned.

"Get out my way Michael." I said. Ever since Brian and Mitchelle adopted me after Dad's funeral, Michael have been getting on my nerves. Michael is 1 year older than me.

"What if I don't? What are you going to do about it?" he said. The last time he said that, I gave him a black eye. I growled. Before I could do anything, Brian stopped me.

"No Zoey." Brian said. I pulled out his grip and went to the bathroom. I slammed the door and locked it. I looked at myself in the mirror. I have long auburn hair and dark blue eyes. I have pale skin. People would call me a freak or weirdo. Especially Michael. He And his friends would make fun of me all the time at school. Some people would call me a witch because I was born on Halloween. I don't get along with nobody at school, including Michael. Some guys would ask me out on a date, but I always tell them the same thing. "No". All the boys at my school are idiots.

"Why does my life always have to be so difficult?" I said to myself. I took a shower and put on my clothes. Today, I wore skinny jeans and black T- shirt. I gathered my stuff for school and put it in my bookbag. I put on my black sunglasses and hoodie, then I went down stairs to leave, but Mitchelle stoopped me.

"You can't leave until you eat breakfast." she said.
I stared at her and said "I'm not hungry."
"You said the same thing yesterday. I'm not going to let you starve yourself." I looked away from her. I hate it when she worry about me.

"Fine. I'll eat." I said. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a apple. I took a bite of it for Mitchelle can see that I'm eatting. Michael came downstairs.

"Happy Birthday freak."Michael said. I rolled my eyes and left the house. I finished the apple and threw it away in the trash can. I got on my motorcycle. I took off my sunglasses and put on my helmet. Brian brought it for me on my 16th birthday. I rode it after I got my drivers license. The school was only a few miles away.

I finally made it to school. I was about to park my motorcycle in my parking spot, but someone got there first. I couldn't believe this. I always park there. I turned off my motorcycle and went to the car. I knocked on the person car.

"Excuse me. That's my parking spot." I said. I stepped back when the door opened. I was about to cuss at this person but I stopped. My eyes widen when the hottest guy I've ever seen got out the car. He has black hair with green eyes. I could tell that he's been to the gym because he looks so strong. He is wearing black jeans and shirt. I look back into his eyes and he held my gaze.

"You wanna take a picture? It lasts longer." he said.
I frowned. "No, but I want you to get out my parking spot." I said. He just stood there staring at me, checking me out. His eyes stopped to my lips. I blushed. He smiled. My heart skipped a beat.

"Stop smiling. I told you to get out my parking spot."
"What if I don't?" he said. He took a step toward me, still smiling at me. I can tell he was flirting.

"I know what you're doing. It won't work." I said. He took another step toward me. He was coming closer to me. Right now, I want to grab his shirt and kiss him, but I won't. He's just a stranger.

"Can you hurry and move." I said.
He closed the distance between us."I'll move, but I want you to take off your helmet."
"First of all, I don't know you. Second, I don't know what your name is."
"Lets just say, I am a new student here."
"Ok new student. You don't know me, so you can stop with all this talking and flirting. There are some other girls you can flirt with."
"I can tell you are a difficult person to handle here."
"I guess so."
"Can you at least take off the helmet, so I can see your face."
I stared at him to make sure he was joking, but he wasn't. 'sigh' "Fine." I took some steps back from him to give us some space between us. My heart was beating so fast. What is wrong with me. I never reacted this way to a guy. I just met this guy. I took off my helmet and smooth my hair back. I can feel the guy staring at me. I finally made eye contact with him. I feel strange. I wanted to break eye contact with him, but I couldn't.

"Hey. There's the witch." Michael said. I frowned and turned away from the guy. Michael is with his girlfriend, Brittany. Brittany is the popular girl in school.

"Shut up!" I said. I put back on my helmet and got on my motorcycle. I drove away without looking at Michael, Brittany or the guy. I don't know what I feel when I am near him, but I didn't care. It has to stop. I found another parking spot and went inside the school.


I watched as the girl drove away. Who is this girl? I shrugged my shoulders and walked toward the main office. When I opened the door, I saw my twin sister, Lily, waiting for me. When she saw me, she got up quickly and walked to me.

“Adrian! Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for 20 minutes!” she said
“Calm down. I was just with a girl.” I said
“Oh no. Where is she? We just got here and you already sucking the life out of a girl.”
“What are you talking about? She is in school. Alive! I didn’t kill her. She didn’t even seem interested in me. She wasn’t charmed by my good looks."
“Oh my gosh. Your right. You seem so upset about it."
“Of course I‘m upset! I tried everything. I tried to flirt with her, but she want to be so difficult.”
“Is she pretty?”
“No.” I realized I said that too quickly.
Lily look at me with suspicion. “If she not pretty, then why are you so mad?”
“Because she turned me down! How many times I have to tell you that? But I’m not worried about her. There some other girls who will want me.”
“Oh brother. You will never change.”
I smiled. “I know, that’s why you love me so much.”
Lily smiled back at me. “Shut up.”

Lily and I went into Principal Jenkins office. When we went into her office I almost screamed with horror. She looked horrible. She has black hair with a mole on her face. She has gray eyes.

“Wow.” I said.
“Don’t say nothing.” Lily said
Lily and I sat down on the two seats in front of the principal’s desk.

“You two must be Lily and Adrian Matthews. My name is Ms. Jenkins, your principal. “
I just nodded and I look at the mole on her face. Lily elbowed me.
“Stop.” Lily whispered to me.
“I’m glad we finally have another set of twins at this school. You two are fraternal twins. Which one of you is older?”
“I am.” Lily said.
“By how many minutes?”
“8 minutes.” I said. I tried very hard not to stare at Ms. Jenkins mole.
“Wonderful. Well, here are ya’ll schedules for school.” I took my schedule and looked at it. I frowned when I saw that they put me in Drama. I hate Drama classes. I stared at Lily and she seemed satisfied with her schedule.

“Is there something wrong with your schedule Mr. Matthews?” Ms. Jenkins asked.
I stared at Ms. Jenkins and smiled. “Yes. You made a mistake on my schedule.” I said.
Ms Jenkins eyebrow rose. “Oh really. What was the mistake?”
“You gave me Drama. I don’t like Drama. So it would be really kind of you if you take Drama class off my schedule.”
“Adrian! Stop!” Lily said
“What I do?” I said
Ms. Jenkins glared at me. “I can tell that you are a guy who get what he want type. Well I don’t go that way Mr. Matthews. If you don’t like Drama, well too bad. I don’t care. All I’m doing is my job. And my job is get you kids out of this school. Don't let me show you my bad side." Ms. Jenkins said.
"I thought I was already looking at it." I said. Ms. Jenkins gasped.
"So you got some jokes. If we going to have some problems, then get out. But if we don’t, then have a nice day. Now you can leave.” she said.

Me and Lily stared at Ms. Jenkins with shock. I wanted to tell Ms. Jenkins something else, but Lily stopped me. She grabbed my hands and pulled me out her office quickly. Me and Lily ran out the main office.

“Adrian! Why you always have to complain when you don’t like something. Now you got the principal yelling at you. When will you ever learn to leave stuff alone.” Lily said
“Lily, you know I hate Drama. It is so boring. All you do is act out all these Shakespeare crap. Who signed me up for this class anyway?”
“Mom did. She thinks you getting better at acting. Come on. Give Mom a break.”
“I’m going to talk to Mom when we get home. Mom know I don’t like Drama, but she still sign me up for that class.”
“Calm down Adrian. Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s finish talking about this at home.”
I smooth my hair out my face. “Fine. What class you got first period?”
“Computer Graphics.” Lily smiled. Lily really love art, so of course she happy. “What do you have?”:
“World History.” I frowned.
“Don’t worry Adrian. You will do fine. Can you at least try to have a good time at school. Make some friends.”
“Make out with girls.” I smiled when I said that.
Lily frowned. “No. Do you always have to make things disgusting to talk about. At least try to get to know the girls.”
I just nodded my head
“I’ll see you later.”
“Ok.” Me and Lily went our separate ways. I still can’t believe Lily convinced me to go to school. I already graduated from High School so many times; I have lost count. I hate high school. I walked into my World History class. All the girls gave me all their attention. Even the girls who already have a boyfriend. The guys were mad and jealous. Some of the girls said “He is so hot.” or “Call me.” But there was one girl who didn’t say anything. It was the girl from the parking lot. She frowned when she saw me.

“You have to be kidding me. I must be dreaming.” she said. The girl start pulling her hair in front of her face to hide it. I smiled and went to the teacher. Her name was Ms. Brown. She checked my schedule. She smiled.

“Welcome Adrian. You can sit at that empty seat by Zoey. Zoey, may you raise your hand.” said Ms. Brown. The girl from the parking lot blushed and raised her hand. I sat down next to her. Ms. Brown came to my desk and handed me a textbook. “We are on page 34 in the book. Follow along.”
“Thanks.” I said. I turned to the page. I looked at Zoey and smiled. She turned to me and frowned.

Before I could say anything, she said “Don’t you dare talk to me. Don’t even think about touching me or I will cut your hands off. Stay away from me.”

“I stared at Zoey in surprise. “What if I needed a pencil or something else?"

Zoey stared at me. She didn’t even giggle. I looked into her eyes and she was mad. "Do you see me smiling? If you want something or a pencil, ask the blonde girl in front of you. She would be so flattered if you ask. She would also be eager to give you something else.” She turned her attention back to the textbook. I was shocked. No girl have ever said that to me before. Usually they would be all over me, but not her. She’s different than any other girl I have ever met. She turned me down. Again! She doesn’t seem interested in me.

"You can have my pencil." said the blonde girl. I stared at her and took the pencil.
"Thanks." I said. I didn't mess with Zoey for the rest of the class. But I couldn't stop staring at her. I don't know why, but she fascinate me. She was different from all the girls I ever met. Someone tapped on my to get my attention. I turned around and a guy passed me a note. He pointed to a girl on the other side of the room. She was pretty. She has black hair with brown eyes. She smiled at me. I stared at the note and open it. It smelled like perfume. The note said:

'Hey new boy. I'm single. Call me. My number is 202-189-6509.


I stared at Abby phone number and smiled. I can still feel her staring at me. I put the note in my pocket. When the bell rang, Zoey stood up, gathered her stuff and left. I tapped the blonde on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled.

"Yes." she said
"Hi. Do you know the girl who was sitting beside me?" I said. The blonde girl smile fade away and she stared at me.
"Yes. But don't worry about her. My name is Chelsae."
"Nice to meet you. Does she always act like this?"
"Yes. When guys ask her out on a date, she always say no. Don't waste yur time on her She's not worth it. We can start worrying about you and me." she smiled. She gave me a note and left. I looked inside and I saw her phone number.

"Wow." I said. I stucked the note in my pocket and left the classroom. During my 2nd period, other girls gave me their number. But the one thing is, I couldn't stop thinking about Zoey. I tried to get her out my mind, but it was hard. WHem 2nd period was over, I went to 3rd period class. My 3rd period class. was Drama. I went to Mr. Anderson for he can check my schedule. After he was done, I sat next to this girl. Her back was faced toward me.

"Let's get class started." said Mr. Anderson. The girl who had her back facing toward me turned around. The girl was Zoey.

"Hi." I said. Zoey stared at me with shock.
"What are you doing here?" she said
"I take this class." I smiled at her, but she didn't smile back at me. She looked pissed.
"This can't be happening to me."
"Look for yourself." I gave her my schedule. She took it and read over it.
"My day have gotten worse." She gave me back my schedule. She stared at me. Can you move to another table?"
"No there is nowhere else to sit." Zoey frowned
"Are you trying to ruin my life. First, you take my parking spot. Second, you in my World History class. Now you in my Drama class. Can my day get any worse?"
"Actually it can."
"This is not funny Anthony."
"My name is Adrian."


I was really pissed. I wish someone can just kill me right now. It was hard for me to listen to Mr. Anderson because Adrian keep staring at me. Our arms was almost touching. I was feeling so umcomfortable. I smooth my hair to cover my face for he won't see me blush. Why am I acting this way? When I turned my head to see him for a brief second, Adrian was paying attention to the teacher. I start to get curious. There is something about this guy that seem so familiar. I remeber him from some where, but I can't put my mind to it. Adrian finally looks at me and smiled. I blushed and turned away from him. When the bell rang for lunch, I stood up getting ready to leave, but Adrian stopped me. Adrian stared down at me. He was blocking me from leaving. I felt so vulnerable.

"Can we talk?" he said. My heart was racing.
"For what? I don't have nothing to say to you." I said.
"I guess I have to do it the hard way." Adrian took my hand and pulled me out the classroom.

"Let me go!" I yelleD. I tried to pull my hand free of him, but he held my hand tight. Wow. He was strong. Instead of being angry, it turned me on. When we were out of sight from teachers and students, he pulled me into the auditorium.

"Let me go!" I said. But hw still didn't listen to me. He sat me down on one of the seats. I stared at him in shock. Before I could say anything, he stopped me.

"What is your problem?! Ever sice I got here, you have been rude." he said, Now I was mad. I stood up and glaring at him.
"Rude! You calling me rude. Everywhere I turn around, you always there. Are you stalking me?" I said
"No. I didn't pick those classes. The principal did. You think I want to be in Drama? No! So stop getting on my case about it." Adiran look so hot when he is mad.
"Sorry! That what you was waiting for. Now excuse me." I tried leaving, But he kept getting in my way. I tried kicking him in the groin, but he moved just in time, I tried slapping him, but he caught my hand before it could hit his face. He is so fast. I start to realize that he was still holding my hand. I looked at our hands, then back at him. Adrian finally let go of my hand. Things start to get awkward between us. I blushed. Before we could say anything else, Mr. Chase came in.

"You two suppose to be in lunch." Mr. Chase said
"Sorry. I was just leaving." I said. I stared at Adrian one last time before leaving. I ran to the gurk's restroom. I splashed cold water on my face. I wipped my face with a paper towel. I stared at myself in the mirror and realize that I was still blushing. I need to calm down. When I finally calmed down, I went into the cafeteria. It was full in there. For lunch, I brought me a salad and a Coca Cola Zero. After I paid for my lunch and went outside. I sat at my favorite spot, which is under a oak tree.I pulled out my Ipod Touch to listen to my music. I hope that the music would distract me. But it didn't. Adrian keep showing up in my mind. I need to get out of here. But I can't skip school. Brian and Mitchelle would be so mad at me. The last time I skipped school, Brian almost took away my allowance and my motorcycle. I had to beg him not to take it. That mean I have to stay. This sucks. I ate a little of my salad, but drank my soda. I threw them away in the trash can amd rushed out the cafeteria to the classroom. A few minutes later, everybody came back from lunch. Adrian didn't talk to me for the rest of the class. Instead of feeling relief, I felt disappointed. When the bell rang, I got my stuff and left. I was so hppy that Adrian wasn't in my 4th period class.

The rest of the day was horrible. I didn't plan on hiding from a guy. when the bell rand for dismissal, I went to my locker to get my stuff. When I closed it, I jumped when I see Adrian leaning against a locker giving me a charming smile. I blushed with embarrassment.

"Are you hiding from me?" he said. I frowned. I was so angry.
"No. Why would you say that?" I lied. Why did he have to be right.
"I don't know. Maybe it's because everytime I see you in the hallway, you hiding behind people or your hair." Adrian smooth my hair out my face. I swapped his hand away.
"Don't you dare touch my hair again unless you want to lose a hand." I started walking away but he was following me.
"Chill down. Why are you always so cranky?"
"None of your business. Now can you leave me alone."

As I was walking away from Adrian, I din't notice the wet floor sign, so I kept on walking. Next thing I know, I'm sliding across the floor. I tried keeping my balance, but I started to fall. Before I hit the floor, Adrian catches me. I can't believe Adrian saved me. I looked up into Adiran's eyes. All of a sudden, it was like we were the only two people in the school. I start feeling funny inside. Adrian's green eyes were sparkling. My heart was beating so fast, I bet he could feel it. Adrian start leaning his face in to kiss me. Before he did, a girl cleared her voice. Adrian shot his head up and pushed me away quickly.

"Adrian, there is no time for you to be making out with the girl now. Come on. We have to head home." I felt myself blush when the girl claimed Adrian and I was making out.

"I have to go. Thakns for saving me Adrian." I said. Before he got to say anything, I ran off. How could I be so stupid? I almost let that jerk kiss me. What is wrong wit me? I never let a guy get to me like this the way Adrian did. I can't show myweak side ever again. Once I got to my motorcycle, I drove off.


As I watched Zoey leave, Lily got my attention.

"What?" I said.
"Adrian, how could you? It's our first day of school and you're already making out with a girl, who might be your next dinner." Lily said.
"We didn't even kiss, and you don't have to worry. She's not interested in me. I just saved her from falling."
"You sound upset." Lily start looking at me and smiled. "Oh, I can't wait to tell Mom and Dad."
"Tell them what?"
"That you actually like a girl."
"No I don't."
"Whatever you say."
"Let's just go already."

When we was in the car, we put on our seatbelt and I backed out the parking lot. During the drive home, Lily kept getting on my nerves.

"I can't wait to tell everyone that you have a crush on a human." Lily said.

I got so fed up, so I stopped the car.

"Get out." I said. Lily looked at me with shock.
"No. I'm not leaving this car. We're not even near the house."
"Fine." I kicked Lily out the car drove off. Through telepath, I heasrd Lily.
'I'm telling Mom!!'

As I look through the rear view mirror, Lily was looking smaller and smaller.

I get home and I found Mom in the kitchen sitting at the island in the middle, on her laptop.

"Hey Mom." I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood and drank it. A positive. My favorite. Mom looked up from her laptop.

"Hey Adrian. How was school?" I look nothing like Mom. She has a bleach blonde colored hair with violet colored eyes.
"Same old, same old. Just like the other 243 years I've been going to school."
"You'll be okay. Speaking of okay, where's Lily?"
"Oh, she decided to walk."
"In heels?"
"I guess so." I took another sip of blood

As if on que, Lily comes walking into the house panting.

"Hey sweetie." Mom said. Mom went out of the kitchen and tried hugging Lily, but moved away. "Honey, why are you sweating." I chuckled when Lily laid her emerald eyes on me.

"Adrian kicked me out of his car. He literally kicked me out, Mom. Lily said. Mom turned to me and gave me a cold look.
"What? She was getting on my nerves." I said
"You still shouldn't be kicking your sister out the car." Mom said
"You almost killed me. On my way here, I broke my heels. I just brought these shoes yesterday. Do you know how much I spent on these shoes? Lily said
"No. Stop being a drama queen. Speaking of Drama; Mom. Why did you sign me up for that class? You know I hate Drama." I said
"I thought you love that class" said Mom
"No I didn't. Who told you that?"
"You did. While I was picking ya'll classes for school, you sent me an email asking me to put you in Drama."
"No I..." I stop for a moment and look at Lily. She blushed. "Of course you going to do it."
"Sorry. You was doing so well in that class. I also wanted to see you suffer." Lily said

I growled.

"Adrian. Don't you dare." said Dad. He came down stairs. Lily went running to Dad.
"Daddy, Adrian kicked me out of his car. I had to walk all the way home." Lily whined. Lily is Daddy's little girl. I rolled my eyes as Lily hugged Dad. Dad have black hair and green eyes. I got my good looks from my Dad.

"Why you kicked Lily out the car?" Dad said.
"She keep messing with me, so I decided to kick her out." I said
"Just because he have a crush on this human girl." Lily blurted out.
"No I don't" I said
"Adrian, what are you doing?" Dad said
"Nothing Dad."
"I hope its nothing because you are starting to turn more and more like your uncle."
"I won't hurt her."
"Of course you won't because you have a crush on her." Lily tried to whisper.
"That's it." I said. My fangs ready and I pounced towards Lily. Before I reached her, Dad grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me against the wall.
"I think you need to calm down. Go to your room." I looked at Lily with hatred before I went upstairs to my room. I shut my door and sat down on my bed. I tried to calm down. Dad is so annoying. He is always on Lily side. He always compare me to my Uncle Damien, even when I'm no where near like him. I do not have a crush on Zoey. But somehow, I can't get her out my mind. I can still remember the moment I had with Zoey in the hallway, when she almost fell. I still remember her, but I wonder if she remember me. I just have many things on my mind. Maybe I need to get some fresh air. It will probably clear my mind. So I open my window and jump out. Without turning back, I start running.


I finally make it to the house, and parked my motorcycle in the garage. I took off my helmet and went to the front door. I took out the house key out my pocket. When I unlocked the door and opened it, people popped out of no where.

"Surprise!" The people yelled. I am so mad. I walked into the house.
"Brian!" I yelled. Brian came out of the kitchen.
"Hey Zoey. I know you said you didn't want a birthday party, but..." Brian said
"I told you I don't want a party and you know why. You know today is also the anniversary of my father's death. You just want to make my life difficult." Mitchelle walked out the kitchen.
"Don't talk to Brian like that. He was only doing you a favor" she said
"Doing me a favor. He ruined my life. I have to go." I ran out of the house. I heard Brian call me, but I ignored him and kept walking.

It was so cold outside that I pulled my jacket around me tightly. I hate today. First, I had to deal with the new jerk in the school. Now, Brian have planned a party for me on the worst day of my life; my birthday and my father's death. Just as I was thinking this, I looked up. I am now standing in front of my house. The house I had to leave. I walked up the walkway to the house. The house still looks the same. Ever since I moved out, no one have moved in. There is so many memories here. I remember when I was a little girl, my father and I used to play in this yard. Since my Mom died when I was little, my Dad was the one who took care of me. I walked to the back of the house. Behind the house was the woods, the same woods I saw my father get killed in. I felt tears starting to come, but I held them in. If Dad didn't go check out the woods, he wouldn't have been vampire dinner. I wish I was killed too so I wouldn't have to deal with this pain. I could have too, if that other vampire haven't stopped him. The year my father died and Brian adopted me, Brian start taking me to therapy, thinking that it would help me with my problems. The thing was that there was no progress so he took me out. I walked into the woods. Brian is probably wondering where I am. Once I get home, he will probably give me this punishment, but I don't care. I get back to reality and found myself standing in the same exact spot my Dad body was. That was it. I broke down and start crying. I feel so upset. I know I'm supposed to be happy because its my birthday, but I'm not. How can I be happy on the day my father died. I sat down on the grass. I brought my knees to my chest and start rocking like a 5 year old. Why couldn't I be the one to die? I start hearing ruffle of leaves. My head shot up real fast. Someone else is here. I got up and wiped my tears.

"Who's there?" I said. I saw a dark figure come from behind a tree. The figure start coming closer. I start backing up, until I backed up into a tree. Once the figure comes closer into the moonlight, then I saw it was Adrian.

"Zoey? What the hell are you doing here?" he said.
"What are you talking about? I live in this neighborhood. What are you doing here?" I said
"I'm just taking a walk."
"In the woods?"
"Yeah. What you doing here?"
"The same thing." Adrian got closer and start studying my face as if he was looking for something
"There is something wrong with you. I can tell."
"Nothing is wrong with me."
"Then why it look like you were crying?"
I sighed with frustration. Adrian is starting to get on my nerves.
"I'm just having problems."
"They can't be that bad."
"You just don't understand. You probably have your whole family; your mother and father. I don't. My mother died when I was 3 and my father was killed when I was 8; in this woods, on this exact spot. Now I have no one and its my 17th birthday and my adopted parents gave me a surprise birthday party, even when I told them not to!!" The more I talked, the louder and angrier I got.
"Okay Zoey. Calm down." Adrian grabbed me by my shoulders. I felt my face, and it was wet. I just realize I was crying. I stared into Adrian eyes and he held my gaze.

"Your eyes. They look so familiar." I said. My heart start speeding up. It's happening again. Adrian start leaning his head down to kiss me. We almost kissed, but I froze when I heard Brian calling my name.
"Zoey?" Brian called. I turned from Adrian to where I hear Brian's voice.
"I'm here." I turned back around and Adrian was gone. How did he leave so quickly. Brian comes from behind a tree and hugged me.
"How did you find me?" I said
"I knew you wouldn't be that far, so Mitchelle, Michael, and I split up looking for you. I chose to look here since today is also the day your father died. Then I start hearing people talking. Who were you talking to." I start thinking about Adrian.
"No one. I was just talking to my myself."
"Well, I'm sorry that I upset you by giving you a party, even though you ask me not to. I just wanted to at least give you one party."
"It's okay, Brian."
"Don't you want to go back to the house? It is chilly outside.'
"Yeah. I'm coming." Brian start walking. I looked back behind me, then I walked on to the house.

By the time we got in the house, Mitchelle came sown the stairs.
"Where have you been young lady. You have us worrying about you, wondering if you are alright." Mitchelle said. Brian walked over to Mitchelle.
"Mitchelle, calm down. The only thing that matters is that Zoey is home safe." Brian said
"Don't let her off the hook. She still disrespected you in your own house, even when you did something nice for her." Mitchelle is starting to get on my nerves.
"She was just having a bad day. She did ask us not to give her a party. Also, today is also the day her father died. It was just very hard on her. Let's not discuss this anymore." Now I'm starting to get frustrated.
"Well, I'm going to my room." I said. Brian turned to me.
"Don't you want to eat?" Brian said
"No. I'm not hungry." I walked up the stairs. Before I went to my room, I stopped and turned around. Michael was standing at the opening of his room. Now I have to deal with him.

"Little miss Zoey is getting in a lot of trouble." Michael said
"Shut up, Michael." I snarled at him. I walked into the room and shut the door. I took off my clothes and put on my night clothes. I went to my bed and lay down. This was a long day. I am exhausted. My mind keep going to Adrian. I'm trying to figure out where I recognized Adrian from. Also, what was that feeling I felt when I'm near him. I'm too exhausted to think about it. My eyelids were getting heavy. Next thing I know, I fell asleep.


I finally get back home. I climbed to my bedroom window. When I was inside my room, I looked up and see Dad frowning at me. I smiled.
"Hey Dad." I said. I stood up.
"Where have you been? We have been waiting for you." he said
"I just went on a walk."
"Did you interact with any humans."
"I smell the scent of one on you."
"Don't worry. I didn't feed off of her if that what you think."
"So that is where you were. With that girl from school."
"We just ran into each other. Nothing happened between us."
"I hope not. We already had to leave the first time we were here because of your uncle."
"Well, it not going to happen again. Now can you leave."
"Fine." Dad left my room without saying nothing else. When Dad was gone, I punched the wall to let out my frustration. It left a huge whole in the wall. Mom comes into the room. She frowned when she saw the wall.

"What in the world is going on? Boy, are you out of your mind. When you angry, don't put all your anger on the wall. That's what the gym is for." Mom said
"Sorry Mom." I said
"It's okay. You will have to fix the wall this time. I'm not fixing it again."
"I know... Why do Dad always treat me like this? He always compare me to Uncle Damien."
"You were with him that night."
"I didn't do anything. Uncle Damien did it."
"But there was a witness. You could have been caught."
"I don't want to talk anymore. Can you leave me alone." Mom sighed and left.

Finally I'm alone. I ran my hand through my hair as I try to figure out what I went through today. Something about Zoey draws me in. After I ran into Zoey in the woods, I followed her home. I was sitting on a tree branch outside her room, watching her. It look like she had a lot on her mind. I wonder if she finally remember me. And when she finally fell asleep, she looked so peaceful. I opened up her window real silently. I entered into her room and went to her bed side. Once I got close to her, I smelled her scent. I smelled her scent. Her blood was rushing through her veins. She still look the same as I remember her. I hear some footsteps, so I jumped out the window and shut it. I climbed down the tree and ran home.

Now, I'm back at the house, still thinking about Zoey and hoping that she will never remember me.


It was night time and I was walking through the woods. I stopped when I see the vampire sucking the blood out of my Dad.

"No!!!" I screamed. The vampire looks up and snarled. I turned around and start running, but the vampire caught up with me and turned me around. He was about to bite me until I woke up screaming and crying. I sat up and tried to calm myself. I smooth my long hair out my face. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I might have a heart attack. But I didn't. I finally calmed down. I wiped my tears out my face and looked around in my room. I saw Michael smiling with a video camera.

"What the hell are you doing in my room Michael!!! Get out!" I yelled. I threw my pillow at him as he ran out my room. I got out my bed, shut the door, and locked it. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 2 am. I got back in bed still frowning. I hope Michael won't show no one the video. He know that I talk in my sleep. 'sigh'. I leaned back in my bed and closed my eyes. My last thoughts before I fell asleep is; I hope I didn't say the word vampire while I was sleeping and I need to get that video.

'Beep.... Beep.... Beep' I sit up groggily as I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I yawned as I got up and went to my closet and pulled out a forest green V- neck shirt that hugged my body and khaki pants. I left out of my room and headed towards the bathroom. This time, Michael wasn't there to mess with me. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. After the nice, hot shower, I got out, dried off, put on my clothes, and brush my teeth. I combed through my hair and put it in a ponytail. Before I could leave the house, Mitchelle calls me back.

'sigh' I turned around and put a fake smile on my face.
"Yes" I said
"You need to eat breakfast. You already skipped dinner. You can't keep skipping meals like this." Mitchelle said
"Fine.' I grabbed a bagel off the plate; on the table. I grabbed my backpack and left out the house. I bit into my bagel and through the rest in the trash can in the garage. I got on my motorcycle and drove off.

I drove into the parking lot of the school and there he was again. In my parking spot. I turned off my motorcycle and got off. Once I start walking to Adrian's car, he got out.

"You jerk!" I said. He caught me before I ran into him. I backed away. He had this grin on his face. "Its not funny. Yesterday, I told you that you were in my parking spot, but you still in it."

"Last time I checked, I didn't see your name on this spot. So that mean this parking spot is free for everyone." he said
"Everyone in this school know its my parking spot."
"Must not be everyone because I'm part of this school too." I scowled and stepped on Adrian's foot real hard. I went to my motorcycle and drove off, leaving behind a bent over Adrian.

The first half of my school day was boring. Of course Adrian was sitting beside me. Even though I was paying attention in class,from the corner of my eye, I could feel Adrian looking at me. Every time he glance at me, I feel shivers go down my spine. Once the bell rang, I tried to act normal, but I practically ran out of the classroom. Second period was fine. For one thing, Adrian wasn't taking my class, so I got to relax a little. Once I got to 3rd period, I was back to trying to ignore Adrian's gaze. Of course he had a seat next to me.Mr. Anderson got up from his desk as the bell rang. He wrote something on the board. I groaned once I saw what was written on the board.

"Class,this semester, we will be working on one of Shakespeare's greatest plays. Romeo and Juliet. You will learn about the fine arts of this play." I pretty much blocked out the rest of what Mr. Anderson said. Shakespeare is just someone who scribble a whole bunch of nothing. "We will be discussing the script and citing them. Look under your desk and you will find your own copy of the script."

I reached under my desk and took out mine. I look over at Adrian and he is already looking through his. As if he feel my eyes on him, he looks at me and winked. I roll my eyes and turned away. i felt myself blush. I looked back at Mr. Anderson.

"Right now, I want two volunteers to cite Act 1, Scene 5 of the play. Mostly known as the first kiss of Romeo and Juliet. Can U get any volunteers?" Mr.Anderson said. Adrian raised his hand and stood up.

"I can play Romeo." Adrian said.
"Okay. Which girl would like to play Juliet?" Automatically, all the girls in the classroom raised their hand. Everyone except me. Adrian looked at me and spoke.

"My friend here, Zoey, keep talking about how much she loves this play. She could be a great Juliet." No he didn't. I know he didn't just do that. I ducked down in my seat as I felt every eye on me. I know he is trying to get me back for what happened in the parking lot. Please, Mr. Anderson. Don't pick me. Mr. Anderson looked at me.

"Zoey barely speaks in this class. I guess this will help her. Zoey, you will be Juliet."

Adrian smiled at me. Oh, I hate him so much right now. I went up to the front of the classroom with Adrian. We start reading our lines, but all I was thinking about was the kiss that was supposed to happen. I was getting really nervous when it came. Adrian is now saying his last line.

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." I put gown my script and Adrian start to lean forward. I could feel him breathing on my face. My heart was beating so fast. Before our lips touched, the bell rang. I backed away in relief and went to my desk. Before I got to leave, Mr. Anderson called me and Adrian over to talk.

"Hey guys. You did great on your parts. It was like there were a real chemistry going on between you too." Mr. Anderson said.
"Thank you Mr. Anderson. Can I leave now?" I said
"Hold up Zoey. I want to ask you guys something. This school year, I was planning on putting on a play, and you guys gave me an idea. I will have a play for Romeo and Juliet."
"And that has to do with me and Adrian because..." I gave Adrian a scowl.
'I would like for you two to be the main characters. Romeo and Juliet." Adrian and I looked at each other and we both start laughing.

Adrian caught his breath and spoke. "You got to be kidding me. I didn't even sign up for this class in the first place. Second, I can't act."
"I can't either. Also, I want to spend as little time as I can with this jerk." I said
"At least think about it" Mr. Anderson said.
"I will. Now can I leave?" I walked out before Mr. Anderson could answer. Adrian has completely humiliated me by volunteering me. I'm so mad right now. I'm just happy that the bell rang before Adrian and I kissed. I get to the lunch room just in time to get something to eat. I brought me a salad and a bottle of water. I was walking across the cafeteria and as soon as I was walking past Brittany's table, hoping she wouldn't call me, She called me out.

"Hey Zoey. Come here." Brittany said. 'sigh' I put a fake smile on my face, and turned around. Of course, Brittany was sitting with her crew. There was only one new person at her table and that was the girl who almost caught me and Adrian as we was about to kiss. Brittany cleared her voice. "Hey Zoey. Michael told me all about what happened yesterday. What is it? You can't stand surprise parties."
"Whatever Brittany." I said
"Michael also told me that he overheard Brian saying that he overheard you talking to yourself. Now you going crazy." She turned to her girls and start snickering.
"Look Brittany. You don't know me."
" I know about your dead father" Brittany took out Michael's video camera, turned it on, and put on the video. I was screaming and calling out my Dad on the video. Tears welled up in my eyes and I took the video camera away from her.
"Where did you get this!"
"Who do you think. Michael gave it to me." I growled. Brittany smiled. "Is Ms. Zoey mad? It looks like you want to hit me, but you won't.

Before I could say anything, the new girl spoke up. "Hey Brittany. That's not nice. You can't be talking about people's dead relatives."
"Hey, umm... What's your name again?" Brittany said
"Um Lily. Sweetheart, be quite and mind your own business."
"No. You need to apologize to Zoey." I stared in shock. Nobody in Brittany's group have ever talked back to her, ever. Brittany looked at her other girls and they start laughing. Brittany calmed herself down.
"Look umm... Lily. Are you with Miss weirdo or are you with me?" Lily got up and came to my side
"I'm with her." She is crazy. Now Brittany looks serious now. Lily turned to me. "Let's go." We start walking away, but I stopped and turned back to Brittany.

"Oh, Brittany?" I said. Brittany gave me a snobby look.
"What." she said
"You have something on your shirt."

Brittany looked down at her blouse. Once she did that, I poured my whole lunch tray over Brittany's head. Lettuce, tomatoes, and dressing was all over Brittany's head. Brittany start freaking out. She screamed. It look like she was about to have a panic attack. Everybody in the cafeteria start laughing. I turned back around. Me and Lily went outside to my favorite spot under the oak tree. We were both laughing.

"Is Brittany always like this?"" Lily said
"Yeah. We're been rivals ever since the fourth grade. Now she's my idiotic brother's girlfriend." I said
"You have a brother?"
"Well, not biological. I'm adopted. His father and mother adopted me after my father was killed." I had to stop because it was starting to get to me, talking about my father.
"If you don't want to talk about it. It's okay. Let;s change the subject."
"So you're Adrian's sister."
"Unfortunately, yes. Even though we are twins, we are totally different. Adrian is such a moron. Like yesterday, he kicked me out of his car and made me walk all the way home.'
"You guys don't look like twins."
"I know. A lot of people say that."
"I see what you talking about, though. Like today, we have the same Drama class and he actually volunteered the both of us to cite one of the scenes as Romeo and Juliet. He just love messing with me."
"He actually participated in Drama class. Yesterday, when he found out he was taking Drama, he had a fit. He hate the class."
"Then he was just doing it to get on my nerves. Then, after class was Mr. Anderson asked us to be Romeo and Juliet in the school play he is doing."
"I think you should do it." I looked at Lily like she was crazy. "Do it and say that for you and Adrian. I know by doing this, you can get him back.'
I had to think about this before I answered"Okay, I'll do it. I can't wait to see his expression." The bell ring, telling us lunch is over. Lily and I got up.
"Hey, Zoey. I enjoy spending time with you. Since I'm new, can we be friends."
I was shocked. "Uh, sure." We gave each other our cell phone number.
"I'll see you later. We'll be best friends." She start jumping up and down. Then she start hugging me. She is so strong.
"Do you and Adrian work out a lot? Both of you guys are strong."
"No. It's just something natural."

After that, we headed back to class.


I came into the classroom a few seconds before the bell rang for 4th lunch. Zoey was already in her seat, still upset. Mr. Anderson picked out more volunteers to do a scene from 'Romeo and Juliet'. I barely listened to him. A few times, I would look at Zoey. Zoey finally look at me and frowned.

"Stop staring at me." she whispered
"You still mad at me." I whispered back
"What you think? Of course I'm still mad. I almost embarrassed myself. I hope you happy."
"You the one who stepped on my foot in the parking lot. Just because you mad I took your parking spot."
"Oh come on. You still mad about that. Stop being a baby and grow up. How old are you? 16"
"No. I'm 17. Maybe you need to ask me first before you answer your own question."
"I do not answer my own question."
"Oh really. Yesterday, you ask me what my name is. Then you going to call me Anthony. That is no where close to my real name."
"It was one mistake. Get over it. Now may you shut up. I'm trying to pay attention." She looked away from me and start paying attention to the classmates performance.
"Why are you so cranky all of the time? You sound like a crazy old woman." Zoey gasped and glared at me.
"I do not! Take that back!" Zoey said loudly. Every body turned their attention to Me and Zoey. I pointed to Zoey. Zoey blushed.

"Mr. Anderson, do you mind if I leave?" Zoey asked. I stared at Mr. Anderson.
"Since the bell is about to ring, you can leave." Mr. Anderson said

Zoey stood up and gathered he stuff. Without looking at me, she left out and slammed the door shut. We all flinched when we heard Zoey scream and kicked lockers. I smiled. I can't believe I got her that upset, but I also felt a little bad for doing it.

Mr. Anderson cleared his voice to get everybody's attention. "Okay class. I want to thank you for your participation For homework, I want you to read Act 1 and 2 of the play. We going to discuss them next class."

The bell rang for dismissal. I got up, gathered my stuff, and left the classroom before Mr. Anderson could call me over. Zoey was no where in sight. As I was thinking this, Zoey was walking past me to Mr. Anderson's classroom. As we were passing each other, Zoey looked at me and gave me a smile. What is she p to? I need to get my mind clear and worry about something that is important, my hunger. I haven't had any blood in a week. I didn't even have enough to drink, yesterday. The sound of beating hearts is driving me crazy. If I don't get any blood in me soon, I will go crazy.

I get to my next class, which is Chemistry, and go to sit next to my lab partner, Trish. Trish smiled at me when I went over to my seat.

"Hey Adrian." she said while chewing her gum. She's been flirting with me since yesterday. That's when a plan struct me.
'Hey Trish." I gave her one of my charming smiles. Just as the bell rang, Mr. Proctor got up from his desk and start giving a boring lesson. I already heard this so many times I was in high school taking this class. I looked over to Trish and saw her staring at me. I wrote her a note and passed it to her. Now we are passing notes.:

'Hey Trish. Do you want to meet me after class?'
'Of course!'
'Let's meet in the stairwell.' Trish looked up and smiled at me. She shook her head yes. I have her now. As soon the bell rang, Trish got up quickly and literally ran out of the classroom. She's probably going to tell her friends and will beat me to the stairwell. I get out into the hallway and the students are swarming in the hallways, getting ready to leave. By the time I got to the stairwell, almost all the students were out of the building, something that I wanted. When I opened the door, Trish was already there. She turned around and smiled at me. She start playing with her hair. I walked up to her, touched her cheek and smiled. I can hear Trish heart speeding up. I can tell she put some make up on while she was waiting for me. I backed Trish up to the wall and looked into her eyes as I compelled her.

"Don't move." I said. She stay still. I bent my head an my fangs touched her skin. I grazed my fangs to her neck and sniffed her scent. My throat start burning. I bit into her neck and I can feel Trish's warm blood sliding down my throat. The more I drank, the burning in my throat start going away. Trish moaned as I keep drinking. All of a sudden, I heard the door to the stairwell open. I open my eyes and spotted Zoey. After she gasped, she ran out. Shoot! I let go of Trish, bit my tongue, and let a drop of blood land on her wound. I could see the wound starting to heal. I whispered in Trish's ear, telling her that we made out,s so she can think that. Trish smiled before passing out. I sat Trish on the steps, wipe the blood from my mouth, and ran out.


I ran out the school. I felt so embarrassed. I can hear Adrian calling my name. I just kept running until I got to my motorcycle. I got on my motorcycle and started it. I put on my helmet, and about to drive away, but Adrian stopped me.

"Move or I will run you over." I said
"Zoey, why are you acting like this? Why are you even running? We not dating.

' he said
"You don't think I know that. Can you leave me the hell alone and finish making out with Trish."
Adrian smiled. I tried looking away, but I couldn't. Thank God I have my helmet on, so he can't see me blushing.
"Are you jealous that I were with another girl?"
"Ew. Of course not, jerk." My heart start racing. This always happen.
"Zoey, you don;t have to hide your feelings for me."
"I'm nor lying!" I said quickly.
Adrian's eyebrow rose. "Fine." He gave me a charming smile and still wasn't moving.
"Adrian, if you don't move, I will punch you so hard in the face, no girl will be asking for your number."
"Real harsh, Zoey. You still mad about what happened earlier ago."
Adrian moved out my way. Before I drove off, I said. "No.' I drove away from the school quickly. I don't know why I'm acting like this. I am not jealous. We just met yesterday. I don't have feelings for Adrian. All I feel like doing is punching him in his face. He just get me mad so mad all of the time. 'sigh' I need to stop thinking of him. I need to worry about getting to work. Adrian already got me late for my shift at the diner. I work at Hope's Diner. Hope is my boss and also a friend of my father. Ever since Dad died, she would help Brian and Michelle take care of me. When I was old enough, she hired me to work in her diner. Hope is in her late 30's. She has brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and every time she smiles, she has dimples. She has a six year- old son named Zachary and she is a single mother because her husband filed for a divorce. His name is Tony. He visits Zachary every few years. Hope doesn't like talking about him. Hope and I get along so well, so I hope she is not mad that I'm late.

When I get to the diner, I parked my motorcycle and went into the diner. Hope frowned at me when I came in. I went to Hope.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I have a good reason why I am late." I said
"Ok. Tell me your reason." she said
"I pulled my helmet off and smooth my hair out my face.
"It was this guy. He's new to our school. He is a jerk. He wouldn't let me leave."
Hope smile. "A guy. Oh, so what is his name."
"Adrian. Now, can I..."
"Is he cute?" she interrupted me.
I blush. "I guess. Why you ask?"
"You blushing. You like him?"
"No! I don't like him. We just met yesterday. Besides, we argue a lot. I'm probably not his type, we are totally different."
"I don't believe you. I think you have a crush on him."
"I DO NOT!!" I said loudly
Everybody stop talking and stared at me and Hope. I blush with embarrassment.
"Okay Zoey. Whatever you say. You can start work now."
"Thank you." I walked to the back room to sign in. After I signed in, I went to the dressing room to change into my work clothes. I left the dressing room and went to get the notepad and a pen to take orders.

Some students from school were here. I got some people's order and served their food. I sat down on the booth to take a break and brought me a chocolate shake. Hope came to me and smile.

"There is another customer. Show them to their table." Hope said
"I am on break. Why can't you get Joe to do it?" I said
"Because the guy is so hot and he asked for you." I froze, turned around and see Adrian with Lily. They was talking to each other. I turned back to Hope.
"Oh no. I can't. Please Hope. Get Joe to do it."
"Why you acting like this?"
"He is the guy I was talking about. Adrian." I whispered
"Oh. This the guy you was talking about. He is fine. No wonder you have a crush on him."
"How many times I have to tel you. I do not have a crush on him."
"Prove it. I frowned
"Fine." I stood up and grabbed the notepad and pen.
"Put a smile on your face." I smile and turned around. I went to Adrian and Lily and showed them to their seat.

Before Adrian sat down, I stopped him.

"I need to talk to you. in private." I said
"Now you want to talk." Adrian said
"Shut up and come with me." I took Adrian's hand and led him to the back room, in Hope's office. I let go of Adrian's hand and shut the door. He rose a eyebrow and stared at me with curiosity.

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" I said
"Why do you think that?" Adrian leaned against the wall and was starting at me.
"First, you know where I live. Now, you know where I work, so if you don't answer my answer my question, I will call the police."
"Calm down Zoey. I am not stalking you. Lily wanted to come here because she was hungry."
"Oh. Then ask someone else to be your waiter." Adrian start checking me out.
"Nice uniform." I blush when I realized the work clothes I was wearing was a gray dress.
"Thanks. Now tell Hope that you want a different waiter because I'm not going to be the one."
Adrian leaned off the wall and came to me. I couldn't move back because Hope's desk was behind me. He smooth my hair out my face and leaned down like he was going to kiss me. Adrian smiled. My heart was beating so fast. I closed my eyes.

"No. I just want you as our waiter." Adrian whispered in my ears. I opened my eyes and frowned. Before I could say anything, he left out the office. I growled and kicked the desk. I stayed into the office until I calmed down. When I was calm enough, I walked out the office.

I took two menu's and went to Adrian and Lily's table. They stopped talking when I came. I gave them their menu's and grabbed my pen and notepad from my pocket. Hope walked past me and said "Smile."

'sigh' I smiled.
"Welcome to Hope's Diner. My name is Zoey and I am your waitress this evening. What would you like to order?" I said.
"Hi, Zoey. I would like a salad with a glass of water." Lily said. I wrote it down and stared at Adrian.
"What about you?" I said
Adrian looked up at me and smiled. "I would like a double bacon cheese burger with fries and a Coke." Adrian said. I wrote his order on the note pad.
"I'll come back with your drinks." I said
"I left their table and went into the kitchen. I gave the chef, Taylor, the order. I poured Adrian and Lily drinks into a cup. Joe came to me. Joe is a waiter and my friend. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. When Joe were in high school, he started to realize he likes guys. He wear high fashion clothes and he is always cheerful. Right now, he is in college and he is in his 20's.

"Zoey, what's wrong? It look like you want to scream." Joe said
"I do. Who the hell he think he is for coming to my job? I can't get no peace around here. First at school, now here. I just want to punch him the hell out of him. When will he get the hint that I want him to leave me alone?" I said
"Zoey, sweetie, calm down. What are you talking about?"
"This guy from school."
"Where?" Joe start looking around excitedly.
"Over there, by the window." I pointed to Adrian.
"Oh my gosh. He is do fine. If you don't want him, give him to me. I'll take him." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't want him, but he is not attracted to guys."
"Too bad, I would have rocked his world. Well, don't worry, I got your back. Oh, I need to give you something. I forgot to give it to you yesterday." Joe dug into his apron pocket and pulled out a wrapped gift.
"What is this?"
"A birthday present."
"Joe, told you I don't want no gifts."
"Please Zoey. You didn't accept my gift last year. Please accept this one."
I groaned. "Fine." I took the gift and put the gift in my pocket. "I'll open it later."
"Joe smiled. "Thank you Zoey. You are going to love it." Joe walked away smiling.

I grabbed Adrian's and Lily's drinks and brought it to them. I put it on the tab;e and gave them a straw. Before I could leave, Lily called my name. I went back to their table.

"Is there a problem?" I said.
Lily smiled. "Of course not. It's just, I heard it was your birthday yesterday. Why you didn't tell me?" she said
"Who told you that?" I stared at Adrian and frowned.
"What?" he said
"Adrian didn't tell me. Brittany told me."
I growled. "I don't want to talk about this." I said
"I know, but if we going to be friends, I at least want to give you a birthday present tomorrow." Lily said
"When did both of you become friends? Adrian asked. I ignored him.
"I do not want any presents, so you won't have to worry about it." I said
"Why not? That guy gave you a present." Lily said
"I closed my eyes. "Can we talk about this later? I just want to get back to work." I said
"Ok, but I am still giving you a gift tomorrow." Lily said. I opened my eyes and stared at Lily.
"Fine." I said. I was about to turn around, but Lily called me again.
"Sit down. You need a break." Lily said
"I can't. I need to work." I said
"Zoey, sit don." I gave up and sat down next to Lily. "Why are you always so uptight. Every time I see you, you always look so tense."
"That's not true."

"Yes it is. You always cranky." Adrian said
I glared at him. "If you wasn't always a jerk, I wouldn't be cranky." I said
"Of course, you blaming me, again. What did I ever do to you. Ever since I got here, you have been crazy."
"Crazy? I am not crazy."
"Denial. No wonder you can't get a boyfriend."
"I can get a boyfriend. I just don't want one."
"Yeah right. Every time when someone ask you out, you say no."
"It is none of your business. At least I don't make out with every girl in the school."
"You know what, I am getting sick and tired of your jealousy."
I stood up. "Jealous. I am not jealous. You don't know me."
Adrian stood up. "You don't know me."
"Uh, guys?" Lily said. Me and Adrian ignored her.
"I'm not going to listen to this. I'm leaving." I said. I turned around and start walking away.
"Of course. That what you always do when you in an argument." he said. I stopped and turned around.
"You right. Let me finish this argument." I went to the table, grabbed his soda, and poured it all over him. Everybody gasped. I turned back around and walked away. I opened the door to the back door and went inside. I slammed the door and sat down on the chair. I smooth my hair out my face. Hope came in frowning.

"Zoey! Why would you do that to him?" she said
"He deserved it." I said
"You made me lose a customer. Now they left. What you have to say for yourself?"
"I'm happy now." I smiled.
"You think this is funny. You better be lucky that I love you. Go clean up your mess."

'sigh'. I left out the room and cleaned up the mess. After that, I took other people's orders and served them their food. When the last customer left, I changed the sign to 'CLOSED'. Joe came out the back room with his things.

"See you guys tomorrow. I have to leave." he said.
"Bye Joe." Hope said. After Joe left, I was about to leave, but Hope stopped me. "Zoey, I need you to close up."
"Why?" I said
"I need to pick up my son from the babysitter. Tony forgot to pick him up."
"Ok. I'll close up. Tell Zachary, I said hi."
"Thanks Zoey." Hope was about to turn around and leave, but she stopped. She pulled a gift from her bag and gave it to me. "This is for you."

Before I could say anything, Hope gave me the gift and left. I look out the window as Hope got in her car and left.

'Sigh' I put Hope's gift in my duffel bag and finish cleaning the diner. When I was done, it was dark outside. I grabbed my things, left out the diner, and locked the doors. I start walking toward my motorcycle. While I was walking, I could feel someone watching me. I stopped and turned around and looked around. When I didn't see no one, I turned back around and keep walking.

"Zoey" I heard a mysterious voice. I froze and turned back around again.

"Who's there?" I said. I looked around again.

"Zoey." I heard the voice again. My heart was beating so fast. I look into the street light and I see a shadow. I gasped.
"Leave me alone!" I turned around for a second and the shadow person was gone. I could hear laughter. I ran to my motorcycle and got on. I feel goose bumps on my arms. I put my helmet on and start the engine. I drove off toward the house. I tried paying attention to the road. When I got to the house, I parked my motorcycle in the garage and ran into the house. I slammed the door and locked it. I leaned on the door, slid down to the floor and I start crying. Mitchelle and Brian came to me.

"Zoey, what's wrong?" Mitchelle asked. I didn't answer, I just kept crying. Mitchelle pulled me up to stand and hugged me. I cried in her arms while she led me to the couch to sit. Mitchelle and Brian comforted me while I cried. When I finally calmed down, I wiped my eyes.

"Are you ok?" Brian asked.
"I'm fine." I said
"Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"No. I just want to go to bed."
"Do you want anything to eat?" Mitchelle said.
"I already ate." I said. I got up, walked up the stairs to my bedroom, shut the door, and locked it. I put on my night clothes and closed my blinds to the window. I went into bed shaking because I was so scared. Who was this person? I don't recognize the person voice. I turned off the light and laid back. I took deep breaths to calm down. When I did, I finally fell into a deep sleep. I never got to open Joe and Hope's gift they gave me. All through the night, I couldn't stop thinking about that voice.


I drive into one of the garages at my house. I am so frustrated, I got out of the car and slammed the door shut.

"Hey. The car didn't do anything to you. Also, you almost left me in the car." Lily said. Lily got out the car and fixed her hair. I pushed Lily to the garage door.

"This is all your fault. You knew Zoey was going to be in that diner. I should have known because you usually eat at 5 star restaurants. You were just tying to get on my nerves."
"Adrian, your grip is getting tight on my arm." Calm down."
"Calm down! I want to tear you to pieces." Be fore I was able to attack, someone pulled me across the room. When my vision cleared, I was able to see the unexpected visitor standing over me. Uncle Damien left from in front of me and went to see if Lily was okay. I got up and dusted myself off. I turned to Uncle Damien.

"What are you doing here, Uncle Damien?" I asked "You were not suppose to come back here."
"Well hello to you too." he said
"You ignoring my question." The smile that was on my uncle's face is now gone. Mom and Dad came into the garage.

"What is going on?" Mom said
"Guess who's back?" I said coldly. I frowned at Uncle Damien. Mom and Dad stopped when they saw him.
"Damien. You shouldn't be here." Dad said.
"Wow. No hug? I thought you would be happy to see me." Uncle Damien said
"Let's go inside the house. "Mom said. We all went to the house and sat down in the living room. Our nurse/ therapist, Serena came into the living room. Serena is a witch. She came to work for my family for a few years. She is a nice woman. Whenever I need advice, she was there. Serena never tell us her last name or anything else. She never tell us about her family. Every time I asked, she would get sad. Serena is in her 30's. She has black hair with blue eyes.

Serena came to us and gave us a cup of tea. I refused to have any. When Serena was leaving, I can see Uncle Damien staring at her.

"She haven't changed a bit." he said. I looked at him and frowned
"What is your problem?" I asked. The only thing that Uncle Damien did was smile.
"You need to leave." Dad said
"Why?" Uncle Damien asked
"You not supposed to be here in the first place." Mom said
"Don't tell me that you still mad about what happened."
"Of course we are!!" I said
"Calm down, Adrian." Dad said. I look at him, then at Uncle Damien.
"Damien, tell us why you here?" Mom said
"I just need a place to stay." Uncle Damien said. Lily just sat there quietly.
"Remember the last time you stayed. Someone got hurt. We were almost exposed."
"I could have taken care of that girl if someone haven't stopped me." Uncle Damien looked at me.
"If you did, then we would be in more trouble." I said
"I can go get her. Get this over with." he said
"Don't you dare touch her!" I growled. Everyone looked at me. Uncle Damien smiled.
"Adrian, go upstairs with Lily while we talk to Damien" Dad said
"I'm not going no where." I said
"Now. Go." I look at Dad. I look at Dad and was about to say something, but Lily grabbed my hand.
"Let's just go." Lily said. I finally gave up. I stood up and we went upstairs. I hate leaving like this. I went to my room while Lily followed me. She shut the door. I sat down on the be and smooth my hair back.

I can't believe he is here." I said. Lily sat next to me.
"You were really defensive down there." Lily said.
"I just got angry."
"Over a girl. Do you know her?" I look at Lily.
"No. I just don't want nobody else to get hurt." Lily look at me, searching if I was telling the truth. She sighed.
"Me too. I'm really sorry about what happened at the diner."
"It's fine. I forgot all about it. Sorry about what happen at the garage."
"I'm use to it. Why do we fight all the time."
"I don't know. Because you're my sister. Even if you get on my nerves, I still love you." Lily smiled, then hugged me. After a minute, I pulled back. "Ok, ok. Don't get all soft on me.
"I love you too." I smiled
"Of course. Everyone loves me. Don't let the smile fool you."
Lily laughed. "Shut up." Lily stopped laughing when Mom and Dad came into the room. I look at both of them.

"SO..." I said. Mom and Dad look at each other, then back at us.
"He's staying." Dad said. Me and Lily look at them in shock.
"What?!" Lily and I said at the same time.


I'm back in the woods and I'm running. Adrenaline rushing through my veins as I ran from the vampire that killed my father. I did not know If they were following me or not, but I did not want to find out. As I was running, the moonlight was guiding me through the woods. I was almost out, until the vampire just appear in front of me. I tried to move away from him, but he kept blocking me. I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth.

"This will only hurt a little." the vampire said
I whimpered. He almost bit my neck until another vampire came and pulled him away. He tried to come to me again, but the other vampire pulled him back. Once he left, the vampire who saved my life looked right at me. My heart start racing. The vampire was in the shadow, so I couldn't see his face. All I saw was his eyes. Emerald green.

'Beep''Beep' I sat up quickly after the nightmare. I finally realized that my alarm clock was going off, so I turned it off. My heart is beating so fast. That was a strange dream. Something is telling me that the dream is suppose to mean something. There is something about that vampire, seemed familiar. Soon, Adrian popped up in my mind, which made me more curious, but I don't want to think about that jerk right now.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, but the door was locked.
"What the..." I said. I start banging on the door. I know it's Michael in the bathroom trying to be funny. I start banging on the door again. "Michael! Come on. I need to take a shower."
"Hold up!" Michael yelled from the other side of the door. I kept banging on the door until Michael finally opened it. He looked pissed.
"Finally. I know you have to fix your make up, but you have to be considerate of me too." Michael face start turning red.
"Shut up!" After that, Michael stormed out of the bathroom and went downstairs. I love getting Michael angry. I went in the bathroom and took my daily shower. Afterward, I went to my room and put on some skinny jeans and a lime green tank top with a black jacket. I decided to flat iron my hair and leave it out. I went downstairs and was about to leave out the door until Michelle stopped me.
"Don't forget..."
"I know, I know." I interrupted her. I grabbed an apple out the bowl on the table and put it in my bag. I turned to Mitchelle. "Can I leave now." Mitchelle sighed and left the kitchen. I went to the garage, got on my motorcycle, and drove off to school.

I pulled up to the school and drove in the parking lot. I tried to get to my parking spot, but I ended up pissed. Adrian's car sped up in front of me and parked in it. My parking spot. AGAIN!! I pulled up beside Adrian's car and got off. It is taking all of me to keep myself from tearing up his car. Adrian got out of the car and smiled at me, but it didn't affect me this time.

"What the hell Adrian! Didn't you get the hint yesterday. I was about to park there." I said. I took off my helmet.
"Oh, you was? I didn't see you." he said. Lily got out of the passenger's side of the car.
"You are a liar. You sped up so you can get that parking spot." Lily said. Instead of saying something, he start getting closer to me.
"Do you know you look cute when you're mad." he said. Right then, I could feel myself starting to blush.
"Go to hell!" I yelled before I kicked him in the nuts and stormed off. Adrian groaned in pain.
"See you at lunch, Zoey." Lily yelled from behind me in her chirpy voice. Who do he think he is, thinking his charms would work on me. I just showed him what happen when he mess with me again. The problem is, I'm still blushing


I straighten up as the pain start to fade away. I look as Zoey walk away. Lily snapped her fingers at my face.

"What?" I asked
"Really? 'You look cute when your mad.' That's all you got to say." Lily said
"What's wrong with that?"
"It is corny. Just give up. Zoey don't like you."
"How do you know? You probably didn't see when she blushed when I called her pretty."
"I did see her. She probably blushing of embarrassment because of your lame pick- up lines." Lily smiled.
"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Let's just get to class."
"Fine." We left the parking lot, went inside the school, and went our separate ways. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I shut my locker and see Trish smiling at me from across the hall. I look at her neck and see that the wound was gone. I winked at Trish and turn around to my class, World History. When I got there, I realized I was early. The only person was there is Ms. Brown and Zoey. Zoey was looking through her notes to study for the test. I sat down next to her. She didn't even look up at me. I cleared my voice. She looks at me.

"What do you want?" she asked. I leaned in for only Zoey could hear.
"Why did you kick me? Do you do that every time someone give you a compliment?" I asked
"No. I just wanted to do it to you."
I rose a eyebrow at her. "Oh really. Why is that?"
She frowned. "I don't know." She looked away. I stood up.
"Zoey, I need to talk to you."
"I'm busy studying." 'sigh' I took Zoey by her hand and took her out in the hall way. "Let go of me." I backed Zoey up against the wall.
"Shut up for a minute!" Zoey finally got quiet and looked at me in surprise. "I had put up with your bickering ever since I came. I don't know what I did to make you so mad at me. I don't know what got you so mad, but don't put it all on me."
"Adrian...." I ignored her and kept talking. The more I talked, the angrier I got.
"No Zoey. I'm getting sick and tired of your attitude. You think I want to go to school. No! I hate school, but I have to try to enjoy it. But every time you say something out your mouth, it always an insult. Calm the hell down for once!"

"Ok, I get cranky, but you the one should be calming down. I'm sorry if I made you feel this way, but its not my fault, Mr. Perfect."
I rose a eyebrow at her. "What?
"You always act like you are perfect with your nice hair, beautiful face, and hot body. Every girl fall for you, but I won't."
"Wait. Did you just call me 'hot'?" Zoey blushed.
"Don't worry about that! The only thing I'm trying to say is, you are like every guy in this school."
I smooth my hair back in frustration. "I'm getting tired of people comparing me with someone. First, my Dad, now you. You know what. Maybe you right, so you won't have to worry about me anymore."
"No Zoey. I heard enough. Whatever problems you have, you will deal with it because I'm tired of dealing with you." Zoey flinched.
"Adrian.. I"
"You what?" Zoey was about to say something, but closed her mouth. I took a step back. "I thought so." I turned away from Zoey and walked away from her. I grabbed my stuff from the class, then left. I didn't even look back. I put my stuff in my locker, then left school. Instead of using the car, I ran away from the school. I don't know where I'm going, but I want to be far away from Zoey as possible. I finally decided to go home.

I finally made it to the house. I opened the door and slammed it shut. Serena looks up at me from the couches. She put the book down, that she was reading, and sat up.

"Hey Adrian. You home early." she said
"I decided to skip. Where's Mom and Dad?" I said
"They went out"
What about Uncle... Damien?"
"He went somewhere. I just don't care right now. Now tell me why you home so early."
"I didn't feel like going." I look away from Serena and was about to walk toward the stairs.
"Adrian, I known you for years. I can tell when you are lying or not. Right now, you are lying to me."
I stopped and turned back to Serena.
"I'm not lying..."
"Yes you are. Sit down." Serena scooted over on the couch and pat on the seat next to her. "Ia it about the girl you liked?"
"Why everyone keep saying that I like her? For the 10th time, I do not like her!"
Serena rose a eyebrow at me.
"Is she pretty?"
I smooth my hair back in frustration. "Yes, but it still don't mean I like her"
"Adrian, you can keep saying that, but it won't change the way you feel."
"She always comparing me to the other guys at the school. I'm getting sick and tired of people comparing me to someone else. She don't know me."
"Then let her get to know you. The real you."
"So you want me to got to her and say 'Hey. I'm a vampire. Want to be friends.'"
Serena giggled "No Adrian. What I mean is, be yourself. Something that doesn't have to do with vampires."
"What if she don't like the 'real me'"
"Then I guess she not the right girl for you. Adrian, you are a nice and handsome young man. If she can;t see it, then find another girl, but if you think she is the one, then talk to her. Find out why she so hard on you."
I rose a eyebrow at Serena. "Serena, are you trying to..."
Serena looked confused for a second, then her eyes widened. She nudged me. "No! I'm older than you."
"By looks, but in age.."
"No Adrian. I'm already in love with someone else."
"Oh yeah. Your husband."
"Yeah.". I can see sadness in her eyes as she touched her locket that she always wear.
"We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to."
Serena look at me and smiled. "And you need to get back to school."
'sigh' "Fine." Serena gave me a quick hug. I got up and went to the door.
"Adrian..." I look back at Serena.
"Talk to the girl and work things out. It would probably probably help you and no more making out with girls."
I smirk. "I'll try.
"I'm serious. I had to fix you laptop and cell phone because every girl you with message you everyday."
"Yeah, Yeah. I love you too."
Serena laughed. "Shut up and get out of here."

I left out the house, before she could do something to me. I took a deep breaths, then I finally ran toward the school. It took me 30 minutes to get to school, since I had to stop for a while to hunt. When I got there, everyone was going to the cafeteria. I tapped on Jessica's shoulder. She turned around to me and smiled at me.

"Yes." she said and smiled.
"What lunch is this?" I asked
Jessica twirled her hair on her finger. "This is 2nd lunch, but, if you want to go somewhere else..."
"I'm busy, but thanks for asking." I turned around and walked away. I stopped when I saw Zoey. She looked at me, then look away quickly, blushing. I smirk and walked away. I went to Ms. Brown's room. She looked up from grading the test.

"Hey Adrian. Where have you been?" she asked.
"I didn't feel well, so I left for a while." I said
"Oh, then you shouldn't be here."
"I'm fine. Just needed some sleep. I'm ready to do my test."
"Ok. Good luck because you are going to need it. Some people didn't pass this test. Their excuse was always, 'It's too hard'. Well they should have studied. I have gave them a week. They had 25 questions, but it took them the whole class period. They mostly guessed."
"Um, Ms. Brown. I need the test."
"Oh, sorry. There you go." She gave me the test. I sat down and start the test. In 15 minutes, I finished the test. I got up and gave it to her. Ms. Brown eyes widen with surprise. "Are you going to check over it?"
"No. I'm good." Ms. Brown checked over my answers.
"That's fantastic!" I smirk and left the classroom. I went to my second period class and told Mr. Logan the same thing I told Ms. Brown. So, of course he believed me. He gave me the work I missed. After that, I went to Mr Anderson class, Drama. I went to his desk.

"Hey Mr. Anderson." I said
"Adrian? I thought you wasn't here today?" he asked
I was a little sick, but I feel better now."
"Good. Now I wanted to tell you something. Zoey already talked to me about this. I'm so happy to agreed to this."
"Agree to what?"
"You doing the play."
"She said that you would be in the play with her in the play with her in Romeo and Juliet."
"When was this?"
"Yesterday. Why you seem so surprised?"

Before I could say something, people start coming in. I sighed in frustration and sat down. Zoey came in and sat down next to me before the bell rung. Instead of talking to her while Mr. Anderson was teaching, I decided to write to Zoey. So I took out a piece of paper and wrote:

'We need to talk.' Zoey looks at me and frowned. She look back at the paper and wrote.
'For what? I thought we already did that this morning. You not dealing with me anymore. Remember?'
'Well, I'm dealing with you now. When were you going to tell me that you talked with Mr. Anderson.' When Zoey read the note, she blushed.
'I don't know what you talking about?'
'Oh really. So you didn't tell me being in Romeo and Juliet."
"Fine. Fine. I did tell him.'
Zoey sighed. 'It was Lily's idea.'
'Of course.'
'Can we talk about this later?'
'Fine. After school.' Zoey looked at me, then back at the paper.
'I have to work.'
'I guess I'll meet you there.'
'Fine.' I looked at Zoey and I still see her blushing. I smirk.


For the rest of the day, Zoey tried her best to avoid me. After 3rd period, Mr. Anderson told the class about the play, 'Romeo and Juliet'. I already know this whole play, now I have to say it. I hate Shakespeare. To me, Romeo is too sensitive. I am not sensitive. Now I have to be in the play, just because of this one girl. Zoey. After 4th period, I went to my locker and took out things I need. When I was done, I left out the school. Lily was waiting for me in the car. I opened the drivers side and got inside.
"Lily. We need to talk." I said
"I know. I know. Zoey also told me what happened this morning." Lily said
"She told you that." I just couldn't believe it.
"Not exactly. I begged her if she can tell me. She was so upset, Adrian. She felt real bad about what happened."
I rose an eyebrow at Lily. "She really told you that?"
"No. I read her thoughts."
"Of course you did." When Lily turned 5, she start to realize she had the gift of reading thoughts. My gift is the ability of absorption. That means I have the ability to steal someone powers through physical contact. I can remove the ability of another evolved vampires by touching them. Even though I absorb their powers, they still keep it. When I absorb their powers, then it stays. The more powers I absorb, the more I get.
"I couldn't help it. She wouldn't tell me anything else."
"Still, you invading her privacy. You need to use it for something important."
"Like what?"
"I don't know. just don't use it on Zoey."
"Oh well. I guess you don't want to know anything else that I got from Zoey.. thoughts." Lily smiled
I look at her. "What?"
"I thought you didn't want to know."
"Just tell me."
"I can't tell you. Zoey going to tell you herself."
"I hate when you do that."
Lily smile widen. "I know."
"I'm going to drop you off at the house, then I'm going to the diner."
"No. You going to be taking me with you. I'm hungry."
I look at Lily. "You always hungry."
"A girl have to eat. Now let's go."
'sigh' "Fine." I started the car and drove off. After a few minutes, we was at Hope's Diner. We got out the car and went inside. Hope came to us.

"You back. Please don't sue this place. Zoey didn't mean any of this." How about a desert. It's on me." she said quickly.
"Ummm.... Hope." I said
"I'm sorry. You want something else. Just please don't sue. I'm a single mother and I need this place."
"I'm not going to sue you."
Hope look at me with shock. "What?"
"I'm not going to sue. I just want to talk to Zoey."
"Oh. You almost scared me. It's almost time for Zoey's break. Do you want to sit down."
Hope turned around. "Joe. Come here." A blonde guy came to us. "Can you take them to their seats.?"
"But I thought..." Hope elbowed Joe. "Ohh... Sure. Just follow me." Joe led me and Lily to our seats. When Lily and I sat down, Joe turned to me. "You must be Adrian." he said
"Yeah." I said
"Zoey told me so much about you." I rose an eyebrow at him.
"Oh really."
"Yeah. She didn't tell you. Wow. How old are you?"
"Um.. 17."
"Wow. Zoey just turned 17. Isn't that a coincidence."
"I guess."
"Zoey is a nice person. You just need to get to know her better."
"Uh. Guys. I'm still here." Lily said
Joe turned to Lily. "I am so sorry. I forgot you was here." Joe said
"I can see that."
"Omg. I love those shoes!" Lily looked down at her high heel shoes ans smiled.
"Yes sweetheart. Those are gorgeous.'
"I just brought these yesterday. They go good with my eyes."
"Yes they do. These came out yesterday. Right?"
"Yeah! How did you know."
"Sweetheart. I know everything."
"Finally I found someone who knows fashion."
"I guess. I'm going to be leaving." I said.

The only thing that Joe and Lily do is keep talking about fashion. I just gave up and left the diner. I sat down on the bench outside the diner. I smooth my hair back and text Dad that Lily and I was at the diner. In a few seconds, Dad text back. 'Ok.' A couple of minutes later, Zoey came outside, holding two milk shakes. She sat down beside me and handed me one.

"What's this for?" I asked. Zoey blushed
"This is for what happened yesterday. You don't have to pay for it." she said
"Thanks." Zoey nodded.
"Why you not inside?"
"I didn't want to stay in there with Joe and Lily talking about fashion. It was torture." Zoey laughed. It shocked me. I smiled. "What's so funny?"
"I'm surprised that you stayed in there for that long. I thought you left because you wanted some fresh air."
"That was the other reason."
"Well, Joe do love fashion. If you go in his room, go to his closet and you will see a whole wardrobe of clothes."
"That was the same thing I said." I took a sip of the milk shake. "So what are are you doing here?"
"I look at Zoey and rose an eyebrow.
"You forgot." Zoey looks at me, then turn away, blushing.
"The Shakespeare play."
"I told you. It was Lily's idea."
"And you agreed to this."
"She's very convincing."
"I thought you didn't like acting?"
"I don't"
"You are so confusing."
Zoey frowned. "Why you say that?"
"First, you said you didn't want to be in the play. The next thing I know, I'm playing Romeo and you playing Juliet because you told Mr. Anderson that I agreed. Do you know this is a romance play?"
"You don't think I know that."
"I thought you didn't like me?"
"I..." I waited for Zoey to answer.
"You what?"
"You don't understand."
"Then help me understand." Zoey sighed, then turn to me.
"Even though you act like a.. jack ass ...sometimes... you are kind of ... cool to hang around with." After she said that, she looked away from me and blushed. I smiled
"I guess that is a yes."
"Don't push it." We sat there in silence.
"So... Where do you meet?" Zoey turned to me.
"For what?"
"The play. Since you got me involved in it, I might as well be practicing it."
"Oh. We can go to your house." I look away. "What's wrong?"
I look back at Zoey. "Nothing. Sure. We can meet at my house."
Zoey look at me in shock. "Are you sure."
"Ok. I'm off work, so I'll be there after school."
"I should be getting back inside. My break is over."
"Sure. I should be leaving too."
"What about Lily."
"I'm going to walk. Can you give her this?" I took out the car keys and gave it to her. Our fingers brushed against each other. I can hear Zoey's heart quickening. I look at Zoey and smiled. She was blushing.
"Um... I'll give this to her." I gave Zoey my cup. "Thanks for the milkshake." I stood up and paid her. She looked at the money, then me.
"What's this for?"
"The milkshake."
"You didn't have to."
"But.. I want to."
"Adrian.. thank you."
"You welcome. Tell Lily I will be at the house."
"Ok." I turned away from Zoey and walked away. While I was walking, I can feel her watching me. As soon as I was out of sight, I ran. As soon as I get in the house, I hear Uncle Damien and Serena talking, the living room. When I got in there, Uncle Damien and Serena against the wall.

"Get off of her!" I yelled. I threw Uncle Damien across the room. I growled. I got in front of Serena to protect her. Serena touched my shoulders.
"Adrian. I'm alright." she said. I turned to Serena and she didn't even flinch.
"He tried to hurt you."
"I know, but you protected me." I straighten up and turned to Uncle Damien. He smiled.
"You was always protective of her. So cute." he smiled.
"Just leave her alone." I said
"We only had a family chat with each other." Uncle Damien turned to Serena. "Remember what I said." I turned back to Serena.
"What was you and Uncle Damien talking about?" I asked.
"Nothing." she said
"I don't want to talk about this. Please Adrian." I look at Serena.
"You can't keep secrets from me forever."
Serena smiled. "I know. Soon I will tell you. Just not now."
'sigh' "Ok."
"I need to go and take care of an errand."
"You want me to go with you?"
"No." She said quickly. I rose an eyebrow at her. "I just just want to go alone. Serena kissed me on the cheek, then left the house. I watched out the window as she left. I looked around the house for Uncle Damien, but I couldn't find him. So I went to my room and did my homework, but when I was done, I couldn't stop thinking about Zoey. So I put on my work out clothes, which is a t- shirt and shorts. I went to the gym downstairs and went to the punching bag. I punched it until I got my anger out, but it also left a hole in the punching bag, so sand start coming out. I smooth my hair back. After all that punching, I still can't stop thinking about Zoey. I punched the punching bag so hard, it flew across the room. I turned around and see Lily. She looked concerned.

"Adrian? Are you okay?" she asked


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.05.2012

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