
Chapter 1

This is the worst day of my life. Oh yeah, I have to introduce myself because my mom said its polite. 'sigh'. My name is Dimitri Johnson. You probably know me.... or not. If you do, I have red hair and green eyes. I'm good at everything, except for one thing. Getting along with my annoying little sister. She is like my worst nightmare. That brat'S name is Kelly Johnson. Saying her name makes me throw up. She always get me in trouble with Mom and Dad. All I want to do is choke the hell out of her. But I have to do it with Mom and Dad is not here. She is so difficult to get along with. Mom said she looks like a angel. But to me, she looks like the devil who is trying to ruin my life. Here is how all this crap happen.

One day I was in my room playng WWE 12 video game on my Xbox. I was having so much fun, until Kelly came in wearing a pink dress with white stockings and her white church shoes. She was holding her Barbie doll.

"Play Barbie with me." said Kelly.
I looked at Kelly then looked backed my game. I just ignored her. Kelly went to the TV and turn it off.

"PLAY BARBIE WITH ME!!" Kelly yelled.
"No! Ask your friends to come over to play with you." I said.
"I don't want them to play." she said.
Kelly rolled her eyes "Because, I just told you to play with me. Now come on. I don't have all day." she said
"And I just told you no. Now get away from me, you little brat." I said.
"If you don't play with me, I'm going to tell Mom and Dad that you are abusing me." she said.

I stared at Kelly and said "You wouldn't."

That's when Kelly start to scream. It felt like my ear was about to pop off.


Kelly smiled at me. "Thankyou. Now, I'll need 'one more thing' from you." she said.

"What you mean "one more thing"?"I said.

A hour later, I was wearing a dress. Kelly smiled at me. "You look so cute in Mom's dress." she said.

"Shut up. This is so ridiculous. I thought you said we were going to play Barbie, not dress up like one!" I said.

Kelly put Mom's wig on me. "I know. Now stay still while I put this wig on." she said.

I should be playing my video game. But no. I have to play Barbie with Kelly. My life sucks. We were playing for a while until Mom and Dad got home. I tried to hide from them, but they saw me already.

"Oh Dimitri, you look so adorable. I know you like my dress and my wig,but you still should have asked." Mom said. I felt so embarassed.

"Yeah Mom, does he look so cute in the dress." Kelly said. Dad was trying to keep from laughing, but he couldn't help it.

"This is so hilarious. We have to get a picture of this." dad said. Dad took out his Iphone and took a picure of me. After that, he sent it to all my family.

That was the worst day of my life..

Chapter 2


Me and Kelly have been arguing ever since. The arguing just got worse and worse. But right now, Mom and Dad are not worrying about that. They are worrying about a killer is on the loose. From what I heard, there was a girl name Ashley Stewart. She went inside a old house in the forest. Her friends were waiting for her to come out, but she never did. They waited for a few hours, but she still didn't come out. They went to their parents and told them. When the police went into the house, she wasn't even there. 3 months later, they found her buried inside a bag. The police said she was stabbed to death. There was blood all over her clothes. They don't even know who the killer is.

Mom and Dad have been keeping us away from the forest and the old house. One day, I came home late because I was with my friends. There were police cars everywhere. Mom was the first person to come to me.

"Where have you been. I have been worried sick about you.' Mom said
"I were wih my friends." I said.
"It is way past your curfew to be ib the house." she said. I stared at Mom. Mom looked reall mad.
"I were at my friends house. Why is the police here?" I said
"The police is here because I called them." she said
"But I'm just a few minutes late." I said
"You was not a few minutes late. You were a few hours late. You wre suppose to be home by 8. You got here at twelve thirty in the morning." she said. I were about to say something, but nothing came out. Mom smiled because she know she wn the arguement. But there was one thing I noticed about Mom. I knew she was trying to distract me. Mom always do that.
"Mom, what going on?" I said. Tears rolled down Mom cheeks. She told me one of my friend was murdered. His name was Jose Rodrigez. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Jose were my best friend. We been friends since we was little kids. Dad came inside my room.
"I heard about your friend. Are you ok?" he said. All I felt was pain. I was so hurt, but I was mostly angry. I held back the tears that was trying so hard to get out. But I wouldn't let it happen. I taught myself to be tough, so that's what I'm going to do.
"I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me." I said. I gave Dad a little smile. Dad smiled back.
"If you need to talk, just tell me." he said. Dad left my room and shut the door. I lay down on my bed. I never wanted to lie to Dad. But i had to. I don't want them to worry about me so much. Even when I lied to Dad, I could tell he didn't believe me. I wasn't even convincing enough. I'll just have to keep convincing him. The police found Jose in the woods bleeding to death. He was stabbed so many times. I was so upset, it took me a day to calm myself down. Jose's mother, Paula, was so sad about Jose's death. She was a single mother; Jose's father died of lung cancer. Paula was planning for Jose's funeral. I visited Paula to make sure she was alright.
"I'm fine. It's just hard to know that my only son is dead." Paula said. She start to cry. I felt so sorry for her. Jose was the only person she had. Now she won't be able to see him grow up. She won't be able to see him get married and have a family of his own. I stayed with Paula for a few hours trying to comfort her. Mom picked me up from Paula's house.
"Bye Dimitri. Thankyou for your visit.
"You welcome." I said. Mom drove us home. When Mom parked the car in our garage, we got out and went indside the house. I am kind of worried right now. During the ride home, mom had not said a word to me. Was I in trouble? If I was, what did I do wrong? I just didn't even say anything. When we were in the house, I went upstairs to my room. I avoided Mom and Dad for the rest of the day.

A few days later, we went to Jose's funeral. It was so beautiful. Paula made a video of Jose's life.
"Thank you everybody for coming. Jose must be happy to know that everybody loves him. We will miss him so much." said Paula. Tears came down her face. She was so hurt. I could tell, that she was trying to hide it. I can also see anger in her eyes. Mom told me that Paula has been calling the police nonstop ever since Jose's death. She been asking them if they found the killer yet. But the answer would always been 'no'. Every time when the police says 'no', she just get angrier. When they ask me to come up, I said a poem.
"This is a poem i found. I hope you like it Ms. Paula." I said

The Final Flight

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took his hand when I heard his call,
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work, to play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I've found that peace at the end of the day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, yes, these things too I will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow,
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My Life's been full, I savoured much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one' touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, He set me free.

When I finished the poem, Everybody cheered and clapped. I hugged Paula.
"Thankyou. I really loved the poem." Paula said. I smiled. I was happy that she liked it. I have worked real hard to find the poem. When I did, I knew it was a right poem to say at Jose's funeral. We continued with the funeral. When it was over, I greeted the rest of the guest and my friends. Many people compliment on the poem I said.

After the funeral, we buried Jose.
"Goodbye Jose. I hope I see you again." I said. This time, I couldn't hold back the tears anynore. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Mom put her arms arpund me, to comfort me. I just felt happy because I know that Jose is probably happy. I don't know if I will be able to get over the fact that Jose is dead. But I'll try. My family and I left the grave yard and went back home. Right now, I feel at peace. I feel free.

Chapter 3

A few days later, Mom and Dad told me I was grounded.
"For what?!" I said.
"For staying out to late with your friends. You better be lucky we said you are grounded for a week." Mom said.

Kelly was so happy when Mom told me that I couldn't play my video games or go outside to play with my friends. So I went to my room. when I opened my door, Kelly was sitting on my bed smiling.

"You got in trouble. Now you have to stay in the house for a whole week." she said
"Oh, so you think that was funny, well it's not. Shut up and get out my room." I said
"No way. I'm going to stay here and laugh right in your face. This is so hilarious. My big brother is grounded for a week." she said
"Kelly. Get out." I said
"Make me." she said

Kelly smiled at me. I feel like my head was about to explode. Kelly was so stubbourn. All I wanted to do was cuss Kelly out, but i couldn't because Mom and Dad would be so mad.
"If I give you a dollar, would you leave?" I said.
"Hmm. Let me think." Kelly said. It took Kelly a few minutes to think about it. I start to get so frustrated.
"Kelly, hurry.." I said.
"Wait!" Kelly interrupted me. " I don't want a dollar. Give me five dollars."
"No! I;m not giving you five dollars." I said.
"10 dollars." she said.
"No! I'm only giving you a dollar." I said.
Fine! Twenty dollars, take it or leave it." she said.

I start to get a big headache. Kelly always do this.
"How about fifteen dollars. That's my final offer." I said.
Kelly frowned. 'sigh' "Fine. I'll take the fifteen dollars." she said.
I dug out fifteen dollars out my wallet and gave it to her.
Kelly smiled. "Thanks." she said. Kelly skipped out my room. I lay back on my bed. Kelly always bribe me for money. Mom and Dad always wonder how Kelly got all that money. Thinking about Kelly right now, it only give me a headache. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, but Kelly came back in my room and sat down on the computer chair. I opened my eyes and stared at Kelly for a minute thinking ‘I did not just see her just walk in my room’. Kelly just stared at me smiling. I was stunned. This can’t be real. I closed my eyes for a few seconds to make sure I was imagining this. But when I opened my eyes, she was still there.

‘What are you doing here? I just paid you 15 dollars to get out. Why did you come back/’ I said.. I was getting so angry that I felt like punching the wall. But the last time I punched the wall, I fractured my hand..

“I know. You told me to leave, but you didn’t tell me to come back.” Kelly said. I stared at Kelly with disbelief. I can’t believe this is happening to me. We stared at each other for a long time. Finally I sat up on my bed.

“I guess I have to do this the hard way.” I said. I got up from my bed and picked Kelly up and over my shoulder.

“Let me go!” she said. Her little hands start banging against my back. I walked to Kelly’s room and I sat her down on her bed.. Kelly tried to stand up, but I just lay her back on her bed.

“Stay out my room!” I said.
I left Kelly’s room and went back to mine. I shut my door and locked it. I waited a few minutes, before I heard Kelly running down the hall to my room. Kelly tried to open my door, but it wouldn’t open

She stopped and said “Open the door!” Kelly start banging on my door.
“No!” I said.

Kelly banged on the door for a little while longer., until she stopped. All I could hear was silence. I thought she finally left, so I lay back on my bed. But a few minutes later, Kelly said “This is not over. You better watch your back because I’m going to make your life miserable.”

Kelly finally left my door, and went back to her room. A few seconds later, I heard her door slam shut. At first, I start to get cold feet. But then, I just shrugged my shoulders. She already made my life miserable. But ,Kelly is capable of doing it.. Kelly have been getting me in trouble so many times, I have lost count. She were 5 years old when she first got me in trouble. She broke Mom‘s favorite vase. She blamed me for it.

"Just forget about it. She's not serious." I said to myself. So I closed my eyesand fell to sleep. But I was still having some doubts.font>font>

Chapter 4


Kelly is capable of getting me in trouble. Kelly have been getting me in trouble so many times, I have lost count. She were 5 years old when she first got me in trouble. Kelly was running in the house. While she was running, she knocked over Mom's favorite vase and broke it.

Mom and Dad rushed into the living room. Mom gasped when she saw her vase shattered. She said "Who broke it?"

Kelly pointed her finger at me. And guess what? Mom and Dad believed her.

"Kevin Mason Johnson! You come here right now!" Mon said. When I cam over, Mom grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her room. Dad followed behind her. I got in trouble for it. Kelly thought it was so funny.

Ever since that day, Kelly has made my life so miserable. She even told her friends about times she got me in trouble by Mom and Dad. Some of her friends help out. I hated my life ever since that day. I tried telling Mom and Dad, but they never listen. I thought my life were a waste. But, when I got older, I didn't have the same feelings I had when I were young. Things got a little better. I start learning how to ignore her. I start to make friends and just focus on important things. One of the things I am good at is art. I love to draw. I ts my passion. My friends say I'm good at it. At school, I always get a A on Art. For my career, I'm thinking about becoming a cartoonist. My Art teacher Ms. Andrew, Mom, and Dad has been ecouraging me to follow my goals. I just hope I could be able to make it.

Chapter 5

Now back to the present.

I finally wake up from a nightmare. In my dream, I was in the forest. I looked around until my eyes stopped at a gay who was wearing a hoody. He was in the shadows.
"Who are you?" I saked. But he didn't say anything. All he did was laugh. I start to feel goosebumps on my arm. I turned around and start to run. But I wasn't fast enough. The guuy shot me.

I woke up gasping for air. I stared around me and sighed with relief. I was in my own room. I made sure I wasn't bleeding. When I saw no blood, I layed back on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Good morning." a familiar voice said.

"Good morning" I said. I had my eyes closed for a little while until I opened my eyes wide open. I recognize that voice. I turned toward Kelly.

I sat up in my bed and said "Kelly! What are you doing here?!" I said.
Kelly laughed. "Wow! you just notice that I was here." she said.

I just ignored her. Istared at Kelly and said "I thought I locked my door?"
Kelly stopped laughing and said "Did you?
I sare at Kelly confused. What is she talking about?" "Of course I locked my door. i remember.." I stopped. I couldn't believe it. My door was gone.
"This can't be happening to me." I said to my self.

I ran down stairs to the kitchen. "Dad! What happened to my door?" I said

Dad took a sip of his cofee. When he put his cofee cup down and said "You must have forgotten that you are grounded. Yesterday, I told you I was going to take your door down."

"That was mean when you kicked Kelly out your room because she tried to confort you. You kicked her out like she was some piece of garbafe. K elly cane in our room last night crying." Mom said.
"That's not true!" I said
"Are you callling Kelly a liar." Dad said.
I stared at Dad for a second. "Yes! I am calling her a liar." I said. I didn't want to lie to them.
"Why would you say such a thing? She just a sweet innocent girl" Mom said.
I stared at Mom and Dad. "I can't believe this! Kelly is not innocent. I'm going to show you who Kelly realy is!" I said.
Before Mom and Dad could say anything, I went back up stairs. I had enough of Kelly. I was so frustrated.

"Alright Kelly. You want to be like that. Both of us could play at that game. This is war." I said to myself. I smiled. Oh, this is going to get interesting.font>

Chapter 6

I I went to my room and sat down on my bed. Adrenaline ran through my body. I never felt this way. I was feeling so excited. I can finally prove to Mom and Dad that Kelly isn't a angel. I grabbed my notebook and wrote down ways i can get Kelly in trouble. When I was done, my notebook was full with ideas. I smiled so hard, my face start to hurt. Kelly came into my room. When she saw me smiling, she frowned.

"What's your problem? You not suppose to smiling. Dad just took away your door." Kelly said.
"I know. I just feel so happy. It is such a great day." I said.
Kelly stared at me like I was retarded.
"Are you crazy? Youare grounded for a week, and you are happy. Did you get the retarded disease?" she said.
All I did was laugh,
"Dear, dear Kelly. I'm not crazy. Calm down." I said.
Kelly's eyes went wide. "YOU ARE SCARING ME! STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU FREAK!" Kelly said. Kelly left my room. I could hear Kelly calling Mom and Dad. I start to laugh. I couldn't believe this.

A few minutes later, Mom and Kelly came into my room.

"Dimitri? Are you okay?" Mom said.
I smiled at Mom and said, "Couldn't be any better."
Kelly gasped. "See Mom! Kevin is dying. He is dying from retardatiom. We need to get him out the house before we catch it." Kell said.
"Kelly! Why would you say such a thing. Are you arlight?" I said pretending to be concerned.
"Of course. I am fine. But, are you alright?" she said.
"I am happy. I am happy to be your brother." I said.
"You right Kelly. There is something wrong with Dimitri." Mom said. Mom put her hand on my forehead to make sure I didn't have a temperature.
"He don't have a fever." Mom said.
"Oh Kelly. I love you so much." I said.
Kelly stared at me like I was a lunatic. "Mom. I think we need to take Dimitri to a mental hospital. Right now." Kelly said.
Mom stared at me for a few minutes. All I did was smile.
"You right. I need to hurry now."

So Mom took me to the hospital. The doctors did a lot of test on me. They would sometimes ask me stupid questions. Some of the questions was "What is your name?", "How old are you?", etc. One of the questions that the doctor asked is "Is your mother single?" I cussed the doctor out.
"Of course she marriesd. What the hell you asking me that stupid question for? Are you fucking retarded? How do you think I was born? Out of freaking air." I said.
The doctor stared at me surprsed. He said he was sorry and finished with the questions.
When all the testing was over, I went back in the waiting room with Mom.
A hour later, the doctor came out.

"So. How is he?" Mom said.
I frowned at the doctor. "He seem fine to me. He can go home." said the doctor.

I was so relieved the doctor didn't tell Mom I cussed him out. While we was driving home, I promised myself that I won't cuss anymore.

Did I say that? I mean, I will try not to cuss any more.

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

I was in my room geting ready for my revenge. I walked back and forth in my room. I was so pissed off. Why Kelly always make me so mad all the time. what did she mean when she said she will be watching me. Is she watching me now? I looked around my room. I looked in my closet, under my bed, and any other place she could be hiding. But she wasn't there. I sat down on my bed. I start to get a big headache.

"I need to get out this house." I told myself. So I got off my bed and washed off. I put on a T- shirt, a pair of jeans, and my socks and shoes. I went down stairs and grabbed my jacket from the hall closet. Before I could get to the door, Dad stopped me.

"Where do you think you doing?" Dad said.
"I'm going to take a walk outside." I said
"Did you even ask if you can go?" he said
"Dad, I'm 14. I'm getting ready to turn 15. Why do I have to get permission to go outside?" I said.
"First of all, you going to turn 15 next year. Second, you just got out of punishment. We don't want you to get in anymore trouble." he said
"How am I going to get in trouble if I take a walk. It sound like you tring to say I might steal or murder somebody." I said
"That sound crazy. I just want you to be careful. I'm also making sure you not going over some girl house after that incident in your room." Dad said.

At first I was confused, But then I understood. I said "I am not going over no girl house. I'm just taking a walk." I couldn't believe that Dad thought I was going over some girl house to have sex. I haven't even thought of that, even though I'm still not going.
Dad smiled. "Good. Then you can go for a walk. Be safe. Don't go into the woods." Dad said.

I wanted to say "I wasn't asking for your permission." But I didn't. I didn't want to get slapped. In stead I said "Ok. Bye."

I left the house and start walking down the sidewalk. How can I get Kelly back? I really don't know. I was thinking of some ideas to get revenge on Kelly. It was so windy outside. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. When I stopped I realize, I was in the woods. I looked around to find the opening of the forest. I frowned when I didn't see one. I start walking to the direction I thought I came from, but I end up going furthter in the woods. It was getting so cold out here. My fingers start to get numb. It start to get dark out here. I stopped and looked around to see where I am. I could feel someone staring at me.

"Is somebody there?" I said
Nobody answered. I start to get scared. But then, I start to realize that it might be Kelly.

"Kelly, I know that's you. You can come out now. You not scaring me." I said. But nobody said nothing.

"Kelly stop playing!" I yelled. But nobody answered. I looked around me trying to see in the darkness, but I couldn't really see nothing. I start to get goose bumps. I was really frightened. I could hear the person breathing. I heard a tree branch break behind me. I froze a little while, then I start to scream. I ran through the dark forest. I didn't even know where I was going. I tripped so many times. But I stood up and kept running. I could hear the person right behind me. The person was following me. When I tripped again, I fell down hill. I finally landed on the ground. I start to cry. I was so scared. I never been this scared in my life. What if its the killer? Even though I was in so much pain and I was bleeding, I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here. So I stopped crying and I tried to stand up. But I end up falling back down. I was in so much pain. The pain was agonizing. But I got back up and I leaned on the tree and looked around in the forest. I finally found the opening to the forest. I ran out of the forest. I smiled.

"I'm free!" I said. I was in front of the grocery store Mom always go to. That means my house was a few blocks away. I was so tired, But relieved that I'm out the forest. I start walking home, but I accidently bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." I said. I looked up at the guy that I bumped into. The guy is tall, pale, black hair, and pale blue eyes. I froze with terror. The guy smiled.

"You don't have to apologize. I saw you just coming out the forest. You look hurt, let me take you to the hospital." he said. The guy grabbed my arms. His hands was so cold.

"I don't need to go to the hospital. Now let go of me!" I said. I tried to get the man to let go, but he didn't. He only tightened his grip on me. Pain shot through my arm. Tears ran down my cheek.

"Don't be rude. I'm trying to help you." he said. He start leading me back to the forest.
"I'll take away all your pain." He said.
"LEt ME GO!!!" I yelled. I kicked the guy in the groin.

"FUCK!!" the guy yelled in pain. He let go of my arm. I ran toward home.
"I'll find you again! I won't keep you alive for any longer!" the guy said
I start to feel terror. I kept running until I got to the house. I banged on the door until Mom opened it. When Mom opened the door, I hugged her. Tears start running down my face.

Mom led me in the warm house. But, even though I was in the house, I still didn't feel safe.

"Dimitri, what happen to you?" Mom said.
"Please Mom. I don't want to talk about it right now." I said. More tears came down my face.
Mom nodded and held me close to her while I cried. I was so terrified right now. I could still remeber what the guy said.

"I'll find you again! I won't keep you alive any longer!" I shivered with fear.

Chapter 9

When I finished crying, I fell asleep. In my dreams, I was in the woods again. The guy was there, but he wasn't staring at me. He was staring at a dead boy. The boy was stabbed to death. The boy was pale, he has green eyes and red hair. There was blood everywhere. It took me a few seconds to realize the dead boy was me. I look at the guy. The guy was laughing. He look at me straight into my eyes. I stared into his could pale eyes.

"I warned you." he said

I screamed. I woke up gasping for air.

"Calm down Dimitri." Dad said. I looked around me. I was at home in my bed, I was in the hospital. Mom, Dad, Kelly, and some police was here.

"Why am I here? I told you I was ok." I said

"It don't look like you ok." Kelly said under her breath. I stared at Kelly and frowned.

"Dimitri, calm down. I brought you here because I was worried. You was hurt real badly." Mom said. I felt on my head and wince in pain. My head was bandaged. I don't remember hitting my head. My arm and legs were bandaged. I looked at the police officers.

"What are they doing here?" I said

"We called them. We want you to tell us what happen to you. You ask to go for a walk. A few hours later, you banging on the door. You was injured so badly and you was bleeding. Tell us what happen. Right now!" Mom said. I stared at Mom, then the police officer. I looked at my hands. They had cuts on them because of me falling a lot in the woods.

"Fine. I'll tell you." I said. I told them everything that happened. I told them about what happened in the woods and the guy.

"Can you describe the man?" one of the police officer said

"The guy have black hair. He is pale and ice blue eyes. He wore black shirt and jeans." I said. The police wrote down everything that I said. After that, the police officers left. I talked with my family until I fell asleep.

I woke up when i feel someone hand around my throat. I opened my eyes and I see the killer smiling. His grip on my throat tightened. I tried to scream, but I couldn't. I tried taking his hand off my throat, but he was so strong. I was losing air and I was getting weaker. Before I went unconscious, I could hear the killer laughter.

Chapter 10

I woke up and see Mom and a doctor standing beside me.

"What happened?" I said

"Your heart gave out. You looked fine when we left you. Are you OK?" Mom said.

"Yes. I ..." Before I could say anything else, I remembered everything that happened last night.
"Dimitri. You getting pale. What's wrong?"
"The killer was here. He tried to kill me."
"Are you sure? said the doctor.
"Yes." So the Doctor left to tell the police. When the police came, they had to ask the staff about who came into the room I was in. They said that they didn't see nothing. I stayed at the hospital for 2 more days, then I left. Kelly was still the same. Mom and Dad told me and Kelly that we had to stay in the house for safety.

"But, why?" said Kelly.
"It is dangerous out there. I don't want none of you to get hurt. We protecting you." Dad said.
Kelly scowled. "Will we be able to still go trick or treating on Halloween?"
"Yes." Kelly smiled and left. I didn't say nothing and just left to my room. I was scared for my life. The police can't even find the killer. Soon or later, the killer will find me. He won't stop until I am dead. In the last 2 days, two more kids was killed in the woods. I stayed in my room through the 2 days.Mom and Dad have been going to work, so they left me in charge. Kelly came into my room smiling. She got on my bed and start jumping on it. I was on my laptop trying to ignore her, but she kept on singing. I turned around and stared at her.

"Shut up already!" I yelled
"You can't tell me what to do." Kelly said
"Yes I am. Mom and Dad left me in charge, so get off my bed."
"I don't know why they left me with you in charge after what happened the last few days. Ever since you saw the killer, you been scared that he will kill you." Kelly started to laugh.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I was you. He might be outside this house." Kelly stop laughing and got off my bed.
"Don't you dare play like that, Dimitri."
"Then, don't make fun of me. This is serious."
"You acting like he is after you."

Before I could say anything, the alarm webt iff. We both ran out my room and went to the front door. The door was closed and it was locked. I turned off the alarm, then I put the alarm on 'STAY'

"That was weird." Kelly said
"There is something wrong with the alarm. We just need to ask Dad to fix it." I said
"Whatever. I'm going to my room, for I could stay far away from you."
"Good. That is the greatest news I gotten all year."

Kelly gasped, then ran upstairs to her room. I smooth my hair out my face. I started walking to the kitchen to see what to eat, but I heard Kelly scream. I ran upstairs and openned Kelly's door.

"Oh my God." I froze because I couldn't believe what I saw.

Chapter 11

I see Kelly laying there, unconsious and the killer was standing in front of her.

"Leave her alone!" I said. The guy sat down on the floor next to Kelly. He smooth her hair out her face.
"To me, it seems like you never going to die. I suffocate you, and look, you still here." he said
"Don't touch her. What did you do to her?"
"Let's just say, she hit her head. She is not dead, yet. She is so beautiful." From the way he was looking at her, I knew what he was thinking about."
"Don't you dare touch her. What you want from me.?"
"You really want to know what I want. I want you dead! That what I want, but you won't die."
"Why you want me dead? I never did nothing to you."
"I don't have to answer a kid. I'm wasting too much time with you." He stood up and pulled out a sharp knife. I wanted to run, but I didn't want to leave Kelly with him. I grabbed a book and threw it at him.

"Ouch. You are dead" He start running toward me, but I kept throwing things at him. When I threw a lamp at him, it hit him on the head. He fell to the floor. He looked like he was knocked out. He going to have some bruises and a big headache. I ran to Kelly, picked her up, and went downstairs carefully, for I won't drop her. When I made it downstairs, I laid Kelly on the couch and grabbed the phone. I dialed 911 and waited for them to answer. On the 3rd ring, they answered. I told them about the killer being here and our address. When I hang up the phone, the door opens. Mom and Dad walks into the house smiling. I ran to them and hugged them.

"Mom, Dad. I am so happy you are here. Kelly is unconscious and the killer is upstairs." I said.

"Did you call the police?" Dad said. Mom went to Kelly.
"Yes." I led Dad upstairs to Kelly's room. When Dad open the door to Kelly's room, the killer wasn't there. "He was there. I promise. He was laying on the floor unconscious. Dad, I'm telling you the truth."

"I know. Come on. Let's go back downstairs." Dad said. I turned back to Dad and I see the killer behind him.
"Dad! Watch out!" I yelled, but it was too late. When Dad turned around and the killer stabbed him in the chest. Dad fell to the ground and he was laying still. The killer took the knife out of Dad's chest. Tears was coming down my face. I wanted to stay with Dad, but I couldn't. So I ran down out of the room and ran down stairs. I could hear the police cars outside. They came through the open doors. The ambulance was here too. I told the police that the killer was upstairs and that my Dad was stabbed. After a few minutes, they brought down Dad in a stretcher. The police told us that the killer wasn't there. All it did was piss me off. I was about to say something, but Mom stopped me. They put Kelly on the stretcher and put her in the ambulance truck. Mom and I went in the ambulance with her. All I thought about is the killer is still out there.

Chapter 12

Ever since what happen at the house, Mom have been worrying a lot about Dad. The doctors said that the killer didn't do that much damage to his chest, so he will be fine. But, they said that Dad would have to stay in the hospital a little longer. For Kelly, the doctor said that she had a concussion, but she going to be alright. Of course. She just have to wait a while before she goes to sleep. Kelly really couldn't remember what happened when she went upstairs. Kelly was able to come home that day. A few days has past and Kelly is still trying to persuade Mom to go trick or treating.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.01.2012

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I dedicate this book to my family

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