
Chapter 1

One day there was a girl named Sarah walking up the street. While she was walking up the street she ran into a boy named Damion. Damion and Sarah both fall onto the ground from bumping into each other.
"Hey! Watch where you are going!" Damion said, angrily.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to. And you don't have to be so mean about it," Sarah said. Damion walks away from her and thinks to himself,"If only you knew my deep, dark, secret girl, then you would be so scared of me."
"Damn! I wonder what the hell that was about," Sarah thought to herself. Sarah watches as Damion walk away not knowing that Damion has a deep, dark, secret. Damion's secret is that he is half vampire and half werewolf, and he has trouble controlling his anger. If he gets mad he will kill rather than talk or look at the person who pissed him off. But for some reason he didn't kill her.
Sarah looks at the time and thinks to herself,"Time to go home and go to bed. I start my new job at the library at seven tomorrow morning."
Sarah heads home and when she gets home she goes into the kitchen and makes some instant ramen for herself. After she is done eating she goes upstairs and takes a shower. After her shower she goes to bed.
The next morning she wakes up at six and gets some breakfast. After she is done with her breakfast she takes her dog, Seika, out for a walk. Seika does wat he has to do outside and Sarah takes him back inside.
After Sarah gets him back inside she looks at the time and thinks to herself,"Time to go to work."
Sarah goes to work and while she is at work Damion walks into the library and Sara thinks to herself,"Oh shit! It's the guy I ran into last night. What am i going to do now?"
Damion finds the book that he went into the library for and when he gets to the front desk Sarah asks,"Is this all you wanted sir?"
"Yes it is," Damion said. Sarah checks the book into the computer for him and says,"Here you go. It's due back in two weeks."
"Okay," Damion said.
Damion walks out and Sarah thinks to herself,"He is kind of hot thiugh. And I wonder what his name is."
At about eight that night she closes the library up and goes home. While she is walking home she thinks to herself,"That was a great first day if I don't say so myself."
Sarah goes to the kitchen and gets something to eat. After she is done eating she gets a shower and goes to bed. The next morning she does the same routine as the day before. After she is done with her routine she heads out to work.
While she is walking to work she bumps into Damion and says,"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. But you really need to start watching where you are walking," Damion said,"And are you going to keep bumping into me? This is the second time."
"Sorry. Do you mind me asking for your name?" Sarah asked.
"My name is Damion. Do you mind me asking for your name?" Damion replied.
"My name is Sarah. Now if you don't mind i have to get to work before I'm late," Sarah said.
"Well do you wanna hang out sometime?" Damion asked while thinking to himself,"What the hell am I doing? I know she'll freak out if she finds out. Besides the laws of my kind won't allow us to be together."
"Sure. I'll let you know when I have a day off," Sarah said,"As of right now I have to go or I'll be late."
"Okay," Damion said. Sarah walks the rest of the way to work and opens the library up. A few min after she gets the library opened Dmion walks in with the book he got the day before and says,"Damn, if I knew this was where you worked i would of just walked with you."
"And you should have got more books if you're going to finish one book in one day," Sarah said.
"You're funny, you know that?" Damion said.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Is there anything else you need?" Sarah asked.
"I'm going to go find a few more books," Damion replied.
"Okay. Take your time," Sarah said. Damion goes around the library and finds a few more books. While he is looking for some more books Damion thinks to himself,"Oh man. I hope I don't start to fall on love with her."
After about five min Damion has found a few more books and goes up to the front desk and Sarah says,"Will that be all?"

Chapter 2

"Yup," Damion said.
Sarah checks the books into the computer and says,"Here you go they are due back in two weeks."
"Okay,"Damion said.
Damion leaves and Sarah thinks to herself,"I hope i have a day off soon."
That night her shift ends and she goes home. As she is heading home she sees Damion sitting at the park reading one of the books that he had just cheked out. Sarah walks over to and says,"Hey, what's up?"
Damion looks up at her and says,"Isn't it obvious?"
"I guess it is," Sarah said.
"When is your day off?" Damion asked.
"I don't know yet. But I'll let you know," Sarah replied.
"Okay," Damion said.
"Well, I got to go. Have to work tomorrow. talk to you later I guess," Sarah said.
"Yeah. See you later," Damion said. After Sarah walks away a girl named Erika walks up to Damion and says,"I hope you're not fallong in love with her."
"Erika! What are you doing here?" Damion asked.
"Came to tell you that the elder is looking for you," Erika said.
"Okay. I'll be there in about half an hour. And no I'm not falling in love with her," Damion said.
"You better not be. You know what the law is. The only way you can be with her is if she becomes one of us," Erika said.
"I know. Dont get your panties in a bunch," Damion said.
"Okay. But remember you said you'd be there in half an hour," Erika said.
"Okay. Get off my case," Damion said.
Erika leaves and Damion decides to head out to the elders house. After about half an hour he gets to the elders house and says,"You needed to see me Elder?"
"Yes. There's a rumor that you are falling in love with a human. Is that true?" The elder said.
"No, it is not true Elder," Damion said.
"Okay. You know that if you do, the only way you can be with her is if she becomes one of us," The elder said.
"I know," Damion said,"Am I free to go now?"
"Yes you are," The elder said.
"Okay," Damion said.
Damion heads back to the park to finish what he was doing. After about half an hour he gets there and continues to read. Meanwhile back at Sarah's apartment sarh is going to bed.
The next morning Sarah gets up at six and does her morning routine. After her morning routine is finished she heads out to work. While she is walking to work she sees Damion sleeping on the bench and she thinks to herself,"I wonder why he's sleeping on the bench. Does he have a home to go to? Oh God! I think I'm falling for him."
Sarah continues to walk to work and after about ten min she gets there and stars her shift. That day at noon her boss walks in and Sarah says,"Is there anything I can help you with sir?"
"I came in to give you your schedule," Her boss said.
"Okay. That's cool," Sarah said.
Her boss hands her schedule to her and she says,"Thank you sir. Is there anything else I can do for you sir?"
"Nope. That is all i came in for. Keep up with the good work," Her boss said.
"Okay," Sarah said. Her boss leaves and she looks at her schedule and notices that she had the next day off and she thinks to herself,"I have tomorrow off. That's cool. I can tell Damion that I have tomorrow off later on if I see him."
That night at eight her shift ends and she closes the library up and thinks to herself,"Thats wierd. He didnt come in today."
She begins to head home. While she is walking home she runs into Damion and Damion says,"Hey. Are you on your way home from work?"
"Yes. And I have tomorrow off if you wanna hang out," Sarah said.
"Okay. That's cool. How about I meet you at the park tomorrow morning?" Damion asked.
"Okay. But answer one thing for me," Sarah replied.
"What is it?" Damion asked.
"Do have anywhere to stay that's warm?" Sarah replied.
"Not really," Damion said.
"Do you want to stay at my place for a while?" Sarah asked.
"Sure. That would be nice," Damion replied.
"Well, come on let's go," Sarah said.
"Okay. But can I grab my books?" Damion asked.
"Yeah," Sarah said, while thinking to herself,"What the hell am I doing?"
Damion goes over and grabs his books. After he gets his books he goes with Sarah to her apartment. After they get to her apartment he thinks to himself,"This should be private enough."
Damion puts his books onto the table and pulls Sarah close to him and presses his lips to hers. After a few seconds Sarah wraps her arms around his neck. A few min later they break apart and Damion says,"I have no idea why I did that."
"Okay. But you're a good kisser," Sarah said.
"Thanks," Damion said.
"So, where do you want to sleep?" Sarah asked.
"Can I sleep in your room with you?" Damion replied, while thinking to himself,"I hope I dont fall in love with her I dont want to have to change her."
"Sure. As long as you don't try anything," Sarah said.
"I won't try anything. I promise," Damion said.
"Okay," Sarah said.
That night they go to bed and fall asleep. The next mornig they wake up holding each other and Damion says,"Do you think we could keep this on the down low?"
"Sure," Sarah said,"How come?"
"It's not something I can explain," Damion said.
"Why isn't it?" Sarah asked.
"Let's just say it's complicated," Damion replied.
"Okay," Sarah said,"So, are we going to hang out or not?"
"Yeah," Damion said.
"Okay. I have to Take Seika out real quick and we can go," Sarah said.

Chapter 3

"Who's Seika?" Damion asked.
"He's my German Shephard," Sarah replied.
"Ah, okay," Damion said.
Sarah takes Seika out for a walk and when they get done walking she takes him back inside the apartment. After she gets him inside Damion says,"So, what do you want to do?"
"I don't care," Sarah said.
"How about we go see a movie?" Damion asked.
"That works," Sarah replied,"What movie?"
"How about Inuyasha the movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler?" Damion asked.
"That sounds like a good movie," Sarah replied. Damion and Sarah go to the movies and they see Inuyasha the Movie 3: Swords of an Honorable Ruler. In the middle of the movie Damion starts to get really thirsty for blood and says,"I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you want anything?"
"No. I'm fine," Sarah said.
"Okay. I'll be right back," Damion said.
"Okay," Sarah said.
Damion goes out to the cashier and gets a pepsi and thinks to himself,"I hope this keeps me from biting her."
Erika walks into the theatre and says,"Please tell me you are here alone. Cause if you are with that girl it's going to look like you are falling in love with her."
"Just cause I come with some one to the movies doesnt mean I'm falling in love with that person," Damion said,"I'm not dumb enough to let myself fall in love with a human."
"I know you're not," Erika said,"I never said you were. I just dont want you getting hurt."
"Than lose the insecurity," Damion said.
"What happens when she finds out what you are?" Erika asked.
"I'll make sure that don't happen," Damion replied.
"Why? Are you falling in love with her?" Erika asked.
"No. Of course I'm not," Damion replied.
"Then why?" Erika said.
"Cause I want a friend that I can hang out with and it wont happen if she finds out what I am," Damion said.
"Just be careful, Damion," Erika said.
"I will be," Damion said,"Now will you let me get back to the movie I'm watching?"
"Yeah. Just go," Erika said,a tear in her eye,"But does it ever occur to you that one of your kind might be falling in love with you?"
"Not really, why?" Damion asked.
"OH MY GOD! YOU ARE SO DAMN SHALLOW!" Erika yelled at Damion.
Erika runs out of the theatre with tears in her eyes and Damion thinks to himself,"What the hell is up with her?"
Damion goes back into where the movie is and sits in his seat next to Sarah. About forty-five min later the movie ends and Sarah says,"That was a good movie."
"Yeah, it was," Damion said,"What do you want to do now?"
"I dont care," Sarah said.
"How about we go to your place and hang out there for a while?" Damion asked.
"Okay. That works," Sarah replied.
Damion and Sarah head to Sarah's apartment. While they are walking to Sarah's apartment Sarah says,"So what do you do for a living?"
"Nothing yet. But I want to be an artist," Damion said.
"Cool," Sarah said,"I want to be a writer but I'm settling for a librarian for the moment."
"Cool," Damion said.
They get to Sarah's apartment and Sarah says,"Here we are."
"Yup," Damion said,"Do you mind me asking you how old you are?"
"I'm 20. What about you?" Sarah asked.
"Same. I'm 20," Damion replied.
"Cool," Sarah said. Sarah closes her door and Damion pushes her against the wall and presses his lips to hers and she wraps her arms around his neck. Damion uses one of his free hands and slides it up her shirt.
Sarah reaches down and takes his shirt off of him and he takes hers off of her.
"Do you want to?" Damion asked.
"Yeah," Sarah replied. Damion takes her skirt off as she is taking his pants off of him. After they get their clothes off of each other Damion asks,"Are you ready?"
"Yeah," Sarah said. Damion starts to gently press himself inside her and she winces in pain.
"Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?" Damion asked.
"Keep going. I'm ok," Sarah said. After a few min he gets himself in and she starts to moan in pleasure. Damion starts to go as hard as he can and she moans even louder.
After about three hours they quit and Sarah says,"That felt good."
"Yeah it did," Damion said. That night they go to bed and before he falls asleep Damion thinks to himself,"Shit! I'm starting to fall in love with her. And the only way to keep her alive is by changing her. What am I going to do?"
The next morning Sarah and Damion wake up and Damion says,"I'm going to go for a walk."
"Okay," Sarah said.
Damion goes for a walk. While he is walking up the street he runs into Erika and Erika says,"You're starting to fall in love with that girl aren't you?"
"What gives you that idea?" Damion asked.
"It's all over your body language. You fucked her last night didn't you?" Erika asked.
"Just cause I fucked someone doesn't mean that I'm falling in love with that person it just means I wanted a piece of ass,"Damion said,"I'm not going to be able to hide the fact that I'm falling in love with her for long."
"Whatever. Don't forget what the law is," Erika said.
"I won't," Damion said.
Erika walks away and Damion thinks to himself,"I wonder how much longer I can hide the fact that I'm falling in love with Sarah."
Damion goes back to Sarah's and runs into her as she is running out the door.
"Sorry, I'm running late. Can you walk Seika for me?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah, I'll walk him. See you later," Damion replied.
"Thanks. See you," Sarah said.
Sarah runs off and Damion goes upstairs and gets Seika's leash on him and takes him for a walk. After he is done walking Seika he walks over to the table and grabs the book he was reading the day he got it from the library.
While Sarah is at work he finishes all the books he got from the library. That night Sarah gets home from work and when she sees Damion she says,"Wow. I figured you'd have left by now."
"Nope. This is the only place I have. Plus I stayed to help you with Seika," Damion said,"You gave me a place to stay the least I can do is help you out while you're at work."
"Okay. Well, thank you," Sarah said. Damion pulls Sarah into his arms and says,"There's something I need to tell you."
"What is it?" Sarah asked.
"I'm falling in love with you," Damion replied.
"That's good. Cause I'm falling in love with you too," Sarah said. Damion presses his lips to hers and she wraps her arms around his neck. A few seconds later they break apart and Damion says,"I love you."
"I love you too," Sarah said,"Do you really mean it though? Cause I do."
"Yeah. I really mean it," Damion said, while thinking to himself,"Damn! I'm going to have to change her or let them kill her if the elder finds out."
They go to bed and fall asleep. The next morning they wake up and Sarah does her daily routine and says,"I'm off to work. See you later."
"Okay. See you later babe," Damion said.
Sarah goes to work and Damion decides to go for a walk. While he is walking up the street he runs into Erika and Erika says,"You're in love with her."
"No, I'm not," Damion said.
"Yeah, you are. I can tell. I'm not stupid, Damion," Erika said.
"I never said you were stupid. But I'm not in love with her," Damion said.
"What? Do you think I can't tell? Oh, and by the way I can tell that she's in love with you too," Erika said.
"Okay. Fine you've got me. Yes, I am in love with her. Please don't tell Elder. I don't want to change her and I don't want her killed," Damion said,"She doesn't even know what I am."
"Wait! She hasn't found out yet?" Erika said.
"Nope," Damion said.
"Wow. That's amazing," Erika said.
"I know. Are you going to tell Elder?" Damion asked.
"No, I'm not going to," Erika replied.
"Okay," Damion said.
Erika walks away and Damion thinks to himself,"She better not tell Elder."
That night Sarah gets home and when sne doesn't see Damion she decides to go looking for him. Sarah heads out to find Damion. After about half an hour she finds him in the alley with his fangs in a guy's throat and she says,"Damion? Is that you?"
Damion looks up at her and when she sees his fangs she says,"What the hell are you?"
Damion walks over to her and says,"I'm going to tell you the truth. Promise me you won't run?"
"I won't run I promise," Sarah said.
"I'm half vampire, half werewolf," Damion said,"That's why we have to keep our relationship a secret. Cause if the elder finds out he'll make me change you or he'll have you killed. And I don't want either one of those to happen to you."
"What? I don't get it," Sarah said.
"In other words the only way we can be together without having to kill you is if I change you," Damion said,"Other then that, he'd have you killed."
"Oh, okay," Sarah said,"Well then change me."
"No, I want you to stay the way you are," Damion said,"I like you the way you are and I won't let anything happen to you."
"But, if it's the only way we can be public about our relationship then that's what I want," Sarah said.
"NO! I want you to stay human," Damion said.
"But-," Sarah started but was cut off by Damion saying,"No buts about it. You are staying human."
"Okay," Sarah said,"Can we go home now?"
"But, aren't you scared of me?" Damion asked.
"If I was scared I wouldn't have asked you to change me. I would've ran when I saw what you were doing," Sarah replied.
"Okay," Damion said. Damion and Sarah go back to Sarah's apartment. After they get into the apartment Damion and Sarah go to bed.
Two months later Sarah is feeling sick so she goes to the hospital. After she gets to the hospital the receptionist says,"What do you need?"
"I need to have some tests ran cause I haven't been feeling well," Sarah said.
"Okay the doctor will be out in a min," The receptionist said.
"Okay," Sarah said.
Sarah goes over and sits down in the waiting room. A few min later the Doctor comes out and says,"Sarah Bradford."
Sarah goes to the backroom with the doctor and the doctor takes some of her blood and says,"I am going to run some tests on this. I'll be back in about 20 min."
"Okay," Sarah said.
Twenty minutes later the doctor walks back in and says,"Well you are two months pregnant."
"Okay. Thank you doctor," Sarah said.
Sarah heads home and on her way home she thinks to herself,"Oh man! What is Damion going to say about this?"
After about twenty min later Sarah gets home and Damion says,"Hey babe. How are you?"
"I'm good. I have something to tell you," Sarah said.
"What is it? You're not breaking up with me, are you?" Damion asked.
"No, I'm not breaking up with you. What I'm trying to tell you is that I'm pregnant," Sarah replied,"And it's yours."
"That's impossible. Someone who is half vampire, half werewolf can't have kids," Damion said.
"Well, apparently they can. Cause you knocked me up," Sarah said.
"Okay. How did you find out that you were pregnant?" Damion asked.
"I went to the hospital. How else?" Sarah replied.
"Okay. What are we going to do now?" Damion asked.
"I don't know," Sarah replied. Damion pulls Sarah into his arms and says,"We'll get through this."
"I know," Sarah said.
"I'm going to go for a walk. While I am walking I am going to think about stuff okay," Damion said.
"Okay," Sarah said. Damion heads out to go for a walk. While he is walking up the street he runs into Erika and says,"Did you need something Erika?"
"Yeah. The elder is looking for you," Erika said,"I didn't say anything to him about you and that girl, but someone else did."
"Okay. I'll be there," Damion said.
Erika leaves and Damion heads to the elders house. After about half an hour he gets there Damion says,"You needed to see me Elder?"
"Yeah. I was informed that you fell in love with a human girl. Is that true?" The elder asked.
"No. It is not true," Damion replied.
"Okay. If that's not true then why did I see you kiss a human girl three days ago?" David asked.
"You were seeing things that wasn't me," Damion replied.
"I'm not stupid I know it was you," David said.
"So what if it was me. Just because I go out with a girl doesn't mean that I'm in love with her. Maybe I just wanted a piece of ass from the girl," Damion said.
"Okay. But it looked like it was a passionate kiss," David said,"You know the type of kiss that a couple does when they are in love with each other."
"It wasn't that kind of kiss," Damion said.
"Enough arguing. Damion you know the law, you either change her or we kill her," The elfer said.
"I know. But she just found out today that she is pregnant," Damion said.
"Then you are to change her as soon as she has the baby or we will kill her. Do you understand me?" The elder said.
"Yes. I understand," Damion said, while thinking to himself,"After she has that kid me and Sarah are going to leave and never come back. If need be, we'll go into hiding after we leave so that they can't find us. Hell, maybe we should disappear now so that I dont have to worry about her."
"You are free to go," The elder said.
"Okay," Damion said.
Damion leaves and goes back to Sarah's apartment. After he gets back to Sarah's he looks at her and says,"Come on. We've got to get out of here."
"Why? What's going on?" Sarah asked.
"The elder of my kind found out that I fell in love with you. After I told him you were pregnant, he told me that after you have the baby I was to change you or he would have you killed. And I can't let either of those things happen to you," Damion said.
"Okay. But Seika comes with me," Sarah said.
"That's fine. Just come on," Damion said,"Have you gotten your pay check yet?"
"Yeah, I just got it today," Sarah said.
"Good. We'll get you new clothes when we get to where we will be hiding," Damion said.
"Okay," Sarah said.
Sarah puts Seika's leash on him and says,"We're ready."
"Okay. Let's get this show on the road," Damion said.
"Okay," Sarah said. Damion and Sarah leave and they go to a place that is a very long way from the town of Owendale. After they get Sarah some new clothes they go into hiding.
Will Sarah and Damion get caught after she has the baby? And if they are found, will Damion make the choice to change her or will he let her get killed? Find out in the next part, Choices.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2011

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