

I lived in a dangerous world. Countless countries no longer existed, and entire land masses had slowly been blown to bits, and eroded away, sinking beneath the waves. I lived in what people decades ago would call a "post-apocalyptic" time. Whatever that meant. People today were less hopeful. We knew the end was already here and gone, now we were just waiting for the next big catastrophe.

The world today was perilous, and would kill you without a second thought. Those who didn't watch thier backs were goners, cursed from the start. There were all kinds of things out there, and if you weren't careful, you were a dead man. Things had been mutated when World War III broke out. The stupid people really thought that releasing some biological warfare toxins wouldn't effect them too. They made it air-bourne, and just let it ride on the wind. Morons. They paid the price, and now we do too.

The toxins changed things, and those infected transformed into real-life zombies, vampires, and other "sci-fi" creatures. We got it slightly under control either way, but we still had to live in bubbles. Our towns and cities were built inside of air tight everything-proof glass domes, and had little tubes connecting them all. In the aftermath of World War III, everything broke down. Nothing worked, and people died every second of every day. Guess you could say that's how Earth fixed the population problem. It wasn't until a few years ago that they finally got power plants up and running again. Still, there was no way to cure all of the Mutes -- the ones that got mutated. Some were fixable, but not many.

In the pitiful place we called Jamesonville, everyone had a job. They ranged form piking up trash to farming to actually going outside the beloved bubble. Only a few were Hunters. I just so happened to be one of them. It wasn't super exciting or anything, we work just like a miniature police force. We get a call, we go to the location, we capture or kill whatever Mute is there, and call it good. So many people think we're some super manly force of macho killers. No, just no.

Today, though, was an especially horrible day. It always is, every year. Today is the third aniversary of my parents' death. They were infected by Mutes one day, then the Militia decided to off everyone that was infected, curable or not. They were curable. Ever since then, I was on the Hunter Squad. I wasn't the youngest, and I wasn't the best, but I was one of two girls. Both of us were barely in our twenties, and quite frankly the only non-beastly looking things on the squad. We were best friends, but polar opposites. 

 Mika was sweet, and softspoken, whereas I was well versed in the art of sarcasm and bluntness. She perfected the art of sugar-coating everything, where I am a pro at telling it how it is. We were good for each other though. I had no filter, and she did. I was outgoing and willing, she was reserved and hesitant. We drew our stenghts from different areas and complimented each other. We were also partners on the squad.

I sat in the office with Mika just hoping for a call. Today was the day that I was most anxious to go kick some Mute butt. After twenty minutes of my glaring at the buzzer and her giving me the stank eye, we finally got a call. It was from Outside Pavillion, a place half in, half out of the everything-proof glass. It was a dngerous place, and one of the very few weak points in the barrier. I wanted this call so bad.

I looked up at Mika. "Suit up babycakes, it's butt kickin' time!"

she sighed, as she slid on her armor. "Zeela, babycakes is not okay."

I grinned at her as we put on the thin silver metal, and white mesh suits we were required to wear. They were pretty good looking in my opinion, but the guys complained that they were too dainty and feminine. In minutes Mika and I were on our speedcycles and seconds away from the Pavillion. As we neared, we could hear fighting. Oh, how great. The worst thing a person could do was fight a Mute while waiting for Hunters. Mutes are not easily distracted, and tend to focus on a victim until one of them dies.

When we jumped off our speedcycles, we ran towards the Mute. It was a rather rare one, and would have to be captured for tests. Perfect, that makes it so much harder to get. On top of that, some guy that probably justs wants to show off his fighting skills was trying to fight the Mute with a broken piece of old swing set.

"Yo dude!" I shout. "Stop fighting it, or it'll kill you!"

"Zeela! Please, sir, just do as we tell you." Mika ordered.

We walked toward Mr. Big And Bad and tried to get the Mute's attention, but it just wasn't going to cooperate. Finally I found another piece of dilapidated theme park and jogged over Mr. Tough Guy. I waited for a chance to intervene, as was protocal. I parried the Mute, shoved Mr. Fighter Dude out of the way, and succesfully restrained the Mute. This one was oddly human looking, and probably just got infected. Either way, a Mute is a Mute in the eyes of the Militia. I signaled Mika, and we got the Mute in a container and began questioning Mr. I Don't Know Anything.


"How old are you?" I demanded.

"Twenty-three" answered Mr. I Like To Try And Get Myself Killed.


"Grey Manson." he asnwered.

"Why were you at Outside Pavillion?" I questioned, and glared at him.

"I live by there, and went for a walk."

"Oh, sure. You just went for a walk in the most dangerous part of Jamesonville. Just for the fun of it." I argued.

"Seriously. Then that Mute came out and tried to get me, so I called you guys."

"Oh, so you weren't there trying to, I don't know, get into trouble?"

"Zeela," Mika chided. "Take it easy, it's not like he's a criminal."

"I know." I stated.

"He didn't do it either." she commented.

She didn't know that. He was twenty-three. Three years ago he would've been twenty. Twenty is old enough to work for the government as an Exterminator. He could've killed my parents. I looked at Mika, and she knew she'd gone a little too far and nodded. I left the Interogation Room, and walked down the intense white halls. My white and silver uniform boots tapped on the flawless floor as I walked past the containment cells. I stopped in front of the cell of the Mute I just caught. It was a man, probably in his thirties or forties. His muscles were taught, and larger than usual due to the toxins that infected him. I looked at him through the thick glass and he looked at me. He looked sad, and regretful, like he never wanted to hurt anyone.

"You're just a victim of the times, huh?" I murmur as I look at him. "No one get's it, do they? You never wanted this. You just got what you got, and had no control."

He came a little closer, and put his hand on the glass. The Infection caused rashes, hair growth, and boils, making its victim look somewhat zombie-werewolf-like. I looked at his hands, They were relatively normal aside from the red, iritated color and hair. I looked at his face. It was such a sad face, so lonely. I put my hand on the glass over his, and sighed. We understood each other, but no one else would. We had a bit of a connection that no one else could have. I knew it was wild and crazy, but he was still a person, just Infected. He was probably curable, but that wouldn't stop the government from tormneting him and treating him like a wild scientific project.

I smiled at him, then dropped my hand and walked away. I slowly walked down the hall and got to the Interogation Room just as Mr. Manson was leaving.

"Going so soon?" I teased. "I thought you liked it here."

"Yes, because I like being brutalized by Hunters. It's so great." he retorted.

I chuckled. "Don't get yourself Infected, Manson. It'll ruin you, and every one who loves you."

He nodded, and continued down the hall as I entered the Interrogation Room. 

"What's up Mika Lynn Faffer?"

"Not much, how about you Zeela Anne Pikner?" she responded.

"Same old, same old. So, whats the story with Manson?" I asked.

"Well, I looked up where he said he lived, and it's like right next to Pavillion, so the walk story is entirely possible. That, and his neighborhood is kind of dumpy so, scary places like Pavillion wouldn't be anything new. Other than that, his story matched up with ours." she answered.

"Hmm, guess he's more legitimate than I hought."


I talked with Mika while we walked back to our little cubicle. As soon as we got there, we got another call, this one on the other side of town by the Sill. I looked at Mika and groaned. The Sill was beyond sketchy. It was pretty much the only place in the whole Dome that wasn't in use. The Sill was like a window into the past, hence the name the Sill. That was the part of town left completely untouched. The builindgs were slowly falling apart, and the streets were barely visible underneath all the rubble. The cities were still pretty dilapidated, but this, this was nothing but lost loves, memories, and hopes. This was the Sill. This was the place were hopes and happiness came to die.

Mika and I stared at each other, then decided it was better to go and save the poor soul that would most definetely die without our help. We walked out of the office, and to our speedcycles. It took us more time than it should have to get there, but when we did, there was nothing but gray. We stumbled over the rubble of the Sill. We made our way, tripping and staggering. Finally, we reached the crest of a hill that fell away into a valley of debris. We found the victim. It was a young girl, maybe thirteen. She was trying her hardest to hide and outrun an infected Mute. The only problem was that this was an unidentified species of Mute. 

I glanced at Mika. She looked horrified, and stood there frozen. It was so strange to see such a terrified expression on her delicate face. I knew I had to do something, so I did. I made a run for it, yelling and calling, doing anything I could to get the Mute's attention. I saw the girl struggling to get her arm out of the Mute's hand, and made myself run faster. I picked up the biggest piece of broken city that I could, and lobbed it at the Mute's head. I hit it. Thankfully, it dropped the girl, and she ran towards me. When we reached each other, I instructed her to climb the hill, and stay with Mika. I waited until she was safely out of view to inspect the Mute.

It was knocked out, but still alive. Quietly, I came closer, restrained him, and checked out the pretty decent sized gash on his forehead. I shuddered, and turned him over. He wasn't a big Mute, and was rather small, just a few inches taller than my 5'9''. His face was surprisingly human, and his hands less beastly than was expected. The Mute was covered in the gray dust that hung in the air, and had brilliant purple-blue scales running up the ridge in his back, and along the side of his arms. He had a few by his eyes, and running down the side of his legs. They were interesting, and seemed to illuminate the world around him. I went back to inspecting his face, and noticed the scar that ran from the corner of his mouth to the middle of his cheek, It was faint, and barely noticeable, but still bumpy and uneven. The Mute's eyes shot open.

His eyes were the most stunning, luminescent, dark blue eyes I'd ever seen. They were unnatural and unnerving. They were beautiful. They were eerie and haunting. They were mesmerizing. He said something, but I didn't catch it. His face took on an irritated look, and he closed his eyes. I shook my head and stood up. I pulled him up to his knees, but still kept him restrained. Finally, he opened his eyes again.

"You done staring?" he taunted.

I wasn't expecting him to be able to speak.

"What? Not used to Mutes that aren't gory and lethal?" he let out a sardonic chuckle.

"No, I know they're still people. I know they still  feel. I know they still care. I know that they can hurt the ones they love." I replied softly. He didn't know what I knew, I went through.

"Sure, I'm just supposed to believe you're here for the common good, while you tie me up and throw me in the back of a truck." he scoffed.

"What were you doing with that girl anyway, Mr. Holier-Than-Thou?" I glared.

"I--well. I--I was just, um -- why do you care?" he stuttered.

"Alrighty then, bye." I gave a sarcastically sweet wave and turned on my heel. He could sit there and die for all I cared. I walked a few steps, then looked over my shoulder. Maybe not die.

I sighed and walked back to him, and watched as he struggle with the cuffs. They looked like a pure white oval from a distance, but the closer you got, the more you could see the locking mechanism and other Mute-proof things. There was no way he'd figure out how to get them off. It was so simple. If you knew where to look.

I took a step closer. "Here, if you tell me what you were doing with that girl, then I'll let you go after."

It was a very dangerous deal, but I could tell he had a conscience. He groaned, and looked like he just wanted this whole dealio over. I put my hands on my hips and pursed my lips. I still didn't know if he'd tell me, but if he didn't, I would be hauling his sorry butt back to the cells. He forced himself to meet my gaze, and a look of regret filled his eyes. Their deep blue hue seemed to become more luminescent by the second. I felt my knees grow weak and I screamed.

I knew that the extreme drowsiness I was feeling was his fault, I knew that was how he got his victims, but all I could do was open my mouth and scream. I heard Mika's light footsteps race  toward me, and Mr. Blue-Eyes turned his gaze to her. I fell forward on my elbows and knees. The sharp rubble tried to tear through my suit. I forced myself up, and looked at Mika. She was in a trance, and staring directly at the Mute.

"No! Leave her alone!" I shouted, but he didn't even flinch. 

I flung myself at him and knocked him over. Mika stumbled, then caught herself. She leaned forward and put her hands on her knees. I held the Mute down, as he growled threats at me.

I shoved his cheek farther into the gravel. "What's you name, you psycho?"

"Get off!" he rumbled.

"I asked you a question." I reiterated, my voice a lethal calm.

he didn't answer, and I twisted his arms.

"Candor!" he gasped.

"Try that eye thing one more time, Candor, and I swear, I will kill you. I don't care how far I have to chase you, but I will get you. That is a promise." I let his arms go, and let him lift his head out of the debris. 


Mika and I called the office, and asked them to send a high security truck, and waited for them to arrive. When they finally got here, we traded vehicles, and I threw Candor in the back cell. The girl slipped into the back seat with Mika, and I drove. I was fuming, and tense. I didn't really care what happend to Candor anymore. I tried to help him, and all he did was attack not only me, but Mika too. That was too far. I knew I was speeding, but the faster we got the the office, the faster I would get to interrogate Candor, and throw him in a cell for the rest of his pathetic life.

We finally arrived, and I got out, slamming my door shut. I knew I freaked out the girl, but I also knew Mika could handle that. Right now, I needed to slap the crap out of Candor. I threw open the metal sliding door of the portable cell, then unlicked the Mute-proof glass. I grabbed Candor by the cuffs, and yanked him out. I knew that he knew that he was in for it. He had no idea.

I dragged him through the office, and everyone stopped working and stared at us. They could already guess that he'd done something to Mika. I only got this way when she got hurt. I found the Interogation Room, and threw him in, planted him in the chair, and smacked him so hard across the cheek, that I could tell he hurt. I held his jaw in my hand, and looked him in the eye.

"You're in for it, Candor. When I ask a question, you will answer. I will only ask once, and if I don't get a response, things are gonna get a lot worse. Understood?" I spoke with a deep, angry-calm voice.

He just stared forward, his cheek red, his eyes rebelious. I was about to hit him again when he nodded, and lost the defiant look. I nodded back, and began questioning him.

"First off, what species of Mute are you? I've succesfully caught at least one of every known kind, and I've never seen you." I asked.

"To be honest," he started. "I have absolutely no idea. I don't remember getting Infected or anything. I just woke up one day at the Sill with scales and funky eyes."

I nodded. I didn't want to accept his answer, but there wasn't anything else I could ask about such an unknown species, so I moved on.

"Why did you have that girl?" I asked, my voice rough, and merciless.

"I . . ." he started. then drifted off, looking at the ground.

I leaned my hands on the table, and glared down at him. "Choos your words wisely."

"I don't do anything bad, I can promise you that. I just, I need to, argh, how do I explain this. I have this thing I can do with my eyes, as  you've experienced--"

"Just get to the point!" I shouted.

"I don't really know, I just need to do that eye thing, and then I feel better." he said meekly, looking at his feet.

I slammed my fist down on the table. "That's not good enough. Why dod you have that girl?"

"I didn't do any thing to her! I found her in the Sill and was going to lead her back to civilization then she freaked out,  I tried to get her to calm down, she wouldn't, I did my eye thing to get her to calm down, she freaked out even more, I grabbed her, you showed up, end of story." he said in a very irritated rush.

I was ready to smack this kid again. I didn't.

"How old are you?" I growled.

"I think twenty or twenty-one." he mumbled.

I grabbed his chin again. "How old are you?"

"I just answered that!" he huffed.

"Really? 'Cause that seemed like a guess to me." I snarled.

"I don't know okay! I went through a bad phase in my life, and that kind of threw off my calendar. I apologize." he said, utterly sarcastic.

I smacked him this time. Then continued my questioning. When I finally got down to important questions about his lifestyle, the type of Mute he was, and again, why he had that girl, it was well into the night, and I was ready to suckerpunch this dude.

"Candor," I snapped. "If you don't give me a straight answer, I will personally escort you to the firey pits of Hades and leave your sorry butt there."

He took it like a joke, and I lost it. I grabbed him by the shackles, dragged him down the hall with the cells, found the darkest, most disgusting one I could, threw him in, then shut off the light so he was immersed in darkness. I stormed out back to the Interrogation Room, grabbed my notes, then headed back into the office. Mika was still getting tests done, so I sat at our desk and filed the very few legitimate notes I was able to take. I don't know what made him so infuriating. There was jus something about him that made me want to smack him and hang him from his ankles.

I shook my head and waited for Mika to get back. There was no way I was leaving this Containment Office without giving her a good hug and making sure she was well situated in the apartment she shared with her sister. They were close, especially after they lost thier little sister in bizarre Mute attack. We were a lot like each other in some things. Both of us came with a lot of baggage, we both threw oursleves into our work, had more time on our hands than we cared to admit. No matter how similar we were, we looked completely different. Mika was pettite with soft features, honey eyes, dark blonde hair, she was what every guy looked for. I was hard, with hazel eyes, straight hair, with a pinch more flab than I'd care to say. I wasn't super chubby or anything, I just wasn't a stick. My features were stony, and cold even though they were warm colors. Mika embodied summer and warmth, while I was an image of winter. Mika had warm, slightly tanned skin, whereas I glowed in the light I was so pale.

Maybe that was why people liked her. That and she wasn't as far up on the top ten list of most widely known Mute tragedies.



As I waited for Mika to finally be done, I started doodling. Before I realized what I'd done, I'd completed a fairly detailed set of skethches of Candor. I had his profile, full face, at an angle, full body, pretty much everything.  One of the guys walked by and whisltled.

"Got a new boyfriend there, Zeela?" he teased.

I punched him in the arm. "Walk away, Lancer, walk away."

He laughed and did the complete opposite. He called over the guys he shared a workspace with and they all tried to steel a glimpse of my doodle. I smacked all of them upside the head before they had the chance to say "mama". They walked away with sore noggins and bruises. Serves them right. I stuck my doodle in Candor's file, and blew my hiar our of my face. I yanked out my ponytail, and redid it, tugging my almost-waist-long hiar through the band. I decided I'd cooled down enough to go check on Candor and make sure he wasn't doing anything stupid.

The office was laid out in such away that you had to go through the Interrogation Room to get to the Cell Hall. The only exits out of the building itself were the loading dock in the back, and the exits in the office. Quite frankly, it irritated me, but I understood the need for it. The floorplan acted as an extra security feature, so Mutes either had to bust through walls and plexiglass, or through the Interrogation Room and offices. Like that wouldn't go unnoticed. I shoved the doors of the Interrogation Room open and locked them behind me. I slipped through to the Cell Hall, and walked down to the end of the hall. Candor's cell was the only one with the lights off. I flicked them on. 

He was sitting on the floor with his chin on his knees and his eyes closed. I pressed the button on the side of his cell, and the door slid open, dissapearing into the slot on the floor. The noise made him stir, and his eyes opened. He looked at me like I was the scariest thing he's ever seen. He picked his chin up, and stared at me, the color of his eyes still freaking me out a little.

I walked in, and sat down beside him. I stretched out my legs, and crossed my ankles. I pressed the button on my standard issue watch, and the door slid back up. Candor looked at me as he realized what I'd just done. I just trapped myslef in a cell with a Mute, got comfortable, and stilll had yet to smack him. I looked at him and gave an apologetic half-smile.

I sighed. "I'm sorry I hit you. A lot. It's just, I get really protective of Mika. She's the only person that I have. I'm an only child, and my parents were Infected a few years ago, then the governemnt decided to kill off all the Mutes they could, curable or not. My parents were curable. Because of that, I have a love-hate relationship with Mutes. I love them because I know that deep down they're still people, but I hate them because of what they did to my family"

He looked away, letting out a long breath, then returned his gaze to my face. I looked down, blushing. I don't know why I told him that, but for some incredibly wierd reasion, I felt like I could trust him. He put an arm around my shoulders, and I looked back up at him. This was so freaking me out, but at the same time, it felt natural. He tugged me a little closer, and leaned his head back ont the white wall.

"I get where your coming from. If I was in your shoes, I would've beat me up a whole lot worse. But you're right, we are people. Sure we're changed, but we're still the same person inside, we just can't control oursleves anymore." 

I felt tears pricking my eyes, and starting to dribble down my face.I snilffled, and he looked down at me, his abnormaly purple-blue eyes peering into mine. I was about to tell him something even Mika didn't know. I took a deep breath, and shoved as much oxygen down my lungs as I could.

"My parents had been Infected for two years before they were killed. I was about fifteen when they turned. They were murdered three years ago. Before they were killed, they lost themselves. I knew they were still there, I just didn't know how to deal with it. One day, they started going wild. I tried so hard to get them back, but they were gone. They had turned into these things with claws, and spikes, and scary eyes. They went on a rampage through the house. I tried to fight them, tame them, but they were too far gone. My dad was worse than my mom. Mom kind of recognized me, and stayed away from me, but my Dad just didn't. I stood in his way, and he lashed out." I took a deep breath, and unzipped the back of my uniform. There was a ragged scar there. It ran from my left shoulder blade, down my spine, and to the right side of the small of my back.

Candor ran his hand down the jagged line, his breathing coming out rough, and labored. He traced the scar back up and down, then he zipped me up, and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Why? Why did you tell me this?" he whispered into my hair. 

My back was to him, and I felt his chest pressed against me, and his chin on the back of my neck. "Because," I whispered. "I want you to understand me. I can't explain it, but there's something here, something about you, that makes me feel like there's a lot we're going to have to go through. I don't know why, but I trust you."

He squeezed me, then turned me around, his eyes blazing. "I feel it too."


I stayed in Candor's cell for a few more minutes, then I stood up and left. This time I left the lights on, the lucky turd. I was in a better mood, and willing to deal with a few girl-crazy Hunters. I walked back to my desk and waited for Mika to be released. I organized and reorganized everything on our desk. I sharpened every pencil, tested every pen, filed every last scrap of paper. I did everything I could to pass the time. I was starting to feel like something was up. Check ups and tests never took more than a few hours, not almost an entire day. It was late at night, and all the guys were gone. Only a janitor stayed, slowly mopping the tile strip leading to the interrogation room. Suddenly my phone beeped. It was a message from Mika.

Run it said.

a second later it beeped again. 

Grab Candor and run. I'll be fine. 

I looked up confused, and saw the creepy janitor eyeing me suspiciously and mumbling to his mop. That was all the incentive I need. I grabbed everything I could, tossed it in a bag, and dashed through the interrogation room. I skidded to a stop in front of Candor's cell. I jabbed at the button and bounced on my toes until it opened all the way.

"Let's go." I shouted.

He stared at me like a deer in the headlights. I grabbed his arm and practically threw him over my shoulder.

"What's going on?!" he asked as we ran through the office.

"Just run, questions later." I said over my shoulder.

I grabbed the keys to one of the tankers as we called them, as I ran by my desk. I heard a weird hissing sound. It took me a second to recognize it, but when I did, I yelled at Candor to get down. I threw myslef over him, hoping my suit could withstand huge impacts. Less than a second later, the Janitor was running for his life, and chucking something away from him. I rolled Candor under the nearest desk, and crouched in front of him. The blast went off.

In seconds, the office was ablaze, and everything seemed like it was moving. I looked at Candor, his eyes roaming around, obvioulsy dazed. I shook my head, pulled him up, and we made a mad dash for the tanker, a high security, pretty much invincible truck. I threw open the door, and he slid across the back seat, and I started it up. I slammed the door shut as I roared through the parking area by the loading dock. Candor looked at me, his hand still clenched in mine. His eyes were a brighter and more frightened than I'd ever seen them. I knew he was probably more freaked out than I was, but I had a feeling there was more behind the Mutes than we were taught in school.

"Question time?" he whispered.

I nodded. "Question time."

"Why did that janitor blow up the office?" he asked.

"No clue." I replied.

"How did you know that would happen?"

"Mika." I murmured.

"Why did you get me out?" he continued.

"She told me to. We would've been out sooner if I hadn't thought so much about it, but I think that phsyco jnaitor dude would've blown the place either way."

He nodded. "So why was that supposed to happen? Why would they blow the place?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

"Where do we go? The Sill?" he asked.

"No, they'd expect us to go to the least populated area. We go to Center." I stated.

"Center?" he questioned, fear seeping into his voice. It was obvious he was freaked.

I nodded. "Center."

He looked forward. "How am I not going to be killed there? It's kind of obvious I'm a Mute."

"It's winter, wear long sleaves and pants. Not much we can do about your eyes, but they can't kill you because of your eyes, and your hair is barely long enought to cover the scales going up the back of your neck." I answered.

He nodded. Both of us knew that we were in for the ride of our lives. My phone beeped again. It was Mika.

Center Stage. Destroy your phone, buzzer, everything. Ditch the tanker. Change as fast as you can. See you soon. Love you, Zees.

I stared at the road and responded to the message.

Love you too, Miks.


I tossed every trackable device I could out the window, and smashed the navigational unit in the tanker. I found a donation center, and snuck up the back where a few people were loading up some huge boxes of whatever it is someone donated. I tip-toed past them and found a box of clothes that looked like they would fit me, and another one containing dude shirts and jeans. I stacked the boxes and picked them up. I hugged the walls as I jogged back to the tanker.

I threw the boxes in the back seat, and slid back into the front. Clothes, check. Next thing, ditch the tanker. I took us down some allies in a janky part of town, and looked for the most efficient car parked on the street. I found one, and told Candor to stay in the tanker. I parked, and strolled up to the vehicle, looking as casual as I could. I slid my hand along the hood. It was nicer than it seemed, and I'd bet my money that someone paid a very pretty penny to fix it up. I looked at the lock on the door. Easy pickings.

I walked back to the tanker and grabbed a pin from the glove compartment. I went back to the car, and easily picked the lock on the door. I waved Candor over, and he grabbed our boxes and very wisley wiped down the seats and steering wheel. We slid into the car, and I crouch down into the space between the pedals and the seat. I yanked down the wires under the dashboard, and started hot-wiring. In no time, the car was started, and we were on our merry way.

We were driving in complete silence, and it was making me beyond crazy. I groaned and jabbed the radio button. It was set on a channel playing oldie-goldies from back before total destruction. I turned it up. This was the music I was raised on. My parents never played any of the crap that spewed out of speakers today, just the pure and utter beauty of classic rock and alternative.

I started singing along to one of my favorite jams. It was pretty much the oldest song around, probably more than a hundered years old, but it was pure happiness. Candor looked at me like I was out of my mind. I laughed at him, and sped up. We were on our way out of Jamesonville, and headed towards Center. Center was the base of practically everything north of Descruction Zone. It was where Mika and I always said we would meet in any case of emergency. It was our safe place. It was also one of the most heavily populated cities in all of what was left of North America.

It would be one of the safest places for us. Because after all, it would be practically impossible to kill a group of people in one of the richest communities without someone throwing a fit about it. I turned the radio up even more, and smiled. Sure we'd almost been blown to bits, but hey, you can't be sad when you're listening to the Beatles. I don't even know how long they've been gone, but they were classic. Classic and freaking amazing. The music stopped and the radio let out a long, ear-splitting beep.

"Warning: A large horde of Mutes has been spotted on the west side of Jamesonville heading towards Even Shades, the Sill, Hamptine, and Somerstone. If you are in or close to any of these sites, lock all doors and windows, draw the shades, and get into a bathroom, or other room lacking windows. Stay tuned to the Emergency Station for half-hourly updates from the Hunters."

I looked at Candor. "Seems like Center is going to have to wait."

He shook his head. "Zeela, they tried to blow us up, what makes you think they'd like your help with this? You'll get us both killed."

"Wait, what did that sign we just passed say?" I asked, suddenly thinking.

"West-bound, heading towards Somerstone. We'll pass through in about two mintues. Why?" he replied.

"Wasn't Somerstone one of the cities mentioned in the warning?" I asked, paling.

He nodded. I looked through the rear window, expecting to see a clan of Mutes coming to eat us. I didn't, but I did see a huge cloud of brown-grey dust rising from right about where the Sill was. The cloud was growing, the Mutes were moving fast.

"Crap." I muttered, and pulled over.

"What are you doing?" Candor freaked out.

"I'm doing my job. Stay with the car. If I'm not back by the time you can see them on the horizon, go. Drive as fast as you can and get to Center. Tell Miks I'm sorry and that I had to do my job." I told him, and slammed the door shut before he could stop me.

I jogged down the deserted highway. It was a good thing that I was a runner, otherwise I'd be dead. Finally I reached civilization, and found an easy to grab speedcycle and jacked it. I hopped on, and sped back to Jamesonville. I could hear the fighting before I saw it.

I rounded a corner, and saw Karter kicking the crap out of a Mute. I slammed on the breaks, jumped off, and slugged the Mute in the face. The fighting got worse and worse as I ran through the thick of it. I saw a flash of wavy blonde hair, and knew it was Mika. I ran after her, taking down as many Mutes as I could and letting the others actually cuff them.

I finally caught up to Mika in a pretty sketchy, very isolated alley. "Mika! Slow freaking down, I'm dying over here."

She turned around. "Sorry, I knew you were following me, I just didn't want to stop where Head Chief Mindleton could see us, or hear us."

"So what's going on, I almost got blown up at the office." I stated.

"I really don't know, but when I was in for tests, I saw your file. It was sitting on the counter, and it had some funky mark on it. I figured you wouldn't mind me snooping, so I read it. Holy crap there was some crazy stuff in there. It started listing things that you'd done, and said that you were to accomplished not to be considered dangerous. Then there was something about you parents." she paused.

My eyes widend, and I swear I started hyperventilating. "What?"

"I didn't have time to read it all, but it sounded like they decided to use your parents as guinea pigs, and that when it went wrong, they killed them. I waited for the doc to leave again, then I texted you. I looked around, and was trying to get more information, when I saw a file on a Mute that looked an awful lot like Candor, except the coloring was different, and it was a she. That was when I texted you. When the doctor came back, I'd heard a snippet of a comversation, and someone said something that sounded an awful lot like; 'blow her up before she gets it.'" she took a deep breath, and I stuck my arm out, and leaned on the wall.

I wrapped my other arm around my heaving stomach. I felt like dinner was about to make a reappearance. I swallowed hard, trying to get it together. I shook my head, and cleared my mind. I had to focus if I was going to get us out alive. I looked at the dirt covering the floor of the alley, letting my mind wrap around what I'd just heard Mika say. I focused my senses, and breathed in and out. Then I tuned back in, and recalled the massive fight going on. I snapped my head up, and looked at Mika.

"Let's roll."


I grabbed Mika's hand, and we ran back into the chaos. We dodged Mutes, and Hunters alike, and ran for the speedcycle I'd jacked. I looked behind us to make sure no one was following us. We hurdled broken piles of who knows what, and Mutes that were just to far gone and had to be put down. I whipped my head forward and focused on pumping my legs and staying out of the way. I stared forward, forcing myself to ignore everything else around me. At least until very thin, very creepy fingers snatched my wrist and pulled me back. Another very shady hand tangled itself in my hair, and sent me flying face-first into the pavement.

I twisted around and saw Mika go down. I kicked whoever had me in the groin, and shoved a Hunter off of Mika. The creepy hands were back this time, and managed to snap cuffs around my wrists. I saw Mika land a good knock out punch on the dude's face, and I screamed at her to book it. She stared at me, then turned and freaking flew.

Creepy Fingers yanked me up by the cuffs, and tunred me to face them. It was Head Chief Mindleton. I spat at her, and managed to get her in the eye. She let out an irritated shriek, and rubber her eyes. I used this moment of vulnerableness to head butt her, and kick out her feet. I swung my arms beneath me, as I curled my feet up to my chest, so my hands were in front of me instead of behind me. My knees were bent low, and set in a very stable postition. Mindleton tried to come at me, but I intercepted, and grabbed her hand. I pressed on of her fingers to the unlock button, and snapped the cuffs off. I Kicked her in the face, got her in the gut, and dug my heel into her back when she bended over.

She flailed, trying to get her balance. I back-handed her, and twisted her her wrists, pinching the pressure point when she tried to attack me again. I leaned close to her ear.

"I swear the next time I see your creepy little face, I will not restrain myslef." I murmured, my voice deathly calm.

She wriggled and writhed, trying to get her way out of my grasp. I slammed the heel of my hand into the nape of her neck and knocked her out cold. I let her slide to the ground. I turned on my heel and ran, flying past Hunters with gaping mouths and bulgy eyes. Forget them, they knew she started it.

I ran ridiculously faster than Mika, and was able to catch her just as she reached the speedcycle. I swung a leg over the front part of the seat, and revved the engine as she jogged, and jumped onto the back. I slammed my foot into the start pedal, and the tires squealed as we ricocheted back to Candor and the car. I wasn't able to help as much as I wanted to, but hey, I still nailed a few, and knocked out the Head Chief.

I shouted at Mika to keep an eye on the road behind us, and yell if anything was coming up from behind. Sure enough, there was a group of about four Hunters on speedcycles with an amplifier telling us to slow down and turn ourselves in. Like heck. I kicked it into high gear, and the speecycle jolted as we shot forward, out pacing the Hunters. I saw the car and flashed my lights, letting him know to start the car and be ready to freaking book it. 

I willed the speedcycle to go faster, until we finally reached the car. Candor had it started and revved the engine as I slid into the front, and Mika in the back. We slammed the doors shut, locked everything, and drove like crazy. I have to admit though, Candor had a flare for crazy person driving. He swerved around the occasional car, speeding like a madman. He slowed as we neared traffic, trying to blend in.

In knew the dudes chasing us on speedcycles hadn't seen the car we were in, but I was still on edge. Candor glanced over, and noticed my tapping feet, tense shoulders, and funky face. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I knew Mika was giving me the professional Mika stank eye, but Candor just saved our butts so she'd have to deal. Candor squeezed my hand.

"I got this." he joked.

"You'd better." I grumbled, and slipped my hand out of his, folding my arms acrossed my chest.

Candor reached up and snatched my hand. "Crybaby. What happened to the kick-butt, crazy-fighter-chick I know?"

"She got sick of you." I muttered and snatched my hand back, holding it and looking out of the window.

I heard Mika stiffle a giggle and smiled. At least she was safe now. I saw Candor reaching over and slapped his hand as hard as I could. He stuck his bottom lip out, and squinted his freaky but cool eyes. I shook my head and stuck my feet up on the dashboard. 

"Sleepy time, Babycakes." I said, and reached behind me to pat Mika's leg or arm or whatever it was that was closest to me.

"Beat ya there." she mumbled, and I could tell she was wiped.

I recliined my chair a little and got comfortable. "Hand to yourself, Candy." I muttered.

"Call me Candy and I swear I will grab your hand and never let go." he threatened.

"Fine . . . Candy." I snickered, my eyes already closed.

I felt his hand tug at my arm, and tucked them farther under me. Finally, he gave in, but I was still intent on sitting on my hands. I kept my eyes closed, and relaxed. After all, this was the first time I'd slept in like to whole day, and I was a sleeper. If I didn't get a full eight hours, the next day I was a freaking tornado.


When I woke up, the car was parked in a very nondescript alley, and Candor was clutching my hand as he snored. I groaned, and yanked my hand, but his grip tightened and a grin spread across is irritatingly beautiful face. I tugged again, and flicked him in the face with my other hand. I scooched over, and pulled his ear, but he still didn't let go. I got as close as I could, and flicked his nose, and jabbed my finger in his stomach, but there was no way my hand was going to be freed. I sat on his lap, and pinched his cheeks.

"If you sit in my lap, I might have to make you stay there." he murmured, and I could feel his voice rumble in his chest.

I head butted him -- my signature move-- in the chest, and felt his laugh bubble up from his throat.

I grumbled and groaned, moving back into my seat. I looked back at Mika. She was passed out still, her hair a crazy mess and drool was peeking out at the corner of her lips. I laughed. Mika, beautiful during the day, crazy looking by night. Candor still had my hand, but I ignored it and told him we should probably get going. I watched him stretch his back like a cat, and roll his shoulders.

I don't know how he managed to look stunningly graceful when he obnoxiously cracked his knuckles and started the car, but he did. I harrumphed, and sat on my other hand so he wouldn't be tempted to take that one too. After about five minutes I was bored. I fiddled with my my shirt, and dug through the box to find a clean one. Mine currently had Mute blood as well as some from the Head Chief. I smiled to myself, thinking about how good I'd knocked her out. Traffic was heavy, so I couldn't roll down my window and hang my arm out. I felt clausterphopic, like I needed to explode or just do something. 

I leaned forward and clicked open the glove compartment. I found a bunch of manuels, and a car magazine. Perfect. I flipped through the pages with my one free hand, oohing and ahing at all the gorgeous cars. I was raised right; brought up to act like a lady with a no crap, good eye for cars side. My dad used to be so proud that he'd taught me everything he could about mechanics.

When I finished looking at the magazine, and drooling over some fantastic parts, I stuck it under the dash mat, and tried tugging at my hand one more time. 

"Be careful, Zeela, tug too hard and I might loose control and crash." he teased.

"Please, give me my hand back." I begged, wallowing in my misery.

"Nope." he said, popping the 'p'.

"Meanie." I grumbled.

I was being a baby, but so was he, so it was okay. I stuck out my tongue, and muttered at him. After a little while of making faces at him, Mika woke up. I squeeled, happy to have someone else to talk to. Candor cringed and swerved a little, almost going out of his lane.

"Crap Zeela, you scared me half to death. I thought the car was going to blow up or something." he scolded.

I stuck my tongue out again, and laughed at Mika's stricken face. "Serves you right."

He shook his head, frowning. I snickered. As soon as the tables were turned, and he was the one getting the crap scared out of him, suddenly he wasn't so smooth and hilarious. There was no way he wasn't used to getting everything he wanted, especially since he had that freaky eye thing. I shivered, remembering the awful feeling of being paralyzed. I could still feel the odd tingles going up my arms and legs, making their way toward my heart. 

Mika rested her hands on my shoulders, seeing through my poker face. She probably thought I was thinking about my family. Looks like I've found something new to have nightmares about. Lucky me. I knew Candor couldn't see through my mask, but then again I'd only known him for a few days. I mentally shook myself, and plastered a smiled on my face. We'd probably get to Center in the next two or three days, so I might as well cheer myself up so I can at least enjoy it.

I smacked the radio button, and nearly screamed when my jam was on. Candor groaned.

"I swear if I have to listen to one more nearly dead it's so old song, I'm going to murder both of you." he joked.

It wasn't funny to me, and I could tell Mika wasn't laughing. We acted like it was, but I mean, seriously, he knows most of what happened to us. Jokes like that just don'y fly with us baggage ladies. A few seconds later, Candor's face changed. It finally dawned on him, the moron.

"Man, I'm sorry guys, that was a really stupid thing to say, wasn't it?" he apologized.

"Ya think!" I snapped.

Mika looked at me sternly, but didn't say anything, and Candor just scowled at the steering wheel. Ugh, this little trip was going to be awful. About an hour later, all of our stomachs were growling, and I was especially grumpy. There were two things that I could not survive more than like twelve hours without, and they were sleep, and food.

"Food." I said. "My stomach threatend to eat me if it didn't get any tastiness soon." 

Candor laughed, and squeezed the hand that he still had. "I think Thanerville is coming up, your stomach shall be appeased."

As soon as he finished talking, Mika's stomach growled so loud I thought we blew a tire. "Jeez Mika," I said. "And here I thought you were incapable of making any sort of semi-loud sound."

She laughed. "Jeez Zeela, and here I thought you were capable of controlling your unending hunger."


We drove for about twenty minutes before we came upon Thanerville. "Thank goodness. I thought my stomach would eat me for sure."

We found a resturante that claimed to have the best burgurs in Thanerville. I really didn't care, I just needed food in my belly. We parked and practically ran in. The waitress seated us, and  asked for our orders. I felt like I couldn't speak fast enough, I was in such need of food. Then I realized something.

"Guys," I said. "How are we gonna pay?" 

Mika's mouth opened as she realized we had no money. "Oh no!"

Candor just looked cool as a cucumber, just sitting there with a smirk on his face. "Chiil guys, I got this."

"You have money?" I asked.

"Not exactly." he said.

I felt like slapping that sly grin right of his face. "Spill before I smack you."

He put his hands up in defense. "Relax, we're just gonna walk out before they give us a check."

"No!" Mika and I shouted at him.

"Then how do you figure we're going to eat?" he snapped.

"Ugh, just let me talk to someone, I'll figure it out." Mika groaned.

"You don't have to do that, we can just, I don't know, find a soup kitchen or something." I suggested.

Mika was about to agree when her face fell, and my stomach dropped. Mindleton was staring Mika right in the eye. She hadn't recognized us yet, other than Mika. I squeezed the hand Candor still refused to let go, and looked at Mika.

"Run, We'll distract her. Take the car." I mouthed.

She gave the slightest nodd, and pretended tp get up and use the bathroom. A few seconds later, I heard the engine of that beautiful car roar to life and speed off. Candor looked at me like a scared puppy."

"Now how are we going to get out? She'll know we helped Mika." he asked in a whisper.

"Run out, find another classic car, drive, get to Center, look for Mika there." I listed.

Candor nodded, counted to three then we made a run for it. It was just our luck that Mindleton saw us. I motioned for Candor to go ahead and get a car while I fought the Head Chief. She was slowly walking towards us, her steps sure, and cat-like. I started to run towards her, and slid across the hood of a car, my footseps light and soundless. She stopped walking and put her hands on her hips. 

I felt like she was planning something, like there was no way I would be able to get out of this. I stopped a few feet away from her, watching her closely. Then I saw the telltale movement. I turned and ran toward Candor, hoping he'd have figured out how to hot-wire something. I knew I was too far away from him when I heard their heavy steps behind me.

I screamed at Candor to open the door, and I saw the sun gleam off the hood as he opened the door. I slid in, closed it, locked it, and asked Candor if he'd started the car. He gave me a look that so said he had no idea what he was doing. I looked around for something he could use to defend us, then thought of something.

"Candor," I started. "I need you to do something for me."

"No," he said, knowing where I was going. "I can't."

The Hunters made it to the car, and started beating on the glass. One good thing about new cars was that they didn't run on gas, and and had almost-everything-proof windows. I knew that they couldn't withstand an extreme amount of beating, and when hit in the right place shattered, I just prayed the Hunters wouldn't find that right place. Unfortunately I had terrible luck.

Everything seemed to slow as a Hunter took out his industrial knife, and hit the window in that just right place. It shattered, and I could feel slivers of glass cut my face and arms. I screamed Candor's name. Then the Hunter stopped, as if held in place by an invisble force.  I looked at Candor. His eyes were almsot glowing as he gazed rather angrily at the Hunter. I could've hugged him right then and there for that, but I had to get this car started.

I crawled across Candors lap, and tore out the wires from underneath the dashboard, In less then I minute, I had the car starting. I looked up and smiled at Candor, but his eyes were still doing that weird glowy thing. I looked at the Hunter, more like Hunters, as in multiple. Candor had about ten Hunters under his spell, and more as they rushed over to try and help. His eyes brightened, and flared more intensely. I tried to shake him out of it, but his expression only darkened. 

I gave up, and sat in his lap, with my foot on the pedal, and peeled out of the parking lot, the tires squealing in protest. I got back onto the highway, and went as fast as I could without being to noticeable. I kept waiting for Candor to snap out of it, but he never did. Finally, his body buckled, hie eyes snapped shut, and he fell against the bench seat.


I swerved and nearly crashed, narrowly missing the one other car on the road. I stopped, and breathed, then slowly pulled off the road, and onto the gravel. I sat there, scared out of my mind. I looked at Candor, and wached the rise and fall of his chest. Well, at least he was breathing. I blew out a breath, and shoved the shorter hairs by my face out of my eyes, and tied it up in a very sloppy, droppy, pathetic looking wanna-be bun. I rubbed my hands over my face, and slouched into the seat.

I stared out at the open road, hopping we'd gotten far enough ahead to stop for a while. I was still so hungry, and missed Mika already. I had no idea how it had come to this. I was pretty sure the Head Chief lied and said that I was some fugitive of the state or something. Whatever, I'd just live in hotels for the rest of my life. I looked at Candor agian, and pulled down the sleeves on my sweater, and played with the hem of my T-shirt.

Candor caughed and sputtered, freaking me out and nearly giving me a heart attack. I expected him to stop caughing but he didn't. I started hyperventilating, as I tried to get him to breath right. I leaned him forward, and practically beat his back. I tried everything, but he still sounded like he was choking. I was about to start mouth-to-mouth when he finally swallowed. I sighed in relief, and whispered his name. I would've lost it if he'd just choked and died in front of me.

I moved behind him, and leaned him against me. I felt his forehead, and made sure he wasn't running a fever. He was sweaty, but not feverish. Phew. He groaned and weakly tried to sit forward, but I held him back. He finally relaxed, and I brushed his dark hair out of his eyes, rocking back and forth like my mom used to do for me when I was sick.

Candor had another caughing fit, but it was nowhere near as bad as the first one. Slowly, he opened his eyes. They were still more luminescent than usual, but they were starting to fade back to their original color. He mumbled something I didn't catch.

"What was that?" I whispered against his hair.

"I let go of your hand. I never should have done that." he repeated.

I grinned. Even in times of peril, we still knew how to be funny. "Well," I laughed. "I suppose you can have it back."

I gave my hand a flourish, then tucked it in his. We sat like that for a while, beofre I noticed some pretty pissed off looking people riding on speedcycles in the distance. I immediately scooched out from behind Candor, and slid behind the weel. I put the car in gear, and slammed on the pedal. The tires squeeled, as I drove as fast as I could. Candor struggled to buckle himself in, and groanded when I swerved a little. I checked the reear-veiw mirror, and saw that they were gaining on us. 

I let out an infuriated half screech half groan noise, and smashed my foot even harder into the pedal. I begged the car to go faster, but it wouldn't. I thought aobut what to do. There was no way Candor would be able to do his eye thing again, and there was no way I would be able to fight them all. I slammed my hand into the steering wheel, and prayed for a miracle.

"Stop." I heard Candor say hoarsley. "I can handle them."

I looked sidelong at him. "No. No you can't. I thought you were going to die last time. That is no bueno."

Candor leaned closer to me, then the next thing I knew, he was practically on top of me, smashing his foot into the breaks. I screamed, and Candor slippe dhis hands onto the wheel. Before I could blink, the Hunters were upon us. I locked the doors out of instinct, and wished I could fix the window on Candor's side of the car. I switched seats with Candor, and tried to fight off as many of them as I could. One grabbed the knife from his belt and came at me through the window.

I tried to get out of the way of the sharp blade, but it came closer, and closer untilI felt it peirce the skin of my forearm, and slide down to my elbow. I screamed. Candor looked over, and his eyes flashed in anger. Everyone froze as his eyes became unbearably bright. The Hunter that atacked me crumbled, and fell, a small trickle of blood slid down from the corner of his mouth. I shrieked.

The rest of the Hunters stood frozen, held by Candor's powerful gaze. I didn't know what to do. I was bleeding like crazy, I was confused, I was scared, so I just sat there. Then everything seemed to speed up, and Candor realeased the Hunters, and they rushed forward with a passion. Candor was slumped against the driver's seat, and I was in a state of schock. I tried to swat the reaching hands away from me, but one got away, and jabbed its finger into the unlock button. 


The door flew open, and I snapped back to my butt-kicking self. I flew out of the car like a bullet, and started pounding flesh. Some Hunters came at me with knives, others with nothing but thier fists. I didn't stop until they were all knocked out. I hadn't killed any of them, but there was no way they'd be waking up anytime soon. I was cut up, angry, and tired. I threw open Candor's door, shoved back into his seat, and climbed behind the wheel. I started the car again, and pushed the power pedal.

I knew I looked like a crazy woman, but my give-a-care-factor was so oboxiously low that I seriously could not have cared less. I heard Candor suck in a deep breathe and knew he was awake again. I swear if he said a word, I would lose it on him. Of course he said something.

"I'm sorry." he sputtered.

I dug my foot a little farther into the pedal. "Just stop talking."

"No. I am so sorry you got hurt." he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes, and tried to ignore the urge to stop the car and beat the ever-living daylights out of him. He kept talking, and I kept ignoring him, trying my best to keep my eyes open. My vision was going fuzzy, and I tried to clear my mind. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I could barely make out a sign that said some town was coming up in the next few miles.

Suddenly I was started to loose my grip on the wheel. I felt the car swerve and veer off the road. I heard Candor say something, but everything was lost. I felt like my head was full of cotton, and that I was floating, or flying. I couldn't think, or see, and could barely feel.

I felt hands craddle me, and place me in a seat. I was delirious, with no sense of time. A little while later, I was able to crack open my eyes as I felt hands and arms pass me around and grab my arms and head. I smellled something odd, but couldn't place it. My vision was fleeting, and blurry, gone within seconds. I heard someone use some very big, odd sounding words, and something along the lines of "blood loss". That got my attention, and freaked me out. I started screaming, and kicking, trying to break free. I felt something slide underneath my skin. I immediately felt calm, and weightless.

When I woke up, I was lying on a bed in an ugly, awkward green room. I stretched, and rolled my shoulders. That was a dumb idea. My arm throbbed, and I felt like it was on fire. I groaned, and looked around my room. Candor was passed out in a chair by a big window, and there was a tray with some water and cracker on a roll-away table.

I groaned, and put a hand to my head. Candor stirred, and woke up, coming to my side immediately. He grabbd my hand, and held me close. I was so not in the mood for mushy-gushy Candor. I tried to push him away, but he just squeezed me. I let out a yelp when he squshed my arm, and he released me.

"I'm so-" he started to say.

"I swear if you apoligize one more time I'm going to put my fist through your face." I grumbled and tugged my hand out of his.

"I thought you would die, Zeela. Please, please don't be hate me for what I did. I had to protect you." he said somberly.

I sat up. "Candor, you killed him. You killed that man."

"He was hurting you! I had to." he almost yelled.

"I told you, I told you not to!" I shouted, and got up off the bed.

"I had to!" he shouted back.

"No, Candor, you didn't. I can handle myself. I have been alone for three years! I can take care of myself." I growled, shoving my finger into his chest. 

"I don't want to you be alone anymore. You can't be alone anymore." he said sofly. "I know you're hurting about everyhting, Zeela, so let me in."

That really got me going. I tried to slap him, but he caught my hand, and held it to his heart. He pulled me to him, and wrapped his arms around me. I still felt like ripping him a new one, but something about him tugged at my heart. Angry and confused tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I felt like my world was twisting on its side.


The tears came, and I was so confused and angry. I hated Candor right now, but I still couldn't live without him. I wanted so bad to leave and never come back. I wanted to find Mika and go back home and just pretend like this had never happened. I wanted to be fifteen again. I wanted to have my parents back. I wanted to be normal. I hated Candor for barging into my life and having such a huge impact. 

I weakly pounded on his chest with my fists. I was so mad at him. I was attatched to him. I wanted him gone, but I couldn't suvive without him. He lifted his hands, and held my fists, stopping them from striking him again. I was sobbing, and hysterical, but still he held me. He held me, and held me, and held me until I stopped sobbing. He was so warm, and cozy feeling. I sniffled, and made some other awkward noises as I melted into him, and rested my head on his shoulder.

One of his hands left mine, and rubbed slow circles in my back, while the other still clutched mine to his chest. He leaned his face closer and closer to mine, until our noses were touching, and his breath was hot on my cheeks. I sucked in a deep breath and nearly chocked on it. He was so close. I felt his nose slide down my cheek, and his lips against my neck.

"Zeela." he murmured. "I don't know how, or why, but you have caught my heart."

I smiled. One minute I hated him, the next I almost felt like I loved him. "I could say the same."

He kissed my cheek, and I felt tingles roll up my spine. His kisses got closer and closer to my mouth, until his lips were hovering over mine.

"I think I might love you." he said simply.

"I think I might love-" he cut me off as his lips touched mine. I couldnt help myself. I felt butterflies dance all over me, as his lips pressed against mine. It was slow, but sweet, and lovely. I'd never experience anything like it before. Then, his mouth opend, and we entered a whole new world. His arm wound tighter around me, pressing me closer and closer until we were almsot one being. He smiled against my mouth, and finally let go of my hand. He pulled away just a centimeter, and leaned his forehead against mine. His breath was warm, and he smelled like sunshine and grass. 

I kissed him again, relishing the new feeling it stirred in my chest. We pulled away, and he made me lay back down. I complained, but he silenced me with a quick, and gentle kiss. I had a feeling Mika would be appaled, but I just didn't care right now. 

A few minutes later, a doctor came in and did whatever it is doctors do, then he left again. Candor sat cross-legged on the edge of my bed and still clutched my hand. A beep went of above my head by the speaker, and a voice sounded.

"Miss Pikner, you have a guest." said a sweet voice.

I pressed the button on the side. "Who is it?"

"A Misses Mindleton, ma'am." she answered, no idea as to what was going on.

I stared at the speaker, stunnned that she'd found me so fast. I looked at Candor, worry filling his marvelous eyes. 

"We need to run." I whispered, and he nodded.

"Miss Pikner?" the nurse said over the intercom. "Shall I send her up?"

I pressed the button again, and faked a caugh. "Actually, I'm not feeling up to guests, would you mind telling her to come back tomorrow?"

"Of course Miss Zeela." the nurse answered, sweet as honey.

I blew out a tense breath and looked at Candor. "How do you presume we get out?"

"Window?" he suggested.

I got up, and looked out of the huge window. My room was about four stories up, and I just so happened to be scared of heights. Great. This just sucked. Candor came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We can use the sheets and blankets as a rope, and tie them together. I'll go first, so I can catch you if you fall." he said, his lips brushing my ear.

I nodded, trying to get over my fear. "We'll need to move fast, as soon as I take the wires out, they'll know somthings up."

We started tying sheets and blankets together, stripping the bed. We had all the sheets knotted, and opened the window and stepped out on to the shallow balcony. We flung the fabric over the railing, and prayed for the best. The end barely touched the bottom of the second floor window. We'd have to jump.

I started to hyperventilate, and sat down on the edge of the bed, rocking back and forth. Candor sat beside me, and, rubbed my back. "It's going to be fine, I swear I will catch you."

I shook my head. "That's a whole story Candor."

I felt like hurling. This was so not going to end well. I took a deep breath, and latched on to Candor. "Don't let me fall."

He enveloped me in his arms. "Never."


Candor squeezed me one last time before moving to the window, and sliding down our home-made rope. I was so far beyond freaked out it wasn't even funny. I slowly and shakily walked over to the window, stepped over the railing, and started down the rope. I had to stop every so often, but was able to get to the end of the sheets. However, it just went downhil from there. 

When I felt the end of the rope leave my fingers, I yelped, and flailed as I fell. I could swear I saw the light. I opened my mouth to scream, but now sound came. Then it was over. In seconds, I was crashing in to Candor, but he held steady, and was able to calm my craziness. I flung my arms around his neck  and started making awkward, dry-heaving sounds as he carried me to the car. He sat me down in the seat, and I sat straight as a pin, my hands gripping my knees, my stomach tossing and churning.

Candor jogged around the car, and slid behind the wheel, immediately taking my hand. "You did great Zeela. I'm proud of you."

I gave him a slightly crazed grin. "Let's not do that again. I feel like I'm gonna puke, so look out."

"Smart aleck." he grinned and started the car.

"Just drive before they catch us again. And make sure to find a very crowded soup kitchen because I'm still freaking starving." I grumbled.

We drove for who knows how long, and still no soup kitchens or places we could eat for free. We were both starving, and tired. The sun was setting, and day three of our little adventure was coming to a close. I was past grumpy and I could tell Candor was getting there. I needed something to do, or I was going to go bonkers, so I started digging around the car. I opened the glovebox, and found an old wallet.

"I found money!" I shouted, and held up about ten dollars.

"Oh my gosh we'll live!" Candor squeeled, a grin on his gorgeous face.

I checked all the other containers and compartments, and found a total of about forty dollars in loose change and fives. I just about died of happiness.

"Food!" I groaned. "Give me food, or give me death."

"Do we want food or a bed?" Candor asked.

"Food." I answered.

"Fine by me. Where's the closest grocery store?" he asked.

"Why not a resturante?" I questioned.

"We can buy more that one meal at a grocery store, idiot." he smirked, and drove towards a crumbling strip-mall.

"Call me one more name and I swear I will never kiss you again, or let you hold my hand." I threatened, my witts returning to me.

He pulled out some very effective puppy dog eyes, but I just shook my head, and smirked. He got a sly look on his face, and scooched all the way over, squishing me against the door. I tried to shove him away, but he wasn't budging. I harumphed, and decided it was best to just deal, and hide my hands. I tucked them under my arm pits, and tried to shove him away with my legs. That was a very stupid move.

Candor grabbed my legs, and situated me so my back was against the door, and he was facing me. I tried to twist our of his grip, but he just leaned close, and kissed my shoulder. I nudged his lips away, and squirmed. He touched my elbows, and made me sit still, his eyes warm, and stunning, and breathtaking. I gasped, trying to look away, but he was just so captivating.

His breath was was light, and warm on my skin, and he leaned a little closer. I let my arms relax, and put my hands on his shoulders. He moved one of my hands, and slid it over his heart, then he kissed my cheek. I moved my hand up to his hair, and swung my arm around his neck, holding him close. He kissed the tip of my nose, then my other cheek. His lips were sweet and warm on my skin, sending shivers down my spin. Slowly, we untangled ourselves, but Candor still managed to remain a death-grip on my hand as he drove us towards a grocery store.


It felt like it had taken a millenium to find a grocery store, and by the time we got there, I was ready to fight to the death for a sandwhich. I stalked down the isles looking like a crazed maniac, as I robotically shoved bread, jelly and peanut butter into the little hand-held basket. I shoved two cases of water into the cart Candor was pushing, along with a bottle of grape whater-the-name-is soda pop. I stuffed as much cheap food that would last a while as I could into my little basket, and necessary toiletries into Candor's cart.

When I decoded we had enough food to last us until we got more money, we headed toward the check out stations. The cashier slowly checked us out, and I stood there tapping my foot, and impatiently running my hands throguh my serioulsy in need of a wash hair. WHen she finally finihsed ringing us up, I handed her all our crumbled paper money and coins. She glared and slowly counted each dollar out loud. When she finally decided to let us have our bags, I grabbed then, rushed out a thank you, and practically ran to the car.

"Slow down, Tiger!" Candor called as he jogged to catch up with me.

"Must eat food!" I shouted back as I tugged open the car door and started digging throught our bags. I grabbed the grape soda pop, and crackers and starting slowly putting food in my very food deprived belly. Candor finally got to the car and laughed at the purple marks at the corners of my mouth and the crumbs sticking to my shirt.

"Let's go find a place to settle for a while, before you eat the rest of our food." he joked.

"Sounds good!" I mumbled around a mouthful of cracker.

Candor started the car and started driving, and of course, with the luck we have, we ran out of power about twenty miles from everything. I was ready to scream as we slowly rolled to a stop in the middle of a crumbly highway in a rather vulnerable stop near the edge of the 'perfect' little glass buble that protects us. I practically growled and hit the dashboard. I got out and dug throught the trunk, hoping for an extra fully charged battery, but got nothing but a backpack full of questionable whatevers wrapped in old newspaper. I dumped the it out and started stuffing everything we'd bought into the pockets and pouches.

"What are you doing?" Candor asked.

"Well, we can't stay here or a Mute is probably going to eat us, and there is no way I'm leaving my grape soda pop behind. So saddle up and let's get walking." I said as I stuffed hte pack to popping capacity and started walking.

Candor jogged up to me and grabbed my arm. "The sin is going to go down in an hour, tow tops, and you want to start walking now? What are we going to do when it's dark, and the power in the bubble goes down? If we stay with the car, we have protection." 

"No, if we stay with the car we're a target. I've heard stories about this road from Hunters in the area, and they are not pretty. And I am so not going to be another person that gets infected and turns into an alien." I argued.

"Are you saying I'm an alien?" Candor galared, and crossed his arms. 

I stared at him, my mouth flopping open.

"Well? Am I?"

"Are you serious? I know you're a person. You're different than all the other Mutes." I answered.

"Really? It that just because you like me, because you know me? Or because you don't want to admit that you're wrong?" he interrogated me as he rolled up his sleeves to reveal the deep blue scales that trailed up his arms.

I groaned and tugged on my pony tail. "I am not having this conversation with you, this is ridiculous, and we need to go."

"No," he said calmly. "Nope, we're staying."

"You're going to have to kill me first." I snapped.

"Get your butt back in that car, or I will physically plant it there!" he threatened, and pointed angrily at the car.

"Good luck trying." I shouted back, and started walking.

"What are you thinking!" Candor shouted. "You stupid girl, you'll get yourself killed. WHat do you know about Mutes, you aren't one, you've never even really dealt with one other than me! They will tear you to shreds out there! You don't know a thing about how we actually are." 

I had had it. I was going to shank him,  then shoot him, then run him over, then take him to a hospital and get him fixed up, then do it all over again. He knew full well that I had more than my fair share of experiences when it came to Mutes. He knew that I was trained to survive. He knew how much this hurt me. I turned around and walked up to him.

"You better watch yourself Candor. I know more than just about anyone what happens when people get Infected. Don't pretend like you don't know it either. I am going to walk to the next town whether ou come with me or not. I know what I'm doing. I've been on my own since I was seventeen. I know what heppens when a Mute get angry, or have you forgotten that?" I glared with deadly calm.

He didn't say anything and I walked away. I left everyhting that wouldn't fit into the pack with Candor, wchich, quite frankly was most of it, and moved out. I heard Candor shout soemthing, but was determined not to listen to him. I didn't turn around until I felt the familiar cold tingles of Candors ability. It wasn't strong enough to paralyze me this time, but it was enough to make me moer pissed off than I have ever been. I marched up to him until we were nose to nose, and slapped him suare across the jaw. I knew it mad him even angrier, but he deserved it. The only thing was, his anger made the cold whatever it was even stronger and stronger.


The cold tendrils spread up my arms and legs untill I felt them press against my throat. I looked at Candor's eyes, and could tell he had no idea what he was doing. I felt the coldness squeeze the air out of my lungs and poke at my heart. I gasped and screamed his name until I couldn't breathe any more. I fell to my knees, and tried to crawl over to him, to shake him out of this. But nothing worked. I screamed his name one more time as I felt consciousness start to drift away.

Just as I felt my eyes start to close, air rushed into my lungs, and the cold swept out of me so fast it hurt. I caughed, and shoved air into my lungs, and fell onto my stomach. I heard Candor breathing heavily, and what almost sounded like sobs. I heard him land on his knees, and felt his hands on my arms. He lifted me up, and carried me back to the car, which had rolled  back a few feet, either that or in our angry little exchange we walked away from it.

I was so tired and sore that I couldn't imagine walking twenty miles to the next town, Candor or no Candor. I closed my eyes, as he slid me into his lap and whispered sweet nothings into my hair. I turned on my side, and let myself rest against him. I was still pissed as all get out, but I was tired, and he was still so wasrm and soft. He resituated is so we were laying down on our sides on the bench seat, when I just didn't care anymore and started to cry.

I was being a baby again, but heck I had plenty of good reasons too. Rolled onto my other side and wrapped myself arouind Candor. I didn't care that he practically tried to accidentally kill me, he was a warm body and I needed Mika but she wasn't here. I cried and cried and cried until tears stop flowing and all I could do was shake and whimper. Candor wrapped his arms around me, and ran his hand through my long, tangled hair. I finally fell asleep when I could see yellow peeking up over the horizon.

When I woke up, Candor and I had somehow miraculously switched positions, so I was against the back of the seat, and he was practically, hanging off the edge. I could tell he was having nightmares. his forehead was wrinkled, his brows furrowed, and his mouth sliently forming words. I sighed, and closed my eyes for a few minutes. When i reopened them, I rubbed my the sleep from my eyes, and yanwed. Candor's back was to me, but I could still see how terribly he mustv'e been dreaming. I harrumphed, and wrapped my arms around him. I whispered nice things into his neck, and rubbed his back. I touched his cheek, and accidentally woke him up. 

Candor Sat up with a jolt, throwing me oof balance, and squishing me against the back of the seat. I muttered about not waking him up agian, and tried to sit back up when he turned around and kissed me like he'd never kissed me before. I was surprised and didn't know how to react. I mean, he almost cold tentacled me ot death, and now he's all back to an I love, we're all fine dealio.

I pushed his shoulders, and his lips left mine. Then he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me harder than I would prefer, and acted like I'd died and came back to life. When he finally stopped witht the hugging, and cheek touching, and arm rubbing I gave him the what-in-the-world-happened-to-you look. Candor looked so pathetic it scared me. I mean, I'd seen him pretty torn up and scary, but not like this. There were pruple bags under his eyes, and the brightness was gone form his face.

"What happened? Where did you go when you went all wild on me?" I asked.

"I don't know, I was just so mad, and you weren't listening, and I just lost it. All of the sudden, I couldn't see anymore, I couldn't feel. When I opened my eyes, you were lying on the street. I thought you were dead, then you started breathing again, and I just lost it all over again." he shivered.

I touched his cheek and made him look at me. "Let me make this clear. I know what I'm doing. I know how to handle this, and I swear, Candor, if soemthing like this ever happens again, I will give you a five second head start, but I will come for you."

He nodded, stone cold and emotionless.

"I'm going to scout out the area, I think this model has solar panels on the side that recharge in an hour. Pop them out, and I'll be back in a little while." I stated, and turned on my heel.

I was still so utterly furious. I mean, really, Candor goes all, I freaked out when I thought you were dead, feel bad for me, and I'm sitting here like woah dude, let's not forget who's pissed at who. I deserve an aoplogy. I'm probably not going to get one, but I refuse to be satisified untill I do. Well, out relationship lasted a long time. Seriously, what was wrong with him? He knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew I was right. He knew he hurt me. He knew that I knew that he knew he was being a complete and utter stubborn mule. I felt like screaming. I felt like just walking to the next town and letting Candor figure it out on his own so I would have time to think.

I knew my irritation just meant I was on the verge of tears, but I had a right to be irritated. He was just so frustrationg and infuriating. He can't control himslef. He can't take no for an answer. He can't recognize when he's wrong. He was just so freaking flawed, but so freaking lovable that it made him even more annoying. I looked over my shoulder. The car was nothing more than a dot on the horizon. I finally decided to let out that scream I'd been holding in.

I screamed, and stomped my feet, and threw my own little personal temper tantrum. Just because I'm twenty does in no way mean I'm mature. I got it all out of my system then kept walking as if nothing had happened. I just kept walking, too. I had no idea how long it had been, I just knew that I had been going in a straight line with the intent of getting away from Candor. I knew when I either went to the nearest town withouth him, or went back to the car that he'd be pissed, but I didn't care. It was my turn to piss him off.


I walked until I could no longer see the car, and decided to just keep walking. I wasn't ready to deal with Candor yet, and I most certainly was in the mood to piss him off. So I just walked. I knew right about where the town was, and when I got there, I'd wait by the now-entering-whateverland sign and see how long it takes him to get there. That was the plan. Of course, my plans never go the way I want them.

I was starting to get close to the town when I heard a car speeding up behind me. I knew it was Candor before I could see him. I picked up my pace, and started to run, hoping I could get there before him. Of course, he was driving like a maniac in a car, and I was only propelled by my legs. He made it to me before I made it to the town. He slowed down to keep pace with me and gave me a sour look you would not believe.

"Zeela!" he shouted, furious. "What are you doing?"

I looked over and smirked at him. "Running."

"Why?! Do you have any idea how long it's been since your hour was up? Almost the entire day! I was worried sick." he  yelled at me.

"Well, apparently not that worried about me considering what you're willing to do to me in order to get me to do what you want." I shot back.

"Just get in the car." he commanded.

"No, why should I? Seriously, what makes you think I want to be anywhere near you. I am perfectly fine of taking care of myself." I snapped at him.

"Get in this car before I make you!" he threatened.

"Good luck trying." I challenged, and pumped my legs faster.

It took him a solid ten seconds before he realized there was no easy way for him to win. I took advantage of that pause, and ran like there was no tomorrow until I was about three yards away from the blessed sign. As usual, Candor can't deal with losing, and pushed the car to it's limit to swerve in front of me to cut me off. I was going way to fast to stop in time to avoid slamming into the door of the car, which Candor so conviently opened in just enough time for me to skid into the vehicle. Candor reached over and slammed shut and locked my door, as he made the tires squeal and whipped through the town.

It was only a small town with a few shops, two resturants, a bed-and-breakfast, and an old cumbly arcade. I stared at Candor like he was crazy, but we needed more supplies, and I remembered an old account under a different name my parents had set up in cases of emergency. Candor finally stopped about forty minutes outisde of town and I lost it.

"What in flaming Hades do you think your doing? Are you stupid? We need to get more supplies, like clothes and money and there you go, being a total hot head with no idea how to handle himself. I know how to survive you moron. I've been trained, you haven't, so stop acting like a whiny little boy and back off. It's my turn to be in charge. We need to get to Center ASAP and find Mika." I ranted.

"You self-righteous little girl," looks like it was his turn now. "You always think you know what your doing, but you don't. I've managed to stay off the radar for a solid five years. You've only been a Hunter for three and you're already so far in crap, you can't even see! All you do is hurt everyone around you like me, your Hunter team, your parents, Mika. Stop being such a blind little child and grow up!"

"Fine. Fine you win, now let me out. Apparently all I'm doing is hurting you, so do me a favor and let me out here." I gave up. I couldn't deal with him no matter how much I liked him, or how he made me feel happy when he wasn't being annoying. I was done.

"No, no that's not what I meant." he tried to defend himself.

"Yes you did, that's why you said it, isn't it. I do hurt everyone, so I'll just be by myself and stay away from people. Unlock the doors." I knew he could feel how done I was, how tired I was.

He unlocked the door, I got out, and I was all alone. For a second we just sat there, staring at each other, wondering if this was really happening. It was. It had to. I knew this was it. So, I turned on my heel and walked back to town. I could tell that Candor stayed where he was because I could hear him shut off the engine. I wanted so bad to look over my shoulder and see if he was as mind-shatteringly crushed as I was, but I knew that if I did, I'd never have the strength to keep going.


I walked all the way back to the town, found a nice shady place to sit, and cried my freaking eyes out. I didn't want to, especially considering I was sitting on a park bench, but it just came, no stopping it. It felt like something inside me had snapped, like an invisible cable tying me to Candor just tore itself apart. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where I was, or what was happening to me. Since when did I cry? Since when did I care about people? Too much had changed too fast. I didn't know who I was anymore, so I just sat there, crying, and crying, and crying.

I had no idea how long I just sat there, sobbing, with my arms wrapped around my knees, and my face burrowed in my knees. After a while, though, I decided it was enough. I had had enough. I going to stay here for a night or two, gather supplies, then head to Center as fast as possible. Fortunately, this tiny town had a bank, so I could withdraw money from the account my parents had sagely set up for me. After that, it was time to go shopping.

There was one grocery store, and one very, very limited clothing store. I was able to get a solid amount of non-parishable food, but one look at the clothes in Angie's Boutique had me questioning the sanity of this town. Everything was in similar shades of grey, washed out blue, and faded pink. It was all so old, and frilly. Just walking around the store made me cringe with distaste. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2013

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For my lovely mother, arguing with you is seriously some sort of magic for me in regards to getting my little procrastinator butt in motion. Love you to pieces!

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