
One -- Johnathan

I hated school. Scratch that, I hated the people that went to school. All the stuck up sports players and cliquey I'm-so-much-better-than-you girls really rubbed me the wrong way. On top of that, all the so-called nerds acted like they were so far above everyone else. The only kids that were half-way decent and accepting were the artsy kids, but none of them were quite like me. I guess you could say I was loner. No one was really like me, and I really didn't like anyone else. I was an almost typical nerd.

I trudged up the stairs to my next class. It was by far one of the hardest classes and killed just about everyone in there, that is except me. When someone says APUSH everyone quivers with fear and stress. APUSH stood for Advanced Placement United States History, and was taught by a Mr. Wong, who was well rehearsed in the art of snobbery and foolishness. I prepared myself for the worst as I opened the classroom door, and sat down. I checked the board for the opening activity and took out my notes.

I was half listening to the lecture, and half zoned out. My pencil flew across the lined paper, and my thoughts drifted. The announcements speaker blared, and disrupted class. I listened to the squealing voice of some cheerleader advertising over-priced early-bird prom tickets.

The squealing finished and class resumed and ended. My last class was Intro to Art. I finished my notes, packed up my messenger bag, and trudged back down the stairs. I made the trek across campus to the Fine Arts building, and stopped in front of Mrs. Studebaker's door. It was covered in bits and pieces of paper with quotes, lyrics, and pictures on them. Her classroom was the same way, too. Covered in snippets of her life. She was my favorite teacher, unlike Mr. Wong with his pompous sneer and arrogant glare. I opened the colorful door, and took my seat in the very back of the room. We were doing paintings of landscapes and people. I set up my paints, and covered the table in newspaper. The school district decided to take all of the Arts money and give it to the cheerleaders so Mrs, Studebaker was stuck with cheapie paints and broken easels.

I started my painting, following the lines of my sketch. The crappy paint spread across the canvas, and turned into trees and lakes and grass. I mixed color after color, and watched as bushes came to life, and water seemed to move. I have to admit, I was pretty artsy for my being a computer nerd. I knew every Microsoft program, and every color in spectral order. I knew how to how to hack a security camera in under five minutes and the name of every kind of pastel, pencil, and pen. I was just your not so typical computer nerd, complete with hipster glasses and semi-long hair.

I continued painting, and when I decided it looked almost descent, I cleaned up, and grabbed my bag just as the bell rang. I slipped my bag over my shoulder, and left, waving goodbye to Mrs, Studebaker. I walked across campus, and started the thirty minute walk home.

Two -- Natalie

School was finally out, and I strutted to my beautiful baby blue Corvette and turned the key. I checked my makeup in the rear-view mirror and applied a little more powder to my already flawless face and sped off. Five minutes later, I was pulling into the driveway and sitting on my fancy couch in my fancy room in my fancy house. My family was all about fancy. We tolerated nothing but the best and didn't care what the cost of it was.

My room was huge, the same size as the master. I had my own sitting room, dressing room, and en suite bathroom. I shimmied out of my skin tight, bright red mini dress, and kicked of my super sparkly name brand tennis shoes, stepped into the tub, and filled it with steamy water. I soaked for at least two hours, and decided my homework would just have to stay untouched. I finished my bath, and continued to pamper myself, and made the housekeeper-slash-maid give me a manicure and pedicure. I inspected each nail, checking for any flaws. My right hand was fine, but the stupid lady got polish on my cuticle on my left hand.

"Uh, Janis, redo this hand, you messed up." I ordered.

"Yes miss." she answered timidly, and got out the nail polish remover.

When she finally got it right, I stood up and left her to whatever it is that she does. I let my nails and toes dry as I sat on my plush king-sized bed and surfed the internet. I checked up on all the latest gossip, and started a few new rumors about some weirdo with wanna-be hipster glasses and a total nerdy appearance. And after all, appearance is everything. I said that some teacher asked him to stay at school and discuss why he was so weird and why he was utterly depressed and violent. I heard somewhere that he was on anti-depressants and they whacked him out, but before I started the verbal flames, I sent him a Facebook freind request and sent him a message, sounding as sickly sweet as I could.

Hey Johnny,

I started. I saw you in school today and you seemed super sweet. Maybe we could be the besetest of friends?

Love Natalie Kay Howards

Not even five minutes later, I got a message back.


I don't know who you are, say hi to me first before you send me a random friend request. By the way, my name is John, or Johnathan, not Johhny





That was utterly rude, and I fired an nasty gram right on back.

Be prepared for school tomorrow, your social life is officially over. Have fun with your anti-depressants! ;)

I smiled smugly, knowing that I was about to throw an undeserving nerd down to the bottom of the metaphorical high school food chain. He sent me back another message.


Seriously, you think I have a social life? Nobody knows my name anyway, so have fun! Oh, and don't forget to do this weeks English prompt, wouldn't want you to have a blemish on your perfect record. And please just leave me alone, what did I ever do to you?


This infuriated me! How was he so unfazed by my threat? It mad no sense, so I sent him another message.

Ugh, you're so rude and infuriating!!!! And what makes you think I care about that stupid English paper?! You're so ugly and acne-faced it's disgusting!

I sat there angrily staring at the laptop screen until he replied.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Everyone always say how drop dead gorgeous you are, but really, you're nothing but a rotting beast on the inside. I don't have to deal with it, you do, and I am truly sorry for you and what you've done to yourself.

That was it. He logged of and that was it. I was stunned. He called me a beast! I slammed the stupid pink laptop closed and let it slide to the floor. I sat on my bed, staring at my frilly room and my designer clothes and my salon hair products and my Sephora makeup and my ten-dollar-a-bottle nail polishes. This is what everyone wanted. The best and most expensive of everything. Guys wanted me, and girls wanted to be me. I flopped back into my expensive fluffy pillows, and fell asleep.

Three -- Johnathan

I worked on my hours of homework, thinking about how rude Natalie was to me, and how mean I was to her. I couldn't believe she wanted to spread rumors about me, a kid she thought was ugly and pimple-face. She had no idea that my skin was crystal clear. I couldn't believe I called her a beast. I stared at my APUSH paper and glanced at the start of my English assignment. I threw my face into my hands, and wished I hadn't been so cruel. I logged back onto Facebook and sent Natalie a message.

I'm sorry.


I couldn't think of anything else to say, and I was sorry. I felt awful, and apologizing didn't help whatsoever. I felt like I was a beast on the inside to. I forced myself to shove those thoughts into the dark recesses of my mind, and continued to work on my infinite amount of homework.

It took forever to finish everything, and even longer to fall asleep. I tossed and turned all night, thinking of how awful I'd been to Natalie. I rolled over and checked the time. My alarm would go off in an hour, and I groaned, and stared at the ceiling. I decided to go for a walk, and threw on an old pair of sweats and a baggy T-shirt. I crept out of my little room, and down the hall. I silently opened the door, and stepped out into the almost chilly air. It was around four in the morning, and I was going on a walk. I shook my head at how absurd that sounded. I lived in the not-so-pleasant part of town, where you always looked over your shoulder, and never ever went down an alley.

I walked to the tiny little park with the tiny little playset, and the surprisingly large, natural lake. I walk over the bridge and stood in the middle of the arch. I folded my arms, and leaned them on the railing. There were no fish, no ducks, and rarely a bird in any of the scrawny trees. It was as if the animals just up and left, scared away by the shouting on-the-brink-of-divorce couples and I'm-gonna-shoot-you-if-you-tell-anyone saggy-pants gangsters. I looked up at the fading stars, and wondered how I got here. I was a good kid. I did my school work, was always on time or early at work, I went to church. I had no idea how I wound up in this desolate land of thieves and little houses barely strong enough to withstand a storm.

I hung my head and glared at the cracked and stained concrete. I hated myself for so many things. I hated myself for not being good enough for my biological parents, for not being able to make enough money to help my aunt and uncle move out of this crappy neighborhood. For convincing Natalie that she was a beast.

I kicked at the crumbling pavement, and stood up straight. I glance at the water one more time, then started the lonely walk back home. When I finally got back tom my room, my alarm went off. I hit the snooze button, and flopped onto my bed. A few seconds later I was sound asleep. I woke up to Aunt Lonny shaking my shoulders and calling my name.

"Hm? I guess I hit stop instead of snooze." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"You need to leave like, right now, Hon." she chided.

I glanced at what I was wearing. It wasn't my usual nice jeans with a casual button-up loosely tucked in, but it would have to do. I stood up and stuffed all my work into my bag, grabbed a floppy piece of toast and dashed out the door. I had on my worn out and ripped old Converse on, and wished I had at leas put on my usual black ones. I just went with it and speedy walked to school. I got to class just as the bell rang, and sat down. I let out a long breath as Mrs. Lowell went around ad collected the English assignment. I rifled through my hastily stuffed papers, and realized I'd left it on my desk. I let out an enormous groan, and Natalie glanced at me. Her eyes were sad at first, then she shot me a frosty glare.

Mrs. Lowell asked me for my paper.

"I'm so sorry. I swear I did it, I just woke up really late and left it on my desk. Please can I turn it in tomorrow?" I begged.

Mrs. Lowell glared at me. "I'm sorry, Johnathan, but you must be more responsible, I hate to give you a zero."

The verdict was out, and I hung my head in shame as she walked away.

Four -- Natalie

I saw as Mrs. Lowell asked Johnathan for his paper and was elated when he said he didn't have it. She gave him a zero, and moved on. After she had collected everyone's paper, she said that we were watching a movie about some dude who wrote the next book we'd be reading. She heard the unanimous groan and said that we could sit wherever we wanted. My best friend Claire sat near Johnathan, with only one seat between them. I had to either sit with nose-picking dweebs, or in between my best friend and self-righteous Mr. Johnathan I'm-too-smart-for-you Davis. I chose to sit by Claire.

I gave dear Johnathan an icy smile when when he looked at me. I sat down, next to him, and was displeased at how close we had to sit. These tables were mean for two, and with three there, everyone was rubbing elbows. Johnathan leaned back uncomfortably in his chair, trying to avoid physical contact with me.

After about ten minutes of sidelong glances, he finally looked at me.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "For everything I said. I don't know you at all and shouldn't have accused you of that."

I looked at him, and noticed how sad and lonely his hazel eyes were, and softened my sneer. "I really don't care what you think."

"That's fine but I'm still going to apologize, it wasn't right for me to say what I did." he responded.

"Nothing you do will ever be 'right'." I shot back.

Mrs. Lowell glared at us and told us to be quiet. Johnathan dug out a notebook, and scribbled something on it, and slid it over to me.

Just say you forgive me and we won't have to ever communicate again. he wrote.

I took the notebook scribbled I don't forgive you, and I really don't care about you, so deal with it.

He read my message, and his eyes seem to grow more and more sad. He finally wrote something and slid it over to me again.

I guess I'm gonna have to deal with that, but please, I can't get over how rude I was, I'm usually never like that. I was so mean to you. I read.

How about this: you leave me alone 'cause I really, really don't like you, and you deal with your sappy little issues on your own. I answered and shoved the stupid notebook back.

He read it, looked at me, and his face turned to stone. He slid the notebook into his bag, got up, and sat at the only empty table. I watched as he ran his hand through his hair, and an extremely sad look clouded his face. I felt kind of bad for being a tad mean, but I'd deal with that when class was over.

Five -- Johnathan

I sat at an abandoned table. I had no idea why Natalie was being so mean, and refusing my apology. I mean, I knew what I told her wasn't nice, but the more I see of her, the more I realize it's true. I decided I'd rather pay more attention to the movie than try and figure Natalie, so I turned my eyes to the tiny screen, and tried to focus.

After a few minutes of listening to an old guy with the most monotonous voice ever drone on and on about some historical author, I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until about five minutes until the bell. I stretched and glanced back at my original seat. Natalie was still there. I turned my attention back to the television as Mrs. Lowell shut it off, and told everyone to return to their assigned seats. I got up, and slowly walked back to my seat. I saw a scrap of paper with Natalie's slanted writing on it.

Sorry, meet me during study hall in the library.

That was it? No explanation? Nothing but a "sorry and meet me later"? I looked her way, and she shrugged her shoulders like she'd done nothing to contribute to the friction between us. I looked away, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. I shoved the note in my pocket, grabbed my bag, and walked out the door as the bell rang. I went through the motions of school, anticipating and dreading study hall.

I walked into the library, and saw Little Miss I'm-So-Perfect sitting there reading a fashion magazine. I grimaced and took a seat across from her. She neatly folded the magazine, and placed it with the others.

"Well?" I asked.

"Well?" she mocked.

I got up to go.

"Wait, stay." she said, grabbing my arm.

"Fine," I moaned. "But, I swear if you start acting like a prissy little stuck up saint I'm leaving."

She nodded, and I took my seat once again.

"So why did you ask me to come here?" I asked.

"Because I wanted you to explain yourself!" she exclaimed.

"Me? You wanted me to explain myself?" I sneered.

"Yeah! I mean, what gives you the right to throw your weight around and act like some self-righteous know-it-all?" she shot back.

"You realize what a hypocritical fool you just made of yourself." I muttered darkly.

"Me?!" She whisper-screamed. "You-you-"

"I'm out." I said, and walked out, leaving her fuming and stomping like a whiny little child.

I walk outside, and found a slightly less scrawny tree to sit under, close to where the theater kids were. I slid my laptop out of my bag and opened it up. For a few minutes, I sat there staring at a blank screen. I closed my laptop, slid it back into my bag, and ran a had through my hair. Why is she so infuriating? I don't get it. All of the sudden, she popped into my life, threatened to ruin my nonexistent social status, and now it's apparently all my fault. I threw my bag over my shoulder, and marched back into the library. I found her table, stood next to it, and folded my arms.

"Oh, look who's back." She muttered.

I took a deep breathe, and told myself I'd stay calm. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for storming out, and pretty much everything I've ever said to you. Just say you accept my apology, and I'll get out of your life forever. If not, well, that's just one more problem on my currently lengthy list."

She blinked, and smiled a cruel, icy smile. "I guess you're gonna have to add two problem to that list of yours."

"What?" I ask, confused.

She showed me her cellphone and the text she just sent out to the entire school, and then some.

Gess wat!! Johnathan Davis, tht wrd kid tht has no frends, well hes on all sorts o drugs and anti-violence meds nd 1 of th tchrs had 2 tlk 2 him after schl abt it. Wht a frrrrkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

The text message was grammar death-zone and was pretty much nothing but three letter combinations and a bunch of gibberish. I still got what it meant though, I was going to be the talk of my school, Natalie's friends' schools, and their friends' schools. I was going to be a district-wide reject. I looked at her, shook my head, and walked away.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2012

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For Ashley, you need help. Unfortunately, I already tried to offer it.

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