

It was dark. It was raining. I could feel my wings soaking up the little droplets that fell on them. I felt trapped. Thunder raged and lightning rolled across the sky. Ugh, my wings were getting heavier by the second.

The one bad thing about my light feathery wings was that they were absorbent up the wazoo. If you thought sham-wows were heavy duty, try my wings. They could suck a pool dry in a matter of minutes.

I was on a rescue mission. One thing about angels is that our work is never done. There's always someone getting into trouble, needing our help. Whatever, I didn't mind it. I kind of liked it. It gave me a purpose.

Rescue missions were my specialties. I always found a way to help calm down the person that needed my help. Today, however, I just wanted to go to my temporary home. I loved seeing all the places of the world. The ocean, the mountains. The only place I wasn't necesarily fond of was the desert.

The dry air, and lack of water made me feel dirty and not really me. My wings got dry and sore and it was really hard to lift off and fly. Today wasn't as bad considereing it was barely sprinkeling.

Unfortunately, that's where this mission was. Aparently some stupid sixteen-year-old, got stranded while he and his family were hiking, they didnt realize that he hadn't come back down the mountain with them until they were at their car. His three younger sisters started freaking out and crying, and his older brother offered to back track and get him. The parents were running around trying to find him.

They didnt know that he had slipped and fallen down the other side of one of the hills they had traversed.His leg had gotten stuck under a rock and was broken. He was bleeding and had a concussion. It was my job to bring him back to his family in a slightly better condiotion than when I had found him.

Chapter One

I found him about thirty minutes later. He was trying to roll the rock off his leg, hurting himself even more. He had longish silky black hair and the most beautiful, pennetrating green eyes. I landed a few yards away and hid behind an extremely small bush. I patted some dirt on my face, arms, and legs, trying to make it look like I had been hiking all day. I started jogging toward him.

"Hey! Are you okay? Do you need help?" I shout as I near him.

He groaned. "Yah! I think my leg is broken and I feel lightheaded and I think my head is bleeding." he shouted back.

He was surprisingly aware for someone who was concussed. I ran faster and stopped next to him.

He looked me over. "Ya know, I was expecting some lady in her thirties, not some teenager. I'm Jayden by the way." he told me.

"Kyrie. How old are you?" I reply, even though I already know the answer.

"Sixteen, you?" he tells me.

"Same." Angels age the same way as humans, we just live forevre and don't look old.

"Cool. Ah! Dang this hurts." he says."

I try and roll the rock of him. The more of his leg I see, the more sick I feel. I hear him scream. I look down and realized that the boulder was almost off, it was on his foot, bending it back at a weird angle. With one last push, it's off. He sighs in relief. He was still battered, but at least he didn't have a boulder crushing his leg.

I pick him up and wrap one of my arms around his waist, helping him get up and walk. He puts his arm around my shoulders and gets up,not putting preasure on his broken leg.

I start healing him little by little, getting rid of his concussion first.

"Hey, Jayden, you weren't out here alone were you?" I ask, knowing the answer again.

"No my family is here, probably already at the car." he replies.

"Where are you parked, we should get you there ASAP. You need a hospital." I tell him.

"I bet I do. My family is parked on the other side of that hill over there." he said, pointing to the hill farthest from us. It was a long way even to the hill, let alone his car.

I contemplate flying us over there. I'd get in a little bit of trouble and probably freak him out, but he'd probably end up dying if I didn't, and his family would chalk it up to living through an extremely scary situation. Flying it is.

"Jayden, I'm gonna do something that's probably gonna freak you out, but I need you to stay calm. Don't get scred, Im not gonna hurt you." I say calmly as I start to unfurl my huge wings.

I grab his waist and start running. I jump, and with one flap of my huge wings, we're up in the air. He twists around and looks at me.

"Quit wiggling, I don't want to drop you." I repremand him.

"What are you?" he says slowly.

"An angel on a rescue mission." I mumble.

"Am I you're rescue mission?" he asks.

"Maybe." I reply.

"I'll take that as a yes. You know, I always knew angels existed, but lately, I'd been doubting it, but you proved to me that I was right." he tells me.

"Thanks." I say and smile.

"You're really pretty." Jayden comments.

"You're just saying that 'cause I just saved you're life." I reply as I blush.

"Do you go to school?" he asks.

"Umm yah, while Im here. I'm going to Redwoods High." I answer.

"Really me too. Maybe I'll see you there, Kyrie, right?"

"Yah." I respond.

He looks down. "We're parked right there." he points to a blue-gray van wiht about six people gathered around it, freaking out.

I land near the parking lot and set Jayden down. "C'mon, I'll help you walk." I offered.

I put my arm around his waist as he slings his arm around my shoulders.

"Jay! Jay! My goodness, sweetie." Jayden's mom gushed. "Thank you so musch for helping my Jaydie. Bless your heart. Is there anything we can do?" she continues.

"No, it's fine, I'm happy your son is safe. I'm Kyrie by the way." I say as I shake her hand.

"Kyrie, that's a beutiful name. Is your family here?" she replies.

"No, they let me go hiking alone." I answer, not entirely lying.

"Oh, well, we'd love it if you came with us to the hospital. After all, you did save his life." Jayden's mom offers.

"It's all thanks to you I'm here another day." Jayden chimes in.

"Alright, I want to make sure Jayden's okay."

We all pile in the car. I'm wedged between Jayden himself and his little sister.

"Hi! I'm Jay's little sister, Janie. What's your name?" she lets out in the regular little kid, hyper way.

"Janie, that's a pretty name, I'm Kyrie." I tell her, trying not to get annoyed.

"Wow, that's so cool. Your hair is really pretty can I play with it?" she asks, not even waiting for an answer.

I twist around in my seat, turning to face Jayden. He smiles at me, his green eyes twinkling.

"Hey, thanks for saving me."

"It's my job." I reply, acting like it was no big deal.

"You're gonna have to explain that one." Jayden smiles.

"As soon as I know I can." I reply, unable to hide the smile playing on my lips.

Jayden reaches over and takes my hand. I see his mom eye us in the rearveiw mirror, smiling to herself.

Janie's hand brushes my back, rubbing against my wings. I heard one of the dry feather crinkle, hurting a little bit.I wince.

"You okay?" Jayden asked, concern saturating his voice.

I nod, flaping my hands to impersonate wings.

He gives me a concerned look. I shake my head signifying that I'd explain it later.

"Kyrie! I finished your hair!" Janie exclaimed, bouncing in her seat.

She had plaited my hair into a surprisingly skillful french braid.

"Wow, it's pretty." I tell her.

"I knew you'd love it!" Janie squealed.

I mouth wow to Jayden and he just shrugs his shoulders.

The more time I spend around him, the more I start to like him. He was nice and caring, and he was really cute. I quikly chastised myself. Liking him was not why I was sent to this hot Arizona desert. It was not the reason I was here. I repeated this mantra the entire way to the hospital.

Jayden's mom parked near the entrance, openening the car door, she helped get Janie out of her carseat. I slid out after her, going around the car to help Jayden. His leg was still broken, but at least now he wasn't concussed or near death. He no longer had any internal bleeding and with a cast and a good amount of stitches, he should be good as new. Knowing this comforted me. I really wanted Jayden to be okay, and I really wanted to see him at school. But I had a feeling that I wouldn't for a while.

I wouldn't allow that thought to get me down. The only reason I was here was to help rescue people. I was trying to work my way up to guardian angel, but it was still a long way down the road. I was usually on Earth for a year at a time, I'd only been here four times before, once when I was eight, then eleven, thirteen, only half a year when I was fourteen, now i'm hoping i hget to stay for an entire twelve months. But that wasnt up to me. I usually came to Earth at the start of teh school where I'd be staying, so that way I could perform my mission, then have ample time to come up with an excuse for why I left, It really was a good system.

Chapter Two

When we were finally seen by a doctor,(read:after an hour of siting in the waiting area with a guy that was bleeding and had a broken leg) Jayden's bleeding had slowed, and his leg wasn't hurting him as much.

"Let me guess, skatboarding?" the doctor joked.

"No actually, hiking." Jayden responded, good naturedly. The doc just looked shocked.

When Doctor Chaset was done bandaging and casting Jayden, it was well past ten at night.

"Kyrie, we insist, stay the night, you've helped us, nopw it's our turn to help you. Besides, it'll be midnight by the time we really get out of here." Jayden's mom kept urging me.

"Alright but I have to call first."

I got on my phone and told the people I was staying with that I was staying the night at Jayden's house. They agreed that it was okay and we hung up.

"I can stay, thank you." I told Jayden's mom.

"By the way, I'm Anna Smith." Jayden's mom informed me.

I nodded. "Thank you so much Mrs. Smith."

SHe smiled a warm mile, and crossed the room to stand by Jaden's bed, holding his hand.

"I'm so sory, Jaydie sweetie. Can i get you anything?" she asked him, concern thick in her voice.

"Nah, I'm good, just make sure the little ones go home and get some rest. You guys too, Dad and Jhon. You both have work and college. You need some rest." Jayden requested.

"All right, you all hear Jayden, Let's go drop everyon off at home, I'm driving." Mrs. Smith told everyone. "What about you Kyrie, do you want to go home as well?"

"I'd like to stay and make sure Jayden's oaky, if that's alright?" I asked.

"Tottally fine, you can keep me company." Mrs. Smith smiled.

Chapter Three

After everyone was out of the room, Jayden rolled over and looked at me. "Now you, missy, have quite a bit of explaining to do. And you have plenty of time. we live about an hour away, so you've got ample time." he oders.

"Okay, okay, what do you want to know?"

"What happened in the car?" he asked.

"I ususally go to cooler more humid climates than the desert, when your sister accidentally touched my back, she touched my wings, which are pretty frickin dry. That hurt a little considereing they're chapped. MY feathery wings are just waiting for some water." I explain.

"Can I see your wings again?" he asked, a littel dazed.

"Hold on a second." I say as i check teh room for suvailence cameras. Luckily this hospital is cheap enough not to have any. I slowly unfold my wings, wincing when they tug at my dry back. One thing i love about the clothes angels get is that they are impervious to wings, letting them pass right through, without ripping.

Jayden reaches out a hand to tougch them. "Wow, they're amazing. You really are an angel." he murmurs.

He looks up at me and smiles a mischevious smile. Faster than i thought he could move, he wraps his arms around my waist and tugs me down till I'm almost lying down next to him.

"Ummm I do-" i get out before he cuts me off.

"Hey, let a guy who almost died today have a little fun with an angel." he grins. I fold my wings up against my back and relax a little.

"So how long do you get to stay?"

"I usually stay about a year, but the last time, only half a year. I hope that was a one time only thing though, I like being on Earth. It makes me feel like I might actually be able to become a Guardian Angel." I respond.

"You seriously think you're an angel." he asks, bewildered.

"Well, I am, how could you say that? I saved your butt earlier today and i just showed you my wings. How in the world can you say that?" I asked, hurt.

"Hey, I just thought i was hallucinating and that you were sokme crazy, but insanly good looking girl." he said, trying to defend himself.

"I can't believe this. The first human i actually show my wings to, turns out to think I'm crazy. I might aswell just go home now." I say, sad and furious, all at the same time.

Jayden's face softend. "No, stay, please? Besides, my mom could use a little company, and i take back what I said earlier, you did just prove you're an angel, it's just hard to wrap my mind around, I'm sorry." he apologized.

I couldn't help but lighten up. I sat down on teh edge of his bed. He took my hand and held it in both of his, rubbing his thumb in curcle on the back of my hand.

We sat like that for a while. I was wishing i was human so that I could stay here, but then i realized that I was an angel, and that's what I was going to be happy wiht. I'd work hard and become a Guardian Angel, and be asigned to someone who needed me. It felt good knowing that I always came to Earth wiht a good purpose, it was fullfilling.

Jayden got another mischevious look in his eyes. He tuged my hand, making me scoot a little closer. He kept on tugging and I kept on scooting. I was no longer on the edge, but right next to him. He sat up and tugged on my braid, making me smack his hand. He let out a beautiful laugh, long and hearty. I started laughing at him laughing at me.

"Do you have any nicknames?" Jaydena asked me.

"Ky, Ky Ky, newbie, anything along those lines. Do you have any nicknames?" I ask.

"I like Ky, and yah, I do have nicknames. Jay, jaydie, Jade, something like that." he says as he grins

"I personally like Jay the best, but Jaydie is cute." I reply, giving an innocent grin.

"Oh you would. But one thing you should know is that I am really good at revenge." he says.

Before i know it, he has me pinned next to him, forced to take the relentless tickling. I laugh so hard it almost brings tears to my eyes.

"You know, being an angel and all, I thought you'd be harder tp take down." he smirks.

I take my opening to scramble away until he grabs my wiast.

"Oh no you don't." he whispers in my ear, so close i can feel his lips against my neck. I freeze up.

After a few seconds, I pull his arms from around my waist and sit back on the edge. It was a good thing to 'cause right after i'd settled in the edge, Jay's mom burst in teh room, sweeping over to her son.

"Sorry i was gone so long sweetie. Janie refused to go to bed until she was able to say goodnight to you and Kyrie. As soon as they say tou can go home we'll leave. It's gonna be okay Jade. You're oldest brother hopes you get better."

He took a second to take all this in. "Todd actually talked to ypu guys? He hopes i get better?" Jayden looked on the verge of tears. Suddenely all that was gone. "Where has he been? One minute it's colllege, teh next its living on teh streets. Doesn't he know how much he's hurting his family? We used to be so close and then he just closed up. WHat is going through his head right nw?" His voiced cracked, back to the verge of tears.

I had no idea what the situation was, but i knew it was hurting Jayden, and that was somethign I never even want to think about. I saw how close knit his family is, having a member leave and not know exactly what he was doing seemed to pain them.

Jayden got himself under control and looked to me.

"Sorry you had to see that. I just miss him so frickin much. I just wish he'd realize that i still love him."

"Hey, it's fine, we all have our moments." I say, trying to sound reassuring.

Chapter Four

A couple hours later, they finally release Jayden. Only after his begging pleading, and, at times, crying mother. She realy knew how to play an event to her advantage.

It was about one-thirty when we finally got the chance to head home. Jayden sat with me in the back seat, claiming that there was more roomhere than in the front for his injured leg. I don't think he was bluffing either. There were roadmaps, old QT cups, and trash littereing the floor up there. Not to mention things needed for little kids in the car such as sippy cups and an emergency diaper bag.

When I assumed we were about a quater of the way to Jayden's house, I fell asleep. Since Jayden was abviously an insane flirt, he insisted that he sit right next to me in case he needed a litle more room for his crutches and leg. Jeez he was good at milking it.

I felt my head roll over and rest on his shoulder. I tried to move it, but flying him to his family and laughing so hard had really taken it out of me and I just couldn't move. I felt him shift a little, wraping an arm around my shoulder, and laying his head next to mine.

All to soon, we were at Jay's house. I just wanted to stay in that position forever. I chastised my self again for thinking such things, and got out. When I walked into his house, I saw a tall, lanky figure sleeping on his sofa. Jayden walked in behind me. He was talking with his mom as he struggled to use his crutches. He stopped abruptly as soon as he saw the man on the sofa.

"Todd?" Jayden croaked.

This 'Todd' person mumbled somehting none of us caught.

"We forgot to tell you, as soon as he heard about your accident, he came as fast as he could." his mother said, gently.

Todd woke up. "Jayden? Man, are you okay? I know I've been gone a lot and that I've hurt you and Mom and Dad, but I'm gonna try and be better. I love you Jay-Jay, you're my little bro and i want you to know I love you."

Jayden tried to run forward, but he ended up nearly tripping had i not been in his way.

"I can't believe you're home." Jayden whispered.

"Who's this pretty little thing you have here Jay-Jay?" Todd asked playfully, pointing at me.

"That's Kyrie. She saved me today." Jayden responded.

"Well hello there, Kyrie. I'm Todd." he said, suddenely formal.

He reached out a hand for me to shake. I grasped it and shook it like I was supposed to. Something about him was off, like he'done some not so good stuff and it was finally bugging his concience.

Mr. Smith came out from the kitchen, holding what I assumed was Jayden's littlest sister. "Well, Miss Kyrie, you have your choice of rooms you can sleep in. You've got on the an air matress in the twins' room, an air matress out here wiht Todd, or an air matress in the room wiht Jayden. Or, in the nursery with Little Miss Cryer over here." he offered.

I thought for a minute. The twin's rom would be crowded so that was a maybe. Todd creeped me out so that was an automatic no, and Jayden had a room to himself, and my guess was that if they had a guest room, it was taken up by someone else. Jayden's room it was.

"Jayden's room is fine, thank you." I answered.

His mom just had a happy yet slightly suspicous look on her face and shot her son a smile that said don't mess this up. Whatever 'this' is.

After about twenty minutes, we finally figured out how to inflate the air matress. We waited a few minutes until it was fully inflated. Then Jayden's dad hualed it down the hall to Jayden's room.

Chapter Five

When we had finally gotten my air matress dressed with sheets, a pillow and a blanket, it was lights out. Mrs. smith let me borrow a tank top and a pair of small, comfy workout shorts for pajamas.

I slid into bed, ready to feel the peace that came with sleep.

"Hey Ky, you still awake?" I heard Jayden ask.

"Mmmhhmmmm." I mumbled back.

"I never really got the chance to thank you, for saving me. Because of you, I'm here right now. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't been there. You saved me and my family, Kyrie. Thank you." Jaydin said, sincerety dripping in his voice.

i rolled over to look at him. "Jay, no matter what happens, I'm always gonna be here to save you're tail." I reply.

"You know, you're really cool. I thought as an angel you'd be all religous and snobbish, but you're not. You're cool and spunky and really beautiful."

I laughed. "You should really tell Joseph that! He'd love to hear someone call me cool. To him I'm just some newbie angel. He's not even a year older than I am!" i replied.

Jayden just looked at me, puzzled.

"It's an angel thing." I respond.

He just shakes his head and laughes. He tries to roll over to get a better look at me, but it moves his leg. Jayden lets out a groan.

I immediatley jump up and help him. I can tell he's trying hard to ignore the pain.

"Gosh I'm so sorry. It's okay Jayden, I'm here. I'll take care of you." I murmured, trying to ease his pain.

I prop his leg up on a pillow, trying to avoid rustling the bandages that covered his arms and other leg.

"I'm so sorry." I say again as I take in how hurt he really is. "Oh Jayden, I'm so sorry."

He groans again. I have no idea what to do to make it better.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Thanks again Ky. I really owe you one. Well like three but..." he says at last.

I giggle a little. "You don't owe me anything Jayden. I'm just glad that you're on the mend." I say as I make sure he's okay.

Plopping down on my air matress again, I hear Jayden whisper somthing.

"What?" I aks.

"Night Kyrie, sleep tight." he replies.

I reach up and sqeeze his hand. He squeezes mine back. I try and pull mine back but all I get is "Oh no you don't." from Jayden.

In the morning, I woke up to find Jayden staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just look really cute when you sleep. You make funny faces when you dream." he answers with a laugh.

"That is so not funny." I retort.

"Oh c'mon, you know it is." Jayden smiles.

We're interpted when his mom yell "Breakfast!"

We head to the kitchen together, talking and laughing about each other's dreams. His was about how he thought a dragon was going to burn down his house and make him watche but then the dragon turned into a cat. It was really weird.

In the kitchen, everyone was on teh sofa, at the island, or sitting at the table wiht food piled on their plates.

We take our seats next to Todd and John. Janie and Jasmine, the twins, sit at the table with the baby, Cassie. We are settled on the couch.

When Mrs. Smith finally finishes cooking something for her and her husband, everyone else was done eating.

"That was amazing Mrs. Smith." i compliment her.

"Thank you Kyrie." she responds with a smile.

Jayden and i spend the rest of the day exploring the neighborhood. There was so much here that i never got to expirience. I usually went to out of the way places and never really got to see a neighborhood, or a park, or a school. It was nice, to see what normal poeple do.

We sat next to each other on the swings at the local park. Jayden stiffened suddenly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask, hoping it's not his leg.

"It's just Taylor. The jerk thinks he owns me." Jayden grummbles.

I watch as this 'Taylor' saunters over to where we're sitting.

"Hey Smith, what a pretty little thing you have here. Can't imagine why she's hanging out with you though." Taylor smirks.

"Shut up, she's cool." Jayden growls.

Why do men always feel the need to fight over and for women

"Why don't you two just leave each other alone. I mean honestly, Jay's hurt and you still feel the need to come over and harrass him. Waht kind of person does that?" i reply, angry that this guy is picking on Jayden.

Taylor just looks surprised for a second, but it vanishes immediatly. "You think you're so cool, honey? Protecting Jayden? Well, lets just see how fun you really are, shall we?"

He tries to pull me off teh swing, but what he doesn't realize is that, in case of anything such as this, all young angels were trained in martial art, strategy, and how to take down an opponent without harming them.

I chicken wing Taylor then knock his legs out from under him. "That cool enough for you?" I ask, sweetly.

He tried to twist me around put i just shoved him closer to the sand surrounding the swings.

He gives up.

"Now when I let you go, you're going to get up, walk away, and not bug me or Jayden anymore. Got it?" i ask in a monotone voice.

He nods and I realeas me hold. When he gets up, he just stands there a look of awe and fury painted on his face.

"I thought i said go?" I ask.

He turns on his heel and stomps away, grumbling about how a girl got him down so fast. I turn to Jayden.

"I don't thin we're going to be seeing much of him anymore." I say.

Jayden just looks at me.

"What?" I ask for the second time in less than twenty-four hours.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he asks after a moment of silence.

"Angel Defense 101.' I reply.

"I really need to get into these classes." Jayden jokes.

"Taylor was a jerk and needed to learn a lesson about picking on hurt peopel and people in general. I just happened to be the one to teach it to him." I reply.

Jayden just shakes his head and smiles. "C'mon, we stil got the rest of the nerghborhood to see."

Chapter Six

We walked until Jay's leg hurt.

"Jay, come on, you're leg is hurting you, it's time to go home." I plead with him.

"No you still haven't seen the lake." he pouts back.

"I've seen lakes before, we can go see that one later. You need to go home." I beg.

"No pain, no game. I can deal wiht it." he says.

"What, do you want me to get on my hansds and knees?" I ask, only partially sarcastic.

"Yes." he replies.

I get down on my hands and knees. "Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee?" I whine."

"Nope." he turns on his crutches and starts to hobble down teh road.

I wait there a second, admiring how good he is, going through pain to make sure i see something new. I get upand rin to cathc up wiht him.

"I thought yo'd make go on my own." he jokes.

I nudge him in the shoulder. "Never."

When wefinally reach the lake, I can tell Jayden is suffering. His breath came oput labored, almost like a pant. He looked aobut ready to collapse.

"Hey Jay, you okay? Why don't we sit down?" I ask, concern taking over my voice.

"I'm fine, a bench sounds really good right now though." he confesses.

I lead us over to the closest bench, keeping a steadying hand on his shoulder. he collapses down into the bench, looking relieved.

"See, this is exactly why we should've gone home. You look like a wreck, and you're exhausted. Gosh I hope you don't, like, keel over or something." i said, partly sympathizing, patly repremanding.

"I'm fine you don't have to worry. I really wanted you to see teh lake in the evening. It's absolutely beautiful." he says, staring at the water.

"Yah, it really is." I say as I plop own enxt to him.

"Thanks, for everything. This has been really fun, just showing you everyhting the average person takes for granted. It's refreshing." he says dreamily.

I look over and smile at him."You really have to start recording this stuff, my teachers just think I'm some little kid they have to train. Knd of like I'm the most annoying chihouha out there, and they have to train me to shut my yapper. Quite honestly, I find you refreshing. You're not telling me how annoying I am or that I need to be less hyper and pay attention."

He laughs his amazing laugh. "Jeez you're such an angel. No girl could live in this world and be able to act as fun and clean as you. You really are one of a kind." he complimented me.

He was really cute (read: GORGEOUS!) and I felt my self slowly start to fall for him.

I looked up at the sky, trying to crush whatever it is that i feel for him.

"Wow, teh sunset is really pretty tonight, isn't it?" he sked, staring at the same sky i was.

"Yah, it really is. I wish I had some paper and a pencil. I can draw killer sunsets." I smile at him.

"You know, I think there's only one thing more beautiful that this sunset and the lake." he said.

"And what might that be?" I ask, truly curious.

"Well, she has beautiful, long, auburn hair, and the best gray eyes that look like honey int he sunlight. Oh, and she's funny and sweet." he answered, gazing at my eyes.

I give him a quizzical look. "It's you, stupid." he said.

"Oh. Oh. Umm, thanks." I stutter, flustered.

He pretends to yawn and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I stiffen, not likng where this is going because I feel the same way. I'm an angel, I shouldn't let some rescue mission steal my heart. that's not teh reason I'm here. I think to myself. Whatever, I'll let myself enjoy the moment.

We sit at the bench till long after the moon had risen. He'd fallen asleep and had his head on my shoulder. I nidge him awake.

"Hey, let's get you home, you looked pooped." I whisper. He nods a yes.

We're less than a quater of the way home when we see taylor again.

"Hey sweetheart, I thought after that little show you gave me earlier, I'd come give you my thank you." he shouted over at us.

"Go, I can handle this. You look like you need an ice pack and a Vicadin." I order him.

He shakes his head no.

"Don't make me fly ypu and expose myself." i threaten.

He still shakes his head no.

"Ugh fine, make this harder why don't ya" i mutter.

I start picking up our pace. I see Jayden struggling to maintain my stride. I bite my lip, worried that the situation could escalate.

I hear feet slapping the asphault behind us, Talyor was running, and he had a lot of people on his side. Jayden grtabs my hand and pulls me around a sharp conner, one that i wouldn't have noticed without him.

"C'mon, this is a short cut. Taylor won't be able to catch us if he can't see." Jayden whispers as he strugles to go as fast as he can wiht crutches.

After a few minutes of fast walking, we reach a dead end. I hear Jayden mutter a cuss word.

"Jayden!"I gasp. "Don't you ever and i mean EVER swear around me again." I whisper yell.

"Sorry, but this is so not good. Taylor is known for beating the crap out of anyone who crosses him. Guys, girls, younger kids, it doesnt matter with him. I have to get you out of here." Jay apologizes.

"If you know a back way to your house, i could lay low and fly us there." I offer up.

"No, all the ways I know form here require crossing a main road. That's not gonna work." He responds.

"Jayden, do you really, honestly think I care." I can walk you when I need to. I jst wnat you safe." I reply a little sternly.

"Fine." he says tersely.

I wrap my arms around his waist and clutch him against me. I unfurl my wings and stretch them. I give a mini flap to get us up a little higher in the air, and listen to Jayden's directions.

I stop a few yards befoe all the main roads and walk.

I was scared. Scared for Jayden, scared for me , and just scared in general. That was not good.

Chapter Seven

It took us a long time to get home, but it would've taken us longer had I not flown us. Not only that, but we had long since lost Taylor and his gang.

I reached Jayden's porch and let him go, folding my wings againts my back.

"You really didn't have to do that." he scolds me.

"You know I did. Taylor would've just about killed us both. And I wouldn't leave you there like I know you're about to tell me I should've done." I say, trying to lighten up Jayden.

He gives me a small grin, but that's it.

"Tell your family I said hi." I ask him as I leave his porch.

"Oh no you don't. I'm going to drive you home." Jayden says, almost like an order.

"No, I can walk and you need to rest." I respond, walking farther away.

Jayden surprises me by hobbling over to my sdie and grabing my wrist.

"I'm driving you home. You've saved my butt three times in two days. You're not getting off the hook." He retorts, not giving me a choice.

Jayden drags me behind him as he uses his cruthes to limp to the door and opens it. He walks in wiht me in tow, and shouts to his mom that he's driving me home and he'll be back in a few.

"I can still walk." I grumble.

Jayden just rolls his eyes and opens the passenger door for me.

I realize something. "Uh, Jayden, I don't know how to get to my house from here."

"Really?" he asks, annoyed.

"I know how to get there from school though." I respond.

"Oaky, that's good." he replies, calming down.

"And jay?" I say in a quiet voice.


"Thanks. A lot." I say.

He just reaches over and grabs my hand. I let him hold it for a while, liking the feeling of my hand in his.

Jayden rubs his thunb ver the back of my hand, massaging my fingers.

When we get to the school, I figure out where I am and ramble off directions. We arrive at my house with little confusion.

I'm about to open my door when he grabs his crutches and says, "Nope, I may be crippled, but I still have my manners."

A long minute later, he's at my door, opening it for me. I get out and surprise him with a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a good squeeze. I felt my heart speed up, pumping faster than ever. Gosh, I swear Jayden is going to be the fall of me.

Jayden gives me another quick squeeze and presses a quick peck to my forehead beofre pushing me to my porch and climbing in his car and speeding off.

I unlock my door and step into my living room, smelling the lavender air-freshener my guardian, Rose, uses. She isn't an angel or any other type of heavenly being, she's a human, but the Heavenly Rescue Operatives, ARO, enlists humans every year to help with out missions.

"Have a nice date?" Rose asks me from behind, making me jump a little.

"It wasn't a date, and even if it was, the last little bit almost made me scream." I say as I shudder, thinking about Taylor's cold voice.

"Well... fill me in!" Rose begs.

I'll tell you later, I'm exhausted." I reply.

I hear my wings rustle and feel a feather fall out of my shirt sleeve.

"Oh you didn't go flying did you?" Rose said, suspicion thick in her voice.

"Hey, Jayden already knew I was an angel,I had to fly him out of the mountains or else he would've died. Besides, we were trying to get away from this jerk trying to beat us up. So we hid in an alley, then decided that we needed to get out ASAP. He said no until I made him change his mind." I explain.

Rose just sighs. "Go take a shower, your wings need water." she says, turning on her heel and walking away.

I slink to the bathroom and turn on the water, waiting for it to heat up.

As soon as its hot, I step in and unfold my wings a little, cramming them against the glass door of the shower. As I feel my wings suck in the moisture, I sigh. I'd had a really good day with only minor set backs. Tomorow, i could rejuvinate beofre I started school on Monday.

There was one thing different about this mission, I was starting school about two weeks late, meaning I'd probably end up leaving about a month earlier than I'd like. Oh well, as long as i got my mission done.

I took my time in the shower, letting the water pound my back and wings, massaging them.

When I stepped out, I dryed off and put on my pajamas (read: a turqouise tank top and a black pair of tight sophie shorts) and wraped my hair in a towel.

I walk into my room and nearly have a heart attack when I hear something tap on my window. I grab the baseball bat I stowed under my bed and try and sneak over to the window. I hear the tap again and it sounds like someones knowcking on the glass. I peer out and see a Jayden sized silhouette.

The figure turns on a flashlight and points it at its face. It is Jayden. I open my window.

"What the underworld?! You almost gave me a heaart attack!" Can't you just ring the doorbell." I chastize.

"Nope." he replies and as he tries to climb through my window

"Here, let me help you." I say as I grab his shoulders and hoist him in. he reaches through the window to grab his crutches. I shake my head. The stupid kid.

"Do your parents know you're here." I ask, still shaking my head.

"Yup." he replies simply.

"Rose is gonna kill me if she finds out." I mutter.

"Hey Ky! Get your lazy but over here!" i hear her yell down the hall.

I groan. "Coming!" I shout back.

"Just, don't move. 'Kay?" I say softly as I exit my room.

When i get to where rose is, she looks confused and slightly peeved. "Why is there a car parked in front of our house?" she asked, her tone harsh.

I look out the window and see the car she's talking abut, only it isn't Jayden's family van or his beat up jeep. Then, I see Taylor get out.

"Rose, close the blinds and lock the doors. That's the guy that want's to, like, kill me and Jayden." I say, trying to figure out how he knew where I lived.

Rose just glares at me. When I turn around and face her, she sees the fear in my eyes and starts checking the doors and windows. I rush back to my room and inform Jayden of Taylor's car outside my house.

The door bell rings.

Chapter Eight

Me and Jyaden hid in my walk-in closet, hoping that Rose doesn't answer the door. I hear a pounding on my winodw. Shoot,I forgot to shut out my light. I groan. Why did i have to be such a frickin idiot.

I lock eyes wiht Jaydena nd he realizes the same thing I do. Why does Taylor have to be such a frickin stalker.

"What are we supposed to do frickin now?" I whisper growl.

"Ya know, for an angel, you sure use 'frickin' a lot." Jayden smirks.

"SO NOT THE TIME!" I spit out.

We hear a crash and Rose scream.

I jump up, but Jayden grabs me and pulls me back down.

"Let my go." I demand.

"No, if he finds oyu, he'll rip you to shreds, and do some so not cool crap to you and that other girl." he murmurs in my ear. I can feel his lips on moving as he talks.

"Rose, my Guardian's name is rose." I respond. "Fine, i won't go, but you're staying right here wiht me. Rose has no idea you're here, and she's mad at me enough as it is."

Jayden just smiles.

"Come out, come out where ever you are!" I hear Taylor shout.

I freeze up.

Jayden wraps a comforting arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his lap. I shake my head. I can't hear rose anymore. What has he done to her. I swear if he touches her, No-Harm Dojo isn;t going to be the only thing his butt gets.

"Stay down, lady! I'm here for that other girl!' Taylor shouts at Rose.

I start shaking. Heaven only knows what an idiot I am. If I just performed teh rescue mission and not goen to the hospital, or stayed the night at Jay's or gone to the park wiht him, none of this would be happening right now.

I hear feet thundering down the hall.

He has his gang wiht him. Heaven help us all.

"Call the police, Jay. Please. This kid, it's not him, it's an agent for the Dark forcing him to do this stuff. Just call the police." I ask Jayden.

He takes out his phone and diall 911.

"Wait, Rose is gonna find out I called, you'll get in even more trouble." he says.

"Do you really think I care right now. I have a feeling teh police ar gonna help this kid get back on the straight and narrow. He needs this, and we need all the help we can get. Just call the frickin police." I say exasperated.

He just hands me his cell phone, a smirk on his face.


"What's the problem Miss?" i kind sounding man asks me.

"Umm, someone broke into my house. Me and my friend are hiding in the closet. My guardian is somewhere else in the house. we are the corner house of Pine Garden and Rosalinda, the house with the white roses." I reply, trying to keep my cool.

"Alright Miss, help is on the way. You and your friend stay in the closet." the man replies and hangs up.

I close the phone and hand it back to Jayaden.

"Get off me you creep! HELP! HELP! PLEASE!" I hear Rose scream.

I feel silent tears running down my cheeks. Not poor Rose. I'm the angel, I should be out there protecting her. WHy am i even hiding here. If I come out, he'll jsut take me and leave the rest of them alone.

I try to wiggle out of Jayden's grasp, but fail miserably. I just turn around and burry my face in Jayden's t-shirt, trying to block out Rose's screams and hold back my tears. It didn't work.

Jayden just holds me, rocking me back and forth, and wiping away my tears as they fall.

I hear a loud knock on the front door.

"It's the police! Open up!" someone shouts.

"Help! Break another window if you have to, but we need help!" Rose yells, her voice sounding raspy and strangled.

Another crash.

I hear Taylor and others shout obscenities at the officers. The sound of boots thudding acros the floor.

"Just give it up kids, you're surrounded." i hear one of the officers say as soon as teh swearing subsides.

I hear my bedroom door open.

"You can come otu now, those boys are in for a hard time." a police woman urges.

I get up first, pulling Jayden up behind me.

"Why were they here? They seemed here for revenge." she asks.

"The leader, Taylor, saw us at the park, and decided it'd be fun to mess with us. He started to get a little grabby so i chicken winged him and told him to leave us alone. I didn't think he'd do this.?" I answer hinestly.

"Well, hurt pride is a dangerous thing." she says as she turns to leave.

Yes, hurt pride is definetely a dangerous thing. A dangerous thing indeed.

Chapter Nine

I cling to Jayden as we walk out to the family room. Rose is sitting on the couch, scrathced up and bruised. I run over to her.

"Rose! I'm so sorry. What can I do to help you?" I asks, healing enrgy already coursing through my hands to her body.

SHe shakes her head, but stops mid-motion when she sees Jayden.

She looks at me with hurt and fury in her eyes. I lean close to her ear. "Later, I promise I'll explain it later."

She just nods.

I walk back over to Jayden. "You've had quite the past two days, haven't you?" I aks.

"You have no idea." he smiles his amazing, lopsided smile and I feel my heart jump. I'm really afraid that i might end up falling for him. Literally.

As the police clear out, Rose retreats to her room. "An hour and he's gone." she commands, giving me a glare. I deserved it.

"C'mon, you look like you need to sit down." i lead him over to the family room, turn on the television, and hand him the remote.

Getting both of us a glass of water, I sit next to him on the sofa. He slings his arm over my shoulders and pulls me close into his side. My heart does another round of flips and jumps.

"Have you ever been to a dance?" he asks, making conversation.

"What, like a school dance, or a party type thing?"

"Either." he answers.

"Nope." I reply.

He changes the TV to a music channel and jumps up, grabbing his crutches. I just look at him.

"C'mon!" he says grabbing my hand. "You get a two person dance party!" he smiles.

He entwines our hands and places his hand on my waist. I rest my hand on his shoulder and he leads us in slow spins.

A second later, He grins a micheviouse grin and changes to a crazy samba, dancing surprisingly well for someone with one leg in a cast.

Even though he leans on me alot, he still manages to lead. The song on the TV changes to a slow song by Taylor Swift.Jayden changes our position.

He takes my hands and wrap them around his neck, placing his around my waist, pulling me close.

We stay like that for a long time, even through some fast songs. With each new sone, Jayden pulls me a little closer, until our noses nearly touch.

He rests his forhead against mine and sighs. "You not just an angel anymore, Ky. You're my angel"

I feel myself melt. We stop moving and just stand there, arms wrapped around each other, foreheads pressed together.

"My time here is almost up, but there is one last thing I'd love to do." he states, a twinkle in his eyes.

"And what wou-" He cuts me off, pressing his lips to mine.

I'm so happy even though I know I shouldn't be. If possible, I melt even more.

Before i know it, it's over, my one kiss is over.

"Ky! I need to talk to you, It's time you told you're friend good-bye, you'll be able to see him tomorrow." rose calls.

"'Kay." I shout back.

I press my lips to his one last time and help him wiht his crutches. "See you at school monday?"

"You know it, Ky." he grins.

After he's gone, I turn and go down the hall to Rose's room.

"Kyrie, there's something you need to know." she syas, somewhat sad.

"Okay?" I say, a little confused.

"There's an old prophecy, talking about a young angel coming down to 'save a stranded mountaineer.' It goes on to talk about how she's able to stay wiht him for a year, and how they fall in love. It describes the characters, the mountaineer, a boy who traverses the mountains with his family and has 'raven's hair and forest's eyes.' And the Angel, 'cloud's eyes and tree trunk's hair, skin pale and fair.' The Council thinks that you and Jayden are te couple in the prophecy, taht's why you were sent here. In the prophecy, it says that the angel will find a way to become a human, and ends up staying on earth. The Council wnats you to find out how to do this, turn an angel into a human, they think that a few of the Elders would be willing to becom humans and help those they meet. They want to try and preserve goodness because, as you can see wiht that horrid young man who broke in, good is starting to recess.

"The council sent you here to fullfil the prophecy. Now that that's out of the way, who was that kid and why was he over here? How did he get in? Is he the kid you saved? Why was there music playing on the TV while you guys were dancing?" she let out,overwhelming me with information.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold you horses. I was sent here to fullfil a frickin prophecy? So this entire time, i wa supposed to be falling in love with Jayden while i was telling myself that it wasn't for me?" I ask.

"Yup, pretty much. Now, is that kid, this Jayden, the one you saved?" she asks.

"Yeah, he is. And he decided it'd be fun to scare to crap out of my and tap onmy window till I opened it. That's how he got in, like seconds before Taylor broke in. And no, I don't really know Taylor. And the music and dancing was because he wanted me to expireince a dance, because he's so caring and nice that way." i answer all at once.

"Dang it, now i have noreason to reprimand you." she replies, mock dissapointment in her voice.

We laugh. "Alright, go to bed kiddo. You only have Sunday to get ready for the wonders of highschool." she says, ruffling my hair.

I sigh and head to my room, feeling myself unwind and relax.

Chapter Ten

I wake up to the morning sun hitting my face. Ah the beauty of Sunday, it think to myself. Getting up, I head downstaires and find Rose cooking.

"How do you wnat you're eggs Ky?" she asks, resuming her cheerfulness, even after last night's plethora of bombshells. Typical Rose.

"Scrambled." I reply, making myself a glass of chocolate milk. After all, I do need some form of caffine in the morning, even if rose has banned coffe and Dr. Pepper from the house.

A few minutes later, Rose has successfully burned just about every egg in the house as well as ruined yet another pan.

"Rose, have you ever thought of letting me do the cooking? Or maybe the staff at McDonald's?" I ask, teasing her.

she sighs. "If you can find another egg, I'll let you cook. If not, well, we have milk at cereal." she says, sitting down at the table, lettign me rampage through the fridge.

At last I find the last two eggs that haven't expired. Rifling throught the cupboards, I find a good sized pan, and whip up a small batch fo scrambled eggs with bacon bits and cheese. I finish my creation wiht some salt, pepper, and cilatro. perfect.

Sliding a plate to Rose, I take my seat next to her and eat the yellow flufiness of my eggs. When we finish, I place our plates in the sink, wash my hands, head towards my room, searching for notebooks and pens for school tomorrow.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.06.2011

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To all my friends and family memebers who ecouraged me to write. Love you guys! ^_^

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