

I ran. I am still running, and I don't have the faintest idea why. All i know is that Hunter told me to. In other words, he was scared and now I myself am starting to freak out.

Recently, I learned a very significant and scary truth about myself. That fact makes me a target for monsters, beasts, and pretty much every other type of nightmarish creaturE from Greek mythology. I am a daughter of Poseidon, god of the sea. Oh, and Hunter is a son of Athena. He's also my best friend.

Chapter 1

The day started out just like any other. Hunter met me at the flagpole, we walked to first hour together, and sat in our usual back-of-the-room seats. Nothing new there. But for some weird reason, i had a feeling that today would be anything but normal. Stupid me just ignored it.

Second and third hour passed without any incidents, but it was lunch now. As i got in the lunch line, I was rather distracted. I had a lot on my mind, what with Kirkland High's Snow Ball coming up while I'm still date-less, the math test, oh and seeing the guy I have major crushing on talking and joking with the guy that annoys the crap out of me. Who wouldn't be distracted?

I passed the rest of the day in a dreamlike state, not really noticing anything. And then I got home.

I was enjoying a good soak to get my mind back in focus. I was also on the phone with Hunter.

"So Hunter, when are you gonna ask Sara to the dance?" I ask him. He's been dying to ask her out but never had the courage to.

"How bout... never?" he replies. Of course.

The phone lets out a beep telling me I have another incoming call.

"Sorry hunter, incoming call, can you hold?"

"Sure, no prob." he answers.

I pick up the phone and instantly wish I hadn't. It's Zane, that guy that pisses me off so

much. He uses a stupid nickname I've had since kindergarten that no one uses but him, "princess". I hate it.

"Hey Princess, you know most girls try to be less obvious about when they like a guy right?" he says.

"So, what's it to you?" I spit back.

"Chill, Princess, I know my good looks are hard to resist.

"Shove of you jerk!" I shout t him and switch back to Hunter.

"From the silence on you're end, I'm guessing that was Zane." Hunter said, trying to clear up the slightly awkward silence.

"Yup." is all I say.

"Okay. Well, when are you gonna ask Mr. Dreamy to the dance?" he asks, trying to change the subject.

"Soon as you ask Sara." I retort.

"Fine. I'll ask Sara today if you ask Sam too." I'm uterely stunned to hear him say this, he's never one to take a chance, never.

"Okay, Hunter, but if you don't ask and I do, you're in for it." I reply, agreeing.

Chapter 2

I saw him as soon as I walked onto campus. Sam and I had known each other since we were little, even now, he would always smile, and wave when ever he saw me, even in the middle of a conversation. I adored him for that.

"I'm telling you Zane, I just want to fly solo for a while, breaking up with Jessica really lifted a weight off my shoulders, I don't want to get it back right after it was just taken off." I heard Sam say.

Yup, Sam and Zane were best friends. Just my luck right?

"Hey, if you wanna go with a big group of solo-goers, I'd be happy to be among them." Zane replied.

"Nah, Zane, you don't have to do that. I'm fine just showing up by myself."

"You don't undersand, you don't have a choice, I'm going alone with you. We'll be alone together." Zane said.

As they turned and went their separate ways, Sam saw me.

"Hey, Fire." Sam said, using my nickname.


"So how you been?" he asks casually.

"Pretty good, you?"

"Great." he answers with his usual enthusiasm.

"Can I- can I ask you something?" I stutter.

"You know you always can." Sam says, suddenly serious.

"Um, well, would you go to the Snow Ball with me?" I look down as I ask.

He slips a finger under my chin and makes me meet his eyes. "Saphire," he starts. "I'm sorry but I'm going to fly solo for a while. I feel like I just need space. You understand, right?"

I force a smile. "Of course, maybe some other time. I'll see you around okay?"

I turn and march down the hall. As soon as he's out of sight, I sprint towards the girls' bathroom, feeling the tears start to fall. Just as the door comes into view, I smack into something hard, but still soft and warm.

"Saphire?" the 'something' says.


Chapter 3

"Are you crying?" Zane asks.

I was about to say no, but my tears just kept coming.

We hear some girls coming around the corner behind me. Zane looked over my head.

"Jessica. Come on, we can hide in the bathroom." he says as he quickly leads me into one of the stalls.

By now, my tears seem endless, there would be no putting a stop to them. He sat down on the toilet seat and pulled me onto his lap. I heard the door open.

"I know! Did you see how red her face was. I thought she would start crying right then and there." I heard one of Jessica's posse say.

I sneezed.

In a matter of seconds, Zane had pulled my feet up and had them pushed against the stall door so no one could see them, only Zane's black and white, beat up Converse.

"Eww. Who sneezes in the bathroom?" another of the posse said.

"Eww, who wears Converse?" it was Jessica herself who said this.

A few minutes later, the grouped had cleared out and I released a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. Zane let my feet touch the ground and started laughing.

"What in the ever-loving world are you laughing at?" I asked, irritated and confused.

"Jess," he said sniffling another laugh. "picked these out for me these about a year ago. I'm surprised she didn't notice."

"That makes no sense whatsoever. How is that even funny?" I asks, even more confused.

"Hey, you stopped crying." he said, wiping my cheek of the last tear still clinging to it.

I nodded.

"well, we better get to class, right?" he replied.

Zane opened the door and checked to see if the hall was clear.

"Okay, we're clear." he said, opening the door wider.

"Thanks." I said. "I really appreciate this."

"You know, if you want to get to Sam, just surprise him at the dance."

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"Wait in the study hall, I'll get him there, and you can have the special moment with him the whole school knows you want." he said, shrugging.

"I- um- well- why- okay, thanks." I finally stutter out.

He smiles a really very sly smile at me and turns the corner. What was that boy up to?

Chapter 4

Hunter decided that he was going to come shopping with me. "You need a man's opinion on the dress." he'd claimed. It wasn't like I could say no.

Apparently Hunter really did know what he was talking about when it came to clothing.

"It's the Snow Ball, right? S you need something winter-y, and definitely glittery." he decided.

"FOUND IT!" he nearly shouted.

And found it he had. It was knee length, and from the waist down, it was silvery white tool, with swirls of glitter. The bodice, how ever, was satin, and encrusted with TONS of sparkling gems. The dress itself seemed to look like snow, or winter itself. It shimmered and flowed, but wasn't overly decorated. And it wasn't long. I, personally HATE long dresses.

I tried it on and as soon as I came out of the dressing room, I saw Hunter's mouth drop.

"Okay, shopping done." he said.

I looked at the price tag. "Please, please tell me you got this of the fifty percent of rack."

"As a matter of fact, I did."

I looked at the tag again. I saw the little red mark they put on the tags to symbolize a discount.

"You really are the best, Hunter." I said as I turned to go back into the fitting room.

It was Hunter's turn now. We walked over to the men's part of the store. I immediately found a incredibly tailored suit with a silvery blue bow-tie. Plus, it was on clearance.

"Really? you think it looks that good?" he asked, when he came out of the dressing room to show me.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't." I said, giving him my signature crooked smile.

In a matter of about forty-five minutes, both of us had everything we needed for the Snow Ball. That night would be magical.

Chapter 5

The night of the dance came faster than I thought it would. Hunter and I decided to arive together because, of course, Hunter chickened out on asking Sara, and Sam had turned me down. Five minutes before Hunter was supposed to pick me up, the doorbell rang.


"Just stopping by to say- wow, you look amazing!" he said as he turned to look at me. For some insanely weird reason, I blushed.

"What did you want to sat other than 'wow'?"

"Oh, to be in the library around five minuteds after the dance starts."

I nodded.

"And you really do look beautiful." he blushed so many shades of red, I thought he looked like a tomato.

"Thank you." i said as he turned to leave.

After closing the door, I dashed up the staires to the bathroom. Checking how i looked in the mirror, I nodded with content.

I had curled my hair into tiny spirals then put them up ina slightly messy but still fancy bun, leaving some curls out to frame my face. Then, I aplied a light silver to the corners of my eyes, changing to darker and darker shades of grey and silver as i progressed to the outer corner. I aplied a light coat of white under my brows and used a cherry red for my lips.

As soon as i was done wiht the finishing touches, the doorbell rang.

"I got it, Fire." my mom called up the staires.

"Oh, hi Hunter. How have you been?" i heard my mom greet him.

"Great Mrs. Grey. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing just fine." she answered.

I started donw the stairs. As soon as Hunter saw me, his mouth was open wide and his eyes the sized of baseballs. He looked utterly stunned.

Once at the bottom of the steps, Hunter took my arm and my parents, being parents, took what felt somwhere near a thousand pictures. When we finaly made it to the car, i was pretty sure the dance had already begun.

When we got there, the dance had only just started. As we walked in, I felt all eyes turn to us. Surely they were staring at Hunter, he really did look spectacular. They definetely were NOT gaping at me, I was actually friends with one person, aquanted with another, and slighlty less than enemies with a third. That's three people totatl that even remotely knew me. Yeah, the were definetely staring at Hunter.

As we ascened on the crowd, heard whispered comments like "Is that REALLY Saphire Grey?" and "Crap that girl looks great." Aparently they were looking at me.

I checked my phone for the time. The dance had started five minutes ago.

"Hunter, ya know what time it is right?" i turned to him.

"Sam catchin' time?" he smile.

I just nodded my head vigorously, making my curls bounce.

"Go get 'im, girl." he encouraged.

I headed for the study hall.

As I stepped in the door, I heard a sharp intake of breath.

"Saphire?" I heard Sam's voice.

"Yupp?" I replied.

"Wow." he said holding out the "o".

I gigled. "I take it you like how I look?"

he just repeated 'wow'.

We talked for what felt like the longest, most wonderful time ever. We were interupted by the door opening.

"You guys do realize you've been in here almost the entire night, right? They're about to have 'The Best Dressed' competition. Saphire, ya might wanna be there." we heard Zane say.

"Okay, we better get out there, and Fire, you really are the best dressed." Sam said as he bent forwarde and brushed his lips against my cheeks,

I felt myself blush a painful red.

Chapter 6

"And the Best Dressed award goes to..." there was a pause. "Saphire Grey!" the announcer exclaimed.

I walked on stage and everyone just stared and murmured their agreement. It was oddly nerve-racking, having that many people stare at you.

"Okay, one more dance." the DJ declared.

It, of course, was a slow dance.

"May I have this dance?" I heard someone ask behind me. I whirled around.

It was Zane.


"C'mon, I do deserve at least one dance for setting this up for you two." Zane said.

I looked for Sam and saw him dancing with and insanely beautiful girl. Tall and tan, and wearing a shimmery black and white mini-dress.

"Sure." I replied cheerily.

And we danced.

As it turns out, I am a horrible dancer and Zane is an AMAZING one. Of course.

"I know you've heard this a thousand times tonight and I myself said it twice, but you really do look absolutely beautiful in that dress." Zane complimented as he twirled me.

"Thank you Zane, for everything. Ya know, I used to think you were some-" I never got to finish.

There was a huge crashing noise as the doors were banged down and a strange, monstrous creature barged in. It looked like someone had mixed a man and a bull and took a turn at them with a baseball bat. But everyone kept on dancing.

"No!" I heard Zane whisper. "Crap, I should have known this would happen."

"Wha- what is that?" I ask scared witless.

"You can see that?" Zane asked, amazed.

"Well, duh, it a huge frigging MONSTER!" I snap back.

The thing racked it's horns along the walls of the decorated gym.

This time, everyone stopped dancing.

Chapter 7

The students started running around like a chickens with their heads cut off. They were shouting things like "Gun! Gun!" and "He's gonna kill us all!"

Zane grabbed me and rushed me over and out the back door. Taking something out of his pocket, he turned to me.

"Sahpire, I need you to stay in here, don't tell anyone what you really see. I'll explain everyhting later. . . hopefully."

Before I could even reply, he dashed off, heading into the gym.

I heard a crash. Actually, it was more like an explosion. The doors to the gym burst open and a hurt looking zane stumbled through. He saw a probably horrified looking me, and started running towards me.

He grabbed my hand, not even stopping or slowing down, making me really sprint to keep up with his long-legged pace. Before long, we were far from the school, on a more secluded part of the beach, and I was panting.

I had already taken of my heels, seriously thinking about just dropping them instead of continuing with them in hand. Grrrrrr, I thought, my perfect night just had to be ruined at the very last second, didn't it. And as an added bonus, I have no idea what the flip was going on.

We finally stopped running.

"What the friggin flip was that?" I ask, less than pleasant, as I slide my sparkly silver pumps back on.

"You still have those stupid shoes with you?" he replies, ignoring my question.

"Yes, now answer me."

"That, Saphire, was your first encounter with a monster." he replied.

"Okay... well, what was it?" I say, still moderately confused.

"That, was a Minotaur. Half man half cow or something. I can never remember. That one, however, was smarter than the rest. It got out of there before I got the chance to stick him."

"MINOTAUR!? Oh that is a complete and utter load of CRAP! They're just fantasy, part of Greek mythology. They aren't real!" I nearly shout, waving my arms around like a lunatic.

He grabbed my wrist. "How in the freaking world, did you survive this long without meeting a monster? Your eyes give it all away."

"My eyes?" I say, my arms going slack in his grip.

My eyes have always been different. They were blue, but not the usual pale, dark, or turquoise blue. They were an almost luminescent blue. Kind of like a light on an electronic neon sign. They were dark, but still glowing. I looked into his grey eyes. They had the same light to them, even though they were grey.

"They give away what you are, your godly lineage too." he explained. "I'm guessing Poseidon, or Nix, they both like blue eyes."

"What the friggin cow are you going on about?"


"Inside joke. Now explain."

"You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

"Oh my freaking high heaven, have you NOT heard a SINGLE word I've said?" I snap.

He looks at me wide-eyed. "Your parent didn't tell you?"

"No, my parents

, plural, never told me anything. Just that I was adopted and that my parents died in a fire."

He went white. "No friggin WAY!"

"What?" I ask.

"Your last name isn't Gray, its Graylark. It's a special bird Zeus created. You, you have NO idea how special, and dangerous, you are. You have a mix of godly blood. Meaning you have more than one godly parent. They Script says that 'She will appear when the time is right, danger and tension stretched too tight. Daughter of moon, daughter of sun, only to rest when the war is won. Lesson to learn, life to live, safe only when the gift you give. Save the gods, save the Mount. Only then will the Children account.' You're the one that will make or break the demigod populace.

I start to feel lightheaded.

"Saph-" I don't hear the rest as I feel my head hit sand.

Chapter 8

When I wake up, the world is bobbing up and down. I groan.

"Oh thank the gods you're okay. You fainted. We can't go back home for a while, but I do have a hideaway, so I think we'll be okay."

That's why my vision was moving, I was in his arms and he was running.

"I think I can walk." I mumble.

"I hate to say this, but I personally don't think you can. No offense."

"Is my dress okay?"

"Are you really worried about your dress?" he asks, awestruck.

"Yes," I say defensively. "I am. I love this dress. Hunter picked it out."

"Well, he did a good job, and it's fine, hardly any sand got on it. Your hair, however, now that's a different story."

I move an arm to my hair. The curls have long since flattened and some of my pins had fallen out. Zane laughs.

"What?" I squeak.

"It's just so weird that your worried about your hair. It's kind of refreshing actually. Most girls I actually know, well, let's just say they don't realize that black beat up armor isn't really all that fashion forward."

Ugh, my head hurts too much to process this.

"We're here." Zane murmmurs in my ear as he sets me on my feet.

"I think it's just you and me, my previous guest cleared out yesterday."

I nod.

When we walk in, I gasp.

Chapter 9

The house is decked out, even though it only has two rooms. Everywhere are paintings of Greek gods and goddesses. The house is painted to look like marble and the curtains are draped in a sheer fabric, with deep red swoops at the top. The place was gorgeous.

"You like it?" Zane stands next to me.

All I can do is nod.

"C'mon, I'll show you the guest room, you can call your parents and tell them you'll be back Sunday afternoon."

"Wait, it's Friday. Are we spending all weekend here?" I ask, freaking out a little.

"Yup." he replies, popping the 'p'. "We are, otherwise, there's a pretty decent chance that Minotaur and friends will find us and essentially, kill us or we'll kill it."

"Kill?" I squeak.

His face softens as he steps over and wraps me up in his arms, giving me a hug. "I know this is hard on you, but I'll get us through this, I swear I will. I'll protect you, I won't let them get you. Monster or Titans."

"Titans?" I already have the'uh-oh' feeling before I faint. Yes, I do tend to faint, a lot, when things get. . . weird.

"You know, cast down to the pits of Tartarus." he says, with me still in his arms.

A shiver races along my spine. I remember Greek mythology well enough. I went through what my adoptive mom calls a 'phase', where I pretty much obsess over one topic or another. Of course, my obsession with mythology lasted longer than the usually month or two. . .

I feel Zane stiffen. "Get down." he whispers. "One of them is close by. We need to hide, fast."

What seems like a millisecond later, I find my self squished against his chest in a coat closet, fluffy fabric pushing us even closer. Zane pulls that shiny thing out of his pocket. I hear him murmur something in what sounds like Greek. The object elongates, becoming a silver and crystal sword.

A loud bang.


Chapter 10

I spent the next hour or so tending to all of Zane's scrapes and bruises. The boy really knew how to get himself hurt.

After I finished with his face, I moved on to his arms.

"Shirt off." I commanded when it was time to check out the wounds on his chest and back.

He glared at me, not budging.

"Off." I said with more force.

"Okay, just, don't faint." he sighed.

I sucked in a sharp breath.

His back looked lacerated, not to mention his torso. He was absolutely covered in cuts and gouges.

"Zane. . ." I whisper as I dab at his back.

He gasps. I immediately stop what I'm doing. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? What can I do?" I let out in a stream.

"It's fine. Just stings a little is all." he replied.

I pressed my cloth back onto his cuts, trying to clean away as much of the blood as I could.

As soon as I was done, he slid his shirt back on. "C'mon, let's go see your room."

He took my hand, leading me down the hall.

"Okay," he said. "Close your eyes."

I heard him open the door. He lead me forward and I felt myself step on plush carpet.

"Open." he whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes.

the room was absolutely gorgeous. It was painted a pale blue with silver and pearl accents. It reminded me of the ocean. I looked out the window to find the best view of the sea ever.

"It opens out onto a private porch." Zane said, opening the french doors.

I was absolutely speechless.

"I take it from the look on your face that you like it." Zane said, resting his hands on the cute little railings surrounding the porch.

"Like it? I love it!" I squeal, coming up behind him and giving him a big hug.

He turned around and hugged me back. "Glad you like it Fire."

Believe it or not, but I actually blushed. This was so not how I expected to be spending my Friday night. I should be laying on my bed and on the phone with Hunter.

Crap. I forgot to call my mom.

"Crap," I say. "I forgot to call my mom. And Hunter's probably worried out of his mind. Do you have a phone, mine kinda got lost at the dance."

"Of course. Just tell your mom your at a friends. As for Hunter, well, he should know exactly what happened at the dance, so you can just tell him your with me." he replied.

"Wait, what about Hunter?" I say putting up a hand.

"Hunter's a son of Athena, we went through archery training together." he replied, taking my hand and placing it at my side.

Hunter was really in for it.

Chapter 11

"Hello?" I hear Hunter's voice.

"Hunter, it's Saphire." I say, monotone.

"Let me guess, Zane told you?" he sighed. "I'm sorry Fire, I didn't know how to. . . tell you. Or if you'd even believe me. Please, understand."

"Ugh, fine, but when I get back, you're going to get a good talking to mister." i joke.

He laughed. "Be safe Fire."

"You to. Bye."

"Bye." he hung up.

My mom answered on the second ring.


"Hi Mom, I'm staying at a frineds till sunday, is that okay?" I ask, hoping she'd be cool about it. She usually is.

"Of course not! Especially after that maniac came to your school with a gun. Sweetie where are you, I'll come pick you up."

"Mo-o-o-om please? It's just till Sunday?" I plead.

I heard her sigh. "Saphire, okay, just call, a lot. Bye sweetie, have fun." she agreed. Heaven only knew how much I loved that woman.

Zane gave me a quizzical look after I hung up. "Well, we are all good. I just have to call my mom. A lot."

He smiled a crooked smile. "Great. We better get some sleep. While we're here, I want to get some training done, you need to know how to defend yourself."

I nodded. "Night Zane."

"Night Fire." he said as he walked in.

I stayed out for just a little longer, relishing the sight of the moon on the water. I sighed, I really should get some sleep. I decide to head in, the porch will still be here tomorrow.

By the time I finally fell asleep, it was somewhere around midnight or one. Ugh, morning was going to be here way to soon.

Someone was shaking me. I rolled over and stuck a hand out, trying to keep whoever it was away. The shaking stopped, but now there was light. I groaned and stuffed my head under my pillow.

"Holy crap, do you ever

wake up?" I heard Zane say.

Crap, I think as I remember last night. I bolt up. Zane, who was kneeling over me, fell off the bed.

"Sorry." I got between spurts of laughter. His face was turning bright red from laughing so hard. I reached out a hand to help him up. As soon as he grabbed my hand, he pulled me down onto the floor with him.

The laughing continued.

After a few minutes Zane stopped laughing. "Saphire, what the frigging CRAP are you wearing?" he burst out.

"What?" I blush "They're just yellow Soffe shorts and a black camisole. It's not, like, bad."

"But they're so. . . short." he blushed, actually blushed.

I laughed.

If possible he blushed even harder.

I got up. "Well, unless I wear my dress, I have no other clothes." I say as I stretch.

"Good thing I have money. C'mon, I'll take you shopping." He says, staying on the floor.

I squeal. "I must warn you though, I do tend to be indecisive."

He chuckled. "Well, I hate to play Dad, but I'm not letting you out of this house with that on. Where did you get it anyway?"

I let out a little giggle of my own. "I had the camisole on under my dress, but the shorts, I left in my purse, that doubles as my overnight bag. Lucky too."

Zane nods. I grab my dress and head for the bathroom.

When I came out, Zane just stared at me.

"I will never get over how good that dress looks on you." he complimented.

My turn to blush. "C'mon, I need some shoes I can actually walk in."

Zane smiled.

Chapter 12

I had a mental list of 'Needs" for shopping. A good pair of tennis shoes and flip-flops, durable pair of jeans, and a just a few plain V-neck T-shirts. And a pair of exersise shorts for 'training'. that should last till sunday.

"Oh and by the way, I'm getting you new pajamas that I will be picking out." he said as we entered the first strore.

A long hour later, or to Zane at least, my shopping had finally been done.

"Now what about you, do you have clothes?" I ask as we started out walk home.

"I always keep a weeks worth of suplies, clothes included, there. That house, believe it or not, gets quite a bit of use." He said.

"Oh, good. Still I think we should go shopping for you, it's only fair." I said, batting my eyelashes.

"Nope, my savings has already been conseiderably depleted." he said.

I laughed. "Sorry about that."

"No problem." He replied.

When we got home, I immediately changed, wanting to wear regular clothes again.

There was a knock on my door. "Come in." I said, setting my sketch pad on the bed.

"Time for training." Zane said as he walked in. "Wow, you're really good."

He picked up my pad and flipped through it. "You don't happen to play an instrument do you?"

"Yeah, I play, piano, flute, clarinet, and violin. Oh, and guitar." I said, listing my very loved collection of instruments.

"Apollo." he murmured. "How are your grades?"

"Straight A's." I said, suspicious.

"Athena too. Are you a night person?" he continued.

"Mm-hmm." I replied.

"Nix. Do you like the ocean?" he said, focusing his gaze on me.

"Love it, and the sky." I said, thinking about all the time i spent on the beach and staring up at the clouds.

"Zeus and Poseidon. Wow, looks like you have quite the mix of blood Fire. You need to be careful, our world is going to want to eat you alive. I will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. Now let's get training. We'll start with archery." Zane said, serious again.

I was surprisingly good at archery. And knife throwing. And sword fighting. I looked at my hands. "What the-"

"It's natural. Athena is the goddess of warfare too, so you'll have more of a talent with weapons and fighting. Don't worry about it." he said nonchalantly.

Great. I'm a freaky half-ling thing, with semi-creepy abilities, and now, I'm scared of myself. Why did this have to happen to me?

"Saphire, It's going to be okay. You don't need to be scared, you can protect yourself. It's gonna be fine." My face must have shown my emotions again.

I sighed. "It's not that. It's just- argh, I'm so- well- I guess I'm just scared

of myself now. I mean, c'mon, as of right now, I think I could officially kill around eight people in five minutes flat. I don't want to be able to do that, I don't want to be so- so- violent. I scare myself Zane, that's not right." My voice progressively got quieter until the last little bit was nothing more than a whisper.

Zane's face softened. I closed my eyes. Before I could even open them, I was in Zane's arms. Again. "It's going to be okay. Trust me when I say I know the feeling. We all do. It gets better though. Maybe I'll let you meet some of the others in this area. It's gonna be okay."

For some odd, odd reason, my emotions lately had been going overboard, and a second later, my eyes were filled with tears and Zane's shirt was slowly getting soaked. I buried my face in Zane's chest, life was suddenly so weird. My best friend, my worst enemy, me, all the same thing? So freaking me out right now, plus, my emotions decided to stack up against me, and I was now officially balling. Then again, Zane was being ridiculously nice.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize I was still in Zane's arms till I felt his hands rubbing slow circles into my back, massaging it. I sniffled.

"Thanks Zane, sorry about all the water works, that usually never happens."

He squeezed me, still not letting go. "Maybe we should break, it's lunchtime anyway."

I relaxed a little, letting the rest of the tension roll off my body. Zane still wasn't letting go. And the odd thing was, I kind of didn't want him to. He was so different than the show he put on at school, so much more compassionate, understanding. Real. I leaned into him just a little more.

"You want to know one thing? All that stuck-up-ness, all that sarcasm everyone at school knows me for is just a cover-up. A smoke-screen to prevent monsters from finding me. You know, this is actually where I live right?" He explained, burying his face in my neck. His breathe tickled.

"What about your family? Where are they?" I asked, confusion taking over.

He froze, straightening and dropping his arms. "My mom, she was a demigod too, she died when I was three. Jace, the camp director took me in. When I was ten, he was killed my a monster. I got six years of foster care till I was emancipated when I was sixteen."

I felt my mouth open and quickly snapped it shut. It was my turn to comfort him. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him tight. He once again enveloped me in his arms, only this time, he was the one in need of comfort. I started rubbing his back, just like he did mine, and slowly, I felt him relax.

Zane sighed. "Thanks. You up for some Chinese?" He asked, squeezing me before letting go.

"Sounds great to me." I replied.

"Alrighty, C'mon, we're gonna have to walk there, but it's not far."

Chapter 13

When we got there, the resturant was small, but homey.

"I know it's not much to look at, but trust me, you've enver had chinese until you've had Mae's Flower chinese." He said as he led the way through the entrace.

"Zane," i heard someone with a thick chinese acceent exclaim. "Welcome. Whose this? She's a cutie."

The woman speaking to zane was a little on the older side, and, no matter what, made Zane blush.

"Yup, she's just like us, she's a mix too." i heard Zane say as he conversed with the lady as she lead us to our table.

After we had ordered our food, I asked Zane "Is she one of us too?"

"One of the oldest. We usually don't live past 50 if we're lucky. She of mixed blood like you and me. That means that we have more than one godly parent." He explained.

"Huh, so she runs this place, it's nice. It makes me feel, safe I guess." I replied, taking the resturant in.

"Hate to be the one to break it to you Saphire, but we're never safe. Don't forget that." Zane just had to go and ruin my good mood.

"That's not what I was talking about." I mumbled.

Zane didn't know my history. Nobody did. I've been through several foster houses, all of them hurt me emotionally or physically. I always stayed in the same area, but this was teh first family that actually cared. I've only been wiht them a few days, but i have a feeling this isn't going to last, but this time, I'll leave for a different reason.

"I didn't hear that what did you say?" Zane aske, accusation dripping in his voice.

I shook my head. "You don't need to know." i said.

"I don't need to know? Saphire this is not

the time to be keeping secrets. Don't you get that yet?" I heard the anger flare up in his voice, taking me back to the previous foster family.

I shook my head, trying to clear it. I felt the unfamiliar feeling of tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "I told you, Zane, you don't need to know. This doesn't concern you."

He looked at me like i was a fool. "Doesn't concern me?" he laughed bitterly. "All of our kind have learned that one secret can kill us all. Don't be an idiot Saphire."

I felt like my eyes were about to pour. Getting up, I slowly and deliberatley walked to the girls' bathroom. As soon as the door closed, I dahsed into the closest stall, tears already breaking my hold. Silently, I let the tears fall. When my eyes were dry and no longer puffy, i left the bathroom. Walking past Zane, I opened the door to the resturant, hearing the bell ding, I walked out.

I was halfway down the street when I heard footsteps running after me. I looked over my shoulder. Zane.

"Can't you take a hint? I need to be alone. Just go home." I said, my voice breaking a little.

"Saphire, didn't we just have a conversation on our kind's saftety? If I go home, you're coming with me."

He was closer now. I just kept on walking, keeping my pace even. He grabbed my shoulder. Spinning me around, I slapped his hand away.

"You don't know a thing about me, Zane! Just, leave me alone. Leave me alone." I commanded.

Images of those messed up families ran through my mind. No matter what I tried to think about, they just kept creeping up on me. Fights, fists, words, everything just converged on me.I started feeling dizzy, lightheaded. Closing my eyes I tried to clear my head. Instead, the memories kept coming faster.

I saw black creeping in on the edges of my vision. I was clammy, my throat dry.

"You okay Saphire? You look kind of sick." Zane said.

That was the last thing i saw. The black closed in, and I felt my legs buckle. In the blackness, I remembered the feel of old bruises, scraped knees and arms, and makeup used to hide all of it. I remembered the sting of foundation on a cut, the severe cold of adoptive siblings icing injuries. Those years of pain all built up had finally managed to shatter the walls around them.

When I finally came around, I was laying on Zane's sofa, and he was poking my face. I snatched his hand.

"Unless you feel like being Captain Hook, I'd suggest you stop."

He let out a relieved sigh, wrapping his arms around me. "You have no idea how bad you scared me. You were just standing there, then you just, fell. Don't ever do that a gain."

I moved over a little bit, giving him some sitting room. "You don't have to worry about that. I don't plan on that happening anytime soon."

He squeezed me tighter. "You scared me so bad. I thought a monster had gotten you. Fire, do you have any idea, at all, how horrible that would be?"

I didn't answer. Taking that as a 'please furthur explain' Zane held me even closer. I just let him, feeling my walls crumble even more. I closed my eyes. Deciding to make use of my closed eyes, I felt Zane's lips on mine. Before i had time to react they were gone.

I surpriesed myself when I felt kind of sad. Doing the unthinkable, or so I thought, I reached up, and wrapped my arms around Zane's neck. Zane to the hint, and teh warm pressure of his lips on mine was back.

It only lasted a few minutes before we were interrupted by a loud thump and 'ow' coming from my room.

"Expecting anyone?" I asked.

He nuzzled my neck. "Stay here, I'll go see who it is."

"Jake?!" I hear Zane shout.

Standing up, I went to go check on Zane. Leaning on the door frame, I saw Zane giving this Jake kid a nuggie, ruffling his hair. Jake looked to be no older than seven, yet he looked like a boy that's seen horrible things, but still got through them. I tilted my head back and laughed. Zane was just full of surprises.

Zane looked up, and whipped his arms back to his sides. "Um, Saphire, this is Jake. He's another mix, Athena and Apollo. The mixed older kids get 'little siblings' or younger mixes assigned to them. JJ here is mine."

Bending over, I put my hands on my knees so I was Jake's height. "Hi there Jake, I'm Saphire."

His eyes took on a yellow hue, and he waddled away from Zane and over to me. He rambled out something that sounded like an ancient language. After he finished, he wobbled and nearly fell over had Zane not caught him.

I felt my hands go up to my mouth, taking a step back. "What, just, happened?"

Zane set Jake down on my bed. "He's a son of Apollo, and his mother was a psychic. Because of that, his gift from Apollo was Oracle, whereas most are Muse. He's still training so, sometimes he gets really exhausted, and he still can't controll it that well."

I nodded. "What did he say?"

"He gave you your Greek name, Saffiria. It means gemstone." he replied.

I nodded again. "Hmm, cool, what's yours?"

He blushed a little. "Um, Zosimos. It means survivor."

"Aww, that's so cute. You do tend to survive a lot of things. Why do we have greek anmes?" I reply.

"We usually go by our greek names when we are around any of the Olympians, other demigods, or around greek people. That and when we are around Mythologicals, or the things like Circe, satyrs, and centaurs. Oh, and the House leaders. Especially the House leaders." he answeres.

"Huh, so I guess I got by Sotiria now. Can I, like, go by a nick name for that?" i continue my questions.

"Sure, at the House most the leader just call me Zo."

"Hmm, well, this is kinda cool. Is it still okay if I go by Fire?"

"Considering it's nearly the same name, I'd say so." he answers, smiling.

Chapter 13

Jake decided he need to crash, so I let him sleep in my room. Zane and I sat on the couch, his arm around my shoulders, and my head resting on his chest. We sat there talking.

"Saphire, if it wasn't a monster, then what was it that happened outside of Mae's?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"Well, I haven't necessarily had a nice life, and I kind of freak a little, I guess." I responded.

"Mind explaining?" He murmured back.

"I'm adopted, obviously," I started. "And let's just say that some of the foster parents weren't exactly the best. What happened at Mae's was just that, well, the walls I thought I had built of stone turned out to be paper. And the false feeling of safety was the blade that destroyed them." I whispered, choking up a little.

Zane leaned closer.

"It's okay," he whispered into my ear. "That it hurts. It's okay to be hurt, Saphire, and I'm am so incredibly sorry for what ever happened. I don't know what it was, or what it did to you, but I swear I will never let you experience anything like it ever again.

His breath tickled my neck, and sent shivers through me. I leaned on him, feeling the memories I locked away surge back. I flashed back to an old, awful foster family.

She was horrible, that last foster parent. She was cruel, and terrifying and ancient. Her son the same, as well. I grimaced as I smothered yet another scrape from her gaudy ring in cover-up. The scratches barely left scars, and even if they did, the little white marks were hardly noticeable. I peeped out of my bedroom door. Thomas, Cruella de Vil's son, was watching the hall. I shook. There was no way of sneaking passed him, and he would surely give me a new bruise. I tried anyway.

He stopped me in my tracks, raising his hand to strike me. Then, his mother came up behind him. She told him to stop. That she would do it. That she found a new strategy. I shook even harder. The mad woman grabbed my upper arm, yanking me into the bathroom. I was greeted by a tub filled with icy water, as the door locked behind me.

I shook myself out of the memory. I glanced at Zane, his face full of concern and worry. His chin was still on my shoulder, his arm around me, and his other hand had found one of mine. I was shaking.

"Are you okay?" he whispered, wiping my cheek. Apparently tears had fallen without my permission.

I shook my head no, and leaned my forehead against his. I felt his arms encircle me, and melted into his embrace. I'd only really, truly known him for a day and a half, and he's already become my rock. Zane kissed my forehead, and rubbed my back as I hiccuped. The sun was still suspended int he sky, casting a yellow glow everywhere.


Texte: Yes, I know, another unfinished book, but I assure you, I am working on it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2011

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To my family and friends who encourage my to keep up my writting.

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