
Book One of the Shattered Trilogy

Part One

Chapter One
It All Begins

I am cold. I’m sitting in the shower, glass sliding door closed, bathroom door locked, bedroom door locked, better yet, hope I locked the bedroom door. I know there’s a wolf in my house, but I can’t scream for help, I’m home alone and it would just alert the all too dangerous animal that’s invaded my home. The crash from the wolf shattering the window and the sound of its claws on the wood still decide to replay over and over in my head while I anticipate the worst. I’m really good at anticipating the worst; it’s kind of my thing. Every year on the first day of school I go over the possible cons to even showing up only for the last few minutes. This situation is worse because it’s not a matter of bullies and stuck up girls, but whether or not the wooden doors of my bedroom and bathroom will hold up against the wolf that has destroyed my peace of reading by the fire. Let alone being in my home in Maine. It’s winter, it’s cold, and I live in a house where my back yard is the forest.

As I was doing my job of thinking up the worst possible demises for myself, I heard it. At first it was a quiet knock, and then it got louder. “Are you in here? Sorry about the door.” said the person or thing at my bedroom door. But all I could think was Crap, my parents are going to literally skewer me when they come home and find the back doors crushed and shattered.

All of the sudden “CRAP!” is shouted from this mysterious thing outside my bedroom. I get out of the shower, unlock the bathroom door, and listen. I heard howls, barks, and other sounds coming from the forest. As howls turned to cries and barks turned shouted orders, I realize that these aren’t your average, everyday wolves here, these are werewolves, mythological creatures I’ve only heard in my fantasy novels.

“I know you don’t know me but please unlock the door, let me in and lock it again. PLEASE!” I do as the werewolf asks, as thoughtless as the zombie I feel like. After he’s in my room, I dutifully lock the door behind me. Boy am I going to be dead when my parents get home. Super dead, super, unbelievably dead. “What’s going on out there?” I ask this weird werewolf sitting cross legged on the floor of my room.

“It’s nothing you would understand. Yet alone believe, just trust me, you really don’t want to know the trouble I’ve gotten myself into.” he replies, so much calmer than I am. Right now, all I want to do is hide under my bed and scream my head off. Be rational, Onika. You’re just having an unbelievably weird dream. It’s gonna be alright. I think to myself

“When my parents see this I’m so dead. They are going to skewer me. I am so, so, so, so dead right now.” I say, just to clear up the silence and to make sure I still have the ability to talk.

“That makes two of us who are gonna be dead. The only reason they aren’t coming in is ‘cause I just broke a rule so gigantically important, the others won’t break it even to punish me.”

“How old are you? And don’t say one hundred and four, I know you don’t live forever, you’re a werewolf, not a vampire.” I ask him so that way I don’t feel like I let a complete stranger into my bedroom. It doesn’t work. I’m such a huge moron.

“I’m fifteen. And how’d you know what I am?”

“Me too, and I’m the super fan of fantasy of all fifteen-year-olds. I eat it up, helps me cope with the blah my life is, it adds a hint, even if it’s fake, of excitement to my life.” I reply truthfully. Besides, why would it matter that this guy knows I’m the super nerd of the school?

“Ah. Well, how ‘bout helping me get out of your room completely unnoticed by the over-confident, too controlling, morons outside?” he asks.

I decide I like this mysterious guy that randomly popped into my life. He has all the action I wish I had. Then I start to think about his offer. It would be nice to do something exciting for a change and I could use a good brain working. “It’s a go. But first, what’s your name?” I respond. I figure it’s best to know his name if I’m really going to be helping him “escape”.

“Erin Stronghart. Yours?”

“Onika. Onika Fasthand.” I answer.

“Great, now that we know each other’s names, we can start hatching a plan. Any ideas?”

“That depends, we could use the window that pretty much goes straight to the forest, or we could try and get you into the garage where you can have access to the neighbors and city.”

“The city would be better. After all, we are part wolf. They’d expect me to try and go home.”

“It’s decided then. I’ll check the hall, you follow and ba-da-bing, ba-da-boom, your free as a dove.” I say, just a bit too cheery.

“What are you going to do though? With your house such a wreck, your parents will kill you. It’s my fault too.” he says. Okay, now I absolutely L-O-V-E, love, Erin. He’s nice, doesn’t care that I am a huge book nerd, and has a caring, kind side. Plus he’s kind of cute.

“I honestly don’t know. Roll with the punches I guess. My parents will make me buy the new glass panels for sure. Guess I better start saving.” I try and joke. All it accomplishes is a deep furrow of his brows and a sad face an angel would be jealous of. Not to mention his shabby but absolutely adorable light brown hair falling slightly into eyes. Eyes that just happened to be hazel, gold flecked, and full of emotion.

I don’t even know it, but some of my jet black hair has fallen into my eyes, my dark, secretive eyes. He moves to brush it away but I think he’s going to attack and jerk back. In the end, it just causes more of my long hair to hang in my face and his brushing it away. I realize he is oddly warm, then remember I’m cold from sitting in the shower for so long.

“Wow you’re cold. We should get you warmed up before we even think of unlocking that door.” Erin says protectively. Not that I mind, it would be nice to feel my toes again.

“Why are you so cold in the first place?”

“Well, when I heard the doors break I made a run for the safe haven of the shower in my bathroom. I guess sitting on tile for twenty minutes doesn’t do too well for body heat.” I say, pointing towards the bathroom door in my room.

“I guess that’s another thing that’s my fault too. Man, I feel like a freaking horrible person right now. First, I put you in danger by entering your house trying to get away from bad people, you’re freezing cold, your parents are going to be breathing fire when they get back, and now you’re helping me escape, putting yourself in danger, again! I am such a bad person!” he seems truly angry with himself to the point that it plays on my sympathies. That doesn’t happen too often. I’m the black-loving, stone-cold, nerd no one really takes the time to get to know. Now it’s my turn to feel bad.

“It’s not your fault. You were just trying to protect yourself and quite frankly I’m glad you did ‘cause you saved me a boring night with a vampire novel.” I reply trying to cheer him up. It’s not going so well. I get another extremely cute sad face, and I’m pretty sure he thinks my paleness is from being cold even though it’s completely natural. Another thing about me is I don’t get out much and when I do, I only am going to a bookstore down the street to see if there’s anything new in the “Fantasy/SyFy” section.

I decide I’m warm enough. “I’m good now. Let’s get you out of here.” I say, trying to get the plan moving.

“Fine, but how are you going to deal with your parents?” he asks ever so kind, and caring.

“That’s easy. Tell them some kids were in the woods throwing rocks, one hit the window, shattered it and I didn’t know what to do. When the yelling starts, tune it out as usual, and start saving. I always end up paying if something gets broken.” I answer. Hey, I’m not lying when I say I pay for everything. I learned how to manage money that way. Not to mention my parents see my twin brother as an absolute angel. What with his sandy blonde hair, turquoise eyes, and smile that makes sugar look pathetic as far as sweetness goes. I love him but I hate him.

“Do things get broken a lot around here? I’d hope not, for your sake.” he says curiously.

“Nah, just when my twin brother decides to break out the football. People don’t see how he’s my twin though.” I answer honestly. And people don’t, they think he was born before me because he’s so tall, 6’0” to be exact.

A tap on the windows startles me into letting out a squeak. Man, I’m really out of character today. First, letting a stranger into my room, actually having a conversation with him, helping him escape, and now squeaking? What’s wrong with me today?

“It’s okay. It’s just my best friend, John. He knew I wanted to leave the pack, helped me do it, and is now just checking to make sure I made it. He’s a good guy, gentle too. No need to be scared.” Erin explains while I scoot to the corner.

“Mind if I let him in?” he asks as he gets up and walks towards the window.

“Well, if he’s as nice as you say, sure why not. I’ve already let you in here.” I say with a sigh. This is going to be one weird night. The doorbell rings, I look at my watch. OH NO! I think. It’s 8:30, and my parents are at the door, home from the basketball meeting. They’re with my brother. Basketball is the one sport he can actually play without breaking anything.

“Who’s that?” Erin asks. Johns already in my room, and Erin is tense beside me.

“Relax Erin, it’s just my parents. And it’s my turn to be freaking out. Not yours.” I say, yet another sigh escapes my lips

“Stay here.” I command. “I’ll get rid of them. You two, just hide. Anywhere.” I say the last bit with reluctance. I have secrets too. Like my many song journal and guitar no one knows about

Then there’s a muffled “Ouch.” probably from Erin, he is the one in my closet, where my guitar and music is. Erin comes out holding a guitar. Yup, it was his “ouch” alright. I spin on my heel and bound out, nearly desperate to get to my parents.

Chapter Two
The Escape

“Hi sweetie. How are you?” my mom asks in the same cheery, I’m-the-best-mom voice of hers.

“I’m great. But, some kids were throwing rocks in the woods, yah; the family room doesn’t look so pleasant anymore.” I say, explaining the doors before they see them. My brother just mouths “wow”, holding out the “o”. Yup, that’s him, my annoying, sarcastic brother… but I have to love him, after all, we are family.

“My goodness!” exclaims my father. Well, so much for trying to get away lightly.

“That must’ve been some rock. Well, at least you’re okay. But,” there’s the “but” I was expecting. “We know it wasn’t your fault but you were the only one here. Where’s your cash?” my mother says, seeming slightly depressed. My brother is just silently gliding towards the office. The sneaky jerk, probably deleting an email about his report card.

“I don’t have enough, but I will in about two months.” I say, silently sighing in my head. There goes getting another guitar.

“Well okay then, that’s settled. Your father and I will be in our room if you need anything.” my mother says drifting towards my dad. Probably discussing my “bad behavior”. Psh, whatever, I’ll just take it anyway. I head towards my room, thinking about the questions Erin and John will have. Great, now I have even more explaining to do, just peachy.

“Why do you have a guitar?” Erin asks me. The truth is, I kind of don’t want to tell him. Its always been my little secret. But who’s he going to tell? “I bought it last year, taught myself to play, and, well, played while I was home alone. In fact, right before you busted in, I was going to play a little. No one knows about it so, please, just put it back where-“John cuts me of. “Hey what’s this?” he holds up my latest song book.

“You always were/were there for me.” he sings. Okay, I admit it, I don’t like john. He just sang part of a private song out loud. Uh-uh, you just don’t do that. Not to me anyway.

“Please, just put it back. No one knows about this stuff and I’d like to keep it that way.” I plead impatiently. I am officially loosing it. I’m crazy, off my rocker, nuts, whatever you call it, I’m that.

“Why do you want to keep it a secret? Your family should know your interests, shouldn’t they?” Erin asks. Man, this guy just won’t stop caring and looking out for random people, will he? I kind of like it. It’s nice to know a person who actually spent time to get to know, even just a little piece, of me, I like it. It’s a good feeling.

“I keep it a secret because… my family isn’t ever here, my parents are always out pampering my brother and leaving me to take care of the house. They’re always out doing something they feel is more important than their son’s twin. I’m raising myself!” Okay, I may have raised my voice a little but I’m in my room, on the first floor, my parents are on the second and I can hear Trevor, my brother, blasting music, no one’s going to hear me, let alone pay attention to me.

“At least your family didn’t kick you out because of what you are.” Erin mumbles. He doesn’t know I heard it but, I heard it. And I feel terrible. John’s just staring at us, not even knowing he’s making me feel worse. I go over and actually hug Erin.

“Sorry. I’m so sorry. Guess there’s always people worse off than me.” I tell him, trying to make him feel better. It does and he returns the hug.

“Now that your parents and brother are here, I don’t suppose we’ll be able to leave.” Erin says.

“I can. The pack doesn’t hate me, just you. I’m out. See you later Erin.” John says as he opens my window and crawls out. Great, what am I supposed to do now?

“Well, guess I’m stuck here until morning.” Erin sighs. A thought hits me.

“Actually you could go wolf and run your butt off.” I tell him. The next thing I know, Erin is in my bathroom closing the door. Dang, that went well, better than I expected at least.

I hear whimpers at the bathroom door. I go over and open it. Sure enough, an Erin-hair colored wolf is just sitting there, looking at me. Well, I guess I could’ve expected this.

“You do know I was just kidding, right?” I look at him, sigh and help him through the window and he’s gone, running his furry hide off, just like I said.

I go down stairs and find my mom looking at the remains of the glass door to our backyard of forest and a little meadow-like patch of grass that would be our lawn. I can only imagine what she’s going to say to me now. I’m guessing something like “goodness Onika” or “Why did you let this happen” what she does say surprises me.

“It’s a Friday. You’re going to tape up a piece of plastic over that gaping hole, and sleep out here to make sure no one decides to break in. Plus it will be extra cold tonight so that helps your punishment as well.” she says, no emotion on her face or in her words.

“What!?” is all I can say. This totally shocks me. It wasn’t even my fault. It’s not like I can see the future.

“Does dad know?” I say just as emotionless as she was.

“He wanted you to sleep out here till Sunday night.” she turns and leaves me with a roll of duct tape, a plastic sheet the size of our door, and a few blankets. I just stand there, stunned, scared, and a little hurt. But, dutifully, and number than a dead person, I tape up the plastic, make a bed of the chaise, turn out the light and lay there thinking. How could my parents think this would help. What was wrong with them. Or was it me?

Around 11:00 pm, I pad to my room, grab my guitar, journal, and pencil, go back, and write the music flowing through my head. A tap on the plastic makes me freeze but it’s just Erin. I wonder what he’s doing back and why isn’t he already far away? I think.

“Erin? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way to Canada by now?” I question.

“They caught me and I ran back here. You’re really good at the guitar, you know that?” he tells me.

“Well, apparently you’re a fast runner too.”

“Hey, don’t be hating on the werewolf.” he smiles and I suppress a laugh.

“Sh. Keep your voice down, I’m on punishment right now, my family sees you here and I’ll be sleeping outside for a month.” I warn. It’s true too. If this is just for not preventing “kids” from breaking the window, having a guy in the house will be ten times worse.

“This is your punishment? Sleeping in the family room and having to put plastic over the door?” he asks, showing his curious but caring side.

“Yah. My parents said that if I broke the window I should keep watch and make sure no one tries to break in. I really honestly don’t think anyone noticed our back door isn’t solid anymore.” I say, explaining the oddity of my punishment.

“You gotta keep watch and you’re gonna freeze.”

“I figured. Oh well, irrational parents are just that way. Too odd to decipher.”

“I know, trust me, I know.”

“Oh, yah, sorry.” I move over into a sitting position and gesture for him to sit. He’s helped me get a lot of my chest, maybe I can help him. He gives me a quizzical look.

“Hey, you helped my get a lot of my chest maybe I can help you.” I say, he just shrugs and sits down.

“Okay, what’s on your mind?” I ask him.

“That I’m a bad person for asking so much of a complete stranger and making them get in heaps of trouble for my stupid actions. Plus I just can’t believe I met someone who kind of understands me, not that I mind it, it’s just that I’ve never had a friend besides John. You did see him just ditch me right?” he lets out.

“Okay here’s what I think. One, you’re one of the nicest, most caring, kindest, understanding people I’ve met. Two, I really don’t care that I got in trouble. Three, I know, I feel the same way. And four, yes I did see him ditch you and I thought he was a jerk for leaving when the going gets tough.”

“Really? Wow, you are really good at this, did I mention that?” he answers

“Did I mention you compliment faster than the wind?” we laugh, louder than I realized because he stiffens, gets up and leaves. I jump for the remote, turn on the TV and act like it was funny.

“What were you laughing at?” my mom asks, totally unaware that Erin was here.

“I was watching a funny show sorry.” I lie. She gives me the evil eye and leaves. Apparently I must suck at lying. After the coast is clear, Erin comes back in trying not to laugh at my horrible lie. Dang, even he’s laughing, must’ve been pretty funny. He comes over and sits next to me.

“You stink like moldy cheese at lying.” he jokes, I lightly punch him in the shoulder

“You’re still in my house buddy.” I retort. He chuckles and I just sit there smiling like a goon. Erin is so unbelievably like me it’s hard to believe he’s real, not just my imagination run wild. A thought hits me does he ever go to school?

Chapter 3
Werewolf in My Class

When Monday comes I go to school as usual. Only this time when I am walking through the grass to wait by the door, I see Erin, talking to John. I walk a little closer but not enough for them to notice. Erin is standing there with John, looking just like any other student here. Then I realize I have seen Erin here before. I saw him once, coming through the back door, looking like he was hoping no one saw him. Just as I finish this memory, John and Erin come over to me.

“Wow, I didn’t know we went to the same school.” Erin says faking a surprised look.

“I didn’t even know you guys went to school. If that was a competition, I just won.” I reply. These past few days have just kept getting weirder and weirder.

“You may have won that time, but I win on doing the most over the weekend. I ran what felt like a hundred miles Friday, Saturday and Sunday combined.” he says with sarcastic competitiveness.

“Saturday was day of a thousand chores for me so, yah, you win, big time.” I say. He really does win; I know I probably would not be happy having to do that.

“You seriously had to do chores to pay off something I did?”

“Well it’s not like I can tell them, ‘Hey mom, hey dad, the widow’s broken ‘cause a werewolf jumped into it and his name is Erin and he’s sitting in my room waiting for me to go back and help him escape the over controlling leaders of his pack.’ now can I. So please, just do us all a favor and stop feeling guilty. You’re making me like black even more.” I say, exasperated that I still have to tell him this. He and John totally crack up, doubled over, laughing. A huge smile breaks across my face and I laugh to.

The bell rings and we all start the day off by entering the school building laughing together, stopping, and then starting all over again. I walked into first hour and sat down to one of my few friends, Samantha, Sam for short.

“So, who were those two totally hot guys you were walking in with?” she questioned once I sat down.

“Just some friends I made over the weekend. They’re totally awesome. The one with the light brown hair and hazel eyes is Erin, the other one with the dark reddish brown hair, freckles and blue eyes is John.” I say, explaining the whole who’s-who deal before she asks.

“Well, whatever happens, I get John.” Sam answers playfully.

As the day goes on, I wait until we get to wait outside to get picked up, walk or drive home. When we finally get ushered out of last hour, I catch a glance of Erin and John walking together and lock eyes with Erin, passing the silent message of ‘meet me outside’. When we can finally catch up to each other most of the juniors and seniors have gone and about a third of the kids left walk home, so the crowd has depleted quite a bit.

“Man, I never knew a day at school could seem so friggin’ long.” Erin says as we walk towards each other, forming our threesome.

“I know. Oh, and by the way, John, my friend Sam thinks you’re amazingly hot. I’ll have to introduce you guys to her.”I reply. Sam walks over and gives me a look that says introduce me now please.

“And here come Sam herself. John, Erin, this is my friend Sam.” I say with a fake formality.

“What, I don’t get ‘best’ in front of that ‘friend’ anymore?” she asks with a sarcastic frown.

“Fine, my ‘best’ friend, Samantha Whitehaven.” as I reintroduce her she gives a flip of her medium length, dyed-black, red streaked hair. She decided one day she wanted black hair so she dyed it. She decided we’d be twins even though my color was natural and hers wasn’t. Plus she had red streaks and I was still just black and all natural.

“That’s quite a friend you have there.” Erin whispers in my ear. I smile and hold back a chuckle.

“You got that right. She sure is one of a kind.” I whisper back. John and Sam look like they’re in their own world. Talking about good books they’ve read, what they like to do, and opinions on stupid get-to-know-me stuff.

“She’s good for him. It’s like when crazy and outgoing meets shy and sophisticated.” Erin tells me once we’re sure Sam and John are in a world of their own. Sam’s mom pulls up, and Sam gives John the “I got to go but see you tomorrow” look, shrugs and gets into the passenger seat of her mom’s car. As they pull away John waves and trots back over to us.

“Wow, she sure is something isn’t she?” John mumbles to himself, still looking dazed as ever.

“Well, let’s walk and talk now, shall we?” I ask, nearly desperate to get home before my parents. As we walk away from the front, I realize that Erin doesn’t really have a home to go back to and neither does John.

“Hey guys, got a place tonight?”I ask them, truly worried that they might be roughing it.

“Well, for starters we got to moving to keep them off our trail and second, nah we don’t just a really big tree here and there.” he replies nonchalantly

“Well, you can’t stay at my house all night… but you can be there till around six-thirty.” I offer up. But of course they reply with a sigh and a fading no.

“Well, if not for your benefit then just to hang out. Seriously, it’s not like Sam can hang out everyday and I really don’t feel like reading or-” I cut myself off, knowing I was about to give away something Erin knew, but not John. Seeing as when I was explain that to Erin, John was zoned out and snooping around my room.

“Or what? Play a little guitar; sing a little here and there.” Erin teases, but he doesn’t know that it really made me angry. Just then John looks at me, laughs, and runs of towards the trees, yelling at Erin to not wait up. Erin just looks at me and chuckles

“Oh, shut up, Erin.” I tell him.

“Just to let you know, I win.” he tells me and smiles. I just walk on, him right on my heels.

When we get home, my mom is sitting on the sofa cutting coupons out of the newspaper. She looks up and gives the is-there-something-I-should-know-about look that almost every kid hates.

“Hey mom, you’re home early.” I say trying to fill the void of awkward silence.

“Got off work early, who is this?” she asks pointed, quickly, and slightly upset.

“This is Erin Stronghart; we both go to Creston High School. Mom, this is Erin, Erin, this is my mom.” I say introducing them to each other. Erin smiles and waves but, my mom, being my mom, just gives him the evil-eye and goes back to coupon clipping. I show Erin around the house and finish with his most familiar room; mine.

“As you know, this is my room.” I finish.

“Ah yes, the room we hid in after I totally destroyed your door.” he says with just a hint of guilt in his voice.

“Oh seriously, you’re still stuck on feeling guilty about that?!” I retort. He really needs to get over that.

“How can I not, you have to pay for it!” he says, aggravated that I’m not getting the point.

“I get your point… but I don’t think you’re getting mine.” I tell him.

“Fine. What’s your point?” he asks, heaving a huge sigh

“My point is that I really couldn’t care less whether or not I have to pay for the stupid thing and you really need to stop worrying and feeling bad. If you don’t you’ll turn bitter and hate yourself. So be a man and forget about it.” I said matter-of-factly. He looked up and gave me a cute I-give-up you-win smile.

The next hour or so we spent in my room. Erin begged me to teach him a little guitar.

“C’mon, it won’t be too hard.” he said. “I’m a quick learner.”

“Fine.” I give in. “but your gonna start where I did.” I finish

“Alright, and where was that?” he asks.

“Does the pitch get higher as you go up or down the string?” I question.

After a while of him moving around his fingers on the guitar he answers “Down. At least I think.”

“Wow, you are a quick learner.” I say. I was pretty surprised that he got it so fast. Most people think it would get higher as it went up. After another half hour or so, I was already teaching him chords.

“Okay, I think I got that down. What’s the easiest song you know?” Erin inquired.

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I reply. Before I know it, he’s got it down.

“You’re a natural. Either that or you’re the fastest learner known to man.” I congratulate him.

“Just one of the many wolfie perks. Plus I have the best teacher ever.” he tells me.

After that little compliment fest, no more playing is done. Instead, Erin just gazes at my face, more specifically, my eyes. I can feel myself turning beet red. Just part of my unmistakable blush I think to myself. The funny thing is, I’m gazing back at him. His gold flecked, hazel eyes that look like they’d understand anything just staring back at me. The silence wasn’t awkward; it was just silence, almost a comfortable silence. I was the first to look away though.

I put the guitar back in my closet. Unfortunately, half my composition books fell, the ones I wrote my songs and stories in, my inspiration books. Instead of just falling on the ground they fell on me. Before I knew what was happening, Erin, that good looking Erin Stronghart, was helping me pick them up. About five seconds after he came over, we had one of those classic moments where the two people bend over to get the same thing and end up hitting their heads together.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. Jeez that must’ve hurt.” I apologize.

“I’ve got a pretty hard head. I think the question is: are you okay?” he asked

“Yah, I’m fine.” I answer. Just as I was getting up, the other half of my composition books fell. Before I knew it, the corner of my forehead had a newly obtained bruise on it.

Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it until Erin put his finger on. That definitely got my attention, and a rightful ‘ouch’ along with it. Erin grabbed me into a bear-hug and I had no choice but to hug him back, after all, this was Erin we were talking about. He buried his face in my hair.

“That’s it, no more book picking up for you.” he whispered into the top of my head. “I hate seeing you with a bruise on your forehead.” he said.

“I really don’t care if I have a bruise on my head; I’m pretty comfy where I am.” I mumbled into his chest ‘cause he is a little more than a head taller than me. That and I was pretty comfy. Then, a realization hit me. I knew I’d only known Erin since Friday and it was only Monday, but I started to crush on him. He was the first guy to really get to know me and he was the first guy who actually liked me as a person. Maybe I just liked him because he was a good person or maybe not, but I did like him, a lot.

After a few more minutes, he started to break away. Not much but a little, then I realized it was just to stare down at me. I didn’t have a problem with that and I just gazed up at him. Sadly, I heard my mother coming down stairs. In a matter of seconds, I had my guitar and composition books stuffed away in my closet. Just in the nick of time too, because two minutes later, my mom knocked on my door.

Chapter Four
Totally Crushing

“You’d better get him out of her, Onika, before your father gets home.” my mother said sternly. For some unknown reason she did not like Erin, not one bit.

“Mom, I’m fifteen. I think I’m allowed the right to have guy-friends. Besides, if you got to meet him, so should Dad.” I say, hoping she’ll give in.

She didn’t, of course she didn’t.

“Do you want to be sleeping outside then, Onika Faith Fasthand?” my mother said. She never used my middle and last name unless she was really mad. In this case, she was almost to the breaking point, she was so mad.

Then, without a moment’s notice, Dad was in my room.

“Hi, darling, Onika.” my father said my name as if it pained him.

“Who’s this?” he said, hiding his angry surprise.

“This is Erin Stronghart. One of the nicest people ever.” nicer than you’ll ever be, I added in my head.

“Well, if he’s willing to hang around you he can’t be too bad a guy. He can stay.” my dad said.

When my room was all cleared out and it was just me and Erin again, I had no idea what to do.

“Wow, your dad really said that to you?” Erin finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“Said it the first time Sam came over too.” I reply. “Anyway, sorry you had to see that. Definitely not a fun sight when we go at it.” I apologized.

“You forget, I was kicked out of my own house. Nothing fazes me anymore.” he said calmly.

“Well, still, I hate it when people see that stuff. They think that just because my brother is the happy little surfer-wanna-be that I’m perfectly happy too. I’d like to keep it that way. I’m pretty sure you and Sam are the only people that have gotten to see my parents say that stuff.” I said. “Besides, life is life and we got to keep moving.”

Just as I said that last sentence, song lyrics popped into my head. I got up and grabbed a pen and a composition book and started writing chorus first.

Besides, life is life
And we gotta keep on movin’
Nothing’s gonna slow down
Nothing’s gonna slow down
And we gotta keep on movin’
Keepin’ strong

“Hey, what’ve you got there?” Erin asked after a few minutes of my scribbling.

“Oh, just a new chorus, want to read it?” I asked.

“Nah, why don’t you sing it.” He said with a mischievous grin plastered to his face.

So I sang it.

Of course, about two seconds later, Erin decided to have one of his outrageously long complement strings. It got to the point where I decided enough was enough, I really wasn’t that great a singer and I wasn’t gonna sit there and take complements I didn’t deserve.

“Okay, Erin, I think that got your point across. You think I’m a good singer.” I said. “Really, I’m not that great. There are lots of people out there that are a billion times better than me.”

“I’m pretty sure the only person out there that was better than you just were, is Madonna. . . I just figured out how I’m gonna repay you helping me!” Erin said excitedly.

“Oh jeez. Do I even wanna ask how?” I said, maybe going a little indulgent on the sarcasm. He replied anyway.

“I’m going to get you a record deal.”

Part Two

Chapter Five
The Promise

I knew it was really stupid to promise Onika I’d get her a record deal, but she was so good at singing and guitar, and she didn’t even know it. Plus I had no idea what to do to make up for all she’d done for me. After all, crashing through her back doors to get away from Gregory, my old pack’s alpha, then asking her help to stay hidden, I had no idea how I was going to make this one up.

Before I knew it, my thoughts were drifting back to those moments before Onika’s mom burst in. That thought led to another: how is she going to explain the bruise on her forehead? That was yet another thing that was technically my fault too. If I never asked her to teach me how to play guitar, then she never would’ve gotten it out. No matter what, I’m going to get Onika her record deal. She deserves it.

She was so cute when she was focused on her music. Her face seemed to lose all the signs of stress and she seemed at peace. Music was definitely her thing. While I was lost in thought, Onika got up and got her guitar, composition book, and a pen. I just sat there and watched her scribble more lyrics for the song she sang me. I glanced over the page she was writing on. It was something about wanting life to be perfect. She caught me reading it.

“Hey! No reading it until it’s finished.” She commanded as she tucked her book under her pillow.

“Aw, c’mon, just a little sneak peek. Please.” I begged

She just gave one of her more sarcastic looks. She was definitely not one who went down without a fight, definitely not. In return, I gave her my best puppy-dog look. All she did was grin and shake her head no. I shook my head yes. She went back to the sarcastic look. That was when I made a grab for the book under her pillow. She was fast, but I was werewolf fast. I let my “wolfie”, as she would call it, senses kick in. She was still surprisingly fast. Before I knew it, she was on top of me trying to get her book and I was waving it around at my wolf speed trying not to let her touch it.

“Hey! You’re using your wolfie perks! That’s so not fair.” she complained.

“Who said I played fair?” I answered with a grin.

That was when I noticed her bruise was gone. Not just yellowing almost gone, but completely gone, it was like it vanished. I stopped trying to keep Onika’s book away from her. She noticed I stopped but didn’t take the chance to get her composition book back. She just stared at me with a puzzled expression.

I reached out to poke the area where her bruise was. “Your bruise, Onika, it’s gone.” I stammered. I was still trying to put the pieces together.

She hit me with her book. “Are you on something? Of course that stupid bruise is still there I got it like half an hour ago.” she poked the area where her face was bruised. Her eyes widened.

“I told you it wasn’t there.” I said.

“Um, I’m just gonna pretend I never got that bruise. It’ll be our little secret.” she tried to joke, and failed, epically.

“Well, I’m not going to pretend you didn’t get the bruise ‘cause you did get it. I’m going to figure out how it did its little vanishing act.” I said, and I meant it. I was going to get to the bottom of this thing.

“Okay, but for right now, I’m going to get back to what I was doing before I was so rudely interrupted.”

“Oh, and what was that, making faces at me?” I asked, my voice thick with sarcasm. Hey, if she could be sarcastic then so could I.

Onika stuck her tongue out at me. That was another thing she looked super cute while doing. She got off me and sat up.

“Ah, now I can breathe again.” I joked.

“Are you begging me to sit on you again?” she asked, joking as well.

“Nope” I replied, making the “p” pop.

She just smiled at me. I grabbed her into another bear hug, and she buried her head in my chest. I had no idea how long we sat like that but she started to hug me back. She lifted up her head and just stared at me. Her big, dark blue, almost hurt looking, eyes. Eyes that looked like they’d seen the worst and the best. Eyes I could drown in and not even notice it. That’s when I realized something major. I seriously liked her, and I wanted her to like me back. I just wanted to stay like this forever, holding her and staring into each other’s eyes. I’m not one to really like a girl I just met, but Onika was different, she was special, and I couldn’t help but like her.

A tap on the window brought us back to reality. It was Gregory, it was my old Alpha. I hated him. I held onto Onika tighter. I was not going to let this stuck up jerk taker her away from me. Onika just looked up at me, her eyes seemed to be asking the question of who the crap is he and why does he know where I live? and he isn’t going to take you away, is he? I looked away from her and back to the window. I stood up, and Onika followed. I put myself between Gregory, I wasn’t going to let him separate us.

I put a protective arm around Onika, still behind me.

“Gregory, what do you want?” I asked, not caring that my voice was hard as stone. I was almost positive he’d want to take Onika away from me. And I wasn’t going to let him.

The only thing I was worried about was that he was stronger. I was right to worry. He shoved me away and grabbed Onika.

“Well, I see you’ve found quite a lovely flower here.” Gregory said, his voice trying to be sweet. It wasn’t.

“This ‘flower’ knows how to do a roundhouse kick pretty well. In other words, I’d suggest getting your slimy hands away from me or get a broken jaw.” Onika threatened. It definitely wasn’t an empty one either, she meant it.

“Well, I came to take Erin back, he’s in quite a lot of trouble at the moment.” Gregory said smoothly.

“That’s it.” Onika mumbled. She kicked him square in the jaw, and then pushed him back. In a matter of seconds, he was on the floor and Onika was going to check to make sure her parents didn’t hear anything.

“I suggest you leave, if Onika can get you down that fast then you’re clearly outmatched.” I told him

“I don’t ever lose, I suggest remembering that.” he turned on his heel and left the same way he came.

Onika was standing there, shaking. “I really hate that guy.” she said, a scowl on her face.

“Hey, it’ll be okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” I told her.

“And if anyone tries to pull something like that again, a roundhouse kick isn’t going to be the only thing that happens to them.” she said with a smile on her face.

“That’s the Onika I know.” I smiled back at her.

She came over and gave me a hug. She broke away then got out her guitar and composition book out again. She started playing around with a few different chords. What she did next surprised me. She started singing the song she wouldn’t let me see.

When she finished is asked “I thought you said I couldn’t see it.”

“Well, I finished it.” she said with a smile.

“Well, that’s the song you’re going to sing when I get you you’re record deal.” I replied.

“Is that a command?” she asked.

“It sure is.” I smiled.

“You’re the best, Erin.” she told me as she came over and gave me a hug.

I was having the best time of my life, just sitting there holding Onika and feeling safe and wanted. She was the first person outside of the pack to be friendly to me since my change, even my parents thought I was a monster and didn’t want me anymore. It was a different feeling but it was a good kind of different, and I liked it. For once, I felt a feeling of belonging. I wasn’t about to let it slip away. I was going to grab hold and keep hold. I’m going to get Onika her record deal. I promise.

Chapter Six

I was at school again. Onika was in my English class and every day, we sat next to each other, whispering stupid stuff about lame projects and stuck up teachers.

“I really don’t know what’s up with that retarded sub in Mr. K’s class. She’s like the total opposite of him. So FYI, be prepared.” she whispered as we were taking notes.

“Oh c’mon Onika, she can’t be that bad.” I whispered back, a grin threatening to slip onto my face.

“How many times do I have to tell you that all my closest friends call me Nik? You count in that ‘closest friends’ group.” she replied a dead-serious look on her face.

“Fine, “Nik”. I’ll try.” I wanted to add but you’ll always be my Onika.

“Much better.” she whispered right before the snooty Ms. Clinesdale asked her to answer some question on The Lord of the Flies. All I could think was hallelujah she counts me as a close friend!

“Simon represents the Christ figure.” She answered as if she had been paying attention the entire time.

Ms. Clinesdale flushed a bright pink and moved on. She always liked to pick on the unsuspecting, zoned-out kid (or kids in this case) in the back of the room. Lately, Onika, or Nik, and I have been asked lots of question. All of them Nik tends to get right, me, not so much. My mind was screaming at me hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah over and over again. In only about a week, Nik has become one of the most important things in my life. If anything happened to her, I knew I’d blame myself. As that last thought entered my head, another one pushed it out of the way.

What is Gregory up to?

I knew it had to be some horrible way to get me back to the pack. He’d always said I could do things no one else could. And that thought led to another. What’s up with Nik’s disappearing bruise? All these questions kept circling around in my head. I had no idea how I was going to get to the bottom of these things, or if I was going to get to the bottom.

I decided I’d figure out these mysteries after school. A glance at the clock told me that English was over in about five minutes. I started getting everything ready to get packed up like the rest of the kids when Ms. C came over and asked me and Nik to stay after class. Nik just gave her an I’m innocent look while I just nodded my head and continued packing up. The bell rang and all the kids dashed out of the room, all too willing to get away from the ever so strict Ms. Clinesdale. She really was one of the meanest teachers on the campus. And still single after age 50. Was it really any wonder?

“I’ve noticed you two talking in my class and I want it to stop. Next time I see it happening it’s a detention for both of you.” she said sharply and to the point. “To be honest, I expected more out of you, Erin. I guess Onika here has changed you.” she gave a pointed look at Onika. “After all, she has lied to everyone about having naturally black hair. Everyone who’s passed the eighth grade should know that hair can only be variations of brown, never pitch black like hers.” Ms. C started ranting on about how Nik has such bad taste in color and how she feels I need new friends. She was really starting to piss me off.

“Can we go now, we can’t be late for our next class.” I interrupted.

“Yes, go.” she said, looking annoyed.

Nik turned on her heel and I saw a sad, welcome-to-my-suck-y-world look come into her eyes. When Ms. Clinesdale’s door had closed, I put my arm around her shoulders and squeezed her. She looked about ready to sit down and give up on people. She looked like she wanted to cry. Nik just hugged me, like I was the only thing keeping her sane. I felt horrible for her. Even teachers were calling her a bad person. Now that, that just wasn’t right.

“Nik, you know Ms. C is a deranged psycho right?” I told her trying to cheer her up. We had our next (which was also our last) hour together, so I had plenty of time to make her feel better.

“I know, it’s just, I don’t know. All that stuff about hair being only variations of brown, that stuff is true. My hair has been bugging me since I learned about that. My hair couldn’t be called brown, even by a colorblind person.” she said “I just don’t get why I’m so special. Plus, most people with dark hair don’t have blue eyes. Sometimes, I just want to look normal, not like some kind of pigment mishap. I really want to know why I’m so different.” she finished, her tone all the way through was sad and scared.

That’s when I thought of something.

Chapter Seven

Onika’s magically disappearing bruises, unnaturally black hair, amazing blue eyes, it was all starting to fit together. I’d read books about how some people are psychic, and that they tend to look different than everyone else, special. Onika had to be a psychic. Most people would never believe in such things but when you’re a werewolf, you find that everything that you thought was just science fantasy is your reality. Some people wouldn’t necessarily call healing a psychic ability, but it is, and I bet it’s exactly what Onika is. As for what Gregory thought I could do, I have no idea; I’m certainly not anything special.

After school, while we were walking back to Nik’s house, I could tell Onika was getting suspicious about something.

“Okay, spill it. I know you know something.” she commanded after about two minutes of walking.

“I know I’m probably not right and that I might sound crazy but, I think you’re a healing psychic.”I told her.

She just gave me a bewildered, mouth open look. She got herself together, and then went back to bewilderment, mouth agape again. I realized that I wanted so bad to be able to call her mine, to be able to say ‘Oh, Onika, yah she’s taken, by me.’ Nik was kind and amazing and so strong, she could deal with anything and everything. I realized she was staring at me. Suddenly, He’s so cute when he thinks came into my head in Nik’s voice. Oh heck no, there’s absolutely no way I’m a telepath. Bu-u-u-ut, I can use this to find out if she likes me as much as I like her. I started planning. Man, he’s cute no matter what. And he’s the nicest guy ever, man. She sighed mentally.
I could tell that this could be both very, very fun and kind of hard at the same time. But I didn’t mind, I didn’t mind at all. I noticed Nik walking off toward a tree.

“C’mon, I called my parents and told them I was gonna be late ‘cause I wanted to take a detour through the woods. I figured you’d need time to think and I wanted to be here . . . with you.” she said the last part slowly, blushing.

I came over and gave her a quick hug. “You really are the best. No matter what.” I told her.

She smiled and blushed again. We sat down by the tree she was standing at. I got out an extra notebook and jotted down notes and did some quick little doodles. Nik was the musician and I was the crappy artist. She scooted closer to me and glanced at my doodle, it was her in profile.

“Wow, is that me.” she said, a smile creeping into her voice.

“Yah, but it’s not very good.” I replied, getting out my eraser.

She guessed what I was planning. “Hey, don’t erase it, it’s amazing. You’re really good. Better than I could ever be.” she was looking at me when she said it. My pulse sped up as I looked back at her. I put my hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her towards me.

“You’re amazing you know that.” I whispered.

“Not as amazing as you are.” she whispered back.

We were interrupted by someone who decided to go for an afternoon walk.

“Hey, can I take you out soon?” I asked, hoping she’d say yes.

“I’ve been waiting forever for you to say that.” she said with a smile. She leaned forward and gave me a little peck on the cheek. I felt like walking on air. The past few days had just been us and Sam. John was sick and Sam got a ride home so Nik and I always had a little time to ourselves. The rest of the walk to her house was spent holding hands and racing to the ends of blocks.

When we finally got to her house, we were panting and laughing. Nik’s parents still weren’t home and Nik’s twin, Trevor, had basketball practice. Life was good. We sat down on her couch and started watching “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. After all, it was only a few more weeks till Christmas.

A few minutes in, Nik snuggled up close and rested her head on my shoulder.

“This okay?” she asked.

“Yup, it sure is.” I replied, grinning.

She snuggled even closer and I wrapped my arms around her. If I died like this, I’d die happy.

We were half way through when I could hear Trevor walking up the drive. All I could think of was how I so didn’t want these moments to end.

“Hey, Trevor’s home.” I whispered.

“’Kay, cool.” she mumbled.

“Should I go?” I asked, starting to get a little confused.

“No, why would you. He’s just my brother.” she said.

“Alright, I just don’t want to mess things up right now, I’m having the time of my life right now.” I told her and held her a little tighter. In return she buried her head in my neck and mumbled something made indecipherable by my T-shirt.

Trevor walked in. When he looked at Nik and me cuddling on his couch, he got angry, really angry.

“What are you doing with my sister?!” he nearly yelled.

“Well, she invited me over and we watched a movie.” I replied, trying to keep my cool.

“Onika what’d he do to you.” he directed the argument towards her.

“Nothing, Trevor, chill out. Erin’s the nicest guy ever, he’s cool.” she said, trying to get her brother to calm down. It didn’t work.

“Are you just covering for him?!” he bellowed.

He came stalking over to me, his face turning red. He tried to grab my shirt but I anticipated the classic move and grabbed his wrist, turned him around and held his arm behind his back.

“Really guys, nothing happened. We were just watching a movie. Besides, I’ve got a date soon.” Nik said with a smirk.

I let go of Nik’s brother. He just stared at her, bewildered.

“With who?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

“Well, you were yelling in his face a minute ago.” she said sarcastically.

My new friend Trevor didn’t take it so well. He turned red again, and swung a fist in my direction. I caught it and chicken-winged him again. This guy just didn’t learn, did he?

“Nik, I think it’d be best if I left. I’ll see you later, okay.” I said, letting Trevor go again.

Before she could reply, Trevor burst out, “WHAT DID YOU CALL MY SISTER?!”

“Trevor, shut up and back off. I asked him to call me that, Sam does and I don’t see why he shouldn’t. You really need to calm down.” she said, trying to calm the animal. He turned on his heel and stormed up the stairs. Je-e-ez that guy needed a chill-pill.

Nik yelled up, “I’m going for a walk, see ya later.” To me she said, “I don’t know about you, but I wanna leave.”

She tugged my hand and we left.

I started thinking of all the possible things Gregory could be up to. None were pleasant, seeing as good ol’ Greg wasn’t the pleasant type.

Chapter Eight

“So, how ‘bout Friday at five? Whatever you want to do.” she asked me once we got a few blocks away from her house.

“Okay, Friday, five o’clock, picnic?” I asked.

“Absolutely perfect.” she said as she grabbed my hand.

We walked until we got to the park. The parks here were amazing. Some had little streams running through them and others had mini forests. This one, however, had both. Onika started walking towards the frozen stream; I just stood where I was. Then, with all my wolfie sneakiness, I ran up behind her and scooped her up. She jumped and started laughing.

“Jeez, Erin, don’t scare me like that!” she reprimanded me.

I just laughed and held her closer. She wrapped her arms around my neck and shoulder, just like in the movies. Nik had the hugest smile on her face, her hair slightly messed up from my sneak attack.

I slowed to a stop and set her down. She looked so happy, so at home here.

“You come to the park a lot?” I asked her.

“When I was little it was my favorite place in the world. Nothing is as calm as a park in the middle of winter.” she said, her tone turning dreamy.

I was too excited about our “date” to be able to enjoy the calm. Inside, I was jumping up and down and shouting “YES”. Something told me Nik could tell I was excited, she just smiled, shook her head, and did a perfectly sarcastic eye-roll. That was Nik for you, the best at sarcasm and the best at being herself.

She sat down next the stream and looked like some princess out of a fairytale. Then again, I guess that’s what life really is, whether you know it or not. All around us are things we never thought could’ve existed. Life is one big, unknown mystery. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on one of mine.

“Erin, what if I really am some psychic healer, what am I going to do, and why me? Why not Sam or Trevor?” she asked, suddenly worried and scared.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen or why but all I know is that I’ll keep you safe no matter what. I won’t let my wolf or Gregory get between us. Ever.” I assured her and I meant it. I’d never let anything hurt her. The only thing I was worried about was the full moon. Sure, a werewolf worrying about the full moon seemed pretty cliché but, regular people got one thing right about us, we have to change during the full moon. They just didn’t get when.

Nik caught me worrying. She stood up and tugged my hands, trying to get me to stand up too. I did and she had a smirk on her face, telling me she thought she won. I pulled her into a hug, holding her tight and kissed her lightly on the top of her head. She looked up and smiled. Suddenly, I caught the scent of Gregory. This was so not good.

“Well, well, looks like you two chose a bad evening for a walk to the park.” he said, voice dripping with faked pity.

“Why do you insist on being a freaking stalker?!” Onika snapped. She’d only met him once before and had already gotten the feeling that he was a creepy one.

“It seems the little flower here has thorns.” Gregory replied.

I could feel Nik tensing, ready to fight this sucker. She may not be as strong as one of us wolves, but she could sure kick like one. I felt bad for the wolf that got on her bad side. I held her tighter, almost restraining her from jumping forward and slapping him. I knew that would only result in a fight she couldn’t win and one neither of us was prepared for. One thing I knew about Nik was that she wasn’t one to give up easily, and she also wasn’t stupid enough to go head first into a fight that was nearly impossible to win.

She realized exactly what I had and I felt her tension leave. I could tell Gregory sensed this too, and that wasn’t a good thing. He sprang forward and tried to separate us. Somehow Nik anticipated this and stepped us aside, letting Gregory ram right into a tree.

“Run” I whispered into Onika’s ear.

We bolted. She knew her way around here like the back of her hand. She took the most twisty way she could think of, taking sudden turns and running like there was no tomorrow. She was faster, faster than most would’ve been in a situation like this. As I focused on her, I could hear some of what she was thinking again. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Why the crap is that guy so friggin set on stalking us. Whatever, I can’t think about that now or I’m going to slow down and that creeper is gonna catch me. Or Erin. No, don’t even think about that Onika, just keep running, whatever you do, just keep running. Nik was mentally talking to herself, she was smart. She was really freaked out, but the way she carried herself said otherwise. She knew not to show how scared she was in the presence of something that probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.

We were blocks away from the park in what felt like a matter of seconds. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Gregory wasn’t following us. He wasn’t, he was doing something worse. He was shifting; he’d be faster than Nik could ever be.

“Nik, I’m going to stay behind and shift. I need you to keep running. Don’t stop no matter what.” my voice calmer than I thought it could be.

“You know I can’t just leave you to fight that monster on your own, even as a wolf. I can’t Erin, I just can’t.” she said, her voice unsteady and cracking at the end.

“I know, but please, just trust me. I’ve fought him before and I can do it again.” I said, determined to stop this moron from ruining Onika.

She looked so sad and so desperate. “Fine.” she whispered, almost inaudible.

She turned on her heel and ran.

I turned around and shifted. One thing I was always better at than anyone in the pack was shifting. While I was still in the pack, John timed me just for fun. I was fully shifted in a minute flat. Everyone else usually took around three. By the time I was fully changed, so was good ol’ Greg.

With all my senses so incredibly enhanced, I could still hear Onika’s feet pounding the street. If I could hear Nik’s thoughts, could I send her my own? I had to try. RUN! Whatever you do don’t stop!

She heard me. Erin?! Wha-a-at the crap? How are you inside my head?

It turns out I’m a telepath. That’s why Gregory still wants me in the pack. He doesn’t care what I do; he just cares about what he can do with me. I figured it out while we were walking home and we stopped by those trees. I should’ve told you but I didn’t want you to freak out. Right now, I need you to run faster. Don’t go home, though. Remember when he came to your house that one night? He knows where you live. I’m so sorry this is all my fault. Just keep yourself safe, okay.

Okay she replied and I felt her push herself harder, her pace faster. She would be safe; I had to keep her safe. I turned my focus on the advancing Gregory. I would not let him get Nik, I couldn’t.

He ran towards me, he was ready to pounce. I remembered when I was younger and still part of that pack.

“C’mon Erin, Greg’s ready to practice with us.” John said. I was always so excited to get to do anything with Greg. When I was nine, less than a year before my parents kicked me out then moved, my dad and I used to do all kinds of things. Now, Greg was like my new dad. He was always teaching me how to do stuff and how to fight. I remembered.

Back when I wasn’t as new in the pack and John, another wolf named Sam, and I used to run around trying to bite each other’s ears off. The rest of the pack had always studied me from afar. It was only Sam and John that I was close to. Somehow, I think Gregory knew that I was somewhat telepathic before I did, and I think he told the adults in the pack and they wanted to keep their young away from me. It didn’t really matter because, now, I’d probably never be able to see anyone in the pack but John again. Somehow, that didn’t bother me; the only people who felt like actual family were John, Sam, and Gregory. Look where trusting Greg got me. Here I was fighting him to save a girl I met almost a week ago and had somehow managed to really, really liking. Gregory jumped.

I expected him to land on me and braced myself. The only thing was; he didn’t land on he, he’d jumped over me and was racing in the direction Nik had gone in. No matter how fast she was, she couldn’t outrun what was chasing her.

Part Three

Chapter Nine

I hear a howl so insanely scared and worried, I immediately knew it was Erin. I knew he was warning me of something, I just didn’t know what. But I did know I was in even more trouble. I pushed myself even harder. I took the twistiest way I could think of home. Unfortunately, that was also the longest way I knew. I was still a few blocks away from my street, then another three or four houses away from mine. In other words, I had to out run a wolf, not just an ordinary wolf, a werewolf with crazy heightened senses and strengths. I had to run faster, but I couldn’t, I would explode from fear, worry, and exhaustion.

I thought about Erin, about how he was simply an amazing, cute funny guy, and about how John really liked Sam. Sam. It wasn’t just Erin that was close to me, it was Sam, too. She was always the one I could count on no matter what happened. Then there’s Trevor, crazy, obnoxious, funny, caring Trevor. I found an ounce more of strength and speed. I ran faster.

Erin, I’m a few blocks away. Jeez, what is it with this creeper? Erin, please tell me you hear me. Erin? I thought.

I’m here, Nik, run faster. He jumped over me before I realized what he was doing. He’s running after you. And he’s fast, insanely fast. Onika, I’m so sorry this is all my fault. he replied.

I heard a faraway howl, almost a roar. I was scared, I had no idea what to do and I was still a block and a half away from home. I wanted Erin; I wanted to be sitting on my couch watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I wanted this to be all over and left behind us. Scared and worried, I started to actually show how freaked I was.

I heard claws on the cement behind me.

I was on my street now, but Erin told me not to go home. Why couldn’t I have remembered that earlier? I internally yelled at myself. Sam’s house was back two blocks and over a street. School was too far. I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was either go home and get Trevor into danger too, or keep running till I get clawed down by and insane werewolf.

Hate to bug you again, but I really, really need you right now Erin. This idiots about to get my and I’ve still got about five houses between me and mine. Plus Trevor’s home. Erin, tell me what to do, I’m. . . I’m scared. I stumbled out the last bit.

Erin didn’t reply in thought, he burst out of a bush behind his old Alpha. I was going to personally murder “Gregory” if he so much as looks at Erin. In about a week, I’ve managed to successfully blow all my rules about guys and actually start to fall for one. Jeez was life changing. Erin raced forward and did a wolf version of the wrestling move where the guy jumps on the other guy and tries to strangle him. Gregory wound up on top, shifting back into a human. Erin, being the guy that he is, shifted back to a human as well. I had been running up until Erin pulled the wrestler gone wolf move, then I stopped. It was probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, because right after Erin was human again, Gregory raced up and tackled me. I tried so hard to get out, I was just too tired. I tried to scratch him but I just couldn’t function. I’m pretty sure that at one point or another, I blacked out.

I woke up to Erin yelling my name, and the sound of flesh hitting concrete. He came over and cradled me in his arms. “I’m so sorry Nik. He’s out now, but he won’t stay that way. We can’t stay here. We have to go to my parents’ house. It’s not far, just stay with me.” he said, his voice distressed.

“Jeez, I have a killer headache. How far, I can walk.” I half mumbled.

“Not far but I so don’t trust you to be able to walk.” with that, he scooped me up into his arms and started walking.

I felt sore and painfully exhausted. I just wanted to lay down in bed and fall asleep. Thankfully, the steady sound of Erin’s pace and the wonderful sound of his steady heartbeat caused me to end up dozing off.

What felt like seconds later, I felt Erin squeeze me tight. “We’re here.” he whispered into my hair.

“Hmm, ‘kay.” I replied as he set me down.

He rang the doorbell and a few moments later, a woman opened the door.

“Erin.” was all she said. It wasn’t happy or said, it was just . . . blank.

“I know mom, I know, but please, we need help.”

“James, come here please. You too Cole.” she said after an eternity. “I suppose you can come in.” she said, her voice still blank.

“Erin! You’re home!” kid shouted from somewhere inside the house.

“Cole? Jeez, I missed you. Come here you little bugger.” Erin said, a lopsided, adorable grin plastered to his face.

A kid I assumed was Cole came out and ran straight into Erin’s open arms.

“Nik, this is my little brother, Cole.” he introduced his brother.

“Your father is still taking his sweet time upstairs but he certainly won’t be happy. You can spend the night here in the family room but, that’s it.” she said, her voice icy cold. “As for you, miss, I’d suggest getting home before your parents get worried.” she told me.

“She can’t.” Erin replied before I could. “Nik is now a target for a werewolf alpha. Unfortunately, he knows where she lives.”

I excused myself from the “conversation” and called home, telling them I was spending the night at Sam’s. Next I called Sam.

“Oh, thank goodness.” I breathed when she answered. “I’m so sorry to pull this on you but, I can’t go home tonight and I told my parents I was spending the night at your house. Please, please, please, say you’ll cover?” I sprang on her.

“One condition, tell me why you can’t go home.” she said, always knowing exactly how to extract information.

I was silent for a moment. Then I held my hand over my cell phone and asked to borrow Erin from his mom.

“Okay, problem. I asked Sam to cover for me, she said she’ll only do it if I tell her why. Should I?” I asked, stressed again. Erin just asked for the phone, and I handed it to him.

“Hey, Sam, this is Erin. Trust me, if you want Nik to be okay, then you’ll cover for her. Some creeper found out where she lived and is trying to do creepy crap to her. She’s staying at my parents because we don’t want to get you or her family into trouble.” he said, getting as close to the truth as possible, without giving too much away.

Another extended period of silence from her end of the line.

“Fine, but you owe me big. And don’t do anything stupid, I ain’t covering for that.” she said, a bit of a smile in her voice.

“You really are the best, Sam Whitehaven.” I said.

“You know it. Alright be safe and call me when you’re home, ‘kay?” she asked, more like a command.

“’kay, bye.” I replied.

We hung up and it seemed like everything had gone from hopeless to goin’ pretty smooth. Cole was happily bouncing around his older brother, and Erin just enfolded him in a bear-hug. It was amazing seeing Erin as happy as he was, home with his little brother, home, where he grew up.

“Well, now that we’re here, why don’t we spend some time actually relaxing.” Erin said, tugging his brother to the couch with the TV in front of it, I followed them. Erin plopped Cole down on the couch. Cole stretched out, taking up the entire couch.

Erin laughed. “Guess we’re sitting on the floor, Nik.” he said, another lopsided grin playing at his lips.

“I guess so.” I said as he sat on the carpet. Erin’s old house was beige and stayed in the muted browns color pallet. It was nice and homey it just looked . . . professional, I suppose. Either way I sat down next to Erin. He turned on the television.

“Alright, what are we watching?” Erin asked.

“Let’s watch a movie.” Cole suggested.

“A movie sounds good.” I agreed

“A movie it is.” Erin decided. He was so happy, I could see him fitting in here, teaching his brother different sports, messing around with him. Erin deserved a loving family and a good home. He channel surfed until he found How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

“I figured we could finish it here.” Erin said, a smile on his face.

A few minutes in, Erin pulled the super cheesy I’m-gonna-yawn-so-I-can-put-my-arm-around-you move.

“You cheese-ball.” I said as I snuggled in. He just smiled even bigger.

By the time we finished the movie, Erin’s mother had called Cole to bed. She’d told us that Erin’s old room had been renovated into an office and that we had to sleep out in the family room. Of course that started a mini argument over who got the sofa.

“Erin, it’s your house, you sleep on the sofa.” I argued.

“Exactly, you’re the guest so you get the sofa.” he retorted.

“Take the sofa.” I replied.

“Seriously, it’s yours.” Erin decided

“Just shut up and take the sofa.” I said, trying to put an end to the dispute.

He took a minute to reply, “Fine, I’ll get the sofa.” a smile playing at the corners of his lips. About twenty minutes later, we were both asleep.

Chapter Ten
Just Peachy

I was jostled a little, and then I felt lips brush my forehead. I didn’t bother opening my eyes, I just wanted to sleep. All the running from the evening before had definitely performed a number on me. A second later, my body came in contact with soft, squishy cushion. I was wide awake now.

“Jeez, Erin. Is waiting till I was asleep to move me really necessary?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“Yup. You had to do all that running ‘cause I’m an idiot, so yeah, it was.” he said.

“Well, I was comfy where I was so I’m just gonna go back on the floor. Move me again and Gregory isn’t gonna be the only werewolf to be bruised by me.” I said, the threat empty. Erin just looked at me and rolled his eyes.

“Then I’m sleeping on the floor too.” his voice conveying that his opinion was unchangeable.

“Whatever.” I mumbled, already half asleep.

I curled up in a tight ball next to the couch, using my arm as a pillow. Erin got up.

“I’m gonna go get a few blankets ‘kay.” he said, always thinking ahead. I just nodded and waited for sleep.

He was back a few seconds later with two blankets and two pillows. He felt like being macho nice guy and pretty much tucked me in, putting the pillow under my head then wrapping the blanket around me like wrapping paper. I mumbled a thank you as Erin set up his mini bed and scooted closer to me.

“At least tomorrow’s Saturday.” I mumbled.

When I woke up, I was covered by both blankets and Erin was up walking around. I got up and joined him.

“What’re you doing?” I asked.

“Just thinking.” he replied. “Anyway, how’d you sleep?” he asked.

“I never knew carpet could be so comfy.” I replied.

He just smiled to himself; obviously something was on his mind.

“You okay?” I asked, worried about him.

“Yeah, I just didn’t realize how much I missed Cole and the rest of my family. I just want to be able to stay with Cole, help the bugger grow up. Be a good older brother to him. He’s still just a ten-year-old kid. I was ten and he was five when I was attacked and kicked out.” he said, finally wanting something for himself.

“You were ten?!” I exclaimed. “What the . . . wait attacked?” I asked, puzzled

“I was nine when I was attacked and turned, I wasn’t particularly good at keeping a form, so my parents told me I had a year to learn or it was the boot. Stupid me didn’t take them seriously until I didn’t have enough time to really learn.” he answered.

I came over and gave him a hug. “Jeez, Erin I’m so sorry.” I thought for a minute. “You should tell them you got it under control now, ask them if you can stay. Because you’re a werewolf, I’m here another day. You’ve saved me, helped me, Erin you’re the best person ever. You deserve to stay. Just ask them.” I told him, almost commanding him

“They probably aren’t even going to say yes.” he muttered to himself.

“Oh just quit sulking and ask your parents.” I demanded, totally unaware that his mother had silently come down stairs.

“Ask them what?” his mother asked sternly.

“That, since he’s got his wolf under control, if he can stay. He’s saved my life and he’s the best guy ever.” I answered honestly. Erin just glared at me.

“Erin do you really have control over . . . that thing?” she asked, a disgusted tone coming into her voice.

I never knew that such a kind looking woman could ever say something like that about anything. She had a cinnamon colored hair down to her chin and charming brown eyes. She was a little taller than me and her face seemed so calm and understanding. But somehow I got the idea that she could be now where near what her looks implied.

“Yeah mom, I do, and I miss everyone. You, Cole, Dad. I miss having a family and an actual roof over my head.” Erin told her, looking sad, lonely, and hurt.

“Mrs. Stronghart, you have a great, amazing son, let him stay.” I pleaded for him.

“You can stay for a trial week. If it works out . . . welcome home son.” she said, smiling.

I looked at the clock. I had to be at Sam’s in about three minutes and she was five away.

“I am so dead.” I whispered to myself. “Erin, I gotta run. I’ll see you Monday, and thanks, for everything.” I said as I let myself out. He followed a few seconds later, but I was already running.

“Nik, I can give you a ride if you want.” he yelled in my direction, already pulling the keys out of his pocket.

“Thanks, I gotta be at Sam’s in about two minutes.” I shouted back. He was already pulling out of the driveway.

I told him when to turn and in no time, I was there. “Thanks so much, I would’ve been dead if my parents got here before I did. Do you ever stop being Mr. Amazing?” I asked as I jumped out of the car, right into Sam.

“Jeez, I thought you’d never get here.” Sam sighed.

“Me too. So am I dead?” I asked, not wanting to know the answer.

“No but nearly.” she answered, a grin on her face.

“Thanks to wonder-boy, here.” I said as I waved at Erin. He waved back as he reversed and left. I owed him so much. A minute after we went inside, I heard Mom honk, signaling me that it was time to go.

“Hey mom, can I hang out with Erin today?” I asked as we got in the car.

“Sure, but your father and I have to run errands and Trevor is already out, just make sure to re-tape the plastic sheet on the door before you leave.” she told me.

When we got home, I re-taped right away, wanting to see Erin and tell him that he was definitely going to be able to stay with his family. My parents were gone by the time I was done. I went to my room and dug through my closet, trying to find something good to wear to Erin’s. In the end, I ended up with a satiny, midnight blue miniskirt, black leggings, a black, short-sleeves shirt with a scoop-neck and mini rips and tears and a navy blue camisole underneath. I put my hair in a loose, messy side braid and called it good.

I started thinking about what might happen with Gregory and Erin, but it was all so fuzzy, the puzzle pieces were broken and I didn’t know how to put them together again, nothing was set in stone. Anything could happen, and it was just peachy.

Chapter Eleven
Puppy Love

I knew there was no one home but I shouted a goodbye anyway, wondering what it would feel like to have a few people who were always there, always caring. Quickly, I shoved the thought away as I made a last minute decision to wear a bit of makeup. One thing about me is that I didn’t dress up (read: wear frilly crap) for hardly anyone. Sure I wore a fluffy, deep purple dress for Aunt Jadie’s wedding, but, seriously, it was a wedding, what else do I wear?

I decided on a subtle silver color eye shadow that made my eyes a bit more noticeable with some awesome mascara that made my lashes look really long and dramatic, and a little eyeliner, not much and it was dark silver to match the eye shadow. With my eyes all dramatized, I used some like peach lip stuff (still don’t get the difference between lipstick and lipgloss). I never bothered with foundation or cover up or whatever the crap they call it now for two reasons. One: holy crap that stuff’s expensive! Two: it’s really hard to find that stuff in a shade that doesn’t make my neck look like a piece of chalk, so, no I don’t use, buy, or attempt to buy any foundation whatsoever. I like to try and keep natural and not so chalky looking.

My makeup complete, I shouted another pointless goodbye knowing that no one was there to hear. The neighbors probably thought I was some crazy psycho. I started on my way to Erin’s hoping I didn’t get lost and that he was even there (it’s not like I could call since I didn’t have his number). Of course that thought led to another. Of course. Does he even want me there? I mean, really, if he had a phone, which would be insane if he didn’t, wouldn’t he have given me his number already? I didn’t realize it but I had stopped in the middle of the road, caught up I’m my panic. Then I remembered. Just like in the movies, I remembered that he had asked me out this Friday. Course if this was a movie he’d tell me it was a joke and blow me off. I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard spot.

After a moment of contemplating, I decided Erin wasn’t the evil prank-pulling jerk that most guys were, so I decided I’d go to his house anyway.

Life was getting harder by the moment.
About fifteen minutes later, I finally found Erin’s house. I stood at the sidewalk in front of his house for a good minute or so until I took a big breathe and walked up the path leading to the front door, standing there for another good minute, I finally rang the doorbell, approximately seventeen minutes after I had officially left my house. He had better be home ‘cause I sure didn’t want this to be a waste of my time.

Right after that last thought, the door opened and Erin was standing there in red Family Guy PJ’s with his brother piggy-backed on his shoulders. I personally wanted to take a picture yet was camera-less.

Cole jumped of Erin’s shoulders in a less than graceful way (Erin was practically bawling he was laughing so hard) and came over to give me a big hug.

“Hey there, Cole, how’s it been?” I told him, hugging him back.

“Great! Mom and Dad said Erin might be able to stay!” he said, showing off an adorable ten-year-old smile.

“I just thought I’d drop by and see how everyone’s doing.” I told Erin as Cole ran up the stairs.

“Come on in I think Cole’s gonna show you something.” Erin said, tugging me to the bottom of the stairs, a sly grin stretching across his face.

I heard a bark and running feet (or paws?) coming down the steps.

Seconds later, a puffball puppy came romping down the stairs with Cole on his heels. The pup came running over to me and I knelt down to pick it up. I was pretty sure it was an extra fuzzy golden retriever but I couldn’t be sure. It was still one of the cutest animals I’ve ever seen. I held it up and rubbed its belly with my thumbs.

“What’s his name?” I asked Cole.

“Her name is Star ‘cause she has a little star shape thing on her back leg. Isn’t she cute?” he replied, pride filling his voice.

“She most definitely is cute?” I told him, setting Star back on the ground.

“She’s a good dog and hardly barks!” he said, elated that he found Star.

“Cool, does she like to play?” I asked Cole.

“She sure does, I better go and take her on her morning walk.” he replied, running back up the stairs.

I was alone with Erin, him in his pajamas and me all girly looking, so not how I imagined things.

“You look so great Nik, and are you actually wearing makeup?” he asked, nothing short of sarcastic.

“Hey, you forget I’m a girl Mr. Sarcastic.” I said, putting my hands on my hips.

He smiled and led me into the kitchen asking the usual question when a guest is at your house.

“So, how did Cole get Star?” I asked him.

“Actually, I got it for him. I’d been thinking about visiting for a long time and when I finally decided to do it, I figured I’d get Cole something I knew he’s been wanting since he could talk so. . . “ Erin replied, shrugging.

“Aw, how cute.” I smiled

“So, what’s up with your people?” he asked after the conversation had taken to awkward silence.

“The usual for Saturday, parents are out, Trev’s out probably doing something he shouldn’t, and I’m free to do whatever I want.” I answered.

“Well, that sounds . . . fun.”

“Sure.” I said holding out the “u”.

“Well, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a shower, I Kind of like looking okay-ish when I have company over.” he said as he was walking towards the steps.

“Totally fine with me” I replied.

“You can wait in my room if you want, not very clean though.”

“Okay.” I replied as I followed him up the staires and down the hall.

“Before I could see his room he stepped infront of the doorway, blocking my view.

“Hold on a sec.” he said

After what seemed like two or three minutes, he opened the door.

“You can just sit wherever.” he instructed.

I took a seat at his desk chair and looked at his room. It had posters up and his bulletin board was covered with drawings, sticky-notes, reminders and a bit of everything else. His desk looked almost like a teachers, pens, papers (specifically drawings and old homework assignments) and pencils strewn across it. Every in of the roomed screamed Erin. Except one thing. I spotted the handle of a knife sticking out of the top drawer of his nightstand.

“I’ve been sneaking back into the packs old house thing and getting my stuff back.” Erin said, explaining my his roomed looked so lived in already.

“You’ve been what? Jeez Erin, what’ll happen if you get caught, what’d Cole gonna think if you go there and don’t go back? What’ll he do without his older brother? What will I do. Seriously Erin, you’re like, the best person ever. Be careful and don’t do anything stupid.” I scolded him.

“Alright, I’ll be careful, and what was that last bit?” he asked a bit to suspicious for my taste.

I went over what I said and realized my blunder. I’d said it so fast I didn’t realize exactly what I was saying.

“Umm, nothing.” I rep[lied sheepishly.

He shook his head causing his hair to look even messier. “I gotta get in the shower, be out in a few.” he said turning away.

I continued to look around his room. The walls were and odd color kind of like a pastel forest green with storm cloud, moon-colored gray accents. It looked liked him. He used to live in the forest and now his room was almost the color of one.

I went over to his nightstand where I saw the knife. On it was the burned imprint of a full moon and something written in a language I couldn’t read. This was surprising seeing as I was fluent in Spanish, French, and a few other languages every super nerd should know. The print was pretty and flow-y, like a river. I was so enthralled with the knife that I didn’t hear the water shut off. When I heard Erin coming down the hall, I shoved the knife back where it was and sat back at his desk as fast as I could. He came in the second after I sat down and eyed me suspiciously
“Sorry that took so long.” he apologized.

“You were in there for five minutes.” I stated.

“Well, I’m a guy, that’s a bit long for a shower.” he pointed out.

I realized that there were so many things I didn’t know about Erin. So many things I’d probably never know. Thinking that made me feel a little depressed, like I would always be a little short of normal. I started thinking of song lyrics. Think twice, before you fall/ one chance and that’s all/so start, start, start now. In my mood of dark creativity, I came up with a band name, “Frigid Fire”. It wasn’t necessarily the best, but it sounded cool.

“What’re you doing?” Erin asked after who knows how long.

“Sorry, I was just thinking.” I answered, going over new chords to go along with my lyrics.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked trying to make conversation.

“Lyrics, a band name, chords, pretty much it.” I replied.

“I know you’re gonna say no, but can I hear them.” he asked tentatively.

“The song is gonna be called “Think Twice”. Think twice, before you fall/ one chance, and that’s all/ so start, start, start it now. The ridiculous band name I came up with was “Frigid Fire”.” I spill.

“Hey, it’s not that ridiculous.” Erin replies.

I give him a smile, not sure that I believe him. Life has gotten so wildly out of hand, that I can’t even tell the difference between reality and fiction. Everything I’ve seen lately is suddenly so hard to believe. Like I’m gonna wake up and find out all of it was some wacked out dream. I drop my head into my hands and start to rub my temples, a sudden headache coming on. I start listing all the things about me. Number one, I’m fifteen. Two, I am a nerdy girl that loves a good teen paranormal romance book. Three, I live in Maine. Four, my best friend is Sam. Five, I love music and my guitar. My list goes on until I can think again and the headache passes. I feel a hand rubbing my back and relax into it until I realize its Erin’s.

“Nik, you okay?” he asks, concern saturating his voice as he continues to rub.

I think about saying yes, that I am fine, but deep down I know I’m not. I know that no matter how hard I try, I won’t be okay for a while. It’s so hard to understand what’s going on. One minute, I was a regular teen girl. The next, I’m in some fantasy, chilling in a werewolf’s room. Life just isn’t fair.

He wraps his arms around my shoulder and squeezes. He just holds me, letting me think and freak out. Thought after thought runs through my head. What’s gonna happen next? How is all this real? Am I gonna wake up and realize it was an insane dream? After that last thought, I realize that I don’t want it to be a dream. That if it is, I don’t want to wake up. I finally found a guy that got to know me for me, that actually asked me out on a date. A guy that wants to be my friend. Am I really willing to give all this up because I’m scared?

The answer to that question is no, I’m not willing to give it up. I lift up my head and snuggle into Erin’s chest. He’s my friend, he really knows me, he actually cares.

I am fine, I don’t care what my head says, I am fine and I can deal with this, I will, I have to.

Chapter Twelve
Be Strong

I give Erin a squeeze. “Yah, I’m fine.”

He presses his lips to the top of my head and smiles at me. His smile is the best ever, kind of crooked with one side higher that the other, crinkling the skin around his eyes. It sparks a tingling sensation in my stomach. For once, it’s not nerves, it’s something else, I just don’t know what. I cuddle into him as close as possible, and he just holds me tighter, pulling me onto his lap.

“This okay?” he mumbles into my hair.

“Sure is.” I reply with a smile.

All to soon we have to get up. He shrugs his shoulders and kisses my hair again, sliding me off his lap. We stand up and walk down stairs.

“Erin! Dinner-“

“Right here mom.” Erin smiles.

“Do you want to ask your friend if she’ll stay for dinner?” She asks him.

He looks at me. “Actually, I can’t. I have to go make dinner over at my place, sorry.” I apologize.

“No problem.” replies his mom.

“See ya later Erin.” I say as I walk towards the door. He walks with me. He pulls me into a hug and squeezes me tight, then he opens the door.

“Need a ride?” he asks.

“I think I can walk.” I reply playfully.

“Too bad. Mom I’m gonna give Onika a ride home.” he shouts to his mother.

“Go ahead dear” she yells back.

He walks me out to the car and opens my door, then goes around and gets in.

“Thanks, really.” I say, glad I get to spend a few more minutes with him.

He just reaches over and holds my hand. I’m a little skeptical that a guy like Erin could possibly even attempt to want to try to hold my hand. I’m not pretty or anything. At least I don’t think so. Sam tells me every day she wishes she looked more like me. I don’t believe her though. I just look over and smile at Erin. I like him and I want him to like me. Big dream.

We pull up to my house and before I can even think, he’s opening my door for me. As I get out, he leans in and kisses my forehead, then wraps his arms around my waist. I rest my hands on his shoulders and snuggle into his chest. One more hug can’t hurt, now can it? As I come out of my blissful thinking, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. A second later, he pulled back, blushing harder than I thought guy were capable of blushing. I gave him one more squeeze, then he was on his way home.

I stood on the porch for a few minutes, thinking about Erin and how much I liked him. Seeing how scarlet his blush was had me giggling inside. Erin was the best thing that ever happened to me. He’s kind, sweet, and loyal. I don’t think there’s another out there like him.

I open the door and walk in. No one’s home yet so I take a few minutes to myself and flop down on the sofa, thinking about the snow and how graceful it is. I remembered that Monday was no school, winter break. Nine more days till Christmas. Time to go shopping.

Stuck in my thoughts, the phone startles me.

“Hello?” I ask.

“Hey girl, it’s Sam. When are we gonna go Christmas shopping? You have to get an extra gift this year.” she exclaims.

“Hey, Monday, and why?” I answer all at once.

“Great, and for Erin you idiot.” she replies. “By the way, I know you went back over there this morning. How’d it go?” she implored.
“Holy crap he’s amazing. He had to take a shower when I got there so not much done at first. Then he got out and we sat on his bed just talking. And after that he gave me a hug and pulled me onto his lap and kissed my hair. He invited me over for dinner but tonight is my night to cook, so he drove me home. Then when we got here, he opened my door for me and gave me another hug. Then, you’re never, ever, ever gonna believe what he did.” I explode, giving all the little details.

“What?” she asks, excited.

“He leaned in and kissed me. It only lasted a second but he really kissed me. Oh my gosh it was great. He blushed harder than I thought guys could.” I tell her, reliving the moment.

Silence on her end for a little bit.

“Nik, just be careful okay. He’s a great guy, but this is your first relationship, and you’re too pretty for a guy not to want you just for your looks. Don’t go to fast.” Sam replies solemnly.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” I reply, pretending she didn’t hurt me a little.

The door opens and I hear my family come in.

“I gotta go. Dinnertime.” I tell her and hang up.

I try to pretend Sam didn’t put a damper on my relationship with Erin, but its hard. I feel like she doesn’t believe I’m strong enough to deal with a break-up. Be strong, Nik, be strong, I think to my self.

Part Three

Chapter 13

When I got home, all I could think about was how good it felt to finally have kissed Nik. She’s the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. Her black hair was so long and thick. It wasn’t completely straight, but it wasn’t wavy either. Then her eyes. They were a deep blue on the inside near the pupil then got lighter towards the outside. They were eyes that I associated with hidden hurt. Nik came across so strong and invincible, but I knew better. I had eyes just like that. And she knew it.

The best thing about it was that she didn’t pull back, that she didn’t freak out or anything. She’s such a special girl, but she doesn’t think so. She’s special to me, plus she’s a healer. Then again I am a telepath. Why does the world have to be so confusing? I think to myself.

I decide to try and tap into Nik’s thoughts.

Ugh. Mom hasn’t gone shopping yet. Oh well, not my problem, they’re just gonna have to deal with breakfast for dinner. I hear her voice in my head.

Hey Nik. I think to her.

Erin? Holy crap I forgot you could do that. Sorry, making dinner. Wow, this is like a phone call minus the phone and the talking. She replies.

I laugh out loud.

So, what are you doing? she asks me.
around. Something about how the moon is reflected during that stage triggers something in us due to the change in DNA from the transformation, thus making us change. And go a bit haywire. Overall, I think it was some ridiculous excuse for werewolves to go crazy once a month. Just another problem for me to solve, great.

Thinking science-y thoughts about how to solve my little predicament finally put me to sleep. At two-thirty, I gave up. I’d fallen asleep an hour earlier, but sleep just didn’t like me and wouldn’t stay. I went back to doodling. This time, I started drawing a moon partially covered by a really thin layer of clouds. Underneath the moon, I added a forest. In front of the forest sat a wolf. That wolf was me. On the opposite side of the page, I drew a girl. That girl was Onika. That girl was incredible. That girl . . . let’s just say that girl means a lot to me. In between us stood a man. That man was Gregory. This was how I felt. Me and Nik were on opposite sides of something, and the only thing between us was freaking Greg.

It was strange to think that the man I’d come to know as my surrogate father had suddenly become the man I wanted gone. Life is so weird that way. Go figure.

I decided not to finish the drawing. I didn’t want to think about anything coming between me and Onika. I started think back to the thing I thought about most. The little tiny, second long kiss I’d given her. I’m pretty sure I blushed like no other, but she didn’t seem to care. She also wasn’t freaked out that some crazy werewolf that broke into her house liked her.

Thinking happy thoughts, I decided to draw a portrait of Nik. I decided to draw her as she was in her dream for a while. On a rainy beach with clear slightly disturbed waters, beautiful blue eyes wide, taking in the sight, jet black hair floating in the wind.

Before I realized it, the sun was rising. I put down my pencil, stretched, yawned and placed my paper in the same drawer as the other drawing. I was never going to let anything happen to her, she was my angel and I had to protect her. She saved me from giving up on myself, from living without my own personality. My pack was a big believer in “all for one and one for all.” She was my angel and be her guardian. Always.

I tapped into Onika’s thought’s once again, knowing full well that she could sense me, she was wide awake, making breakfast.

Hey, Nik. I greet her.

Just can’t seem to stay away can you? she mentally giggled. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out Monday evening? she asked.

Let me ask really fast. Yah sure, see ya then.

Awesome, tell Cole, Star and them I said hi! She replies, giddy happiness saturating her voice.

Sure, no problem. And Nik, thanks, for everything. I think to her.

There was a long pause on her end. I . . . thanks Erin. You really mean a lot to me. Keep yourself safe.

You’re my angel, you know that? I tell her. She really is.

You’re my guardian-angel. She sent me a mental picture of when she was at my door yesterday, when Cole was one my back. She sent me another one of me fighting with Gregory.

I sent her a picture of when she was asleep on my living room floor, then another of when she was at my desk thinking.

She was amazing.

Erin, crap! Gregory decided he’d stop by! He’s like, prowling around the outside of my house! What do I do?!

Onika just stay calm. Hid in a room that doesn’t have windows and make sure all the doors are locked. Put a black towel up against the crack under the door so it looks like the lights are off and don’t make a sound. Make sure he doesn’t see you.

Thanks Erin. You really are my guardian-angel. Can you keep the connection going until he leaves? she replies.

Of course, I wanna make sure you stay safe. I tell her.

She sends me pictures of what I looked like right before and right after I kissed her. I send her a picture of the drawing I drew of her, with the ocean and the mountains.

She gasped. You really did this? You really spent your time drawing me?

Uh-huh, I spend all my time thinking about you. You’re amazing and kind and beautiful, and sweet and caring and, the best thing is, you believe me. I don’t think I could do this anymore without you. you’re my angel. You always will be.

Thanks Erin. You’ll always be my guardian-angel. I hope you know that I spend a lot of my time thinking about you too. You and you’re lopsided grin and that twinkle in your eye and how you’re always there for me. she tells me.

Gosh you’re amazing Nik.

I think Gregory is gone. Thanks Erin.

No problem Nik.

There’s silence on her end so I let the connection go.

About a half hour later, my mom calls me down.

Chapter 15
Home Sweet Home

My mom patted the cushion next to her on the sofa and had me sit down.

“Sweetie,” she started off. “Your father and I have decided that you can stay. I can’t tell you how happy we are to have both our sons back.”

I just looked at them with a blank sort of look. Nik was right. I leaned over gave my mom a hug and started jumping around.

“Mom, do you mind if I call Nik and tell her? She’ll be so happy!” I ask.

“Well, if you want to, you can go over there. You two seem pretty serious.” She replies.

I stop in the middle of my little happy dance. Onika as my girlfriend . . . if only.

“Thanks mom. Let me call her really fast.”

I run up the stairs and to my room.



Can I come over really fast? I have something I need to tell you.

Sure, you can tell me anything. She answers. Dang she’s amazing.
Be over in a second.

“Bye Mom, bye Dad! Thanks you guys.” I shout over my shoulder as I leave.

Before I know it, I’m parked outside Onika’s house, ringing her doorbell.

“Erin!” she exclaims and throws her arms around my neck, giving me a hug.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in close. We walk into her house and sit on her sofa. I pull her onto my lap and burry my face in her hair. She looks up at me with a curious look I her eyes.

“I’m staying.” I whisper.

For a minute, she looks shocked, then she puts her arms around my neck and hides her face in my chest. We sit there for a while, me just holding her with her arms around my neck. After a little bit, she pulls away a little and looks up at me.

“Good. Now I can have all to myself without having to worry about losing you.” she says.

I lean forward and whisper in her ear “I was always yours. And that’s never going to change.”

Her eyes travel my face and I swear I can see a spark of something in her eyes. I hold her tight, not wanting to let her go. She pulls back.

“Erin, have you ever thought of being a couple?” she asks me.

“A little.” I reply.

She smiles. “I officially declare you my boyfriend.” her smile broadens.

“I officially declare you my girlfriend.” I say and lean in and press a kiss to her cheek. Without a second thought, I press my lips to hers and she puts her arms around my neck again. She kisses me back, soft and gentle and warm. To my pleasant surprise, she didn’t pull away. All I could think about was how perfect she fit into my arms.

We broke apart and I started massaging her back, going in little circles. Before long, Nik had fallen asleep. I picked her up and carried her to her room, cradling her against my chest. I set her down on her bed and pulled the covers up. I stayed for a few minutes and watched her sleep. She started tossing and turning, crying out. I sat down next to her and tried to calm her down a little bit when she bolted up, shaking. I held her in a hug, trying to soothe her.

“Shh, Onika, I’m here, it’ll be okay. It was just a dream.” I whispered.
She stopped shaking, but still stayed in my arms.

“You okay?” I ask.

She just nods, still a little freaked out. I press a kiss to the top of her head, trailing them down to her jaw.

She sighs. “Thanks Erin. You’re the best.” she looks at me and smiles. “I’m glad you’re staying, you deserve it.”

I get up and kiss her one last time. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I tell her.

“See ya then.” she replies.

I was so ecstatic on the drive home. Not only was I staying, but Nik and I were officially a couple. Today couldn’t get any better. When I got home, Mom looked at me, suspicion written all over her face. I just smiled. Cole bounded down the stairs running around my legs. Finally I picked him up and set him on my shoulders.

I glanced over at my mom, her eyes filling with tears.

“You okay Mom?” I say as I set Cole on the ground.

She wiped her cheeks, nodding and smiling. My dad came out and grabbed me in one of his infamous bear hugs. I had this warm tingly feeling. I didn’t really know what it was, but I liked it. Family, that’s what it was. I had a real family again, not just a pack, but a family, a best friend, and a girlfriend. I was content, happy and I was gonna fight to keep them. Deep down, I knew I would literally have to fight to keep them. Especially Nik.

The phone ringing finally brought me out of my reverie.


“Hey, this is Onika, is this Erin?” she asks politely.

“Yup, watcha need, Nik?” I reply.

“Can I talk to you about something?” she asked timidly.

“You know you always can. Are you okay, you sound scared.” I respond.

“I really don’t know if I’m okay, Erin. I keep on having these nightmares. Over and over, and I feel like they mean something, and I’m just not getting it. I get the feeling that they’re like premonitions, kind of. I’m scared.” her voice was barely a whisper at the end.

“Don’t get creeped out, but I watched one of your dreams, well like three, but anyway, I know which one you’re talking about. I got a little scared too. I can honestly tell you that no matter what happens, no matter where you are, I’ll always be there for you. You said it yourself, I’m your guardian-angel, and don’t you forget it. Greg’s not gonna get you. I won’t let him.” I say, trying to comfort her.

I hear her giggle. A smile breaks across my face.

“Thanks Erin, you have no idea how important you are to me. By the way, what do want for Christmas?” she asks, all the shakiness gone from her voice.

“Hm, I have everything I want. I really can’t think of anything.” I respond honestly.

“Oh come on. There has to be something.” she begs.

“Well, maybe a sketch pad would be nice, so would some pastels.” I give in.

“Fine. You’re the best, you know that.” she replies.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Ummmmmmmm. A nice big hug from you would be nice.” she tells me.

“Oh you’re gonna get plenty of those before then. Come on, I know you want something.”

“I could use some new strings; another composition book would awesome too.” She replied sweetly.

“You better tell me something legit or you’re gonna get a whole lot of string and journals.” I playfully threaten.

“You said a sketch book and pastels. Why don’t we just go window shopping together?” she suggests.

“We can spend all Monday together.” I offer.

“I can’t, it’s Sam’s annual ‘Christmas Shopping with Onika’ day. I’m open all the rest of the week though.” she replies.

“Good, that means I have all week that I can go window shopping with my new totally awesome girlfriend.” I reply.

“You’re amazing Erin. My own personal guardian-angel.” she replies.

“I’ll always be your own personal guardian-angel.” I promise her.

“I’m sorry, I have to go, my parents are home and my dad feels the need to call Trev. See ya tomorrow afternoon.”

“Bye, Nik.” I reply, not wanting her to go.

“Bye, Erin.” she says before hanging up.

I figured I could just talk to you like this. So, hi Nik. I think to her.

You’re such a cheese-ball.

Why thank you! I respond.

I keep on forgetting that you can do this. It’s really cool.

Not as cool as healing in an instant. I reply.

No, mind communicating is much, much, cooler. And you know it is. You just don’t want to admit it.

You would think that, wouldn’t you?

Of course I would. She replied bluntly.

I had no idea what to say to that. I spent a good few minutes thinking about how to respond, how to show her that she is so much better than so many other things and people, but she doesn’t even begin to realize it.

Ugh, not again. I swear this family is going to tear itself apart, and I’m going to end up being the one forced to glue I back together. I know for a fact that Trev has never had so much as a drop of alcohol. He’s not an idiot, he knows he’d be kicked off the team. Is blind stupidity the only thing these guys are good at?

I heard Nik think about how all her parents had been doing lately was arguing. I felt bad for, stuck in the middle of a situation she shouldn’t have to be in.

It’s freaking Sunday! What happened to going to church as a family and no harsh words? Have they completely forgotten that? I wish I could just leave.

I felt Nik’s emotions stir up. Anger, pain, sadness, fear. All of it in one giant, huge bundle.

That’s my cue. All I get is “Onika! Get over here!” and I know it’s time to try and fix another gaping hole in the fabric of my life.

I know. I’m so sorry. I can’t see you again today, but I’m always here when you need me. Always.

She sighed. Thanks Erin. You really are the best thing that ever happened to me.

I closed our connection, happy that I was able to somewhat cheer her up. I was still worried about what was to come in a few hours: the full moon.

Chapter 16
Full Moon

It was ten-thirty at night. Another hour and a half, and I’d have to be out in the forest somewhere, where no one would find me. I knew it was risky not to tell my parents, but what exactly was I supposed to say. They’d kick me out all over again. I don’t think I’d be able to deal with that, once not so good, twice, oh heck no. And if they did kick me out, What would I say to Nik? Hey, yah I got kicked out again. Not going to work.

As I continued my ‘OMG my world is going to end!’ thoughts, time seemed to pass by faster than usual. It was past eleven before I knew it. Life just didn’t like me lately. I could hear Cole sleeping in the room next to mine, and Dad’s heavy snores on the other side of my wall. My mom still wasn’t asleep yet. What was she doing at eleven-friggin-thirty at night? I was really starting to sound like Nik. I zoned my hearing in one the sound of turning pages. Mom was reading, it was almost midnight, and she was reading?

I felt my inner wolf scratching at the mental cage I’d put it in. My time was almost up.

After a few minutes of thinking, I came up with a plan. Step one; go tell Mom I’m going to bed. Step two; make a body shape thing out of extra pillow or blankets. Step three; open window as silently as possible. Step four; jump from a second story window using wolf strength and hope I land on my feet. Step five; hit the ground running. It wasn’t fool-proof, but it would have to do.

Completing steps one through three, I was about to complete step four when a hand touched my shoulder.

“Don’t you dare think about jumping out that window, son.” I heard my mother’s stern voice behind me.
My wolf was out of its mental cage and already chewing through its mental leash. I had to leave. Now.

“Mom, I’m sorry but I have to.” was all I said as I tried to twist out of her grip.

“Is it that girl?” she asked, suspicion rising in her voice.

“No, Mom, it’s not that.”I replied hastily.

“That thing living in you?” she questioned.

“The wolf? Yah, mom, yah, it is. I really don’t have time for this right now.” I said, hoping she’d had enough.

I was starting to shake. All my mental defenses against my wolf had been thoroughly shredded. My wolf was getting impatient, and it didn’t want to wait a second longer than it had to.

“Sweetie . . .” she started to say as I turned and jumped out the window, landing square on the balls of my feet.

I ran, shifting as I moved. My body changed from that of a lanky teenage boy, to well built, muddy colored wolf. Now, all I had to do was get to far, far away in a mere matter of seconds.

I ran faster, pumping my wolfie legs harder. I reached the forest at last. The deeper into the trees I ran, the more I gave into my wolf. No longer restrained, the wolf inside me was happy, enjoying its time outside of my command. I hated to admit it now, but I was turning into a wild animal now. I blame the moon. Or whoever attacked me in the first place. I’ll worry about that later.

I hadn’t realized it, but I was going to the spot my old pack had designated as mine. Hopefully, I wouldn’t run into anyone I used to know. Trotting up to a tree, I recognized it as the tree John and I had carved together to hold our stuff when we were wolves.

When I was able to, I changed and opened up the little cupboard in the tree trunk, digging out some clothes and a pair of shoes. Fully dressed, I turned ad starting walking home.It seemed forever till the house finally came into view. All I could think about was how utterly furious my mother would be. There was absolutely no getting around this. She would end up calling it ‘my little problem’ and go around the house acting like it was something of the utmost seriousness. All I needed was a little wiggle room, once or twice a month to change. That was so never gonna happen. At least not on my mother’s watch.

I slipped in through the back door, only to run straight into my mom.
“Erin! Where in heaven’s name have you been!?” she whisper shouted.

“It’s a full moon, it’s midnight, I have to change, there’s no getting around it.” I said, trying to play it down.

She gave me a glare. “Erin, you’ve been gone for nearly an hour. Do you realize how worried I’ve been? “ her face softened.

“I’m sorry Mom, but there’s nothing I can do. I really wish there was. It’s the only thing I can’t control as far as my wolf go. I really wish there was something I could do.” I said, enfolding her in a hug.

“Sweetie, that’s okay. If having you back around means a later curfew on full moon nights, I guess it’s okay. I’m so sorry I’ve been giving you the cold shoulder. When you showed up with that girl in your arms, I realized how much I’d really missed you. Erin, baby, I’m so sorry.”

I had absolutely no idea what to say to that. She hadn’t called me baby since I was five. I just squeezed her tighter.

She patted my back. “Why don’t you go to bed Erin, it’s late.” she said, as I let her go.

I trudge up the stairs, wishing I’d gotten home earlier. Ugh, today had been a really long day. I finally made to my room, turning on the lamp, I plopped down on my bed. I started my favorite playlist on my iPod, closing my eyes as the Beatles sang ‘Eleanor Rigby’. The Beatles transitioned into Billy Joel’s ‘Goodnight Saigon’ and Paramore’s ‘The Only Exception’. Sleep still wouldn’t come.

I started thinking about all the people that were close to me. Mom, Dad, little Cole, even Star was important to me, sleeping over in the room next to me, probably curled up next to Cole. But the most important was Onika Fasthand. The girl was amazing; there was no doubt about that. She was amazing, perfect, beautiful, caring, everything I need. She was my angel.

Part Five

Chapter 17

I woke up early on Monday, forgetting that it was no school. It was seven in the morning, another three hours and me and Sam would be hitting all the good shops in town, getting things for each other and our friends and family. I had an added person on my ‘List of People to Shop For’ list. Erin. I still had no clue as to what he really wanted. Good thing we had made plans to go window shopping tomorrow.

How I was supposed to stand two days straight of shopping, I had no idea. Oh well, at least I would be with to of the most important people in my life. I sighed, getting up and heading to my bathroom.

I started the shower, letting it heat up before stepping in. I massaged shampoo into my hair, rinsing it out after it was nice and foamy. I squeezed conditioner into my palm, spreading it through my hair. I let it sit for a minute, combing my hair with my fingers. It felt so good to have the water pound my back, erasing any stress of the events that have been happening to me lately. Rinsing out the conditioner, I took a few more minute to stand there and feel the water hit my back.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself, drying off. After I was dry, I patted my hair dry with a towel. As I got into my room, I thought about what to wear. Rummaging through my closet, I found my favorite pair of jean, faded black almost grey skinny jeans. I threw them on and continued searching till I found a purple top with silver roses around the collar. Grabbing my make-up bag, I sat down at my vanity stool, brushing on a layer of shimmery silver over my eyelids, making them look almost magical. After applying a thin coating of eyeliner, I dramatized my already long lashes. For my finishing touch, I spread a shiny layer of my favorite peach lipgloss. I was almost out, considering I used the stuff at least twice a day, but Sam always got me more for Christmas. She thought it was important for every girl to have at least one color of lip stuff in their cosmetic bag. I glanced at the clock. It was almost eight-thirty. an hour and a half till Sam would swing by. She was almost sixteen, but her parents let her drive by herself anyway. That led to a very odd thought. Erin drives, by himself, but he’s not sixteen, and therefore doesn’t have his license. What? Oh, I was so-o-o going to ask him about that.

Swept away with my thoughts, I hadn’t realized that it was already a quarter past nine. Making my bed, I started tidying my room, I was one of those people that liked a clean space to think, and my room was my sanctuary, painted a gray blue, with pale green accents. I reminded me a little of a beach, a place I rarely visited, but loved. I checked the clock again, getting antsy about the shopping. Nine-forty-five. Samantha would be here in fifteen minutes, but knowing her, I’d say more like ten.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2011

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