
• NOTE •

 Hello Lovlies, 

thanks for reading the books in this series, and thanks to those people who

added some of them to your favorites.

This is the last installment, but the Second, the Second Series, based on this First Series, it'll come soon.

It might be coming after two weeks, or next week, because I'm really busy with my math homework.

(I hate math OwO)

So, thanks again for reading, I love you all♥︎








She balled her fists even tighter make her knuckles even whiter than ever. Seyne stared down at the shadow, and her eyes seemed even bluer than before.

Her eyes seemed startling lighting blue, 

and I looked down. I went up to Kat, and whispered into her delicate ear,

"Curse him, all you want Kat, but it won't really do anything." Seyne clutched my arm and led me to the kitchen.

"Just don't, DON'T disturb her, she may be the key. Okay? Okay. Umm, okay.

Don't, don't-don't make the shadow madder. I tried, and it's not pretty. He could make hell." She kept looking behind her, and spoke the words rushed out as if she was a fish that could talk, and had to go underwater again.

I nodded, and sat down on the couch with Seyne, watching the shadow and Kat having their deathly stare-off.


Kat spoke in an eerily, creepy, and calm voice with clenched teeth. "Get the hell out of here." 

The shadow's mouth allowed a tiny smile, it's threads that shut it's mouth unraveling a bit so that it could

speak it's harsh words. "I'm afraid that's not possible, young Kat." Kat was about to throw a punch, so I quickly

ran to my room, checked 'War and Peace' s page, and literally sprinted downstairs so Kat could punch it.

Kat's face was red. I held it up in front of me, pursing my lips and closing my eyes, and held it out like

a karate teacher holding up wood. She tightened her fist and punched the book hard enough to send 

me to the floor, and leaving a dent in the cover. A two inch dent.

I checked the cover for blood marks, and there were none. I sighed, and sat down again next to Seyne, feeling useless.





If I didn't punch anything, I would've exploded with screams and rage.

And Alice ran upstairs. And came back with a book for me to punch.

She'd read my thoughts I guess. 

But who cares right now? I punched the book, and pointed to the door.

"Go away." I said, staring directly at the bastard.

I felt rage biting my edges, and anger picking at my brain.

I ignored them, and stared at the bastard's purple fire eyes.

It's mouth was full of purple fire also, but I felt like fire was in my throat.

"Scream." And I didn't I just stared at it.


It's head tilted, just amused, while that made me angrier.

"WELL YOU'RE A FREAKING COWARD! THAT'S IT! YOU DON'T WANT OT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT STARE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled at it, and it's threads that held it's mouth tightened into a thin line.

I gave it a hard, steely, stare until it spoke a few words. "You might be saying truth, but don't blame me if your useless 'cure' will work or not. I'm only here to make your mind's imagination work. Do not go on my bad side, trust me." I crossed my arms, and said,"It'll work. And my imagination may be suckish, but I can imagine all I want." 

After I said 'want', my last word, it's threads loosened to make a tiny smile, and disappeared into a crack in floor which was now invisible.


"My brave Katniss." Alice said sarcastically, and she hugged me. Her arms were like Slenderman's, heck maybe she is Slenderman's daughter! I calmed a bit more quickly, and hugged her back. Seyne smiled almost to herself, and said, "I'll show you, lads." She led us outside, and near the forest.

Instantly, 'House of Wolves' by Bring Me The Horizon started in my mind. I laughed to myself.

Alice must've read my mind, and she pursed her lips. Seyne stopped in the middle of the forest, and spoke random

movie-like cheesy phrases. She was saying gibberish, or some other language, and she was saying words like, "Sva Szeen, Häckézen, Ëaligouc, Çlöaé!" And the wind seemed to make a little tornado in front of her.

"Cheesy movie props? Or maybe some fantasy thing?" Alice whispered next to me, her hands clutching my arm harder, and still staring at Seyne. I laughed, and Seyne closed her eyes, smiling a bit herself.





I thought that she'd take another hour to calm down, but when It left, she instantly calmed down.

Her pride must've increased, and I was hoping she won't be cocky.
But that wasn't Kat-like.  Seyne was still concentrating on the Thing, and I was still watching.

It was pretty cool. The sky turned to the perfect orange snow sky again, and the flurries started coming again as if someone was sprinkling big and small salt particles. I stole a glance at Kat, and she was looking fierce. I held her hand, and she smiled to herself. I felt a roll of embarrassment, and I never had those when I was Kat.

I mean, maybe because we were going to get cured now because of Seyne?

But, I never really felt anything for Seyne except for thankfulness.

Is thankfulness even a word?

No one would care right now.


The tornado was still forming, it's edges looking like metal wire, and it looked fierce.

I felt weird all of a sudden, not the roll of embarrassment, but it felt like the tornado picked up all my emotions.

Excitement, fright. Confusion.

It was unusual, and it was like it had unlimited access to my mind without permission.

And it was uncomfortable.

"I guess I'm never comfortable, or situational..." My mind sang.

I smiled to myself. But, in my mind. I was too stupid to think right now.


The tornado was pretty small, but it looked like a blender's blades.

The silver. The sharp-looking ends.

The whole thing.

I was already regretting trying to get cured by going into

a death machine, or a blender for people.

"They're gonna rip up your heads, your asprirations to shreds. Another cog in the murder machine!" 

Sometimes I have songs for every moment; funny or not.

That's one of my flaws, or flawlessness...?











Even I regretted wanting to.

Coming from me, the brave stubborn Kat, it looked deadly.

Seyne was just looking at it, as if she was having a staring contest,

and talking to it.

It was pretty weird.

But it felt as if I was giving up everything for this stupid cure.

Alice, the world maybe, possibly my limbs and face.

And most likely my life.


So after being in front of the freaking tornado at 10 P.M already, I made mental lists

of the pros and cons of the cure.

Of course, the four or five cons were there.

Alice. The world maybe. My limbs and face. My life.

All given to a human blender.

Or tornado or whatever.


So it was stupid maybe, maybe a movie-prop for a sick show based on two secret 'lovers'

that have a rare, hellish disease.

But Seyne didn't seem as much as an actress.

She seemed like a go-with-the-flow sort of person, and that didn't give fuck about people's stupid opinions.

And I admired that trait.

But, will I actually see Seyne again? Or did she come to us through our minds?







But I was scared that I might lose Kat when we're cured.

I never told her, and wanted to express words right now, but I was kinda mesmerized by Seyne's 'magic'

or secret movie props, and Kat was just looking behind her every five seconds.

I covered my eyes with the back of my right hand, and Kat covered hers, since the tornado was spinning a bit faster.

It was the size and height of a coffee table, except gray and fast, and circular.

Kat was mumbling words to herself, like I was two days ago? A week ago? Yesterday? Yeah, yesterday. When I was whispering 'Caraphernelia' to myself. I nudged her arm, and she mouthed, 'Empire' by Bring Me The Horizon.

"It's the start of the end. Surrender the throne, the blood on my hands covered the holes. We've been surrounded! By vicious cycles! The scars on your heart are yours to atone. We've been surrounded! Let 'em sing! Let 'em sing!" We whisper screamed the "Let 'em sing!" and "We've been surrounded!" and of course, "By vicious cycles!" 


Seyne stepped back form her tiny tornado, and shouted over the noise. She cupped her hands over her mouth an yelled, "Alice! Step into it!" I hugged Kat even tighter, held up my hand as "wait five minutes!" to Seyne, and talked to her quickly."Kat, I love you a lot. And I don't wanna lose you at all. If we lose each other, I'll still be alone in the world even when I can see the world. You're the bestest and only friend I have that actually understands me. And if we still have each other, you'll know that I actually love you, and I might meet you at the forest again. Right in this spot." I felt tears on my cheeks, and forced the rest not to come out. Only two streaks came from my left eye. 

Kat hugged me tighter, and said in a whispered voice, "I love you too, and don't worry. I still have your number, and two pictures of you. So that's good. And, if we do see each other, I'll meet you here. Maybe we'll summon demons in our neighbor's yards." We both laughed at that, and Kat did something that would've left me hugging her instead of in a tornado. She kissed me. In front of Seyne. Probably in front of people in the forest right now.

Seyne was smiling at us, and offered her hand. I looked at Kat, and she pointed to her heart.


This was it. 

I took Seyne's waiting hand, and looked at Kat again. She smiled at me, and I noticed only one

black tear out of her eyes. I looked at the tornado in front of me. 

It was raging, and on the bottom of the forest instead of leaves and dirt, there was a black hole. 

Not the science nerd hole, but like a cave black hole. Except sideways.

I put my leg in, and it felt as if I was going into a blender. 

I bit my tongue hard enough to make it bleed, and held in my screams.

I put my other leg in, and Seyne hardened her grip on my hand, and made sure I wasn't going to topple. Kat was watching, her eyes hazel color turning more brown than green.

She held her wrist tight with her other arm, and was nodding, as if approving.

I closed my eyes, and jumped into it instead of sitting down.

And then the world's color came back.






I still remembered her smiles, her brown eyes, her white hair, and her lip piercing.

Seyne motioned for me to come. "Thanks." I told her. "It's the most I could do." "Don't your parents know you're here?" I asked.  "Well, I said I was at a sleepover. And my friend's covering me, and I told her that I was going out with my crush, even though I don't have one." She said, shrugging. "Queen of white lies." I told her sarcastically. "More black than white, mate." She said, and hugged me. I smiled at her, and looked at the tornado that swallowed Alice. I pursed my lips, and jumped into it as if I was doing a cannonball. When I woke up, I found myself in my bed. I looked outside, and saw three teenagers laughing at each other.

 I was breathing hard, and looked around frantically for Alice's house. Of course, it was there.


I kicked off my covers with my creepers, and ran outside.

The teenagers gave me the rock sign, and I smiled at them.

They were wearing band shirts, and the only girl had pastel purple hair with snakebites, and all of them had skateboards. But, I didn't want to waste my time describing them instead of finding Alice.

"Alice. Alice. Alice. Alice," my mind chanted. I ran to her house, and rang the doorbell.

No answer. I felt like a rock was in my stomach that weighed me down.

Then, I remembered that Alice said she would be in the forest.

I sprinted all the way there, jaywalked, or jay-sprinted there, and wasted five minutes to get there.


And, there she was.

Her white hair in a bun, her scene bangs falling over her black outlined brown eyes, hiding her perfect black eyebrows. She was wearing leggings, black Converse sneakers, a Pierce the Veil shirt, and a black oversized jacket.

I ran to her silently, and grabbed her by the shoulders behind her.

She was surprised, and turned around and hugged me tight.

I rested my head onto her shoulder, leaning down a bit to get to her height.

"I missed you." She said, still holding me tight. "Me too." I told her, and she sat down at a nearby stump.

I came there, and sat on the ground. "Are you happy we've been cured?" She asked, looking at me.

"No, actually. I loved not being to see people, and being alone." I said sarcastically. We laughed, and I got up to kiss her head. She smiled, and we pretty much walked home holding hands while the three teenagers were smiling at us, laughing and giving me the thumbs up. I pursed lips into a smile, and sang Bring Me The Horizon, Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, and Black Veil Brides songs. And it was perfect.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2015

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