





I can't see people, but I can feel them. It's weird. It's like they're ghosts, and I'm the victim. 

I never saw my mom.

Or my dad. 

Or my siblings. If I had any. 

But, I can't tell. 

I sighed.


I walked around my room, looking at my bed and stuff.

I got a random book form my bookshelf, checked the title, and read it quietly. 

"War and Peace" 

Okay. So I was that bored, I picked a huge book to read that will take me about 50 million years to read.

Translation: I'll die before I finish this book. 

Oh well.


After a few pages, I got bored, as usual, and went to sit down outside with my black hoodie, black boots, and grey jeans. I pulled my pale blonde hair into a side ponytail, and sat down on the porch. If only I could have at least one friend I could talk to. Just one.


But it felt like God was ignoring my pleas, 

and left me with this hellish kind of a disease.








I can't even do anything, talk, or like...whatever.

I know that you can't even understand, anyway...I feel like, I'm all alone...


I sighed in frustration. 


I twirled my dark crimson red hair around my fingers, looking at the way the sun glazed at the tips. 

I walked around my room, and thought about the pros and cons of this freaking disease.


No school.

I could listen to music all the time.



Can't see people.

Or hear them.





I groaned, and flopped onto my bed again, face first this time.


I got my phone, and listened to some of my music.  

As if I had anyone to text to. Or call. Or talk to.


This is so suckish.



I groaned again, louder this time, and stared at the ceiling, listening to the screams of Oli.

Eventually, I got bored, so I got my phone to enjoy the wonders of the freakish nature around me.

Until I saw a girl with almost white blonde hair, and her lip pierced, and skin almost totally white. Huh. even I'm not that pale! But anyway, I started pushed my brain's blabbing away and 

walked toward her, and hoped my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. "Please be there, please be there, please be there." I pulled my leather jacket tighter around me, because it was almost about to snow, or rain, or whatever.


I'm still an idiot, but I don't care now.

I just want to talk to someone.

And my oppurtunity was right in front of me.


If it was there.






and I thought I'd seen a dark crimson red haired girl looking my age, walking toward me with sneakers, jeans, a leather jacket, and a band shirt I couldn't make out.


I looked again, to make sure I wasn't letting my imagination loose, but I saw her...

She was looking fierce, with her black nose ring and her black nails with her choppy hair.

She came to me, rubbed her eyes a bit, and said, "Say 'crown' if you see me, and hear me." 

"Crown." I said shakily. 


I could've sworn I saw her smile. She reached her hand for me to take. I took her cold, pale waiting hand, and she lead me to Simpson Alley, jogging, almost running, with her head looking at all the directions to watch for cars. She then reached out to touch bodies, but I can tell she didn't feel any.


By the time we got there, I was out of breath, and she tried breathing through her nose, slowly, but kind of loudly.

"You...see me?" I asked, still out of breath. 

She nodded, and said, "Do you?"


"Good." She responded. 

"Who are you, to be exact?" I asked.

"Kat. And you are...?" She motioned her hand for me to respond.


"Mm. Pretty name, by the way." 

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Lemme guess, you have that freaking hellish disease that doesn't let you see goddamn people?" 

I gaped at her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Weird, yeah, but still yes or no?"


"Yes..." I said.

"Then we're going to be friends and finish this hellish nightmare. In or not?" She crossed her arms across from her now readable 'Bring Me The Horizon' shirt. So.

She has a great taste in music, a beautiful color of hair, her nose pierced, and might have the same interests as me.

"In," I said, exhaling, after thinking a moment.


"Number?" She asked.

we then gave each other our numbers, and she said she'd meet me here tomorrow. As she walked away, a thought hit me.

My mom'll be pissed. 
If she's home.







She seemed like a great person to talk to, even though I was a bit weird and kinda pushy.

Even though pushy and weird are my two traits...

I guess.


I mean, we had something in common. The hellish disease.

And I'm pretty sure she was listening to Bring Me The Horizon.



But I still didn't get why I could see her. Maybe people that have this 'thing' can see other people with the same disease?

Or maybe a coincidence?

Or God playing tricks?

Urg. I shaked the thought off. 

I mean, I'm KINDA atheist....but I don't like disrespecting God....


I am so weird.


Atleast I got someone to talk to.


Instead of listening to music...which is my pleasure, but still.

It isn't the same as talking to a PERSON.





I just wanted it to be tomorrow already. 

Cheesy, yes, I know.

But still, a PERSON.

I almost felt a little zing of electricity.

A person.


I almost forgot how people looked like!

I sighed happily, and watched the road for cars, then arrived at the doorstep.

If only we could see other people also.


When I got home, I got out my phone, and added her number, naming it 'Alice', of course.

I was urged to send a text, but I felt like I was desperate, and well....

I don't look like a desperate person on the inside, but on the inside,

I kinda am.







I mean, sure...but still.

I sounded like a three year old talking to an older person!

Well, not my voice, but I felt like a tiny kid.

She was tall.

And pretty.

And, yeah, I'm freaking desperate.

I pulled out my phone, and stared at my phone's black wallpaper.


When I got home, I reached out everywhere like a blind person, and felt nothing but thin air.

I sighed, and shouted into the quiet, maybe empty house, "I'M HOME!" 

I didn't feel anything, so nobody was here.

Usually, when my parents or siblings are here, they'd pat my shoulder or hug me, 

but oh well.

Nothing happened.

So nobody's home.


I got out my phone again, and put in her name and number.

 Then, I shivered. I stepped forward, but it felt like a glass wall was right in front of me. I shuddered. I took a step back, and the same thing happened! I put my hands up, and it was like there was a ceiling, and I screamed, closing my eyes. I took a deep breath after a while, and opened them. I took a step forward, no wall. But, I shivered again. I groaned, and stalked up the stairs. Maybe it was a cold catching on?

"Don't let it be a cold, PLEASE don't let it be a cold..." 


After I arrived in my room, I got my blue and turquoise towel, deodorant, and gray PJ's,

I ran to the bathroom, with my bundle of stuff. I tried forgetting my moment with the invisible walls around me...

It was as if someone was playing a trick on me, which wouldn't make sense, since first of all, I locked my door behind me, and the back door, locked the balcony door, my front gate, and all the other doors and gates, and stuff.


I put the clogger in the tub, felt the air to see if anyone was there, took off my clothes, and got into the tub.

After a while, like an hour or so, I got out, unclogged the tub, and wrapped my towel around my pale body.

 After putting on my fleece gray pajamas, including my black socks, I dried my hair with my towel, and brushed my almost white hair. I fixed my piercing back on my lip, and got my phone, and put in my headphones, and listened to music, while I flopped on my bed, and almost sent a text to Kat, stopping on the word bored before my door randomly opened.


I turned off my phone, and knew that one of my parents came into my room. 

I felt a hug, so I hugged the invisible, warm figure, and smelled pine cones and lavendar.


I saw paper float in midair, and then cursive writing appeared.

"Hey, you okay? Did you go out? Did you also take a shower? Are you cold? Dad's home, by the way, except he's talking to Quinn at the moment about his grades... Quinn and dad say hi, though." 

"I'm fine, mom. And yeah, I went out, and took a shower afterwards, and say hi to them back for me."

"Will do. Oh, and dinner will be ready at 7. Do you want to eat downstairs with us, or in your room?" 

"I'll eat in my room, thanks. Love you too."

I felt a kiss on my cheek, and the door closed.

My room smelled like pine cones now.

With lavendar.

I got my Twilight Mist perfume, and sprayed it around my room.


Yes, I'm a weirdo.

But I prefer my room to have it's own unique aroma.

I looked out the window, and I saw a crescent moon in the black-blue sky.

"It's almost tomorrow!"  I thought.



I checked the time, 6:45. An hour already passed. An hour had already passed, just because I was staring at the wall, thinking about Kat, and tomorrow, and my parents,

and Quinn, well, not the family part, but I am thinking about Kat.

And tomorrow.


I looked outside again, pulled my curtains, dimmed my lights, and listened to music until it was 7,

and I had dinner.

I checked my phone again, the time, texts from Kat; which there was none; and my music.



And the moon is almost full, and the sky is almost black. 


And tomorrow's growing closer.






Just maybe. Not today, though.

I yelled hello into the house, but I didn't feel anything, or see doors randomly open. I shrugged, and ran up the stairs, changing into 

my black t-shirt and gray leggings, socks included. I ran back downstairs, and jumped on the couch, wrapping myself

in a soft, cozy, fleece dark blue blanket like a burrito, and another blanket, the same texture and color. I grabbed the remote, and played Netflix. 


After a few hours, the door opened, and I felt a hand cup my face and a kiss on my forehead. 

Mom, of course, since Dad would pat my shoulder and kiss the top of my head.

She sometimes used either paper to talk to me, or Morse code. This time she used paper, she was too worn out to do 

taps, rather than write a thousand words.


"Ate dinner yet?" 

"Yeah, I did." I actually did, by the way. If you counted popcorn and a soda.

"Good. Oh, and tomorrow, me, Dad, Xavier, and Vale are gonna be at a soccer game. Wanna go?" 

I shook my head, and I felt a pat on my shoulder.

I looked out the blinds, and I saw that it was night. 

I felt another little zing, then a shudder of excitement, and went on to watch my movie.


By the time it was 11 P.M, I've watched 6 movies already.

I got up to get more popcorn, kicking the blankets away, yawned, and went to make popcorn. 

I hummed a random melody, and put a popcorn bag in the microwave so it could pop, and I could watch. 

But, something weird happened.


Instead of that loud popping noise, there were harsh, raspy whispers.

I heard a few words, like "AWAY" or "HUSH..." and sometimes "RUN AWAY!" 

I backed away from the microwave, and covered my ears, since they got louder. 

I almost screamed, but I knew my mom was asleep, and so was Xavier and Vale...but I was pretty sure they can't hear this noise...

I squeezed my eyes tight, and sat against the wall, my knees to my chest. I felt as if there was an earthquake,

but I squeezed my eyes even tighter and pushed my hands against my ears harder,

and heard a raspy, hoarse, and evil voice whispering in my ear, 


"Scream for me, Kat."


And I screamed.



Knowing no one will hear me.


Soon, the whispering and rattling stopped.

I took deep uneven breaths, exhaling and inhaling, and only heard the popping of the popcorn again.

I rested my head on my knees, and my breathing got even again.

After a while, I got up and took out the popcorn, watchign my surroundings.

I ran to the couch, and watched my movie again, trying to forget about the whispers.


And it was 12 A.M, so I trashed my unfinished bag of popcorn, turned off the T.V and lights, and

went to bed.

And that night, I dreamt of a cure.

That might be possible.

And then a happy thought hit me.


Tomorrow was here.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2015

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